publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- The effects of motivation in student academic success. IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference. 2020
- Hands on Experiments about Water Needs in Agriculture and Their Mathematical Modelling under Climate Change 2019
- Industrial engineering and management PBL implementation: An effortless experience? 2019
- Irrigation planning with thin meshes 2019
- Replanning the irrrigation systems 2019
- Optimal control of irrigation with field capacity modes: Characterizing the minimal water consumption solution 2018
- An optimal control approach to the irrigation planning problem 2013
- Irrigation planning: An optimal control approach. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- Irrigation planning: Replanning and numerical solution. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- Irrigation planning in the context of climate change 2011
- On the relation between inward pointing velocity conditions. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2011
- On the degeneracy of optimality conditions for control problems with set-inclusion constraints 2010
- Necessary conditions of optimality for calculus of variations problems with inequality constraints. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2009
- On normal forms of necessary conditions of optimality for dynamic optimization problems with constraints. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. 2009
artigo de revista
- Modelling of smart irrigation with replan and redistribution algorithms. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. 2022
- A new stabilised scheme for the Richards’ equation with evapotranspiration. Groundwater for Sustainable Development. 2022
- Analytical Study for Different Extremal State Solutions of an Irrigation Optimal Control Problem with Field Capacity Modes. International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics. 2022
- Normality of Necessary Optimality Conditions for Calculus of Variations Problems with State Constraints. Set-Valued and Variational Analysis. 2019
- Optimal control applied to an irrigation planning problem: A real case study in Portugal. International Journal of Hydrology Science and Technology. 2019
- Optimized Planning of Different Crops in a Field Using Optimal Control in Portugal. Sustainability (MDPI). 2018
- Tau Deletion Prevents Stress-Induced Dendritic Atrophy in Prefrontal Cortex: Role of Synaptic Mitochondria.. Cerebral Cortex. 2017
- Optimal control of a multi-field irrigation problem: validation of a numerical solution by the optimality conditions. i-ETC: ISEL Academic Journal of Electronics Telecommunications and Computers. 2017
- Tau protein is essential for stress-induced brain pathology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2016
- Absence of Tau triggers age-dependent sciatic nerve morphofunctional deficits and motor impairment. Aging Cell. 2016
- Optimal Control Applied to an Irrigation Planning Problem. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. 2016
- Selective impact of Tau loss on nociceptive primary afferents and pain sensation. Experimental Neurology. 2014
- An integral-type constraint qualification to guarantee nondegeneracy of the maximum principle for optimal control problems with state constraints. Systems and Control Letters. 2013
- Normal forms of necessary conditions for dynamic optimization problems with pathwise inequality constraints. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 2013
- On constraint qualifications for nondegenerate necessary conditions of optimality applied to optimal control problems. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 2011
- Regularity of minimizers for higher order variational problems in one independent variable. Annual Reviews in Control. 2011
- On stronger forms of first-order necessary conditions of optimality for state-constrained control problems. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. 2008
capítulo de livro
- Water Management in Several Types of Soil – A Hands-On Science Experiment for Students 2022
- Irrigation Planning with Fine Meshes. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Low-Cost Videos for Learning Mathematics by Teaching 2020
- Optimal Control of the Irrigation Problem: Characterization of the Solution. Information Processing Letters. 2014