publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A brief reflection on the epistemological status of criminal-legal science. Vox Juris. 2023
- Brief epistemological reflections on the delimitation between administrative offenses and criminal offenses in the Portuguese legal system. Scientia Ivridica. 2017
- Annotation to Constitutional Court Ruling no. 171/2014. Scientia Ivridica. 2015
- Critical reflection on the STJ's position on Article 8(7) of the General Tax Infringement Regulation. Cadernos de Justiça Tributária. 2015
- Some Reflections on Criminal Law from Psychoanalysis 2012
- Concurrence between the Crime of Forgery and the Crime of Issuing an Uncovered Check, (In)constitutionality of Decree-Law no. 316/97, of December 19, (Annotation to Judgment no. 819 of the 2nd Criminal Subsection of the Supreme Court of Justice, of January 20, 1998),. Scientia Ivridica. 1998
- The General Preventive-Integrative-Secondary Purpose in the Current Penal Code (or a reflection on the general preventive meaning of Article 40 of the Penal Code). Scientia Ivridica. 1996
artigo de revista
- Combined effect of xanthan gum and water content on physicochemical and textural properties of gluten-free batter and bread. Food Research International. 2018
- Physicochemical and textural quality attributes of gluten-free bread formulated with guar gum. European Food Research and Technology. 2018
capítulo de livro
- Portuguese Criminal Law viewed in some of its main vectors in the light of Crenciology. 2023
- A ciência jurídico-penal/criminologia sob a perspetiva da crenciologia 2022
- Legal-Penal Science/Criminology from the Perspective of Crenciology 2022
- Portuguese criminal law in the perspective of some of its main vectors in the light of the beliefology 2022
- The crimes of undue receipt of an advantage, passive and active corruption under Law 34/87 of July 16, the Law on the Liability of Political Office Holders: legal-criminal reflections in the light of critical ideology 2021
- Exceptions to the right to life, 29. 2019
- The Constitution and the principles of necessity and proportionality in the face of current criminal law (Analysis based on the Portuguese constitutional framework) 2019
- Democracy and Complexity: The Crisis That Is No Longer Now. Reflections on the Meaning of Democracies Today 2018
- Euthanasia: Legal and Criminal Aspects in the Light of the Portuguese Legal and Criminal System 2018
- Tax fraud: legal-criminological reflections from the Portuguese criminal legal system 2018
- The Death Penalty: Systemic and Axiological Reflections on the 150th Anniversary of the Abolition of the Death Penalty in Portugal 2018
- Death Penalty: epistemological reflections on the meaning or lack of meaning of punishability in the legal-penal sphere 2017
- Democracy Today: Reflections on the Maximum Restriction of Legal Rights and Interests as a Way of Ensuring their Maximum Protection in the Portuguese Legal Framework 2017
- Epistemological Reflections on the Principles of Necessity and Proportionality in Criminal Law based on the Portuguese Constitution 2017
- Epistemological and Axiological Reflections on Criminology, Regarding the Consideration of Forms of Surveillance on Citizens without Limits in the More or Less Near Future 2017
- Evil and criminal law: Some reflections on evil and its relationship with criminal law, 2017
- The Lisztian Idea of the Joint Science of Criminal Law: A Deconstructivist View of It 2017
- Crime and Democracy: Some Epistemological Reflections on the Role of Criminal Law in the Defense of the Values of the Democratic and Social Rule of Law of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic 2016
- Legitimate Defense: Considerations from the Penal Codes of Portugal and East Timor 2016
- Randomness and Law 2016
- Reflections on the Principle of Legality in Criminal Matters based on Article 29 of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic 2016
- The Human Being and Risk: Onto-legal Reflections 2016
- The Substitute Fine Penalty in the Current Portuguese Penal Code: Some Political and Legal-Criminal Considerations 2015
- Article 8 of the RGIT: Axiological-Normative Reflections 2014
- Ethics and Criminal Law (Epistemological reflections on the relationship between ethics and criminal law in the face of Portuguese positive law) 2014
- Criminal Law as an Expression of Lottery Games or an Epistemological Reflection on Randomness in this Legal Branch 2013
- Some considerations on self-defense based on the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic 2013
- The Application of Norms in the Legal-Penal Field: Epistemological Reflections 2013
- The death penalty in the criminal justice system: critical reflections 2013
- Crime and Punishment (A criminological reflection based on psychoanalysis: from the universality and perenniality of crime or beyond the transnationality of crime) 2012
- Epistemological reflections on freedom as a possible presupposition of human action and its (ir)relevance to the construction of the legal system 2012
- The Use of Firearms by Police Authorities and Legitimate Defense: Critical-Reflexive Considerations 2012
- Towards a Summary Characterization of Modern Criminal Law 2012
- Annotation to Article 30 of the Constitution of East Timor 2011
- Annotation to Article 31 of the Constitution of East Timor 2011
- Annotation to Article 32 of the Constitution of East Timor 2011
- Annotation to Article 33of the Constitution of East Timor 2011
- Annotation to Article 34 of the Constitution of East Timor 2011
- Annotation to Article 35 of the Constitution of East Timor 2011
- Extending the scope of the suspension of prison sentences in the 2007 Reform of the Penal System 2011
- Epistemological reflections on criminal law 2009
- The Problem of Truth in Criminal Procedure Law (Epistemological Considerations) 2009
- The Use of Firearms and Legitimate Defense, Commentary on Article 42 of Law no. 5/2006, of February 23 (Weapons and Ammunition Regime) 2009
- The purposes of Penalties under Article 40 of the Penal Code 1999
- The Criminal Law of Juveniles in the Current Portuguese Legal System. Introduction and Some Considerations 1991
- "Mecanis mos de Protecção dos Direitos Humanos na Região Ásia Pacífico. Em especial na República Popular da China, in,Temas de investigação em direitos humanos para o século XXI 2016
- Temas de investigação em direitos humanos para o século XXI 2016
- Criminal Law I 2015
- Legal and criminal consequences of the crime 2015
- Criminal Law I 2013
- Legal and criminal consequences of the crime 2013
- Criminal Law I (case law annotations and solved practical cases) 2008