publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Advancing the understanding of pupil size variation in occupational safety and health: A systematic review and evaluation of open-source methodologies. Safety Science. 2024
- Omega-3 fatty acids from fish by-products: Innovative extraction and application in food and feed. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2024
- Worker's exposure to radiation in fluoroscopy, assessing and instruments: A systematic literature review. Preventive Medicine. 2024
- Understanding Musculoskeletal Loadings among Supermarket Checkout Counter Cashiers: A Biomechanical Analysis. Safety. 2024
- Anthropometric Measures and Nutritional Status of Portuguese Supermarket Workers: Inputs for ergonomic interventions and workstations design. Journal of Community Health. 2024
- An integration of intelligent approaches and economic criteria for predictive analytics of occupational accidents. Decision Analytics Journal. 2023
- Ergonomic intervention program for office workers: a case study about its effect in computer vision syndrome and musculoskeletal discomfort. Ergonomics. 2023
- Psychosocial Risks in Teachers from Portugal and England on the Way to Society 5.0. Healthcare. 2023
- Artificial Intelligence and Environmental Health Teaching: Impacts for the Wider Profession. Journal of Environmental Health. 2023
- Real-Time Blink Detection as an Indicator of Computer Vision Syndrome in Real-Life Settings: An Exploratory Study. Healthcare. 2023
- Frontiers in Occupational Health and Safety Management. Healthcare. 2022
- An unobtrusive stress detection software: Protocol design to assess the reliability of video plethysmography. Safety and Health At Work. 2022
- Benefits, concerns, and perceptions of knowledge workers regarding a video Stress Detection software. Safety and Health At Work. 2022
- Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of the Portuguese version of the Brief Norwegian Safety Climate Inventory (Brief NORSCI) 2022
- Gender differences in cognitive performance and psychophysiological responses during noise exposure and different workloads. Applied Acoustics. 2022
- Health impact assessment of air pollution in Lisbon, Portugal 2022
- Prediction of occupational exposure limits for noise-induced non-auditory effects. Applied Ergonomics. 2022
- How can Environmental Health Practitioners contribute to ensure population safety and health during the COVID-19 pandemic?. Safety Science. 2021
- The covid-19 pandemic and environmental health: Lessons learned. Journal of Environmental Health. 2021
- Effects of safety and health training in metalworking small-sized enterprises 2020
- Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) management practices in micro- and small-sized enterprises: The case of the portuguese waste management sector. Safety Science. 2020
- Occupational safety and health performance indicators in SMEs: A literature review 2019
- Sound exposure of secondary music students during individual study. Medical Problems of Performing Artists. 2019
- Acidentes de trabalho que resultam em lesões musculoesqueléticas no setor do retalho alimentar. International Journal on Working Conditions. 2018
- The impact of shift work on burnout syndrome, depression, anxiety and stress: A case study in the metalworking industry. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Safety. 2018
- Effects of an occupational safety programme: A comparative study between different training methods involving secondary and vocational school students. Safety Science. 2018
- Employees' views about the impact of the economic crisis on occupational safety and quality of life: A pilot study in the North of Portugal. International Journal for Quality Research. 2018
- The interactive effect of occupational noise on attention and short-Term memory: A pilot study. Noise & Health. 2018
- Determination of Professional Musicians’ Level of Exposure to Noise: A Methodological Problem?. International Journal of Community & Family Medicine. 2016
- Limitations and improvements to the risk assessment process in Olive Oil Mills: the views of OSH practitioners. Sho2015: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene. 2015
- Multilevel model of safety climate for furniture industries. WORK. 2015
- Perceptions of rock band musicians about the effects of loud music and protective practices. International Journal of Environment and Health. 2015
- Sound levels and risk perceptions of music students during classes 2015
- THE APPLICATION OF A FUZZY APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS OF OSH PRACTITIONERS LEVEL OF RISK ACCEPTANCE. Proceedings of the Asme International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2014, Vol 14. 2015
- Evaluation of the noise exposure of symphonic orchestra musicians. Noise & Health. 2014
- Risk Criteria in Occupational Environments: Critical Overview and Discussion. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2014
- Development of a multilevel safety climate measure for furniture industries. Occupational Safety and Hygiene - Sho2013. 2013
- RISK DECISION: MAIN CONSTRAINTS AND APPROACHES. International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition - 2012, Vol 3, Pts a-C: Design, Materials, and Manufacturing. 2013
- RISK ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FORMULATION IN FURNITURE INDUSTRY: THE PORTUGUESE REALITY. Proceedings of the Asme International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2011, Vol 9. 2012
- Avaliação da higiene e práticas de trabalho em estúdios de tatuagem e perfuração. Revista de segurança. 2011
artigo de conferência
- Challenges of learning human digital twin: case study of mental wellbeing 2023
- Measurement of resilience potential: Development and validation a tool 2023
- Safety Culture in Higher Education Institutions: Knowledge and Training preferences 2023
- Effect of a safety intervention in a gas industry on safety climate level 2022
- Mad@ work mental health and productivity boosting in the workplace 2022
- Comportamentos adotados pelos estudantes no ensino superior face à COVID-19 2021
- Influência dos fatores psicossociais relacionados com o trabalho na motivação dos trabalhadores: Um estudo de caso no setor industrial 2021
- Influência dos fatores psicossociais relacionados com o trabalho na motivação dos trabalhadores: Um estudo de caso no setor industrial. 2021
- Eficácia de uma intervenção ergonómica na redução do desconforto musculoesquelético 2020
- Symptoms related to the exposure to metal fumes: A case study in a metalworking industry 2019
- Computer Vision Syndrome in office workers: a case study 2018
- A inovação pedagógica na Licenciatura de Saúde Ambiental da Escola Superior de Saúde do Politécnico do Porto 2018
- Acidentes de trabalho no setor do comércio a retalho: um estudo de caso em supermercados de conveniência 2018
- Níveis de iluminação em passadeiras: um estudo de caso 2018
- Síndrome Visual do Computador em trabalhadores de escritório: um estudo de caso 2018
- Determinação do peso máximo aceitável em tarefas de transporte manual de mochilas com um ombro 2017
- Pre-test and validation of a procedure to determine and analyse repositioning movements of lumbar spine 2017
- Análise custo-benefício de um programa de rotatividade de postos de trabalho: Identificação e análise da aplicabilidade de indicadores 2016
- The impact of work shift on psychosocial risks: a case study 2016
- Limitations and improvments to the risk assessment process in Olive Oil Mills: the views of OSH practitioners 2015
- Perceptions of music students about the effects of loud music and protective practices 2015
- An empirical study about the variables that influence the social acceptability on the biogas 2014
- Characterization of OSH hazards in the Portuguese furniture sector 2014
- Is the crisis affecting the companies’ commitment on the OSH issues? 2014
- Musculoskeletal Disorders in the Use of Backpacks - A review 2014
- Noise induced hearing loss among gym teachers 2014
- Problems associated with the use of different types of backpack for transportation of school supplies 2014
- Safety Climate in Wood Industries (SCWI) Instrument 2014
- Sound exposure of garage rock bands musicians 2014
- Sound exposure of music students during the classes 2014
- Temporary hearing threshold shift at the Valpaços Scouts Fanfare 2014
- The application of a fuzzy approach to the analysis of OSH practitioners level of risk acceptance 2014
- The level of risk acceptance in furniture companies: The views of OSH professionals 2014
- Análise da exposição combinada a ruído e substâncias ototóxicas – estudo piloto 2013
- Comunicar informação: desenho de um questionário e importância das escalas de medida. 2013
- Musicians noise exposure in a Portuguese orchestra – a case study 2013
- Musicians noise exposure in a Portuguese orquestra – a case study 2013
- Avaliação da implementação de Medidas de Preservação Auditiva numa indústria têxtil – modelo a seguir 2012
- Children´s exposure to indoor air: The case of the Childminders homes 2012
- Development of a specific tool for measuring safety climate in the furniture industry 2012
- Psychophysical study of manual loads transportation - a comparative study between students and seasoned workers 2012
- Risco ergonómico em trabalhos em tensão – Estudo de caso numa empresa portuguesa 2012
- Risk acceptance: Perspectives of a challenging issue 2012
- Risk decision in occupational environments: The portuguese reality 2012
- Risk decision: Main constraints and approaches 2012
- Análise da percepção ergonómica de postos de trabalho dotados de microscópio 2011
- Avaliação da qualidade do ar interior numa instituição de ensino superior. 2011
- Caracterização do risco associado à movimentação manual de cargas no sector corticeiro 2011
- Ergonomic Perception Analysis of Microscope Workstations 2011
- Importance of risk acceptance criteria in the decision making process : a review 2011
- Importance of risk acceptance criteria in the decision making process – a review 2011
- Risk Acceptance Criteria Formulation in Furniture Industry: The Portuguese Reality 2011
- Avaliação do ambiente térmico em piscinas cobertas 2010
- Avaliação e percepção do conforto térmico em bibliotecas do ensino superior 2010
- Characterization of working conditions in a Portuguese academic library: objective and subjective perspectives. 2010
- Hygiene and work practices assessment in tattoo and piercing studios 2010
- Improvement methods and protocols to reduce microbiological and chemical risks in Portuguese tattoo and piercing studios 2010
- Indoor Air Quality in Portuguese Shopping Malls 2010
- Supporting tool on the decision-making for the comfort conditions optimization. 2010
- Contributo da vermicompostagem para a gestão sustentável dos resíduos em meio urbano 2009
artigo de revista
- Integrated management systems as a key facilitator of occupational health and safety risk management: A case study in a medium sized waste management firm. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020
- A Fuzzy Logic Approach in the Definition of Risk Acceptance Boundaries in Occupational Safety and Health. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering. 2016
- Occupational risk assessment at Olive Oil mills: Limitations and new perspectives. DYNA. 2016
- Defining risk acceptance criteria in occupational settings: A case study in the furniture industrial sector. Safety Science. 2015
- Risk Acceptance in the Furniture Sector: Analysis of Acceptance Level and Relevant Influence Factors. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment. 2015
- Safety climate and its relationship with furniture companies’ safety performance and workers’ risk acceptance. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. 2015
capítulo de livro
- A Digital Communication System for Occupational Safety and Health: Requirements Identification and Prototype 2024
- Comparison Between Anthropometric Equipment and Scanners in Hand Measurement 2024
- Lumbar Postural Responses During Gaming Activity: A Study with Semi-Professional and Amateur Gamers 2024
- Uncovering the Dynamics of Burnout, Stress, Anxiety, and Depression in Office Workers: An Experience Sampling Approach 2024
- Understanding the problem of overexertion accidents on food retail sector: preliminary results 2024
- Resilience Engineering in Healthcare: A Systematic Literature Review 2023
- Semi-quantitative Methods for Assessing the Risk of Occupational Accidents: A Literature Review 2023
- Uncovering the Dynamics of Stress in Office Workers: An Experience Sampling Approach 2023
- Risk Analysis and Risk Measures Applied to the Furniture Industry. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2022
- Validation of a Video-based System to Determine Heart Rate for Stress Monitoring 2022
- Intervention in OSH for SMEs Employers: Influence in Knowledge and Prevention Activities 2020
- Strategies for an OSH Intervention in SMEs: An exploratory study focused on the role of employer 2020
- Analyzing and Classifying Risks: A Case-Study in the Furniture Industry. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 2019
- Effectiveness of Occupational Safety and Health Training Methods: A Study with Metalworking Small Enterprises 2019
- Effects of Noise Frequency on Performance and Well-Being 2019
- The effect of two training methods on worker's risk perception: a comparative study with metalworking small firms 2018
- The influence of noise on the perceptions of discomfort, stress, and annoyance 2018
- Effect of a safety education program on risk perception of vocational students: A comparative study of different intervention methodologies 2017
- Risk assessment: Getting the ‘big picture’ 2017
- Schoolbag weight and the postural and psychophysical changes in young students: A pilot study 2016
- Can the external environment affect the occupational safety conditions and unsafety behaviours? 2014
- Psychophysical Responses of Waste Workers in Lifting Tasks at Two Different Levels 2014
- Safety climate and its relationship with furniture companies¿ safety performance 2014
- Safety climate and its relationship with furniture companies’ safety performance 2014
- Analysis of the combined exposure to noise and ototoxic substances—pilot study 2013
- Development of a multilevel safety climate measure for furniture industries 2013
- Development of an instrument to analyze the occupational risk acceptance 2013
- Workers' risk acceptance level in the furniture sector 2013
- Development of a decision-making tool to help classify work-related accidents due to overexertion: Preliminary results 2024
- An unobtrusive multimodal stress detection model & Recommender System 2023
- The role of pupil diameter in Occupational Health and Safety: A Systematic Review of the Literature and Open-Source Data Acquisition Methodologies 2023
- Automated real time stress detection at the workplace using video monitoring 2022
- Cross-cultural adaptation, reliability and validity of the Portuguese version of the Brief Norwegian Safety Climate Inventory (Brief NORSCI) 2022
- Current impact of COVID-19 on mental health and wellbeing: young adults' perspective 2022
- Gestão da Prevenção de Riscos Profissionais em PMEs 2022
- Good practices for aging management in metalworking industry. 2022
- Resilient performance of the safety management system: a study in two metalworking industries. 2022
- Risk assessment procedures in waste management firms 2022
- Fatores que influenciam os comportamentos dos estudantes do ensino superior face à COVID-19 2021
- Gamificação no Ensino Superior: experiências e potencialidades de jogos sérios e escape rooms no ensino em Saúde 2021
- Organizational and personal factors in judging the occupational risk acceptability 2021
- Risk characterization in wood companies 2021
- Adaptação cultural e confiabilidade da versão portuguesa do Computer Vision Syndrome Questionnaire (CVS-Q) 2020
- Development of a grid to assess resilient performance of OHS management systems: a case study in a metalworking industry. 2020
- Effectiveness of a behaviour based safety intervention: a case study in a gas industry. 2020
- Intervenção em empregadores de PMES em SST: influência no conhecimento e atividades de prevenção 2020
- O papel do empregador no desempenho de Segurança e Saúde no Trabalho nas PMES: um estudo exploratório 2020
- Portuguese consumer exposure to cosmetic products: risk assessment of ingredients in facial and body moisturizers 2019
- Single and binary mixture toxicity of ibuprofen and paracetamol to Daphnia magna 2019
- Desenvolvimento de uma ferramenta para avaliar o desempenho resiliente no âmbito da Segurança no Trabalho em indústrias do setor da metalomecânica. 2019
- Development and validation of a tool to evaluate resilience performance in metalworking industry 2019
- Exigências da formação e da prática dos técnicos de Saúde Ambiental no séc. XXI: a importância das competências transversais 2019
- Exigências da formação e da prática dos técnicos de Saúde Ambiental no séc. XXI: a importância das competências transversais. 2019
- Modelo pedagógico Problem Based Learning aplicado na licenciatura em Saúde Ambiental 2019
- Modelo pedagógico Problem Based Learning aplicado na licenciatura em Saúde Ambiental. 2019
- Occupational exposure to metals fumes: A case study in a metalworking industry 2019
- Riscos psicossociais, comunicação e intervenção: novas competências para novos desafios 2019
- Safety resilience in metalworking industry: Development of a grid to assess resilient performance 2019
- Validation of the Portuguese version of the Brief Norwegian Safety Climate Inventory (Brief NORSCI). 2019
- Analysis of the impact of work shift on Burnout syndrome, anxiety, depression and stress 2017
- Clima de segurança ao nível de equipas de trabalho: uma revisão sistemática de literatura. 2017
- Evaluation of a safety education program for secondary school students: A case study in vocational schools. 2017
- Gestão da SST em empresa de gestão de resíduos: Um estudo na região Norte de Portugal. 2017
- OSH management in waste management companies in Portugal: a preliminar study 2017
- Cost-benefit analysis of a job rotation program: Identification and applicability of key indicators. 2015
- Determination of maximum acceptable weight of schoolbag carriage in one shoulder 2015
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of different safety education interventions: a study with secondary school students 2015
- Noise exposure in cycling activity: a preliminary study 2015
- The influence of the crisis on OSH management: identification of the key indicators 2015
- Avaliação dos efeitos da exposição ocupacional à música em estudantes da ESMAE 2014
- Are musicians exposed to excessive noise in Portuguese orchestras? 2012
- Children’s exposure to indoor air: the case of the childminders homes. 2012
- Evaluating Vermicompost as a Plant Growth Medium. 2012
- New risk assessment approach for olive oil mills 2012
- .Análise ergonómica de postos de trabalho em matadouros: um estudo de caso 2011
- Condições de trabalho dos bailarinos: Serão as salas de dança adequadas? 2011
- Resíduos de antibióticos no leite 2006
- Análise multinível do clima de segurança: um estudo de caso em contexto hospitalar 2022
- Burnout, stress, ansiedade e depressão em trabalhadores de escritório: estudo exploratório com recurso ao método de amostragem da experiência 2022
- Fatores que influenciam o uso de máscara facial nos locais de trabalho durante o período de pandemia COVID-19 2021
- Gestão dos riscos profissionais durante a pandemia da doença COVID-19: um estudo de caso num centro de distribuição 2021
- Prevalência da Síndrome Visual do Computador em trabalhadores de escritório e fatores de risco associados 2021
- Relação entre fatores de risco psicossociais e individuais e a prevalência de sintomatologia de dor musculoesquelética: um estudo de caso numa indústria com rotatividade de tarefas 2021
- Desempenho resiliente na indústria metalomecânica 2019
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of a safety intervention: a case study in a gas industry 2019
- Gestão do envelhecimento nos locais de trabalho: Boas práticas a adotar numa indústria do setor da metalomecânica 2019
- Síndrome visual do computador: intervenção para a redução dos fatores de risco e avaliação do seu impacto 2019
- Benefícios e barreiras da implementação de um programa de rotatividade 2018
- Determinantes para o desempenho de segurança e saúde no trabalho em micro e pquenas empresas do setor de operação de gestão de resíduos 2018
- Development and validation of a scale for safety climate measurement at workgroup level 2018
- Síndrome visual do computador: influência de fatores individuais e da ergonomia do posto de trabalho nas alterações visuais 2018
- Caraterização das atitudes e comportamentos ambientais dos estudantes na Escola Superior Politécnica do Cuanza-Norte (ESPCN)- Angola 2017
- Eficácia da formação em segurança e saúde no trabalho em empresas de pequena dimensão do setor da metalomecânica: estudo comparativo de dois métodos de formação 2017
- Análise da eficácia de diferentes tipologias de intervenção pedagógica: Programa de educação sobre segurança e saúde no trabalho para futuros jovens trabalhadores 2015
- Influência dos três tipos de piso na probabilidade da entorse em árbitros de futebol 2015
- Development of a model for occupational risk acceptance criteria definition in industrial settings 2014
- Condições de trabalho e conforto em bibliotecas do ensino superior 2009