publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A Holistic Modular Solution for Energy and Seismic Renovation of Buildings Based on 3D-Printed Thermoplastic Materials. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Effectiveness of a TRM solution for rammed earth under in-plane cyclic loads. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2023
- Tensile behavior of textile-reinforced mortar: Influence of test setup and layer arrangement. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- Multi-Level Numerical Modelling and Analysis of Tile Vaults. Bioengineering. 2023
- Design of Strain-Hardening Natural TRM Composites: Current Challenges and Future Research Paths. Materials. 2023
- Integration of Laser Scanning Technologies and 360º Photography for the Digital Documentation and Management of Cultural Heritage Buildings. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2023
- A non-parametric algorithm for time-dependent modal analysis of civil structures and infrastructures 2023
- An effective numerical modelling strategy for FRCM strengthened curved masonry structures. Engineering Structures. 2023
- Graphene/polyurethane nanocomposite coatings – Enhancing the mechanical properties and environmental resistance of natural fibers for masonry retrofitting. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2023
- Freeze-thaw effects on the performance of TRM-strengthened masonry. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Tensile Behavior of Textile-Reinforced Mortar: Influence of the Number of Layers and their Arrangement. Key Engineering Materials. 2022
- The Potential of Beeswax Colloidal Emulsion/Films for Hydrophobization of Natural Fibers Prior to NTRM Manufacturing. Key Engineering Materials. 2022
- Correction to: A multi-level investigation on the mechanical response of TRM-strengthened masonry. Materials and Structures. 2022
- Effect of early curing and substrate preparation conditions on the physical and mechanical properties of TRM-masonry composites. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2022
- Preliminary Results on Natural Aging of GFRP-Reinforced Masonry Components Exposed to Outdoor Environmental Conditions. Key Engineering Materials. 2022
- Seismic and energy integrated retrofit of buildings: A critical review. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2022
- A multi-level investigation on the mechanical response of TRM-strengthened masonry. Materials and Structures. 2021
- Structural analysis of the Barrô Romanesque Church. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2021
- Slip rate effects and cyclic behaviour of textile-to-matrix bond in textile reinforced mortar composites. Materials and Structures. 2021
- Development and Demonstration of an HBIM Framework for the Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2021
- A seleção e controlo de qualidade dos materiais na construção em taipa 2021
- Editorial: Recent Advances in Seismic Risk Assessment and Its Applications. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2020
- Natural and Synthetic Consolidants for Earth Heritage: A Review. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Characterization of a Compatible Low Cost Strengthening Solution Based on the TRM Technique for Rammed Earth. Key Engineering Materials. 2017
- In-plane shear behaviour of stone masonry piers: A numerical study. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- Modelling the structural behaviour of rammed earth components. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- Limit analysis of loaded out-of-Plane rubble masonry : A case study in Portugal. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2013
- Construir em terra ainda faz sentido? 2012
- Património cultural e risco sísmico : dois projetos Europeus em curso 2012
- In-plane behavior of tuff masonry panels strengthened with fibre-reinforced plastic cross layout. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2010
- Nonlinear finite element analysis of strengthened masonry buildings subject to seismic action. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2010
artigo de conferência
- A integração do BIM na reabilitação de «agregados» em alvenaria 2022
- Rethinking preventive conservation: Recent examples 2022
- Structural Assessment of the Barrô Romanesque Church 2021
- Risk Assessment of a Railway Bridge Subjected to a Multi-hazard Scenario. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Ensaio em Mesa Sísmica de uma Estrutura de Taipa 2021
- Experimental Out-of-Plane Behaviour of a Rammed Earth Sub-Assemblage Subjected to Seismic Inputs 2021
- Experimental characterization of masonry panels strengthened with NFRCM. Key Engineering Materials. 2021
- Preliminary Results on Natural Aging of GFRP-Reinforced Masonry Components Exposed to Outdoor Environmental Conditions 2021
- Operation reliability index for maintenance decision making in bridges 2020
- Structural Performance of a Medieval Stone Masonry Arch Bridge 2020
- Analysis of the “Ponte do Arco” stone masonry arch bridge 2020
- Application of hydroinformatic tools to assess flood flow conditions under a medieval masonry arch bridge 2020
- Bond behaviour in lime-based textile reinforced mortars 2020
- Effect of mortar age on the textile-to-mortar bond behavior 2020
- Freeze-thaw durability of glass textile-reinforced mortar composites 2020
- Mitigation of amplified response of restrained rocking walls through horizontal dampers. EURODYN. 2020
- Monitorização e conservação preventiva de património histórico com BIM: o projeto HeritageCare 2020
- Monitorização e conservação preventiva de património histórico com BIM: o projeto HeritageCare 2020
- Preventive conservation of vernacular adobe heritage located in seismic-prone regions. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 2020
- Structural performance and durability issues of vernacular schist masonry 2020
- Vernacular heritage of northwest Portugal: The valley and the mountain range farmhouse. REHABEND. 2020
- Protecting earthen heritage using a green strategy: a study about natural water repellents 2019
- Characterization of compatible TRM composites for strengthening of earthen materials 2019
- Análise numérica do comportamento sísmico de uma estrutura de taipa 2019
- An infrastructure management system for railway bridges: Overview and application to a case study 2019
- Assessment of roadway bridges damaged by human errors using risk indicators and robustness index 2019
- A proactive approach to the conservation of historic and cultural Heritage: The HeritageCare methodology 2019
- A review on wall-to-timber floor anchorages in URM buildings 2019
- An analytical model for the textile-to-mortar bond behaviour 2019
- Computational framework for a railway bridge maintenance strategies affected by gradual deterioration 2019
- DIGITAL MODELS of STONE SAMPLES for DIDACTICAL PURPOSES. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 2019
- Effect of fiber configuration on the fiber-to-mortar bond behaviour 2019
- Experimental study of the in-plane behaviour of rammed earth strengthened with TRM 2019
- Human error effect in the robustness of a reinforced concrete bridge 2019
- In-plane seismic performance of plain and TRM-strengthened rammed earth components 2019
- Numerical seismic analysis of CEB structures 2019
- Seismic assessment of a rammed earth subassembly by means of shaking table tests 2019
- Structural analysis of a stone arch bridge under incremental railway static loading 2019
- Avaliação do desempenho de pontes rodoviárias segundo indicadores de robustez e risco face a erros de projeto e construção 2018
- Building Information Modelling (BIM) no contexto dos edifícios antigos 2018
- Building Information Modelling no contexto dos edifícios antigos 2018
- Historic and modern earthen structures: Challenges and recent research 2018
- Human Errors and Corresponding Risks in Reinforced Concrete Bridges 2018
- Investigation of the bond and shrinkage behaviour of TRM strengthening for rammed earth. REHABEND. 2018
- Modelling of masonry arches strengthened at extrados with FRCM 2018
- Modelling the seismic out-of-plane behaviour of rammed earth components 2018
- Numerical seismic assessment of masonry made of compressed earth blocks 2018
- Single fibre-to-mortar bond characterization in TRM composites 2018
- The construction of the transhumance territory of the Gerês-Xurés: Vernacular heritage identification, analysis and characterization. REHABEND. 2018
- Bond behavior degradation between FRP and masonry under aggressive environmental conditions 2017
- In-plane behaviour of earthen materials: A numerical comparison between adobe masonry, rammed earth and COB 2017
- Bond behaviour degradation between FRP composites and brick masonry 2017
- Experimental and numerical investigations on the behaviour of masonry walls reinforced with an innovative sisal FRCM system. Key Engineering Materials. 2017
- Modelling of the in-plane and out-of-plane performance of TRM-strengthened masonry walls. Key Engineering Materials. 2017
- Performance of adobe vaults strengthened with LC-TRM: an experimental approach 2017
- Post-earthquake seismic analysis of St James Church, New Zealand 2017
- Seismic design of tension wall-diaphragm anchorage for historical unreinforced masonry buildings 2016
- Assessment of the injection of grouts to repair cracks in rammed earth 2016
- Desempenho mecânico de alvenaria de BTC estabilizados através da ativação alcalina de cinzas volantes 2016
- Detection and localization of debonding damage in composite-masonry strengthening systems with the acoustic emission technique 2016
- Durability of FRP-strengthening masonry bricks under hygrothermal conditions 2016
- Mechanical performance of compressed earth block masonry using granitic residual soils 2016
- Modelling of the in-plane behaviour of stone masonry panels 2016
- Numerical analysis of the in-plane behaviour of TRM-strengthened masonry walls 2016
- Reparação de taipa com caldas à base de terra e cal hidraúlica 2016
- Risk Assessment due to Terrorist Actions: A Case Study in Lisbon 2016
- Sistema de alvenaria com incorporação de resíduos: blocos de terra compactada com ligante geopolimérico 2016
- Survey and characterization of corbelled dome architecture in Northwestern Portugal. REHABEND. 2016
- Novel auxetic structures from basalt braided composites for structural applications 2015
- Avaliação probabilística de segurança de pontes ferroviárias em arco de alvenaria de pedra 2015
- CEBs stabilised with geopolymeric binders: mechanical performance of dry-stack masonry 2015
- Development of auxetic structures from braided composites produced from basalt fiber 2015
- Probabilistic safety assessment of historical railway masonry arch bridges 2015
- Probabilistic structural assessment of railway masonry arch bridges 2015
- Probabilistic-based nonlinear analysis of a reinforced concrete railway bridge 2015
- Seismic evaluation of environmentally degraded FRP-strengthened masonry walls 2015
- Repair of rammed earth by injection of mud grouts: a case study from Portugal 2014
- Desenvolvimento e caracterização de varões compósitos híbridos para reforço de betão 2014
- Bond behaviour and durability of FRP composites applied externally to masonry structures 2014
- Bond performance in NSM-strengthened masonry brick 2014
- Caracterização do comportamento mecanico de alvenarias tradicionais de xisto. REHABEND. 2014
- Caracterização experimental do reforço de ligações parede-piso 2014
- Caraterização do comportamento ao corte de alvenaria de blocos de terra compactada com junta seca 2014
- Design parameters for retrofitted masonry to timber connections 2014
- Developing a seismic retrofitting solution for wall-to-floor connections of URM buildings with wood diaphragms 2014
- Development of novel auxetic structures from braided composite rods for structural applications 2014
- Development of novel auxetic structures from brainded composite rods for structural applications 2014
- Investigating the durability of FRP-masonry elements immersed in water 2014
- Mechanical behaviour of compressed earth blocks stabilised with industrial wastes 2014
- Modelling of rammed earth under shear loading 2014
- Modelling of the structural behaviour of rammed earth components 2014
- Numerical modeling of masonry vaults strengthened with transversal diaphragms 2014
- Protection of cultural heritage from earthquakes : The NIKER project and the related research at UMinho 2014
- Repair of rammed earth by injection of mud grouts : a case study from Portugal 2014
- Shear behaviour of rammed earth walls repaired by means of grouting 2014
- The vernacular house between the Ca´vado and the Ave, Portugal 2014
- The vernacular house between the Cávado and the Ave, Portugal 2014
- Assessment of the bond quality degradation in FRP-strengthened masonry using IR thermography technique 2013
- Experimental investigation on the long-term durability of bond between FRP and masonry substrates 2013
- Experimental research on masonry wall and timber elements connection 2013
- In-plane behavior of tuff masonry panels strengthened with FRP diagonal layout 2013
- Influence of infill on the cyclic behaviour of traditional half-timbered walls 2013
- Recent developments in durability of FRP-masonry systems 2013
- The behaviour of single span stone masonry skew arches 2013
- Rammed earth: feasibility of a global concept applied locally 2012
- Argamassa de reboco reforçada com resíduos da indústria têxtil do tipo fio 2012
- Comportamento experimental de ligações estruturais madeira-alvenaria 2012
- Connections and dissipative systems with early warning 2012
- Experimental seismic behaviour of wall-to-half-timbered wall connections 2012
- Experimental study on natural fiber composites for strengthening of masonry 2012
- Experimental study on the seismic behavior of masonry wall-to-floor connections 2012
- Meso-scale three-dimensional modeling of bond in FRP-strengthened masonry 2012
- Moisture effects on the bond strength of FRP-masonry elements 2012
- Post-earthquake numerical assessment and reinforcement of St James Church, New Zealand 2012
- Rammed earth : feasibility of a global concept applied locally 2012
- Residual granitic soil improvement for rammed earth construction 2012
- Seismic analysis of the Roman Temple of Évora, Portugal 2012
- Seismic assessment of a typical masonry residential building in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2012
- Seismic safety assessment of the church of Monastery of Jerónimos, Portugal 2012
- Análise geométrica e capacidade de carga de pontes em arco de alvenaria do Noroeste Peninsular 2011
- Simplified numerical analysis of bond degradation of FRP-masonry systems for durability purposes 2011
- Repair of earth masonry by means of grouting: importance of clay in the rheology of a mud grout 2010
- A construção em taipa e os sismos 2010
- Comportamento sísmico da igreja do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos 2010
- Grouting as a mean for repairing earth constructions 2010
- In-plane behavior of tuff masonry panels strengthened with fibre-reinforced plastic cross layout. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2010
- Nonlinear finite element analysis of strengthened masonry buildings subject to seismic action. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2010
- Possibilidades de intervenção estrutural para mitigar o risco sísmico da Igreja do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos 2010
- Repair of earth masonry by means of grouting : importance of clay in the rheology of a mud grout 2010
- Grouting as a repair/strengthening solution for earth constructions 2009
- Strengthening of masonry and earthen structures by means of grouting: design of grouts 2009
- Three-leaf stone masonry repair and strengthening 2008
- Experimental shear behavior of stone masonry joints 2008
- Long term compressive testing of masonry - Test procedure and practical experience 2008
- On the strengthening of three-leaf stone masonry walls 2008
- Validação numérica da resposta cíclica experimental de pórticos de betão armado 2008
- Avaliação do comportamento sísmico da igreja de Santa Maria de Belém 2007
- Caracterização experimental do comportamento diferido de alvenaria de adobe 2007
- Comportamento sísmico de edifícios com paredes resistentes 2007
- Improving the seismic resistance of masonry buildings : concepts for cultural heritage and recent developments in structural analysis 2007
- Towards a methodology for seismic assessment of monuments : the case study of Santa Maria of Belém Church 2007
- Comportamento experimental de arcos de alvenaria reforçados com FRP 2006
- Comportamento experimental de paredes de alvenaria de panos múltiplos 2006
- Conservation of ancient constructions and application to a masonry arch bridge 2006
- Experimental behaviour of three-leaf stone masonry walls 2006
- Experimental investigation on the structural behaviour and strengthening of three-leaf stone masonry walls 2006
- FRP strengthening of masonry arches towards an enhanced behaviour 2006
- Reducing the seismic vulnerability of cultural heritage buildings 2006
- Repair of a historical stone masonry arch bridge 2006
- Strengthening of masonry arch bridges : research and applications 2006
- Experimental characterization of frp-masonry interface behaviour 2005
- Improving the seismic resistance of cultural heritage buildings 2005
- Métodos simplificados para análise da vulnerabilidade sísmica de construções de terra 2005
- Seismic vulnerability of historical structures 2005
- Seismic vulnerability overview of historical masonry churches in Europe 2005
- Structural monitoring of the Monastery of Jerónimos 2005
- Inspecção e reabilitação do Seminário Conciliar de Braga 2004
- Optimal FRP strengthening of masonry arches 2004
- Redução do risco sísmico e implicações no imobiliário 2004
- Repair of stone masonry arch bridges 2004
artigo de revista
- Earthen Construction: Acceptance among Professionals and Experimental Durability Performance. Construction Materials. 2023
- Out-of-plane shake table test of a rammed earth sub-assembly. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2022
- Performance of rammed earth subjected to in-plane cyclic displacement. Materials and Structures. 2022
- The use of contact sponge method to measure water absorption in earthen heritage treated with water repellents. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2022
- An analytical bond stress-slip model for a TRM composite compatible with rammed earth. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- A Parametric Scan-to-FEM Framework for the Digital Twin Generation of Historic Masonry Structures. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Insight into the Effects of Solvent Treatment of Natural Fibers Prior to Structural Composite Casting: Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Evaluation. Fibers. 2021
- Human error impact in structural safety of a reinforced concrete bridge. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2021
- Experimental characterization of adobe vaults strengthened with a TRM-based compatible composite. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- A seleção e controlo de qualidade dos materiais na construção em taipa. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2021
- Aging of lime-based TRM composites under natural environmental conditions. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- Ensaio sísmico de uma estrutura de taipa. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2021
- Human error–induced risk in reinforced concrete bridge engineering. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 2021
- Expeditious damage index for arched structures based on dynamic identification testing. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- Probabilistic-based structural assessment of a historic stone arch bridge. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2020
- Physical and mechanical characterization of vernacular dry stone heritage materials: Schist and granite from Northwest Portugal. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2020
- The use of natural fibers in repairing and strengthening of cultural heritage buildings. Materials Today-Proceedings. 2020
- Web-GIS approach to preventive conservation of heritage buildings. Automation in Construction. 2020
- Numerical modeling of the seismic out-of-plane response of a plain and TRM-strengthened rammed earth subassembly. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Numerical Investigation of the In-Plane seismic Performance of Unstrengthened and TRM-Strengthened Rammed Earth Walls. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2019
- Experimental Investigation on the Bond Behavior of a Compatible TRM-based Solution for Rammed Earth Heritage. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2019
- Shear strengthening of masonry wallettes resorting to structural repointing and FRCM composites. Composite Structures. 2019
- Static Behavior of Cob: Experimental Testing and Finite-Element Modeling. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2019
- A Digital-based Integrated Methodology for the Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage: The Experience of HeritageCare Project. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2019
- Bond behavior degradation between FRP and masonry under aggressive environmental conditions. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2019
- Experimental tests for the characterization of sisal fiber reinforced cementitious matrix for strengthening masonry structures. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- HeritageCare: “Prevenir mejor que curar”. PH. Boletín del Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico. 2019
- Modelação do comportamento sísmico de construções de taipa para fora do plano. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2019
- Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis for Safety Assessment of Heritage Buildings: Church of Santa Maria de Belém. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2019
- ONE-SIDED rocking analysis of corner mechanisms in masonry structures: Influence of geometry, energy dissipation, boundary conditions. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2019
- Seismic evaluation and strengthening of an existing masonry building in Sarajevo, B & H. Bioengineering. 2019
- Textile-to-mortar bond behaviour in lime-based textile reinforced mortars. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Wall-to-horizontal diaphragm connections in historical buildings: A state-of-the-art review. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Comparison of the performance of hydraulic lime- and clay-based grouts in the repair of rammed earth. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Evaluating the seismic behaviour of rammed earth buildings from Portugal: From simple tools to advanced approaches. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Avaliação simplificada da vulnerabilidade sísmica de construções de taipa do Alentejo. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2018
- Construção em falsa cúpula na região transfronteiriça Gerês-Xurés: metodologias e caracterização. Conservar Património. 2018
- Effect of test setup on the fiber-to-mortar pull-out response in TRM composites: Experimental and analytical modeling. Composite Structures. 2018
- Fiber-to-mortar bond behavior in TRM composites: Effect of embedded length and fiber configuration. Composite Structures. 2018
- Recommendation of RILEM Technical Committee 250-CSM: Test method for Textile Reinforced Mortar to substrate bond characterization. Materials and Structures. 2018
- Seismic performance of historical vaulted adobe constructions: a numerical case study from Yazd, Iran. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Vernacular schist farm walls: materials, construction techniques and sustainable rebuilding solutions. Journal of Building Engineering. 2018
- Glass fabric reinforced cementitious matrix: Tensile properties and bond performance on masonry substrate. Composite Structures. 2017
- ICEBs stabilised with alkali-activated fly ash as a renewed approach for green building: Exploitation of the masonry mechanical performance. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Methods and Approaches for Blind Test Predictions of Out-of-Plane Behavior of Masonry Walls: A Numerical Comparative Study. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Modelling the nonlinear behaviour of masonry walls strengthened with textile reinforced mortars. Engineering Structures. 2017
- Probabilistic-based assessment of a masonry arch bridge considering inferential procedures. Engineering Structures. 2017
- Strengthening of masonry vaults with transversal diaphragms: a numerical approach. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation (IJMRI). 2017
- Structural assessment of masonry arch bridges by combination of non-destructive testing techniques and three-dimensional numerical modelling: Application to Vilanova bridge. Engineering Structures. 2017
- Automatic Morphologic Analysis of Quasi-Periodic Masonry Walls from LiDAR. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2016
- Design Parameters for Seismically Retrofitted Masonry-To-Timber Connections: Injection Anchors. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2016
- Development and characterization of novel auxetic structures based on re-entrant hexagon design produced from braided composites. Composite Structures. 2016
- Development, characterization and analysis of auxetic structures from braided composites and study the influence of material and structural parameters. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2016
- Effect of Environmental Aging on the Numerical Response of FRP-Strengthened Masonry Walls. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2016
- Effectiveness of the repair of unstabilised rammed earth with injection of mud grouts. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- FRP-brick masonry bond degradation under hygrothermal conditions. Composite Structures. 2016
- Moisture-induced degradation of interfacial bond in FRP-strengthened masonry. Composite Structures. 2016
- Multi-level characterization of steel reinforced mortars for strengthening of masonry structures. Materials & Design. 2016
- Quantitative and qualitative assessment of the amorphous phase of a Class F fly ash dissolved during alkali activation reactions – Effect of mechanical activation, solution concentration and temperature. Composite Structures. 2016
- Reliability-based assessment of existing masonry arch railway bridges. Composite Structures. 2016
- Repair of composite-to-masonry bond using flexible matrix. Materials and Structures. 2016
- Accelerated hygrothermal aging of bond in FRP-masonry systems. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2015
- Assessing the production of jet mix columns using alkali activated waste based on mechanical and financial performance and CO<inf>2</inf> (eq) emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2015
- Evaluation of the bond performance in FRP-brick components re-bonded after initial delamination. Composite Structures. 2015
- Mechanical characterisation of dry-stack masonry made of CEBs stabilised with alkaline activation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Mechanical performance of natural fiber-reinforced composites for the strengthening of masonry. Composite Structures. 2015
- Static behaviour of rammed earth: experimental testing and finite element modelling. Materials and Structures. 2015
- In-plane shear behaviour of stone masonry piers: A numerical study. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- FRP-to-Masonry Bond Durability Assessment with Infrared Thermography Method. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 2014
- Bond behavior of SRG-strengthened masonry units: Testing and numerical modeling. Composite Structures. 2014
- Characterization of debonding in FRP-strengthened masonry using the acoustic emission technique. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Development of novel auxetic structures based on braided composites. Materials & Design. 2014
- Experimental behavior of masonry wall-to-timber elements connections strengthened with injection anchors. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Experimental characterization of physical and mechanical properties of schist from Portugal. Composite Structures. 2014
- Hygrothermal durability of bond in FRP-strengthened masonry. Materials and Structures. 2014
- Modelling the structural behaviour of rammed earth components. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- Mortar-based systems for externally bonded strengthening of masonry. Materials and Structures. 2014
- Numerical modelling and parametric analysis of bond strength of masonry members retrofitted with FRP. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2014
- Numerical study on the performance of improved masonry-to-timber connections in traditional masonry buildings. Engineering Structures. 2014
- The effect of skew angle on the mechanical behaviour of masonry arches. Mechanics Research Communications. 2014
- Experimental behavior of natural fiber-based composites used for strengthening masonry structures. Conference Papers in Materials Science. 2013
- Limit analysis of loaded out-of-plane rubble masonry: a case study in Portugal. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2013
- Application of digital image correlation in investigating the bond between FRP and masonry. Composite Structures. 2013
- Characterization of the response of quasi-periodic masonry: Geometrical investigation, homogenization and application to the Guimarães castle, Portugal. Engineering Structures. 2013
- Fibrous and composite materials for blast protection of structural elements - A state-of-the-art review. Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites. 2013
- Numerical study of the role of mortar joints in the bond behavior of FRP-strengthened masonry. Composite Structures. 2013
- Pushover analysis and failure pattern of a typical masonry residential building in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Engineering Structures. 2013
- Rammed earth construction with granitic residual soils : the case study of northern Portugal. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Rheological properties of alkaline activated fly ash used in jet grouting applications. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Simplified indexes for the seismic assessment of masonry buildings: International database and validation. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2013
- Water degrading effects on the bond behavior in FRP-strengthened masonry. Composite Structures. 2013
- Construir em terra ainda faz sentido? 2012
- Numerical analysis of bond behavior between masonry bricks and composite materials. Engineering Structures. 2012
- On the development of unmodified mud grouts for repairing earth constructions: Rheology, strength and adhesion. Materials and Structures. 2012
- Património cultural e risco sísmico : dois projetos Europeus em curso. Pedra & Cal. 2012
- Round Robin Test for composite-to-brick shear bond characterization. Materials and Structures. 2012
- Seismic assessment of St James Church by means of pushover analysis - before and after the New Zealand earthquake. Open Civil Engineering Journal. 2012
- Soil stabilisation using alkaline activation of fly ash for self compacting rammed earth construction. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Strengthening of three-leaf stone masonry walls: An experimental research. Materials and Structures. 2012
- Analysis of masonry structures without box behavior. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2011
- Experimental bond behavior of FRP sheets glued on brick masonry. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2011
- Shear capacity assessment of tuff panels strengthened with FRP diagonal layout. Composite Structures. 2011
- Experimental behavior of FRP strengthened masonry arches. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2010
- Geometric issues and ultimate load capacity of masonry arch bridges from the northwest Iberian Peninsula. Engineering Structures. 2010
- Numerical models for the seismic assessment of an old masonry tower. Engineering Structures. 2010
- Pontes em arco de alvenaria: passado e desafios actuais 2010
- Cyclic behaviour of stone and brick masonry under uniaxial compressive loading. Materials and Structures. 2006
- Dry joint stone masonry walls subjected to in-plane combined loading. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2005
- Implementation and validation of a constitutive model for the cyclic behaviour of interface elements. Computers & Structures. 2004
capítulo de livro
- Flood risk assessment in urban areas: the historic city centre of Aveiro as a case study 2023
- Linked Data for the Categorization of Failures Mechanisms in Existing Unreinforced Masonry Buildings 2023
- An Analytical Approach for Pull-Out Behavior of TRM-Strengthened Rammed Earth Elements. RILEM Bookseries. 2022
- Codes and Standards on Earth Construction 2022
- Durability of Earth Materials: Weathering Agents, Testing Procedures and Stabilisation Methods. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports. 2022
- In-Plane Behavior of Clay Brick Masonry Wallets Strengthened by TRM System 2022
- Rethinking preventive conservation: recent examples 2022
- Seismic Assessment of Earthen Structures. RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports. 2022
- Assessment of a Medieval Arch Bridge Resorting to Non-destructive Techniques and Numerical Tools. Structural Integrity. 2020
- Macromodeling approach for pushover analysis of textile-reinforced mortar-strengthened masonry 2019
- Pushover analysis of fiber-reinforced polymer-strengthened masonry 2019
- Robustness as performance Indicator for masonry arch bridges 2016
- Applications of braided structures in civil engineering 2016
- On the mechanical behavior of masonry 2016
- Desempenho sísmico do templo romano de Évora. Anuário do Património. 2014
- Análise de estruturas antigas e novas em alvenaria: possibilidades e aplicações 2010
- Computational advances in masonry structures : from mesoscale modeling to engineering application 2010
- A Non-Parametric Algorithm for Time-Dependent Modal Analysis of Civil Structures and Infrastructures 2022
- A seleção e controlo de qualidade dos materiais na construção em taipa 2021
- Ensaio sísmico de uma Estrutura de Taipa 2021
- Preface [18th International Probabilistic Workshop - IPW 2020]. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Avaliação do desempenho de pontes rodoviárias segundo indicadores de robustez e risco face a erros de projeto e construção 2018
- Sebenta curso risco e gestão de ativos nas edificações e infraestruturas 2017
- Resistência dos materiais II: problemas propostos e resolvidos: ano lectivo 2013/2014 2014
- Análise dinâmica e engenharia sísmica: apontamentos teóricos: ano letivo 2012/2013 2012
- Contributos para a História da Construção em Falsa Cúpula do Noroeste de Portugal: Análise, Caraterização e Reconhecimento do Valor Cultural 2023
- Manual de inovação e sustentabilidade: os desafios e as soluções na reabilitação urbana 4.0: materiais, tecnologias, recursos humanos e segurança 2023
- Cyclic Load Effects on the Bond Behavior of Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) Composites 2022
- Numerical Investigation of a Medieval Masonry Arch Bridge Based on a Discrete Macro-element Modeling Approach 2022
- 18th International Probabilistic Workshop 2021
- A TRM-Based Compatible Strengthening Solution for Rammed Earth Heritage: Investigation of the Bond Behavior 2019
- Analytical modeling of the bond behavior between textile and mortar based on pull-out tests 2019
- Experimental shear behaviour of rammed earth strengthened with a TRM-based compatible technique 2019
- The application of sonic testing on double-leaf historical portuguese masonry to obtain morphology and mechanical properties 2019
- Risk assessment over life cycle of a railway bridge 2018
- The Construction of the Transhumance Territory of the Gerês-Xurés: Vernacular Heritage Identification, Analysis and Characterization 2018
- Textbook for the “Risk assessment and asset management of build infrastructures” course 2017
- Robustness as performance Indicator for masonry arch bridges 2016
- Tensile and bond characterization of natural fibers embeeded in inorganic matrices 2016
- Application of acoustic emission technique for bond characterization in FRP-masonry systems 2015
- Continuing tradition: Farms in the northeast region of portugal 2015
- Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal: History, construction and valorisation 2014
- Conservation and New Construction Solutions in Rammed Earth 2014
- Desempenho sísmico do templo romano de Évora 2014
- Computational advances in masonry structures : from mesoscale modeling to engineering application 2010
- Recomendações para a análise, conservação e restauro estrutural do património arquitectónico 2004
- Conservation and safety assessment of vaulted Adobe Architecture in Yazd, Iran 2018
- The rural vernacular construction of the Entre-Douro-e-Minho 2018
- Characterization of mesh-mortar-rammed earth interactions in LC-TRM strengthening 2017
- Modelling of the seismic behaviour of TRM-strengthened rammed earth walls 2017
- Reforço sísmico inovador de construção de taipa 2017
- Robustness-based assessment of railway masonry arch bridges 2017
- Compatible strengthening of masonry structures based on the TRM technique 2016
- Development of composite auxetic structures for civil engineering applications 2016
- Estudo do comportamento de elementos de betão reforçados com varões entrançados em material compósito (BCR) 2016
- Modelling of the behaviour of TRM-strengthened masonry walls 2016
- Modelling of the seismic performance of a rammed earth building 2016
- Seismic strengthening of rammed earth constructions using reinforced coatings 2016
- Desenvolvimento de materiais auxéticos para aplicações estruturais 2015
- Desenvolvimento e validação de uma solução construtiva em BTC 2015
- Seismic retrofit of masonry-to-timber connections in historical constructions 2015
- Analytical model for shear capacity of masonry retrofitted with fiber reinforced mortar layer 2014
- Avaliação de segurança de pontes existentes: aplicação ao viaduto ferroviário de Durrães 2014
- Avaliação do comportamento material e estrutural de construções em xisto 2014
- Comportamento mecânico de blocos de terra compactada ativados alcalinamente 2014
- Modelling of the seismic performance of connections and walls in ancient masonry buildings 2014
- Reforço de alvenaria usando matrizes inorgânicas 2014
- Aderência entre alvenaria antiga e materiais compósitos sob condições de degradação ambiental 2013
- Numerical modelling of bond in SRG-strengthened masonry 2013
- Numerical modelling of masonry vaults strengthened with transversal diaphragms 2013
- Repair of earth constructions by means of grout injection 2013
- Reparação estrutural de construções em terra através da injeção de caldas compatíveis 2013
- Structural analysis of tile vaults : methods and variables 2013
- A construção vernacular em xisto entre o Cávado e o Ave: o caso de Barqueiros 2012
- Aspetos materiais da construção em xisto em Portugal 2012
- Desenvolvimento de uma solução para a construção de taipa no Minho baseada na ativação alcalina 2012
- Estudo do comportamento sísmico de ligações reforçadas em edifícios Pombalinos e Gaioleiros 2012
- Mechanical characterization of traditional adobe masonry elements 2012
- Numerical analysis of FRP strengthened masonry structures 2011
- Caracterização experimental de alvenaria antiga : reforço e efeitos diferidos 2008
- Experimental and numerical analysis of blocky masonry structures under cyclic loading 2003
- Comportamento de pórticos de betão armado preenchidos com paredes de alvenaria 1995