publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Devices used for photobiomodulation of the brain—a comprehensive and systematic review. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 2024
- Engineering a Hybrid Ti6Al4V-Based System for Responsive and Consistent Osteogenesis. ACS Omega. 2024
- Bio-Piezoelectric Ceramic Composites for Electroactive Implants—Biological Performance. Biomimetics. 2023
- Medical additive manufacturing of architectured hip implants a state of the art review,. The Journal of Arthroplasty. 2023
- Experimental analysis and predictive modelling of Ti6Al4V laser surface texturing for biomedical applications. Surfaces and Interfaces. 2022
- Production of a multi-functional 420 stainless steel-copper surface by laser texturing and hot pressing: a new solution for plastic injection moulds. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2022
- Inconel 718-copper parts fabricated by 3D multi-material laser powder bed fusion: a novel technological and designing approach for rocket engine. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2022
- Laser powder bed fusion of the steels used in the plastic injection mould industry: a review of the influence of processing parameters on the final properties. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2022
- Biomechanical and functional comparison of moulded and 3D printed medical silicones 2021
- Enhancement of Gingival Tissue Adherence of Zirconia Implant Posts: In Vitro Study. Materials. 2021
- Biomechanical Features of Graphene-Augmented Inorganic Nanofibrous Scaffolds and Their Physical Interaction with Viruses. Materials. 2020
- Reengineering Bone-Implant Interfaces for Improved Mechanotransduction and Clinical Outcomes. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. 2020
- Chemical potentials and activities in metallurgical processes. Advances in Electrometallurgy. 2020
- Directional conductivity in layered alumina. Current Applied Physics. 2020
- Issledovanie rezhimov prokalki termoantracita dlya proizvodstva nepreryvnyh samoobzhygayuschihsja elektrodov rudovosstanovitelnyh pechei. Advances in Electrometallurgy. 2020
- Zirconia implants with improved attachment to the gingival tissue. Journal of Periodontology. 2020
- Metallurgical Gallium Additions to Titanium Alloys Demonstrate a Strong Time-Increasing Antibacterial Activity without any Cellular Toxicity. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. 2019
- Amorphous calcium phosphate materials: Formation, structure and thermal behaviour. Journal of the European Ceramic SocIETy. 2019
- Damping and mechanical behavior of metal-ceramic composites applied to novel dental restorative systems 2019
- Multi-material Ti6Al4V & PEEK cellular structures produced by Selective Laser Melting and Hot Pressing: A tribocorrosion study targeting orthopedic applications 2019
- Novel laser surface texturing for improved primary stability of titanium implants 2019
- The Importance of Controlled Mismatch of Biomechanical Compliances of Implantable Scaffolds and Native Tissue for Articular Cartilage Regeneration. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2018
- Hybrid graphene–ceramic nanofibre network for spontaneous neural differentiation of stem cells. Interface Focus. 2018
- Time-effective synthesis of rhombohedral CuAlO2 from mesoporous alumina substrate. Materials & Design. 2018
- Graphene-Augmented Nanofiber Scaffolds Trigger Gene Expression Switching of Four Cancer Cell Types. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. 2018
- Influence of specimens' geometry and materials on the thermal stresses in dental restorative materials during thermal cycling. Journal of Dentistry. 2018
- Understanding biomaterial-tissue interface quality: combined in vitro evaluation. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 2017
- First principles, thermal stability and thermodynamic assessment of the binary Ni–W system. International Journal of Materials Research. 2017
- New analytical methodology for analysing S(IV) species at low pH solutions by one stage titration method (bichromatometry) with a clear colour change. Could potentially replace the state-of-art-method iodometry at low pH analysis due higher accuracy. Cancer. 2017
- Improved operation of SO 2 depolarized electrolyser stack for H 2 production at ambient conditions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2017
- Viscoelastic behaviour of hydrogel-based composites for tissue engineering under mechanical load. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Diffusion equations in inhomogeneous solid having arbitrary gradient concentration. Condensed Matter Physics. 2017
High temperature damping behavior and dynamic Young's modulus of AlSi-CNT-SiC
p hybrid composite. Composite Structures. 2016 - Graphene-augmented nanofiber scaffolds demonstrate new features in cells behaviour. Acta Cytologica. 2016
- Performance of electrocatalytic gold coating on bipolar plates for SO2 depolarized electrolyser. Energy Storage Materials. 2016
- SO2 carry-over and sulphur formation in a SO2-depolarized electrolyser. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry. 2016
- Silica-gentamicin nanohybrids: Synthesis and antimicrobial action. Materials. 2016
- Modelling of poro-visco-elastic biological systems. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2015
- Thermal and microstructural analysis of doped alumina nanofibers. Thermochimica Acta. 2015
- A new approach for modelling lattice energy in finite crystal domains. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2015
- Finite element analysis of the residual thermal stresses on functionally gradated dental restorations 2015
- Improving the functional design of dental restorations by adding a composite interlayer in the multilayer system: Multi-aspect analysis. Ciencia e Tecnologia dos Materiais. 2015
- Mechanical properties of hot pressed CoCrMo alloy compacts for biomedical applications. Materials & Design. 2015
- Titanium implants with modified surfaces: Meta-analysis of in vivo osteointegration. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2015
- Development and optimisation of hydroxyapatite-ß-TCP functionally gradated biomaterial 2014
- Fundamental relation between the main parameters of the thermally activated transport phenomena in complex oxide melts. Russian Metallurgy (metally). 2014
- Mechanical and thermal properties of hot pressed CoCrMo-porcelain composites developed for prosthetic dentistry 2014
- Optimisation of functionally gradated material thermoelectric cooler for the solar space power system. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2014
- Smelting ferrosilicomanganese from manganese magnesia sinter. Steel in Translation. 2014
- Coupled thermal analysis of novel alumina nanofibers with ultrahigh aspect ratio. Thermochimica Acta. 2013
- Modeling and experimental assessment of Nafion membrane properties used in SO2 depolarized water electrolysis for hydrogen production. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2013
- Preface. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2013
- Activities and Free Energy of Mixing of Sulfuric Acid Solutions by Gibbs-Duhem Equation Integration. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 2012
- Experimental evaluation of the bond strength between a CoCrMo dental alloy and porcelain through a composite metal-ceramic graded transition interlayer 2012
- Novel process concept for the production of H 2 and H 2SO 4 by SO 2-depolarized electrolysis. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2012
- Reduction of Biofilm Infection Risks and Promotion of Osteointegration for Optimized Surfaces of Titanium Implants. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2012
- Thermodynamic assessment of the ternary Ni-Ti-Cr system. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2012
- A multicriteria approach for evaluating high temperature hydrogen production processes. International Journal of Multicriteria Decision Making. 2011
- Mathematical analysis of experimental data on MnO-SiO2-CaO system molten slag electric conductivity in manganese ferroalloy production. Metallurgical and Mining Industry. 2011
- Analysis and Simulation of FGM Thermal Barrier Coatings Hot Burner Testing. Advanced Materials Forum V, Pt 1 and 2. 2010
- Functionally Graded Materials: Bulk processing techniques. International Journal of Materials & Product Technology. 2010
- Modeling of steel oxidation resistance for furnace bars of conveyor-type machine for iron-ore pellets roasting. Metallurgical and Mining Industry. 2010
- Modelling of processing of FGM bioimplants. Advanced Materials Forum V, Pt 1 and 2. 2010
- Thermoacoustic phenomena in metal nanoparticle systems generated by an ultrashort laser pulse. 15th International Conference on Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena (Icppp15). 2010
- Thermodynamic Analysis of the Dominant Phase Equilibria in M(Si, Cr, Al)-O-C systems. Russian Metallurgy (metally). 2010
- Thermodynamics of FGM: new approach for free energy and the equilibrium state calculations. Advanced Materials Forum V, Pt 1 and 2. 2010
- Effect of nano-sized powder additions of complex alloy Fe-Si-Al-Ca-Ti in the electrode charge on graphitation process and enhancement of graphitized products properties. Metallurgical and Mining Industry. 2009
- Thermal expansion of silicon at temperatures up to 1100 degrees C. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2009
- In-situ analysis of phase formations in semi-solid state in the hypereutectic Al-Si alloy. Kovove Materialy. 2008
- Effect of nozzle location and nozzle capacity on spray cooling of hot gas in a horizontal duct. Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly. 2007
- Simulation of the electrocalcination of thermoanthracite. Steel in Translation. 2006
- Design of heating engineering processes of heat treatment of anthracite at air. Metallurgicheskaya i Gornorudnaya Promyshlennost. 2005
- Low-temperature phase transformations phenomena in the A1-21.5%Si alloy. Kovove Materialy. 2005
- Microstructure formation in Ti-Si composite subjected to high temperature gradients. Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques. 2005
- Thermal analysis of eutectic reactions of white cast irons. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2005
- Comparison of preparation routes of spinel catalyst for alkaline fuel cells. Materials Research Bulletin. 2004
- Design of heating engineering processes heat treatments of anthracite at air and plenochnovodyanom cooling of casing elektrokal'tsynatora. Metallurgicheskaya i Gornorudnaya Promyshlennost. 2004
- Design of the thermal and electric modes of operations of elektrokal'tsynator at heat treatment of anthracite. Metallurgicheskaya i Gornorudnaya Promyshlennost. 2004
- Research of the physical properties anthracitic coal at high temperature glowing of anthracite. Metallurgicheskaya i Gornorudnaya Promyshlennost. 2004
- Study of Ti-Si in situ composite processing by multi-stage eutectic solidification. Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde/Materials Research and Advanced Techniques. 2004
- Functional gradient materials: New materials science solutions. Problemy Spetsial'noj Electrometallugii. 2003
- MnCo2O4 preparation by microwave-assisted route synthesis (MARS) and the effect of carbon admixture. Chemistry of Materials. 2003
- Thermodynamic model of ferrosilicium melting process in high-power ore-thermal electrical furnaces. Problemy Spetsial'noj Electrometallugii. 2003
- Hydrogen influence on component stability in condensed phase. Stal'. 2002
- Investigation of phase transformations in industrial ferrosilicon using method of synchronous thermal analysis. Problemy Spetsial'noj Electrometallugii. 2002
- Microwave synthesis of catalyst spinel MnCo2O4 for alkaline fuel cell. Energy Storage Materials. 2002
- Analysis of mechanical behavior in a W-Cu divertor plate by micromechanical model. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Japan. 2001
- Electrochemical evaluation of sintered metal hydride electrodes for electric vehicle applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2001
- A constitutive model and FE simulation for the sintering process of powder compacts. Computational Materials Science. 2000
- An electrochemical investigation of mechanical alloying of MgNi-based hydrogen storage alloys. Energy Storage Materials. 2000
- Thermal-elasto-plastic analysis of W-CU functionally graded materials subjected to a uniform heat flow by micromechanical model. Journal of Thermal Stresses. 2000
- A study of thermodynamic stability of oxide phases in heating multicomponent ceramic binders. Refractories and Industrial Ceramics. 1998
- Investigation of thermodynamic stability of oxide phase during heating the multicomponent ceramic binders. Ogneupory i Tekhnicheskaya Keramika. 1998
- Micromechanical modelling of functionally graded materials. Computational Materials Science. 1998
- Al2O3 to Ni-superalloy diffusion bonded FG-joints for high temperature applications. Functionally Graded Materials 1996. 1997
- Gauge field theory for functional graded materials and components. Engineering Structures. 1997
- Rapidly solidified Fe-TiC composites: Thermodynamics and the peculiarities of microstructure formation in situ. Scripta Materialia. 1996
- Application of technical-purity hydrogen in annealing and sintering of iron-based powder materials. Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya. 1995
- Principles of functional gradient materials and their processing by powder metallurgy. Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica, Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Series. 1995
- Evaluation of properties of WCu functional gradient materials by micromechanical model. Computational Materials Science. 1994
- Nickel powder metallurgy (P/M) superalloys with isotropic and gradient carbide reinforcement. Journal of Materials Synthesis and Processing. 1994
- Boron carbide and phase or size compositions of powders made from it. Stal'. 1993
- Non-oxide ceramics with nanocrystalline layers made by chemical liquid deposition. British Ceramic Transactions. 1993
- Phase and grain-size compositions of boron carbide powder made by an improved technique. Soviet Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics. 1992
- Phase and granulometrical composition of boron carbide powder produced by means of the improved production technique. Poroshkovaya Metallurgiya. 1992
- THERMODYNAMICS OF REDUCTION AND CARBIDE FORMATION IN THE Fe-Cr-O-C SYSTEM.. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Chernaya Metallurgiya. 1987
- Thermodynamics of Reduction and Carbide Formation in the Cr-C-O System. | TERMODINAMIKA VOSSTANOVLENIYA I DARBIDOOBRAZOVANIYA V SISTEME Cr-C-O.. Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenij. Chernaya Metallurgiya. 1986
artigo de conferência
- Bioinspired Piezoelectric Composite Material with Antibacterial Effect 2023
- 3D Multi-Material Laser Powder Bed Fusion of 420 stainless steel-Cu parts for Plastic Injection Mold Inserts 2023
- Model-free assessment of biomechanical properties for personalized medical devices 2021
- BaTiO3 interlocking approaches in ZrO2 matrix 2020
- Designing osteogenic-stimulating titanium-based implants 2020
- Technical development of ferrosilicon manganese production in ore-smelting electric furnaces with using of manganese magnesia agglomerate 2020
- Effect of high alkali content in ferrosilicomanganese smelting slags on slag properties and on the destruction of furnace lining 2018
- Vacuum-thermal method of deep refining of ferrochromium in solid state 2015
- Modelling and optimisation of anthracite treatment in an electrocalcinator 2010
- Multi-variation analysis and optimisation of electrical conductivity of mno-sio2-cao slags 2010
- High temperature hydrogen production process: A new task from the international energy agency / hydrogen implementing agreement 2008
- Cooling of gas by a water spray in a straight duct - Cross flow 2006
- Modelling of the cooling of a hot gas using a water spray in a duct 2006
- Evaluation of arsenic dissolution behaviour of iron silica sands 2005
- Micromechanical modelling of functionally graded W-Cu materials for divertor plate components in a fusion reactor 1999
artigo de revista
- Mechanical Properties of Ti6Al4V Fabricated by Laser Powder Bed Fusion: A Review Focused on the Processing and Microstructural Parameters Influence on the Final Properties. Metals. 2022
- Customized Root-Analogue Implants: A Review on Outcomes from Clinical Trials and Case Reports. Materials. 2021
- Predicting the output dimensions, porosity and elastic modulus of additive manufactured biomaterial structures targeting orthopedic implants 2019
- Development of ß-TCP-Ti6Al4V structures: Driving cellular response by modulating physical and chemical properties. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2019
- A study on the production of thin-walled Ti6Al4V parts by selective laser melting. Journal of Manufacturing Processes. 2019
- 45S5 BAG-Ti6A14V structures: The influence of the design on some of the physical and chemical interactions that drive cellular response. Materials & Design. 2018
capítulo de livro
- Bacterial Attachment and Biofilm Formation on Biomaterials 2018
- Bacterial attachment and biofilm formation on biomaterials: the case of dental and orthopaedic implants 2018
- Materialovedcheskie problemy processov prevraschenia faz uglerodnyh materialov pri ih vysokotemperaturnoi obrabotke v peremennyh electromagnitnyh polyah 2018
- MSC morphofunctional programming for improved orthopaedic implantation outcomes 2023
- Innovative 3D-printed osteogenic-stimulating structures for orthopaedic implants 2023
- Improving the interface between orthopaedic implants and bone - a comparison between different surface treatments 2022
- Hydrothermal Ageing Behavior of Bioinspired Material with Piezoelectric Functions for Implant Applications 2022
- 3D Multi-Material Laser Powder Bed Fusion: an innovative 420 stainless steel-Cu solution for plastic injection molds 2022
- Multi-functional Inconel 718 - Pure Copper parts fabricated by 3D multi-material laser powder bed fusion: a novel technological and designing approach for rocket engine 2022
- How does the Alzheimer’s disease brain respond to optomechanical stimuli?: a narrative review. Brain Stimulation. 2021
- Model-free biomechanology of bioprinting and bioprinted materials 2021
- Biomechanical characterisation of HA-CaP-laden strong hydrogels for bone grafting 2021
- Moulded or 3D printed medical silicones: biomechanological evaluation 2021
- Self-aligned fibrous scaffolds for automechanoinduction of cell cultures 2021
- How does the Alzheimer's disease brain respond to optomechanical stimuli? A narrative review 2021
- BaTiO3 interlocking approaches in ZrO2 matrix 2021
- Comportamento celular em superfícies implantares com propriedades piezoelétricas 2021
- Hard-tissue cell response to novel functionally structured piezoelectric-ceramic composites 2021
- Soft-tissue cell response to novel functionally structured piezoelectric-ceramic composites 2021
- Improved implant-host bone interaction by stimulating physiological MSC-osteogenic differentiation 2019
- High-output screening and biomechanical optimization of biomaterials for orthopaedic applications 2018
- Novel approach to scaffolds for articular cartilage repair 2018
- Nauchnye osnovy i tehnologii proizvodstva termoantrazita v trubchatyh vraschchayuschihsja pechah i elektrokalzinatorah 2018
- Ultra-high photon energy absorption by gold nanoparticles arrays 2014
- Handbook of ferroalloys 2013
- Introduction 2013
- Preface 2013
- Technology of Molybdenum Ferroalloys 2013
- Technology of Titanium Ferroalloys 2013
- Technology of Tungsten Ferroalloys 2013
- Technology of Vanadium Ferroalloys 2013
- Technology of Zirconium Ferroalloys 2013
- Theory of Ferroalloys Processing 2013
- Introduction: Materials challenges in fuel cells 2008
- Materials for fuel cells 2008
- Computer-integrated safe design of FGM component for hip replacement prosthesis 2005
- Corrosion resistance of homogenous and FGM coatings 2005
- Machining FGM: Residual stresses redistribution 2005
- Neutron diffraction studies of functionally graded alumina/ zirconia ceramics 2005
- Optimisation of FGM TBC and their thermal cycling stability 2005
- Design and fabrication of symmetric FGM plates 2003
- Industrial applications of FGM solutions 2003
- Optimization sintering of zirconia/alumina functionally graded material 2003
- The new mechanism of abnormally high energy transferring in functionally graded materials 1999