publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Reading hotspots: a method to evaluate reader and mediator’s experience with children’s digital books. Infodesign. 2023
- Smart Toys, Smart Tangibles, Robots and other Smart Things for Children Editorial. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. 2022
- Para a construção da Teoria dos Multiletramentos. Dimensões ideacionais (e implicações pedagógicas) da multimodalidade textual numa StoryApp para crianças. Caleidoscópio: Revista de Comunicação e Cultura. 2022
- A Literatura Infantil Digital: o design das histórias interativas 2019
- Manipulativos Digitais no 1.º Ciclo : vamos aprender?. Matéria-prima: práticas artísticas no ensino básico e secundário. 2018
- STREEN – Designing Smart Environments for Story Reading with Children. Interaction Design and Architecture(s). 2017
- Editorial: Supporting, managing, & sustaining creativity and cognition through technology. Knowledge Management and E-Learning. 2012
artigo de conferência
- Developing digital literacy in primary school students through the use of a story app: A case study 2024
- Designing Pre- and Primary School Teachers¿ Professional Development in the Digital Era: Insights from a Teacher Development Program 2023
- The IDC Research and Design Challenge throughout the years: achievements, reflections and next steps 2023
- Investigating Social Emotional Learning at Primary School through Guided Interactive Storytelling 2022
- Mobeybou for Computational Thinking: Fostering Expression Through Embodied Computing Interactions 2022
- M&M - MONNOM meets MOBEYBOU 2022
- Once Upon a Time: A Kit of Tools for Reading and Telling Stories 2021
- Smart Toys++: Exploiting the Social Connectedness for Playing and Learning 2021
- GameLet: Seeking Media-Supported Fun in the training of Oral Reading Fluency 2020
- Smart toys, smart tangibles, robots and other smart things for children 2020
- Aplicações móveis para o ensino da Matemática com realidade aumentada 2020
- An Augmented Reality Mathematics Serious Game 2020
- CodeCubes: Coding with Augmented Reality 2020
- Preface 2019
- Rethinking the Design of Hotspots in Children’s Digital Picturebooks: Insights from an Exploratory Study. 2019
- Designing Manipulative Tools for Creative Multi and Cross-Cultural Storytelling 2019
- Multiculturalism and Creativity in Storytelling - Visual Development of a Digital Manipulative for Young Children 2019
- Animating for a Digital Manipulative: how to create restricted action libraries without restricting the players' creativity 2019
- Designing narrative learning in the digital era 2019
- Fiddling, pointing, hovering, and sliding: Embodied actions with three evaluation tools for children 2019
- MobeyBou - A digital manipulative for multicultural narrative creation 2019
- A Preliminary Study of Interactivity on Visual Narrative in Children’s Story Apps 2018
- Designing a smart reading environment with and for children 2018
- Empowering children to author digital media effects for reader's theatre 2018
- Rethinking children's co-creation processes beyond the design of TUIs 2018
- Visualizing platonic solids with augmented reality 2018
- Effects of different types of correctness feedback on children's performance with a mobile math app 2017
- Tag-IT: embedding audio in objects and surfaces 2016
- Record, play, Go¿ 2015
- Record, play, Go¿ 2015
- Merging physical and digital white canvas to unleash children's creativity 2014
- Merry Go Round: a physical, virtual, physical… toy 2014
- Merry Go Round: a physical, virtual, physical… toy 2014
- A comparative evaluation of touch and pen gestures for adult and child users 2013
- Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers – an Interface for Playful Language Exploration 2013
- Bridging books: The printed book as a support for digital experiences 2013
- Bridging books: The printed book as a support for digital experiences 2013
- Designing a tangible interface for collaborative storytelling to access 'embodiment' and meaning making 2013
- Tocar, organizar e criar 2012
- t-books : merging traditional storybooks with electronics 2012
- t-books : merging traditional storybooks with electronics 2012
- Is it a book…is it a game? No, it is TOK 2011
- Beyond the binding 2011
- Developing a tangible interface for storytelling 2011
- TOK - A tangible interface for storytelling 2011
- TOK - A tangible interface for storytelling 2011
- TOK: developing a tangible platform for storytelling 2011
- Get the picture? 2010
- Storytelling through drawings : evaluating tangible interfaces for children 2009
- Storytelling through drawings : evaluating tangible interfaces for children 2009
- Finalmente Limpinho! Interface física para os meus primeiros contactos com a higiene oral 2008
- Virtually brushing my tooth 2008
artigo de revista
- Meeting the Challenges of Designing Multimodal Texts to Promote Multiliteracies Pedagogy. Comunicação e Sociedade. 2023
- La construcción del posicionamiento lector en una narrativa digital interactiva. Una discusión a la luz de la teoría de las multiliteracidades. Cultura, Lenguaje y Representacion. 2023
- Narrating by Doing: A Bridging Concept for Understanding and Informing the Design of Tangible Interfaces for Storytelling. Interacting With Computers. 2022
- A close look into the storytelling process: The procedural nature of interactive digital narratives as learning opportunity. Entertainment Computing. 2022
- From paper to screen: Decisions taken to design a story app for intercultural dialogue. Caderno Seminal. 2022
- Para a construção da Teoria dos Multiletramentos. Dimensões ideacionais (e implicações pedagógicas) da multimodalidade textual numa StoryApp para crianças. Caleidoscópio: Revista de Comunicação e Cultura. 2022
- Untangling the complexity of designing tools to support tangible and digital intercultural story telling in troubled times: a case in point. Literacy. 2022
- t-books : A block interface for young children’s narrative construction. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. 2018
- STREEN: designing smart environments for story reading with children. Interaction Design and Architecture(s). 2017
- Digital Manipulatives as Scaffolds for Preschoolers' Language Development. IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing. 2016
- Investigating the use of digital manipulatives for storytelling in pre-school. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. 2015
- Investigating the use of digital manipulatives for storytelling in pre-school. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction. 2015
- A digital manipulative for embodied "stage-narrative" creation. Entertainment Computing. 2014
- TUIs vs. GUIs: Comparing the learning potential with preschoolers. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 2012
- TUIs vs. GUIs: Comparing the learning potential with preschoolers. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 2012
- Finalmente limpinho! Interface física para os meus primeiros contactos com a higiene oral 2008
capítulo de livro
- How Design and Technology Can Contribute to Learning: The Mobeybou in Brazil Educational Game Case Study 2023
- IDNs in Education: Skills for Future Generations 2023
- Potentiating Learning Through Augmented Reality and Serious Games 2023
- Development of Tangible Interfaces for Cognitive Development 2021
- GamAll: Playing Beyond Boundaries - Gamification and Multimodal Literacy. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2021
- Potentiating Digital Educational Environments Through Data Analytics. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. 2021
- The Procedural Nature of Interactive Digital Narratives and Early Literacy. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Touch to Read: Investigating the Readers’ Interaction Experience in Mediated Reading to Design Story Apps 2020
- “Play and Learn”: Exploring CodeCubes 2020
- CodeCubes - Playing with Cubes and Learning to Code 2019
- Learning Basic Mathematical Functions with Augmented Reality 2019
- Bringing Together Interactive Digital Storytelling with Tangible Interaction: Challenges and Opportunities 2017
- Play platforms for children’s creativity. Springer Series on Cultural Computing. 2015
- The Kathmandu Kids Entertainment Workshops 2014
- INDCOR white paper on Complexity IDNs 2023
- Mobeybou em Portugal 2023
- Magic and Reality: what children’s drawings tell us about their perception of technology 2022
- Mobeybou in Cape Verde 2022
- Mobeybou em Cabo Verde 2022
- MoBeyBOU: Moving Beyond Boundaries - Designing Narrative Learning in the Digital Era 2021
- Mobeybou in Brazil 2020
- Mobeybou in India 2020
- Mobeybou no Brasil 2020
- Workshop at the reading week at the University of Minho 2020
- Preface 2019
- Mobeybou na India 2019
- Paper ladder: A rating scale to collect children's opinion in user studies 2017
- Designing a long term study evaluating a physical interface for preschoolers 2013
- Is it a book…is it a game? No, it is TOK 2011
- App Mobeybou in Brazil
- App Mobeybou in Cape Verde
- App Mobeybou in India
- Mobeybou in Portugal
- Design, Learning, and Innovation 2021
- Preface 2020
- Technology, Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Education 2020
- A tangible platform for mixing and remixing narratives 2018
- A tangible platform for mixing and remixing narratives 2018
- Blocks as symbolic tools for children’s playful collaboration 2018
- T-words: Playing with sounds and creating narratives 2012