publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Very high-order finite difference method on arbitrary geometries with Cartesian grids for non-linear convection diffusion reaction equations. Journal of Computational Physics. 2024
- Structural schemes for one dimension stationary equations. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 2023
- Back Cover: Ag fractals formed on top of a porous TiO2 thin film. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters. 2016
- Optical Filter for Providing the Required Illumination to Enable Narrow Band Imaging. Procedia Engineering. 2014
- Exercise generation with the system Passarola. Proceedings of the 2013 International Conference on Advanced Ict and Education. 2013
- Vensim ple to create models for water management. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2012
- KINEMATICS OF THE ROLLER MOTION AND CAM SIZE OPTIMIZATION OF DISC CAM-FOLLOWER MECHANISMS WITH TRANSLATING ROLLER FOLLOWERS. Proceedings of the Asme International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Vol 7, Pts a and B. 2010
- New e-learning objects for the Mathematics courses from Engineering degrees: Design and Implementation of Question Banks in Maple T.A. using LATEX. International Journal of Education and Information Technologies. 2010
- New e-learning objects for the mathematics courses from engineering degrees : design and implementation of question banks in Maple T.A. using LaTeX. International Journal of Education and Information Technologies. 2010
- Transonic inviscid flows past thin airfoils: A new numerical method and global stability analysis using MatLab. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 2010
- Investigation on the Baumgarte Stabilization Method for Dynamic Analysis of Constrained Multibody Systems. Proceedings of Eucomes 08, the Second European Conference on Mechanism Science. 2009
artigo de conferência
- Hands on Experiments about Water Needs in Agriculture and Their Mathematical Modelling under Climate Change 2019
- High performance computation with ADI on cartesian grid to solve the steady state 2D convection diffusion equation 2019
- Irrigation planning with thin meshes 2019
- Replanning the Irrigation Systems 2019
- Replanning the irrrigation systems 2019
- Sistema Passarola - geração automática de exercícios 2019
- Sistema Passarola – geração automática de exercícios 2019
- Optimal control of irrigation with field capacity modes: Characterizing the minimal water consumption solution 2018
- Electromagnetic properties of a monolayer of polarisable particles deposited on graphene. Proceedings of SPIE. 2017
- Graphene and polarisable nanoparticles: Looking good together?. International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON). 2016
- Optical response of fractal aggregates of polarizable particles. Proceedings of SPIE. 2014
- Soft tissue modelling for analysis of errors in breast reduction surgery 2014
- A new finite volume scheme for incompressible fluid flow 2013
- An optimal control approach to the irrigation planning problem 2013
- Irrigation planning: An optimal control approach. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- Irrigation planning: Replanning and numerical solution. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- Math exercise generation and smart assessment. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2013
- PASSAROLA : high-order exercise generation system. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2013
- PASSAROLA: High-Order Exercise Generation System 2013
- A finite volume scheme for the convection-diffusion system using the polynomial reconstruction operator 2012
- A new very high-order finite volume method for the 2D convection diffusion problem on unstructured meshes 2012
- Very high-order finite volume scheme for 1D convection diffusion problem: the implicit case 2012
- Avaliação das incertezas no domínio dos recursos hídricos na Bacia Hidrográfica do Douro usando a Lógica Difusa 2011
- Irrigation planning in the context of climate change 2011
- Is it possible to assess spatial correlations in a system of polarizable particles by measuring its optical response?. Proceedings of SPIE. 2011
- Modelling Water Resources using Vensim PLE 2011
- Transboundary Douro River Basin needs adaptive management to face future uncertainties of water scarcity and drought 2011
- Very high-order finite volume method for one-dimensional convection diffusion problems 2011
- Computations on transonic inviscid flows past thin airfoils. Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering. 2009
- Using e-learning to self regulate the learning process of Mathematics for Engineering students. Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering. 2009
- Irrigation water use and its effective efficiency in Portugal 2008
- Web technologies : an allied of mathematics 2008
- Computational modelling of dynamically loaded journal bearings 2007
artigo de revista
- Modelling of smart irrigation with replan and redistribution algorithms. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. 2022
- A new stabilised scheme for the Richards’ equation with evapotranspiration. Groundwater for Sustainable Development. 2022
- Gas Sensors Based on Localized Surface Plasmon Resonances: Synthesis of Oxide Films with Embedded Metal Nanoparticles, Theory and Simulation, and Sensitivity Enhancement Strategies. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Very high-order Cartesian-grid finite difference method on arbitrary geometries. Journal of Computational Physics. 2021
- NANOPTICS: In-depth analysis of NANomaterials for OPTICal localized surface plasmon resonance Sensing. European Journal of Operational Research. 2020
- Surface Plasmon Resonance in a Metallic Nanoparticle Embedded in a Semiconductor Matrix: Exciton–Plasmon Coupling. ACS Photonics. 2019
- An introduction to the hyperspace of Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology. 2019
- Optimal control applied to an irrigation planning problem: A real case study in Portugal. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology. 2019
- Optimized Planning of Different Crops in a Field Using Optimal Control in Portugal. Sustainability (MDPI). 2018
- An Introduction to the Hyperspace of Hargreaves-Samani Reference Evapotranspiration. Sustainability (MDPI). 2018
- Numerical simulation of breast reduction with a new knitting condition. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 2017
Broadband Optical Absorption Caused by the Plasmonic Response of Coalesced Au Nanoparticles Embedded in a TiO
2 Matrix. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 2016 - Ag fractals formed on top of a porous TiO2thin film. Physica Status Solidi - Rapid Research Letters. 2016
- Optimal Control Applied to an Irrigation Planning Problem. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2016
- Teacher's experiences in PBL: implications for practice. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2016
- Effect of clustering on the surface plasmon band in thin films of metallic nanoparticles. Journal of Nanophotonics. 2015
- Thin films composed of gold nanoparticles dispersed in a dielectric matrix: The influence of the host matrix on the optical and mechanical responses. Thin Solid Films. 2015
- A sixth-order finite volume method for multidomain convection-diffusion problem with discontinuous coefficients. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering. 2013
- Probing spatial correlations in a system of polarizable nanoparticles via measuring its optical extinction spectrum. Epl. 2013
- Analysis of Effective Efficiency in decision making for irrigation interventions. Water Resources. 2012
- Vensim PLE to create models for water management. International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2012
- Effective efficiency in water resources management using efficiency elasticity index. Water and Environment Journal. 2011
- Transonic inviscid flows past thin airfoils: a new numerical method and global stability analysis using MATLAB. International Journal of Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences. 2010
- New e-learning objects for the mathematics courses from engineering degrees : design and implementation of question banks in Maple T.A. using LaTeX. International Journal of Education and Information Technologies. 2010
- Viscous-inviscid interaction in transonic Prandtl-Meyer flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2006
capítulo de livro
- Water Management in Several Types of Soil – A Hands-On Science Experiment for Students 2022
- Irrigation Planning with Fine Meshes. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Temperature Time Series Forecasting in the Optimal Challenges in Irrigation (TO CHAIR) 2021
- A scheduling application to a molding injection machine: a challenge addressed on the 109th European Study Group with Industry 2016
- Optimal Control of the Irrigation Problem: Characterization of the Solution. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Math exercise generation and smart assessment. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. 2013
- PASSAROLA: High-Order Exercise Generation System 2013
- Solving fluid dynamics problems with Matlab 2011