publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Design methodology for the research and development of polygonal artefacts. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2022
- Student Satisfaction through an Adaptation of the SAM Method—An Analysis from Consumption to Post-Consumption in Higher Education Degrees 2021
- An Exploratory Approach with EEG – Electroencephalography in Design as a Research and Development Tool. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2021
- The BRUMS method and emotional design: profile of the mood states of undergraduate students in higher education 2021
- Fashion retailing and consumer perception: An overview 2020
- Design as a non-formal education tool 2019
- Fashion communication in the digital age: Findings from interviews with industry professionals and design recommendations. Procedia CIRP. 2019
- Design, technology and emotion measurement. NORDSCI Conference on Social Sciences. 2018
- Artefacto #0000: study of traditional ceramic jug “Infusa”, for innovation by design, in Northern Portugal 2017
- Ferramentas de avaliação emocional aplicado ao design de mobiliário macio 2017
- Eliciting emotions, a strategy for fashion communication 2016
- DIS2E design para a inovação social: uma experiência de ensino-aprendizagem 2016
- A luz como matéria de projeto na licenciatura em Design de Produto da Universidade do Minho 2016
- Ferramentas de avaliação emocional aplicado ao design de mobiliário macio 2016
- Corpo e alma do design emocional 2014
- DESIGN, SEDUCTION AND FASHION PRODUCTS. International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts. 2014
- Alma: design, corpo: bijouteria ... 2013
- Approach to emotional design of fashion accessories 2013
- Re-design clothing another step in slow design 2012
- Connecting emotion to product customization: an integrated model system 2012
- Customization tool for people with special needs 2012
- Do artesão ao design de autor como metodologia 2011
- Cultural and communication common grounds in art craft and design 2005
artigo de revista
- Design of a smart garment for fencing: measuring attractiveness using the AttrakDiff Mini method. Human-Intelligent Systems Integration. 2023
- E-Textiles for Sports: A Systematic Review. Journal of Biomimetics, Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering. 2022
- A engenharia Kansei e as suas abordagens. Infodesign. 2021
- Quality perception in higher education - using SERVQUAL methodology. Acta Scientific Agriculture. 2021
- Uma abordagem sobre a hedonomia e o usuário. Design & Tecnologia. 2021
- Interface tool for human communication to integrate psychophysical inputs with rapid manufacturing technologies. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2010
capítulo de livro
- Advances in Fashion and Design Research 2023
- Identification of Aspects, Emotions and Pleasure in the Design Process: A Survey with Portuguese Product Designers 2023
- Design Attributes for the Development of Digital Solutions: An Exploratory Study from the Perspective of Professionals Connected to Digital Transformation. Springer Series in Design and Innovation. 2022
- Education in context and the variation of moods throughout Covid-19: An emotional design perspective, using the BRUMS methodology 2022
- A Case Study of Emotional Interaction Response with Cutlery: EEG and Semantic Tools. Springer Series in Design and Innovation. 2021
- Designing the Future of Smart Fencing Garments 2021
- Development of Smart Fencing Garments 2021
- Quality perception with attrakdiff method: a study in higher education. Springer Series in Design and Innovation. 2021
- Quality perception with attrakdiff method: a study in higher education. Springer Series in Design and Innovation. 2021
- The Foreseeable Future of Digital Fashion Communication After Coronavirus: Designing for Emotions. Springer Series in Design and Innovation. 2021
- A avareza, a sacralização, a materialização e o consumo 2020
- Designing for emotions: evaluation of the drooler, a toy for preschoolers 2019
- Eye tracking in fashion: An overview 2019
- EmCaixa / projeto de artes performativas e design 2018