publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Development of a foam-filled steel web sandwich panel for the rehabilitation of timber floors. Journal of Building Engineering. 2024
- Online yarn hairiness– Loop & protruding fibers dataset. Data in Brief. 2024
- Development of an Automated Wooden Handle Packaging System with Integrated Counting Technology. Machines. 2024
- Future Perspectives in Healthcare: An Analysis of Augmented Reality and Spatial Computing in Hospital Environments. Procedia Computer Science. 2024
- Urban Traffic Simulation Using Mobility Patterns Synthesized from Real Sensors. Electronics. 2023
- Electrification of a Remote Rural Farm with Solar Energy—Contribution to the Development of Smart Farming. Energies. 2023
- An Overview of Omnichannel Interaction in Health Care Services. Mayo Clinic Proceedings: Digital Health. 2023
- Standardizing Corneal Transplantation Records with openEHR: Case Study (Preprint). JMIR Medical Informatics. 2023
- Drug-drug interaction extraction-based system: An natural language processing approach. Electronics. 2023
- Enhancing Clinical Management of Bariatric Surgery Using Business Intelligence. Procedia Computer Science. 2023
- Machine Learning Applied to Health Information Exchange. International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare. 2022
- Predicting Diabetes Disease for healthy smart cities. EAI Endorsed Transactions on Smart Cities. 2022
- Systems Engineering: Availability and Reliability. Applied Sciences. 2022
- A Systematic Simulation-Based Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach for the Evaluation of Semi-Fully Flexible Machine System Process Parameters. Electronics. 2022
- Identification of the Critical Enablers for Perishable Food Supply Chain Using Deterministic Assessment Models. Applied Sciences. 2022
- OpenEHR modelling applied to Complementary Diagnostics Requests. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- Integrating a New Generation of Interoperability Agents into the AIDA Platform. Journal of Digital Science. 2021
- Paper-Based Electronics for Brain-Machine Interface Home Supercomputer 2021
- A Proof of Concept of a Business Intelligence Platform to Support the Decision-Making Process of Health Professionals in Waiting Lists. International Journal of Privacy and Health Information Management. 2019
- Interoperability in Healthcare. Health Care Delivery and Clinical Science: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 2018
- Mechanical Design of a Standing Frame adapted for Children with mental deficiency. Procedia CIRP. 2018
- Mechatronic system for the promotion of physical activity in people with motor limitations. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2018
- Modelling knot size and location distribution for implementation in structural safety analysis of timber elements. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 2018
- Mechatronic Systems for Caregivers Support on the Context of Bedridden People Care. Recent Innovations in Mechatronics. 2017
- Knowledge Discovery from Surgical Waiting lists. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Methods Time Measurement on the Optimization of a Productive Process: A Case Study. 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, DECISION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (CODIT). 2017
- Conceptual design of a medical device for transference of bedridden people in domestic environments - preliminary studies. Sho2016: International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene. 2016
- Exposição das Crianças ao Fumo Ambiental do Tabaco em Casa e no Carro 2016
- Tool Development for Human Audible Spectrum Compensation. Recent Innovations in Mechatronics. 2015
- PAIR: The Remote Industrial Automation Trainer. Volume 5: Education and Globalization. 2015
- Assessing Remote Physiological Signals Acquisition Experiments. Volume 5: Education and Globalization. 2014
- Modeling and Simulation of Physical Parameters of Human Respiratory System. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014
- A Preventive Action Management Platform in Healthcare Information Systems. Int. J. Reliab. Qual. E-Healthc.. 2014
- A clustering approach for predicting readmissions in Intensive Medicine. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Conceptual design of a conveyer system for supporting basic quality of life of bedridden elderly people. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2014
- Conceptual design of a mechatronic system for supporting basic quality of life of bedridden elderly people 2014
- Hospital bed management support using regression data mining models. 2nd International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2014
- Intelligent Systems for Monitoring and Prevention in Healthcare Information Systems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2014
- Preventing Patient Cardiac Arrhythmias by Using Data Mining Techniques. 2014 Ieee Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (Iecbes). 2014
- Adoption of Pervasive Intelligent Information Systems in Intensive Medicine. Information Processing Letters. 2013
- Healthcare Interoperability through a JADE Based Multi-Agent Platform. Intelligent Distributed Computing Vi. 2013
- Pervasive Information Systems to Intensive Care Medicine Technology Acceptance Model. Iceis: Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Vol 1. 2013
- Reintrepreting the cardiovascular system as a mechanical model. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- Remote physiological systems (RePhyS) laboratory : a didactic learning environment. 3rd Portuguese Bioengineering Meeting, ENBENG 2013 - Book of Proceedings. 2013
- Step Towards m-Health in Pediatrics. Information Processing Letters. 2013
- The Impact of Mobile Platforms in Obstetrics. Information Processing Letters. 2013
- A systematized approach for obtaining a dependable structured specification for an industrial automation system. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2012
- Evaluation of the mechanical system to produce file cutting edges in a industrial machine : theoretical and experimental approaches. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2012
- Exposição das Crianças ao Fumo Ambiental do Tabaco em Casa e no Carro. Revista Millenium. 2012
- Intelligent and Real Time Data Acquisition and Evaluation to Determine Critical Events in Intensive Medicine. 4th Conference of Enterprise Information Systems - Aligning Technology, Organizations and People (Centeris 2012). 2012
- Multi-agent Systems for HL7 Interoperability Services. Information Processing Letters. 2012
- Web-assisted laboratory for control education : remote and virtual environments. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2012
- Using advanced simulation techniques to improve industrial controller's dependability. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2011
- A Network Configuration for Industrial Systems Control. International Conference on Innovations, Recent Trends and Challenges in Mechatronics, Mechanical Engineering and New High-tech Products Development (mecahitech). 2010
- An Interface for Industrial Network Monitoring and Control. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2010
- Industrial Network Platform for Monitoring and Control of Automated Manufacturing Systems. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2010
- Interoperability and semantic clinical process. Sistemas Y Tecnologias de Informacion. 2010
- A new plant modelling approach for formal verification purposes. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2007
artigo de conferência
- Rule-based Clinical Decision Support System using the OpenEHR Standard 2022
- Simulation of Vertical and Horizontal Integration of Cyber-Physical Systems. International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies. 2020
- Intelligent Nutrition in Healthcare and Continuous Care 2019
- Development of a system for supporting industrial management. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2019
- Friction properties of polyoxymethylene (POM) materials in dry and lubricated conditions. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2019
- Prediction of mortality and occurrence of complications for gastric cancer patients 2019
- Impact of UTAUT predictors on the intention and usage of electronic health records and telemedicine from the perspective of clinical staffs. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2018
- Investigation of copper and zinc contamination on the work piece surface with WEDM. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2018
- Predictive Data Mining in Nutrition Therapy 2018
- Automatic assist in estimating the production capacity of final machining for cast iron machine parts. AI Communications. 2018
- A text mining based supervised learning algorithm for classification of manufacturing suppliers. AI Communications. 2018
- Acoustic simulation of a steering sensor for geometric design optimization. International ICE Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation. 2018
- Development of an innovative coupling system for industrial vehicles: An AGV oriented approach 2018
- Job shop schedules analysis in the context of industry 4.0. International ICE Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation. 2018
- Modelling knot size and location distribution for implementation in structural safety analysis of timber elements 2018
- Production flow improvement in a textile industry. AI Communications. 2018
- Cycle time reduction in deck roller assembly production unit with value stream mapping analysis. AI Communications. 2017
- Acoustic assessment of a steering wheel sensor using particle velocity method 2017
- Behavior of the elastomers used in prehension systems for small cylindrical objects. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2017
- Dry and lubricated friction properties of Polybutylene Terephthalate (PBT) against Polyamide 12 (PA12) 2017
- E-ducAtion: Multidisciplinary platform to support the teaching/learning process in Portuguese 1st cycle schools. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2017
- Formal analysis of an urban road traffic model. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2017
- Rocker outsole shoes and margin of stability during walking: a preliminary study. International ICE Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation. 2017
- The tool supporting decision making process in area of job-shop scheduling. AI Communications. 2017
- The use of theory of constraints to improve production efficiency - industrial practice and research results. DEStech Transactions on Engineering and Technology Research. 2017
- A Simulation Platform Prototype for Evaluating Alternative Scenarios of Members Integration in Virtual Organizations. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2016
- Automating the software verification test process for SIL logic solvers for subsea oil & gas applications 2016
- CAD information handling for obtaining dependable manufacturing systems 2016
- Conceptual design of a medical device for transference of bedridden people in domestic environments - preliminary studies 2016
- Design of a Conceptual Bed Mattress for Reducing Pressure on Bony Prominences 2016
- Development and optimization of a paper punching system 2016
- Innovative mechatronic approach to redesign a punch and bind machine 2016
- Issues to be considered on obtaining plant models for formal verification purposes. Biomedical Materials. 2016
- Requirements for the development of medical devices - Caregivers perspectives survey 2016
- Two-body abrasion of fe-based particle epoxy composites - experimental approach 2016
- Shortening changeover time - An industrial study. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2015
- Ambient assisted living platform for remote monitoring of bedridden people. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- An Overview of Industrial Communication Networks. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Artificial Neural Networks in Stroke Predisposition Screening 2015
- Design and development of a portable projection and natural interface device for virtual games applied to physiotherapy. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015
- Industrial controlling process using the remote industrial automation trainer PAIR. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015
- Mechatronic system for assistance on bath of bedridden elderly people 2015
- Prevalence of alcohol consumption among school aged children from the northern Portugal 2015
- Prevalence of alcohol consumption among school aged children from the northern Portugal 2015
- Prototype for determination of pre-transfusion tests based on image processing techniques 2015
- Step Towards a Patient Timeline in Intensive Care Units. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Towards an Ontology for Health Complaints Management 2015
- Vital Signs Monitoring System Using Radio Frequency Communication : A Medical Care Terminal for Beddridden People Support 2015
- Development of Dependable Controllers in the Context of Machines Design. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2014
- Development of a Vital Signs Monitoring System Using Radio Frequency Communication 2014
- Uso de produtos de madeira de alto desempenho em aplicações estruturais - (Use of high performance wood products in structural applications) 2014
- Issues in remote laboratory developments for biomedical engineering education 2013
- Modeling and formal analysis of urban road traffic. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- O meu Dicionário : estudo de caso na área da Expressão Musical 2013
- Obtaining plant models for formal verification tasks from 3D CAD models: which is the best approach?. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Remote Physiological Data Acquisition : from the human body to electromechanical simulators 2013
- Students' perspectives on remote physiological signals acquisition experiments 2013
- Students' perspectives on remote physiological signals acquisition experiments 2013
- A support tool for teaching grafcet : engineering students' perceptions 2012
- Design and modelling of a 3D compliant leg for Bioloid. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2012
- Design of a mechatronic system for human blood typing in emergency situations. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA. 2012
- Finding the optimal setting of the sewing needle transfer mechansm using simulation software 2012
- A dependable automated people mover system modeled and verified using timed automata : a case study 2011
- Modeling and simulating the controller behavior of an automated people mover using IEC 61850 communication requirements. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2011
- Modeling and simulation of IEC 61850 requirements applied to an automated people mover's controller 2011
- A formal approach for aerospace systems control considering SFC specification and C programming language 2011
- A mechatronic device for spasticity quantification. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2011
- Biomedical device for spasticity quantification based on the velocity dependence of the Stretch Reflex threshold. IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation - ETFA. 2011
- Design and development of a feeding aid device to assist people with deficiency 2011
- Partial plant models in formal verification of industrial automation discrete systems 2011
- Supporting requirements formulation in software formal verification 2011
- A formal approach for safe controllers analysis. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2010
- A holonic approach to the integration of automated systems 2010
- A systematized approach to obtain dependable controllers specifications 2010
- Abordagem sistemática para o controlo seguro de sistemas aeroespaciais 2010
- An approach for spasticity quantification based on the stretch reflex threshold 2010
- Pattern-based analysis of automated production systems. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2009
- Property patterns for the formal verification of automated production systems 2008
- Property patterns for the formal verification of automated production systems 2008
- Ambient Intelligence in Emotion Based Ubiquitous Decision Making 2007
- Ensino-aprendizagem com recurso à tecnologia informática : mudanças observadas nos alunos 2007
- Modelling group decision simulation through argumentation 2007
- Simulation and formal verification of real time systems: A case study 2007
- Software educativo como facilitador da aprendizagem : estudo tomando a função exponencial e a derivada 2007
- Health data management in the medical arena 2004
- Model of mechanism behavior for verification of PLC programs 2004
- A Distributed Web-based Quality Water Diagnosis System in Lakes and Reservoirs 1998
- Extended logic programming applied to the specification of multi-agent systems and their computing environments 1998
- Application of artificial intelligence to law enforcement 1997
- Neural network based time series forecasting system 1995
artigo de revista
- Digital standardization of lean manufacturing tools according to Industry 4.0 concept 2023
- Using Object Detection Technology to Identify Defects in Clothing for Blind People. Bioengineering. 2023
- A systematic approach for energy-efficient design of rolling bearing cages 2023
- Global Resources Management: A Systematic Review and Framework Proposal for Collaborative Management of CPPS. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Intelligent Computer Vision System for Analysis and Characterization of Yarn Quality. Electronics. 2023
- Intelligent Computer Vision System for Analysis and Characterization of Yarn Quality. Electronics. 2023
- Design and validation of a testing 4D mechatronic system for measurement and integrated control of processes 2022
- Influence of the main geometrical parameters on the design and performance of mixed inflow turbines 2022
- Technical risk assessment for the safe design of a man-rider chair lift system 2022
- A Novel Route to Optimize Placement Equipment Kinematics by Coupling Capacitive Accelerometers. Bioengineering. 2022
- Identification of the critical enablers for perishable food supply chain using deterministic assessment models 2022
- An innovative approach for resource sharing and scheduling in a sustainable distributed manufacturing system. Advanced Engineering Informatics. 2022
- Deep Learning for Activity Recognition Using Audio and Video. Electronics. 2022
- A Systematic Analysis of Printed Circuit Boards Bending during In-Circuit Tests. Machines. 2022
- Development of an innovative mechatronic binder machine. Bioengineering. 2022
- A systematic simulation-based multi-criteria decision-making approach for the evaluation of semi-fully flexible machine system process parameters 2022
- Quantum Field Theory Representation in Quantum Computation. Applied Sciences. 2021
- The influence of cork and manufacturing parameters on the properties of cork–rubber composites for vibration isolation applications 2021
- Meta-analysis and forest plots for sustainability of heavy load carrier equipment used in the industrial mining environment 2021
- Hierarchical Temporal Memory Theory Approach to Stock Market Time Series Forecasting. Electronics. 2021
- A Hybrid Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm-Based Semantic Foundation for Sustainable Distributed Manufacturing Systems. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Statistical reliability assessment for small sample of failure data of dumper diesel engines based on power law process and maximum likelihood estimation 2021
- Software Tools for Conducting Real-Time Information Processing and Visualization in Industry: An Up-to-Date Review. Applied Sciences. 2021
- A Simple Strategy for Choosing Network Structures in a Object Detection Project with Transfer Learning. AI Communications. 2021
- Different Scenarios for the Prediction of Hospital Readmission of Diabetic Patients. Journal of Medical Systems. 2021
- Human cognition inspired procedures for part family formation based on novel inspection based clustering approach,Procesos inspirados en la cognición humana para la formación de familias de piezas con un novedoso enfoque de inspección basado en el clusterizado. Dyna (Spain). 2021
- Recommendation System Using Autoencoders. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Literature review on autonomous production control methods. Enterprise Information Systems. 2020
- Analysis of the effect of shape factor on cork–rubber composites under small strain compression 2020
- Categorize Readmitted Patients in Intensive Medicine by Means of Clustering Data Mining. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications. 2020
- Energy Efficient Network Manufacturing System Using Controlled Elitist Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2020
- Incremental Algorithm for Association Rule Mining under Dynamic Threshold. Applied Sciences. 2019
- Application of Data Mining for the Prediction of Mortality and Occurrence of Complications for Gastric Cancer Patients. Entropy. 2019
- A New Methodology for Use by a Single Caregiver to Bathe Bedridden Elderly Persons Using Advanced Mechatronic Systems. Healthcare. 2019
- Integrated process planning and scheduling in networked manufacturing systems for I4.0: a review and framework proposal. Wireless Networks. 2019
- A Deep-Big Data Approach to Health Care in the AI Age. Mobile Networks & Applications. 2018
- A Collaborative Multiplicative Holt-Winters Forecasting Approach with Dynamic Fuzzy-Level Component. Applied Sciences. 2018
- A study of copper and zinc contamination on the work piece surface based on WEDM. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2018
- An analysis of the impact of UTAUT predictors on the intention and usage of electronic health records and telemedicine from the perspective of clinical staffs. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2018
- Collaborative framework for virtual organisation synthesis based on a dynamic multi-criteria decision model. International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing. 2018
- Collaborative paradigm for single-machine scheduling under just-in-time principles: Total holding-tardiness cost problem. Management and Production Engineering Review. 2018
- Simulation of cyber physical systems behaviour using timed plant models. Mechatronics. 2018
- Formal verification considering a systematic modeling approach for function blocks. Journal of the Brazilian SocIETy of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 2017
- Bath-Ambience—A Mechatronic System for Assisting the Caregivers of Bedridden People. Bioengineering. 2017
- Development of an automatic system for the measurement of force and stroke parameters of car radio keypads. Measurement. 2017
- A Formal Methodology for Accomplishing IEC 61850 Real-Time Communication Requirements. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2017
- Blood type classification using computer vision and machine learning. Expert Systems with Applications. 2017
- Comparative Simulation Study of Production Scheduling in the Hybrid and the Parallel Flow. Management and Production Engineering Review. 2017
- Deaf people feeling music rhythm by using a sensing and actuating device. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2017
- Determination of human blood type using image processing techniques. Measurement. 2017
- Machine Learning in Nutritional Follow-up Research. Open Computer Science. 2017
- Sensors and actuators on determining parameters for being considered in selection of elastomers for biomimetic hands. Bioengineering. 2017
- Telefacturing Based Distributed Manufacturing Environment for Optimal Manufacturing Service by Enhancing the Interoperability in the Hubs. Journal of Engineering. 2017
- Using timed automata for modeling, simulating and verifying networked systems controller's specifications. Expert Systems with Applications. 2017
- A Faster and More Secure Human Blood Type Determining Product—Concept Design. Journal of Medical Devices, Transactions of the Asme. 2016
- Mechatronic System for Performing Blood Pre-Transfusion Tests. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2016
- The Conceptual Design of a Mechatronic System to Handle Bedridden Elderly Individuals. Bioengineering. 2016
- Aero-stabilizer workbenches for the teaching of PID control. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2016
- Application of lean approaches and techniques in an automotive company. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2016
- Development of a Medical Care Terminal for Efficient Monitoring of Bedridden Subjects. Journal of Engineering. 2016
- Ergonomics and usability in the development of a portable virtual gaming device applied in physiotherapy. Transactions of Famena. 2016
- Information organization and production planning improvement in a clothes company in Portugal. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2016
- Integrated platform for real-time control and production and productivity monitoring and analysis. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2016
- Purchase management improvement in a TV company from the industry district of Manaus (PIM). Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2016
- Yarn features extraction using image processing and computer vision - A study with cotton and polyester yarns. Measurement. 2015
- Improving Quality of Services in Maternity Care Triage System. Healthcare Ethics and Training: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. 2015
- Mechanical simulation model of the systemic circulation. Measurement. 2015
- An integrated framework for supporting fuzzy decision-making in networked manufacturing environments. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2015
- Bed design with mechatronic system to decrease pressure ulcers. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2015
- Sustainable practices for electrical energy network management: A literature review and proposal. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2015
- A Specification Patterns System for Discrete Event Systems Analysis. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2013
- A multidisciplinary experience in Remote Physiological Systems laboratory. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2013
- A multidisciplinary experience in Remote Physiological Systems laboratory. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2013
- Evolutionary intelligence in asphalt pavement modeling and quality-of-information. Progress in AI. 2012
- Conceptual design and development of an automated co-generation system. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2012
- Advanced design of a mechatronic system for human blood typing. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2012
- Water Quality Modelling using Artificial Intelligence based Tools. International Journal of Design and Nature and Ecodynamics. 2012
- Safe controllers design for industrial automation systems. Computers & Industrial Engineering. 2011
- Design and development of an industrial network laboratory. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning. 2011
- Design of a mechatronic system for application of hardware-in-the-loop simulation technique. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2011
- Design of an adapted standing frame for rehabilitation of children with mental deficiency. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2011
- An approach for spasticity quantification based on the stretch reflex threshold. Romanian Review Precision Mechanics, Optics and Mechatronics. 2010
- Teaching kinematics and dynamics of multibody mechanical systems using the object oriented language modelica. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2009
- Apresentação gráfica do conceito de função e sua implicação nas atitudes e na aprendizagem dos alunos. Psicologia, Educação e Cultura. 2008
capítulo de livro
- Immersive Shopping Experiences: The Role of Augmented Reality in E-Commerce 2024
- Review for Augmented Reality Shopping Application for Mobile Systems 2024
- Simulation Approach for Solving Production Problems Reducing Total Processing Time 2024
- Spatial Computing and Augmented Reality—Challenges in E-Commerce 2024
- Vision Inspection Design for Systematic Production of Needle Beds: An Industrial Application 2024
- A Machine Learning Approach to Evaluating the Relationship Between Dental Extraction and Craniofacial Growth in Adolescents 2023
- A Step Towards Obtaining an Innovative Smartbath for Shower in Bed of Disabled and Elder¿s People 2023
- A Systematic Literature Review of Management and Technological Approaches Integration with Industry 4.0 2023
- Analysis of Basic Characteristics of Textile Yarn Using Image Processing Techniques 2023
- Big Data in Healthcare Institutions: An Architecture Proposal 2023
- Enhancing Data Science Interoperability: An Innovative System for Managing OpenEHR Structures 2023
- How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are Affecting Real Estate 2023
- Implementing a Software-as-a-Service Strategy in Healthcare Workflows 2023
- Intelligent Systems in Healthcare: An Architecture Proposal 2023
- Multi-agent System for Multimodal Machine Learning Object Detection 2023
- Prediction Models Applied to Lung Cancer Using Data Mining 2023
- Analysing Impact of the Digitalization on Visual Inspection Process in Smartphone Manufacturing by Using Computer Vision. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2022
- Classification of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Based on Correlation Weight Using Machine Learning 2022
- Design and Validation of a Feeding System for the Systematic Production of Needle Beds 2022
- Evaluating the Statistical Process Control Data Acquisition System in a Heat Exchanger Factory. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2022
- Medical Recommendation System Based on Daily Clinical Reports: A Proposed NLP Approach for Emergency Departments 2022
- An Intelligent Scheduling System Architecture for Manufacturing Systems Based on I4.0 Requirements 2021
- Contactless Human-Computer Interaction Using a Deep Neural Network Pipeline for Real-Time Video Interpretation and Classification. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2021
- Data Mining Approach to Understand the Association Between Mental Disorders and Unemployment 2021
- Data Mining for the Prediction of Fetal Malformation Through Cardiotocography Data 2021
- Diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy Using Data Mining Classification Techniques 2021
- Prediction Models for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Using Data Mining 2021
- Performance Evaluation of Different Mechanisms of Production Activity Control in the Context of Industry 4.0 2020
- Production Planning and Setup Time Optimization: An Industrial Case Study. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2020
- Step Towards Interoperability in Nursing Practice 2020
- A Methodology of improvement of manufacturing productivity through increasing operational efficiency of the production process. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2018
- Intelligent platform for supervision and production activity control in real time. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2018
- A prática de atividade física de crianças e jovens de três freguesias do concelho de Amarante 2017
- Virtual Reality based Ecodesign. EcoProduction. 2017
- Improving Production Flexibility in an Industrial Company by Shortening Changeover Time: A Triple Helix Collaborative Project 2016
- Length of Stay in Intensive Care Units - A Case Base Evaluation. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. 2016
- Artificial Neural Networks in Stroke Predisposition Screening 2015
- An Artificial Neuronal Network Approach to Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 2014
- An Assessment on the Length of Hospital Stay through Artificial Neural Networks 2014
- An Intelligent Approach for Open Clinical Laboratory Results in Intensive Care Medicine. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2014
- Healthcare Interoperability through Intelligent Agent Technology. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Managing Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy using Data Mining. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Unemployed 50+: exploring risk factors for depression in Europe 2013
- Unemployed 50+: exploring risk factors for depression in Europe. 2013
- A systematized approach to obtain dependable controller specifications for hybrid plants 2012
- ScheduleIT - Open-Source Preventive Actions Management Plataform in Healthcare Information Systems. Information Processing Letters. 2012
- Quality of Knowledge in Virtual Entities 2008
- O uso de jogos com finalidade séria: propriedades percebidas por pais de crianças com paralisia cerebral 2021
- Preface of the "symposium on dependable mechatronic systems". AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015
- A Multi-agent Platform for Hospital Interoperability 2014
- A Pervasive Intelligent System for Scoring MEWS and TISS-28 in Intensive Care 2014
- Preface of the "Symposium on dependable mechatronic systems". AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- A família, a escola e a sociedade na protecção das crianças ao fumo ambiental do tabaco 2011
- Exposição das crianças ao fumo de tabaco (FAT) em casa e no carro: um estudo realizado no concelho de Braga 2011
- A web-based collaboration approach for teaching in medicine 2006
- Agent driven diagnosis in medicine 2005
- Agent based decision support systems in medicine 2005
- Health data management in the medical arena 2004
- Data warehousing through multi-agent systems in the medical arena 2004
- E-learning in medical environments using intelligent tutoring systems 2004
- Concepção e realização do comando operacional de sistemas industriais de eventos discretos 2001
- Síntese e implementação do comando de Sistemas Automatizados de Produção utilizando Statecharts e as linguagens IEC 61 131-3 2001
- Standardizing Corneal Transplantation Records with openEHR: Case Study (Preprint)
- A Comprehensive Study on Personal and Medical Information to Predict Diabetes 2023
- Recommendation of Medical Exams to Support Clinical Diagnosis Based on Patient’s Symptoms 2023
- Smart Cities Using Crowdsensing and Geoferenced Notifications 2023
- The Impact of Contingency Measures on the COVID-19 Reproduction Rate 2023
- A Comparative Study of Data Mining Techniques Applied to Renal-Cell Carcinomas 2022
- Classification of Dementia in Adults 2022
- Crowdsensing on Smart Cities: A Systematic Review 2022
- Improving the Effectiveness of Heart Disease Diagnosis with Machine Learning 2022
- Predicting Diabetes Disease in the Female Adult Population, Using Data Mining 2022
- Sustainable and Social Energy on Smart Cities: Systematic Review 2022
- A CRISP-DM Approach for Predicting Liver Failure Cases: An Indian Case Study 2021
- A proof of concept of a business intelligence platform to support the decision-making process of health professionals in waiting lists 2021
- Data Mining Approach to Classify Cases of Lung Cancer 2021
- Step Towards Predicting Patient Length of Stay in Intensive Care Units 2021
- Anticipating Maintenance in Telecom Installation Processes 2020
- Bridging the Gap of Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Evolutionary Biology to Propose an Approach to Machine Learning of Human-Like Ethics 2020
- How to Assess the Acceptance of an Electronic Health Record System? 2020
- Improving Performance of Recommendation System Architecture 2020
- Integrating a Data Mining Engine into Recommender Systems 2020
- The Development of a Business Intelligence Web Application to Support the Decision-Making Process Regarding Absenteeism in the Workplace 2020
- Mechatronic system for the promotion of physical activity in people with motor limitations: First insights 2019
- Model proposal to evaluate the quality of a production planning and control software in an industrial context 2019
- Predicting Death and Morbidity in Perforated Peptic Ulcer 2019
- Tools implementation in management of continuous improvement processes 2019
- Applied Business Intelligence in Surgery Waiting Lists Management 2018
- Business Intelligence for Nutrition Therapy 2018
- Computer vision techniques for detecting yarn defects 2018
- Computer vision techniques for detecting yarn defects 2018
- Pervasive business intelligence in misericordias – A Portuguese case study 2018
- Step towards a pervasive data system for intensive care medicine 2018
- Waiting Time Screening in Healthcare 2018
- A prática de atividade física de crianças e jovens de três freguesias do concelho de Amarante 2017
- Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis: Business Intelligence applied to patient monitoring CAPD study and statistics 2017
- SmartBath: A new bathing concept for disabled people 2017
- Velocity and brightness control in prototype for blood type determination 2017
- A Case Based Approach to Assess Waiting Time Prediction at an Intensive Care Unity 2016
- Pervasive adaptive data acquisition gateway for critical healthcare 2016
- Waiting Time Screening in Diagnostic Medical Imaging – A Case-Based View 2016
- A virtual workbench applied to automation: Student's response analysis 2015
- Artificial neural networks in diagnosis of liver diseases 2015
- Clustering barotrauma patients in ICU–A data mining based approach using ventilator variables 2015
- Logic programming and artificial neural networks in breast cancer detection 2015
- Knowledge Acquisition Process for Intelligent Decision Support in Critical Health Care 2013
- Hospital database workload and fault forecasting 2012
- Evolutionary Intelligence in Agent Modeling and Interoperability 2011
- Agents, Trust and Contracts 2010
- A Memory Assistant for the Elderly 2009
- Quality of Knowledge in Virtual Entities 2008
- Argumentative Procedures in e-Commerce Environments 2003