publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Optimal Control of a Passive Particle Advected by a Lamb–Oseen (Viscous) Vortex. Computation. 2022
- Explaining the definition of wholesale access prices in the Portuguese telecommunications industry. Journal of Dynamics and Games. 2022
- Feedback Maximum Principle for Ensemble Control of Local Continuity Equations: An Application to Supervised Machine Learning. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS. 2022
- Maximum Principle and Second-Order Optimality Conditions in Control Problems with Mixed Constraints. Axioms. 2022
- Optimization of Controlled Free-Time Sweeping Processes With Applications to Marine Surface Vehicle Modeling. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS. 2022
- Extension of ¿-PIR for weakly contractive operators via fixed point theory. Fixed Point Theory. 2021
- A Fast Row-Stochastic Decentralized Optimization Method Over Directed Graphs. Corr Volume abs/2112.13257. 2021
- A fully distributed method for distributed multiagent system in a microgrid. Energy Reports. 2021
- Crowd Motion Paradigm Modeled By a Bilevel Sweeping Control Problem. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS. 2021
- Optimal Impulsive Control Problems Motivated by Mechanical Systems with Vibrations and Blockable DOFs. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS. 2021
- State Realizations of 2-Periodic Convolutional Codes: a switching system approach. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2021
- Regular path-constrained time-optimal control problems in three-dimensional flow fields. European Journal of Control. 2020
- An Indirect Method For Regular State-Constrained Optimal Control Problems in Flow Fields. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2020
- Necessary Conditions of Optimality in the Gamkrelidze's Form for State Constrained Problems With Differential Inclusion. IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS LETTERS. 2020
- Deep learning in exchange markets. Information Economics and Policy. 2019
- Nonlinear Analysis and Optimization. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2019
- On a Few Questions Regarding the Study of State-Constrained Problems in Optimal Control. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2019
- A General Attainable-Set Model Predictive Control Scheme. Application to AUV Operations. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2018
- Optimal Rendezvous Trajectory for Unmanned Aerial-Ground Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. 2018
- Second-Order Necessary Optimality Conditions in Optimal Impulsive Control Problems. Differential Equations. 2018
- Investigation of Controllability and Regularity Conditions for State Constrained Problems. IFAC-PapersOnLine. 2017
- A new approach to the Pontryagin maximum principle for nonlinear fractional optimal control problems. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences. 2016
- Conditions for the Absence of Jumps of the Solution to the Adjoint System of the Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints. Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. 2016
- Minimax optimal control problem with state constraints. European Journal of Control. 2016
- Simvastatin effects on detoxification mechanisms in Danio rerio embryos. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2016
- State Constraints in Impulsive Control Problems: Gamkrelidze-Like Conditions of Optimality. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2015
- A model predictive control approach to AUVs motion coordination. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 2014
- Impulsive Control Problems with State Constraints: R.V. Gamkrelidze Approach to the Necessary Optimality Conditions 2014
- Investigations of regularity conditions in optimal control problems with geometric mixed constraints. Optimization. 2014
- On Some Extension of Optimal Control Theory. European Journal of Control. 2014
- On the Properness of the Extension of Dynamic Optimization Problems to Allow Impulsive Controls. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations. 2014
- On the solvability of implicit differential inclusions. Applicable Analysis. 2014
- ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ 2014
- Autonomous Simultaneous Localization and Mapping driven by Monte Carlo uncertainty maps-based navigation. Knowledge Engineering Review. 2013
- Optimal Control of Particle Advection in Couette and Poiseuille Flows. Conference Papers in Mathematics. 2013
- Hamilton-jacobi-bellman equation and feedback synthesis for impulsive control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. 2012
- Pontryagin's maximum principle for constrained impulsive control problems. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 2012
- On a generalization of the impulsive control concept: Controlling system jumps. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 2011
- R.V. Gamkrelidze's maximum principle for optimal control problems with bounded phase coordinates and its relation to other optimality conditions. Doklady Mathematics. 2011
- Special Issue on Control, Nonsmooth Analysis and Optimization Celebrating the 60th Birthday of Francis Clarke and Richard Vinter PREFACE. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 2011
- The Maximum Principle for Optimal Control Problems with State Constraints by R.V. Gamkrelidze: Revisited. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2011
- Maximum principle in problems with mixed constraints under weak assumptions of regularity. Optimization. 2010
- On constrained impulsive control problems. Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2010
- Pontryagin's Maximum Principle for Optimal Impulsive Control Problems. Doklady Mathematics. 2010
- SLAM algorithm applied to robotics assistance for navigation in unknown environments. Journal of Neuroengineering and Rehabilitation. 2010
- Coordination strategies between UAV and AUVs for ocean exploration. 2009 European Control Conference (ECC). 2009
- Necessary optimality conditions for problems with equality and inequality constraints: Abnormal case. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2009
- On Linear and Nonlinear Tracking of the Wheeled Mobile Robot. 2009 Ieee Control Applications Cca & Intelligent Control (Isic), Vols 1-3. 2009
- Sensor systems on networked vehicles. Networks and Heterogeneous Media. 2009
- Invariance for impulsive control systems. Automation and Remote Control. 2008
- ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ ¿¿¿¿¿¿ 2008
- Mapping and initial dilution estimation of an ocean outfall plume using an autonomous underwater vehicle. Continental Shelf Research. 2007
- A set-valued framework for coordinated motion control of networked vehicles. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2006
- Double-staining immunohistochemistry of canine mammary neoplasms. Arquivo Brasileiro de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia. 2006
- Measure-controlled dynamic systems: Polyhedral approximation of their reachable set boundary. Automation and Remote Control. 2006
- Second-order necessary optimality conditions for problems without a priori normality assumptions. Mathematics of Operations Research. 2006
- A New ROV Design: Issues on Low Drag and Mechanical Symmetry 2005
- A Nondegenerate Maximum Principle for the Impulse Control Problem with State Constraints. Siam Journal on Control and Optimization. 2005
- Necessary conditions for impulsive nonlinear optimal control problems without a priori normality assumptions. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 2005
- Necessary extremum conditions without making a priori normality assumptions. Doklady Mathematics. 2005
- Optimização dinâmica para planeamento de movimento e controlo de veículos autónomos 2005
- Coordinated control of a network of apparatus: An autonomous underwater system. Avtomatika i Telemekhanika. 2004
- Coordinated control of networked vehicles: An autonomous underwater system. Automation and Remote Control. 2004
- Lyapunov stability of measure driven impulsive systems. Differential Equations. 2004
- Number of actives sites in TAME synthesis: Mechanism and kinetic modeling. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2004
- Geração de Trajectórias para Sistemas Diferencialmente Planos 2003
- Second order necessary conditions for optimal impulsive control problems. Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems. 2003
- Stability for impulsive control systems. Dynamical Systems. 2002
- Control design for autonomous vehicles: A dynamic optimization perspective. European Journal of Control. 2001
- A maximum principle for impulsive control problems with state constraints. Computational & Applied Mathematics. 2000
- Necessary conditions of optimality for vector-valued impulsive control problems. Systems and Control Letters. 2000
- Experimental study of the transverse spatial dependence of thermally induced absorptive bistability. Journal of the Optical SocIETy of America B: Optical Physics. 1999
- On the design of a control architecture for an autonomous mobile robot. Advances in Intelligent Autonomous Systems. 1999
- On the receding horizon hierarchical optimal control of manufacturing systems. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 1997
- A new optimization based approach to experimental combination chemotherapy.. Frontiers of medical and biological engineering : the international journal of the Japan Society of Medical Electronics and Biological Engineering. 1995
- A METHODOLOGY FOR REPLANNING COLLISION-FREE TRAJECTORIES FOR A MOBILE ROBOT. Proceedings of the Iecon 93 - International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, Vols 1-3. 1993
- AN AUTOMATIC PATH PLANING SYSTEM FOR AUTONOMOUS ROBOTIC VEHICLES. Proceedings of the Iecon 93 - International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation, Vols 1-3. 1993
artigo de conferência
- A Regularization Approach to Analyze the Time-Optimal Motion of a Mobile Robot under State Constraints using Pontryagin's Maximum Principle 2021
- Optimal route planning in steady planar convective flows 2020
- Direct numerical solution of a time-optimal state-constrained control problem in a flow 2020
- Investigation of Conditions for Non-degeneracy and Normality in Control Problems with Equality and Inequality State Constraints 2020
- Investigation of Quasi-Optimal Motion of a Mobile Robot: the Maximum Principle Based Approach 2020
- Investigation of a perturbation method to solve essentially non-regular time-optimal control problems with state constraints 2020
- Necessary Conditions of Optimality for a Time-Optimal Bi-level Sweeping Control Problem 2020
- Regular perturbations to the motion of a three-wheeled mobile robot with the front-wheel drive under restricted state variables 2020
- Trajectory tracking for a multicopter under a quaternion representation 2020
- Optimal path planning of AUVs operating in flows influenced by tidal currents 2019
- A Framework for the Control of Bilevel Sweeping Processes 2019
- A Framework for the Sustainable Control and Optimization of Resources in Agriculture 2019
- A general attainable-set model predictive control scheme 2019
- A generalized filippov-like existence theorem for optimal control problems with constraints 2019
- A remark on the continuity of the measure Lagrange multiplier in state constrained optimal control problems 2019
- Model predictive control for autonomous underwater vehicles 2019
- Path-constrained trajectory time-optimization in a three-dimensional steady flow field 2019
- A Hybrid Systems Model Predictive Control Framework for AUV Motion Control 2018
- A Model Predictive Control Scheme for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Formation Control 2018
- A Short Survey on Measure-Driven Optimal Control Problems 2018
- A recursive algorithm based on the maximum principle of pontryagin 2018
- An indirect numerical method for a time-optimal state-constrained control problem in a steady two-dimensional fluid flow 2018
- Attainable-Set Model Predictive Control for AUV Formation Control 2018
- Investigation of second-order optimality conditions for impulsive control problems under the Frobenius condition 2018
- Maximum principle for the optimal control of the Obukhov model 2018
- Optimal Control Framework for AUV's Motion Planning in Planar Vortices Vector Field 2018
- Model Predictive Control Coordination for the Sustainable Management of Production Factors in Agriculture 2017
- Optimal Multi-process Control of a Two Vortex Driven Particle in the Plane 2017
- Optimal Power Consumption Motion Control of a Fish-Like Vehicle in a Vortices Vector Field 2017
- A Moving Path Following Approach for Trajectory Optimization of UAVs: An application for target tracking of marine vehicles 2016
- A Predictive Path-Following Approach for Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Presence of Wind Disturbances 2016
- Adaptive Sampling Using an Unsupervised Learning of GMMs Applied to a Fleet of AUVs with CTD Measurements 2016
- A model predictive control-based architecture for cooperative path-following of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles 2015
- An optimization-based framework for impulsive control systems 2015
- Developments in Model-Based Optimization and Control: Distributed Control and Industrial Applications 2015
- Infinite Horizon Optimal Control for Resources Management in Agriculture 2015
- Predictive control for path-following. From trajectory generation to the parametrization of the discrete tracking sequences 2015
- A Maximum Principle for Constrained Infinite Horizon Dynamic Control Problems 2014
- A maximum principle for an infinite horizon optimal control problem 2014
- Application of Covering Mappings to Constrained Dynamic Systems and Differential Inclusions 2014
- Assessing the capacity of man-portable UAVs for network access point localization, using RSSI link data 2014
- Infinite horizon optimal control for environmentally sustained management of resources in agriculture 2014
- On Properness of Impulsive Extension 2014
- On the Extension to Impulsive Control Problems 2014
- Optimal Control of Incompressible Flow Driven Systems 2014
- Optimal control of passive particles advected by two-dimensional point vortices 2014
- Reachability Analysis of Dynamic Programming Based Controlled Systems: An Extended Algorithm 2014
- Solvability of implicit difference equations 2014
- An Optimal Control Framework for Resources Management in Agriculture 2013
- An Underwater Cooperative Navigation Scheme 2013
- Coordinated Control of Autonomous Robotic Vehiches based on Dynamic Optimization 2013
- Covering Mappings. Theory and Applications 2013
- Dynamic Optimization Control for Autonomous Vehicle Systems 2013
- Herbicide Dosage Optimization Model for Weed Control Using the Resistance Dynamics 2013
- High level architecture for trading agents in betting exchange markets 2013
- On some extensions of optimal control theory 2013
- On the optimal control of flow driven dynamic systems 2013
- Optimal Control of Passive Particle under Point Vortices 2013
- Underwater plume tracing with an AUV cooperative navigation scheme based on the simplex algorithm 2013
- A New Sufficient Condition for Optimal Impulsive Control Problems 2012
- Dynamic programming based feedback control for systems with switching costs 2012
- Experimental results with value function based control of an AUV 2012
- Model predictive control of impulsive dynamical systems 2012
- On the extension of classical calculus of variations and optimal control to problems with discontinuous trajectories 2012
- A maximum principle for constrained infinite horizon dynamic control systems 2011
- Necessary conditions of optimality for state constrained infinite horizon differential inclusions 2011
- A maximum principle for infinite time asymptotically stable impulsive dynamic control systems 2010
- Chemical plume source localization with multiple autonomous underwater vehicles 2010
- Coalition formation with communication ranges and moving targets 2010
- Cooperative autonomous underwater vehicle localization 2010
- Monte Carlo uncertainty maps-based for mobile robot autonomous SLAM navigation 2010
- IMC: A communication protocol for networked vehicles and sensors 2009
- Large scale data collection using networks of heterogeneous vehicles and sensors 2009
- Multiple UAV teams for multiple tasks 2009
- New problems of optimal path coordination for multi-vehicle systems 2009
- Portable control console for autonomous ocean-going vehicles 2009
- UAV and AUVs coordination for ocean exploration 2009
- Cooperative control of unmanned aerial systems 2008
- On the feedback control of impulsive dynamic systems 2008
- An impulsive framework for the control of hybrid systems 2007
- Necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems with state constraints 2007
- Some recent developments in necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems 2007
- Video summary - Neptus, command and control infrastructure for heterogeneous teams of autonomous vehicles 2007
- Mission planning and specification in the Neptus framework 2006
- Mission review and analysis 2006
- Simultaneous control, navigation and target tracking for robotic formations 2006
- An implementation of a framework for Cooperative Engineering 2005
- Motion planning and control of coordinated systems 2005
- Neptus - A framework to support multiple vehicle operation 2005
- Nondegenerate necessary conditions of optimality for problems without normality assumptions 2005
- Second-order necessary conditions for optimal impulsive control 2005
- Hybrid maneuver for gradient search with multiple coordinated AUVs 2004
- Necessary optimality conditions for impulsive control problems 2004
- A framework for networked motion control 2003
- First and Second Order Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Impulsive Control Problems 2003
- Integrated maneuver and control design for ROV operations 2003
- Invariance for Impulsive Control Systems 2003
- Modeling and control of the IES project ROV 2003
- Nondegenerate Necessary Conditions for Optimal Impulsive Control Problems with State Constraints 2003
- Post mission trajectory smoothing for the Isurus AUV 2003
- Specification of multiple AUV strategies for search of freshwater oceanic sources 2003
- Trajectory generation for a remotely operated vehicle 2003
- User-assisted trajectory generation of underwater vehicles 2003
- A dynamically configurable architecture for the control of autonomous underwater vehicles 2002
- A dynamically configurable control architecture for autonomous mobile robots 2002
- A general control architecture for multiple vehicles 2002
- Hamilton-Jacobi conditions for an impulsive control problem 2002
- Lyapounov stability for impulsive dynamical systems 2002
- Reachable set approximation for measure driven dynamic control systems 2002
- Specification and design of coordinated motions for autonomous vehicles 2002
- Using near field model predictions to detect and map an outfall sewage plume with an AUV 2002
- A differential game with graph constrained dynamic switching strategies 2001
- A versatile acoustic beacon for navigation and remote tracking of multiple underwater vehicles 2001
- Impulsive robust control with peak gain constraints using LMIS 2001
- Monitoring an ocean outfall using an AUV 2001
- Second order necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems 2001
- Some questions about hybrid systems 2001
- Graph constrained switching differential games 2000
- Development and implementation of a low-cost LBL navigation system for an AUV 1999
- Estuarine environment studies with Isurus, a REMUS class AUV 1999
- IES an open system for underwater inspection 1999
- Reconfigurable mission control system for underwater vehicles 1999
- Necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive differential inclusions 1998
- On the design of a control architecture for multiple autonomous underwater vehicles - a hybrid systems framework 1998
- Real-time hybrid control of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 1998
- Hybrid Systems theory framework for the design of a control architecture for multiple autonomous underwater vehicles 1997
- Hybrid feedback control system for a nonholonomic car-like vehicle 1997
- Impulsive observation and control strategies in minimax problems 1997
- Localization system for an autonomous mobile platform 1997
- Multiple AUVs for coastal oceanography 1997
- On the design of a hybrid feedback control system for a nonholonomic car-like vehicle 1997
- Systems engineering approach to the design of an integrated decision support system for a textile company 1997
- The development of an Integrated Decision Support System for a textile company: A Systems Engineering approach 1997
- On the design and implementation of a control architecture for a mobile robotic system 1996
- A dynamically configurable control architecture for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle 1995
- AUV system requirements for coastal oceanography 1995
- Algorithm for optimal control problems based on differential inclusions 1995
- Autonomous underwater vehicles: an application of intelligent control technology 1995
- Generalized vehicle based control architecture for multiple AUVs 1995
- A receding horizon strategy for the hierarchical control of manufacturing systems 1994
- Design of a mission management system for the autonomous underwater vehicle MARIUS 1994
- Dynamically configurable architecture for the control of an autonomous underwater vehicle 1994
- On the design of the PO-ROBOT system 1994
- Blackboard approach to the mission management for autonomous underwater vehicle 1993
- A hierarchical framework for the optimal flow control in manufacturing systems 1992
- Design of multidrug cancer chemotherapy via optimal control 1991
- An optimal control algorithm for multidrug cancer chemotherapy design 1990
artigo de revista
- Modelling of smart irrigation with replan and redistribution algorithms. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems. 2022
- Between the writing of history and the narrativity of visual culture: photography. Antíteses. 2020
- Performance and limits of KNN-based positioning methods for GSM networks over leaky feeder in underground tunnels. Journal of Location Based Services. 2012
capítulo de livro
- Maximum Principle for Bilevel Sweeping Control Problems 2021
- Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Infinite Horizon Constrained Dynamic Control Systems 2014
- Optimal control of Passive Particle Advected by Two Dimensional Point Vertices 2013
- Optimal Control of Passive Particle under Passive Point Vertices 2013
- Optimal Control of Partial Differential Equations Driven Systems 2013
- Optimality Conditions for Impulsive Control 2009
- Functional Differential Equations 2008
- Nondegenerate Second-order Necessary Conditions of Optimality for Nonlinear Optimization Problems 2008
- Necessary optimality conditions in abnormal extremum problems 2007
- Using AUVs for Monitoring Waste Water Discharges 2000
- An Adaptive Control Scheme For Manufacturing Processes 1990
- Roll Padding and WaveNet for Multivariate Time Series in Human Activity Recognition 2021
- Time-Optimal Control Problem with State Constraints in a Time-Periodic Flow Field 2020
- General nonlinear impulsive control problems 2019
- Impulsive control problems under borel measurability 2019
- Impulsive control problems under the frobenius condition 2019
- Impulsive control problems with mixed constraints 2019
- Impulsive control problems with state constraints 2019
- Impulsive control problems without the frobenius condition 2019
- Linear impulsive control problems 2019
- Optimal Impulsive Control 2019
- Preface 2019
- A Hybrid Systems Model Predictive Control Framework for AUV Motion Control 2018
- A Model Predictive Control Scheme for Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Formation Contro 2018
- A Robust Reach Set MPC Scheme for Control of AUVs 2018
- Attainable-Set Model Predictive Control for AUV Formation Control 2018
- Cooperative Human-Machine Interaction in Industrial Environments 2018
- Model Predictive Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 2018
- Obstacle avoidance framework based on reach sets 2018
- A Reach Set MPC Scheme for the Cooperative Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 2017
- Synthesis of Safe Controllers for Nonlinear Systems Using Dynamic Programming Techniques 2017
- Coordination challenges in networked vehicle systems: Are we missing something? 2015
- On the study of complex impulsive systems 2015
- Preface 2015
- Solvability of implicit difference equations 2015
- Dynamic optimization techniques for the motion coordination of autonomous vehicles 2014
- Necessary optimality conditions for optimal control problems with infinite horizon 2012
- Reach set formulation of a model predictive control scheme 2012
- Motion Coordination of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Under Acoustic Communications 2011
- A Model Predictive Control Framework for AUV Formation Control 2010
- Foreword 2010
- Necessary conditions of optimality for abnormal problems with equality and inequality constraints 2009
- Necessary optimality conditions for abnormal abstract problems with general constraints 2008
- Optimality conditions for asymptotically stable impulsive control systems 2008
- Pontryagin's maximum principle for an impulse control problem 2008
- Second-order necessary conditions of optimality for abnormal solutions of nonlinear problems with equality and inequality constraints 2008
- Necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems with state constraints 2007
- Optimality conditions for asymptotically stable control systems 2007
- Some recent developments in necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems 2007
- Invariance properties of measure driven differential inclusions 2006
- Neptus - A Framework to Support a Mission Life Cycle 2006
- Optimal control with asymptotic stability constraints 2006
- Optimality conditions for asymptotically stable control processes 2006
- A framework for cooperative engineering 2005
- Optimal Stabilization and Dynamic Programming 2005
- Sewage outfall plume dispersion observations with an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle 2005
- Improving ROV Control performance with thrust identification and control 2004
- Improving ROV control performance with thrust identification and control for impulsive control 2004
- On the coordinated control of networked systems 2004
- Optimality conditions for impulsive control 2004
- A framework for e-cooperating business agents: An application to the (re) engineering of production facilities 2003
- Coordinated control of networked vehicle systems: specification and control synthesis 2003
- Geração de trajectórias para sistemas diferencialmente planos 2003
- Modeling and control of the IES project ROV 2003
- Multiple autonomous underwater vehicles operations: the PISCIS project 2003
- Nondegenerate necessary conditions of optimality for impulsive control problems 2003
- Operations with Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Operations: The PISCIS project 2003
- PISCIS: multiple autonomous underwater vehicles for environmental and oceanographic field studies 2003
- A framework for the automation of a remotely operated vehicle 2002
- Adaptive Sampling of Oceanographic Processes with Autonomous Underwater Vehicles 2002
- An architecture for E-cooperating business agents 2002
- Coordinated control strategies for networked vehicles: an application to autonomous underwater vehicles 2002
- Dynamic optimization in the coordination and control of autonomous underwater vehicles 2002
- Hamilton-Jacobi conditions for a class of impulsive control problems 2002
- On coordinated control strategies for networked dynamic control systems - an application to AUVs 2002
- Optimal Impulsive Control 2002
- Plano da Missão de monitorização ao exutor submarino de S. Jacinto utilizando o VSA Isurus 2002
- Design of an Underwater Inspection System Using a Remotely Operated Vehicle 2001
- Hamilton-Jacobi Conditions for an Impulsive Control Problem 2001
- Missões de Monitorização Ambiental Utilizando o Veículo Submarino Autónomo Isurus 2001
- Arquitetura de controle para gestão de recursos na agricultura de precisão 2019
- Visualization of genetic algorithm operation on additive decomposable functions 2013
- Artificial Intelligence in geospatial analysis: applications of self-organizing maps in the context of geographic information science. 2011
- Projecção de vídeo em ambientes virtuais : enriquecimento de cenários tridimensionais com base em imagens recolhidas por veículos robóticos 2009
- Advanced mathematical modeling for outfall plume tracking and management using autonomous underwater vehicles based systems 2004
- Simulação de veículos autónomos em ambientes industriais 1999
- Análise de falhas, detecção de erros e diagnóstico de faltas num veículo submarino autónomo: uma abordagem de sistemas discretos 1998
- Locomoção em robótica autónoma : integração do desvio de obstáculos 1998
- Navegação em robótica móvel baseada em referências naturais 1995
- A maximum principle for impulsive control systems 1986