publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Programming languages ranking based on energy measurements. Software Quality Journal. 2024
- An improved methodology to restrict the range of motion of mechanical joints. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2024
- Development and implementation of a new approach for posture control of a hexapod robot to walk in irregular terrains. Revista 'robótica'. 2024
- A new skeletal model for the ankle joint complex. Multibody System Dynamics. 2024
- Enhanced modelling of planar radial-loaded deep groove ball bearings with smooth-contact formulation. Multibody System Dynamics. 2023
- Multibody model of the human-inspired robot CHARMIE. Multibody System Dynamics. 2023
- Application of the Bezier integration technique with enhanced stability in forward dynamics of constrained multibody systems with Baumgarte stabilization method. Engineering With Computers. 2023
- Contact-impact events with friction in multibody dynamics: Back to basics. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2023
- Reviewer acknowledgments and awards: Recognition awards for distinction of reviewing in 2022. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2023
- Wheel-rail contact models in the presence of switches and crossings. Vehicle System Dynamics. 2023
- On the Modeling of Biomechanical Systems for Human Movement Analysis: A Narrative Review. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 2022
- Portuguese higher education students' adaptation to online teaching and learning in times of the COVID-19 pandemic: personal and contextual factors. Higher Education. 2022
- Dynamic Modeling of a Human-Inspired Robot Based on a Newton-Euler Approach. Courses and Lectures. 2022
- Ranking programming languages by energy efficiency. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- Current Perspectives on the Biomechanical Modelling of the Human Lower Limb: A Systematic Review. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 2021
- Reviewer acknowledgments and awards: Recognition awards for distinction of reviewing in 2019. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2020
- A three-dimensional approach for contact detection between realistic wheel and rail surfaces for improved railway dynamic analysis. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2020
- Coupling multi-body dynamics and fluid dynamics to model lubricated spherical joints. Archive of Applied Mechanics. 2020
- Computational Modelling of the Bioheat Transfer Process in Human Skin Subjected to Direct Heating and/or Cooling Sources: A Systematic Review. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 2020
- Patients with different patellofemoral disorders display a distinct ligament stiffness pattern under instrumented stress testing. Journal of ISAKOS. 2020
- A new device for patellofemoral instrumented stress-testing provides good reliability and validity. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2020
- Micro-CT based finite element modelling and experimental characterization of the compressive mechanical properties of 3-D zirconia scaffolds for bone tissue engineering 2020
- On the Computational Biomechanics of the Intervertebral Disc. Classification in Bioapps: Automation of Decision Making. 2020
- Unilateral anterior knee pain is associated with increased patellar lateral position after stressed lateral translation. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2020
- The journal of Mechanism and Machine Theory: Celebrating 55 years since its foundation. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2019
- On the generation of enhanced lookup tables for wheel-rail contact models. Wear. 2019
- Implementation of a non-Hertzian contact model for railway dynamic application. Multibody System Dynamics. 2019
- Modeling and analysis of friction including rolling effects in multibody dynamics: a review. Multibody System Dynamics. 2019
- Crashworthiness analysis of an aircraft fuselage section with an auxiliary fuel tank using a hybrid multibody/plastic hinge approach. International Journal of Crashworthiness. 2019
- Acknowledgment and Appreciation to our Reviewers. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2019
- Computational Modelling of Human Lower Limb for Reproduction of Walking Dynamics with Muscles: Healthy and Pathological Cases 2019
- High heterogeneity in in vivo instrumented-assisted patellofemoral joint stress testing: a systematic review. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy. 2019
- Ranking Programming Languages by Energy Efficiency. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- Wear behaviour of tetragonal zirconia polycrystal with a porous surface. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials. 2018
- Professor Bernard (“Bernie”) Roth: A short biography. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2018
- The first fifty years of the Mechanism and Machine Theory: Standing back and looking forward. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2018
- Modelling and simulation of alternative designs for the femur–implant interface of Journey patellofemoral prosthesis. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part L-Journal of Materials-Design and Applications. 2018
- Nickel-cobalt-based materials for diamond cutting tools. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2018
- Acknowledgment and appreciation to our reviewers. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2018
- Preface to the special issue celebrating the 85th birthday of Professor Bernard Roth. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2018
- Nonlinear dynamics and chaotic control of a flexible multibody system with uncertain joint clearance. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2016
- Editorial. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K-Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics. 2016
- Editorial: 50th anniversary of the Mechanism and Machine Theory. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2016
- Development and early results of a new concept of an orthopedic footwear stirrup. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Human gait analyses using multibody system formulation: normal and pathological scenarios. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Mechatronic medical device for wrist rehabilitation. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Informatics (Indin). 2013
- How do mechanical engineering students see their training and learning at university? Findings from a case study. Global Journal of Engineering Education. 2012
- Preface: Thematic issue on biomechanics of human motion. Multibody System Dynamics. 2012
- A parametric study on the Baumgarte stabilization method for forward dynamics of constrained multibody systems. Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference 2009, DETC2009. 2010
- KINEMATICS OF THE ROLLER MOTION AND CAM SIZE OPTIMIZATION OF DISC CAM-FOLLOWER MECHANISMS WITH TRANSLATING ROLLER FOLLOWERS. Proceedings of the Asme International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, Vol 7, Pts a and B. 2010
- Preface. Multibody System Dynamics. 2010
- The influence of contact model, friction and lubrication on the dynamics of cylindrical clearance joints. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2010
- Influence of the baumgarte parameters on the dynamic response of multibody mechanical systems. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems Series B: Applications and Algorithms. 2009
- Investigation on the Baumgarte Stabilization Method for Dynamic Analysis of Constrained Multibody Systems. Proceedings of Eucomes 08, the Second European Conference on Mechanism Science. 2009
artigo de conferência
- Energy refactorings for Android in the large and in the wild 2020
- On understanding data scientists. Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing VL/HCC. 2020
- Utilization of Non-Conformal Wheel Surfaces for Railway Dynamics 2019
- Design, Modelling and Control of an Active Weight-Bearing Knee Exoskeleton with a Series Elastic Actuator 2019
- Computational Modelling of Human Lower Limb for Reproduction of Walking Dynamics with Muscles: Healthy and Pathological Cases 2019
- An Optimization Approach to Generate Accurate and Efficient Lookup Tables for Engineering Applications 2018
- Approach for Conformal Contact Detection for Wheel-Rail Interaction 2018
- Passive Walking Biped Model with Dissipative Contact and Friction Forces 2018
- On the generation of an enhanced lookup table for wheel-rail contact models 2018
- A new approach to implement a customized anatomic insole in orthopaedic footwear of lower limb orthosis. Biomedical Materials. 2017
- Helping programmers improve the energy efficiency of source code. Proceedings of the IEEE-ACM International Conference on Software Engineering Companion. 2017
- A study on the dynamics of spatial mechanisms with frictional spherical clearance joints 2016
- The influence of the Java collection framework on overall energy consumption. Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering. 2016
- User-friendly spreadsheet querying: An empirical study 2016
- A Medical Device for Patellofemoral Disorders: Design and Development 2015
- A medical device for support of the ankle pathologies diagnosis 2015
- A mechanical device for ankle pathologies diagnosis 2015
- A new approach to eliminate the constraints violation at the position and velocity levels in constrained mechanical multibody systems. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Dynamic modeling and analysis of an industrial cutting file machine. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Dynamic modeling and analysis of wear in artificial hip articulations 2015
- Lab experiences with a linkage exoskeleton for walking assistance. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Modeling, analysis and simulation of 3D elastohydrodynamic revolute joints in multibody systems. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Multi-objective optimization of mechanisms with clearances in revolute joints. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- On the study of the kinematic position errors due to manufacturing and assembly tolerances. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Preface 2015
- Synthesis of a mechanism for human gait rehabilitation: An introductory approach. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Techniques for geometrical detection of contact within multibody systems. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Watch Out for that Tree! A Tutorial on Shortcut Deforestation. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2015
- Wear prediction of ceramic-on-ceramic artificial hip joints. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- An overview of several formulations for dry and lubricated revolute joint clearances in planar rigid-multi-body mechanical systems 2014
- ES-SQL: Visually querying spreadsheets. Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing VL/HCC. 2014
- Embedding model-driven spreadsheet queries in spreadsheet systems. Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing VL/HCC. 2014
- FaultySheet detective: When smells meet fault localization. Proceedings-IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance. 2014
- Generating attribute grammar-based bidirectional transformations from rewrite rules 2014
- Refactoring meets model-driven spreadsheet evolution 2014
- A DOE- and Kriging-based model for studying on the dynamics of multibody mechanical systems with revolute joint clearance 2013
- A lookup table-based approach for spatial analysis of contact problems 2013
- Clinical diagnosis of patellofemoral disorders 2013
- Comparison of different contact force models for low and moderate impact velocities: Numerical and experimental analysis. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2013
- Comparison of different methods to control constraints violation in forward multibody dynamics 2013
- Computational and experimental analysis of mechanical systems with revolute clearance joints 2013
- Contact analysis for different viscoelastic contact force models 2013
- Design of a new knee orthosis locking system 2013
- Development of a multibody model of the lower limbs to evaluate the effect of ankle-foot orthoses on human gait 2013
- Implications of obesity on occupational health 2013
- Influence of the lubrication model on the dynamic response of mechanical systems 2013
- QuerySheet: A bidirectional query environment for model-driven spreadsheets. Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing VL/HCC. 2013
- Querying model-driven spreadsheets. Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing VL/HCC. 2013
- Study of the contact force model on the dynamic response of a four-bar mechanism with clearance joints. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2013
- A Purely Functional Combinator Language for Software Quality Assessment 2012
- A bidirectional model-driven spreadsheet environment. Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering. 2012
- A biomechanical multibody foot model for forward dynamic analysis 2012
- A quality model for spreadsheets 2012
- An overviewon continuous contact force models for multibody dynamics 2012
- Development of a biomechanical spine model for dynamic analysis 2012
- Development of a new femoral component for patellofemoral prosthesis 2012
- Extension and implementation of ClassSheet models. Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing VL/HCC. 2012
- From relational ClassSheets to UML+OCL 2012
- MDSheet: A framework for model-driven spreadsheet engineering. Proceedings - International Conference on Software Engineering. 2012
- SmellSheet detective: A tool for detecting bad smells in spreadsheets. Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing VL/HCC. 2012
- A methodology to detect the precise instant of contact in multibody dynamics 2011
- A novel continuous contact force model for multibody dynamics 2011
- Compliant contact force approach for forward dynamic modeling and analysis of biomechanical systems. Procedia Iutam. 2011
- Design of medical rehabilitation devices: A case study 2011
- Dynamic response of multibody systems with multiple clearance joints 2011
- Embedding and evolution of spreadsheet models in spreadsheet systems. Symposium on Visual Languages and Human Centric Computing VL/HCC. 2011
- On the contact modeling and analysis of the human knee joint 2011
- Strictification of circular programs 2011
- Cam size optimization of disc cam-follower mechanisms with translating roller followers 2010
- Kinematic analysis of the roller follower motion in translating cam-follower mechanisms 2010
- Modeling and analysis of contact phenomena in multibody systems using a linear complementarity formulation 2010
- Spatial multibody systems with lubricated spherical joints: Modeling and simulation 2010
- Shortcut fusion rules for the derivation of circular and higher-order monadic programs. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation. 2009
- A systematic and general approach to kinematic position errors due to manufacturing and assemble tolerances 2008
- Advanced graphical tools on modelling and control of automation systems 2008
- Kinematic analysis of human locomotion based on experimental data 2008
- Modeling expected wear in revolute joints with clearance in multibody mechanical systems 2008
- Study of the influence of the revolute joint model on the dynamic behavior of multibody mechanical systems: Modeling and simulation 2008
- Teaching kinematics and dynamics by using virtual reality capabilities 2008
- A shortcut fusion rule for circular program calculation 2007
- Biomodels reconstruction based on 2D medical images 2007
- Rapid prototyping technology in medical applications: A critical review 2007
- Tools and libraries to model and manipulate circular programs 2007
- Computational simulation of mechanisms with lubricated revolute joints: The infinitely-short journal-bearing approach 2006
- Development of mechanical engineering curricula at the university of minho 2006
- Dynamics of multibody systems with spherical clearance joints 2005
- Dynamic behavior of a revolute clearance joint in multibody mechanical systems 2003
- Modeling lubricated revolute clearance joints in multibody mechanical systems 2003
artigo de revista
- A Comprehensive Review on Biomechanical Modeling Applied to Device-Assisted Locomotion. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 2023
- A comparison of spherical joint models in the dynamic analysis of rigid mechanical systems: ideal, dry, hydrodynamic and bushing approaches. Multibody System Dynamics. 2022
- A review on foot-ground contact modeling strategies for human motion analysis. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2022
- A Recursive Algorithm for the Forward Kinematic Analysis of Robotic Systems Using Euler Angles. Robotics. 2022
- A compendium of contact force models inspired by Hunt and Crossley's cornerstone work. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2022
- An investigation of a novel LuGre-based friction force model. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2021
- Contact mechanics for dynamical systems: a comprehensive review. Multibody System Dynamics. 2021
- Examination and comparison of different methods to model closed loop kinematic chains using Lagrangian formulation with cut joint, clearance joint constraint and elastic joint approaches. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2021
- Statically Analyzing the Energy Efficiency of Software Product Lines. Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications. 2021
- Kinematics differences between obese and non-obese workers during vertical handling tasks. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 2020
- Thermo-Mechanical Behaviour of Human Nasal Cartilage. E-Polymers. 2020
- SPELLing out energy leaks: Aiding developers locate energy inefficient code. Journal of Systems and Software. 2020
- Thermographic differences due to dynamic work tasks on individuals with different obesity levels: a preliminary study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering-Imaging and Visualization. 2020
- Effects of workers' Body Mass Index and task conditions on exertion psychophysics during Vertical Handling Tasks. WORK. 2019
- Obesity effects on muscular activity during lifting and lowering tasks. International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics. 2019
- A finite element model of a 3D dry revolute joint incorporated in a multibody dynamic analysis. Multibody System Dynamics. 2019
- Memoized zipper-based attribute grammars and their higher order extension. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- A comprehensive survey of the analytical, numerical and experimental methodologies for dynamics of multibody mechanical systems with clearance or imperfect joints. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2018
- GreenSoftwareLab: towards an engineering discipline for green software. Impact. 2018
- A particle swarm-based algorithm for optimization of multi-layered and graded dental ceramics 2018
- An enhanced formulation to model spatial revolute joints with radial and axial clearances. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2017
- A Study on the Dynamics of Spatial Mechanisms With Frictional Spherical Clearance Joints. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2017
- On the constraints violation in forward dynamics of multibody systems. Multibody System Dynamics. 2017
- Effects of poly-ether-ether ketone (PEEK) veneer thickness on the reciprocating friction and wear behavior of PEEK/Ti6Al4V structures in artificial saliva. Wear. 2016
- A survey and comparison of several friction force models for dynamic analysis of multibody mechanical systems. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2016
- Influence of the Hip Joint Modeling Approaches on the Kinematics of Human Gait. Journal of Tribology-Transactions of the Asme. 2016
- Differences in muscular activity between obese and non-obese workers during manual lifting. DYNA. 2016
- A review of squeaking in ceramic total hip prostheses. Tribology International. 2016
- Embedding attribute grammars and their extensions using functional zippers. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- Evaluating refactorings for spreadsheet models. Journal of Systems and Software. 2016
- Multiple intermediate structure deforestation by shortcut fusion. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanical Systems with Lubricated Revolute Joints: the Infinitely-Short Journal-Bearing Approach. International Review of Civil Engineering. 2015
- Dynamic modeling and analysis of wear in spatial hard-on-hard couple hip replacements using multibody systems methodologies. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2015
- A kinematic characterization of human walking by using CaTraSys. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2015
- A Computational Analysis of Squeaking Hip Prostheses. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2015
- A comparative study of the viscoelastic constitutive models for frictionless contact interfaces in solids. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2015
- Embedding, evolution, and validation of model-driven spreadsheets. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. 2015
- Coupling dynamics of a geared multibody system supported by ElastoHydroDynamic lubricated cylindrical joints. Multibody System Dynamics. 2014
- A Kriging Model for Dynamics of Mechanical Systems With Revolute Joint Clearances. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2014
- Biomechanical behaviour of cancellous bone on patellofemoral arthroplasty with Journey prosthesis: a finite element study. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2014
- A lookup-table-based approach for spatial analysis of contact problems. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2014
- Nonlinear vibration and dynamics of ceramic on ceramic artificial hip joints: A spatial multibody modelling. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2014
- Study of the friction-induced vibration and contact mechanics of artificial hip joints. Tribology International. 2014
- A computational approach for cam size optimization of disc cam-follower mechanisms with translating roller followers. Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics. 2013
- ElastoHydroDynamic lubricated cylindrical joints for rigid-flexible multibody dynamics. Computers & Structures. 2013
- Study of the effect of contact force model on the dynamic response of mechanical systems with dry clearance joints: Computational and experimental approaches. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2013
- Application of the nonsmooth dynamics approach to model and analysis of the contact-impact events in cam-follower systems. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2012
- Compliant contact force models in multibody dynamics: Evolution of the Hertz contact theory. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2012
- Dynamic response of multibody systems with multiple clearance joints. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2012
- Modeling of the condyle elements within a biomechanical knee model. Multibody System Dynamics. 2012
- The effect of the lubricated revolute joint parameters and hydrodynamic force models on the dynamic response of planar multibody systems. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2012
- A Parametric Study on the Baumgarte Stabilization Method for Forward Dynamics of Constrained Multibody Systems. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2011
- A methodology for quantifying the kinematic position errors due to manufacturing and assembly toleranceslores. Journal of Mechanical Engineering. 2011
- A new model for dry and lubricated cylindrical joints with clearance in spatial flexible multibody systems. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2011
- Influence of the contact model on the dynamic response of the human knee joint. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K-Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics. 2011
- Numerical and experimental investigation on multibody systems with revolute clearance joints. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2011
- On the continuous contact force models for soft materials in multibody dynamics. Multibody System Dynamics. 2011
- A mathematical framework for rigid contact detection between quadric and superquadric surfaces. Multibody System Dynamics. 2010
- A parametric study on the dynamic response of planar multibody systems with multiple clearance joints. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2010
- Development of a planar multibody model of the human knee joint. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2010
- Modeling and analysis of planar rigid multibody systems with translational clearance joints based on the non-smooth dynamics approach. Multibody System Dynamics. 2010
- On the contact detection for contact-impact analysis in multibody systems. Multibody System Dynamics. 2010
- Spatial rigid-multibody systems with lubricated spherical clearance joints: Modeling and simulation. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2010
- Strain shielding in distal femur after patellofemoral arthroplasty under different activity conditions. Journal of Biomechanics. 2010
- Dynamics of spatial flexible multibody systems with clearance and lubricated spherical joints. Computers & Structures. 2009
- Lubricated revolute joints in rigid multibody systems. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2009
- Modeling and simulation of wear in revolute clearance joints in multibody systems. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2009
- Translational joints with clearance in rigid multibody systems. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2008
- Development of Mechanical Engineering Curricula at the University of Minho. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2007
- Dynamic behaviour of planar rigid multi-body systems including revolute joints with clearance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K-Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics. 2007
- A study on dynamics of mechanical systems including joints with clearance and lubrication. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2006
- Dynamics of multibody systems with spherical clearance joints. Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics. 2006
- Influence of the contact-impact force model on the dynamic response of multi-body systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K-Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics. 2006
- Spatial revolute joints with clearances for dynamic analysis of multi-body systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K-Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics. 2006
- Dynamic analysis for planar multibody mechanical systems with lubricated joints. Multibody System Dynamics. 2004
- Modelling lubricated revolute joints in multibody mechanical systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part K-Journal of Multi-Body Dynamics. 2004
- Revolute joints with clearance in multibody systems. Computers & Structures. 2004
capítulo de livro
- Spatial Modelling of Deep Groove Ball Bearings Using Smooth Contact Formulation 2024
- Paint Your Programs Green: On the Energy Efficiency of Data Structures 2023
- Modelling Spherical Joints in Multibody Systems. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2022
- Reactive Locomotion of a Hexapod for Navigation Across Irregular Ground. Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics. 2022
- Modeling and Simulation of Frictional Contacts in Multi-rigid-Body Systems. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2021
- On the Utilization of Simplified Methodologies for the Wheel-Rail Contact. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2021
- Patterns and Energy Consumption: Design, Implementation, Studies, and Stories 2021
- Railway Dynamics with Curved Contact Patch. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2021
- Adjusting ROC Curve for Covariates with AROC R Package. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Dynamic Modeling and Analysis of Pool Balls Interaction 2019
- Passive Walking Biped Model with Dissipative Contact and Friction Forces 2019
- Utilization of Non-Conformal Wheel Surfaces for Railway Dynamics 2019
- Approach for Conformal Contact Detection for Wheel-Rail Interaction 2018
- A Study on Constraints Violation in Dynamic Analysis of Spatial Mechanisms 2017
- A Form-Closed Cam-Follower Mechanism for a Breath Simulator Machine. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Design of a New Medical Device for Aiding Clinical Diagnosis of Patellofemoral Disorders. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- Design of medical rehabilitation devices: A case study 2011
- Multibody Dynamics with Contact-Impact Events: Roots, Models and Applications 2024
- A New Model to Study the Talocrural-Talocalcaneal Articular Complex of the Human Foot 2022
- 2. Sistemas de Transmissão de Movimento 2020
- 5. Cabos 2020
- 6. Rodas de Atrito 2020
- Análise e Síntese de Trens de Engrenagens 2020
- A Combined Multibody Finite Element Approaches for Dynamic Analysis and Material Behaviour of Mechanical Systems 2019
- Development of an Enhanced Wheel-Rail Contact Model for Prediction of Rolling Contact Fatigue of Rails 2019
- Modeling and Analysis of Friction Effects in Multibody Dynamics 2019
- Modelling Contact/Impact Problems with a Modified LuGre Friction Model 2019
- 1. Noções Propedêuticas em Órgãos de Máquinas 2019
- S02 - Sobre a Inércia 2019
- S03 - Sobre a Análise Dinâmica 2019
- T.02 - Noções Propedêuticas em Desenho Técnico 2019
- T.03 - Representações Ortográfica 2019
- Development of a new wheel-rail contact model for multibody simulations 2018
- Noções Propedêuticas em Desenho Técnico 2018
- GreenSoftwareLab: Towards an Engineering Discipline for Green Software 2017
- A Critical Overview of Several Methods to Handle the Problem of Constraints Violation in Forward Multibody Dynamics 2017
- Numerical Aspects in Multibody Dynamics with Frictional Contacts 2017
- Combined Effects of Elastic Deformation and Lubrication Action in Human Knee Joints 2017
- Modeling and Analysis of Friction Effects in Multibody Dynamics 2017
- Introdução ao Desenho Técnico 2017
- Manual 4BARDYNA 2017
- Órgãos de máquinas II: exercícios de aplicação 2017
- T.01 - Análise em Softwares Comerciais 2016
- Projeto Integrador em Engenharia Mecânica 2023
- Projeto e Seleção de Componentes Mecânicos 2023
- Da Dinâmica de Sistemas Multicorpo 2022
- Hexapod Posture Control for Navigation Across Complex Environments 2022
- Da Dinâmica de Sistemas Multicorpo 2021
- Workers’ Body Constitution as a Risk Factor During Manual Materials Handling 2019
- Analysis of infrared imaging during vertical handling tasks in workers with different levels of obesity 2018
- Preface 2017
- Sobre a Dinâmica do Carro - Teoria e Aplicação 2017
- Sobre a Dinâmica do Carro: Teoria e Aplicação 2017
- 3D Formulation for Revolute Clearance Joints 2016
- Contact Force Models for Multibody Dynamics 2016
- Demonstrative application examples 2016
- Dissipative contact force models 2016
- Introduction 2016
- Multibody systems formulation 2016
- Numerical methods in multibody system dynamics 2016
- On the Frictional Contacts in Multibody System Dynamics 2016
- Pure elastic contact force models 2016
- Recent Developments on Cylindrical Contact Force Models with Realistic Properties 2016
- A systematic approach for externalities in occupational safety through the use of the delphi methodology 2015
- Angular velocity and acceleration 2015
- Basic constraints between two vectors 2015
- Cinemática e Dinâmica de Engrenagens - Teoria e exercícios de Aplicação 2015
- Concepts and Formulations for Spatial Multibody Dynamics 2015
- Correction of the initial conditions 2015
- Definition of multibody system 2015
- Demonstrative example of application 2015
- Design and implementation of queries for model-driven spreadsheets 2015
- Equations of motion for constrained systems 2015
- Euler angles, bryant angles and euler parameters 2015
- Force elements and reaction forces 2015
- Fundamental concepts in multibody dynamics 2015
- Global and local coordinates 2015
- Integration methods in dynamic analysis 2015
- Kinematic constraint equations 2015
- Kinematic joints constraints 2015
- Methods to solve the equations of motion 2015
- Vector of coordinates, velocities and accelerations 2015
- A web portal for the certification of open source software 2014
- Detecting anomalous energy consumption in android applications 2014
- Graphical querying of model-driven spreadsheets 2014
- Patellofemoral Evaluation: Do We Need an Objective Kinematic Approach? 2014
- A framework for modular and customizable software analysis 2013
- Complexity metrics for classsheet models 2013
- Multiple intermediate structure deforestation by shortcut fusion 2013
- Análise cinemática e dinâmica de mecanismos: exercícios resolvidos e propostos 2012
- Towards a catalog of spreadsheet smells 2012
- End-users productivity in model-based spreadsheets: An empirical study 2011
- Modeling and analysis of rigid multibody systems with translational clearance joints based on the nonsmooth dynamics approach 2011
- Projeto de mecanismos came-seguidor 2009
- Contact-impact force models for mechanical systems 2008
- Introduction 2008
- Kinematics and Dynamics of Multibody Systems with Imperfect Joints 2008
- Lubricated joints for mechanical systems 2008
- Multibody systems formulation 2008
- Planar joints with clearance: Dry contact models 2008
- Spatial joints with clearance: Dry contact models 2008
- Cinemática de mecanismos 2007