publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Online learning, perceived difficulty and the role of feedback in COVID-19 times. Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 2024
- Consumer Brand Engagement Fostered by Cause-Related Marketing in Emotional and Functional Brands. Journal of Nonprofit and Public Sector Marketing. 2024
- COX-2 inhibitor delivery system aiming intestinal inflammatory disorders. Biomaterials Advances. 2024
- Remote teaching in times of COVID-19: teachers’ adaptation and pupil level of participation. Technology Pedagogy and Education. 2023
- Fucoidan-Coated Silica Nanoparticles Promote the Differentiation of Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells into the Osteogenic Lineage. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. 2023
- Chitosan/Virgin-Coconut-Oil-Based System Enriched with Cubosomes: A 3D Drug-Delivery Approach. Marine Drugs. 2023
- Portuguese higher education students' adaptation to online teaching and learning in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: personal and contextual factors. Higher Education. 2022
- Fucoidan-based hydrogels particles as versatile carriers for diabetes treatment strategies. Journal of Biomaterials Science. Polymer Edition. 2022
- Hyaluronic acid hydrogels reinforced with laser spun bioactive glass micro- and nanofibres doped with lithium. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2021
- Multilayer platform to model the bioactivity of hyaluronic acid in gastric cancer. Biomaterials Advances. 2021
- Building fucoidan/agarose-based hydrogels as a platform for the development of therapeutic approaches against diabetes. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. 2021
- Ensino e aprendizagem à distância em tempos de COVID-19. Um estudo com alunos do ensino superior | Distance learning and teaching during Covid-19 pandemic: a study with higher education students| . Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia. 2021
- Co-assembly of peptide and carbohydrate amphiphiles to generate proteoglycan mimics. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical SocIETy. 2018
- Sulfation of Glycosaminoglycans and Its Implications in Human Health and Disorders. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering. 2017
- Chlapsin, a chloroplastidial aspartic proteinase from the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Planta. 2012
- The heterologous systems in the study of cardosin b trafficking pathways. Plant Signaling and Behavior. 2011
- Characterization of aspartic proteinases in C. cardunculus L. callus tissue for its prospective transformation. Plant Science. 2010
- Dissecting cardosin B trafficking pathways in heterologous systems. Planta. 2010
- Estado actual e evolução da epidemia tabágica, em Portugal e na Europa 2009
- Cardosins in postembryonic development of cardoon: Towards an elucidation of the biological function of plant aspartic proteinases. Protoplasma. 2008
- Isolation and characterisation of a cDNA encoding a novel cytosolic ascorbate peroxidase from potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L.). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum. 2006
- Organ-specific distribution and subcellular localisation of ascorbate peroxidase isoenzymes in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants. Protoplasma. 2005
artigo de conferência
- Book of Abstracts of the II Symposium in Applied Biochemistry 2021
- Hyaluronan density influences adhesion, morphology and migration of cancer cells 2018
- Short carbohydrate amphiphiles as smart therapeutics targeting cancer 2018
- Métodos de avaliação no Ensino Superior: um estudo em cinco universidades públicas 2017
- Undergraduates’ views of assessment in higher education: a study carried out in Portugal 2017
- University teachers’ perceptions about assessment practices: a study in five Portuguese universities 2017
- Biomedical potential of fucoidan, a seaweed sulfated polysaccharide: from a anticancer agent to a building block of cell encapsulating systems for regenerative medicine. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2016
- Evaluation of the potential of fucoidan-based microparticles for diabetes treatment 2016
- Atas do 1º Colóquio Desafios Curriculares e Pedagógicos na Formação de Professores - Proceedings of the 1st Colloquium Curricular and Pedagogical Challenges in Teacher Training 2015
- Adhesion of adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells to patterned protein-glycosaminoglycan surfaces 2013
- Thiolated chitosan/glycosaminoglycans multilayered films : QCM-D study on the films formation and their biological properties 2012
- A avaliação das aprendizagens no ensino superior: a perspectiva dos estudantes 2011
- Bologna process and its implications: what does the research literature tell us? 2011
artigo de revista
- Layer-by-layer coated calcium carbonate nanoparticles for targeting breast cancer cells. Biomaterials Advances. 2023
- Microfluidic-Assisted Interfacial Complexation of Extracellular Matrix Components to Mimic the Properties of Neural Tissues. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2023
- Adhesive and Antibacterial Films Based on Marine-Derived Fucoidan and Chitosan. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 2022
- Hyaluronan Brush-like Copolymers Promote CD44 Declustering in Breast Cancer Cells. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2022
- RHAMM expression tunes the response of breast cancer cell lines to hyaluronan. Acta Biomaterialia. 2022
- Investigating assessment in higher education: students’ perceptions. Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 2022
- Antithrombotic and hemocompatible properties of nanostructured coatings assembled from block copolymers. Acta Biomaterialia. 2022
- Investigating the Effect of the Programme of Study on University Students Perceptions about Assessment. Educational Assessment. 2022
- Investigating the Effect of the Programme of Study on University Students Perceptions about Assessment. Educational Assessment. 2022
- How do undergraduates perceive the use of assessment? A study in higher education. European Journal of Higher Education. 2022
- Antibacterial nanopatterned coatings for dental implants. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2022
- Influence of Hyaluronan Density on the Behavior of Breast Cancer Cells with Different CD44 Expression. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2021
- 3D hydrogel mimics of the tumor microenvironment: The interplay among hyaluronic acid, stem cells and cancer cells. Biomaterials Science. 2021
- A loucura no feminino: mulheres alienadas no Hospital do Conde de Ferreira (1883-1928) 2021
- Co-localization and crosstalk between CD44 and RHAMM depend on hyaluronan presentation. Acta Biomaterialia. 2021
- Bioorthogonal Labeling Reveals Different Expression of Glycans in Mouse Hippocampal Neuron Cultures during Their Development. Biomolecules. 2020
- Hyaluronic Acid of Low Molecular Weight Triggers the Invasive Hummingbird Phenotype on Gastric Cancer Cells. Advanced Biosystems. 2020
- Bactericidal nanopatterns generated by block copolymer self-assembly 2020
- Inhibiting cancer metabolism by aromatic carbohydrate amphiphiles that act as antagonists of the glucose transporter GLUT1. Chemical Science. 2020
- PTSD, psychological morbidity and marital dissatisfaction in colonial war veterans. Journal of Mental Health. 2020
- Portuguese university students' conceptions of assessment: taking responsibility for achievement. Higher Education. 2019
- Portuguese university students' conceptions of assessment: taking responsibility for achievement. Higher Education. 2019
- Bioinspired baroplastic glycosaminoglycan sealants for soft tissues. Acta Biomaterialia. 2019
- Minimalistic supramolecular proteoglycan mimics by co-assembly of aromatic peptide and carbohydrate amphiphiles. Chemical Science. 2019
- Photocrosslinked acemannan-based 3D matrices for in vitro cell culture. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2019
- Molecular weight of surface immobilized hyaluronic acid influences CD44-mediated binding of gastric cancer cells. Acta Cytologica. 2018
- Absence of Albumin Improves in Vitro Cellular Uptake and Disruption of Poloxamer 407-Based Nanoparticles inside Cancer Cells. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2018
- Perceptions of Portuguese undergraduate students about assessment: a study in five public universities. Educational Studies. 2017
- Design of protein delivery systems by mimicking extracellular mechanisms for protection of growth factors 2017
- Extracellular matrix-inspired assembly of glycosaminoglycan-collagen fibers. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2017
- Surfaces Mimicking Glycosaminoglycans Trigger Different Response of Stem Cells via Distinct Fibronectin Adsorption and Reorganization. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2016
- Assessment revisited: a review of research in Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education. 2016
- Conceptions and Practices of Assessment in Higher Education: A Study of Portuguese University Teachers. Revista Iberoamericana de Evaluación Educativa. 2016
- Fabrication and characterization of Eri silk fibers-based sponges for biomedical application. Acta Biomaterialia. 2016
- Fucoidan Hydrogels Photo-Cross-Linked with Visible Radiation As Matrices for Cell Culture. ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering. 2016
- Adhesion of Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells to Glycosaminoglycan Surfaces with Different Protein Patterns. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2015
- Controlling Cancer Cell Fate Using Localized Biocatalytic Self-Assembly of an Aromatic Carbohydrate Amphiphile. Journal of Chemical Education. 2015
- Pre-service Teachers’ Views of Their Training: Key Issues to Sustain Quality Teacher Education. Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability. 2014
- Avaliação e feedback no ensino superior : um estudo na Universidade do Minho. Revista Ibero-Americana de Educação. 2013
- Functional biopolymer-based matrices for modulation of chronic wound enzyme activities. Acta Biomaterialia. 2013
- Interactions between exogenous FGF-2 and sulfonic groups: In situ characterization and impact on the morphology of human adipose-derived stem cells. Langmuir. 2013
- Percepções dos estudantes universitários sobre a avaliação das aprendizagens: um estudo exploratório. Avaliação: Revista da Avaliação da Educação Superior. 2012
- GAGs-thiolated chitosan assemblies for chronic wounds treatment: Control of enzyme activity and cell attachment. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2012
- Sulfonic groups induce formation of filopodia in mesenchymal stem cells. Journal of Materials Chemistry. 2012
- Estado actual e evolução da epidemia tabágica, em Portugal e na Europa. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2009
capítulo de livro
- Kintsugi Philosophy in Clothing Design for a More Circular Fashion 2023
- Supramolecular Assemblies of Glycopeptides as Mimics of the Extracellular Matrix 2022
- Supramolecular assemblies of glycopeptides as mimics of the extracellular matrix 2022
- Conceções e uso da avaliação na perspetiva dos estudantes e dos professores 2019
- Conceções e uso da avaliação na perspetiva dos estudantes e dos professores [Students and teachers' conceptions and use of assessment] 2019
- Conclusões e implicações 2019
- Conclusões e implicações - conclusions and implications 2019
- Conclusões e implicações/ Conclusions and implications 2019
- Métodos de avaliação: A visão dos estudantes e dos professores 2019
- Métodos de avaliação: A visão dos estudantes e dos professores [Assessment methods: students' and teachers' views] 2019
- O projeto de investigação 2019
- O projeto de investigação [The Research Project] 2019
- Revisão da literatura 2019
- A avaliação no ensino superior na perspetiva dos estudantes: um estudo em cinco universidades portuguesas 2018
- Cell-Free Layer Measurements in a Network with Bifurcating Microchannels Using a Global Approach 2015
- Adhesive and antibacterial membranes from marine-derived fucoidan and chitosan 2022
- Injectable thermosensitive catechol-modified chitosan hydrogels with superior adhesion for bone tissue regeneration 2021
- Physical activity differentiates attention, processing speed and memory performance in elderly adults 2021
- Construction of Fucoidan-based hydrogels as pancreatic beta cells encapsulating system for diabetes treatment 2019
- Generation of block copolymer nanopatterns to elucidate their influence on cell adhesion and morphology 2019
- Hyaluronan degree of freedom determines its recognition and cell response in breast cancer cells 2019
- Immobilized Oligo-HA modulates the dhesion and migration of AGS gastric cancer cells via the AKT pathway 2019
- Modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles improves BMP2 loading and its release timeframe 2019
- State of the art approaches for imaging the cell glycome 2019
- Supramolecular hydrogels for soft tissue engineering generated by self-assembly of NapFF 2019
- 2Nap-FF and 1-Nap-FF supramolecular hydrogels are suitable for soft tissue engineering 2019
- Development of mesoporous silica-based nanoparticles as BMP-2 controled release systems 2019
- Different approaches to image the glycans expression by the cells 2019
- Different energy inputs promotes helicity change in the supramolecular arrangement of carbohydrates 2019
- Different nanopatterns obtained by block co-polymer self assembly influence cell adhesion and morphology 2019
- Fucoidan-based hydrogels as pancreatic beta cells encapsulating system 2019
- Immobilized oligosaccharides of hyaluronic acid induce the migration and proliferation of AGS gastric cancer cells through the activation of the AKT pathway 2019
- RHAMM/CD44 expression and co-localization in breast cancer cells depends on hyaluronan presentation 2019
- Carbohydrate stereoisomers self-assemble into supramolecular fibers with different helicity 2019
- Nanopatterns generated by self-assembly of block copolymers affect cell adhesion and morphology 2019
- Out of equilibrium assembly of carbohydrate amphiphiles as a modulator of supramolecular helicity and gelation 2019
- Micropatterned supramolecular hydrogels promote cell alignment 2019
- Minimalistic supramolecular hydrogels for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine 2019
- Silica-based nanoparticles as BMP-2 localized delivery systems for bone tissue engineering applications 2019
- Antibacterial properties of block copolymers patterns 2019
- Media Multitaskers: who are they and who do they become? 2019
- Out of equilibrium assembly of carbohydrate amphiphiles as a modulator of the supramolecular helicity and gelation 2019
- Crosstalk between the main receptors of hyaluronan: a FRET-based study on CD44/RHAMM dynamics upon HA binding 2018
- Design of fucoidan-agarose hydrogels as a platform for encapsulation of pancreatic cells towards and advanced therapy for diabetes mellitus 2018
- Development of micropatterned supramolecular hydrogels for myocardium regeneration 2018
- Ephithelial-mesenchymal transition of gastric cancer cells depends on the molecular weight of hyaluronic acid 2018
- Hyaluronan gradientes – nanoglycotool to understand the role of HA-CD44 interactions in cancer 2018
- Micropatterned supramolecular hydrogels promote cell alignment for myocardium regeneration 2018
- Diblock, tree- and brush-like glycosaminoglycan copolymers with preserved bioactivity by end-on oxime ligation 2017
- Biofunctional supramolecular hydrogels by co-assembly of simple carbohydrate and peptide amphiphiles 2017
- Development of a glycan-based platform for the elucidation cell-glycosaminoglycans interactions 2017
- Extracellular matrix inspired models for gastric cancer development: focus on hyaluronan-CD44 interactions 2017
- Glycosaminoglycans incorporation on periodic block copolymer patterns for cell behaviour studies. 2017
- High-throughput platform for the elucidation of cell-glycosaminoglycans interactions 2017
- Influence of the molecular weight of immobilized hyaluronic acid on the behavior of CD44-overexpressing cells 2017
- Métodos de avaliação no Ensino Superior: um estudo em cinco universidades públicas - Assessment methods in Higher Education: a study in five public universities 2017
- Response of cancer cells overexpressing CD44 to multilayer systems incorporating HA with different molecular weights 2017
- Smart Carbohydrate Nanonets: appealing at the sweet side of cancer 2017
- Glycosaminoglycan copolymers with preserved bioactivity by Oxime Click: application as GFs delivery systems, PG mimic fibers gels and surfaces 2016
- Glycosaminoglycan micro-patterned hydrogels promote stem cell differentiation: effect of surface chemistry and pattern 2016
- Regulation of gastric cancer invasiveness by hyaluronic acid with specific molecular weight 2016
- Synthesis of biofunctional supramolecular hydrogels by co-assembly of simple carbohydrate and peptide amphiphiles 2016
- Assessing the potential of fucoidan-based microparticles for biomedical application 2015
- Molecular weight of surface immobilized hyaluronic acid influences CD44-mediated adhesion of gastric cancer cells 2015
- Stem cells behaviour on glycosaminoglycan-like surfaces: effect of fibronectin adsorption 2015
- Influence of the sulfation degree on fibronectin binding and stem cell adhesion 2014
- Metabolic glycoengineering in hippocampal neurons: cellular uptake of exogenously supplied non-natural sugars", 2014
- Molecular weight of surface immobilized hyaluronic acid influences CD44-mediated binding of AGS gastric cancer cells 2014
- Sulfonated surfaces as reservoirs of FGF-2: QCM-D study and interactions with human adipose-derived stem cells 2013
- The Interactions Between Exogenous FGF-2 and Sulfonic Groups: Impact on the Morphology of Human Adipose-Derived Stem Cells 2013
- Cytoskeleton organization in mesenchymal stem cells induced by sulfonic groups 2012
- Sulfation degree of glycosaminoglycans triggers distinct cytoskeleton organisation in mesenchymal stem cells. International Review of Neurobiology. 2012
- Becoming a teacher in challenging times : findings from research carried out in Portugal 2011
- Bologna process and its implications: what does the research literature tell us? 2011
- Students' perceptions about assessment in higher education : findings from ongoing research 2011
poster de conferência
- Assessment in higher education and quality of learning: perceptions, practices and implications 2016
- A avaliação das aprendizagens no ensino superior na perspectiva dos estudantes : um estudo exploratório 2011
- Expressão de cardosinas A e B em linhas transgénicas de Arabidopsis thaliana : caracterização fenotípica e imunolocalização em flores 2011
- Obtenção e caracterização de linhas celulares de BY-2 a expressar cardosinas 2009