publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Protein intake and prevalence of overweight in patients with phenylketonuria: a 10-year longitudinal TNSPKU study. Obesity. 2024
- Editorial. Acta Portuguesa de Nutrição. 2023
- Iodine Availability through Iodized Salt in Portugal: 2010–2021 Sales Evolution and Distribution. Nutrients. 2023
- Frailty phenotype in heart failure: A condition that transcends age. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia. 2023
- Editorial. Acta Portuguesa de Nutrição. 2022
- Vitamin d-fortified bread: Systematic review of fortification approaches and clinical studies. Food Chemistry. 2022
- Polymedication and its association with individual factors in Portuguese older adults–a cross-sectional study. Porto Biomedical Journal. 2022
- Statins are associated with reduced likelihood of sarcopenia in a sample of heart failure outpatients: a cross-sectional study. BMC Cardiovascular Disorders. 2022
- Urinary Sodium Excretion and Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in Older Adults. Nutrients. 2021
- Unveiling the Metabolic Effects of Glycomacropeptide. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021
- Frailty phenotype and associated nutritional factors in a sample of Portuguese outpatients with heart failure. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases. 2021
- Prediction equations for estimating body weight in older adults. Journal of Human Nutrition and DIETetics. 2021
- Can an intradialytic snack model compensate the catabolic impact of hemodialysis?. Clinical Nutrition Espen. 2021
- Continuous use of glycomacropeptide in the nutritional management of patients with phenylketonuria: a clinical perspective. Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases. 2021
- Are older adults with excessive sodium intake at increased risk of hypohydration?. Journal of Human Nutrition and DIETetics. 2021
- Frailty status is related to general and abdominal obesity in older adults. Nutrition Research. 2021
- Prognostic Value of the Malnutrition-inflammation Score in Hospitalization and Mortality on Long-term Hemodialysis. Journal of Renal Nutrition. 2021
- Resting energy expenditure in cancer patients: Agreement between predictive equations and indirect calorimetry. Clinical Nutrition Espen. 2021
- New equation to estimate resting energy expenditure in non-critically ill patients. Clinical Nutrition Espen. 2020
- Nutrition UP 65 educational strategies: health professionals qualification course. Acta Portuguesa de Nutrição. 2020
- Adherence to a Mediterranean Dietary Pattern and Functional Parameters: A Cross-Sectional Study in an Older Population 2020
- Are hypohydrated older adults at increased risk of exhaustion?. Journal of Human Nutrition and DIETetics. 2020
- Relevance of the Malnutrition Inflammation Score in Hemodialysis Patients: 42-Months Follow-Up. Journal of Renal Nutrition. 2020
- Sarcopenia, physical frailty, undernutrition and obesity cooccurrence among Portuguese community-dwelling older adults: results from Nutrition UP 65 cross-sectional study. BMJ Open. 2020
- Table olives and health: a review. Journal of Nutritional Science. 2020
- Acute effect of an amino acid mixture in the rat glycemic profile. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 2019
- Adherence to a Mediterranean Dietary Pattern status and associated factors among Portuguese older adults: Results from the Nutrition UP 65 cross-sectional study 2019
- Association of Anthropometric and Nutrition Status Indicators with Hand Grip Strength and Gait Speed in Older Adults. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition. 2019
- Factors associated with sarcopenia and undernutrition in older adults. Nutrition & DIETetics. 2019
- Handgrip Strength and Its Association With Hydration Status and Urinary Sodium-to-Potassium Ratio in Older Adults. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2019
- Predictors of nutritional and inflammation risk in hemodialysis patients. Clinical Nutrition. 2019
- Sitting time and associated factors among Portuguese older adults: results from Nutrition UP 65 2019
- The Use of Glycomacropeptide in Patients with Phenylketonuria: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Nutrients. 2018
- Metabolic Control in Patients With Phenylketonuria Pre- and Post-Sapropterin Loading Test 2018
- Nutritional status and gait speed in a nationwide population-based sample of older adults. Acta Cytologica. 2018
- Rede de voluntários do projeto Nutrition UP 65: perspetivas do trabalho voluntário em intervenção comunitária e saúde pública 2018
- Resting energy expenditure in patients with pancreatitis. Clinical Nutrition. 2018
- Sarcopenia and Undernutrition Among Portuguese Older Adults: Results From Nutrition UP 65 Study 2018
- Sodium and potassium urinary excretion and their ratio in the elderly: results from the Nutrition UP 65 study. Food & Nutrition Research. 2018
- The association between 25(OH)D levels, frailty status and adiposity indices in older adults. Cancer. 2018
- Vitamin D status and functional parameters: A cross-sectional study in an older population 2018
- Weakness: The most frequent criterion among pre-frail and frail older Portuguese. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2018
- A Cross-Sectional Study on the Association between 24-h Urine Osmolality and Weight Status in Older Adults. Nutrients. 2017
- Association between serum 25-hidroxyvitamin D concentrations and ultraviolet index in Portuguese older adults: a cross-sectional study. BMC Geriatrics. 2017
- Handgrip strength values of Portuguese older adults: a population based study. BMC Geriatrics. 2017
- MON-P142: Validation of Predictive Equations for Resting Energy Expenditure in Adults and Eldery non-Critically ILL Portuguese Patients. Clinical Nutrition. 2017
- Nutritional Genomics for Dietitians: Bridging the Gap 2017
- Editorial 2016
- MON-P094: Comparision between Resting Energy Preditive Equations and Indirect Calorimetry in Non-Critically Ill Portuguese Patients. Clinical Nutrition. 2016
- NUTRITION UP 65: Nutritional Strategies Facing an Older Demography: Framework and Methodological Considerations 2016
- Nutrition UP 65 - nutritional strategies facing an older demography: framework and methodological considerations 2016
- Nutritional Strategies Facing an Older Demographic: The Nutrition UP 65 Study Protocol. JMIR Research Protocols. 2016
- Amino acids, glucose metabolism and clinical relevance for phenylketonuria management. Annals of Nutritional Disorders & Therapy. 2015
- Diterpenes in espresso coffee: impact of preparation parameters. European Food Research and Technology. 2015
- Folates and aging: Role in mild cognitive impairment, dementia and depression. Ageing Research Reviews. 2015
- Quantification of Diterpenes and their Palmitate Esters in Coffee Brews by HPLC-DAD. International Journal of Food Properties. 2015
- Undernutrition and associated factors in a Portuguese older adult community. Revista de Nutricao. 2015
- Early dietary treated patients with phenylketonuria can achieve normal growth and body composition. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 2013
- Dietary treatment in phenylketonuria does not lead to increased risk of obesity or metabolic syndrome. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 2012
- Edulcorantes e risco cardiovascular 2012
- Method Validation for Cafestol and Kahweol Quantification in Coffee Brews by HPLC-DAD. Food Analytical Methods. 2012
- Protective effect of physical activity on dissatisfaction with body image in children - A cross-sectional study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise. 2011
- Vitamina D'atleta 2011
- Body Composition and Markers of Metabolic Syndrome in Adults with Pku. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease. 2010
- Hand grip strength in a sample of 11 to 14 years old children | Força da preensão da mão numa amostra de crianças dos 11 aos 14 anos. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2010
- The use of prealbumin concentration as a biomarker of nutritional status in treated phenylketonuric patients. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 2010
- Aspectos de Segurança na Suplementação de Alimentos 2009
- Effect of fermented milk containing Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum on plasma lipids of women with normal or moderately elevated cholesterol. Journal of Dairy Research. 2009
- Modulation of nutritional state in Parkinsonian patients with bilateral subthalamic nucleus stimulation. Journal of Neurology. 2009
- Protein Insufficiency and Low Hemoglobin in Phenylketonuric Patients. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism. 2009
- Comment on "Beta-blocker exposure is associated with improved survival after severe traumatic brain injury". J Trauma. 2007
- Letters to the editor [5]. Journal of Trauma - Injury, Infection and Critical Care. 2007
- Adrenergic mechanisms and blood-brain barrier permeability [10]. Critical Care Medicine. 2005
- Catalase activity and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) production in a rat model of diffuse axonal injury. Effect of gadolinium and amiloride. Neurochemical Research. 2005
- Tolcapone in Parkinson's disease: Liver toxicity and clinical efficacy. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety. 2005
- Changes in rat cerebral mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase activity after brain trauma. Int J Neurosci. 2004
- Effect of gadopentetate dimeglumine or amiloride on brain mitochondrial diameter after experimental brain trauma. Faseb Journal. 2004
- Tolcapone-related liver dysfunction: Implications for use in Parkinson's disease therapy. Drug Safety. 2003
- Brain catalase activity in a model of closed head trauma in the rat: Effect of gadolinium and amiloride. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2002
- Changes in brain mitochondrial function after head trauma: Effect of mechanogated membrane ion channel blockers. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2002
- Synthesis of 1-(3,4-dihydroxy-5-nitrophenyl)-2-phenyl-ethanone and derivatives as potent and long-acting peripheral inhibitors of catechol-O-methyltransferase. J Med Chem. 2002
- BIA 3-202, a long-acting catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitor with limited brain access. British Journal of Pharmacology. 2000
- Kinetics of rat brain and liver solubilized membrane-bound catechol-O-methyltransferase. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2000
- Dynamics of experimental vasogenic brain oedema in the rat: Changes induced by adrenergic drugs. Journal of Autonomic Pharmacology. 1999
- Effect of brain catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibition by tolcapone on amphetamine-induced behaviour in the rat. British Journal of Pharmacology. 1999
- Cerebral edema associated with meningiomas: The role of peritumoral brain tissue. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 1998
- Effect of mechanogated membrane ion channel blockers on experimental traumatic brain oedema. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 1998
- Experimental traumatic cerebral contusion: Morphological study of brain microvessels and characterization of the oedema. Acta Neurochirurgica. 1998
- Rat liver catechol-O-methyltransferase kinetics and assay methodology. J Enzyme Inhib. 1998
- Sensitivity to inhibition by tolcapone of soluble and membrane-bound forms of catechol-O-methyltransferase from rat brain, liver and kidney. British Journal of Pharmacology. 1997
- Studies on the tight-binding nature of tolcapone inhibition of soluble and membrane-bound rat brain Catechol-O-methyltransferase. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics. 1997
- Ultrastructural study of brain microvessels in patients with traumatic cerebral contusions. Acta Neurochir (Wien). 1997
- Reversion of phenotype of endothelial cells in brain tissue around glioblastomas. Journal of Neuro-Oncology. 1996
- Adrenergic Modulation of Sodium Fluorescin Transport across Bovine Brain Microvessel Endothelial-Cells. British Journal of Pharmacology. 1995
- Birth dates. Nature. 1995
- Changes in brain microvessel endothelial cell monolayer permeability induced by adrenergic drugs. European Journal of Pharmacology: Molecular Pharmacology. 1994
- Influence of electrical stimulation of locus coeruleus on the rat blood-brain barrier permeability to sodium fluorescein. Acta Neurochirurgica. 1994
- [Use of spreadsheet for statistical and graphical processing of records from the ambulatory blood pressure monitor Spacelabs 90207]. Rev Port Cardiol. 1993
- Effects of nebivolol stereoisomers on the action of adrenaline on blood pressure, heart rate and blood levels of noradrenaline and DOPEG. J Auton Pharmacol. 1992
- Adrenergic influences on the control of blood-brain barrier permeabilit. Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology. 1991
artigo de conferência
- Obesity phenotypes and their association with frailty and frailty criteria 2019
- Association between free water reserve and handgrip strength in older adults. 2018
- Association between free water reserve and handgrips strength in older adults 2018
- Association of functional status with obesity and exhaustion in older adults: Results from the nutrition up 65 study 2018
- Coexistence of sarcopenia, frailty, undernutrition and obesity in a representative sample of the Portuguese elderly population 2018
- How does the use of diuretics affect hydration status of older adults? 2018
- Hydration status of portuguese elderly: results from the Nutrition UP 65 Study 2018
- Association between ultraviolet index and 25-Hydroxyvitamin D levels in older adults in Portugal 2017
- Association of self-evaluation of health status with undernutrition status and risk in older adults 2017
- Educational strategies in the framework of Nutrition UP 65 Project 2017
- Inadequate hydration status and overweight among older adults: data from Nutrition UP 65 Project 2017
- Salt consumption and overweight among older adults: results from Nutrition UP 65 2017
- Sitting time among Portuguese older adults: association with anthropometric and functional parameters 2017
- Socio-professional profile of the volunteers of a network aimed at providing nutritional education to older adults in the framework of Nutrition UP 65 Project 2017
- Vitamin D Status And Associated Factors Among Portuguese Older Adults: Results From The Nutrition Up 65 Study 2017
- Coffee Drinks - Changing Patterns of Ingestion of Bioactive Compounds? 2016
- Nutrition 65 UP Project - nutritional strategies facing an older demography 2016
- Vitamin D deficiency and associated factors among Portuguese older adults - preliminary data from Nutrition UP 65 2016
- Coffee diterpene derivatives as anti-angiogenesis agent 2015
- Novas guidelines ATP4 Hipertensão arterial 2015
- Nutritional genomics A survey to identify knowledge, interest, and continuing education needs among swiss and Portuguese nutritionists and dietitians 2015
- O mito do peso ideal ou de referência 2015
- Novos medicamentos da obesidade 2013
- Determinants of the global obesity epidemic 2011
- Overweight and obesity in phenylketonuric patients from the north of Portugal 2011
artigo de revista
- A poly-e-caprolactone based biofilm carrier for nitrate removal from water. Amino Acids. 2016
capítulo de livro
- Low handgrip strength frequency and associated factors in a sample of community-dwelling individuals - a cross-sectional preliminary analysis 2023
- The NUTRIC project: Nutrition and Functional Status in Heart Failure: study core scope and methodology. 2023
- Beyond ageing - an exploratory analysis unravelling the frequency of sarcopenia in a non-elderly adults´ sample 2023
- Agreement analysis between dual energy x-ray absorptiometry and bioelectric spectroscopy as methods for estimating body fat content 2023
- O teste "Yubi-Wakka" na identificação da massa magra apendicular 2023
- Association between phase angle and DEXA-derived lean body mass: a cross-sectional exploratory analysis 2023
- Editorial 2019
- Dietary supplements with Citrus aurantium extract could interact with drugs 2018
- Editorial 2018
- Editorial 2017
- Ficha Técnica 2017
- Editorial 2016
- Enhancing the production of mannosylglycerate in s. cerevisiae through in silico driven metabolic engineering 2015
- Editorial 2015
- Revista Nutrícias - O Futuro 2015
- Editorial 2014
- Editorial 2013
- Editorial 2012
- The importance of prealbumin concentration in phenylketonuric patients 2008
- Brain catalase activity in a model of closed head trauma in the rat: Effect of gadolinium and amiloride 2002
- Changes in brain mitochondrial function after head trauma: Effect of mechanogated membrane ion channel blockers 2002
- BIA 3-202, a long-acting catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitor with limited brain access 2000
- Effects of BIA 2-093, carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine on transmitter release: A microdialysis study 2000
- Effect of brain catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibition by tolcapone on amphetamine-induced behaviour in the rat 1999
- Interacções fármaco-nutriente no doente com nutrição artificial 1998
- Kinetics of membrane bound, solubilized membrane bound and soluble forms of rat liver and brain catechol-O-methyltransferase. 1998
- Sensitivity to inhibition by tolcapone of soluble and membrane-bound forms of catechol-O-methyltransferase from rat brain, liver and kidney 1997
- Nutrição e terapêutica medicamentosa em geriatria 1995