publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Between the Unstoppable and the Feasible: The Lucid Pragmatism of Transition Processes for Sustainable Urban Mobility: A Literature Review. Future Transportation. 2022
- From Temporary to Permanent; A Circular Approach for Post-disaster Housing Reconstruction. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2019
- Obstacles and barriers for measuring building's circularity. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2019
- Using BIM to optimise and assess the energy efficiency category of SBToolPT-H. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2019
- Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Neural Networks for Solving Civil Engineering Problems. Complexity. 2018
- Spectrophotometric Characterization of Simple Glazings for a Modular Façade. Energy Procedia. 2016
- Study of Natural Ventilation in wind Tunnels and Influence of the Position of Ventilation Modules and Types of Grids on a Modular Façade System. Energy Procedia. 2016
- Properties of Gypsum-PCM Based Mortars for Interior Plastering of Construction Systems. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
artigo de conferência
- Guidelines for analysing the building energy efficiency using BIM. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2020
- Comparative analysis of sustainable development environmental indicators between worldwide, Portugal and Brasil and between two universities within these countries. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2020
- Comparison of the greenhouse gas emissions of a high-rise residential building assessed with different national LCA approaches – IEA EBC Annex 72. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2020
- Using BIM for assessing buildings life cycle impacts. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2020
- European Union legislation for Demand Side Management and public policies for Demand Response. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2019
- Assessing buildings’ adaptability at early design stages. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2019
- European Union legislation for demand-side management and public policies for demand response. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2019
- Improving the sustainability assessment method SBTool Urban: a critical review of construction and demolition waste (CDW) indicator. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2019
- Comparison of the environmental assessment of an identical office building with national methods. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2019
- Evolução da metodologia de avaliação da sustentabilidade urbana SBTool Urban 2018
- SBTool Urban como ferramenta para avaliação da sustentabilidade em etapas de planeamento urbano 2018
- Soluções de reabilitação para a melhoria da eficiência energética de edifícios 2018
- Tecnologias para a criação de comunidades energeticamente eficientes 2018
- Utilización de la Metodología SBTool-Pt para la Evaluación y Optimización del Nivel de Sustentabilidad de un Edificio de Servicios de Grandes Dimensiones 2018
- Medidas para o enfrentamento dos impactos das mudanças climáticas no ambiente construído 2018
- Metodologia para análise, planejamento e monitoramento de resiliência urbana 2018
- Procura de energia e políticas públicas para uma utilização responsável 2018
- Energy Pay-Back Time Analysis of Solar Energy Systems; Photovoltaics and Solar Collectors 2018
- Thermal performance and comfort of vernacular earthen buildings in Egypt and Portugal 2018
- Aplicação do SBTool Urban: Efeitos de medidas de melhoria de projeto na avaliação de sustentabilidade 2017
- Avaliação da Sustentabilidade das Operações de Reabilitação Urbana 2017
- Potencial de integração do BIM na simplificação da avaliação de sustentabilidade através do SBTool PT-H 2017
- Proposta de indicadores de avaliação de sustentabilidade urbana para países Latino-americanos 2017
- Análise de custo-benefício da implementação de materiais de mudança de fase no Norte de Portugal 2017
- Avaliação dos sistemas de aquecimento, arrefecimento e ventilação de edifícios 2017
- Legislação e programas de incentivo para a gestão da procura de energia 2017
- Método HBSAtool-PT: uma nova abordagem na avaliação da sustentabilidade de edifícios hospitalares 2017
- Transformação e reutilização de bairros industriais 2017
- Phase Change Materials as a solution to improve energy efficiency in Portuguese residential buildings. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Método de Avaliação da Sustentabilidade de Edifícios Hospitalares - Sistema de Pesos para o Contexto Português 2017
- Disponibilidade de Investimento em Soluções de Baixo Impacte Ambiental 2017
- As metodologias BIM como auxiliar no projeto de reabilitação energética de edifícios 2017
- Disponibilidade de investimento em soluções de melhoria da qualidade do ambiente interior de edifícios 2017
- Estudo da qualidade acústica em auditórios 2017
- Sustentabilidade de projetos de reabilitação de habitações: indicador de eficiência de espaço para avaliação inicial do projeto 2017
- Análise da aplicação de materiais de mudança de fase para armazenamento de energia em edifícios Portugueses 2016
- Critical Overview of Urban Sustainability Assessment Tools 2016
- Double Glazings: Spectrophotometric Characterization for Facade Modules 2016
- Heliodon´s Use for the Development of Bioclimatic Architecture Projects in for the city of Araras, São Paulo - Brazil 2016
- The use of calabashes as sound absorption alternative material 2016
- Study of double windows efficiency in order to improve sound insulation in buildings 2016
- The use of SBTool on public procurement: Challenges and opportunities 2016
- Analysis of the Portuguese Building Retrofitting Market 2016
- Arquitetura vernácula portuguesa: lições de sustentabilidade para a arquitetura contemporânea 2016
- Ecology and environment, an urban scale comparative study between contemporary and vernacular city of Nablus 2016
- Environmental Life Cycle Assessment of Concrete Containing Biomass Fly Ash 2016
- Introducing the Portuguese sustainability assessment tool for urban areas: SBTool PT – Urban Planning 2016
- Occupancy patterns and building performance: developing occupancy patterns for Portuguese residential buildings 2016
- The importance of vernacular strategies for a climate responsive building design 2016
- Análise da disponibilidade de investimento em projetos de reabilitação portugueses 2015
- Assessment of the Effects of the Expansion of the City of Estarreja on the Rational Land Use 2015
- Estratégia para a incorporação de impactes ambientais, sociais e económicos específicos num método de Avaliação da Sustentabilidade de Edifícios de Saúde (HBSA) 2015
- Materiais de isolamento térmico de edifícios. Para além da energia operacional 2015
- Promoting Sustainability as a Strategy to Mitigate the Effects of Economic Downturn on the Construction Industry 2015
- Study of Natural Ventilation for a Modular Façade System in Wind Tunnel Tests 2015
- Study of the concept of community buildings and its importance for Land Use Efficiency 2015
- The influence of the Palestinian sociocultural values in shaping the vernacular architecture of Nablus city 2015
- nZEB Training Needs in the Southern EU Countries - SouthZEB project 2015
- Analysis and selection of indicators for a sustainability assessment method for school buildings based on SBTool ‐ PT 2015
- The importance of the category of consciousness and education for sustainability in methodologies for eco‐efficiency in school buildings 2015
- Different module placements in a modular façade system for natural ventilation. Procedia Economics and Finance. 2015
- A influência das estratégias vernáculas de adaptação ao clima no comportamento térmico dos edifícios: Beira Alta e Alentejo 2015
- Analysis of Portuguese Residential Buildings’ Needs and Proposed Solutions 2015
- Estudo da ventilação natural em túnel de vento para um sistema de fachadas modular 2015
- O Contributo dos Materiais Vernáculos para Sustentabilidade do Ambiente Construído 2015
- An Analysis of the Potentialities of Portuguese Vernacular Architecture to Improve Energy Efficiency 2014
- Proposal for a Healthcare Building Sustainability Assessment (HBSA) Method 2014
- Análise da influência das varandas envidraçadas da arquitetura vernácula beirã no comportamento térmico dos edifícios 2014
- The influence of the Mediterranean climate on vernacular architecture : a comparative analysis between the vernacular responsive architecture of southern Portugal and north of Egypt 2014
- O potencial das estratégias da arquitectura vernácula portuguesa para a construção sustentável 2014
- Cost optimality and nZEB target in building renovation of Portuguese residential buildings 2014
- Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Thermal Systems 2014
- Bioclimatic buildings strategies for the climate of Araras city, São Paulo - Brazil 2013
- Estudo da Eficiência Energética de Fachadas Fotovoltaicas em Portugal 2013
- The use of generic LCIA databases in the process of building sustainability assessment - the case of SBToolPT® 2013
- Improving sustainability in healthcare with better space design quality 2013
- Indoor and outdoor spaces design quality and its contribution to sustainable hospital buildings 2013
- Comparative Assessment of FRP´S and steel bars applied on the reinforcement of concrete structures 2013
- Defining best practices in sustainable urban regeneration projects 2013
- Space design quality and its importance to sustainable construction: the case of hospital buildings 2013
- Assessment of the bond quality degradation in FRP-strengthened masonry using IR thermography technique 2013
- Avaliação em laboratório do comportamento térmico de soluções construtivas em madeira 2013
- Energy efficiency of photovoltaic façade for different latitudes in Portugal 2013
- How to address sustainability at the city level 2013
- Passive façade solutions: tromble wall thermal performance and glazing daylighting performance for Guimarães - Portugal 2013
- Sustainable Construction Key Indicators 2013
- The contribute of using vernacular materials and techniques for sustainable building 2013
- Indicadores de sustentabilidade no projeto de edifícios hospitalares 2012
- Utilização do método LCA no projeto de edifícios sustentáveis 2012
- Estratégias de intervenção para a regeneração urbana sustentável 2012
- Benefícios energéticos da construção em terra para habitações populares de Portugal 2012
- Contabilizando a reabilitação na avaliação de sustentabilidade de edifícios de serviços 2012
- Efficiency towards urban systems 2012
- Urban rehabilitation towards sustainability 2012
- Alguns contributos da nanotecnologia para a sustentabilidade dos materiais de construção 2012
- Building sustainability assessment: the case of hospital buildings 2012
- Development of a sustainability assessment tool for office buildings 2012
- Edifícios antigos : reabilitação sustentável low cost 2012
- Low-tech como alternativa sustentável de reabilitação low-cost 2012
- Reabilitação urbana : abordando práticas sustentáveis 2012
- Urban renovation of portuguese historical centres 2012
- Environmental LCA database for conventional Portuguese building Technologies 2012
- Guidelines for sustainable refurbishment of residential buildings 2012
- The importance of the hospital buildings to the sustainability of the built environment 2012
- Análise do ciclo de vida de construções metálicas 2012
- Aplicação do sistema de avaliação SBToolPT-H na otimização da sustentabilidade de um caso de estudo em Guimarães 2012
- Definition of the Energy Performance Requirements in Rehabilitation Projects 2012
- Eficiência energética de fachadas fotovoltaicas destinadas às diferentes latitudes de Portugal 2012
- Estudo do desempenho lumínico para um sistema de fachada modular destinado a Portugal 2012
- Glazing façade modules : daylighting performance simulation for Bragança, Coimbra, Évora and Faro 2012
- IAQ Analysis of Portuguese Residential Buildings 2012
- Improving buildings refurbishment through operative conditions evaluation 2012
- LCA database of steel building technologies 2012
- Life-cycle assessment of lightweight textile membrane partition walls 2012
- Method for energetic and economic analysis of buildings 2012
- Princípios de sustentabilidade na arquitectura vernacular em Portugal 2012
- Práticas sustentáveis de projeto em edifícios hospitalares 2012
- Selection of key sustainable indicators to steel buildings in early design phases 2012
- Sustainability assessment and standardisation : steel buildings 2012
- The contribution of the maintenance phase for the environmental life-cycle impacts of a residential building 2012
- Thermal mortars : contribution of the incorporation of PCM microcapsules 2012
- Trombe wall thermal performance for a modular façade system in different portuguese climates : Lisbon, Porto, Lajes and Funchal 2011
- Improving the design of a residential building using the SBToolPT methodology : a case study 2011
- A Importância dos Edifícios Hospitalares para a Sustentabilidade do Ambiente Construído 2011
- Reabilitação urbana sustentável : reabilitação e conservação do património habitacional edificado 2011
- Visão estratégica para a eco-eficiência das empresas de construção civil : Eco-RoadMap 2011
- Construção Sustentável: O Novo Paradigma do Sector da Construção 2011
- Metodologia de simulação com vista à reabilitação energicamente eficiente 2011
- Development of a sustainability assessment tool for office buildings 2011
- Evaluation of the impact of some Portuguese thermal regulation parameters on the buildings energy performance 2011
- Improving the Design of a Residential Building Using the Portuguese Rating System SBToolPT 2011
- Life-Cycle Assessment of Residential Buildings 2011
- Analysis of the impacts of economic and social indicators to sustainability assessment 2011
- Argamassas térmicas à base de cal 2011
- Education for sustainable construction 2011
- Estudo de vidros duplos para um sistema de fachada destinado a Portugal : análise para Funchal-Madeira, Lajes-Açores, Lisboa e Porto 2011
- Evaluation of the thermal performance of hollow brick walls with gypsum-PCM plasters 2011
- Façade modules for eco-efficient refurbishment of buildings : glazing thermal performance to Guimarães climate 2011
- Façade modules for eco-efficient refurbishment of buildings : trombe wall thermal performance in different Portuguese Climates: Bragança, Coimbra, Évora and Faro 2011
- Life-cycle assessment of different building technologies for partion walls : contribution to future developments on interior partition concepts 2011
- Phase changing materials in building elements 2011
- Properties of lime based thermal mortars 2011
- Avaliação de Impactes Ambientais de Ciclo de Vida de um Edifício de Habitação Unifamiliar 2010
- Optimização de envidraçados para um sistema de fachada destinado a reabilitação eco-eficiente de edifícios 2010
- Sustainable construction : integrated approach to life-time structural engineering 2010
- Building sustainability assessment : system SBTool PT 2010
- Is it possible to integrate accurate environmental assessment methods in building sustainability rating systems? 2010
- Assessment of Solar XXI Building Sustainability by SBToolPT Methodology 2010
- Contributo para o módulo de turismo da metodologia SBTool PT 2010
- High Energy Efficiency Retrofit Module Development 2010
- LCA database for Portuguese building technologies 2010
- Sustainability assessment of an affordable residential building using the SBTool PT approach 2010
- A sustentabilidade do edifício solar XXI 2010
- Achieving Sustainability through Energy Efficiency while Assuring Indoor Environmental Quality 2010
- Application of latent heat thermal energy storage in cement mortars 2010
- Concepção de um sistema de fachada para reabilitação eco-eficiente de edifícios : estudo dos tipos de envidraçados para quatro cidades portuguesas 2010
- Desenvolvimento de um sistema de fachadas modular para reabilitação eco-eficiente de edifícios 2010
- Facades modules for eco-efficient refurbishment of buildings : glazing thermal performance analyses to Coimbra and Faro 2010
- Portuguese Building Stock Indoor Environmental Quality “in-Situ” Assessment 2010
- Portuguese EPBD Based Regulation put side by side with Energy Simulation Tools 2010
- SBToolPT – adaptation of the global sbtool to the portuguese context 2010
- Sustainable Construction pro an optimistic world scenario 2009
- Accuracy of the Portuguese EPBD implemented thermal performance calculation procedures: RCCTE 2009
- Methodology to Enhance the Portuguese Thermal Regulation Accuracy For Existing Buildings 2009
- Survey on educational material on sustainable constructions 2008
- Global methodology for sustainability assessment : integration of environmental LCA in rating systems 2008
- Integration : the key and the way towards life-time engineering 2008
- New approach to life-cycle analysis in building sustainability rating systems 2008
- Survey of Sustainable Approaches in Portugal 2008
- Perspectives of building sustainability assessment 2008
- Building refurbishment : one step towards sustainable built environment 2008
- Sustainability Assessment and Rating of Portuguese Buildings 2008
- Development of an Integrated Index for Health and Comfort Stressors in Building Sustainability Assessment 2008
- A utilização de materiais de mudança de fase na regulação da temperatura interior 2008
- Accuracy of some EPBD implemented thermal performance calculation procedures 2008
- Determinação do Desempenho Acústico de Dispositivos de Redução de Ruído do Tráfego Rodoviário 2008
- Interior comfort regulation with gypsum plasters 2008
- Low energy rehabilitation 2008
- Assessment of building sustainability 2007
- Energy in the sustainable European construction sector 2007
- Environmental characterization of gypsum-PCM plasters 2007
- Perspectives of building sustainability assessment 2007
- Gypsum plasters for energy conservation 2007
- Jee : janela eco-eficiente (eco efficient window) : development of a high performance standard window 2007
- Natural illumination availability in Ponte de Pedra apartment block: a case study 2007
- Sustainability and integrated life-cycle design 2007
- Sustainability assessment of an energy efficient optimized solution 2007
- Sustainability assessment of building refurbishing operations 2007
- The calculation model of the new Portuguese thermal regulation : put side by side with dynamic simulation 2007
- Verification of Durability of Novel Applications 2006
- Estudo de um edifício de habitação multifamiliar com anomalias não estruturais 2006
- Accessibility adaptation of a building in a historical city centre 2006
- Achieving Thermal Inertia In Lightweight Constructions 2006
- Building sustainability assessment a methodological approach 2006
- Descolagem de um revestimento cerâmico em fachada 2006
- Eficácia de barreiras acústicas 2006
- Sustainable test cell : performance evaluation 2006
- Sustentabilidade de soluções construtivas 2006
- Sustainability assessment of building solutions: a methodological approach 2005
- Sustainable Design Principles in Construction Sector 2005
- Potentialities of Lightweight Construction Solutions for Sustainability 2005
- Comparative Assessment of Exterior Walls Construction Solutions’ Sustainability 2005
- A methodological approach 2005
- Acoustic assessment of mixed building technology solutions 2005
- Argamassas com desempenho térmico melhorado 2005
- Functional assessment of lightweight construction solutions in view of sustainability 2005
- Sustainability assessment datasheet 2005
- Sustainability assessment of new construction technologies : a comparative case study 2005
- Sustainable design in construction sector 2005
- Towards sustainability: Life cycle assessment of building products 2005
- Avaliação da sustentabilidade da construção: desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para a avaliação a sustentabilidade de soluções construtivas 2004
- Acoustic evaluation of beam and pot slabs with lightweight regularization layers: a case study 2004
- Thermal assessment of mixed building technology solutions 2004
artigo de revista
- Automating building sustainability assessment using building information modelling: A case study. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023
- Analyzing the Feasibility of Integrating Urban Sustainability Assessment Indicators with City Information Modelling (CIM). Applied System Innovation. 2023
- BIM-Based Method for the Verification of Building Code Compliance. Applied System Innovation. 2022
- Sustainability Assessment on an Urban Scale: Context, Challenges, and Most Relevant Indicators. Applied System Innovation. 2022
- Design for Adaptability (DfA)—Frameworks and Assessment Models for Enhanced Circularity in Buildings. Applied System Innovation. 2022
- Sustainability Analysis of Interior Coatings for the Prevention of Fungal Development. Construction Materials. 2022
- Effect of Climate Change and Occupant Behaviour on the Environmental Impact of the Heating and Cooling Systems of a Real Apartment. A Parametric Study through Life Cycle Assessment. Energies. 2021
- Circular business models: Current state and framework to achieve sustainable buildings. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 2021
- Assessing Life Cycle Environmental and Economic Impacts of Building Construction Solutions with BIM. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Atmospheric dispersion and urban planning: An interdisciplinary approach to city modeling. Sustainable Cities and SocIETy. 2021
- BIM-Based Energy Analysis and Sustainability Assessment—Application to Portuguese Buildings. Bioengineering. 2021
- Adaptability of Buildings: A Critical Review on the Concept Evolution. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Specification of Glazings for Façades Based on Spectrophotometric Characterization of Transmittance. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Sustainable building design: Analysing the feasibility of BIM platforms to support practical building sustainability assessment. Computers in Industry. 2021
- Implementing Circular Economy Strategies in Buildings—From Theory to Practice. Applied System Innovation. 2021
- Selection Criteria for Building Materials and Components in Line with the Circular Economy Principles in the Built Environment—A Review of Current Trends. Infrastructures. 2021
- Attitudes matter: Measuring the intention-behaviour gap in built heritage conservation. Sustainable Cities and SocIETy. 2021
- Noise reduction performance of a low energy façade-integrated mechanical ventilator. Building Acoustics. 2021
- Assessment of the Impact of Occupants’ Behavior and Climate Change on Heating and Cooling Energy Needs of Buildings. Energies. 2020
- Integrating BIM-Based LCA and Building Sustainability Assessment. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment of Urban Sustainability in Social Housing Using the Casa Azul Label and SBTool Urban in Brazil. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Towards circular and more sustainable buildings: A systematic literature review on the circular economy in the built environment. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2020
- A Systematic Review of the Role of BIM in Building Sustainability Assessment Methods. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Electric Free-Floating Carsharing for Sustainable Cities: Characterization of Frequent Trip Profiles Using Acquired Rental Data. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Assessing the environmental impacts of construction in Antarctica. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2019
- Passive strategies used in Southern Portugal vernacular rammed earth buildings and their influence in thermal performance. Renewable Energy. 2019
- Comparative Study of Comfort Indicators for School Constructions in Sustainability Methodologies: Schools in the Amazon and the Southeast Region of Brazil. Sustainability (MDPI). 2019
- Verification of the Adequacy of the Portuguese Sustainability Assessment Tool of High School Buildings, SAHSBPT, to the Francisco de Holanda High School, Guimarães. Sustainability (MDPI). 2019
- Metodologia para a avaliação da sustentabilidade de Escolas Secundárias, SAHSBPT 2019
- Adaptation of the SBTool for Sustainability Assessment of High School Buildings in Portugal—SAHSBPT. Applied Sciences. 2019
- Optimising building sustainability assessment using BIM. Automation in Construction. 2019
- A importância da vontade e disponibilidade de investimento para a avaliação da sustentabilidade de soluções de reabilitação 2019
- O BIM e a eficiência energética dos edifícios. Monumentos. 2019
- Contribution of the Vernacular Architecture to the Sustainability: A Comparative Study between the Contemporary Areas and the Old Quarter of a Mediterranean City. Sustainability (MDPI). 2019
- Comparative sustainability assessment of binary blended concretes using Supplementary Cementitious Materials (SCMs) and Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC). Journal of Cleaner Production. 2019
- The Inclusion of a Sustainability Awareness Indicator in Assessment Tools for High School Buildings. Sustainability (MDPI). 2019
- Bridge Quality Appraisal Methodology: Application in a Reinforced Concrete Overpass Roadway Bridge. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering. 2018
- Methodology to Identify and Prioritise the Social Aspects to Be Considered in the Design of More Sustainable Residential Buildings—Application to a Developing Country. Bioengineering. 2018
- Environmental Comfort Indicators for School Buildings in Sustainability Assessment Tools. Sustainability (MDPI). 2018
- European Legislation and Incentives Programmes for Demand Side Management. Solar Energy. 2018
- Ferramenta de suporte às fases iniciais do projeto para edifícios de habitação sustentáveis 2018
- Methodology for environmental assessment in Antarctic buildings. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2018
- Método para apoio ao projeto de edifícios hospitalares mais sustentáveis 2018
- Healthcare Building Sustainability Assessment tool - Sustainable Effective Design criteria in the Portuguese context. Environmental Impact Assessment Review. 2017
- The role of underground construction for the mobility, quality of life and economic and social sustainability of urban regions. REM: International Engineering Journal. 2017
- Development of a healthcare building sustainability assessment method – Proposed structure and system of weights for the Portuguese context. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017
- Cost-benefit analysis method for building solutions. Applied Energy. 2016
- Steel sustainability assessment - Do BSA tools really assess steel properties?. Journal of Constructional Steel Research. 2016
- Sustainability assessment of dwellings – a comparison of methodologies. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems. 2016
- Comparative environmental life-cycle analysis of concretes using biomass and coal fly ashes as partial cement replacement material. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016
- Estratégia para a incorporação de impactes ambientais, sociais e económicos específicos num métdo de avaliação da sustentabilidade de edifícios de saúde (HBSA Método). Revista Habitat Sustentable. 2016
- Materiais de isolamento térmico de edifícios: para além da energia operacional. Revista Habitat Sustentable. 2016
- Smart interior design of buildings and its relationship to land use. Architectural Engineering and Design Management. 2016
- Contribution of Portuguese Vernacular Building Strategies to Indoor Thermal Comfort and Occupants’ Perception. Bioengineering. 2015
- Development of Benchmarks for Operating Costs and Resources Consumption to be Used in Healthcare Building Sustainability Assessment Methods. Sustainability (MDPI). 2015
- Avaliação do custo vs benefício na introdução de medidas de sustentabilidade na reabilitação de edifícios antigos – estudo de caso. Revista Confidencial Imobiliário. 2015
- Glazing daylighting performance and Trombe wall thermal performance of a modular façade system in four different Portuguese cities. Indoor and Built Environment. 2015
- Assessment of Land Use Efficiency Using BSA Tools: Development of a New Index. Journal of Urban Planning and Development. 2015
- A critical analysis of building sustainability assessment methods for healthcare buildings. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 2015
- Portuguese Vernacular Architecture: the contribution of vernacular materials and design approaches for the sustainable construction. Architectural Science Review. 2015
- Definindo melhores práticas em projetos de regeneração urbana sustentável. Ambiente Construído. 2014
- Reabilitação sustentável de edifícios antigos : contribuição para os edifícios de balanço energético nulo (nZEB) e otimização do nível de sustentabilidade. Engenharia Civil. 2014
- FRP-to-Masonry Bond Durability Assessment with Infrared Thermography Method. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 2014
- Early Stage Design Decisions: The Way to Achieve Sustainable Buildings at Lower Costs. The Scientific World Journal. 2014
- New approach addressing sustainability in urban areas using sustainable city models. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development. 2014
- The Evolution of the Sustainability Assessment Tool SBTool(PT): From Buildings to the Built Environment. The Scientific World Journal. 2014
- Thermal performance of lightweight steel framed wall: The importance of flanking thermal losses. Journal of Building Physics. 2014
- Research on the Portuguese Building Stock and Its Impacts on Energy Consumption – An Average U-Value Approach. Archives of Civil Engineering. 2013
- Proposal of an innovative solution for partition walls : mechanical, thermal and acoustic validation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Fachadas con muro Trombe y doble acristalamiento: E! ciencia energética para diferentes climas Portugueses. Informes de la Construcción. 2013
- Módulos de reabilitação de fachadas - painéis metálicos prefabricados 2013
- Adaptation of SBToolPT to office buildings. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development. 2013
- Analysis of some Portuguese thermal regulation parameters. Energy and Buildings. 2013
- Development of prefabricated retrofit module towards nearly zero energy buildings. Energy and Buildings. 2013
- Influence of incorporation phase change materials, PCM, granulates on workability, mechanical strength and aesthetical appearance of lime and gypsum mortars. Architecture, Civil Engineering, Environment. 2013
- Operative Conditions Evaluation for Efficient Building Retrofit-A Case Study. Indoor and Built Environment. 2013
- Sustainability assessment of an innovative lightweight building technology for partition walls - Comparison with conventional technologies. Building and Environment. 2013
- Thermal mortars with incorporation of PCM microcapsules. Restoration of Buildings and Monuments. 2013
- Designing an affordable sustainable residential building block using the SBToolPT sustainability rating system. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development. 2012
- Sistemas de fachadas inovadores e conforto térmico : estudo em Portugal. Revista Tecnológica. 2012
- Performance evaluation of non-conventional constructions: Case study in a temperate climate. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2012
- Módulo inovador para a reabilitação energética 2012
- Sustainability assessment and rating of buildings: Developing the methodology SBToolPT-H. Building and Environment. 2011
- Building Sustainability Assessment. Sustainability (MDPI). 2010
- Reabilitação energética de edifícios residenciais com aplicação de soluções de fachada prefabricadas. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2010
- Sustainable housing with mixedweight strategy - A case study. Building and Environment. 2007
- Princípios de desenho e metodologias de avaliação da sustentabilidade das construções 2005
- Utilização de materiais activos em argamassas. Arte & Construção. 2005
- Some considerations about the contribution of roller shutters positions to noise insulation of façades. Building Acoustics. 2004
- Case study: Comparison between the acoustic performance of a mixed building technology building and a conventional building. Building Acoustics. 2004
- Sustainability and functional assessment of a mixed building technology solution. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2004
- Noise map of the city of Guimarães: comparison and experimental validation of the prevision methods. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 2003
- Energy efficiency for typical 2-floor buildings in Portugal. Archives of Civil Engineering. 2000
- Comparação entre modelos de previsão de isolamento sonoro a sons de condução aérea de elementos construtivos. Engenharia Civil. 2000
- A influência da temperatura e da radiação solar na capacidade de armazenamento térmico de elementos construtivos. Engenharia Civil. 1997
- Validação experimental dos novos valores de ∆Te propostos para RCCTE. Engenharia Civil. 1995
- Proposta de novos valores de ΔTe para adopção pelo RCCTE. Engenharia Civil. 1995
capítulo de livro
- Chapter 11 - Information technology and the digital transformation of building design 2021
- Chapter 15 - Practical strategies for embodying the circular economy concept in the construction sector 2021
- Building Sustainability Assessment Methods: current update. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2020
- Métodos de apoio à decisão para desenvolvimento de edificações mais sustentáveis 2019
- Avaliação do nível de sustentabilidade em comunidades urbanas energeticamente eficientes 2016
- Metodologia portuguesa de avaliação da sustentabilidade de edifícios de serviços e de turismo SBToolPT-S e SBToolPT-T 2016
- Metodologia portuguesa de avaliação de sustentabilidade de áreas urbanas SBTool PT-PU 2016
- Avaliação e reconhecimento da sustentabilidade 2016
- Planning and constructing 2016
- Sustainable building quality 2016
- What does ‘sustainable construction’ mean? An overview 2016
- European overview of sustainable policies and approaches in COST C25 member countries 2011
- Use of rating systems in the process towards sustainable construction 2011
- Sustainability assessment of residential buildings : methodology SBTool Portugal 2008
- General overview of the problems, needs and solutions in the Portuguese urban building envelopes. Research in Architectural Engineering Series. 2007
- State of the art: Portugal. Research in Architectural Engineering Series. 2007
- Technical improvement of housing envelopes in Portugal. Research in Architectural Engineering Series. 2007
- Layout urbano em função da eficiência energética dos edifícios 2004
- Foreword. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2019
- SBE19 Brussels - BAMB-CIRCPATH: Building As Material Banks: a pathway for a circular future 2019
- Paredes divisórias, passado, presente e futuro 2011
- Towards energy-efficient buildings in Europe 2011
- [Introduction to]: "Sustainability of constructions: integrated approach to life-time structural engineering" 2010
- [Prefácio a] "Guia de avaliação SBToolPT - H" 2009
- Argamassas incorporando microcápsulas de materiais de mudança de fase (PCM), seu processo de obtenção e sua utilização no revestimento interior de sistemas construtivos 2007
- Jornadas Profissionais URBENERE: bairros energeticamente sustentáveis 2015
- Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal: History, construction and valorisation 2014
- Sistemas construtivos para a sustentabilidade da construção : soluções e sistemas construtivos para a construção e a regeneração sustentáveis do ambiente construído 2014
- Life-cycle analysis of buildings : envirnonmental impact of building elements 2012
- Livro de atas do seminário reabilitação energética de edifícios 2012
- Cincos 2010: Congresso de Inovação na Construção Sustentável 2010
- Cincos 08, Inovação na Construção Sustentável 2008
- Sustainable Building 2007, Sustainable Construction, Materials and Practices, Challenges for the New Millennium 2007
- Tecnologias Construtivas para a Sustentabilidade da Construção 2006