publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Larger dlPFC and vmPFC grey matter volumes are associated with high adherence to the Mediterranean diet: A cross-sectional study in older adults. Aging Brain. 2023
- Nodes of the default mode network implicated in the quality of empathic responses: A clinical perspective of the empathic response. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2023
- Interplay between the salience and the default mode network in a social-cognitive task towards a close other. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022
- Association of amygdala size with stress perception: Findings of a transversal study across the lifespan. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2022
- Perceived stress modulates the activity between the amygdala and the cortex. Elife. 2022
- Amygdala size varies with stress perception. Neurobiology of Stress. 2021
- Signatures of white-matter microstructure degradation during aging and its association with cognitive status. Acta Cytologica. 2021
- Reorganization of brain structural networks in aging: A longitudinal study. Journal of Neuroscience Research. 2021
- The Association of Metabolic Dysfunction and Mood Across Lifespan Interacts With the Default Mode Network Functional Connectivity. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2021
- Higher Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Is Associated With Preserved White Matter Integrity and Altered Structural Connectivity. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2020
- Distinct contributions of obsessive and compulsive symptoms for whole-brain functional connectivity in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Brain Structure and Function. 2017
- Asymmetrical subcortical plasticity in older individuals: associations with cognitive and mood changes. Brain Structure and Function. 2017
- The functional connectome of cognitive reserve. 2016
- The association between stress and mood across the adult lifespan on default mode network. 2016
- SUN-PP080: Age is a Moderator of the Association between Adiposity and Depressive Mood in Older Individuals: A Cross-Sectional Analysis. Clinical Nutrition. 2015
- Evaluating performance on older individuals using a fMRI protocol for Wisconsin Card Sorting Task. 2015 7th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER). 2015
- Sustained Effects of a Neural-based Intervention in a Refractory Case of Tourette Syndrome. Brain Stimulation. 2015
- EPA-0263 – Default mode network activation in depressive and anxiety symptoms. European Psychiatry. 2014
artigo de conferência
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging data manipulation - A new approach. IFMBE Proceedings. 2009
artigo de revista
- Interplay Between the Salience and the Default Mode Network in a Social-Cognitive Task Toward a Close Other. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022
- Changes in the Effective Connectivity of the Social Brain When Making Inferences About Close Others vs. the Self.. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2020
- Altered response to risky decisions and reward in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience. 2020
- Altered response to risky decisions and reward in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder. Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience. 2020
- Alterations in functional connectivity are associated with white matter lesions and information processing efficiency in multiple sclerosis. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2020
- Using resting-state DMN effective connectivity to characterize the neurofunctional architecture of empathy. Acta Cytologica. 2019
- Brain circuits involved in understanding our own and other’s internal states in the context of romantic relationships. Social Neuroscience. 2019
- The resting-brain of obsessive-compulsive disorder.. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2019
- The resting-brain of obsessive-compulsive disorder.. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2019
- Asymmetrical subcortical plasticity entails cognitive progression in older individuals. Aging Cell. 2019
- Functional Hemispheric (A)symmetries in the Aged Brain-Relevance for Working Memory. Front Aging Neurosci. 2018
- Empathy by default: Correlates in the brain at rest. Psicothema. 2018
- Cognitive performance in healthy older adults relates to spontaneous switching between states of functional connectivity during rest. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- The neural correlates of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a multimodal perspective. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- Structural laterality is associated with cognitive and mood outcomes: An assessment of 105 healthy aged volunteers. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- Patterns of Default Mode Network Deactivation in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- The association between stress and mood across the adult lifespan on default mode network. Brain Structure and Function. 2017
- Alterations of the default mode network connectivity in obsessive–compulsive personality disorder: A pilot study. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. 2016
- Altered functional connectivity of the default mode network in Williams syndrome: a multimodal approach. Developmental Science. 2016
- Default mode network dissociation in depressive and anxiety states. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2016
- Macro- and micro-structural white matter differences correlate with cognitive performance in healthy aging. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2016
- A Hitchhiker's Guide to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2016
- Brain activation of the defensive and appetitive survival systems in obsessive compulsive disorder. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2015
- The impact of normalization and segmentation on resting-state brain networks. Brain Connectivity. 2015
- The Bounds Of Education In The Human Brain Connectome. Acta Cytologica. 2015
- The Big Five default brain: functional evidence. Brain Structure and Function. 2014
- Cerebral and cerebellar MRI volumes in Williams syndrome. Research in Developmental Disabilities. 2014
- Brain structure across the lifespan: The influence of stress and mood. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2014
- Brain correlates of pro-social personality traits: A voxel-based morphometry study. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2013
- Posterior cortical atrophy and Alzheimer's disease: a meta-analytic review of neuropsychological and brain morphometry studies. Brain Imaging and Behavior. 2013
- A hitchhiker's guide to diffusion tensor imaging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2013
- BrainCAT - a tool for automated and combined functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging brain connectivity analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2013
- Plasticity of resting state brain networks in recovery from stress. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2013
- Stress Impact on Resting State Brain Networks. Antibiotics. 2013
- Stress-induced changes in human decision-making are reversible. Elife. 2012
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging data manipulation 2009
capítulo de livro
- Evaluating performance on older individuals using a fMRI protocol for Wisconsin Card Sorting Task. International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. 2015
- Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data Manipulation - A new approach 2009