publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- The need for scientific-area-related indicators for effective energy planning in higher education institutions. Heliyon. 2024
- Impact of life cycle assessment analysis on energy efficiency projects in Mediterranean residential buildings. Energy. 2024
- A Holistic Modular Solution for Energy and Seismic Renovation of Buildings Based on 3D-Printed Thermoplastic Materials. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Challenges in the harmonisation and digitalisation of Environmental Product Declarations for construction products in the European context. Materials & Design. 2024
- Strategies and Actions for Achieving Carbon Neutrality in Portuguese Residential Buildings by 2050. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- A novel multicriteria methodology to assess the renovation of social buildings. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023
- Overheating calculation methods, criteria, and indicators in European regulation for residential buildings. Energy and Buildings. 2023
- Towards an airtightness compliance tool based on machine learning models for naturally ventilated dwellings. Energy and Buildings. 2023
- A labelling strategy to define airtightness performance ranges of naturally ventilated dwellings: An application in southern Europe. Energy and Buildings. 2022
- Impact of atmospherical stability and intra-hour variation of meteorological data in the variability of building air change rates. Building and Environment. 2022
- Building renovation at district level - Lessons learned from international case studies. Sustainable Cities and SocIETy. 2021
- Small-scale field study of window films’ impact on daylight availability under clear sky conditions. Journal of Façade Design & Engineering. 2020
- Influência das varandas envidraçadas da arquitetura vernácula beirã no conforto térmico de edifícios 2020
- O BIM e a eficiência energética dos edifícios 2019
- O potencial das intervenções de renovação a nível urbano para edifícios nZEB - IEA EBC Annex 75. Edifícios e Energia. 2018
- Estudo económico da implementação de medidas nZEB e ZEB num edifício de habitação multifamiliar 2017
- Materiales de aislamiento térmico de edificios. Además de la energía operativa.. Revista Habitat Sustentable. 2016
- Spectrophotometric Characterization of Simple Glazings for a Modular Façade. Energy Procedia. 2016
- Study of Natural Ventilation in wind Tunnels and Influence of the Position of Ventilation Modules and Types of Grids on a Modular Façade System. Energy Procedia. 2016
- Building insulation materials. Beyond operational energy. Revista Habitat Sustentable. 2016
- Contributos e recomendações para a revisão da regulamentação relativa à reabilitação do edificado tendo em vista os edifícios de energia quase-nula – a visão do projeto Annex 56 da Agência Internacional de Energia 2016
- Eliminação da necessidade de sistemas activos para arrefecimento dos edifícios residenciais em Portugal 2016
- Materiais de isolamento térmico de edifícios: para além da energia operacional 2016
- SouthZEB: formação de profissionais para a conceção, construção e manutenção de edifícios nZEB 2016
- CO2 zero schools: school building renovation towards emissions neutrality 2015
- Different Module Placements in a Modular Façade System for Natural Ventilation. Procedia Economics and Finance. 2015
- Glazing daylighting performance and Trombe wall thermal performance of a modular façade system in four different Portuguese cities. Indoor and Built Environment. 2015
- Thermal comfort and IAQ analysis of two Portuguese hospital buildings 2014
- Accounting Standards Evolution for the Non Profit Sector Entities in the Iberian Peninsula 2013
- Módulos de reabilitação de fachadas - painéis metálicos prefabricados. Revista Climatização. 2013
- Reabilitação energética do Parque Residencial : metodologia para determinação de soluções de custo ótimo 2013
- Módulo Inovador para a Reabilitação Energética. Materiais de Construção. 2012
- Sistemas de Fachadas Inovadores e Conforto Térmico: Estudo em Portugal. Revista Tecnológica. 2012
- Sistemas de fachadas inovadores e conforto térmico : estudo em Portugal 2012
- Reabilitação Energética de Edifícios Residenciais com aplicação de Soluções de Fachada Prefabricadas. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2010
- Paredes de Alvenaria – Novas Exigências Regulamentares. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2008
- Modelo simplificado de previsão do comportamento térmico de edifícios 2007
- State of the art: Portugal. Research in Architectural Engineering Series. 2007
- Technical improvement of housing envelopes in Portugal. Research in Architectural Engineering Series. 2007
- A integração de fotovoltaicos nos edifícios em Portugal : dificuldades e oportunidades 2006
- BIPV em Portugal - Dificuldades de Implementação. Engenharia e Vida. 2006
- As Dificuldades de Implementação do BIPV em Portugal. Tecnologias do Ambiente. 2005
- Breve história da teoria da conservação e do restauro 2004
- Centro histórico de Bragança : caracterização do edificado, aspectos arquitectónicos e anomalias 2004
- Metodologia para a implementação de check lists em intervenções de reabilitação. Engenharia Civil. 2004
- Sustainability and Functional Assessment of a Mixed Building Technology Solution. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2004
- Acoustic performance of lightweight construction solutions. Acta Acustica (Stuttgart). 2003
- Avaliação do impacto energético e económico de diferentes soluções construtivas 2003
- Noise map of the city of Guimarães - Comparison and experimental validation of the prevision methods. Acta Acustica (Stuttgart). 2003
- Noise map of the city of Guimarães: comparison and experimental validation of the prevision methods 2003
- Energy efficiency for typical 2-floor buildings in Portugal 2000
- Energy efficiency for typical two-floor buildings in Portugal. Archives of Civil Engineering. 2000
- Modelo de Simulação Térmica de Elementos Construtivos não Homogéneos. Revista do Departamento de Engenharia Civil da U.M. 2000
- A Influência da Temperatura e da Radiação Solar na Capacidade de Armazenamento Térmico de Elementos Construtivos. Revista do Departamento de Engenharia Civil da U.M. 1997
- A Influência da Temperatura e da Radiação na Capacidade de Armazenamento dos Elementos Construtivos. Engenharia Civil. 1997
- Simulação Térmica de Edifícios baseada num Modelo de Capacidade Térmica Variável. Revista do Departamento de Engenharia Civil da U.M. 1995
artigo de conferência
- Development of the ZeroSkin+, a 3D-Printed building façade renovation panel made primarily with recycled plastics to improve building energy efficiency 2023
- Energy Renovation to Alleviate Energy Poverty in Social Housing 2023
- Influence of 3D microstructure for enhancing the thermal and mechanical performance of building façades using PET-G filaments 2023
- Weights of embodied energy and carbon emissions in an energy retrofit of the building envelope: Assessment for a Mediterranean residential building 2023
- Influence of 3D microstructure for improving the thermal performance of building façades 2023
- Improving the passive energy performance of the buildings’ envelope in the Southern European area: a study on the integration of a tensile material 2021
- JEE ¿ Eco-Efficient Window. A Post COVID 19 Update 2021
- JEE – Eco-Efficient Window. A Post COVID 19 Update 2021
- Efeito da Reabilitação nZEB na Avaliação da Pobreza Energética - O caso do bairro das Enguardas em Braga, Portugal 2020
- Uncertainty of effective leakage areas determination through reductive sealing technique 2020
- Significant Typologies for the Determination of the Efficiency of Renovation Measures on the Thermal Performance of a Building Neighbourhood 2020
- Efeito da reabilitação nZEB na avaliação da pobreza energética: o caso de Santa Tecla em Braga, Portuga 2020
- Significant Building Typologies to Assess Energy Retrofits on Apartment Buildings 2020
- Temperature Calibration of an Advanced Hygrothermal Model: Statistical Analysis 2020
- Temperature validation of an advanced hygrothermal model: Statistical analysis. REHABEND. 2020
- Potential of building renovation at district level for reducing CO2 emissions and fostering urban regeneration. IEA-EBC Annex 75 2019
- Experimental characterization of the thermal performance of a school building prototype before and after refurbishment 2019
- Experimental Characterization of the Thermal Performance of a School Building before and after Rehabilitation 2019
- In-situ and laboratory airtightness tests of structural insulated panels (SIPs) assemblies 2019
- The potential of building renovation at district level for reducing CO2 emissions and urban regeneration - IEA-EBC ANNEX 75 2019
- The influence of smart glazing on the energy efficiency of a social housing building in Porto, Portugal 2019
- A classroom prototype refurbishment ¿ heating strategies and comfort 2019
- Análise de custo-ótimo de medidas isoladas para a melhoria de desempenho energético num edifício de habitação social em Braga, Portugal 2019
- Energy Footprint in HEI: A Decade Overview on Relevant Energy Indicators 2019
- Effect of environmental assessment on primary energy of modular prefabricated panel for building renovation in Portugal. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (EES). 2019
- Caracterização experimental do desempenho térmico de escolas antes e após a reabilitação 2018
- A importância da permeabilidade na avaliação do desempenho de sistemas de ventilação 2018
- Simulation models of an electric-driven smart window: energy and visual performances 2018
- Cost efficiency of retrofit measures for typical masonry houses in Kosovo 2018
- Development of an Electric-Driven Smart Window Model for Visual Comfort Assessment 2018
- In-situ and laboratory airtightness tests of structural insulated panels (SIPs) assemblies 2018
- Thermal performance of an electric-driven smart window: experiments in a full-scale test room and simulation model 2018
- Influence of occupants’ behaviour on indoor CO2 concentration of a naturally ventilated multifamily building in Porto, Portugal 2018
- Impact of external control films in the energy performance of glazing systems during cooling season 2018
- Influence of occupants behavior on indoor air quality of a naturally ventilated multifamily building in Porto, Portugal 2018
- Influence of occupants’ behavior on indoor CO2 concentration of a naturally ventilated multifamily building in Porto, Portugal 2018
- Capturing the multidisciplinary complexity of user interaction with adaptive façades regarding comfort and satisfaction in low-energy buildings 2017
- Experimental analysis of thermal performance of non-rehabilitated schools in service ¿ Case Study 2017
- Disponibilidade de Investimento em Soluções de Baixo Impacte Ambiental 2017
- Disponibilidade de investimento em soluções de melhoria da qualidade do ambiente interior de edifícios 2017
- The importance of the solar systems to achieve the nZEB level in the energy renovation of southern Europe’s buildings 2017
- Double Glazings: Spectrophotometric Characterization for Facade Modules 2016
- Inspiration and experiences from the joint analysis of shining examples of comprehensive energy renovation building projects within IEA EBC Annex 56 2016
- A Portuguese study on building renovation towards a nearly zero energy building (nZEB) 2016
- Analysis of the Portuguese Building Retrofitting Market 2016
- Benefits of energy related building renovation in residents comfort and well-being – Vila d’Este case study 2016
- Cost effective energy and CO2 emissions optimization in building renovation annex 56 methodology and its application to a case study 2016
- Definição de nZEB em Portugal – Contributo com base em análises de custo de ciclo de vida 2016
- Relevance of embodied energy on building retrofit assessment 2016
- Soluções de reabilitação de fachadas como contributo para assegurar os nZEB – um caso de estudo em Portugal 2016
- Sustainable building: assessment tool in Brazil 2016
- What kind of heat loss requirements NZEB and deep renovation sets for building envelope? 2016
- Analysis and selection of indicators for a sustainability assessment method for school buildings based on SBTool - PT 2015
- Análise da disponibilidade de investimento em projetos de reabilitação portugueses 2015
- Materiais de isolamento térmico de edifícios. Para além da energia operacional 2015
- Promoting Sustainability as a Strategy to Mitigate the Effects of Economic Downturn on the Construction Industry 2015
- Study of Natural Ventilation for a Modular Façade System in Wind Tunnel Tests 2015
- The importance of the category of consciousness and education for sustainability in methodologies for eco-efficiency in school buildings 2015
- nZEB Training Needs in the Southern EU Countries - SouthZEB project 2015
- Analysis and selection of indicators for a sustainability assessment method for school buildings based on SBTool ‐ PT 2015
- The importance of the category of consciousness and education for sustainability in methodologies for eco‐efficiency in school buildings 2015
- Different module placements in a modular façade system for natural ventilation. Procedia Economics and Finance. 2015
- The drive towards near zero energy buildings through professional training in Portugal – The SouthZEB Project 2015
- Adaptive facade systems - review of performance requirements, design approaches, use cases and market needs 2015
- Analysis of Portuguese Residential Buildings’ Needs and Proposed Solutions 2015
- Benefits from energy related building renovation beyond costs, energy and emissions. Energy Procedia. 2015
- Cost optimal strategies for the renovation of residential neighbourhoods towards energy and emissions neutrality – Rainha Dona Leonor case study 2015
- Cost-effective energy and carbon emission optimization in building renovation - A case-study in a low income neighbourhood. Energy Procedia. 2015
- Custo ótimo de ciclo de vida na requalificação urbana da urbanização de Vila d’Este 2015
- Estudo comparativo entre as normas ISO 21931:2010, NBR 15575 e os requisitos das certificações AQUA e LEED 2015
- Estudo da ventilação natural em túnel de vento para um sistema de fachadas modular 2015
- IEA EBC Annex56 vision for cost effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation. Energy Procedia. 2015
- Improving buildings energy performance: comparison between simple payback period and life cycle costs analysis. ICEE International Conference on Energy & Environment. 2015
- Reabilitação de edifícios escolares - Níveis ótimos de rentabilidade na reabilitação de edifícios escolares em Portugal 2015
- Shining examples analysed within the EBC Annex 56 project. Energy Procedia. 2015
- Soluções otimizadas de reabilitação de edifícios residenciais para atingir os nZEB 2015
- IDES-EDU: Comprehensive multidisciplinary education programme to accelerate the implementation of EPBD in Europe 2014
- Cost optimality ranking of measures to improve the energy performance of the Portuguese building stock 2014
- Arquitetura Vernácula, Arquitetura Bioclimática e Eficiência Energética 2014
- Cost optimality and nZEB target in building renovation of Portuguese residential buildings 2014
- Cost optimal and zero energy levels in the renovation of residential buildings – Rainha Dona Leonor case study 2014
- Definição de estratégias de ventilação natural para assegurar a qualidade do ar interior de um edifício. REHABEND. 2014
- Life Cycle Assessment of Solar Thermal Systems 2014
- Energy Efficiency of Photovoltaic Façades for Different Latitudes in Portugal 2013
- Estudo da Eficiência Energética de Fachadas Fotovoltaicas em Portugal 2013
- Passive Façade Solutions: Trombe Wall Thermal Performance and Glazing Daylighting Performance for Guimarães – Portugal 2013
- IDES-EDU – new interdisciplinary education program for Integral design of built environment 2013
- Co-benefits in building retrofit : methodology proposal, tool development and a case-study demonstration 2013
- Cost optimal building renovation with a net zero energy target for the Portuguese single-family building stock built before 1960 2013
- Cost optimal levels for envelope components in residential building renovation – Rainha Dona Leonor neighbourhood case study 2013
- Cost optimality and nZEB target in the renovation of Portuguese building stock - Rainha Dona Leonor neighborhood case study 2013
- Energy efficiency of photovoltaic façade for different latitudes in Portugal 2013
- IDES-EDU-new educational program for sustainable buildings 2013
- Passive façade solutions: Trombe wall thermal performance and glazing daylighting performance for guimarães - Portugal 2013
- Passive façade solutions: tromble wall thermal performance and glazing daylighting performance for Guimarães - Portugal 2013
- Selection of refurbishment construction solutions to improve the indoor environmental quality and sustainability of buildings 2013
- Sustainable Construction Key Indicators 2013
- Using MCDA to select refurbishment solutions to improve buildings IEQ 2013
- Using PCM to improve building's thermal performance 2013
- Water reuse for domestic consumption. A key element for environmental and economic sustainability 2013
- New method for energetic and economic analysis of buildings 2012
- Low Energy Renovation of Buildings using the Potential of Solar Renewable Energy 2012
- Estudo de Fachadas Fotovoltaicas para Portugal 2012
- Modular Façade System for New Buildings and Refurbishment: Thermal Performance for Guimarães – Portugal 2012
- Módulo de Reabilitação Prefabricado 2012
- Reabilitação Integrada de Edifícios 2012
- Evaluation of the Impact of some Portuguese Thermal Regulation Parameters on the Buildings Energy Performance in a Cost/Benefit Perspective 2012
- Glazing Façade Modules: Daylighting Performance Simulation for Bragança, Coimbra, Évora and Faro 2012
- Improving Buildings’ Refurbishment Through Operative Conditions Evaluation 2012
- Cost effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation 2012
- Definition of the Energy Performance Requirements in Rehabilitation Projects 2012
- Eficiência energética de fachadas fotovoltaicas destinadas a diferentes latitudes de Portugal 2012
- Eficiência energética de fachadas fotovoltaicas destinadas às diferentes latitudes de Portugal 2012
- Energy rehabilitation of Portuguese residential building stock through its transformation into NZEB 2012
- Enquadramento energético do sector residencial português 2012
- Estudo do desempenho lumínico para um sistema de fachada modular destinado a Portugal 2012
- Glazing façade modules : daylighting performance simulation for Bragança, Coimbra, Évora and Faro 2012
- IAQ Analysis of Portuguese Residential Buildings 2012
- Implicações econômicas e ambientais associadas a critérios de sustentabilidade em centros comerciais 2012
- Improving buildings refurbishment through operative conditions evaluation 2012
- Method for energetic and economic analysis of buildings 2012
- Reabilitação energética de edifícios: caracterização térmica de edifícios e propostas de reabilitação numa perspetiva custo/benefício 2012
- Selection of rehabilitation construction solutions 2012
- Selection of rehabilitation construction solutions using ELECTRE III method 2012
- Support tools for building thermal rehabilitation 2012
- Thermal comfort and IAQ analysis of two Portuguese hospital buildings 2012
- Trombe wall thermal performance for a modular façade system in different portuguese climates : Lisbon, Porto, Lajes and Funchal 2011
- Façade Modules for Eco-Efficient Refurbishment of Buildings: Trombe Wall Thermal Performance in different Portuguese Climates: Bragança, Coimbra, Évora and Faro 2011
- Metodologia de simulação com vista à reabilitação energicamente eficiente 2011
- Evaluation of the impact of some Portuguese thermal regulation parameters on the buildings energy performance 2011
- Desafios de eficiência energética em edifícios residenciais de habitação cooperativa 2011
- Estudo de vidros duplos para um sistema de fachada destinado a Portugal : análise para Funchal-Madeira, Lajes-Açores, Lisboa e Porto 2011
- Estudo de vidros duplos para um sistema de fachada destinado a Portugal: Análise para Funchal-Madeira, Lajes-Açores, Lisboa e Porto 2011
- Evaluation of the thermal performance of hollow brick walls with gypsum-PCM plasters 2011
- Façade modules for eco-efficient refurbishment of buildings : glazing thermal performance to Guimarães climate 2011
- Façade modules for eco-efficient refurbishment of buildings : trombe wall thermal performance in different Portuguese Climates: Bragança, Coimbra, Évora and Faro 2011
- Façades Modules for Eco-Efficient Refurbishment of Buildings: Glazing Thermal Performance to Guimarães Climate 2011
- Selection of construction solutions and materials to improve indoor environmental quality of buildings 2011
- Selection of construction solutions and materials to optimize the indoor environmental quality of buildings 2011
- Trombe Wall Thermal Performance for a Modular Façade System in different Portuguese Climates: Lisbon, Porto, Lajes and Funchal 2011
- Concepção de um sistema de fachada para reabilitação eco-eficiente de edifícios: estudo dos tipos de envidraçados para quatro cidades portuguesas 2010
- Optimização de envidraçados para um sistema de fachada destinado a reabilitação eco-eficiente de edifícios 2010
- Facades Modules for Eco-Efficient Refurbishment of Buildings: An Overview 2010
- High Energy Efficiency Retrofit Module Development 2010
- Achieving Sustainability through Energy Efficiency while Assuring Indoor Environmental Quality 2010
- Concepção de um sistema de fachada para reabilitação eco-eficiente de edifícios : estudo dos tipos de envidraçados para quatro cidades portuguesas 2010
- Desenvolvimento de um sistema de fachadas modular para reabilitação eco-eficiente de edifícios 2010
- Environmental and economical viability associated to the sustainability criteria applied in commercial buildings 2010
- Facades Modules for Eco-Efficient Refurbishment of Buildings: Glazing Thermal Performance Analyses to Coimbra and Faro 2010
- Facades modules for eco-efficient refurbishment of buildings : glazing thermal performance analyses to Coimbra and Faro 2010
- Optimization of the Indoor Environmental Quality of Buildings 2010
- Portuguese Building Stock Indoor Environmental Quality “in-Situ” Assessment 2010
- Portuguese Building Stock Indoor Environmental Quality “in-Situ” Assessment 2010
- Portuguese EPBD Based Regulation put side by side with Energy Simulation Tools 2010
- Thermal and Acoustic Comfort in Buildings 2010
- Using a Multi-Criteria Analysis to Select Design Alternatives Aiming Energy Efficiency and IEQ 2010
- Using a Multi-Criteria Analysis to Select Design Alternatives Aiming the Energy Efficiency and IEQ 2010
- Accuracy of the Portuguese EPBD Implemented Thermal Performance Calculation Procedures – RCCTE 2009
- Accuracy of the Portuguese EPBD implemented thermal performance calculation procedures: RCCTE 2009
- Metodologia de simulação com vista à reabilitação energicamente eficiente 2009
- Accuracy of the portuguese EPBD implemented thermal performance calculation procedures - RCCTE 2009
- Energy, Comfort and IAQ “in-situ” Performance Assessment 2009
- Indoor Environmental Quality in Buildings 2009
- Methodology to Enhance the Portuguese Thermal Regulation Accuracy For Existing Buildings 2009
- Metodologia de Simulação com vista à Reabilitação Energeticamente Eficiente 2009
- Accuracy of some EPBD implemented thermal performance calculation procedures 2008
- Low energy rehabilitation 2008
- Methodology to Assess the Cost-Effectiveness of Sustainable Measures in Buildings 2008
- Sustainability and the overall confort in buildings 2008
- The optimization of the overall performance of buildings 2008
- Foreword 2007
- JEE - Janela Eco-Eficiente - Development of a high performance standard window 2007
- Jee - Janela Eco-Eficiente (Eco Efficient Window); Development of a high performance standard window 2007
- Jee : janela eco-eficiente (eco efficient window) : development of a high performance standard window 2007
- Methodology for the application of sustainable construction 2007
- Natural illumination availability in Ponte da Pedra apartment block - A case study 2007
- Natural illumination availability in Ponte da Pedra apartment block – a case study 2007
- Natural illumination availability in Ponte de Pedra apartment block : a case study 2007
- Natural illumination availability in Ponte de Pedra apartment block: a case study 2007
- Passive solar energy management strategies in shopping centres 2007
- Sustainability assessment of an energy efficient optimized solution 2007
- The Calculation Model of the New Portuguese Thermal Regulation – put side by side with Dynamic Simulation 2007
- The calculation model of the new Portuguese thermal regulation : put side by side with dynamic simulation 2007
- The calculation model of the new portuguese thermal regulation - Put side by side with Dynamic Simulation 2007
- Sustainable Test Cell – Performance Evaluation 2006
- Achieving Thermal Inertia In Lightweight Constructions 2006
- Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) guideline: Contribution for Portuguese Measures 2006
- Sustainable test cell - Performance evaluation 2006
- Sustainable test cell : performance evaluation 2006
- The Optimization of the overall Comfort in Buildings 2006
- Thermal Inertia Walls in Portuguese Traditional Rock for Passive Solar Heating of Buildings 2006
- Potentialities of Lightweight Construction Solutions for Sustainability 2005
- Natural Ventilation of Urban Buildings - Summary of URBVENT project 2005
- Natural ventilation of urban buildings 2005
- The difficulties of Implementation of BIPV in Portugal, Rejection or abstention? 2005
- Avaliação do Comportamento Acústico de Soluções Construtivas não Convencionais 2004
- Acoustic Evaluation of Beam and Pot Slabs With Lightweight Regularization Layers - A Case Study 2004
- Acoustic Evaluation of Some Non-Conventional Solutions in Construction 2004
- Acoustic Rehabilitation of Buildings - A case study 2004
- Acoustic Evaluation of Beam and Pot Slabs with Lightweight Regularization Layers – A case study 2004
- Acoustic Rehabilitation of Buildings – A case study 2004
- Acoustic evaluation of beam and pot slabs with lightweight regularization layers: a case study 2004
- Layout urbano em função da eficiência energética dos edifícios 2004
- Mapa de Ruído de Guimarães - Comparação e validação dos resultados obtidos através de um método de simulação automático 2004
- Methodology for a Sustainable Rehabilitation 2004
- Metodologia de Apoio à Decisão em Intervenções de Reabilitação 2004
- Thermal assessment of mixed building technology solutions 2004
- On-Site Measurements Versus Analytical Approach in the Elaboration of Noise Maps and Assessment of the Critical Factors 2003
- Noise map of the city of Guimarães Comparison and experimental validation of the prevision methods 2003
- Anomalias Mais Comuns nas Coberturas dos Edifícios em Portugal e em Moçambique 2003
- Anomalias Mais Comuns nas Fachadas de Edifícios do Concelho de Guimarães 2003
- Anomalias em Edifícios Novos - Medidas Correctivas e Medidas Preventivas 2003
- Humidade em Construções Antigas do Centro Histórico de Bragança 2003
- Modelling study of the dispersal of pollutants at São Jacinto submarine outfall (Aveiro, Portugal) 2003
- Modelling study of the dispersal of pollutants at sho jacinto submarine outfall (Aveiro, Portugal) 2003
- Noise map of the city of Guimarães – Comparison and experimental validation of the prevision methods 2003
- Tratamento de Paredes de Alvenaria Antiga com Problemas de Humidade Ascensional 2003
- Acoustic Performance of a MBT Solution 2002
- Anomalies Survey on the City of Xai-Xai Dwellings 2002
- Análise do ComportamentoTérmico de Soluções Construtivas Mistas 2002
- As Consequências Energéticas da Forma e Implantação dos Edifícios Urbanos 2002
- Avaliação de eficiência acústica de um edifício MBT 2002
- Building response to the thermal, acoustical and visual comfort functional demands - A comparative study between lightweight and traditional constructive solutions 2002
- Comparison between Conventional and MBT Constructive Solutions from an Economical and Environmental Point of View - Case study 2002
- Cost Effective and Thermal Efficient Constructive Solutions - an economical analysis 2002
- Daylight Evaluation of a MBT Solution 2002
- Pathologies in New Buildings - Identification, Repair Solutions and Preventive Measures 2002
- Thermal Performance of a MBT Solution 2002
- A Methodology to Select Cost Effective and Thermal Efficient Constructive Solutions 2001
- Acções Higrotérmicas em Fachadas 2001
- Algumas Causas de Patologias em Fachadas – Caso de Estudo 2001
- Anomalias em Fachadas devidas a Deformações dos Elementos Estruturais 2001
- Identificação das Principais Patologias em Fachadas 2001
- Metodologia para Escolher Soluções Construtivas Termicamente Eficientes 2001
- Patologias Resultantes de Deformação Excessiva de Elementos Estruturais 2001
- Tecnologias de Construção e Utilização Racional de Energia 2001
- The Relative Impact of Different Constructive Components on the Total Building Thermal Load 2001
- As Consequências Energéticas de Diferentes Formas de Implantação de um Edifício Urbano 2000
- Eficiência Energética de Disposições Típicas de Edifícios 2000
- Avaliação Energético-Económica de Configurações Típicas de Edifícios Urbanos 2000
- As Consequências Energéticas da Forma e Implantação dos Edifícios Urbanos 2000
- Eficiência Energética de Implantações Típicas de Edifícios 2000
- Os Incentivos da União Europeia à Investigação no Domínio do Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Ambiente Urbano 2000
- Energy Efficiency for Typical Building Layout 1999
- Metodologia para a Caracterização das Necessidades de Conservação e Reabilitação das Construções na Cidade do Maputo 1999
- Opening the Design on Bioclimatic Architecture – A Case Study 1999
- Metodologia para a Caracterização das Necessidades de Conservação e Reabilitação das Construções na Cidade de Maputo 1999
- The Influence of the Urban Layout on the Thermal Performance of Buildings – A Case Study 1999
- An Easy And Fast Computer Program for Thermal Simulation of Buildings Based on Variable Heat Capacity Concept 1998
- A variação das Cores das Superfícies com o Espectro da Luz do Dia 1998
- Chromatic Properties of Painted Surfaces under Changes in Daylight Illumination 1998
- Low Energy Buildings. How Can They Be Easily Evaluated? 1998
- The dependence of effective thermal heat capacity of non-homogeneous materials on location and climatic parameters 1998
- The dependence of effective thermal heat capacity of non-homogeneous materials with location and climatic parameters 1998
- Modelo de Simulação Térmica de Edifícios baseado no Conceito de Capacidade Térmica Variável 1997
- O Ensino e a Formação no Domínio do Ambiente 1997
- Quantificação da Capacidade de Armazenamento Térmico de Elementos Construtivos Portugueses 1997
- Transferência de Calor em Elementos Construtivos não Homogéneos 1997
- Effective Heat-Storage in Heavy Masonry Walls 1987
artigo de revista
- Influence of 3D Microstructure Pattern and Infill Density on the Mechanical and Thermal Properties of PET-G Filaments. E-Polymers. 2023
- Impact of air barriers application in LCA and LCC of naturally ventilated dwellings in mild climate regions. Energy and Buildings. 2023
- Environmental Performance of a Cost-Effective Energy Renovation at the Neighbourhood Scale—The Case for Social Housing in Braga, Portugal. Sustainability (MDPI). 2022
- BIM-Based Energy Analysis and Sustainability Assessment—Application to Portuguese Buildings. Bioengineering. 2021
- Specification of Glazings for Façades Based on Spectrophotometric Characterization of Transmittance. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Reabilitação nZEB e pobreza energética na Habitação social 2021
- Thermal Performance and Comfort Conditions Analysis of a Vernacular Palafitic Timber Building in Portuguese Coastline Context. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Cost-effective building renovation at district level combining energy efficiency & renewables – Methodology assessment proposed in IEA EBC Annex 75 and a demonstration case study. Energy and Buildings. 2020
- Eficiência energética e rentabilidade nas intervenções de reabilitação nZEB à escala do bairro 2020
- Electric-driven windows for historical buildings retrofit: Energy and visual sensitivity analysis for different control logics. Journal of Building Engineering. 2020
- Projeto HARP - Uma ferramenta de apoio ao consumidor para a descarbonização do aquecimento nas habitações 2020
- Reliability of quantitative and qualitative assessment of air leakage paths through reductive sealing. Building and Environment. 2020
- Ecological Design of New Efficient Energy-Performance Construction Materials with Rigid Polyurethane Foam Waste. E-Polymers. 2020
- Influência das varandas envidraçadas da arquitetura vernácula beirã no conforto térmico de edifícios 2020
- Os instrumentos de políticas para o desafio da reabilitação energética dos edifícios no Pacto Ecológico Europeu 2020
- Effect of Embodied Energy on Cost-Effectiveness of a Prefabricated Modular Solution on Renovation Scenarios in Social Housing in Porto, Portugal. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- School building experimental characterization in Mediterranean climate regarding comfort, indoor air quality and energy consumption. Energy and Buildings. 2020
- Small-scale field study of window films’ impact on daylight availability under clear sky conditions. Journal of Façade Design & Engineering. 2020
- Comparative Study of Comfort Indicators for School Constructions in Sustainability Methodologies: Schools in the Amazon and the Southeast Region of Brazil. Sustainability (MDPI). 2019
- Verification of the Adequacy of the Portuguese Sustainability Assessment Tool of High School Buildings, SAHSBPT, to the Francisco de Holanda High School, Guimarães. Sustainability (MDPI). 2019
- Environmental and cost life cycle analysis of the impact of using solar systems in energy renovation of Southern European single-family buildings. Renewable Energy. 2019
- Metodologia para a avaliação da sustentabilidade de Escolas Secundárias, SAHSBPT 2019
- Os co-benefícios associados às medidas de melhoria da eficiência energética nos edifícios 2019
- Adaptation of the SBTool for Sustainability Assessment of High School Buildings in Portugal—SAHSBPT. Applied Sciences. 2019
- A importância da vontade e disponibilidade de investimento para a avaliação da sustentabilidade de soluções de reabilitação 2019
- CO2 concentrations in a multifamily building in Porto, Portugal: Occupants' exposure and differential performance of mechanical ventilation control strategies. Journal of Building Engineering. 2019
- O BIM e a eficiência energética dos edifícios. Monumentos. 2019
- Cost efficiency of retrofit measures for typical masonry houses in kosovo. International Review of Applied Sciences and Engineering. 2019
- O papel da reabilitação nZEB no combate à pobreza energética 2019
- The Inclusion of a Sustainability Awareness Indicator in Assessment Tools for High School Buildings. Sustainability (MDPI). 2019
- Thermal, luminous and energy performance of solar control films in single-glazed windows: Use of energy performance criteria to support decision making. Energy and Buildings. 2019
- Relevance of Embodied Energy and Carbon Emissions on Assessing Cost Effectiveness in Building Renovation—Contribution from the Analysis of Case Studies in Six European Countries. Bioengineering. 2018
- Environmental Comfort Indicators for School Buildings in Sustainability Assessment Tools. Sustainability (MDPI). 2018
- Tools and procedures to support decision making for cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation. Energy and Buildings. 2018
- A prefabricação modular na reabilitação energética como contributo para assegurar edifícios nZEB 2018
- O potencial das intervenções de renovação a nível urbano para edifícios nZEB - IEA EBC Annex 75 2018
- Ten questions concerning cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation. Building and Environment. 2018
- Estudo económico da implementação de medidas nZEB e ZEB num edifício de habitação multifamiliar. Revista Confidencial Imobiliário. 2017
- Cost effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (Annex 56). Energy and Buildings. 2017
- Developing the methodology for determining the relative weight of dimensions employed in sustainable building assessment tools for Brazil. Ecological Indicators. 2017
- Impact of co-benefits on the assessment of energy related building renovation with a nearly-zero energy target. Energy and Buildings. 2017
- Overview and future challenges of nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) design in Southern Europe. Energy and Buildings. 2017
- Contribution of the solar systems to the nZEB and ZEB design concept in Portugal – Energy, economics and environmental life cycle analysis. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2016
- Life-cycle costs and impacts on energy-related building renovation assessments. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development. 2016
- Contributos e recomendações para a revisão da regulamentação relativa à reabilitação do edificado tendo em vista os edifícios de energia quase-nula – a visão do projeto Annex 56 da Agência Internacional de Energia. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2016
- Cost-benefit analysis method for building solutions. Applied Energy. 2016
- Eliminação da necessidade de sistemas activos para arrefecimento dos edifícios residenciais em Portugal. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2016
- Comparing cost-optimal and net-zero energy targets in building retrofit. Building Research and Information. 2016
- Cost-optimal energy efficiency levels are the first step in achieving cost effective renovation in residential buildings with a nearly-zero energy target. Energy and Buildings. 2016
- Materiais de isolamento térmico de edifícios: para além da energia operacional. Revista Habitat Sustentable. 2016
- Shining examples analysed within the EBC Annex 56 project. Energy and Buildings. 2016
- SouthZEB: formação de profissionais para a conceção, construção e manutenção de edifícios nZEB 2016
- CO2 zero schools: school building renovation towards emissions neutrality. The REHVA European HVAC Journal. 2015
- Glazing daylighting performance and Trombe wall thermal performance of a modular façade system in four different Portuguese cities. Indoor and Built Environment. 2015
- Review and perspectives on Life Cycle Analysis of solar technologies with emphasis on building-integrated solar thermal systems. Renewable Energy. 2015
- Deep energy retrofit of vernacular housing. The REHVA European HVAC Journal. 2014
- Thermal comfort and IAQ analysis of two Portuguese hospital buildings. Engenharia Civil. 2014
- Cost optimality and net-zero energy in the renovation of Portuguese residential building stock – Rainha Dona Leonor neighbourhood case study. International Journal of Sustainable Building Technology and Urban Development. 2014
- Integrated energy design: education and training in cross-disciplinary teams implementing energy performance of buildings directive (EPBD). Building and Environment. 2014
- Research on the Portuguese Building Stock and Its Impacts on Energy Consumption – An Average U-Value Approach. Archives of Civil Engineering. 2013
- Fachadas con muro Trombe y doble acristalamiento: E! ciencia energética para diferentes climas Portugueses. Informes de la Construcción. 2013
- Reabilitação energética do Parque Residencial: metodologia para determinação de soluções de custo ótimo 2013
- Módulos de reabilitação de fachadas - painéis metálicos prefabricados 2013
- Achieving cost benefits in sustainable cooperative housing. Bioengineering. 2013
- Analysis of some Portuguese thermal regulation parameters. Energy and Buildings. 2013
- Challenges and benefits of building sustainable cooperative housing. Building and Environment. 2013
- Development of prefabricated retrofit module towards nearly zero energy buildings. Energy and Buildings. 2013
- Operative Conditions Evaluation for Efficient Building Retrofit-A Case Study. Indoor and Built Environment. 2013
- Sistemas de fachadas inovadores e conforto térmico : estudo em Portugal. Revista Tecnológica. 2012
- Performance evaluation of non-conventional constructions: Case study in a temperate climate. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2012
- Módulo inovador para a reabilitação energética 2012
- Reabilitação energética de edifícios residenciais com aplicação de soluções de fachada prefabricadas. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2010
- Modelo simplificado de previsão do comportamento térmico de edifícios. Engenharia Civil. 2007
- A integração de fotovoltaicos nos edifícios em Portugal : dificuldades e oportunidades 2006
- Defects and moisture problems in buildings from historical city centres : a case study in Portugal. Building and Environment. 2006
- As dificuldades de implementação do BIPV em Portugal 2005
- Natural ventilation in urban areas : results of the European Project URBVENT Part 1: urban environment. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 2005
- Metodologia para a implementação de check lists em intervenções de reabilitação. Engenharia Civil. 2004
- Breve história da teoria da conservação e do restauro. Engenharia Civil. 2004
- Centro histórico de Bragança : caracterização do edificado, aspectos arquitectónicos e anomalias 2004
- Sustainability and functional assessment of a mixed building technology solution. International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications. 2004
- Avaliação do impacto energético e económico de diferentes soluções construtivas. Engenharia Civil. 2003
- Noise map of the city of Guimarães: comparison and experimental validation of the prevision methods. Acta Acustica united with Acustica. 2003
- Energy efficiency for typical 2-floor buildings in Portugal. Archives of Civil Engineering. 2000
- Modelo de simulação térmica de elementos construtivos não homogéneos. Engenharia Civil. 2000
- A influência da temperatura e da radiação solar na capacidade de armazenamento térmico de elementos construtivos. Engenharia Civil. 1997
- Simulação térmica de edifícios baseada num modelo de capacidade térmica variável. Engenharia Civil. 1995
capítulo de livro
- Definição de tipologias representativas para a determinação do efeito de medidas de reabilitação energética à escala de bairro 2023
- O BIM e a eficiência energética na metodologia de avaliação da sustentabilidade SBToolPT-H 2022
- Supporting the Decision-making Process of Building Users in the Selection of Energy-Efficient Heating Solutions by Identifying and Evaluating Co-benefits 2021
- Avaliação do efeito de escala na rentabilidade das intervenções de reabilitação do edificado com o objetivo nZEB 2020
- Definição de tipologias representativas para a determinação do efeito de medidas de reabilitação energética à escala de bairro” 2020
- Painéis Modulares Prefabricados na Reabilitação Energética: Contributo para Edifícios nZEB 2019
- Painéis modulares pré-fabricados na reabilitação energética 2019
- The MORE-CONNECT approach - concepts of renovation packages – the Portuguese pilot building 2018
- Environmental life-cycle analysis of solar systems 2017
- Porter Building, Tel Aviv, Israel 2017
- State of the art on Building Integrated Solar Thermal Systems 2015
- The Drive towards Near Zero Energy Buildings through Professional Training in Southern Europe 2015
- Reabilitação energética do património construído: metodologia para determinação de soluções de custo ótimo 2014
- Reabilitação Energética do Património Construído - Metodologia para determinação de soluções de custo ótimo 2014
- Retrofit module design guide : part D : prefabricated metal panel retrofit modules 2011
- Prefabricated Metal Panel Retrofit Modules 2011
- General overview of the problems, needs and solutions in the Portuguese building envelopes 2007
- General overview of the problems, needs and solutions in the Portuguese urban building envelopes. Research in Architectural Engineering Series. 2007
- State of the art: Portugal. Research in Architectural Engineering Series. 2007
- Technical improvement of housing envelopes in Portugal. Research in Architectural Engineering Series. 2007
- The design of optimal openings 2005
- Layout urbano em função da eficiência energética dos edifícios 2004
- Thermal Assessment of Mixed Building Technology Solutions 2004
- O poder local como ator fundamental no processo de reabilitação energética do parque habitacional 2024
- Painel modular à base de plástico reciclado para renovação de fachadas de edifícios - economia circular aplicada ao ambiente construído 2023
- Business Models for cost-effective building renovation at district level combining energy efficiency & renewables 2023
- Energia incorporada nos materiais de construção – desafios, oportunidades e contributo para a descarbonização dos edifícios 2023
- Good practices and lessons learned to transform existing districts into low-energy and low-emission districts 2023
- A necessária aceleração da renovação energética do parque construído rumo às metas da descarbonização 2022
- O carbono incorporado na regulamentação energética dos edifícios 2021
- Reabilitação nZEB e pobreza energética na Habitação Social 2021
- Reabilitação nZEB e pobreza energética na Habitação social 2020
- Efeito da reabilitação nZEB na avaliação da pobreza energética: o caso de Santa Tecla em Braga, Portugal 2020
- Eficiência energética e rentabilidade nas intervenções de reabilitação nZEB à escala do bairro 2020
- Uma ferramenta de apoio ao consumidor para a descarbonização do aquecimento nas habitações – O Projeto HARP 2020
- Influência das varandas envidraçadas da arquitetura vernácula beirã no conforto térmico de edifícios 2020
- Os instrumentos de políticas para o desafio da reabilitação energética dos edifícios no Pacto Ecológico Europeu 2020
- Infuência das varandas envidraçadas na arquitetura vernácula beirã no conforto térmico de edifícios 2020
- Metodologia para a avaliação da sustentabilidade de Escolas Secundárias, SAHSB-PT 2020
- Os co-benefícios associados às medidas de melhoria da eficiência energética nos edifícios 2019
- Air permeability of buildings with modular light construction systems in southern Europe: gaps and needs 2019
- A importância da vontade e disponibilidade de investimento para a avaliação da sustentabilidade de soluções de reabilitação 2019
- O BIM e a eficiência energética dos edifícios 2019
- Ambiente Construído e estratégias sustentáveis 2019
- Análise do custo ótimo de medidas para melhoria de desempenho energético num edifício de habitação social em Braga, Portugal 2019
- O papel da reabilitação nZEB no combate à pobreza energética 2019
- The potential of district level building renovation interventions 2018
- O potencial das intervenções de renovação a nível urbano para edifícios nZEB”. 2018
- A prefabricação modular na reabilitação energética como contributo para assegurar edifícios nZEB”. 2018
- Uma nova abordagem à reabilitação energética 2017
- Environmental life-cycle analysis of solar systems 2017
- Porter Building, Tel Aviv, Israel 2017
- Co-benefits of energy related building renovation - Demonstration of their impact on the assessment of energy related building renovation 2017
- Executive Summary for Policy Makers on Cost-Effective Energy and Carbon Emissions Optimization in Building Renovation 2017
- Guidebook for Policy Makers on Cost-Effective Energy and Carbon Emissions Optimization in Building Renovation 2017
- Guidebook for Professional Home Owners on Cost-Effective Energy and Carbon Emissions Optimization in Building Renovation 2017
- Methodology for Cost-Effective Energy and Carbon Emissions Optimization in Building Renovation 2017
- Shining Examples of Cost-Effective Energy and Carbon Emissions Optimization in Building Renovation 2017
- The importance of the solar systems to achieve the nZEB level in the energy renovation of southern Europe’s buildings 2017
- Contributos e recomendações para a revisão da regulamentação relativa à reabilitação do edificado tendo em vista os edifícios de energia quase-nula – a visão do projeto Annex 56 da Agência Internacional de Energia 2016
- Eliminação da necessidade de sistemas ativos para arrefecimento dos edifícios residenciais em Portugal 2016
- Analysis of portuguese residential buildings’ needs and proposed solutions 2015
- Livro de Atas do "Seminário reVer - Contributos da arquitetura vernácula portuguesa para a sustentabilidade do ambiente construído" 2015
- Life cycle assessment of solar thermal systems 2014
- Methodology for Cost-Effective Energy and Carbon Emissions Optimization in Building Renovation, 1st edition 2014
- Shining Examples Brochure - Shining Examples of Cost-Effective Energy and Carbon Emissions Optimization in Building Renovation, 1st edition 2014
- Reabilitação Energética do Parque Residencial – Metodologia para determinação de soluções de custo ótimo 2013
- Módulos de reabilitação de fachadas - painéis metálicos prefabricados 2013
- Módulo Inovador para a Reabilitação Energética 2012
- Livro de Atas do Seminário "Reabilitação Energética de Edifícios" 2012
- Livro de atas do seminário reabilitação energética de edifícios 2012
- Reabilitação Energética de Edifícios Residenciais com aplicação de Soluções de Fachada Prefabricadas 2010
- Portugal SB10: sustainable building affordable to all : low cost sustainable solutions 2010
- Proceedings of the international conference "Portugal SB10: Sustainable Building Affordable to All" 2010
- Sustainability and the overall performance of buildings 2008
- Acústica de Edifícios e Ambiental 2007
- Sustainability assessment of an energy efficient optimized solution 2007
- The Optimization of the Overall Comfort in buildings 2006
- Acústica das Construções e Ambiental 2005
- Comportamento Térmico dos Edifícios 2005
- Acoustic evaluation of beam and pot slabs with lightweight regularization layers: a case study 2004
- A Humidade na Construção – Humidade Ascensional 2003
- Aquecimento de Águas Sanitárias 2003
- Pontes Térmicas – Causas e Soluções de Reparação 2003
- Definição de Estratégias de Aquecimento e de Arrefecimento em Edifícios 2001
- A Iluminação Natural nos Edifícios 2000
- Evitar perdas protegendo pontos fracos 2000
- Humidade em Paredes 2000
- O Som 1999
- Barriers and drivers for energy efficient renovation at district leve 2023
- Cost-effective building renovation strategies at the district level combining energy efficiency & renewables – investigation based on parametric calculations with generic districts 2023
- Investigation of cost-effective building renovation strategies at the district level combining energy efficiency & renewables – a case studies-based assessment 2023
- Methodology for investigating cost-effective building renovation at district level combining energy efficiency & renewables 2023
- Overview of available and emerging technology for cost-effective building renovation at district level combining energy efficiency & renewables 2023
- Policy instruments for cost-effective building renovation at district level combining energy efficiency & renewables 2023
- Strategies to transform existing districts into low-energy and low-emission districts 2023
- Success Stories of Cost-effective Building Renovation at District Level Combining Energy Efficiency & Renewables 2023
- The District as Action Level for Building Renovation Combining Energy Efficiency & Renewables – A Short Guide for Investors and Decision-Makers 2023
- The District as Action Level for Building Renovation Combining Energy Efficiency & Renewables – A Short Guide for Policymakers 2023
- The District as Action Level for Building Renovation Combining Energy Efficiency & Renewables: Making use of the Potentials – A Guide for Policy and Decision Makers 2023
- Ambiente Construído e o seu desempenho 2022
- Evaluation Guide of SAHSBPT 2020
- Strategies for Southern European school buildings refurbishment 2020
- Sustainability Assessment of High School Buildings in Portugal, SAHSBPT 2020
- Ambiente Construído e Estratégias Sustentáveis 2019
- A Guide into Renovation Package Concepts for Mass Retrofit of different types of Buildings with Prefabricated Elements for (n)ZEB Performance 2018
- Cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (Annex 56): guidebook for policy makers 2017
- Cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (annex 56): executive summary for policy makers 2017
- Cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (annex 56): guidebook for professional home owners 2017
- Co-benefits of energy related building renovation: demonstration of their impact on the assessment of energy related building renovation (Annex 56) 2017
- Evaluation of the impact and relevance of different energy related renovation measures on selected Case Studies (Annex 56) 2017
- Methodology for cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (Annex 56) 2017
- Shining examples of cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (Annex 56) 2017
- Tools and procedures to support decision making for cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (Annex 56) 2017
- Shining examples of cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (Annex 56) 2014
- Methodology for cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (Annex 56): methodology and assessment of renovation measures by parametric calculations 2014
- Ambiente construído e sua sustentabilidade 2014
- Reabilitação energética do património construído: metodologia para determinação de soluções de custo ótimo 2014
- Catálogo de soluções de reabilitação energética de edifícios 2012
- Livro de atas do seminário reabilitação energética de edifícios 2012
- Retrofit module design guide : part D : prefabricated metal panel retrofit modules 2011
- Good, Green, Safe, Affordable Housing 2009
- General overview of the problems, needs and solutions in the Portuguese urban building envelopes 2007
- Improving the quality of existing urban building envelops, Research in Architectural Engineering Science 2007
- State of the art: Portugal 2007
- Technical improvement of housing envelopes in Portugal 2007
- Bê-A-Bá da Acústica Arquitetônica – Ouvindo a Arquitetura 2006
- The design of optimal openings 2005
- BÊ-A-BÁ da Acústica Arquitectónica – Ouvindo a Arquitectura 2003
- Comparison between conventional and MBT constructive solutions from an economical and environmental point of view. Case study 2002
- Daylight evaluation of a MBT solution - A case study 2002
- Energia Solar e Qualidade de Vida; VIII Congresso Ibérico de Energia Solar 1997