publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Mass creation in superconductors by Physics-cells quantum gravity. Physica C: Superconductivity and its Applications. 2023
- Darwinian standard model of physics obtains general relativity. Quantum Information Processing. 2022
- Employees balance and stability as key points in organizational performance. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2022
- Paper-Based Electronics for Brain-Machine Interface Home Supercomputer 2021
- Some considerations on quantum computing at sub-atomic scales and its impact in the future of moore’s law. Quantum Information & Computation. 2020
- Cover Image. Human Brain Mapping. 2018
- Early bilateral and massive compromise of the frontal lobes. Neuroimage-Clinical. 2018
- Erratum to: Processing Time Reduction: an Application in Living Human High-Resolution Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data (Journal of Medical Systems, (2016), 40, 11, (243), 10.1007/s10916-016-0594-2). Journal of Medical Systems. 2017
- Tackling variability: A multicenter study to provide a gold-standard network approach for frontotemporal dementia. Human Brain Mapping. 2017
- Digital Information Networks and the Future of Online Learning. Internet Learning. 2015
- Histological validation of high-resolution DTI in human post mortem tissue. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 2015
- Visuo-auditory Multimodal Emotional Structure to Improve Human-Robot-Interaction. International Journal of Social Robotics. 2012
- On Definitions of Information in Physics. Foundations of Science. 2011
- Application of Quantum Darwinism to cosmic inflation: An example of the limits imposed in Aristotelian logic by information-based approach to Gödel's incompleteness. Foundations of Science. 2010
- Contemporary physics and free will: An application of quantum existentialism. Mind and Matter. 2009
- MRI diffusion tensor tracking of a new amygdalo-fusiform and hippocampo-fusiform pathway system in humans. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2009
- Definition of displacement probability and diffusion time in q-space magnetic resonance measurements that use finite-duration diffusion-encoding gradients. Journal of Magnetic Resonance. 2003
- Diffusion tensor fiber tracking of human brain connectivity: Aquisition methods, reliability analysis and biological results. Nmr in Biomedicine. 2002
- Numerical modeling of accuracy and precision in human diffusion tensor tracking. Elife. 2001
- Quantitative diffusion-tensor anisotropy brain MR imaging: Normative human data and anatomic analysis. Radiology. 1999
- Tracking neuronal fiber pathways in the living human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1999
artigo de conferência
- NETEDGE MEP: A CNF-based Multi-access Edge Computing Platform 2023
- Some considerations on the estimation of the value associated to a clinical act. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- Deep learning based pipeline for fingerprinting using brain functional MRI connectivity data. Procedia Computer Science. 2018
- Use of Shannon information to relate function and structure in the brain using diffusion spectrum imaging MRI 2012
- Pipeline for spatial distortion correction in MRI 2011
- Use of Shannon information in treatment of high resolution diffusion MRI 2010
- Autonomous approach to the mountain-clustering method 1995
- Autonomous mountain-clustering method applied to fuzzy systems modeling 1995
artigo de revista
- Quantum Field Theory Representation in Quantum Computation. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Software Tools for Conducting Real-Time Information Processing and Visualization in Industry: An Up-to-Date Review. Applied Sciences. 2021
- A Simple Strategy for Choosing Network Structures in a Object Detection Project with Transfer Learning. AI Communications. 2021
- Some considerations on quantum computing at sub-atomic scales and its impact in the future of moore’s law. Quantum Information & Computation. 2020
- Multilevel convergence of interoceptive impairments in hypertension: New evidence of disrupted body–brain interactions. Human Brain Mapping. 2018
- Processing Time Reduction: an Application in Living Human High-Resolution Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. Journal of Medical Systems. 2016
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder as a visual processing impairment. Medical Hypotheses. 2010
capítulo de livro
- Improving the Management of Hospital Discharges 2022
- Automatic Atlas-Based Segmentation of Brain White Matter in Neonates at Risk for Neurodevelopmental Disorders 2017
- Brownian motion: From quantum decoherence to diffusion MRI medical imaging 2011
- Intensity inhomogeneity corrections in MRI simulated images for segmentation 2011
- New approaches on structure identification of fuzzy models: Case study in an electro-mechanical system 1996
- Bridging the Gap of Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Evolutionary Biology to Propose an Approach to Machine Learning of Human-Like Ethics 2020
- Wormhole approach to control in distributed computing has direct relation to physics 2017
- Reducing computation time by Monte Carlo method: An application in determining axonal orientation distribution function 2016