publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A Multifunctional Cementitious Composite for Pavement Subgrade. Materials. 2024
- EMI Shielding and Conductive Textiles Functionalized with (Ti,Cu) Nanomaterials for Biomedical Applications. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2023
- Modeling of a Compact, Implantable, Dual-Band Antenna for Biomedical Applications. Electronics. 2023
- GNSS antenna placement for autonomous vehicles supported by Bayesian optimization. Expert Systems with Applications. 2023
- 0.13 µm Low-Power CMOS Current Starved VCO for Vibration Energy Harvesters. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices. 2021
- Design and Characterization of 3-D Self-Folded Microantennas for Implantable Microdevices. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2020
- Editorial for the special issue on wireless microdevices and systems for biomedical applications. Micromachines. 2018
- Extending Lifetime of Biomedical Wireless Sensor Networks using Energy-Aware Routing and Relay Nodes. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications. 2017
- Photonic Sensing of Electrophysiological Activity for Wearable Applications. IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electron.. 2014
- An Intuitive Analysis of Phase Noise Fundamental Limits Suitable for Benchmarking LC Oscillators. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 2014
- Energy-aware routing for biomedical wireless sensor networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 2014
- QoS-based management of biomedical wireless sensor networks for patient monitoring. SpringerPlus. 2014
- Electro-optic acquisition system for ECG wearable sensor applications. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2013
- Development of a Piezoelectric Transducers System to Improve Mixing of Fluids. Procedia Engineering. 2012
- Electro-optic electrodes based on Lithium Niobate Mach Zhender Interferometer Modulators for wearable bioelectric activity recording. Proceedings of SPIE. 2011
- Large Area Microfabrication of Electroactive Polymeric Structures Based on Near-Field Electrospinning. Procedia Engineering. 2011
- 433 MHz implantable wireless stimulation of spinal nerves. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems, ICECS 2010 - Proceedings. 2010
- A process for embedding Fiber Bragg Gratings in flexible skin foils. Proceedings of SPIE. 2010
- Design and realization of a wireless sensor gateway for health monitoring.. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2010
- Feature selection on movement imagery discrimination and attention detection. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 2010
- Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors Integrated in Polymeric Foils. Advanced Materials Forum V, Pt 1 and 2. 2010
- Flexible PDMS -based dry electrodes for electro-optic acquisition of ECG signals in wearable devices.. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2010
- Low power wireless acquisition module for wearable health monitoring systems.. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2010
- Multifunction antenna for compact wireless electrophysiological monitoring devices. 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC-USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting - Leading the Wave, AP-S/URSI 2010. 2010
- Variable down-selection for brain-computer interfaces. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2010
- A 3.4-mW 2.4-GHz frequency synthesizer in 0.18 -m CMOS. Proceedings of the DTIS'09 - 2009 4th IEEE International Conference on Design and Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era. 2009
- A 4.2 mW 5.7-GHz frequency synthesizer with dynamic-logic (TSPC) frequency divider. 16th International Conference on Telecommunications, ICT 2009. 2009
- Feature down-selection in brain-computer interfaces dimensionality reduction and discrimination power. 2009 4th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER '09. 2009
- Inner Car Smart Flooring for Monitoring Chassis Deformation. 2009 Ieee Sensors, Vols 1-3. 2009
- Manufacturing technology for flexible optical sensing foils. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2009
- Non-invasive iridium oxide biopotential electrodes. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2009
- Smart Sensing Polymeric Foil with Integrated Optic Fiber Sensors Fabrication and characterization of a polymeric foil sensitive to strain. 2009 3rd International Conference on Sensor Technologies and Applications (Sensorcomm 2009). 2009
- Special issues and methods for testing LNAs at high frequencies. Dtis: 2009 4th Ieee International Conference on Design & Technology of Integrated Systems in Nanoscale Era, Proceedings. 2009
- Visual gate for brain-computer interfaces. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2009
- Wearable brain cap with contactless electroencephalogram measurement for brain-computer interface applications. 2009 4th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, NER '09. 2009
- 3D electrode localization on wireless sensor networks for wearable BCI.. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2008
- Effects of the ESD protections in the behavior of a 2.4 GHz RF transceiver: Problems and solutions. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2008
- Feature Selection for Brain-Computer Interface. IFMBE Proceedings. 2008
- Quality of service support in wireless sensor networks for emergency healthcare services.. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2008
- 2.4 GHz wireless sensor network for smart electronic shirts. 2007 Ieee International Symposium on Industrial Electronics, Proceedings, Vols 1-8. 2007
- A 2.4-GHz low-power/low-voltage wireless plug-and-play module for EEG applications. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2007
- Comparison of EEG pattern classification methods for brain-computer interfaces. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2007
- Customized linear discriminant analysis for brain-computer interfaces. 2007 3rd International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, Vols 1 and 2. 2007
- 5.7 GHz on-chip antenna/RF CMOS transceiver for wireless sensor networks. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2006
- Low-power 2.4-GHz RF transceiver for wireless EEG module plug-and-play. 2006 13th Ieee International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, Vols 1-3. 2006
- Subject age in P300 BCI. 2nd International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering. 2005
artigo de conferência
- Specific Absorption Rate Lessening Through A Combined EBG-Cells 2023
- Combined Engineered Cells For Multiband, Wide Band, And Miniaturized Antennas 2022
- Backscatter analysis in UWB chipless RFID based on UWB-IR 2021
- A CMOS Current Starved VCO for Energy Harvesting applications 2020
- Electric Field Array Detector for Millimeter Wave Assistance on Brain Tumor Resection 2019
- Breast cancer detection based on CPW antenna. Mediterranean Microwave Symposium. 2019
- Increasing the Miniaturization Limit of Wireless Implantable Devices Through a Multimode Wireless Power Transfer Approach. Mediterranean Microwave Symposium. 2019
- Shared wireless link co-design for implantable device with far-field wireless power transfer. IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference. 2019
- Design and validation of a six-antenna WPT system with tracking capabilites for biomedical devices. IEEE International New Circuits and Systems Conference. 2019
- Wireless powering and communication in RFCMOS 180 nm for implantable thermal neuromodulators 2019
- Low Intensity Focused Ultrasound Modulation of Neural Circuits Activity 2019
- Brain tumor modeling and resection limits using millimeter wavelengths 2019
- Design of Biomedical Passive RFID tag Antenna. Mediterranean Microwave Symposium. 2019
- WPT system for implantable devices using a phased array and tracking algorithm for freely moving rats 2019
- Electromagnetic study of the breast for biomedical applications 2018
- Immunity test of RF MEMS of non uniform test radiation techniques 2018
- Ultra-small packaged micro-cooler for medical applications 2018
- Wireless thermal neuromodulator for long-term in vivo cooling performance assessment 2018
- A Multiantenna Approach to Maximize Wireless Power Transferred to Implantable Devices 2017
- Slot Antenna Design for a Wirelessly Powered Implantable Microcooler for Neuronal Applications. Proceedings of the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. 2017
- Thermal Modeling of an Implantable Brain Focal Cooling Device 2017
- Implantable microdevice with integrated wireless power transfer for thermal neuromodulation applications 2016
- Adaptive and context-aware detection and classification of potential QoS degradation events in biomedical wireless sensor networks. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016
- Shifting the half wave dipole antenna resonance using EBG structure. International Conference on Microelectronics-Icm. 2016
- Stabilization of model-based networked control systems. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016
- Performance assessment of wireless power transfer links for implantable microsystems 2015
- Towards an RFID microsystem for surgical instrument detection using millimeter waves 2015
- 60 GHz on-chip antenna array with efficiency improvement using 3D microfabrication technology 2015
- Characterization of chip-size electrically-small antennas for smart wireless biomedical devices 2015
- Estimating the impact of adding sensor nodes to biomedical wireless sensor networks. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015
- New technique to drive the central frequency and to improve bandwidth of EBG structures 2015
- On-Chip, Efficient and Small Antenna Array for Millimetre-Wave Applications 2015
- Performance Assessment of an RFID System for Automatic Surgical Sponge Detection in a Surgery Room. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2015
- RF CMOS wireless implantable microsystem for sacral roots stimulation with on-chip antenna and far-field wireless powering. European Microwave Conference. 2015
- Towards long-term intracranial pressure monitoring based on implantable wireless microsystems and wireless sensor networks 2015
- Toxicity measurement techniques for building materials with wastes 2015
- Ultra-small energy harvesting microsystem for biomedical applications 2014
- A middleware for intelligent environments in ambient assisted living 2014
- A 195.6dBc/Hz peak FoM P-N class-B oscillator with transformer-based tail filtering. Proceedings of the European Solid-State Circuits Conference. 2014
- A new integration method for mounting and in vivo handling of sub-mm flexible cuff electrode 2014
- End-to-end quality of service-based admission control via virtual sensor nodes 2014
- Deployment of wireless sensor networks for biomedical applications 2013
- Design, fabrication and modeling of a cuff electrode for peripheral nerve stimulation 2013
- Development of a RF contactless respiratory rate monitor 2013
- Micro antennas for implantable medical devices 2013
- Modeling workflow for study of functional electrical stimulation in peripheral nerves 2013
- Wireless in geotechnical engineering: A CPTUwl prototype 2013
- Wireless sensor networks for biomedical applications 2013
- 3D small antenna for energy harvesting applications on implantable micro-devices 2012
- Energy harvesting for self-folding micro devices 2012
- Framework for QOS performance assessment on biomedical wireless sensor networks 2012
- Mobile health monitoring platform for aal applications 2012
- The impact of rhythms analysis technique on electrographic seizure detection (EEG) 2012
- Towards wearable and continuous 12-lead electrocardiogram monitoring: Synthesis of the 12-lead electrocardiogram using 3 wireless single-lead sensors 2012
- Antenna operating frequency selection for energy harvesting on nano biomedical devices 2011
- Bioelectric activity recording based on a single electrode for use on wearable devices 2011
- Development of a two-electrode ECG acquisition system with dynamic interference rejection 2011
- Modelling the impact of software components on wireless sensor network performance 2011
- Monitoring QoS over wireless sensor networks: For medical applications 2011
- 3D modeling and simulation of a MEMS electrically small antenna 2010
- A platform with combined environmental and physiological wireless data acquisition for AAL applications 2010
- A time-slot scheduling algorithm for e-health wireless sensor networks 2010
- Autonomy suitability of wireless modules for Ambient Assisted Living applications :WiFi, ZigBee, proprietary devices 2010
- Design and realization of a wireless sensor gateway for health monitoring 2010
- Design of efficient wireless links for invasive biomedical microdevices 2010
- Electrically small and efficient on-chip MEMS antenna for biomedical devices 2010
- Low power wireless acquisition module for wearable health monitoring systems 2010
- Magtag - A wearable wrist device for localization applications: Ultra small, hospital compliance and wireless recharging 2010
- Non-invasive dry electrodes for EEG 2010
- Trade-off analysis of a MAC protocol for wireless e-Emergency systems. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2010
- An improved MAC protocol with a reconfiguration scheme for wireless e-health systems requiring quality of service 2009
- Variable subset selection for brain-computer interface : PCA-based dimensionality reduction and feature selection 2009
- Wearable and ultra low power wireless system for physiological monitoring 2009
- 3D Localization for biomedical wireless sensor networks using a microantenna 2008
- 3D electrode localization on wireless sensor networks for wearable BCI 2008
- A 2.4 GHZ wireless electronic shirt for vital signals monitoring 2008
- Electrically small MEMS antenna for wireless biomedical microsystems 2008
- Electrode localization in a self-organizing network for electrophysiological diagnostics 2008
- Mems antenna for wireless biomedical microsystems: Extremely small antenna for rf receivers in implantable devices 2008
- Quality of service support in wireless sensor networks for emergency health care services. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2008
- Wideband wireless link for BCI control 100 kHz - 8/16 channel for high resolution EEG 2008
- Wireless sensor networks with QoS for e-health and e-emergency applications 2008
- Implantable wireless microsystem for physiological functions control 2007
- Reconfigurable on-chip folded-patch antenna using tunable electroactive materials 2007
- Towards a reconfigurable wireless sensor network for biomedical applications 2007
- 5.7 GHz on-chip antenna/RF CMOS transceiver for wireless sensors network 2005
- An integrated folded-patch antenna for wireless microsystems 2004
- An integrated folded-patch chip-size antenna using high-resistivity polycrystalline silicon substrate 2004
- Characterization of high-resistivity polycrystalline silicon substrates for wafer-level packaging and integration of RF passives 2004
- Novel very small dual-band chip-size antenna for wireless sensor networks 2004
- On-chip CMOS wireless sensors interface for automotive applications 2004
- Size reduction and tuning of integrated folded patch antennas using slots 2004
- Spiral inductors on silicon for wireless communications. Key Engineering Materials. 2004
- Wafer-level chip-scale packaging for low-end RF products 2004
- Wafer-level integration of on-chip antennas and RF passives using high-resistivity polysilicon substrate technology 2004
- Design and analysis of a 6 GHz chip antenna on glass substrates for integration with RF/wireless microsystems 2003
- Design of a folded-patch chip-size antenna for short-range communications 2003
- Integrated 5.7 GH size antenna for wireless sensor networks 2003
- Processability and electrical characteristics of glass substrates for RF wafer-level chip-scale packages 2003
artigo de revista
- GNSS Antenna Pattern Prediction and Placement Optimization: A Prototype Method Using Machine Learning to Aid Complex Electromagnetic Simulations Validated on a Vehicle Model. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Extraction of Graphene’s RF Impedance through Thru-Reflect-Line Calibration. Micromachines. 2023
- A Comprehensive Review on Photoacoustic-Based Devices for Biomedical Applications. Bioengineering. 2022
- A Novel Approach for Micro-Antenna Fabrication on ZrO2 Substrate Assisted by Laser Printing for Smart Implants. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Towards RF graphene devices: A review. FlatChem. 2022
- Metamaterial Vivaldi Antenna Array for Breast Cancer Detection. Bioengineering. 2022
- A Dynamic Threshold Cancellation Technique for a High-Power Conversion Efficiency CMOS Rectifier. Bioengineering. 2021
- 2D Electronics Based on Graphene Field Effect Transistors: Tutorial for Modelling and Simulation. Micromachines. 2021
- Frequency-Spectra-Based High Coding Capacity Chipless RFID Using an UWB-IR Approach. Bioengineering. 2021
- A comprehensive review of powering methods used in state-of-the-art miniaturized implantable electronic devices. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2021
- Fabrication and characterization of polyimide-based ‘smooth’ titanium nitride microelectrode arrays for neural stimulation and recording. Journal of Neural Engineering. 2019
- Design and Performance Assessment of a Solid-State Microcooler for Thermal Neuromodulation. Micromachines. 2018
- Modeling, design, and simulation of a radio frequency microelectromechanical system capacitive shunt switch. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields. 2018
- Extending the Limits of Wireless Power Transfer to Miniaturized Implantable Electronic Devices. Micromachines. 2017
- Enhanced low profile, dual-band antenna via novel electromagnetic band gap structure. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C. 2017
- Smart context-aware QoS-based admission control for biomedical wireless sensor networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 2017
- Analysis and design of a 195.6 dBc/Hz Peak FoM P-N Class-B oscillator with transformer-based tail filtering. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits. 2015
- Piezoelectric actuators for acoustic mixing in microfluidic devices - Numerical prediction and experimental validation of heat and mass transport. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 2014
- Polymer-based acoustic streaming for improving mixing and reaction times in microfluidic applications. Nanoscale. 2014
- Information and technology implementation issues in AAL solutions. International Journal of E-Health and Medical Communications. 2013
- PVC formulation study for the manufacturing of a skin smart structure based in optical fiber elements. Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 2012
- Wireless instrumentation system based on dry electrodes for acquiring EEG signals. Medical Engineering & Physics. 2012
- A Low-Power/Low-Voltage CMOS Wireless Interface at 5.7 GHz With Dry Electrodes for Cognitive Networks. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2011
- A Smart Skin PVC Foil Based on FBG Sensors for Monitoring Strain and Temperature. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2011
- FBG sensing glove for monitoring hand posture. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2011
- Simultaneous cardiac and respiratory frequency measurement based on a single fiber Bragg grating sensor. Measurement Science and Technology. 2011
- Super-regenerative receiver at 433 MHz. Microelectronics Journal. 2011
- A 2.4-GHz CMOS Short-Range Wireless-Sensor-Network Interface for Automotive Applications. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2010
- Hydrogel-based photonic sensor for a biopotential wearable recording system. Biosensors & Bioelectronics. 2010
- New dry electrodes based on iridium oxide (IrO) for non-invasive biopotential recordings and stimulation. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2010
- PVC smart sensing foil for advanced strain measurements. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2010
- Integrated chip-size antennas for wireless microsystems: Fabrication and design considerations. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 2006
- High-resistivity polycrystalline silicon as RF substrate in wafer-level packaging. Electronics Letters. 2005
capítulo de livro
- 2D Electronic Circuits for Sensing Applications 2023
- Study and Design of Reconfigurable Wireless and Radio- Frequency Components Based on RF MEMS for Low-Power Applications 2018
- Recent Advances on Implantable Wireless Sensor Networks 2017
- Wireless hydrotherapy smart suit for monitoring handicapped people. Proceedings of SPIE. 2005
- Quality of service and radio management in biomedical wireless sensor networks 2017
- Providing qos in wireless sensor networks: A system overview 2014
- Multi-technique approach for the assessment of historical masonry constructions 2013
- Design of a MAC protocol for e-emergency WSNs 2012
- A model to improve the accuracy of WSN simulations 2011
- Quality of service in wireless e-emergency: Main issues and a case-study 2009
- MEMS micro-antennas for wireless biomedical systems 2007