publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Mechanical characterization of polymer-grafted graphene PEG nanocomposites using molecular dynamics. Composites Science and Technology. 2024
- Influence of matrix recrystallization and nanofiller porosity on the interfacial properties of holey graphene-aluminium nanocomposites. Composite Structures. 2023
- Tensile and Compressive Behavior of CHC-Reinforced Copper using Molecular Dynamics. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2023
- Graphdiyne nanotubes in ionic liquids: Characterization of interfacial interactions by molecular dynamics. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2021
- Aluminum composites reinforced by ¿-graphynes: The effect of nanofillers porosity and shape on crystal growth and composite strengthening. Computational Materials Science. 2020
- CNT-reinforced iron and titanium nanocomposites: Strength and deformation mechanisms. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Towards the development of nanosprings from confined carbyne chains. Physica E-Low-Dimensional Systems & Nanostructures. 2020
- C13 – a new empirical force field to characterize the mechanical behavior of carbyne chains. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2020
- Strength and fracture of graphyne and graphdiyne nanotubes. Computational Materials Science. 2020
- Monotonic and hysteretic in-plane behaviour of graphene through an atomistic FE model. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Strength and failure mechanisms of cnt-reinforced copper nanocomposite. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Mechanical behaviour of carbon nanotubes under combined twisting–bending. Mechanics Research Communications. 2016
- Compressive behavior of CNT-reinforced aluminum composites using molecular dynamics. Composites Science and Technology. 2014
- Induced anisotropy of chiral carbon nanotubes under combined tension-twisting. Mechanics of Materials. 2013
- Tension–twisting dependent kinematics of chiral CNTs. Composites Science and Technology. 2013
- Multilevel approach for the local nanobuckling analysis of CNT-based composites. Coupled Systems Mechanics. 2012
- A molecular dynamics study on the thickness and post-critical strength of carbon nanotubes. Composite Structures. 2012
- Interaction diagrams for carbon nanotubes under combined shortening–twisting. Composites Science and Technology. 2011
artigo de conferência
- Enterprise social network success: Evidences from a multinational corporation. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 2017
- Computational Modelling of the Compressive Behaviour of CNT-Reinforced Aluminium Composites 2014
- Strength of Carbon Nanotubes under Combined Bending and Twisting via Molecular Dynamics Simulations 2014
- Tension-Twist Interaction Diagrams For Carbon Nanotubes 2013
- Mechanical Behaviour of Tensioned and Twisted Chiral Carbon Nanotubes 2013
- On the Kinematics of C-C Bonds in Tensioned and Twisted Carbon Nanotubes 2012
- Strength and collapse of chiral carbon nanotubes under pure and combined tension-twisting 2012
- Carbon Nanotubes: Are They Thin-Walled? 2011
- Strength and Stiffness of Carbon Nanotubes under Combined Shortening and Twisting via Molecular Dynamics Simulations 2011
artigo de revista
- Mechanical properties of phenine nanotubes. Extreme Mechanics Letters. 2022
- Melted and recrystallized holey-graphene-reinforced aluminum composites: Structure, elasticity and strength. Composite Structures. 2022
capítulo de livro
- Mechanical Behavior of Confined Carbyne Chains 2021
- Ginásio de Comunicação de Évora - Manual de Apoio 2019
- Rheological properties of mixtures involving ionic liquids and molecular solvents 2016
- Structure and Properties of Carbon Nano-Agglomerates and Ionic Liquids: from interactions to mechanical behavior 2015
- Non-Linear Behaviour of Nanotubes under Coupled Bending-Twisting 2015
- Interaction between carbon nanotubes and ionic liquids 2015
- Mechanical Properties of Metallic Nanocomposites reinforced by carbon nanotubes 2014
- Carbon nanostructures - CQE Opendays
- Testubes - Science Dissemination short movie