publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Morphological analysis of mechanically recycled blends of high density polyethylene and polypropylene with strong difference in melt flow index. E-Polymers. 2024
- Circularity Micro-Indicators for Plastic Packaging and Their Relation to Circular Economy Principles and Design Tools. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Developmental predictors of mathematics achievement at the end of Year 1. Análise Psicológica. 2024
- Configurations of mother–child and father–child attachment relationships as predictors of child language competence: An individual participant data meta-analysis. Child Development. 2024
- Revista Comunicando [Vol. 12, n.º 2 (2023): Julho - Dezembro (edição contínua)] - Comunicação, Género e Sexualidades 2023
- Effect of polymer type on the properties of polypropylene composites with high loads of spent coffee grounds. Waste Management. 2022
- Laser welding of thermoplastics: An overview on lasers, materials, processes and quality. Infrared Physics & Technology. 2021
- Inconsistent reporting of life experiences: What people think and how they explain it?. Análise Psicológica. 2021
- Joint attention abilities in Brazilian preterm and full-term infants. Infant Behavior & Development. 2020
- Effects of prematurity on infants' joint attention abilities: A meta-analytic study. Infant and Child Development. 2019
- Relations between theory of mind and academic school readiness: The moderating role of child gender. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 2019
- Association between theory of mind and mental state talk in preschoolers and later social competence and behaviour. Infant and Child Development. 2018
- Avaliação de resíduos poliméricos pós-industriais e pós-consumo à base de poliolefinas para moldação por injeção 2015
- Validation of the Portuguese Version of EHP-30 (The Endometriosis Health Profile-30). Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2015
- Violence in Intimate Relationships: A Comparison between Married and Dating Couples. Journal of Criminology. 2014
- A contribuição da sensibilidade materna e paterna para o desenvolvimento cognitivo de crianças em idade pré-escolar. Análise Psicológica. 2014
- Estilos de vinculação, orientação para o trabalho e relações profissionais. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2014
- Vinculação em mães adolescentes e seus bebés. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2014
- Diferenciação emocional e regulação emocional em adultos portugueses. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2014
- Mudança terapêutica e momentos de inovação. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2014
- Relacionamentos íntimos juvenis: Programa para a prevenção da violência. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2013
- Maternal verbal scaffolding and structural coherence narrative of the child in preschool,Scaffolding verbal materno e coerência estrutural narrativa da criança em idade pré-escolar. Análise Psicológica. 2013
- Theory of mind throughout the regulatory development: From school age to adulthood,Teoria da mente ao longo do desenvolvimento normativo: Da idade escolar até à idade adulta. Análise Psicológica. 2013
- Vinculação no contexto familiar: relações entre cônjuges, entre pais e filhos adolescentes e entre irmãos. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica. 2013
- A construção mediática do tráfico de seres humanos na imprensa escrita portuguesa. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Maternal verbal scaffolding within a narrative elicitation task in children of preschool age,Scaffolding verbal materno no âmbito de uma tarefa de elicitação narrativa em crianças de idade pré-escolar. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Self-injurious behavior in Portuguese adolescents,Conducta autolesiva en adolescentes portugueses. Psicothema. 2012
- Self-injurious behavior in portuguese adolescents 2012
- The media construction of human trafficking in the Portuguese press,A construção mediática do tráfico de seres humanos na imprensa escrita Portuguesa. Análise Psicológica. 2012
- Methodologies for assessing the development of social cognition from infancy to preschool,Metodologias de avaliação do desenvolvimento da cognição social da infância até à idade pré-escolar. Análise Psicológica. 2011
- A desestruturação do mundo rural em áreas de montanha e o risco de incêndio – o caso da serra da Cabreira (Vieira do Minho). Territorium. 2010
- A recorrência dos incêndios na serra da Cabreira como medida da manifestação do risco de incêndio florestal. Territorium. 2010
- Risco de incêndio florestal em áreas de interface urbano-rural: o exemplo do Ave . Territorium. 2009
- Momentos de inovação e mudança terapêutica. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2009
- Role of relaxation on strain crystallization of uniaxially stretched poly(ethylene naphthalate) films : a mechanooptical study 2006
- Eating related problems amongst Iberian female college students. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2004
- A cross-cultural study on eating attitudes and behaviours in two Spanish-speaking countries: Spain and Mexico. European Eating Disorders Review. 2001
artigo de conferência
- Development of composites with plastic waste and used foundry sands 2023
- Circularity Micro-Indicators Applied to Plastic Parts: The Materials Perspective 2022
- Application of DMAIC method in an industrial case study 2020
- Incorporation of metallurgical wastes as inorganic fillers in resins 2018
- MFC concept as a possible solution for closed-loop recycling of food packaging trays. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017
- Artefacto #0000: study of traditional ceramic jug for innovation by design, in Northern Portugal 2017
- Artefacto #0000: study of traditional ceramic jug “Infusa”, for innovation by design, in Northern Portugal 2017
- Optimization of injection moulding process of PP with metallic pigments 2014
- Prediction of tensile properties of injection moulding flax fibre reinforced polypropylene from morphology analysis. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- Characterization of polypropylene structural foams for large part applications. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- Morphological aspects of injection-molded polypropylene with metallic pigments 2013
- Design and development of large rigid plastic packaging for olives 2012
- Dysregulated Behaviors in Bulimia Nervosa: A case-control study 2012
- On the effect of metallic particles on the performance of injection moulded PP plastic parts 2012
- The influence of processing conditions on the aesthetical, morphological and mechanical properties of SF mouldings of high-impact polystyrene (HIPS-SF) 2012
- Antecedent life events in the development of anorexia nervosa: A case control study 2011
- Antecedent life events in the development of bulimia nervosa 2011
- Bi-component injection moulding of carbon nanofibre /polypropylene composites : morphology evaluation and correlation with mechanical and electrical properties 2011
- Bi-component injection moulding of carbon nanofibre /polypropylene composites for multifunctional parts 2011
- Formulation and characterization of polypropylene structural foam for large parts 2011
- Geographical Information Technology to support research on forest fires and soil erosion 2011
- Influence of the injection rate and mould block material of hybrid moulds on the morphological development of PP parts 2011
- Mechanical and thermal analysis of PET subjected to non-linear uniaxial deformations 2011
- Multi scale structure evolution of pet/mmt and PET/SiO2 nanocomposites upon solid state uniaxial deformation : an in situ WAXS/SAXS study 2011
- Structure evolution during deformation of novel polymer systems based on poly(ethylene terephthalate) reinforced with inorganic particles 2011
- Study of welding strengh in PVC profiles 2011
- Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescence [Ferimentos auto-infligidos na adolescência] 2010
artigo de revista
- Comparing and Predicting Inconsistency on Positive and Negative Life Experiences Reports: Which Variables Matter?. Social Sciences. 2022
- Thermal, Mechanical, Morphological and Aesthetical Properties of Rotational Molding PE/Pine Wood Sawdust Composites. E-Polymers. 2022
- Thin wall injection-overmoulding of polyamide 6/polypropylene multilayer parts: PA6/PP-g-ma interfacial adhesion investigations. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2020
- Processing–Structure–Properties of Cork Polymer Composites. Frontiers in Materials. 2020
- Lifetime experiences scale (LIFES): Development and validation in community samples. Psicologia: Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Psicologia. 2020
- Multiscale carbon fibre–reinforced polymer ( CFRP ) composites containing carbon nanotubes with tailored interfaces. Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures. 2019
- Early family adversity, stability and consistency of institutional care and infant cognitive, language and motor development across the first six months of institutionalization. Infant Behavior & Development. 2019
- Development of Crystalline Morphology and Its Relationship with Mechanical Properties of PP/PET Microfibrillar Composites Containing POE and POE-g-MA. E-Polymers. 2018
- Being a mother of preterm multiples in the context of socioeconomic disadvantage: perceived stress and psychological symptoms,Ser mãe de múltiplos prematuros no contexto de desvantagem socioeconômica: estresse percebido e sintomas psicológicos. Jornal de Pediatria. 2018
- Contributions of infant vagal regulation at 1 month to subsequent joint attention abilities. Developmental Psychobiology. 2018
- Early Maltreatment and Current Quality of Relational Care Predict Socioemotional Problems Among Institutionalized Infants and Toddlers. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2018
- Fathers’ sensitive guidance moderates the association between coparenting and behavioral regulation in preschoolers. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 2018
- Life Experiences Throughout the Lifespan: What Do People Say (or Not) About Them?. Journal of Adult Development. 2018
- Maternal and Paternal Mental-state Talk and Executive Function in Preschool Children. Social Development. 2017
- Mental and Physical Healthcare Utilization Among Young Prisoners: A Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Forensic Mental Health. 2017
- Anorexia nervosa versus bulimia nervosa: differences based on retrospective correlates in a case-control study. Eating and Weight Disorders. 2016
- Are adult mentalizing abilities associated with mind-mindedness?. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 2016
- Does social-behavioral adjustment mediate the relation between executive function and academic readiness?. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 2016
- Emotion understanding in preschool children: The role of executive functions. International Journal of Behavioral Development. 2016
- Infants’ Style of Emotion Regulation with Their Mothers and Fathers: Concordance between Parents and the Contribution of Father–Infant Interaction Quality. Social Development. 2016
- Institutional Infractions Among Young Prisoners: A Longitudinal Study. Prison Journal. 2016
- Retrospective Correlates for Bulimia Nervosa: A Matched Case-Control Study. European Eating Disorders Review. 2016
- Thin wall injection-overmoulding of polyamide 6/polypropylene multilayer parts: influence of processing conditions on thermomechanical properties of the layer assembly. International Journal of Materials & Product Technology. 2016
- Avaliação de resíduos poliméricos pós-industriais e pós-consumo à base de poliolefinas para moldação por injeção. O Molde. 2015
- Prediction of injection-moulded flax fibre reinforced polypropylene tensile properties through a micro-morphology analysis. Journal of Composite Materials. 2015
- Eating disorder examination questionnaire (EDE-Q): psychometric properties and norms for the Portuguese population. European Eating Disorders Review. 2014
- Risk Factors and Antecedent Life Events in the Development of Anorexia Nervosa: A Portuguese Case-Control Study.. European Eating Disorders Review. 2014
- Does early family risk and current quality of care predict indiscriminate social behavior in institutionalized Portuguese children?. Attachment & Human Development. 2014
- Dysregulated behaviors in bulimia nervosa: a case-control study. Clinical Psychologist. 2014
- Eating and weight/shape criticism as a specific life-event related to bulimia nervosa: A case control study. Journal of Psychology. 2014
- Joint attention with the mother and the father at 10 months of age. European Journal of Developmental Psychology. 2014
- Predicting Infractions and Health Care Utilization in Prison: A Meta-Analysis. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 2014
- The interactive effect of maltreatment in the family and unstable institutional caregiving in predicting behavior problems in toddlers. Child Abuse & Neglect. 2014
- Attachment in the family context: Relationships between spouses, between parents and adolescent children and between siblings,Vinculação no contexto familiar: Relações entre cônjuges, entre pais e filhos adolescentes e entre irmãos. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica. 2013
- Diverse physical growth trajectories in institutionalized portuguese children below age 3: Relation to child, family, and institutional factors. Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 2013
- In situ WAXS/SAXS structural evolution study during uniaxial stretching of poly(ethylene therephthalate) nanocomposites in solid state: Poly(ethylene therephthalate)/montmorillonite nanocomposites. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2013
- Joint attention at 10 months of age in infant-mother dyads: Contrasting free toy-play with semi-structured toy-play. Infant Behavior & Development. 2013
- Social withdrawal behavior in institutionalized toddlers: Individual, early family and institutional determinants. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2013
- Teoria da mente ao longo do desenvolvimento normativo: Da idade escolar até à idade adulta. Análise Psicológica. 2013
- The influence of processing on the aesthetic, morphological and mechanical properties of structural foam mouldings of high-impact polystyrene. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2013
- Can We Identify Emotion Over-regulation in Infancy? Associations with Avoidant Attachment, Dyadic Emotional Interaction and Temperament. Infant and Child Development. 2012
- Child and mother mental-state talk in shared pretense as predictors of children's social symbolic play abilities at age 3. Infant Behavior & Development. 2012
- Indiscriminate behavior observed in the strange situation among institutionalized toddlers: Relations to caregiver report and to early family risk. Infant Mental Health Journal. 2012
- Solid-state structural evolution of poly(ethylene terephthalate) during step uniaxial stretching from different initial morphologies: An in situ wide angle x-ray scattering study. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2012
- Adolescent mothers: Adjustment to multiple roles and the importance of attachment,Mães adolescentes: Adaptação aos múltiplos papéis e a importância da vinculação. Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica. 2011
- Eating Disordered Behaviours in Portuguese athletes: The influence of personal, sport, and psychological variables. European Eating Disorders Review. 2011
- Individual and relational contributions to parallel and joint attention in infancy. Infant Behavior & Development. 2011
- Psychological Factors Related to Eating Disordered Behaviors: A Study with Portuguese Athletes. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 2011
- Structural development of poly(ethylene terephthalate) during uniaxial stretching above the glass-transition temperature: Study of the statistical influence of the stretching variables. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2011
- The role of mutual in-feeding in maintaining problematic self-narratives: Exploring one path to therapeutic failure. Psychotherapy Research. 2011
- Early social experience and individual differences in infants' joint attention. Social Development. 2010
- Violence in Juvenile Dating Relationships Self-Reported Prevalence and Attitudes in a Portuguese Sample 2010
- Innovative moments and change in narrative therapy. Psychotherapy Research. 2009
- The socioemotional experiences of student teachers during practicum: A case of reality shock?. Journal of Educational Research. 2009
- Attachment styles, memories of parental rearing and therapeutic bond: A study with eating disordered patients, their parents and therapists. European Eating Disorders Review. 2008
- Control the strain-induced crystallization of polyethylene terephthalate by temporally varying deformation rates : a mechano-optical study. E-Polymers. 2007
- Maternal depression and psychiatric outcomes in adolescent offspring: A 13-year longitudinal study. Journal of Affective Disorders. 2007
- Conversations around homework: Links to parental mental health, family characteristics and child psychological functioning. British Journal of Developmental Psychology. 2006
- Role of relaxation on strain crystallization of uniaxially stretched poly(ethylene naphthalate) films : a mechanooptical study. Biomacromolecules. 2006
- The Portuguese version of the eating disorders inventory: Evaluation of its psychometric properties. European Eating Disorders Review. 2001
- Effects of early maternal depression on patterns of infant-mother attachment: A meta-analytic investigation. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2000
capítulo de livro
- Cognição social na infância 2018
- Prisoners' coping strategies in Portugal 2015
- Inventário de conflitos nas relações de namoro entre adolescentes 2011
- 6. A desestruturação do mundo rural e o uso do fogo - o caso da serra da Cabreira (Vieira do Minho) 2010
- Contributos metodológicos para a investigação em Vinculação: Métodos e instrumentos de avaliação 2007
- Gravidez e maternidade na adolescência: Um estudo longitudinal 2001
- Meta-análise 2001
- Peças poliméricas com aspecto metálico 2013
- Apresentação do número 2013
- Peças poliméricas com aspeto metálico. O Molde. 2013
- Processamento de embalagens rígidas de paredes finas em Poli (ácido láctico) 2013
- Processamento de embalagens rígidas de paredes finas em poli(ácido láctico). O Molde. 2013
- Bi-component injection moulding of carbon nanofibre /polypropylene composites : morphology evaluation and correlation with mechanical and electrical properties 2011
- Bi-component injection moulding of carbon nanofibre /polypropylene composites for multifunctional parts 2011
- Geographical Information Technology to support research on forest fires and soil erosion 2011
- Mechanical and thermal analysis of PET subjected to non-linear uniaxial deformations 2011
- Multi scale structure evolution of pet/mmt and PET/SiO2 nanocomposites upon solid state uniaxial deformation : an in situ WAXS/SAXS study 2011
- An integrated information system to support research on soil erosion mitigation techniques after forest fires 2010
- A criação de Garranos na Serra da Cabreira (Vieira do Minho) e o uso do fogo 2009
- Implementação de um Sistema Integrado de Informação de apoio à avaliação geomorfológica de áreas críticas à erosão dos solos após incêndios florestais 2011
- Manual de Análise de Dados Quantitativos com Recurso ao IBM SPSS 2011
- Os incêndios florestais no distrito de Braga 2010
- A criação de Garranos na Serra da Cabreira (Vieira do Minho) e o uso do fogo 2009