publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Safeguarding Cork's Beauty and Longevity: Innovations in Deposition of Protective Thin Films. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- PVD Black Coating for Decorative Applications. Coatings. 2023
- Multilayered decorative a-C:H/CrC coating on stainless steel. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2009
- Mass production of thick copper vacuum metalization on plastic parts. Vacuum. 2008
- Study of ZrO2/Al2O3 multilayers. Vacuum. 2002
- Influence of sputtering pressure on the structure and properties of ZrO2 films prepared by rf reactive sputtering. Applied Surface Science. 2001
- Characterisation of ZrO2 films prepared by rf reactive sputtering at different O2 concentrations in the sputtering gases. Vacuum. 2000
- Failure of physical vapor deposition/plasma-sprayed thermal barrier coatings during thermal cycling. Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. 2000
- Influence of sputtering power and the substrate-target distance on the properties of ZrO2 films prepared by RF reactive sputtering. Thin Solid Films. 2000
- Mechanical and surface analysis of Ti0.4Al0.6N/Mo multilayers. Vacuum. 2000
- Study of ZrO2-Y2O3 films prepared by rf magnetron reactive sputtering. Thin Solid Films. 2000
- Analysis of residual stresses in thermal barrier coatings. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1999
- Corrosion of CrN and TiAlN coatings in chloride-containing atmospheres. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1999
- Effect of the addition of Al and Si on the physical and mechanical properties of titanium nitride. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1999
- Effects of deposition temperature and thermal cycling on residual stress state in zirconia-based thermal barrier coatings. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1999
- Mechanical characterisation of TiN/ZrN multi-layered coatings. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1999
- Microstructure of CrN coatings produced by PVD techniques. Thin Solid Films. 1999
- Modelling of thermal residual stresses in graded ceramic coatings. Key Engineering Materials. 1999
- Residual stress, surface defects and corrosion resistance of CrN hard coatings. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1999
- Study of the mechanics of the delamination of ceramic functional coatings. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 1999
- Corrosion of TiN, (TiAl)N and CrN hard coatings produced by magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films. 1998
- Oxidation resistance of (Ti, Al, Si)N coatings in air. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1998
- Structural characterization of µc-Si:H films produced by R.F. magnetron sputtering. Microelectronic Engineering. 1998
- Strength measurements of thin brittle ZrO2 coatings produced by magnetron sputtering on steel substrates. Vacuum. 1997
- Thermal oxidation of Ti1-xAlxN coatings in air. Journal of the European Ceramic SocIETy. 1997
- Thermal stability of zirconia/alumina thin coatings produced by magnetron sputtering. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1997
- Adherence of combined physically vapour-deposited and plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1995
- Oxidation resistance of (Ti,Al,Zr,Si)N coatings in air. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1995
- Protective coatings on high temperature steel applied by PVD deposition techniques. Journal of Materials Processing Tech.. 1995
- Residual stress in protective ZrO2 coatings produced by magnetron sputtering. Vacuum. 1994
- Zinc oxide films prepared by dc reactive magnetron sputtering at different substrate temperatures. Vacuum. 1994
- Energy deposition and substrate heating during magnetron sputtering. Vacuum. 1993
- Optical properties of ZnO thin films deposited by dc reactive magnetron sputtering. Vacuum. 1993
- The effect of substrate temperature on the properties of d.c. reactive magnetron sputtered titanium oxide films. Thin Solid Films. 1993
- The effect of substrate temperature on the properties of sputtered titanium oxide films. Applied Surface Science. 1993
- Residual stress and adhesion of molybdenum coatings produced by magnetron sputtering. Vacuum. 1992
- Origin of gas impurities in sputtering plasmas during thin film deposition. Vacuum. 1991
- Damage of oxide layers on an Al-alloy by electron bombardment. Vacuum. 1989
- Differences in synchrotron radiation induced gas desorption from stainless steel and aluminium alloy 1989
- Synchrotron radiation induced neutral gas desorption from samples of vacuum chambers. Vacuum. 1988
- Non-steady-state hydrogen permeation through laminated membranes consisting of alloy and oxide layers. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1986
artigo de revista
- Cr-Based Sputtered Decorative Coatings for Automotive Industry. Materials. 2021
- Effects of laser fluence and liquid media on preparation of small Ag nanoparticles by laser ablation in liquid. Optics and Laser Technology. 2017
- Solar selective absorbing coatings based on AlSiN/AlSiON/AlSiO y layers. Applied Surface Science. 2015
- Solar selective absorbers based on Al2O3:W cermets and AlSiN/AlSiON layers. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2015
- Characterization of TiAlSiN/TiAlSiON/SiO 2 optical stack designed by modelling calculations for solar selective applications. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2012
- Optical characterization of TiAlN/TiAlON/SiO 2 absorber for solar selective applications. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2012
- Performance of chromium nitride and titanium nitride coatings during plastic injection moulding. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2002
- Performance of chromium nitride based coatings under plastic processing conditions. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2000
- Macrocrystalline silicon thin films prepared by RF reactive magnetron sputter deposition. Vacuum. 1995