publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Effect of micro-aeration on syntrophic and methanogenic activity in anaerobic sludge. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2024
- A Review of Computational Modeling in Wastewater Treatment Processes. ACS ES and T Water. 2023
- Correction to Insight into the Role of Facultative Bacteria Stimulated by Microaeration in Continuous Bioreactors Converting LCFA to Methane. Environmental Science and Technology. 2021
- Investigating bacterial community changes and organic substrate degradation in microbial fuel cells operating on real human urine. Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology. 2017
- Analysis of the microbial community of the biocathode of a hydrogen-producing microbial electrolysis cell. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011
- Effects of the acidogenic biomass on the performance of an anaerobic membrane bioreactor for wastewater treatment. Bioresource Technology. 2009
- Accumulation of long chain fatty acids onto anaerobic sludge under steady state and shock loading conditions: Effect on acetogenic and methanogenic activity. Water Science and Technology. 2003
- Anaerobic degradation of oleic acid by suspended and granular sludge: identification of palmitic acid as a key intermediate.. Water Science and Technology. 2002
- Degradation of oleic acid in anaerobic filters: The effect of inoculum acclimatization and biomass recirculation. Water Environment Research. 2001
- A new device to select microcarriers for biomass immobilization: Application to an anaerobic consortium. Water Environment Research. 1999
artigo de conferência
- Science Communication in Bioengineering and Biotechnology: active and collaborative learning project 2021
- The protective effect of Pseudomonas in syntrophic fatty acids degradation under microaerophilic conditions 2021
- Dissolved oxygen limitation: friend or foe of neutral lipids production by Alcanivorax borkumensis SK2? 2019
- A design of experiments to assess methane production from anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge with lipid rich waste 2017
- Toxicity of unsaturated and saturated long chain fatty acids towards Methanosaeta concilii 2015
- Comparison of oleate conversion under microaerophilic and anaerobic conditions 2015
- Troubleshooting of filamentous bulking using biofilm reactors 2010
- Lipids and LCFA inhibition: key parameter in anaerobic digestion process 2010
- A method to detect and quantify long chain fatty acids in liquid and solid samples and its relevance to understand anaerobic digestion of lipids 2007
- Anaerobic biodegradation of oleate by a highly loaded biomass before and after degrading the associated substrate 2007
- Anaerobic biodegradation of long chain fatty acids: a Review 2005
- Advantage of using sequential loading/degradation steps for the anaerobic mineralization of Long Chain Fatty Acids 2004
- Image Analysis as a Tool to Predict Washout in Sludge Bed Reactors Through the Quantification of Microbial Filamentous Structures 2004
- The important role of mass transfer limitations caused by LCFA accumulation onto anaerobic sludge 2004
- A comparative study of the biodegradability of oleic acid by sludge from a reactor fed with olive mill wastewater and sludge from a reactor fed with oleic acid 2004
- Image analysis, methanogenic activity measurements, and molecular biological techniques to monitor granular sludge from an EGSB reactor fed with oleic acid 2003
- Adsorption of LCFA on anaerobic sludge under steady state and shock loading conditions: effect on acetogenic and methanogenic activity 2002
- Characterisation of anaerobic sludge from two EGSB reactors treating oleic acid: automatic detection of granules disintegration by image analysis 2001
- Extraction and analysis of long chain fatty acids adsorbed onto active and inactive anaerobic sludge 2001
- Sequencing adsorption and degradation cycles towards the methanization of long chain fatty acids: comparison between granular and suspended sludge 2001
- Efeito da aclimatização do inóculo e da recirculação da biomassa na degradação de àcido oleico em filtro anaeróbio 1999
- Staged and non-staged anaerobic filters: microbial selection, hydrodynamic aspects and performance 1997
- Aspectos hidrodinâmicos e microbiológicos de duas configurações de filtros anaeróbios 1996
- Comparison of two configurations of upflow anaerobic filters. Specific methanogenic Activity profiles 1996
artigo de revista
- Starvation combined with constant anode potential triggers intracellular electron storage in electro-active biofilms. Water Research. 2023
- Hydrolysates containing xylooligosaccharides produced by different strategies: Structural characterization, antioxidant and prebiotic activities. Food Chemistry. 2022
- Effect of Endogenous Methane Production: A Step Forward in the Validation of Biochemical Methane Potential (BMP) Tests. Energies. 2022
- Principles, Advances, and Perspectives of Anaerobic Digestion of Lipids. Environmental Science and Technology. 2022
- Zeolite addition to improve biohydrogen production from dark fermentation of C5/C6-sugars and Sargassum sp. biomass. Acta Cytologica. 2021
- Corksorb Enhances Alkane Degradation by Hydrocarbonoclastic Bacteria. Antibiotics. 2021
- Hydrocarbon Toxicity towards Hydrogenotrophic Methanogens in Oily Waste Streams. Energies. 2021
- Dissolved oxygen concentration as a strategy to select type and composition of bacterial storage lipids produced during oilfield produced water treatment. Environmental Technology and Innovation. 2021
- Intensification of methane production from waste frying oil in a biogas-lift bioreactor. Renewable Energy. 2021
- Sequencing batch airlift reactors (SBAR): a suitable technology for treatment and valorization of mineral oil wastewaters towards lipids production. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2021
- Designing a functional rice muffin formulated with prebiotic oligosaccharides and sugar reduction. Food Bioscience. 2021
- Electron Storage in Electroactive Biofilms. Trends in Biotechnology. 2021
- Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Enhance Methanogenesis from Diverse Organic Compounds in Anaerobic Sludge and River Sediments. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Multiple and flexible roles of facultative anaerobic bacteria in microaerophilic oleate degradation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2020
- In vitro fermentation of raffinose to unravel its potential as prebiotic ingredient. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2020
- In vitro assessment of prebiotic properties of xylooligosaccharides produced by Bacillus subtilis 3610. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2020
- Anaerobic biological fermentation of urine as a strategy to enhance the performance of a microbial electrolysis cell (MEC). Renewable Energy. 2019
- Garden and food waste co-fermentation for biohydrogen and biomethane production in a two-step hyperthermophilic-mesophilic process. Bioresource Technology. 2019
- Inhibition Studies with 2-Bromoethanesulfonate Reveal a Novel Syntrophic Relationship in Anaerobic Oleate Degradation. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2019
- Hydrogen Production by Clostridium cellulolyticum a Cellulolytic and Hydrogen-Producing Bacteria Using Sugarcane Bagasse. Production Planning and Control. 2019
- Biological treatment of produced water coupled with recovery of neutral lipids. Water Research. 2018
- Tuning culturing conditions towards the production of neutral lipids from lubricant-based wastewater in open mixed bacterial communities. Water Research. 2018
- Improvement of Biomethane Production from Sewage Sludge in Co-digestion with Glycerol and Waste Frying Oil, Using a Design of Experiments. BioEnergy Research. 2018
- Insight into the Role of Facultative Bacteria Stimulated by Microaeration in Continuous Bioreactors Converting LCFA to Methane. Environmental Science and Technology. 2018
- Influence of carbon anode properties on performance and microbiome of Microbial Electrolysis Cells operated on urine. Electrochimica Acta. 2018
- Carbon nanotubes accelerate methane production in pure cultures of methanogens and in a syntrophic coculture. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2017
- Production of added value bacterial lipids through valorisation of hydrocarbon-contaminated cork waste. Heredity. 2017
- A design of experiments to assess phosphorous removal and crystal properties in struvite precipitation of source separated urine using different Mg sources. Antibiotics. 2016
- Toxicity of long chain fatty acids towards acetate conversion by Methanosaeta concilii and Methanosarcina mazei. Microbial Biotechnology. 2016
Conversion of C
n -Unsaturated into Cn-2 -Saturated LCFA Can Occur Uncoupled from Methanogenesis in Anaerobic Bioreactors. Environmental Science and Technology. 2016 - Boosting dark fermentation with co-cultures of extreme thermophiles for biohythane production from garden waste. Bioresource Technology. 2016
- Continuous fungal treatment of non-sterile veterinary hospital effluent: pharmaceuticals removal and microbial community assessment. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016
- Rhodococcus opacus B4: a promising bacterium for production of biofuels and biobased chemicals. Amb Express. 2016
- Valorization of lubricant-based wastewater for bacterial neutral lipids production: Growth-linked biosynthesis. Water Research. 2016
- Ultrasound intensification suppresses the need of methanol excess during the biodiesel production with Lipozyme TL-IM. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. 2015
- Biohythane production from marine macroalgae Sargassum sp. coupling dark fermentation and anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology. 2015
- Study of 16 Portuguese activated sludge systems based on filamentous bacteria populations and their relationships with environmental parameters. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2015
- Long-term acclimation of anaerobic sludges for high-rate methanogenesis from LCFA. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2014
- A methodology for a quantitative interpretation of DGGE with the help of mathematical modelling: Application in biohydrogen production. Water Science and Technology. 2014
- Anaerobic granular sludge as a biocatalyst for 1,3-propanediol production from glycerol in continuous bioreactors. Bioresource Technology. 2014
- Influence of tetracycline on the microbial community composition and activity of nitrifying biofilms. Chemosphere. 2014
- On the independence of hydrogen production from methanogenic suppressor in olive mill wastewater. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2014
- Activity and Viability of Methanogens in Anaerobic Digestion of Unsaturated and Saturated Long-Chain Fatty Acids. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2013
- Endurance of methanogenic archaea in anaerobic bioreactors treating oleate-based wastewater. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2013
- Bioaugmentation of sewage sludge with Trametes versicolor in solid-phase biopiles produces degradation of pharmaceuticals and affects microbial communities. Environmental Science and Technology. 2012
- Influence of adsorption and anaerobic granular sludge characteristics on long chain fatty acids inhibition process. Water Research. 2012
- Influence of carrier concentration on the control of Galactomyces geotrichum bulking and bacterial community of biofilm reactors. Desalination and Water Treatment. 2012
- Influence of the organic loading rate on the growth of Galactomyces geotrichum in activated sludge. Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part a Toxic/hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 2012
- Strategies to suppress hydrogen-consuming microorganisms affect macro and micro scale structure and microbiology of granular sludge. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2011
- Thermophilic co-digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid wastes with FOG wastes from a sewage treatment plant: Reactor performance and microbial community monitoring. Bioresource Technology. 2011
- Engineered heat treated methanogenic granules: A promising biotechnological approach for extreme thermophilic biohydrogen production. Bioresource Technology. 2010
- Biofilms formed on humic substances: Response to flow conditions and carbon concentrations. Bioresource Technology. 2010
- Production of fermented cheese whey-based beverage using kefir grains as starter culture : evaluation of morphological and microbial variations. Bioresource Technology. 2010
- Detection and quantification of long chain fatty acids in liquid and solid samples and its relevance to understand anaerobic digestion of lipids. Bioresource Technology. 2009
- Waste lipids to energy: How to optimize methane production from long-chain fatty acids (LCFA). Microbial Biotechnology. 2009
- Anaerobic microbial LCFA degradation in bioreactors. Water Science and Technology. 2008
- Enhancement of methane production from long chain fatty acid based effluents. Bioresource Technology. 2008
- Microbial communities involved in anaerobic degradation of unsaturated or saturated long-chain fatty acids. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2007
- Molecular assessment of complex microbial communities degrading long chain fatty acids in methanogenic bioreactors. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2007
- Anaerobic biodegradation of oleic and palmitic acids: Evidence of mass transfer limitations caused by long chain fatty acid accumulation onto the anaerobic sludge. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2005
- Development of Image Analysis Techniques as a Tool to Detect and Quantify Morphological Changes in Anaerobic Sludge: II. Application to a Granule Deterioration Process Triggered by Contact With Oleic Acid. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2004
- Mineralization of LCFA associated with anaerobic sludge: Kinetics, enhancement of methanogenic activity, and effect of VFA. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2004
- Molecular monitoring of microbial diversity in expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactors treating oleic acid. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2002
- Operation of an anaerobic filter and an EGSB reactor for the treatment of an oleic acid-based effluent: Influence of inoculum quality. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2002
- Effect of lipids and oleic acid on biomass development in anaerobic fixed-bed reactors. Part I: Biofilm growth and activity. Water Research. 2001
- Effects of lipids and oleic acid on biomass development in anaerobic fixed-bed reactors. Part II: Oleic acid toxicity and biodegradability. Water Research. 2001
- Influence of physico-chemical properties of porous microcarriers on the adhesion of an anaerobic consortium. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2000
- Staged and Non-Staged Anaerobic Filters: Performance in Relation to Physical and Biological Characteristics of Microbial Aggregates. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2000
- A new method to study interactions between biomass and packing material in anaerobic filters. Biotechnology Techniques. 1998
- Staged and non-staged anaerobic filters: Microbial activity segregation, hydrodynamic behaviour and performance. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 1998
capítulo de livro
- Biological processes and the use of microorganisms in oily wastewater treatment 2023
- Evaluating Unidimensional Convolutional Neural Networks to Forecast the Influent pH of Wastewater Treatment Plants. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2021
- A Deep Learning Approach to Forecast the Influent Flow in Wastewater Treatment Plants. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Bioelectrochemical systems for production of valuable compounds 2019
- Oil and Hydrocarbon-Producing Bacteria 2018
- Anaerobic Digestion of Lipid-Rich Waste 2017
- Harnessing the Power of PCR Molecular Fingerprinting Methods and Next Generation Sequencing for Understanding Structure and Function in Microbial Communities. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2017
- Biomethanation Potential of Biological and Other Wastes 2013
- The Role of Marine Anaerobic Bacteria and Archaea in Bioenergy Production 2013
- Métodos de tipagem molecular para a caracterização de biofilmes. 2012
- Machine learning for predicting biomethane production from microbial communities¿ composition in full scale anaerobic digesters 2023
- Optimization of Phosphorus Recovery from Anaerobic Digester Effluents in Agri-industry 2023
- BioCH4 production using pressurized bioreactors 2023
- Modelling anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge: mechanistic models vs machine learning 2022
- Pseudomonas make syntrophic fatty acid degradation go beyond foreseen 2022
- Carbon nanomaterials for electrode modification in CH4-producing bioelectrochemical systems 2022
- Oleate degradation in a continuous microaerophilic bioreactor by a syntrophic co-culture together with facultative anaerobic bacteria 2022
- Pseudomonas empower syntrophic fatty acids degradation in the presence of oxygen 2022
- Beneficial impact of raffinose on human intestinal microbiota 2022
- Application of carbon nanomaterials in CH4 producing bioelectrochemical systems 2022
- Science communication in bioengineering and biotechnology: Active and collaborative learning project 2021
- Biological saline produced water treatment, a sustainable process towards lipids production. 2020
- Hexadecane toxicity towards pure cultures of methanogens 2019
- Microaeration in anaerobic digestion systems: effect of low oxygen concentrations on methanogenic communities 2019
- Enhanced oil spill bioremediation with Corksorb 2019
- Aerobic and facultative bacteria: working horses at the service of anaerobic digestion. 2019
- Conductive materials affect methanogenic activity of pure cultures of methanogens and syntrophic cocultures 2019
- Production of bacterial lipids from hydrocarbon-based wastewaters in sequencing batch airlift reactors (SBAR) 2019
- Acceleration of anaerobic reactions by conductive carbon nanomaterials 2017
- Acceleration of methane production by carbon nanotubes 2017
- Effect of carbon nanotubes on methane production in pure cultures of methanogens and in a syntrophic co-culture. 2017
- Effect of different carbon materials on the performance of microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) operated on urine and their microbial composition 2017
- Exploring syntrophic relationships in the anaerobic biodegradation of lipids and long chain fatty acids 2017
- Neutral lipid production from hydrocarbon-contaminated cork sorbents using R. opacus B4 2017
- Towards the identification of pathways for lipids biosynthesis in HCB 2017
- What is the role of Pseudomonas sp. in the anaerobic digestion of long-chain fatty acids? 2016
- Bio-electrochemically-assisted recovery of valuable resources from urine 2016
- Energy potential of waste(water) through anaerobic digestion processes 2016
- Enhancement of biomethane production from the anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge and macroalgae by continuous and intermittent addition of glycerol 2016
- Anodic potential assessment for energy production with human urine in BES 2015
- Energy production from lipids by novel anaerobes 2015
- Growth of sulfate reducing bacteria on the methanogenic inhibitor 2015
- Microbial acclimation to concentrated human urine in Bio-electrochemical system 2014
- Prospecting fat-degrading anaerobes for biotechnology 2014
- A methodology for coupling DGGE and mathematical modelling: Application in bio-hydrogen production 2013
- An innovative bioelectrochemical system for the recovery of phosphorus, ammonia and electricity from urine2013 2013
- Bioenergy potential of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria fattened-up from industrial wastewaters 2013
- Effect of long-chain fatty acids (LCFA) on the prevalence and viability of hydrogenotrophic methanogens 2013
- Managing hydrocarbonoclastic communities towards production of carbon storage compounds of biotechnological relevance 2013
- Non-syntrophic reactions in anaerobic unsaturated LCFA conversion by methanogenic sludges 2013
- ProFuelDB: an open-access database of physiological properties of biofuel-producing anaerobic prokaryotes 2013
- Production of 1,3-propanediol in EGSB reactors by open mixed cultures using glycerol as the carbon source 2013
- Bioremediation of emerging pollutants from sewage sludge by fungal bioaugmentation 2012
- New strategies for optimal methane production from long chain fatty acids 2012
- Selective enrichment of hydrocarbonoclastic bacteria producing storage compounds of biotechnological relevance 2012
- Sustainable bioenergy carriers from wastes 2012
- Acidogenic sludge adaptation with progressive increase in glycerol concentrations 2011
- Assessment of methanogen survival in anaerobic enrichment cultures degrading long-chain fatty acids 2011
- Biofilm reactor technology as an alternative to control fungal filamentous bulking caused by Galactomyces geotrichum 2011
- Characterization of the filamentous bacteria Eikelboom Type 0581 in Portuguese activated-sludge systems 2011
- Microbial diversity and methanogen survival in anaerobic communities degrading long-chain fatty acids 2011
- Directing mixed cultures for optimized hydrogen dark fermentation 2010
- Strategies for selecting hydrogen-producing microorganisms affect micro- and macrostructure of granular sludge 2010
- Anaerobic LCFA degradation: the role of syntrophic and nonsyntrophic bactéria 2009
- Bacterial community structure of biohydrogen production process in extreme thermophilic conditions (70ºC) 2009
- Comparative analyze of the kefir fermentation process and microbiota, using milk and cheese whey as substrates 2009
- Engineered heat treated methanogenic granules (EHTG): a promising biotechnological approach for high rate extreme thermophilic (70 degrees C) biohydrogen production in expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) reactors. 2009
- Microbial community structure of biohydrogen production process in extreme thermophilic conditions 2009
- Molecular profiling of microbial communities in anaerobic bioreactors treating oleic acid rich wastewater 2009
- Thermophilic co-digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid wastes with FOG wastes from a sewage treatment plant: reactor performance and microbial community monitoring 2009
- Anaerobic microbial community dynamics during discontinuous treatment of a synthetic dairy wastewater 2008
- Microbial communities involved in anaerobic degradation of unsaturated- and saturated-LCFA in methanogenic bioreactors 2006
- Anaerobic biodegradation of long chain fatty acids 2005
- Molecular monitoring of bacterial and archaeal domains during the anaerobic mineralization of biomass-associated LCFA 2004
- A new device to select microcarriers for biomass immobilization: application to an anaerobic consortium 1998
- A new method to study interactions between biomass and packing material in anaerobic filters 1998
- Influence of lipid acclimatization on the oleic acid toxicity towards metanogenic acetoclastic bacteria 1998
- Influence of lipid acclimatization on the support matrix colonisation in anaerobic filters treating oleic acid 1998
- Physico-chemical properties of porous microcarriers on the adhesion of an aerobic consortium 1998
- Anaerobic biodegradation of long chain fatty acids: biomethanisation of biomass-associated LCFA as a challenge for the anaerobic treatment of effluents with high lipid/LCFA content 2003
- Degradação de ácido oleico em filtro anaeróbico: efeito da adaptação do inóculo e da recirculação da biomassa 1998