publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Genome sequence of Erwinia amylovora bacteriophage Omen 2024
- COX-2 inhibitor delivery system aiming intestinal inflammatory disorders. Biomaterials Advances. 2024
- The Dark Side of Fun: Understanding Dark Patterns and Literacy Needs in Early Childhood Mobile Gaming. European Conference on Games Based Learning. 2023
- Surgical approaches to colonic and rectal anastomosis: systematic review and meta-analysis. International Journal of Colorectal Disease. 2023
- Paving the way forward: Escherichia coli bacteriophages in a One Health approach. Antibiotics. 2023
- Shifting the distribution curve for healthcare resource use through topical oxygen therapy for wound healing. Journal of Wound Care (JWC). 2022
- Prediction of Noninvasive Ventilation Failure in COVID-19 Patients: When Shall We Stop?. Cureus. 2022
- Contributo para um retrato dos Socorristas da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa: Saúde, Trabalho, Coping e Suporte Social. Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Ocupacional. 2021
- Are olive pomace powders a safe source of bioactives and nutrients?. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2021
- What motivates patients with COPD to be physically active? A cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2021
- Epinephrine May Contribute to the Persistence of Traumatic Memories in a Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Animal Model. Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience. 2020
- Silk-based microcarriers: current developments and future perspectives. IET Nanobiotechnology. 2020
- High efficient strategy for the production of hydroxyapatite/silk sericin nanocomposites. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2020
- Portuguese honeys as antimicrobial agents against Candida species. Journal of Traditional and Complementary Medicine. 2020
- Consenso Português para o Diagnóstico e Gestão Clínica da Demência com Corpos de Lewy (PORTUCALE) 2020
- Ergonomic analysis of a bending workplace in a metalworking industry. SHO2019: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE. 2019
- Nota da Equipa Editorial: Revista Comunicando Volume 8, Número 1 2019
- Thermal environment in freight transport - the case of a vehicle without air conditioning. SHO2019: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE. 2019
- Avaliação Psicológica de Jovens com Comportamentos Desviantes. Análise Psicológica. 2015
- Jueces hablando con niños: terminología legal utilizada en la toma de declaración de menores (Judges Talking With Children: Legal Terminology Used When Interviewing Taking Statements from Children). Revista de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente. 2015
- Interleukin-1ß genotype and circulating levels in cancer patients: Metastatic status and pain perception. Clinical Biochemistry. 2014
- A compreensão da terminologia legal e dos processos judiciais pelas crianças (Children's Comprehension of Legal Terminology and Court Proceedings). e-cadernos CES. 2013
- Complete genome sequence of the broad-host-range Paenibacillus larvae phage phiIBB_Pl23. Antibiotics. 2013
- Development of a simple and rapid spectrophotometric method for the quantification of carboxyhemoglobin. Toxicology Letters. 2013
artigo de conferência
- Utilization of ß-farnesene distillation and evaporation residues for the production of green polyol and its subsequent conversion to polyurethane foams 2021
- Thermal environment in freight transport - the case of a vehicle without air conditioning 2019
- A literacia mediática e a sua dimensão criativa na documentação nacional e internacional (1982-2017): um estudo 2019
- Incorporation of metallurgical wastes as inorganic fillers in resins 2018
- Literature review and analysis of wrist rehabilitation devices. ICOPEV International Conference on Project Economic Evaluation. 2018
- Extraction and characterization of extracellular polymeric substances from aerobic granular sludge from a full-scale sequencing batch reactor in Portugal 2017
- Introducing the per-fide project: parallelizing portuguese with six different languages (Español, Russian, Français, Italiano, Deutsch, English) 2010
artigo de revista
- Effect of phage vB_EcoM_FJ1 on the reduction of ETEC O9:H9 infection in a neonatal pig cell line. Veterinary Research. 2023
- Violence against Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic: From Children to the Elderly. Social Sciences. 2023
- Psychosocial risks factors among victim support workers during the COVID-19 pandemic: a study with the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire. BMC Psychology. 2022
- The Different Contexts of Domestic Violence Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Portuguese Overview 2022
- Metronidazole Delivery Nanosystem Able To Reduce the Pathogenicity of Bacteria in Colorectal Infection. Biomacromolecules. 2022
- Impact of Simulated Human Gastrointestinal Digestion on the Bioactive Fraction of Upcycled Pineapple By-Products. Antibiotics. 2022
- Study of olive pomace antioxidant dietary fibre powder throughout gastrointestinal tract as multisource of phenolics, fatty acids and dietary fibre. Food Research International. 2021
- Complete Genome Sequences of Eight Phages Infecting Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in Swine. Antibiotics. 2020
- Honey as a Strategy to Fight Candida tropicalis in Mixed-Biofilms with Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Antibiotics. 2020
- Are olive pomace powders a safe source of bioactives and nutrients?. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2020
- Peer support in prehospital emergency: the first responders' point of view. International Journal of Emergency Services. 2020
- Simulated digestion of an olive pomace water-soluble ingredient: relationship between the bioaccessibility of compounds and their potential health benefits. Food Bioscience. 2020
- Characterization of a new podovirus infecting Paenibacillus larvae. Acta Cytologica. 2019
- Identification of the first endolysin Cell Binding Domain (CBD) targeting Paenibacillus larvae. Acta Cytologica. 2019
- Bacteriophage biodistribution and infectivity from honeybee to bee larvae using a T7 phage model. Acta Cytologica. 2019
- Design and development of a new approach to wrist rehabilitation. International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics. 2019
- Nota da Equipa Editorial: Revista Comunicando Volume 8, Número 1. Revista Comunicando. 2019
- Traffic noise and pavement distresses: Modelling and assessment of input parameters influence through data mining techniques. Applied Acoustics. 2018
- A construção social do eu através da experiência nas redes sociais: hipermodernidade, leveza e adolescência. Revista Comunicando. 2018
- Identidade, memória e a ecranização. O indivíduo e a experiência na era hipermoderna. Vista. 2018
- Synergistic Antimicrobial Interaction between Honey and Phage against Escherichia coli Biofilms. Antibiotics. 2017
- Characterization and genomic analyses of two newly isolated Morganella phages define distant members among Tevenvirinae and Autographivirinae subfamilies. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- Platform design for extraction and isolation of Bromelain: Complex formation and precipitation with carrageenan. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2017
- Correction: The First Paenibacillus larvae Bacteriophage Endolysin (PlyPl23) with High Potential to Control American Foulbrood.. Antibiotics. 2015
- Complete Genome Sequence of the Broad-Host-Range Paenibacillus larvae Phage phiIBB_Pl23.. Antibiotics. 2013
- The path, abordagens interactivas do storytelling no espaço. 2009
capítulo de livro
- Advances In Candida sp. Biofilm Mannans 2019
- New Vibratory Device for Wrist Rehabilitation. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. 2019
- O papel de ver na construção de uma diátese circunstancial em português contemporâneo 2014
- The Per-Fide Corpora in contrast: a new resource for corpora-based terminology, contrastive linguistics and translation studies 2014
- The Per-Fide Corpus: : A New Resource for Corpus-Based Terminology, Contrastive Linguistics and Translation Studies 2014
- The Per-Fide corpus: a new resource for corpus-based terminology, contrastive linguistics and translation studies 2014
- Fast method for the early detection of Paenibacillus larvae spores in beehives - a strategy to control American Foulbrood 2023
- Protecting honeybees from bacterial pathogens Case study: Paenibacillus larvae 2023
- Studies on the interaction of three lytic bacteriophages with a wide collection of Escherichia coli strains implicated in swine enteric colibacillosis 2022
- Studies on the interaction of T4-like phages and diarrheagenic Escherichia coli strains 2022
- Bacteriophages to tackle swine colibacillosis: assessing the potential of this alternative therapy 2021
- Phage therapy in Apiculture - prospects 2021
- Effect of bacteriophage vB_EcoM_FJ1 on the reduction of ETEC O9:H9 load in a neonatal pig cell line 2021
- Quando os vírus ensinam a combater bactérias 2020
- Portuguese honeys as antimicrobial agents characterization 2019
- Análise do meio escolar na perspetiva dos agentes educativos: características, dinâmicas e condutas 2019
- Incorporation of olive pomace ingredients in yoghurt as source of fibre and hydroxytyrosol: bioactivity and stability of throughout gastrointestinal digestion 2019
- Bacteriophages lysins to detect pathogens: two case studies 2018
- Extraction and characterization of extracellular polymeric substances from aerobic granular sludge from a full-scale sequencing batch reactor in Portugal 2017
- Natural Honey To Fight Candida Infections 2017
- Antimicrobial interaction of honey and phage against E. coli biofilms 2017
- New Bacterial Biorecognition Elements from Phage Origin 2017
- A new phage endolysin as a powerful tool to detect and kill Paenibacillus larvae 2016
- Anti-biofilm effect: combining bacteriophages with Portuguese honey 2016
- Desenvolvimento e validação de um método para a análise de conservantes em vinhos por eletroforese capilar 2014
- Characterization of PlyPl23, an endolysin from a Paenibacillus larvae bacteriophage 2014
- Effect of the phage-derived endolysin PlyPl23 in controlling Paenibacillus larvae spread in apiaries - in vitro studies 2014
- A compreensão da terminologia legal e dos processos judiciais pelas crianças 2013
- Hospital Seixas Penetra - Canelas (Régua) 2001
- Moradia unifamiliar em Junqueira (Vila do conde) 1999
- Rotas para a investigação em comunicação: Um guia de pensamento e prática para início de percurso 2022
- Viruses of Microbes: the latest conquests 2022
- 4th International Hands-On Phage Biotechnology Course 2019
- 3rd International Hands-On Phage Biotechnology Course 2017
- O fio da história : história, 9º ano : manual do professor 2015
- O fio da história : história, 9º ano : caderno de apoio ao professor 2015
- O fio da história : história, 9º ano : caderno de atividades 2015
- O fio da história : história, 9º ano : livro de fichas 2015
- O fio da história : história, 9º ano : o fio do estudo 2015
- Fabrication Methods of Tissue Engineering Scaffolds 2014
- O fio da história : caderno de apoio ao professor : história, 8º ano 2014
- O fio da história : caderno de atividades : história, 8º ano 2014
- The Per-Fide corpus : a new resource for corpus-based terminology, contrastive linguistics and translation studies 2014
- O fio da história : caderno de apoio ao professor : história, 7º ano 2012
- O fio da história : caderno de atividades : história, 7º ano 2012
- O fio da história : manual do professor : história, 8º ano 2012
- O fio da história : história, 7º ano 2012
- O fio da história : livro de fichas : história, 7º ano 2012
- Caderno de apoio ao professor : HGP, 6º ano : história e geografia de Portugal 2011
- HGP : história e geografia de Portugal : 5º ano : caderno de apoio ao professor 2010
- HGP : história e geografia de Portugal : 5º ano : livro de fichas diferenciadas 2010
poster de conferência