publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Operational excellence, organizational culture, and agility: bridging the gap between quality and adaptability. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2023
- Using BTM for management integration in business development initiatives ¿ an action design research cycle . Business Process Management Journal. 2023
- What is it about humanity that we can’t give away to intelligent machines? A European perspective. International Journal of Information Management. 2021
- Nimble.IT: an agile method for IT implantation 2021
- Software Development Models: Strengths & Limitations 2021
- Initial dilemmas in IST research: Design science and design research, a clarification of concepts 2018
- MyHealth: A cross-domain platform for healthcare. 2015 Symposium on Applied Computing, Vols. I-Ii. 2015
- Implementação de tecnologias de apoio ao ensino (LMS): dois estudos de caso em instituições de Ensino Superior 2014
- Use of sectorial essential models in organizational interventions aiming at the implementation of quality assurance processes 2014
- A Multi-driven Approach to Requirements Analysis of Data Warehouse Model: A Case Study. International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems. 2013
- Desafios à engenharia de sistemas empresariais : da subjetividade dos sistemas às novas estruturas organizacionais 2013
- Information Management Barriers in Complex Research and Development Projects: an Exploratory Study on the Perceptions of Project Managers 2012
- Initial dilemmas in IST research Design science and design research, a clarification of concepts. Information Systems and Technologies. 2012
- Knowledge Sharing Barriers in Complex Research and Development Projects: an Exploratory Study on the Perceptions of Project Managers 2012
- Profiling and framing structures for pervasive information systems development 2012
- Business and technology integrated model. 17th Americas Conference on Information Systems 2011, AMCIS 2011. 2011
- Tecnologias e sistemas de informação : uma área científica orientada às necessidades de conhecimento dos profissionais envolvidos na contínua transformação das organizações através das tecnologias da informação 2010
- Requirements engineering for organizational transformation. Information and Software Technology. 2005
- Influence of the information system function maturity in the approach to the requirements engineering. New Perspectives on Information Systems Development: Theory, Methods and Practice. 2002
- Mapping rules to convert from ODL to XML-SCHEMA. Xxii International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, Proceedings. 2002
- Querying XML Databases. Xxii International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society, Proceedings. 2002
- Taxis - A conceptual model to support the early stages of the ISD process. New Perspectives on Information Systems Development: Theory, Methods and Practice. 2002
- Knowledge needs of self-organized systems. Knowledge Management and Virtual Organizations. 2000
- A avaliação do sucesso dos sistemas de apoio ao trabalho de grupo: algumas questões 1998
- Success Assessment of Computer-Supported Groupwork Systems: Some Questions. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 1998
- An assessment of the applicability of object-oriented analysis to the development of information systems. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Requirements Engineering. 1996
artigo de conferência
- 16 Years of e-Justice in Brazil: A literature review 2023
- National Brazilian judicial database (DataJud): transparency and better administration of justice 2023
- Artificial Intelligence in the Judiciary: Uses and Threats 2022
- e-Justice: Relating Practical Guidelines in Videoconferencing with the Concerns of Academic Literature 2022
- A Prescriptive Framework for the Formulation of E-GOV Strategies Taking into Account International Rankings 2021
- Impact of Remote Work on IT Implantation Projects: A Reflection on the State of the Art and Research Opportunities,Impacto do Trabalho Remoto nos Projetos de Implantação de TI: Uma Reflexão Sobre o Estado da Arte e Oportunidades de Investigação 2021
- Impacto do Trabalho Remoto nos Projetos de Implantação de TI: Uma Reflexão Sobre o Estado da Arte e Oportunidades de Investigação 2021
- International Rankings in E-GOV Strategy Formulation: Appraisal of Their Use and Relevance 2021
- 4.1 Knowledge risks in supply chain interactions of SMEs: An exploratory study 2020
- Implantation Process of Enterprise IT Application in a Medium-Sized Enterprise 2019
- Implanting IT applications in government institutions: A process model emerging from a case study in a medium-sized municipality 2019
- SImplE: A framework for the successful implantation of enterprise IT applications in small and medium enterprises 2019
- Research in progress: Understanding the process of implantation IT Enterprise Applications in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2017
- Competency-based approach to information systems program development: Guidance from the MSIS 2016 global competency model 2016
- MSIS 2016: A comprehensive update of graduate level curriculum recommendation in Information Systems 2016
- A reflection on the evolution of the functionalities of collaboration information systems in the context of the natural evolution,Uma reflexão sobre a evolução das funcionalidades de tecnologias e sistemas de informação na perspectiva da evolução natural 2015
- Current MSIS students' views on program outcomes 2015
- Master's degree programs in information systems: A global view 2015
- Revising the MSIS 2016 model curriculum: Status Update and panel discussion 2015
- A que se refere quando usa a palavra “Informação”? Revelações de uma atividade pedagógica – O Jogo da Informação. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2014
- Business and technology integrated management: A case of e-government for assessing the impact of policies 2014
- Personalization dimensions: A conceptual model for personalized information systems. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2014
- Asking the right question: What is information? OR What is it that you are calling information? 2013
- Aspects that contribute to the success of personalized Web applications. AI Communications. 2013
- Some things I tend to overlap even if not necessary. A discussion on PIM artifacts between researcher and research agent 2013
- Think individually, act collectively : studying the dynamics of a technologically enabled civic movement 2013
- A Multi-Driven Approach to Requirements Analysis of Data Warehouse Schema: A Case Study 2012
- Articulation between information systems and quality management systems: literature review 2012
- Dilemas iniciais na investigação em TSI: design science e design research, uma clarificação de conceitos 2012
- ICT and environmental sustainability : a case study of a grassroots initiative. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. 2012
- Personalized information systems : enabling technologies and architecture. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2012
- Validation criteria for the outcomes of design research 2012
- Business and technology integrated model 2011
- Information systems development course: Integrating business, IT and IS competencies 2010
- Approach for the human resources management analysis in libraries and museums: Case Study of knowledge cities 2008
- Model-driven software development for pervasive information systems implementation 2007
- Understanding information systems in organizations: from Anthony’s framework to the organizational mind 2006
- Model-driven methodologies for pervasive information systems development 2004
- As tecnologias de informação e a construção de realidades de trabalho inovadoras 2003
- Conceitos em sistemas de informação: UML e sua adequação ao FRISCO 2003
- Use of Grounded Theory in Information Systems Area: An Exploratory Analysis 2002
- Sistemas informáticos e conhecimento organizacional : uma reinterpretação dos papeis desempenhados pelos sistemas informáticos nas organizações 2001
- Computer supported workgroup systems 1998
- Business process models for process management 1997
- Assessment of the applicability of object-oriented analysis to the development of information systems 1996
artigo de revista
- Lack of Awareness of IT Adoption and Use Theories by IT/IS Project Managers: Poor Relevance, Unfocused Research or Deficient Education?. Information (Switzerland). 2022
- The influence of operational excellence on the culture and agility of organizations: evidence from industry. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2020
- Organizing collective action: Does information and communication technology matter?. Information and Organization. 2019
- Research and practice in IS: Insights from medicine that might contribute to overcoming the relevance deficit in the IS domain. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management. 2019
- MSIS 2016 global competency model for graduate degree programs in information systems. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. 2017
- Operational excellence, organisational culture and agility: the missing link?. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2017
- A case studies approach to the analysis of profiling and framing structures for pervasive information systems. International Journal of Web Portals. 2012
- Information management barriers in complex research and development projects : an exploratory study on the perceptions of project managers. Knowledge and Process Management. 2012
- Knowledge sharing barriers in complex research and development projects : an exploratory study on the perceptions of project managers. Knowledge and Process Management. 2012
capítulo de livro
- Information Systems - A Reflection on the Nature of the Scientific Area of Information Systems: From Scientific Research to Professional Practice 2022
- Successful Implantation of Enterprise IT Applications in SMEs: A TOE-Based Framework of Influencing Factors 2022
- Model-driven development for pervasive information systems 2010
- Model-driven development for pervasive information systems 2008
- Personalized information systems : personalization, implementation levels a conceptual framework 2012
- ELPUB 2003 - From information to knowledge: Proceedings of the 7th ICCC/IFIP International Conference on Electronic Publishing 2003
- The construction of work realities assisted by the adoption of computer-based systems 2003
- ELPUB 2002 - Technology Interactions. Proceedings of the 6th International ICCC/IFIP Conference on Electronic Publishing. 2002
- Towards a Method for the Formulation of an EGOV Strategy Considering International Rankings 2022
- Chapter 28: Information technology issues in Portugal 2020
- Foreword 2019
- A conceptual framework for the implantation of enterprise applications in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) 2018
- Foreword 2014
- Preparing future IST professionals for ODE: An examination of courses in IST degree programmes 2014
- Personalized Information Systems: Enabling Technologies and Architecture 2012
- Profiling and framing structures for pervasive information systems development 2012
- Articulation Between Information Systems And Quality Management Systems 2011
- What service? 2011
- The computer medium in digital art's creative process 2009
- Model-driven development for pervasive information systems 2008
- Reinventing the future: A study of the organizational mind 2006
- Constructionist perspective of organizational data mining 2005
- Organizational and national issues of an ERP implementation in a Portuguese company 2003
- Towards constructionist Organizational Data Mining (ODM) : changing the focus from technology to social construction of knowledge 2003
- Strategies to deal with complexity in information systems development 2002
- The role of emotion, values, and beliefs in the construction of innovative work realities 2002
- Using the viable system model to describe the role of computer-based systems in organisations 1998
- Human and technological dynamics in complex research and development projects: information management and knowledge sharing dimensions 2013
- Produção optimizada de conteúdos de ajuda e formação para aplicações geradas de modelos declarativos 2013
- Frameworks de actividades e processos organizacionais em serviços 2012
- Sistemas de informação personalizados 2012
- Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS) : factores que influenciam a sua adopção e uso nas organizações 2011
- About model-based approaches in pervasive information systems development 2010
- Metodologia de sistemas de data warehouse 2010
- Unidades culturais em cidades inteligentes : proposta de modelo de práticas organizacionais baseado em casos europeus 2009
- Compreensão de representações organizacionais baseadas em abordagens BPM 2008
- Gestão do conhecimento organizacional no desenvolvimento de software : metodologia de avaliação da maturidade 2008
- Gestão de processos de negócio e sua articulação com o desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação : aplicação para a área do retalho 2006
- Integração de sistemas de informação : perspectivas, normas e abordagens 2006
- Portais escolares : estudo de aceitação de um projecto para um portal web num contexto de ensino 2006
- Comércio electrónico e engenharia da variedade 2004
- Proposta de modelo de investigação para o estudo da comunicação organizacional mediada por computador 2004
- ZACCAR : sistema de conhecimento para apoio à gestão do relacionamento com clientes 2003
- Estudo de impactos de sistemas informáticos integrados de gestão de instituições de saúde do Brasil : uma abordagem sobre desempenho 2002
- Gestão temporal da execução de processos suportados por sistemas workflow 2001
- Influência da maturidade da função sistema de informação na abordagem à engenharia de requisitos 2001
- Aplicações das tecnologias de informação que suportam as dimensões estrutural, social, política, simbólica do trabalho 2000
- Regras para a transformação de um modelo conceptual orientado ao objecto num esquema de bases de dados relacional 1996
- Enquadramento de (meta)modelos (d)e processos de desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação 1995
- O desenvolvimento de software na perspectiva das representações e das transformações entre representações 1994
- Sistemas de apoio ao trabalho cooperativo e a sua aplicação no desenvolvimento de sistemas de informação 1994