publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- A multi-level approach to predict the seismic response of rigid rocking structures using artificial neural networks. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2024
- Seismic assessment of a dome structure with minarets as secondary elements: The case of Soltaniyeh Dome in Iran. Infrastructures. 2024
- Influence of conditioning of clay bricks over shear strength of brick masonry. Journal of Building Engineering. 2024
- Internet of things (IoT)-based structural health monitoring of laboratory-scale civil engineering structures. Innovative Infrastructure Solutions. 2024
- Modelling of the Dynamic Response of a Full-Scale Masonry Groin Vault: Unstrengthened and Strengthened with Textile-Reinforced Mortar (TRM). International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2024
- A Holistic Modular Solution for Energy and Seismic Renovation of Buildings Based on 3D-Printed Thermoplastic Materials. Sustainability (MDPI). 2024
- Artificial intelligence-assisted visual inspection for cultural heritage: State-of-the-art review. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2024
- Backbone ground motion model through simulated records and XGBoost machine learning algorithm: An application for the Azores plateau (Portugal). Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2024
- Experimental analysis of carbonation, humidity fields and the evolution of elastic modulus in air lime mortar. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2024
- Shaking Table Testing of an Unstrengthened and Strengthened with Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) Full-Scale Masonry Cross Vault. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2024
- Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis for Bagan (Myanmar). Acta Geophysica. 2024
- Improving damage detection by combining multiple classifiers in different feature spaces. Engineering Structures. 2024
- Methodologies for assessing the structural integrity of historic masonry domes and vaults. Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais. 2024
- A theta projection model for compressive creep behaviour of refractories at high temperature: application to alumina-spinel. Meccanica. 2023
- Selection and Scaling Approaches of Earthquake Time-Series for Structural Engineering Applications: A State-of-the-Art Review. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 2023
- Methodologies and Challenges for Optimal Sensor Placement in Historical Masonry Buildings. Bioengineering. 2023
- ANN-based ground motion model for Turkey using stochastic simulation of earthquakes. Comunicações Geológicas. 2023
- Influence of Lime on Strength of Structural Unreinforced Masonry: Toward Improved Sustainability in Masonry Mortars. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Utilising Artificial Neural Networks for Assessing Seismic Demands of Buckling Restrained Braces Due to Pulse-like Motions. Bioengineering. 2023
- Stochastic simulation of earthquake ground motions for the seismic assessment of monumental masonry structures: Source-based vs site-based approaches. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2023
- The potential of region-specific machine-learning-based ground motion models: Application to Turkey. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 2023
- Tensile behavior of textile-reinforced mortar: Influence of test setup and layer arrangement. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2023
- Evaluation of non-destructive techniques for mechanical characterisation of earth-based mortars in masonry joints. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2023
- Experimental quasi-static out-of-plane test of a U-shaped brick masonry wall. Engineering Structures. 2023
- Design of Strain-Hardening Natural TRM Composites: Current Challenges and Future Research Paths. Materials. 2023
- Development and Validation of Empirical Formulations for Predicting the Frequency of Historic Masonry Towers. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2023
- Modelling of the dynamic response of a reduced scale dry joints groin vault. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023
- Implementation of a Condition Monitoring Strategy for the Monastery of Salzedas, Portugal: Challenges and Optimisation. Bioengineering. 2023
- Out-of-Plane Strengthening of Masonry Infills Using Textile Reinforced Mortar (TRM) Technique. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2023
- Experimental investigation of the horizontal load orientation on masonry corner failure. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation (IJMRI). 2023
- Graphene/polyurethane nanocomposite coatings – Enhancing the mechanical properties and environmental resistance of natural fibers for masonry retrofitting. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2023
- Macro vs Micro Limit Analysis models for the seismic assessment of in-plane masonry walls made with quasi-periodic bond types. Procedia Structural Integrity. 2023
- Numerical Application of Viscoelastic Devices for Improving the Out-Of-Plane Behaviour of a Historic Masonry Building. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2023
- Stochastic-based vulnerability curves for the out-of-plane seismic safety assessment of URM walls. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2023
- Assessment Methodology for Conservation Planning of Concrete Buildings: Ocean Swimming Pool (1960-2021) by alvaro Siza in Portugal. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2022
- Morphological and Geometrical Characterization of Historical Churches of Yucatan, Mexico. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2022
- A solution for the frictional resistance in macro-block limit analysis of non-periodic masonry. Infrastructures. 2022
- Experimental Stress Analysis of Cross-Laminated Timber Elements under Cyclic Moisture. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2022
- Structural health monitoring of civil engineering structures by using the internet of things: A review. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Tensile Behavior of Textile-Reinforced Mortar: Influence of the Number of Layers and their Arrangement. Key Engineering Materials. 2022
- The Potential of Beeswax Colloidal Emulsion/Films for Hydrophobization of Natural Fibers Prior to NTRM Manufacturing. Key Engineering Materials. 2022
- Railway reinforced concrete infrastructure life management and sustainability index. Acta Polytechnica CTU Proceedings. 2022
- Preliminary Results on Natural Aging of GFRP-Reinforced Masonry Components Exposed to Outdoor Environmental Conditions. Key Engineering Materials. 2022
- Physical-mechanical characterization of limestones from Yucatan churches, Mexico. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Real-time Structural Stability of Domes through Limit Analysis: Application to St. Peter's Dome. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2021
- Innovative systems for earthquake-resistant masonry infill walls: Characterization of materials and masonry assemblages. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Automatic Detection of Surface Damage in Round Brick Chimneys by Finite Plane Modelling from Terrestrial Laser Scanning Point Clouds. Case Study of Bragança Dukes’ Palace, Guimarães, Portugal. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2021
- Protecting the Historic Buildings of Mexico: The Barrel Vault of San Agustin Church in Morelia. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 2021
- Negative selection algorithm based methodology for online structural health monitoring. Engineering Structures. 2021
- On the elastic and mixed-mode fracture properties of PVC foam. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 2021
- Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures: Selected Papers from the SHATIS'19 Conference. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2021
- A concurrent micro/macro FE-model optimized with a limit analysis tool for the assessment of dry-joint masonry structures. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. 2021
- Risk and Resilience in Practice: Cultural Heritage Buildings. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2020
- A digital tool based on Genetic Algorithms and Limit Analysis for the seismic assessment of historic masonry buildings. Procedia Structural Integrity. 2020
- A multi-physics modelling based on coupled diffusion equations to simulate the carbonation process. Revista IBRACON de Estruturas e Materiais. 2020
- Comportamiento dinámico del campanario sur del Palacio Nacional de Mafra ante las acciones de las campanas. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2020
- Correction to: Discontinuum analysis of the fracture mechanism in masonry prisms and wallettes via discrete element method (Meccanica, (2020), 55, 3, (505-523), 10.1007/s11012-020-01133-1). Meccanica. 2020
- Corrigendum to “Quasi-static tests on a two-story CLT building” [Eng. Struct. 201 (2019) 109806] (Engineering Structures (2019) 201, (S0141029619312957), (10.1016/j.engstruct.2019.109806)). Engineering Structures. 2020
- Seismic assessment of the medieval Armenian church in Famagusta, Cyprus. Annals of Geophysics. 2019
- Effectiveness of Seismic Retrofitting of a Historical Masonry Structure: Kütahya Kursunlu Mosque, Turkey. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2019
- Estudo experimental do fluxo de umidade em argamassas de cal aérea. Materials. 2019
- FRP-strengthened masonry. Sustainable and Nonconventional Construction Materials Using Inorganic Bonded Fiber Composites. 2019
- Natural and Synthetic Consolidants for Earth Heritage: A Review. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Seismic Safety Assessment of Mixed Timber-Masonry Historical Building: An Example in Lima, Peru. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2018
- Análise experimental de uma parede de alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto de três células em situação de incêndio. Concreto & Construções. 2018
- An Overview on Structural Health Monitoring: From the Current State-of-the-Art to New Bio-inspired Sensing Paradigms. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation. 2018
- Modelling knot size and location distribution for implementation in structural safety analysis of timber elements. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau. 2018
- Selected Papers from the 10th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Historical Constructions (SAHC 2016). International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Characterization of a Compatible Low Cost Strengthening Solution Based on the TRM Technique for Rammed Earth. Key Engineering Materials. 2017
- Experimental Characterization of Masonry and Masonry Components at High Strain Rates. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2017
- In-situ Investigation and Stability Analysis of the Armenian Church in Famagusta. Armenian Church of Famagusta and the Complexity of Cypriot Heritage: Prayers Long Silent. 2017
- Methods and Challenges on the Out-of-Plane Assessment of Existing Masonry Buildings. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- O desafio da previsão do comportamento fora-do-plano de edifícios existentes em alvenaria. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2016
- Fracture Characterization of Human Cortical Bone Under Mode I Loading. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 2015
- Análise comparativa do desempenho de ultrassons na avaliação não destrutiva da madeira de castanho. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2015
- Influence of type of binder and sand on the characteristics of masonry mortars 2015
- Mechanical characterization of old chestnut beams 2015
- Characterization and Damage of Brick Masonry. Building Pathology and Rehabilitation. 2014
- Coberturas tradicionais de madeira : caracterização, inspeção e classificação 2014
- Modelling the structural behaviour of rammed earth components. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- Effectiveness and subjectivity of visual inspection as a method to assess bending stiffness and strength of chestnut timber elements. Advanced Materials Research. 2013
- Glulam mechanical characterization. Materials Science Forum VI. 2013
- Limit analysis of loaded out-of-Plane rubble masonry : A case study in Portugal. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2013
- Mechanical behavior of gypsum and cork based composite material. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- Caracterização de materiais compósitos à base de gesso FGD 2012
- Assessment of the flexural behavior of concrete block masonry beams. Key Engineering Materials. 2011
- Desempenho sísmico de um minarete de alvenaria. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2011
- Potencialidades de construção e projeto de edifícios em alvenaria simples. Revista Internacional Construlink. 2011
- Special Issue Masonry Research and Practice. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2011
- Influence of the geometry of units and of the filling of vertical joints in the compressive and tensile strength of masonry. Key Engineering Materials. 2010
- Safety evaluation of timber structures through probabilistic analysis. Advanced Materials Research. 2010
- Testing and analysis of masonry arches subjected to impact loads. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ARCH BRIDGES (ARCH). 2010
- Experimental characterization of a new reinforced brick masonry shell structural system. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2007
- Flexural behavior of reinforced masonry panels. Structural Journal. 2006
- Structural masonry and earthquakes. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2006
- Analisi, prove e tecnologia costruttiva delle volte industrializzate in muratura armata 2005
- Analisi, prove e tecnologia costruttiva delle volte industrializzate in muratura armata (Análises, ensaios e tecnologia construtiva de abóbadas industrializadas em alvenaria armada). Revista Construire in Laterizio. 2005
- Cascas em alvenaria cerâmica armada : um exemplo de construção pré-fabricada. Engenharia e Vida, Engenharia Civil, Construção e Desenvolvimento. 2005
- Cascas em alvenaria cerâmica armada : uma forma pré-fabricada de se construir. Proceedings of SPIE. 2005
- Experimental investigation of bricks under uniaxial tensile testing. Masonry International. 2005
- Testing, analysis and building technology for industrialized reinforced masonry shells 2005
- Breve história da teoria da conservação e do restauro 2004
- Centro histórico de Bragança : caracterização do edificado, aspectos arquitectónicos e anomalias 2004
- Aplicação de laminados de fibras de carbono no reforço de pilares de betão armado. Proceedings of SPIE. 2001
artigo de conferência
- Homogenization of thermal properties for brick masonry walls 2024
- Ambient Vibration Test of the Monastery of Salzedas and Optimisation of the Sensor Placement 2023
- A Strategy of Optimal Sensor Placement for Dynamic Identification in Cultural Heritage 2023
- Ambient Vibrations for the Dynamic Identification of Horizontal Diaphragms in Historic Buildings 2023
- Impact loading analysis of an earthen masonry structure using finite element methods 2023
- Experimental analysis of unreinforced masonry buildings through the quasi-static test: a half-scale two-story modern masonry building 2023
- Flood risk assessment of the historic city centre of Aveiro, Portugal 2023
- Inspeção e diagnóstico de edifícios sujeitos a infiltração de água no porto de Gibraltar 2022
- Earth-based mortars at the Wupatki Pueblo: a preliminary assessment through non-destructive testing 2022
- Experimental analysis of the out-of-plane behaviour of a brick masonry wall: preliminary results 2022
- Dynamic simulation of one-sided rocking masonry façades using an energy-consistent viscous damping model 2022
- First hypothesis for optimized monitoring strategy through ambient vibrations in historic buildings 2022
- Improving damage identification reliability by combining classification on distinct feature spaces 2022
- Flood vulnerability assessment of the Beira Mar neighbourhood, Aveiro, Portugal 2022
- Pseudo-static analytical model for the static and seismic stability of dry stone retaining walls 2022
- Thermomechanical behaviour of dry-stacked refractory masonry walls 2022
- Railway reinforced concrete infrastructure life management and sustainability index 2022
- Stochastic Ground Motion Simulation of the 9th of July 1998 Faial Earthquake (Azores, North Atlantic) 2021
- Applicability of FEM and pushover analysis to simulate the shaking-table response of a masonry building model with timber diaphragms 2021
- An Equivalent Viscous Damping Proposal for Block-Based Rocking Models. COMPDYN Proceedings. 2021
- Avaliação do comportamento sísmico de abóbadas de aresta com recurso a ensaios em plataforma sísmica 2021
- On the Effect of Different Code-Based Ground Motion Selection Approaches for the Estimation of the Seismic Demand of Masonry Structures by Using Real Ground Motion Data Set 2021
- Seismic performance of masonry cross vaults through shaking table testing on a scaled model 2021
- Application of a classification algorithm to the early-stage damage detection of a masonry arch. EURODYN. 2020
- Operation reliability index for maintenance decision making in bridges 2020
- An automatic and fast procedure for the numerical analysis of curved masonry structures. EURODYN. 2020
- Seismic vulnerability assessment of historical urban centres: The case study of campi alto di norcia, Italy. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. 2020
- Seismic response of an unreinforced masonry building with structural irregularity; blind prediction by means of pushover analysis 2020
- Fast Discrete Homogenization Approach for the Analysis under Out-Of-Plane Loads of Unreinforced and TRM Reinforced Masonry Panels. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2020
- Seismic vulnerability assessment of a Romanian historical masonry building under near-source earthquake. EURODYN. 2020
- Effect of Creep on Refractory Masonry Wall Subjected to Cyclic Temperature Loading 2019
- Numerical analysis on the behaviour of concrete masonry walls subjected to fire 2019
- Characterization of compatible TRM composites for strengthening of earthen materials 2019
- Physical and chemical characterization of historical masonry materials from Yucatan churches, Mexico 2019
- Numerical study on the behaviour of concrete masonry in fire situation 2019
- Hygro-thermo-mechanical modelling of multi-layered building components 2019
- Estudo numérico de paredes de alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto em situação de incêndio 2019
- Finite element based micro modelling of masonry structures subjected to fire 2019
- Nonlinear static analysis of an asymmetric unreinforced masonry building using macro-element modelling approach 2019
- Numerical simulation of refractory masonry subjected to cyclic temperature loading 2019
- Seismic analysis of masonry structures applying and comparing different numerical approaches: finite element and macro-element methods 2019
- Prior in-plane damage on the out-of-plane response of masonry infills 2019
- Seismic performance of Portuguese masonry infill walls: From traditional systems to new solutions. COMPDYN Proceedings. 2019
- Thermo-Mechanical Behavior of Refractory Masonry Linings: An Overview on Numerical Simulation 2019
- Effect of Creep on Refractory Masonry Wall Subjected to High Temperature 2019
- Propagation of visual inspection on timber members through Bayesian methods 2019
- A proactive approach to the conservation of historic and cultural Heritage: The HeritageCare methodology 2019
- A probablistic framework using a discrete Fe-based homogenized model for the in- And out-of-plane analysis of masonry structures. COMPDYN Proceedings. 2019
- Diagnóstico e desempenho sísmico do templo Loka-Hteik-Pan 2019
- Discrete-continuum approach to assess 3D failure modes of masonry arch bridges 2019
- Dynamic Analysis of the Bell Action on the South Tower of the National Palace of Mafra 2019
- Earthquake-induced damage localization through non-linear dynamic analysis. COMPDYN Proceedings. 2019
- Geometrical characterization of Yucatan churches 2019
- Impact of moisture curing conditions on mechanical properties of lime-cement mortars in early ages 2019
- In-plane static response of dry-joint masonry arch-pier structures 2019
- Lateral tests on a two-story CLT house 2019
- Mechanical characterization of lime cement mortars: e-modulus and fracture energy 2019
- Particle Swarm Optimization for damage identification in beam-like structures 2019
- Quality control index survey for railway bridge health monitoring 2019
- Seismic assessment of masonry cross vaults through numerical nonlinear static and dynamic analysis. COMPDYN Proceedings. 2019
- Structural performance of the church of São Miguel de Refojos 2019
- Testing and analysis of the national palace of mafra's bell towers 2019
- Contributo para uma abordagem baseada em computação natural para monitorização estrutural 2018
- Particle Swarm Optimization for damage identification in beam-like structures 2018
- Detection of shear crack propagation on timber elements using acoustic emission tests 2018
- In-Plane Strengthening of Masonry Infills using TRM Technique 2018
- A systematic study of the effects of lime-cement ratio in the mechanical properties of blended mortars 2018
- Application of a bio-inspired anomaly detection algorithm for unsupervised SHM of a historic masonry church 2018
- Characterization of brick masonry: Study towards retrofitting URM walls with timber-panels 2018
- Finite element modelling of masonry cross vaults: considerations on block interlocking and interface properties 2018
- HeritageCARE: Preventive conservation of built cultural heritage in the south-west Europe. Reflections on Cultural Heritage Theories and Practices. 2018
- Historic and modern earthen structures: Challenges and recent research 2018
- Investigation of the bond and shrinkage behaviour of TRM strengthening for rammed earth. REHABEND. 2018
- Modelling knot size and location distribution for implementation in structural safety analysis of timber elements 2018
- Quasi-static analysis of an english-bond masonry structure: Two-step homogenized based approach vs macroscopic model 2018
- Seismic analysis of the San Sebastian Basilica (Philippines) 2018
- The construction of the transhumance territory of the Gerês-Xurés: Vernacular heritage identification, analysis and characterization. REHABEND. 2018
- Bond behavior degradation between FRP and masonry under aggressive environmental conditions 2017
- Modern strengthening techniques for masonry structures under impulsive loading 2017
- In-plane behaviour of rubble stone masonry walls: Numerical and analytical approach 2017
- Experimental research on structural concrete masonry walls subjected to fire 2017
- Sesimic assessment of Hotel el Comercio, Peru 2017
- A discrete macro-model using homogenization with strain-rate dependency for the out-of-plane study of masonry panels subjected to impact loading 2017
- An overview on nature-inspired optimization algorithms for Structural Health Monitoring of historical buildings. Procedia Engineering. 2017
- Bond behaviour degradation between FRP composites and brick masonry 2017
- Derivation of the out-of-plane behaviour of an English bond masonry wall through homogenization strategies. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2017
- Extraction of damage-sensitive eigen-parameters for supervised SHM. Procedia Engineering. 2017
- FRP-reinforced masonry structures: Numerical modeling by means of a new discrete element approach 2017
- Intervir em coberturas de madeira e seus impactos: ensaios em escala real a duas asnas de madeira 2017
- Laboratory evaluation of a fully automatic modal identification algorithm using automatic hierarchical clustering approach. Procedia Engineering. 2017
- Monitorização e conservação preventiva do património histórico: o projeto HeritageCARE 2017
- Post-earthquake seismic analysis of St James Church, New Zealand 2017
- Predicting mechanical properties of timber elements by regression analysis considering multicollinearity of non-destructive test results 2017
- Safety assessment of heritage structures 2017
- The effect of morphology on the structural behaviour of masonry walls 2017
- Uncertainty of Visual Inspection on the Reliability Analysis of Timber Elements 2017
- GFRP-brick strengthening systems under high strain rates 2016
- Seismic design of tension wall-diaphragm anchorage for historical unreinforced masonry buildings 2016
- Numerical simulation of humidity fields in concrete considering the model code formulation 2016
- A discrete macro-model homogenized with a holonomic approach for the nonlinear static analysis of out-of-plane loaded masonry 2016
- Análise sísmica da Igreja de Kuño Tambo 2016
- Avaliação experimental de um sistema construtivo de paredes de enchimento em alvenaria para resistir à ação sísmica 2016
- Caracterização de paredes de pedra de junta seca a ações para fora do plano 2016
- Development of key performance indicators for the structural assessment of heritage buildings 2016
- Durability of FRP-strengthening masonry bricks under hygrothermal conditions 2016
- Estudo da evolução da carbonatação em argamassas de cal aérea 2016
- Evaluation of structural intervention in the Quartel das Esquadras, Almeida (Portugal) 2016
- Experimental and numerical analyses of a masonry arch under base impulse excitation 2016
- Experimental evaluation of a constructive system for earthquake resisting masonry enclosure walls 2016
- Finite element modelling of the cyclic behaviour of CLT connectors and walls 2016
- In situ testing and modeling of cultural heritage buildings in Peru 2016
- Influence of the salt crystallization in the durability of granites used in vernacular masonry buildings 2016
- Modelling of the in-plane behaviour of stone masonry panels 2016
- O desafio da previsão do comportamento fora-do-plano de edifícios existentes de alvenaria 2016
- Out-of-plane response of masonry infilled RC frames: Effect of workmanship and opening 2016
- Parametric numerical studies on the dynamic response of unreinforced masonry structures 2016
- Performance of textile reinforced mortar as strengthening solution of masonry infill walls to seismic action 2016
- Pushover analysis of historical Elti Hatun Mosque 2016
- Risk Assessment due to Terrorist Actions: A Case Study in Lisbon 2016
- Rocking and kinematic analysis of two masonry church façades 2016
- Seismic capacity of masonry groin vaults through upper bound limit analysis 2016
- Simplified evaluation of seismic vulnerability of early 20th century masonry buildings in Lisbon 2016
- Single step joint: overview of European standardized approaches and experimentations 2016
- Sistema de alvenaria com incorporação de resíduos: blocos de terra compactada com ligante geopolimérico 2016
- Sistemas inovadores de paredes de enchimento em alvenaria para resistir à ação sísmica – validação experimental de um sistema construtivo na Universidade do Minho 2016
- Strategies to avoid humidity causing damages in tall timber buildings 2016
- Survey and characterization of corbelled dome architecture in Northwestern Portugal. REHABEND. 2016
- Tube-jack and sonic testing for the evaluation of the state of stress in historical masonry 2016
- State-of-the-art review on cyclic behaviour of connections used in CLT multi-storey buildings: test results and modelling 2015
- Comportamento sísmico da alvenaria: ensaios recentes 2015
- Blast loading of masonry infills: testing and simulation 2015
- Análisis mecánico de albañilería arqueológica de adobe bajo cargas de compresión uniaxial: El caso de Huaca de la Luna 2015
- Assessment of the South aisle in Canterbury Cathedral 2015
- Challenges in modeling out-of-plane seismic response of existing masonry buildings 2015
- Common damages and recommendations for the seismic retrofitting of vernacular dwellings 2015
- Conservation of cultural heritage buildings: Methodology, research and applications 2015
- Construir com blocos de terra compactada em países sísmicos 2015
- Evaluation of seismic vulnerability assessment parameters for Portuguese vernacular constructions with nonlinear numerical analysis 2015
- Implementation of a probabilistic based framework for safety assessment of existing timber elements 2015
- In-plane and out-of plane experimental characterization of rc masonry infilled frames 2015
- Mechanical analysis of archaeological masonry of adobe under loads of uniaxial compression: The case of Temple of the Moon 2015
- Numerical Assessment of the out-of-plane response of a brick masonry structure without box behaviour 2015
- Out-of-plane behavior of masonry infill walls 2015
- Paredes de alvenaria de enchimento e a ação sísmica: reabilitação e inovação 2015
- Seismic behaviour analysis and retrofitting of a row building 2015
- Seismic behaviour assessment of vernacular isolated buildings 2015
- Seismic behaviour of portuguese rammed earth buildings 2015
- Seismic behaviour of vernacular architecture 2015
- Seismic evaluation of environmentally degraded FRP-strengthened masonry walls 2015
- Seismic vulnerability of vernacular buildings in urban centres: the case of Vila Real de Santo António 2015
- Streamlining field inspections for infrastructures life-cycle management 2015
- Structural conservation and vernacular construction 2015
- Survey and dynamic behaviour of the Our Lady of Conception Church, Portugal 2015
- Systematisation of seismic mitigation planning at urban scale 2015
- Systematisation of seismic retrofitting in vernacular architecture 2015
- Timber frames as an earthquake resisting system in Portugal 2015
- Characterization of masonry behavior under high strain rates 2014
- A Constitutive Three-Dimensional Interface Model for Masonry Walls subjected to High Strain Rates 2014
- Experimental Study on Masonry Infill Walls under Blast Loading 2014
- Masonry Infill Walls under Blast Loading using Confined Underwater Blast Wave Generators (WBWG) 2014
- Effect of elevated temperatures on the bond strength of FRP-strengthened bricks 2014
- Repair of rammed earth by injection of mud grouts: a case study from Portugal 2014
- A seismic vulnerability index method for masonry schools in the province of Yazd 2014
- A seismic vulnerability index method for masonry schools in the province of Yazd, Iran 2014
- An experimental framework for the support of multi-physics simulation models of aerial lime for historic masonry structures 2014
- Analysis of bed joint influence on masonry modulus of elasticity 2014
- Analysis of masonry walls subjected to high strain rate out-of-plane loads with a rate dependent interface model 2014
- Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal : history, construction and valorisation 2014
- Avaliação da estabilidade do oculus sul da catedral de Cantuária 2014
- Bond behaviour and durability of FRP composites applied externally to masonry structures 2014
- Bond performance in NSM-strengthened masonry brick 2014
- Caracterização experimental do reforço de ligações parede-piso 2014
- Caraterização do comportamento ao corte de alvenaria de blocos de terra compactada com junta seca 2014
- Comportamento sísmico de edifícios assimétricos de alvenaria estrutural : ensaios na mesa sísmica 2014
- Consolidação e reforço de paredes antigas de alvenaria de pedra. injeção com caldas. REHABEND. 2014
- Damage detection on the Z24 bridge by a spectral-based dynamic identification technique. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2014
- Damage inspection in churches : the Canterbury Earthquake (New Zealand) experience 2014
- Design parameters for retrofitted masonry to timber connections 2014
- Developing a seismic retrofitting solution for wall-to-floor connections of URM buildings with wood diaphragms 2014
- Dynamic identification and modelling of Clérigos Tower: initial studies. EURODYN. 2014
- Edifícios pombalinos : comportamento e reforço 2014
- Edifícios pombalinos: comportamento e reforço 2014
- Ensaios sísmicos inovadores de pórticos com paredes de enchimento em alvenaria 2014
- Experimental and numerical FE analyses of curved masonry prisms and arches reinforced with FRP materials 2014
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the seismic performance of concrete block masonry buildings 2014
- Flexural out-of-plane retroftting technique for masonry walls in historical constructions 2014
- Homogenized non-linear dynamic model for masonry walls in two-way bending 2014
- Identificação de dano baseada na totalidade da informação espectral: aplicações 2014
- In-situ testing of stone masonry : a review of the state of the art 2014
- Infill masonry: simple analytical methods for seismic design 2014
- Influence of moisture content and gaps on the withdrawal resistance of self tapping screws in CLT 2014
- Influence of the freeze and thaw in the durability of granites used in vernacular masonry buildings 2014
- Innovative systems for earthquake resistant masonry enclosures in RC buildings 2014
- Intervir em construções existentes de madeira 2014
- Investigating the durability of FRP-masonry elements immersed in water 2014
- Limit analysis assessment of experimental behavior of arches reinforced with GFRP materials. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2014
- Mechanical characterization of dry-stack interlocking compressed earth masonry 2014
- Modelling of the structural behaviour of rammed earth components 2014
- Numerical modelling of masonry gravity dams considering the internal structure of the material 2014
- Numerical modelling of masonry-infilled reinforced concrete frames : model calibration and parametric study 2014
- Poderão os blocos de terra compactada com estabilização fazer parte de um sistema sismo-resistente? 2014
- Protection of cultural heritage from earthquakes : The NIKER project and the related research at UMinho 2014
- Repair of rammed earth by injection of mud grouts : a case study from Portugal 2014
- Seismic assessment of Christchurch Catholic Basilica 2014
- Seismic assessment of Christchurch Catholic Basilica, New Zealand 2014
- Seismic-V : vernacular seismic culture in Portugal 2014
- Spectral based damage identification technique on an earthen mock-up construction tested on a shaking table 2014
- Streamlining field inspections for infrastructures life-cycle management 2014
- Structural monitoring and damage identification on a masonry chimney by a spectral-based identification technique. EURODYN. 2014
- Study of the behaviour of reinforced masonry wallets subjected to diagonal compression through numerical modelling 2014
- The importance of integrated projects in historic conservation education 2014
- The vernacular house between the Ca´vado and the Ave, Portugal 2014
- The vernacular house between the Cávado and the Ave, Portugal 2014
- UT system : a structural system to build taller urban timber houses with aspired spatial flexibility 2014
- Use of random sampling and Bayesian methods in the prediction of chestnut timber beams bending stiffness 2014
- Prediction and Experimental Results of Confined Underwater Blasting Generators 2013
- Dynamic Properties of Clay Brick at different Strain rates 2013
- Seismic performance of ancient masonry buildings: a sensitivity analysis 2013
- Structural analysis of a quasi-random masonry wall : geometry details, homogenization and application 2013
- Dynamic identification of paradela historic railway bridge 2013
- A project contribution to the development of sustainable multi-storey timber buildings 2013
- An overview on the seismic behaviour of timber frame structures 2013
- Assessment of the bond quality degradation in FRP-strengthened masonry using IR thermography technique 2013
- Avaliação em laboratório do comportamento térmico de soluções construtivas em madeira 2013
- Avaliação experimental do comportamento sísmico de casas de madeiras 2013
- Challenges on computational strategies for masonry structures: homogenization techniques and seismic analysis 2013
- Building science of Indian temple architecture 2013
- Computational strategies for masonry structures : multi-scale modeling, dynamics, engineering applications and other challenges 2013
- Conservation of cultural heritage buildings: methodology, practice and challenges 2013
- Development and experimental validation of building systems for masonry housing in seismic areas 2013
- Development of a new test for determination of tensile strength of concrete blocks 2013
- Experimental investigation on the long-term durability of bond between FRP and masonry substrates 2013
- Experimental research on masonry wall and timber elements connection 2013
- In-plane behavior of tuff masonry panels strengthened with FRP diagonal layout 2013
- Modal identification and stiffness degradation of concrete block masonry buildings 2013
- Modern masonry structures and earthquakes : reinforced or unreinforced? 2013
- Recent developments in durability of FRP-masonry systems 2013
- SHM of a masonry chimney after a lightning accident 2013
- Seismic performance assessment of a timber log house 2013
- Sustainable design of prefabricated solutions for the rehabilitation of ancient buildings 2013
- The behaviour of single span stone masonry skew arches 2013
- Avaliação em Laboratório do Comportamento Térmico de Soluções Construtivas em Madeira 2012
- The Old Municipal Chambers Building – Damaged but not Destroyed – Will it be there in another 125 years? 2012
- Finite element simulations for the comprehension of physical phenomena involved in electric impedance tomography of masonry structures 2012
- Prediction and experimental results of confined underwater blasting generators 2012
- Operational modal analysis tests on peruvian historical buildings : the case study of the 19th century hotel comercio 2012
- Assessment of strength and stiffness variation within old timber beams 2012
- Avaliação do comportamento de ligações estruturais em madeira lamelada colada por meio de parafusos autoperfurantes 2012
- Solutions for infilled masonry buildings: shaking table tests 2012
- Caracterização e comportamento sísmico de edifícios de “placa” 2012
- Characterization of old chestnut beams sections weakened by decay 2012
- Comportamento experimental de ligações estruturais madeira-alvenaria 2012
- Ensaios em mesa sísmica de edifícios de betão armado com paredes de alvenaria de enchimento 2012
- Experimental investigation on the seismic behaviour of new concrete block masonry buildings 2012
- Experimental seismic behaviour of wall-to-half-timbered wall connections 2012
- Experimental study on natural fiber composites for strengthening of masonry 2012
- Experimental study on the seismic behavior of masonry wall-to-floor connections 2012
- Failure mode, deformability and strength of masonry walls 2012
- Implementação de uma solução em alvenaria estrutural de blocos de betão 2012
- Influence of distinct reinforcing schemes on the shear ressistance of masonry 2012
- Infrastructure Management in Portugal: A Survey 2012
- Integração da metodologia BIM na engenharia de estruturas 2012
- Ligações estruturais de madeira laminada colada cruzada (CLT) utilizando parafusos autoperfurantes 2012
- MLCC na construção em altura 2012
- Meso-scale three-dimensional modeling of bond in FRP-strengthened masonry 2012
- Moisture effects on the bond strength of FRP-masonry elements 2012
- Numerical simulation of concrete block masonry under compression 2012
- Poisson of bedding mortar under multi-axial stress conditions 2012
- Post-earthquake numerical assessment and reinforcement of St James Church, New Zealand 2012
- Pushover analysis of a modern aggregate of masonry buildings through macro-element modelling 2012
- Pushover seismic analysis of quasi-static tested confined masonry buildings through simplified model 2012
- Relation between tensile and compressive engineering properties of granites 2012
- Safety assessment of the South Oculus, Canterbury Cathedral 2012
- Safety assessment of the South oculus, Canterbury catedral (UK) 2012
- Seismic response analysis of concrete block masonry buildings : an experimental study using shaking table 2012
- Seismic response analysis of concrete block masonry buildings: An experimental study using shaking table 2012
- Seismic safety assessment of the church of Monastery of Jerónimos, Portugal 2012
- Seismic vulnerability: from building evaluation to a typology generalization 2012
- Stress-strain behavior of concrete block masonry prisms under compression 2012
- The engineering design of the Tua rail track : evidence from the archives 2012
- The old municipal chambers building: damaged but nor destroyed : will it be there in another 125 years? 2012
- Using simplified indices to forecast the seismic vulnerability of New Zealand unreinforced masonry churches 2012
- Validação experimental de uma solução eco-eficiente de paredes divisórias 2012
- Analysis of a gravity dam considering the application of passive reinforcement 2011
- Análise geométrica e capacidade de carga de pontes em arco de alvenaria do Noroeste Peninsular 2011
- Assessment of the structural properties of timber members in situ : a probabilistic approach 2011
- Avaliação da segurança sísmica de igrejas: aplicação a dois casos de estudo 2011
- Behavior of masonry infill panels in RC frames subjected to in plane and out of plane loads 2011
- Challenges and possibilities of WSNs in the dynamic monitoring of existent structures 2011
- Comportamento das paredes não estruturais a ações sísmicas 2011
- Dynamic identification and FE updating of S. Torcato Church, Portugal. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2011
- Fiber reinforced concrete of enhanced fire resistance for tunnel segments 2011
- In-plane shear behaviour of traditional timber walls 2011
- Infill masonry : seismic behavior of reinforced solutions 2011
- Mechanical behavior of concrete block masonry : influence of vertical joint 2011
- Mechanical characterization of old chestnut beams 2011
- Metodologia para diagnóstico e intervenção em edifícios correntes: habitação social no Porto e Recife 2011
- Operational modal monitoring of ancient structures using wireless technology. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2011
- Paredes divisórias, passado, presente e futuro 2011
- Proposta de uma solução inovadora e eco-eficiente para paredes divisórias 2011
- Prototype WSN platform for performing dynamic monitoring of civil engineering structures. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2011
- Recent developments in vibration analysis of historic and masonry structures: damage detection and wireless sensor networks 2011
- Reliability based robustness of timber structures through NDT data updating 2011
- Simplified numerical analysis of bond degradation of FRP-masonry systems for durability purposes 2011
- Stone masonry buildings: shaking table testing and advanced methods of analysis 2011
- Blast Resistance of Cracked Steel Structures Repaired with CFRP composite Patch 2010
- Safeguarding of the Portuguese heritage: the case study of Safi Cathedral, Morocco 2010
- A Wireless Sensor Network platform for structural health monitoring: Enabling accurate and synchronized measurements through COTS+custom-based design. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2010
- A construção em taipa e os sismos 2010
- A new proposal for the design of confined masonry buildings 2010
- A numerical study of non structural masonry walls with bed joint reinforcement subject to flexure. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2010
- Análise e reforço de barragens gravidade 2010
- Análise estruturas antigas e novas em alvenaria: Possibilidades e Aplicações 2010
- Avaliação da segurança do coro alto da Igreja de Santa Maria de Belém, no Mosteiro dos Jerónimos, sujeito à acção de um órgão de tubos 2010
- Avaliação da segurança sísmica de edifícios antigos 2010
- Avaliação das propriedades mecânicas da madeira in situ por ensaios em mesoprovetes 2010
- Avaliação de segurança de estruturas de madeira através de análise probabilística 2010
- Avaliação de uma proposta de reforço de uma barragem gravidade 2010
- Caracterização de materiais compósitos à base de gesso FGD 2010
- Caracterização do comportamento diferido do betão de barragens. Aplicação à barragem de Alqueva 2010
- Closed form micro-macro relationships for periodic masonry 2010
- Comportamento a acções perpendiculares ao plano, de alvenaria de enchimento com dano prévio 2010
- Comportamento sísmico da igreja do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos 2010
- Desempenho sísmico de um edifício de alvenaria armada 2010
- Ensaios de identificação das propriedades dinâmicas de um modelo experimental de alvenaria 2010
- FGD gypsum based composite for non-structural applications in construction 2010
- In situ investigation and stability analysis of Famagusta Churches 2010
- In-plane behavior of tuff masonry panels strengthened with fibre-reinforced plastic cross layout. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2010
- Innovative masonry blocks for partition walls 2010
- Investigation on compressive behaviour of tuff masonry panels 2010
- Masonry gravity dams : a numerical application for stability analysis 2010
- Mechanical properties of tuff and calcarenite stone masonry panels under compression 2010
- Nonlinear finite element analysis of strengthened masonry buildings subject to seismic action. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2010
- Numerical validation of compressive strength prediction for hollow concrete blocks 2010
- On the influence of masonry infills in concrete buildings. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2010
- Possibilidades de intervenção estrutural para mitigar o risco sísmico da Igreja do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos 2010
- Seismic vulnerability of ancient masonry buildings 2010
- Shaking table tests of stone masonry buildings 2010
- Testing and analysis of masonry arches subjected to impact loads 2010
- The Portuguese masonry's mechanical characterization 2010
- The portuguese masonry’s mechanical characterization 2010
- Development of design software for plain masonry buildings 2009
- Comparison of different seismic non-linear analyses of an ancient masonry building 2009
- Masonry infills and earthquakes 2009
- Recent advances in masonry homogenization 2009
- Sobre a aplicação do georadar em pontes 2009
- Structural dynamic monitoring in historical masonry structures using wireless and MEMS technology 2009
- Wireless sensor technology for structural health monitoring of historical masonry structures 2009
- Comparação de programas comerciais para dimensionamento de lajes em betão armado 2008
- Damage identification in masonry structures with vibration measurements 2008
- Three-leaf stone masonry repair and strengthening 2008
- Global damage identification based on vibration signatures applied to masonry structures 2008
- Alvenaria armada: panorama internacional e dimensionamento para fechamento de grandes espaços 2008
- Análise de custos em obras de reabilitação de edifícios 2008
- Análise não-linear com elementos de interface de alvenaria de blocos de concreto à compressão 2008
- Assessment of layer thickness and uniformity in railway embankments with Ground Penetrating Radar 2008
- Avaliação da segurança de cobertura tradicional de madeira sujeita a degradação biológica 2008
- Benchmarking of commercial software for the seismic assessment of masonry buildings 2008
- Capacity of a traditional timber mortise and tenon joint 2008
- Desenvolvimento de um bloco cerâmico para a construção sustentável 2008
- Dynamic monitoring of historical masonry structures for damage identification. Conference Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Mechanics Series. 2008
- Evaluation of the seismic performance of masonry buildings of the type gaioleiro, Lisbon (Portugal). AIP Conference Proceedings. 2008
- Evaluation of wood density by means of distinct NDT 2008
- Experimental shear behavior of stone masonry joints 2008
- Influência da junta vertical no comportamento mecânico da alvenaria de blocos de concreto 2008
- Innovative solutions for masonry structures : conception, testing and application 2008
- Long term compressive testing of masonry - Test procedure and practical experience 2008
- Modelo matemático de blocos vazados de concreto submetidos à compressão 2008
- Monastery of Salzedas (Portugal): Intervention in the cloister and information management 2008
- Monastery of Salzedas (Portugal): Intervention in the cloister and information management 2008
- On the strengthening of three-leaf stone masonry walls 2008
- Post-accident damage identification based on vibration measurements applied to masonry structures 2008
- Rehabilitation of brick masonry 2008
- Seismic assessment of the Qutb Minar in Delhi, India 2008
- The multi-scale approach of masonry, paradigm of clay brick 2008
- Validation of masonry systems for in-plane lateral loading using truss reinforcement 2008
- A segurança no trabalho e o património arquitectónico 2007
- Alvenaria armada : soluções inovadoras em Portugal 2007
- Analysis of weathering and internal texture on the engineering properties of granites 2007
- Análise experimental de paredes de alvenaria de blocos de betão leve sob acções cíclicas no plano 2007
- Aplicações do georadar na reabilitação e detecção de anomalias 2007
- Avaliação do comportamento sísmico da igreja de Santa Maria de Belém 2007
- Caracterização experimental do comportamento diferido de alvenaria de adobe 2007
- Composition study of a mortar appropriate for masonry cavities and joints 2007
- Dimensionamento de estruturas de alvenaria sujeita a acções sísmicas 2007
- Estado da arte sobre tijolos antigos 2007
- Heterogeneous and homogenized FE models for the limit analysis of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls 2007
- Improving the seismic resistance of cultural heritage buildings: concepts and recent developments 2007
- Injecções para consolidação de construções em terra : revisão do conhecimento e métodos de ensaio 2007
- Masonry shear walls subjected to cyclic loading: influence of confinement and horizontal reinforcement 2007
- Monitoring of historical masonry structures with operational modal analysis: Two case studies 2007
- Numerical simulations of materials with micro-structure : limit analysis and homogenization techniques 2007
- Possibilidades actuais na utilização da alvenaria estrutural 2007
- Seismic analysis of masonry monuments by an integrated approach that combines the finite element models with a specific mechanistic model 2007
- Simulación numérica de estructuras formadas con grandes bloques de piedra 2007
- Triaxial compression tests on bedding mortar samples looking at confinement effect analysis 2007
- Vibration signatures to identify damage in historical constructions 2007
- Consolidation of Cathedral of Porto 2007
- Cylic behavior of truss type reinforced concrete masonry walls 2007
- Estudo de caracterização mecânica das argamassas de assentamento para alvenaria estrutural 2007
- Improving the seismic resistance of masonry buildings : concepts for cultural heritage and recent developments in structural analysis 2007
- Influence of the spacing between NSM-CFRP laminates on the flexural strengthening efficacy of RC slabs 2007
- Prediction of the mechanical properties of granites by ultrasonic pulse velocity and Schmidt hammer hardness 2007
- Progressive damage analysis based on vibration signatures : an application to a masonry arch 2007
- Soluções construtivas em alvenaria 2007
- Towards a methodology for seismic assessment of monuments : the case study of Santa Maria of Belém Church 2007
- Utilização do radar de prospecção geotécnica na localização das bainhas de pré-esforço nas pontes da Barra e Lanheses 2006
- 3D homogenized limit analysis of masonry buildings subjected to horizontal loads 2006
- A kinematic limit analysis approach for masonry buildings: in- and out-of-plane failure mechanisms 2006
- Alvenaria estrutural : aplicação a um caso de estudo 2006
- Analytical modeling of dry stone masonry wall under monotonic and reversed cyclic loading 2006
- Avaliação do comportamento de paredes de alvenaria com blocos de betão leve 2006
- Comparison between damage detection methods applied to beam structures 2006
- Comportamento experimental de arcos de alvenaria reforçados com FRP 2006
- Comportamento experimental de paredes de alvenaria de panos múltiplos 2006
- Conservation of ancient constructions and application to a masonry arch bridge 2006
- Conservation of cultural heritage structures in seismic regions 2006
- Damage identification based on vibration measurements applied to masonry structures 2006
- Dynamic identification of the Qutb Minar, New Delhi, India 2006
- Dynamical behaviour of rigid block structures subjected to earthquake motion 2006
- Ensaio de compressão em prismas de bloco de concreto-deformabilidade e modo de ruptura 2006
- Estruturas em terra : comportamento e patologias 2006
- Experimental behaviour of three-leaf stone masonry walls 2006
- Experimental investigation on the structural behaviour and strengthening of three-leaf stone masonry walls 2006
- Flexão simples : análise comparativa REBAP vs. EC2 2006
- Homogenisation approaches for structural analysis of masonry buildings 2006
- Homogenization of masonry using a micro-mechanical model : compressive behaviour 2006
- Investigations techniques carried out on the Qutb Minar, New Delhi, India 2006
- Modeling the dynamic behaviour of masonry walls as rigid blocks 2006
- Numerical simulation of rigid blocks subjected to rocking motion 2006
- Poisson behaviour of bedding mortar under multiaxial stress state 2006
- Propriedades mecânicas das argamassas sob compressão triaxial-análise e previsão 2006
- Radar investigation on civil structures using 3D data reconstruction and transmission tomography 2006
- Reducing the seismic vulnerability of cultural heritage buildings 2006
- Selected research and case studies in ancient portuguese structures 2006
- Strengthening of masonry arch bridges : research and applications 2006
- Structural behavior of civil engineering structures: highlight in historical and masonry structures 2006
- Structural restoration of monuments : recommendations and advances in research and practice 2006
- Uso da perfuração controlada na avaliação de degradação da madeira em edificações antigas : estudo de caso 2006
- Verifying design plans and detecting deficiencies in concrete bridge using GPR 2006
- Vibration based damage identification of masonry structures 2006
- As recomendações do ISCARSAH (ICOMOS) 2006
- Assessment of the in-plane shear strength of stone masonry walls by simplified models 2006
- Characterization of the fracture surfaces obtained in direct tensile tests 2006
- Current experimental investigations on modern masonry at University of Minho 2006
- Developing innovative systems for reinforced masonry walls 2006
- Efficient strengthening technique for reinforced concrete slabs - SFRC and CFRP laminate strips 2006
- Experimental investigations on dry stone masonry walls 2006
- FRP strengthening of masonry arches towards an enhanced behaviour 2006
- Numerical modelling of deformation behaviour of dry-stack stone masonry 2006
- Repair of a historical stone masonry arch bridge 2006
- Sistema híbrido em materiais compósitos para reforço de lajes de betão armado 2006
- A micro-mechanical model for the homogenized limit analysis of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls 2005
- A simple homogenized micro mechanical model for the analysis at the collapse of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls 2005
- Aplicações das recomendações ICOMOS sobre conservação de estruturas antigas : do elemento construtivo à estrutura global 2005
- Compressive behavior and NDT correlations for chestnut wood (Castanea sativa Mill.) 2005
- Concrete slabs strips reinforced with epoxy-bonded carbon laminates into slits 2005
- Evaluation of the in-plane seismic performance of stone masonry walls 2005
- Experimental characterization of frp-masonry interface behaviour 2005
- From fracture mechanics to case studies : the issue of cultural heritage 2005
- Improving the seismic resistance of cultural heritage buildings 2005
- Masonry micro-modelling adopting a discontinuous framework 2005
- Mechanical behavior assessment of concrete block masonry prisms under compression 2005
- Modelling of masonry creep and damage 2005
- Métodos simplificados para análise da vulnerabilidade sísmica de construções de terra 2005
- Módulo de elasticidade tangente inicial de argamassas confinadas triaxialmente : análise e previsão 2005
- On bonding repairing steel fibre reinforced concrete to hardened concrete 2005
- Operational modal analysis for damage detection of a masonry construction 2005
- Parellel to the grain behavior and NDT correlations for chestnut wood (Castanea sativa Mill) 2005
- Possibilidades e aplicações de ensaios não destrutivos 2005
- Remedial measures for Cathedral of Porto: a post-modern conservation approach 2005
- SEM analysis of bond epoxy based layer between hardened concrete and SFRC repairing 2005
- Seismic Analysis of one Heritage Compound Building of the Old Lisbon Town 2005
- Seismic vulnerability of historical structures 2005
- Seismic vulnerability overview of historical masonry churches in Europe 2005
- Selected case studies for ancient Portuguese timber structures 2005
- Static and dynamic structural monitoring of the Santa Maria of Belém church, in Lisbon 2005
- Structural monitoring of the Monastery of Jerónimos 2005
- Verificación experimental da formulación compleja del rocking motion 2005
- Analysis and restoration of ancient masonry structures: guidelines and examples 2004
- A simple micro-mechanical model for the homogenised limit analysis of masonry walls 2004
- Análise experimental do comportamento de paredes de alvenaria de pedra não reforçada sob acções cíclicas no plano 2004
- Avaliação da segurança de dois pavimentos em madeira 2004
- Caracterização da resistência da madeira de castanho à tracção paralela ao fio 2004
- Caracterização de propriedades da madeira de castanho na direcção perpendicular ao fio: recurso a técnicas destrutivas e não destrutivas de ensaio 2004
- Considerações sobre a distribuição de forças cortantes em paredes de contraventamento de alvenaria estrutural dotadas de aberturas 2004
- Current experimental and numerical issues in masonry research 2004
- Design of large size non-loadbearing masonry walls : case studies in Portugal: technical and economical benefits 2004
- Estabilidade das abóbadas da igreja do Mosteiro dos Jerónimos 2004
- Influência da relação altura/comprimento de pórticos metálicos na rigidez lateral de estruturas compostas de pórticos preenchidos com alvenaria : avaliação experimental 2004
- Métodos simplificados na avaliação sísmica de edifícios históricos 2004
- Plastic torsion on frictional joints and three-dimensional limit analysis of masonry structures 2004
- Safety assessment of the Jerónimos church in Lisbon 2004
- Testing and modelling of multiple-leaf masonry walls under shear and compression 2004
- Avaliação da propagação de fissuras na superfície de fundação de barragens gravidade 2004
- Caracterização do comportamento da ligação entre betões de distinta classe de resistência 2004
- Cobertura da sala do relicário do mosteiro de Santa Cruz : da inspecção e diagnóstico ao projecto 2004
- Comportamento à flexão de painéis representativos de um novo sistema construtivo em alvenaria armada 2004
- Design recommendations for reinforced masonry arches 2004
- Experimental properties of granites 2004
- Flexural behavior of representative panels of prefabricated reinforced masonry shells 2004
- Inspecção e reabilitação do Seminário Conciliar de Braga 2004
- Nova formulação para o dimensionamento de estruturas laminares de betão armado 2004
- On the cyclic behaviour of stone dry masonry joints 2004
- Optimal FRP strengthening of masonry arches 2004
- Repair of stone masonry arch bridges 2004
- Humidade em Construções Antigas do Centro Histórico de Bragança 2003
- Testing and modelling of masonry creep and damage in uniaxial compression. Advances in Architecture Series. 2003
- Tratamento de Paredes de Alvenaria Antiga com Problemas de Humidade Ascensional 2003
- Soluções industrializadas para cascas de betão com elementos cerâmicos incorporados 2002
- Characterization of brick and brick–mortar interface under uniaxial tension 2002
- Painéis de alvenaria cerâmica com juntas de concreto submetidos a ensaio de cisalhamento 2002
- Análise experimental de pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de carbono sob acções cíclicas 2001
- Pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de fibras de carbono 2001
- Strengthening of the architectural heritage with composite materials 2001
- Comportamento de pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de fibras de carbono 2000
- Pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de fibras de carbono 2000
- Size effect on masonry subjected to out-of-plane loading 2000
- A case study about using sophisticated masonry models in practice: The Lethes Theater (c. 1650) 2000
- Recent advances in modelling masonry shells: Validation and application 1999
- Experimental and numerical issues in the modelling of the mechanical behaviour of masonry 1998
- An anisotropic plasticity model for quasi-brittle composite shells 1997
artigo de revista
- Nonlinear thermomechanical behaviour of refractory masonry with dry joints. Engineering Structures. 2023
- Experimental characterisation of dry-joint masonry structures: Interface stiffness and interface damping. Composite Structures. 2023
- On the Use of the Digital Twin Concept for the Structural Integrity Protection of Architectural Heritage. Infrastructures. 2023
- Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Analysis of Brick Masonry Walls Subjected to Environmental Actions. Applied Sciences. 2023
- On Mechanical Behavior of Metal Anchors in Historical Brick Masonry: Testing and Analytical Validation. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Extended Tromograph Surveys for a Full Experimental Characterisation of the San Giorgio Cathedral in Ragusa (Italy). Bioengineering. 2023
- Decision-Making Based on Multi-Dimensional Quality Control for Bridges. Applied Sciences. 2023
- Characterisation of mortarless refractory masonry joints under elevated temperatures. Engineering Structures. 2023
- Experimental characterization of the nonlinear thermomechanical behaviour of refractory masonry with dry joints. Composite Structures. 2023
- SLaMA-URM method for the seismic vulnerability assessment of UnReinforced Masonry structures: Formulation and validation for a substructure. Journal of Building Engineering. 2023
- Simulation of moisture transport in fired-clay brick masonry structures accounting for interfacial phenomena. Building and Environment. 2023
- Static and seismic design of Dry Stone Retaining Walls (DSRWs) following Eurocode standards. Engineering Structures. 2023
- Finite Element and Equivalent Frame modeling approaches for URM buildings: Implications of different assumptions in the seismic assessment. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- Numerical Analysis of Masonry-Infilled RC-CLT Panel Connections. Bioengineering. 2022
- Appraising the Seismic Response of a Retrofitted Adobe Historic Structure, the Role of Modal Updating and Advanced Computations. Bioengineering. 2022
- Lateral Capacity of URM Walls: A Parametric Study Using Macro and Micro Limit Analysis Predictions. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Conservation of the Beira Railway Station in Mozambique: Lessons from a 20th-Century Heritage Case Study in Africa. Bioengineering. 2022
- Seismic Analysis of Slender Monumental Structures: Current Strategies and Challenges. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Chattering: an overlooked peculiarity of rocking motion. Nonlinear Dynamics. 2022
- Dynamic Numerical Simulations of Dry-Stone Retaining Walls: Identification of the Seismic Behaviour Factor. Geosciences. 2022
- On the use of a mesoscale masonry pattern representation in discrete macro-element approach. Journal of Building Engineering. 2022
- On the use of web mapping platforms to support the seismic vulnerability assessment of old urban areas 2022
- Ductile Moment-Resisting Timber Connections: A Review. Bioengineering. 2022
- Joint Stiffness Influence on the First-Order Seismic Capacity of Dry-Joint Masonry Structures: Numerical DEM Investigations. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Seismic assessment of metallic neo-gothic church: Deterioration and safety of early structural design. Infrastructures. 2022
- Seismic response of a small-scale masonry groin vault: experimental investigation by performing quasi-static and shake table tests. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2022
- Design Proposal for Masonry Infill Walls Subject to Seismic Actions. Applied Sciences. 2022
- A cal nas argamassas para alvenaria: colaborações com a EuLA. Pedra & Cal. 2022
- Experimental, numerical and analytical investigations of masonry corners: Influence of the horizontal pseudo-static load orientation. Composite Structures. 2022
- Numerical modelling of grouted anchors in masonry walls. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation (IJMRI). 2022
- Static and Impact Response of a Single-Span Stone Masonry Arch. Infrastructures. 2021
- Dynamic behavior of a masonry bell tower subjected to actions caused by bell swinging. Infrastructures. 2021
- Soft computing-based models for the prediction of masonry compressive strength. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Vibration control systems: A review of their application to historical unreinforced masonry buildings. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Numerical Analysis of an Earthen Masonry Structure Subjected to Blast Loading. CivilEng. 2021
- Numerical Block-Based Simulation of Rocking Structures Using a Novel Universal Viscous Damping Model. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2021
- Reducing the Training Samples for Damage Detection of Existing Buildings through Self-Space Approximation Techniques. Bioengineering. 2021
- A Parametric Scan-to-FEM Framework for the Digital Twin Generation of Historic Masonry Structures. Sustainability (MDPI). 2021
- Structural Performance of the Esfahan Shah Mosque. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2021
- An experimental and numerical contribution for understanding the in-situ shear behaviour of unreinforced masonry. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Insight into the Effects of Solvent Treatment of Natural Fibers Prior to Structural Composite Casting: Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Evaluation. Fibers. 2021
- Strain variation analysis of cross-laminated timber elements under cyclic moisture. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Thermomechanical behaviour of refractory dry-stacked masonry walls under uniaxial compression. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Benchmarking the seismic assessment of unreinforced masonry buildings from a blind prediction test. Infrastructures. 2021
- Territorial seismic risk assessment of a sample of 13 masonry churches in Tuscany (Italy) through simplified indexes. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Overview on the Nonlinear Static Procedures and Performance-Based Approach on Modern Unreinforced Masonry Buildings with Structural Irregularity. Bioengineering. 2021
- Inovação e projeto de alvenaria estrutural segundo o Eurocódigo 6. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2021
- A Tool for the Rapid Seismic Assessment of Historic Masonry Structures Based on Limit Analysis Optimisation and Rocking Dynamics. Applied Sciences. 2021
- A concurrent micro/macro FE-model optimized with a limit analysis tool for the assessment of dry-joint masonry structures. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. 2021
- A micro-modeling approach for the prediction of TRM bond performance on curved masonry substrates. Composite Structures. 2021
- An improved seismic vulnerability assessment approach for historical urban centres: The case study of Campi Alto di Norcia, Italy 2021
- Basílica de São Sebastião (Filipinas): dano e desempenho sísmico. Pedra & Cal. 2021
- Discussion of the role of geometry, proportion and construction techniques in the seismic behavior of 16th to 18th century bulbous discontinuous double shell domes in central Iran. Journal of Building Engineering. 2021
- Ensaio sísmico de uma estrutura de taipa. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2021
- Experimental and numerical analysis on the structural fire behaviour of three-cell hollowed concrete masonry walls. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Experimental evaluation of out-of-plane strength of masonry walls retrofitted with oriented strand board. Composite Structures. 2021
- Higher Mode Effects in Pushover Analysis of Irregular Masonry Buildings. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2021
- In-plane behaviour of rubble stone masonry walls: experimental, numerical and analytical approach. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2021
- Normal and tangential behaviour of dry joints in refractory masonry. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Protecting the Historic Buildings of Mexico: The Barrel Vault of San Agustin Church in Morelia. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 2021
- Soft computing techniques for the prediction of concrete compressive strength using Non-Destructive tests. Composite Structures. 2021
- The effect of ground motion vertical component on the seismic response of historical masonry buildings: The case study of the Banloc Castle in Romania. Engineering Structures. 2021
- Safety assessment of the South Oculus of Canterbury Cathedral. Infrastructures. 2020
- Monitoring of Induced Groundborne Vibrations in Cultural Heritage Buildings: Miscellaneous Errors and Aliasing through Integration and Filtering. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2020
- Simulation of the in-plane structural behavior of unreinforced masonry walls and buildings using DEM. Infrastructures. 2020
- Pushover analysis of unreinforced irregular masonry buildings: Lessons from different modeling approaches. Engineering Structures. 2020
- A meso-scale discrete element method framework to simulate thermo-mechanical failure of concrete subjected to elevated temperatures. Engineering Fracture Mechanics. 2020
- Learning from failure: Damage and Failure of Masonry Structures, after the 2017 Lesvos Earthquake (Greece). Engineering Failure Analysis. 2020
- Numerical homogenization-based seismic assessment of an English-bond masonry prototype: Structural level application. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2020
- Finite element based micro modelling of masonry walls subjected to fire exposure: Framework validation and structural implications. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Seismic evaluation of Bagan heritage site (Myanmar): The Loka-Hteik-Pan temple. Infrastructures. 2020
- Lessons from Structural Analysis of a Great Gothic Cathedral: Canterbury Cathedral as a Case Study. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2020
- A fast modeling approach for numerical analysis of unreinforced and FRCM reinforced masonry walls under out-of-plane loading. Composite Structures. 2020
- Advanced non-destructive techniques for the diagnosis of historic buildings: The Loka-Hteik-Pan temple in Bagan. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2020
- The use of natural fibers in repairing and strengthening of cultural heritage buildings. Materials Today-Proceedings. 2020
- Automatic mesh generator for the non-linear homogenized analysis of double curvature masonry structures. Advances in Engineering Software. 2020
- Comportamiento dinámico del campanario sur del Palacio Nacional de Mafra ante las acciones de las campanas. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2020
- Computational applications in masonry structures: From the meso-scale to the super-large/super-complex. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. 2020
- Discontinuum analysis of the fracture mechanism in masonry prisms and wallettes via discrete element method. Meccanica. 2020
- Dynamic characterization of progressively damaged segmental masonry arches with one settled support: Experimental and numerical analyses. Frattura Ed Integrita Strutturale. 2020
- Lateral in-plane seismic response of confined masonry walls: From numerical to backbone models. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Mapping and holistic design of natural hydraulic lime mortars. Cement and Concrete Research. 2020
- Nonlinear modeling of unreinforced masonry structures under seismic actions: Validation using a building hit by the 2016 central Italy earthquake. Frattura Ed Integrita Strutturale. 2020
- Numerical analysis and experimental characterisation of brick masonry. International Journal of Masonry Research and Innovation (IJMRI). 2020
- Numerical modeling of the tension stiffening in reinforced concrete members via discontinuum models. Computational Particle Mechanics. 2020
- Rapid post-earthquake damage localization and quantification in masonry structures through multidimensional non-linear seismic IDA. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Seismic appraisal of heritage ruins: The case study of the St. Mary of Carmel church in Cyprus. Engineering Structures. 2020
- Seismic assessment of nineteenth and twentieth centuries URM buildings in Lisbon: structural features and derivation of fragility curves. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2020
- Tensile fracture mechanism of masonry wallettes parallel to bed joints: A stochastic discontinuum analysis 2020
- Quantification of impact of lime on mechanical behaviour of lime cement blended mortars for bedding joints in masonry systems. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Three-dimensional elastic properties of masonry by mechanics of structure gene. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2019
- Estudo experimental do fluxo de umidade em argamassas de cal aérea. Materials. 2019
- Vibration-Based Damage Detection in Historical Adobe Structures: Laboratory and Field Applications. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2019
- Analysis of the long and short-term effects of temperature and humidity on the structural properties of adobe buildings using continuous monitoring. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Deterministically generated negative selection algorithm for damage detection in civil engineering systems. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Stiffness evolution of natural hydraulic lime mortars at early ages measured through EMM-ARM. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Structural behaviour and design rules of confined masonry walls: Review and proposals. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Comportamento fora do plano de paredes de alvenaria de pedra: análise experimental e numérica. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2019
- Diagnosis and Seismic Behavior Evaluation of the Church of São Miguel de Refojos (Portugal). Bioengineering. 2019
- Fragility Functions for Tall URM Buildings around Early 20th Century in Lisbon. Part 1: Methodology and Application at Building Level. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2019
- Experimental analysis of the thermohygrometric effects on the dynamic behavior of adobe systems. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2019
- Traditional techniques for the rehabilitation and protection of historic earthen structures: The seismic retrofitting project. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2019
- An overview on structural health monitoring: From the current state-of-the-art to new bio-inspired sensing paradigms. International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation. 2019
- Bond behavior degradation between FRP and masonry under aggressive environmental conditions. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures. 2019
- Comparison of in-plane and out-of-plane failure modes of masonry arch bridges using discontinuum analysis. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Effectiveness of seismic retrofitting of a historical masonry structure: Kütahya Kursunlu Mosque, Turkey. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2019
- Environmental and Ambient Vibration Monitoring of Historical Adobe Buildings: Applications in Emblematic Andean Churches. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2019
- Fragility Functions for Tall URM Buildings around Early 20th Century in Lisbon, Part 2: Application to Different Classes of Buildings. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2019
- Macro-modelling approach for assessment of out-of-plane behavior of brick masonry infill walls. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Mechanical Behavior of Two-Leaf Masonry Wall-Strengthening Using Different Grouts. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2019
- Mechanical properties of lime–cement masonry mortars in their early ages. Materials and Structures. 2019
- Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis for Safety Assessment of Heritage Buildings: Church of Santa Maria de Belém. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2019
- Quasi-static tests on a two-story CLT building. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Seismic assessment of the medieval Armenian church in Famagusta, Cyprus. Annals of Geophysics. 2019
- Seismic evaluation and strengthening of an existing masonry building in Sarajevo, B & H. Bioengineering. 2019
- Seismic vulnerability of URM structures based on a Discrete Macro-Element Modeling (DMEM) approach. Engineering Structures. 2019
- Simplified formulations for estimating the main frequencies of ancient masonry churches. Frontiers in Built Environment. 2019
- Simulation of uniaxial tensile behavior of quasi-brittle materials using softening contact models in DEM. International Journal of Fracture. 2019
- The Use of a Large-Scale Seismic Vulnerability Assessment Approach for Masonry Façade Walls as an Effective Tool for Evaluating, Managing and Mitigating Seismic Risk in Historical Centers. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Assessment of the combined in-plane and out-of-plane behavior of brick infill walls within reinforced concrete frames under seismic loading. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2018
- Modal analysis of historical masonry structures: Linear perturbation and software benchmarking. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Experimental investigation of the bed joint influence on mechanical properties of hollow calcium silicate block masonry. Materials and Structures. 2018
- Experimentations on the retrofitting of damaged Single Step Joints with Self-Tapping Screws. Materials and Structures. 2018
- Out-of-plane behavior of stone masonry walls: Experimental and numerical analysis. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Seismic Structural Assessment of the Christchurch Catholic Basilica, New Zealand. Infrastructures. 2018
- Assessment of the dynamic response of unreinforced masonry structures using a macroelement modeling approach. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2018
- A 3D discrete macro-element for modelling the out-of-plane behaviour of infilled frame structures. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Automated long-term dynamic monitoring using hierarchical clustering and adaptive modal tracking: validation and applications. Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. 2018
- Bond behavior in NSM-strengthened masonry. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Combination of expert decision and learned based Bayesian Networks for multi-scale mechanical analysis of timber elements. Expert Systems with Applications. 2018
- Construção em falsa cúpula na região transfronteiriça Gerês-Xurés: metodologias e caracterização. Conservar Património. 2018
- Cyclic testing of steel frames infilled with concrete sandwich panels. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. 2018
- Derivation of the out-of-plane behaviour of masonry through homogenization strategies: Micro-scale level. Computers & Structures. 2018
- Efficiency and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Seismic Strengthening Techniques for Old Residential Buildings in Lisbon. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2018
- Engineering simulations of a super-complex cultural heritage building: Ica Cathedral in Peru. Meccanica. 2018
- Evaluation of Structural Intervention in the Quartel das Esquadras, Almeida (Portugal). International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Experimental Out-Of-Plane Behavior of Brick Masonry Infilled Frames. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Experimental results on mechanical behaviour of metal anchors in historic stone masonry. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2018
- Experimental seismic performance assessment of asymmetric masonry buildings. Engineering Structures. 2018
- In-plane behavior of cavity masonry infills and strengthening with textile reinforced mortar. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Integrated structural safety analysis of San Francisco Master Gate in the Fortress of Almeida. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2018
- Structural assessment and seismic vulnerability of earthen historic structures. Application of sophisticated numerical and simple analytical models. Engineering Structures. 2018
- Experimental analysis of the carbonation and humidity diffusion processes in aerial lime mortar. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Single Step Joint: overview of European standardized approaches and experimentations. Materials and Structures. 2017
- A parametric investigation on the seismic capacity of masonry cross vaults. Engineering Structures. 2017
- Architectural and Structural Characteristics of Masonry Buildings between the 19th and 20th Centuries in Lisbon, Portugal. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Bond strength characterization of commercially available grouts for masonry. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Damage identification and seismic vulnerability assessment of a historic masonry chimney. Annals of Geophysics. 2017
- Effect of synergistic environmental conditions on thermal properties of a cold curing epoxy resin. Composite Structures. 2017
- Experimental Assessment of the Out-of-Plane Performance of Masonry Buildings Through Shaking Table Tests. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Experimental characterization of masonry and masonry components at high strain rates. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2017
- Experimental in-plane evaluation of light timber walls panels. Bioengineering. 2017
- Experimental laboratory design of lime based grouts for masonry consolidation. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Methods and Approaches for Blind Test Predictions of Out-of-Plane Behavior of Masonry Walls: A Numerical Comparative Study. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Methods and Challenges for the Seismic Assessment of Historic Masonry Structures. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Non-linear static behaviour of ancient free-standing stone columns. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2017
- Nonlinear discrete homogenized model for out-of-plane loaded masonry walls. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2017
- Nonlinear modelling of curved masonry structures after seismic retrofit through FRP reinforcing. Bioengineering. 2017
- Numerical and Experimental Validation of a 3D Macro-Model for the In-Plane and Out-Of-Plane Behavior of Unreinforced Masonry Walls. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Out-of-Plane Seismic Response of Unreinforced Masonry Walls: Conceptual Discussion, Research Needs, and Modeling Issues. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Performance assessment of basalt FRCM for retrofit applications on masonry. Composite Structures. 2017
- Rigid block and spring homogenized model (HRBSM) for masonry subjected to impact and blast loading. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2017
- Rocking and kinematic approaches for rigid block analysis of masonry walls: State of the art and recent developments. Bioengineering. 2017
- Seismic safety evaluation of reinforced concrete masonry infilled frames using macro modelling approach. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2017
- Seismic vulnerability and risk analysis of the old building stock at urban scale: application to a neighbourhood in Lisbon. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2017
- Shaking table tests and numerical analyses on a scaled dry-joint arch undergoing windowed sine pulses. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2017
- Simulation of Shake Table Tests on Out-of-Plane Masonry Buildings. Part (IV): Macro and Micro FEM Based Approaches. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Simulation of Shake Table Tests on Out-of-Plane Masonry Buildings. Part (VI): Discrete Element Approach. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2017
- Spectral algorithm for non-destructive damage localisation: Application to an ancient masonry arch model. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2017
- Strength, behavior, and failure mode of hollow concrete masonry constructed with mortars of different strengths. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- Structural model calibration of RC structure with twoleaf cavity brick infill wall by deterministic approach. Gradevinar. 2017
- Structural safety assessment of geometrically complex masonry vaults by non-linear analysis. The Chapel of the Würzburg Residence (Germany). Engineering Structures. 2017
- The importance of structural monitoring as a diagnosis and control tool in the restoration process of heritage structures: A case study in Portugal. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2017
- Traditional earthquake resistant techniques for vernacular architecture and local seismic cultures: A literature review. Journal of Cultural Heritage. 2017
- Validation of the repair effectiveness of clay-based grout injections by lateral load testing of an adobe model building. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2017
- O desafio da previsão do comportamento fora-do-plano de edifícios existentes de alvenaria. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2016
- Experimental analysis of Maritime pine and Iroko single shear dowel-type connections. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Experimental bond behaviour of GFRP and masonry bricks under impulsive loading. Materials and Structures. 2016
- A Holistic Methodology for Probabilistic Safety Assessment of Timber Elements Combining Onsite and Laboratory Data. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2016
- A multidisciplinary approach to assess the health state of heritage structures: The case study of the Church of Monastery of Jerónimos in Lisbon. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- A spectrum-driven damage identification technique: Application and validation through the numerical simulation of the Z24 Bridge. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2016
- A students' challenge for the estimation of the maximum compressive load of masonry prisms. Mauerwerk. 2016
- Automatic Morphologic Analysis of Quasi-Periodic Masonry Walls from LiDAR. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering. 2016
- Design Parameters for Seismically Retrofitted Masonry-To-Timber Connections: Injection Anchors. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2016
- Design and Analysis of Cross Vaults Along History. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2016
- Development and characterization of novel auxetic structures based on re-entrant hexagon design produced from braided composites. Composite Structures. 2016
- Development, characterization and analysis of auxetic structures from braided composites and study the influence of material and structural parameters. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing. 2016
- Discrete element modeling of masonry structures: Validation and application. Earthquake and Structures. 2016
- Effect of Environmental Aging on the Numerical Response of FRP-Strengthened Masonry Walls. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2016
- Empirical seismic vulnerability analysis for masonry buildings based on school buildings survey in Iran. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2016
- Experimental characterization of commercial lime based grouts for stone masonry consolidation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- FRP-brick masonry bond degradation under hygrothermal conditions. Composite Structures. 2016
- Implementation and validation of a total displacement non-linear homogenization approach for in-plane loaded masonry. Computers & Structures. 2016
- Inference on stiffness and strength of existing chestnut timber elements using Hierarchical Bayesian Probability Networks. Materials and Structures. 2016
- Influence of the freeze-thaw cycles on the physical and mechanical properties of granites. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2016
- Lessons learned from the testing of RC frames with masonry infills and proposals for new solutions. Mauerwerk. 2016
- Moisture-induced degradation of interfacial bond in FRP-strengthened masonry. Composite Structures. 2016
- Nonlinear analysis of RC structure with massive infill wall exposed to shake table. Earthquake and Structures. 2016
- Numerically based proposals for the stiffness and strength of masonry infills with openings in reinforced concrete frames. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2016
- Repair of composite-to-masonry bond using flexible matrix. Materials and Structures. 2016
- Seismic analysis of masonry gravity dams using the discrete element method: Implementation and application. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2016
- Shaking table testing for masonry infill walls: unreinforced versus reinforced solutions. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2016
- The influences of moisture content variation, number and width of gaps on the withdrawal resistance of self tapping screws inserted in cross laminated timber. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- Use of bending tests and visual inspection for multi-scale experimental evaluation of chestnut timber beams stiffness. International Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. 2016
- Masonry infill walls under blast loading using confined underwater blast wave generators (WBWG). Engineering Structures. 2015
- Influence of type of binder and sand on the characteristics of masonry mortars. Romanian Journal of Materials. 2015
- Mechanical characterization of old chestnut beams. Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture Research. 2015
- A semi-random field finite element method to predict the maximum eccentric compressive load for masonry prisms. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Accelerated hygrothermal aging of bond in FRP-masonry systems. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2015
- Analysis of the seismic performance of a two storey log house. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2015
- Análise comparativa do desempenho de ultrassons na avaliação não destrutiva da madeira de castanho. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2015
- Characterization of dry-stack interlocking compressed earth blocks. Materials and Structures. 2015
- Comparison between rocking analysis and kinematic analysis for the dynamic out-of-plane behavior of masonry walls. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2015
- Debonding damage analysis in composite-masonry strengthening systems with polymer- and mortar-based matrix by means of the acoustic emission technique. Smart Materials and Structures. 2015
- Dynamic interface model for masonry walls subjected to high strain rate out-of-plane loads. International Journal of Impact Engineering. 2015
- Evaluation of the bond performance in FRP-brick components re-bonded after initial delamination. Composite Structures. 2015
- Evaluation of the performance of recycled textile fibres in the mechanical behaviour of a gypsum and cork composite material. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Experimental and numerical analysis of RC structure with two leaf cavity wall subjected to shake table. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 2015
- Guidelines for on-site assessment of historic timber structures. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2015
- Implementation and validation of a strain rate dependent anisotropic continuum model for masonry. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2015
- In-plane stiffness of timber floors strengthened with CLT. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 2015
- Mechanical performance of natural fiber-reinforced composites for the strengthening of masonry. Composite Structures. 2015
- Onsite assessment of structural timber members by means of hierarchical models and probabilistic methods. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2015
- Reducing seismic vulnerablity: Retrofitting historic buildings 2015
- Shaking table tests of a two-storey log house. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2015
- Simulation of humidity fields in concrete: Experimental validation and parameter estimation. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology. 2015
- Structural assessment of a masonry vault in Portugal. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2015
- In-plane shear behaviour of stone masonry piers: A numerical study. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- FRP-to-Masonry Bond Durability Assessment with Infrared Thermography Method. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation. 2014
- A DEM based tool for the safety analysis of masonry gravity dams. Engineering Structures. 2014
- A constitutive three-dimensional interface model for masonry walls subjected to high strain rates. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- Assessment of compressive behavior of concrete masonry prisms partially filled by general mortar. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2014
- Assessment of curved FRP-reinforced masonry prisms: Experiments and modeling. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2014
- Characterization of cross sections from old chestnut beams weakened by decay. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2014
- Characterization of debonding in FRP-strengthened masonry using the acoustic emission technique. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Coberturas tradicionais de madeira : caracterização, inspeção e classificação 2014
- Definition of interaction curves for the in-plane and out-of-plane capacity in brick masonry walls. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2014
- Dimensional variation of three softwood due to hygroscopic behavior. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2014
- Experimental behavior of masonry wall-to-timber elements connections strengthened with injection anchors. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Hygrothermal durability of bond in FRP-strengthened masonry. Materials and Structures. 2014
- Modelling the structural behaviour of rammed earth components. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2014
- Mortar-based systems for externally bonded strengthening of masonry. Materials and Structures. 2014
- Numerical modelling and parametric analysis of bond strength of masonry members retrofitted with FRP. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2014
- Numerical study on the performance of improved masonry-to-timber connections in traditional masonry buildings. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Prediction of global bending stiffness of timber beams by local sampling data and visual inspection. European Journal of Wood and Wood Products. 2014
- Risk Assessment Due to Terrorist Actions on Public Transportation Networks: A Case Study in Portugal. International Journal of Protective Structures. 2014
- Safety analysis of modern heritage masonry buildings: Box-buildings in Recife, Brazil. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Sensitivity analysis of the seismic performance of existing masonry buildings. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Shaking table testing of an existing masonry building: Assessment and improvement of the seismic performance. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2014
- Structural assessment of the 16th century coastal watchtowers in the defense system of the Pontifical state. Masonry International. 2014
- Testing and modeling of a traditional timber mortise and tenon joint. Materials and Structures. 2014
- The effect of skew angle on the mechanical behaviour of masonry arches. Mechanics Research Communications. 2014
- Unreinforced and confined masonry buildings in seismic regions: Validation of macro-element models and cost analysis. Engineering Structures. 2014
- Proposal of an innovative solution for partition walls : mechanical, thermal and acoustic validation. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Experimental behavior of natural fiber-based composites used for strengthening masonry structures. Conference Papers in Materials Science. 2013
- Limit analysis of loaded out-of-plane rubble masonry: a case study in Portugal. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2013
- A model for pushover analysis of confined masonry structures: Implementation and validation. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2013
- Application of digital image correlation in investigating the bond between FRP and masonry. Composite Structures. 2013
- Capacity interaction in brick masonry under simultaneous in-plane and out-of-plane loads. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Characterization of the response of quasi-periodic masonry: Geometrical investigation, homogenization and application to the Guimarães castle, Portugal. Engineering Structures. 2013
- Conservation of cultural heritage buildings: methodology and application to case studies. Revista Alconpat. 2013
- Desempenho sísmico de edifícios antigos de alvenaria: ensaios em plataforma sísmica. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2013
- Dynamic structural health monitoring of Saint Torcato church. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2013
- Experimental investigation on the seismic performance of masonry buildings using shaking table testing. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. 2013
- Hydromechanical analysis of masonry gravity dams and their foundations. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 2013
- In situ measured cross section geometry of old timber structures and its influence on structural safety. Materials and Structures. 2013
- In-plane shear behaviour of traditional timber walls. Engineering Structures. 2013
- Learning from failure of a long curved veneer wall: Structural analysis and repair. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 2013
- Numerical modelling of non-confined and confined masonry walls. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Numerical study of the role of mortar joints in the bond behavior of FRP-strengthened masonry. Composite Structures. 2013
- On the use of NDT data for reliability-based assessment of existing timber structures. Engineering Structures. 2013
- Preservation-engineering education for masonry construction and structures. APT Bulletin: The Journal of Preservation Technology. 2013
- Proposal of a design model for masonry walls subjected to in-plane loading. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2013
- Reliability analysis of a timber truss system subjected to decay. Engineering Structures. 2013
- Simple homogenized model for the nonlinear analysis of FRP-strengthened masonry structures. I: Theory. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2013
- Simple homogenized model for the nonlinear analysis of FRP-strengthened masonry structures. II: Structural applications. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2013
- Simplified indexes for the seismic assessment of masonry buildings: International database and validation. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2013
- Statistical assessment of damage to churches affected by the 2010-2011 canterbury (New Zealand) earthquake sequence. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2013
- Study of the seismic behavior of the old municipal chambers building in Christchurch, New Zealand. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2013
- Water degrading effects on the bond behavior in FRP-strengthened masonry. Composite Structures. 2013
- In-plane shear behaviour of traditional timber walls. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2012
- 3D non-linear behavior of masonry arch bridges. Computers & Structures. 2012
- A semi-destructive tension method for evaluating the strength and stiffness of clear wood zones of structural timber elements in-service. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- A simple homogenized model for the non-linear analysis of FRP strengthened masonry structures. Civil-Comp Proceedings. 2012
- Assessment of the structural properties of timber members in situ : a probabilistic approach. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2012
- Caracterização de materiais compósitos à base de gesso FGD. Mecânica Experimental. 2012
- Construir com alvenaria estrutural : vencer a crise com construção mais eficiente 2012
- Contributos para a conservação das estruturas do património construído de valor cultural. Anuário do Património. 2012
- Experimental analysis of reinforced concrete block masonry spandrels using pre-fabricated planar trussed bars. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Inspeção estrutural de uma chaminé do centro de formação avançada – Guimarães 2012
- Masonry dams: Analysis of the historical profiles of Sazilly, Delocre, and Rankine. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2012
- Numerical analysis of bond behavior between masonry bricks and composite materials. Engineering Structures. 2012
- Round Robin Test for composite-to-brick shear bond characterization. Materials and Structures. 2012
- Seismic assessment of St James Church by means of pushover analysis - before and after the New Zealand earthquake. Open Civil Engineering Journal. 2012
- Seismic performance of the St. George of the Latins church: Lessons learned from studying masonry ruins. Engineering Structures. 2012
- Sismos e monumentos: como reduzir o risco sem adulterar. Pedra & Cal. 2012
- Strengthening of three-leaf stone masonry walls: An experimental research. Materials and Structures. 2012
- Verificação da segurança sísmica de edifícios em alvenaria através de metodologias simplificadas. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2012
- A document management system for the conservation of cultural heritage buildings. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2011
- Analysis of masonry structures without box behavior. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2011
- Desempenho sísmico de um minarete de alvenaria. Revista Portuguesa de Engenharia de Estruturas (RPEE). 2011
- Experimental bond behavior of FRP sheets glued on brick masonry. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2011
- FE homogenised limit analysis model for masonry structures. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering and Computational Mechanics. 2011
- FE homogenized limit analysis code for masonry buildings. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Engineering and Computational Mechanics. 2011
- Influence of aggregates grading and water/cement ratio in workability and hardened properties of mortars. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2011
- Mechanical characterization of vibro-dry concrete blocks,Estudo de caracterização mecânica de blocos de concreto vibrocompactados à seco. Materials. 2011
- Multitechnique investigation of extruded clay brick microstructure. Journal of the American Ceramic SocIETy. 2011
- Numerical analysis of concrete block masonry beams under three point bending. Engineering Structures. 2011
- Operational modal analysis of historical constructions using commercial wireless platforms. Structural Health Monitoring. 2011
- Parametrical study of masonry walls subjected to in-plane loading through numerical modeling. Engineering Structures. 2011
- Performance of masonry buildings and churches in the 22 february 2011 christchurch earthquake. Bulletin of the New Zealand SocIETy for Earthquake Engineering. 2011
- Possibilities and comparison of structural component models for the seismic assessment of modern unreinforced masonry buildings. Computers & Structures. 2011
- Potencialidades de construção e projeto de edifícios em alvenaria simples 2011
- Shear capacity assessment of tuff panels strengthened with FRP diagonal layout. Composite Structures. 2011
- Study of the compressive strength of concrete block prisms : stack and running bond. Ibracon Structures and Materials Journal. 2011
- A simplified homogenized limit analysis model for randomly assembled blocks out-of-plane loaded. Computers & Structures. 2010
- Application of radar techniques to the verification of design plans and the detection of defects in concrete bridges. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering. 2010
- Damage identification on arched masonry structures using ambient and random impact vibrations. Engineering Structures. 2010
- Experimental analysis of reinforced concrete block masonry walls subjected to in-plane cyclic loading. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2010
- Experimental behavior of FRP strengthened masonry arches. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2010
- Geometric issues and ultimate load capacity of masonry arch bridges from the northwest Iberian Peninsula. Engineering Structures. 2010
- Handmade Clay Bricks: Chemical, Physical and Mechanical Properties. International Journal of Architectural Heritage. 2010
- Monitoring historical masonry structures with operational modal analysis: Two case studies. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2010
- Monte Carlo homogenized limit analysis model for randomly assembled blocks in-plane loaded. Computational Mechanics. 2010
- Numerical models for the seismic assessment of an old masonry tower. Engineering Structures. 2010
- On the compressive strength prediction for concrete masonry prisms. Materials and Structures. 2010
- Possibilidades do radar de prospecção geotécnica em estruturas e aplicações em Portugal, 2010
- Reinforced brick masonry light vaults: Semi-prefabrication, construction, testing and numerical modeling. Composite Structures. 2010
- Seismic assessment of masonry Gaioleiro buildings in Lisbon, Portugal. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2010
- Vertically perforated clay brick masonry for loadbearing and non-loadbearing masonry walls. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2010
- A discontinuous quasi-upper bound limit analysis approach with sequential linear programming mesh adaptation. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2009
- A micro-mechanical homogenisation model for masonry: Application to shear walls. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2009
- Avaliação do desempenho sísmico de um minarete de alvenaria. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2009
- Blast analysis of enclosure masonry walls using homogenization approaches. International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. 2009
- Caracterização mecânica das argamassas de assentamento para alvenaria estrutural – previsão e modo de ruptura. Materials. 2009
- Compressive behavior of granite: Experimental approach. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2009
- Experimental characterization of stone masonry in shear and compression. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2009
- Finite element modelling of deformation characteristics of historical stone masonry shear walls. Engineering Structures. 2009
- Homogenized rigid-plastic model for masonry walls subjected to impact. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2009
- In-plane experimental behavior of stone masonry walls under cyclic loading. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2009
- Mechanical behaviour of bedding mortar for structural masonry - preview and failure mode. Materials. 2009
- Validation of a micro-mechanical homogenisation model : application to shear walls. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2009
- Virtual reconstruction of medieval monastery using computer-aided design model. Journal of Architectural Engineering. 2009
- Detecção de infra-estruturas de redes com recurso ao Radar de Prospecção Geotécnica 2008
- Efficient strengthening technique to increase the flexural resistance of existing RC slabs. Journal of Composites for Construction. 2008
- Experimental characterization of the tensile behaviour of granites. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences. 2008
- Experimental dynamic behavior of free-standing multi-block structures under seismic loadings. Journal of Earthquake Engineering. 2008
- Juntas verticais : influência no comportamento mecânico da alvenaria estrutural. Caderno Técnico Alvenaria Estrutural. 2008
- Mode I fracture surface of granite: Measurements and correlations with mechanical properties. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2008
- Ultrasonic evaluation of the physical and mechanical properties of granites. Ultrasonics. 2008
- Experimental characterization of a new reinforced brick masonry shell structural system. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2007
- Practical implications of GPR investigation using 3D data reconstruction and transmission tomography. Journal of Building Appraisal. 2007
- 3D homogenized limit analysis of masonry buildings under horizontal loads. Engineering Structures. 2007
- Analysis of masonry structures: Review of and recent trends in homogenization techniques. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering. 2007
- Análise de programas de cálculo para estruturas de alvenaria resistente. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2007
- Chestnut wood in compression perpendicular to the grain: Non-destructive correlations for test results in new and old wood. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2007
- Cobertura da sala do relicário no Mosteiro de Santa Cruz: notas sobre a intervenção. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2007
- Evaluation of the compressive strength of ancient clay bricks using microdrilling. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 2007
- Failure analysis of Monastery of Jerónimos, Lisbon: How to learn from sophisticated numerical models. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2007
- Mechanics of hollow concrete block masonry prisms under compression: Review and prospects. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2007
- Mechanics of masonry in compression: Results from a homogenisation approach. Computers & Structures. 2007
- Modelling masonry with limit analysis finite elements : review, applications and new directions 2007
- Novas soluções estruturais sujeitas a acções cíclicas 2007
- On the dynamics of rocking motion of single rigid-block structures. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2007
- Testing a new reinforced brick masonry shell system. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings. 2007
- Flexural behavior of reinforced masonry panels. Structural Journal. 2006
- Comportamento sísmico de paredes de alvenaria de pedra 2006
- A contribution for the understanding of load-transfer mechanisms in multi-leaf masonry walls: Testing and modelling. Engineering Structures. 2006
- Avaliação da constituição de elementos estruturais através do radar de prospecção geotécnica 2006
- Cyclic behaviour of stone and brick masonry under uniaxial compressive loading. Materials and Structures. 2006
- Defects and moisture problems in buildings from historical city centres : a case study in Portugal. Building and Environment. 2006
- Homogenised limit analysis of masonry walls, Part I: Failure surfaces. Computers & Structures. 2006
- Homogenised limit analysis of masonry walls, Part II: Structural examples. Computers & Structures. 2006
- Homogenization approach for the limit analysis of out-of-plane loaded masonry walls. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2006
- Masonry compression: A numerical investigation at the meso-level. Engineering Computations. 2006
- O Eurocódigo 6 e o dimensionamento de estruturas de alvenaria. Construção Magazine - Revista Técnico-Científica de Engenharia Civil. 2006
- Paredes de alvenaria armada (I) : possibilidades e aplicações. Ingenium. 2006
- Paredes de alvenaria armada (II) : o problema sísmico. Ingenium. 2006
- Recommendations for restoration of ancient buildings and the survival of a masonry chimney. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2006
- Simplified indexes for the seismic vulnerability of ancient masonry buildings. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2006
- Validation of a simplified model for the design of masonry infilled frames. Masonry International. 2006
- Validation of analytical and continuum numerical methods for estimating the compressive strength of masonry. Computers & Structures. 2006
- Alvenaria : passado e presente 2005
- Analisi, prove e tecnologia costruttiva delle volte industrializzate in muratura armata 2005
- Arquitectura sem fissuras 2005
- As estruturas do património arquitectónico e os sismos - aspectos recentes 2005
- Assessment, diagnosis and strengthening of Outeiro Church, Portugal. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2005
- Bond characterization between concrete substrate and repairing SFRC using pull-off testing. International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives. 2005
- Caracterização das paredes de alvenaria da vila de Tentúgal 2005
- Cascas em alvenaria cerâmica armada: uma forma pré-fabricada de se construir 2005
- Chaminé do Mosteiro de Arouca: engenharia de reabilitação simples ou complexa? 2005
- Experimental investigation of bricks under uniaxial tensile testing. Masonry International. 2005
- On the rocking behavior of rigid objects. Meccanica. 2005
- Reabilitação de estruturas : condicionantes e recomendações 2005
- Reforço estrutural das torres da Sé do Porto. Património Estudos. 2005
- Cascas em alvenaria cerâmica armada: um exemplo de construção pré-fabricada 2005
- Dry joint stone masonry walls subjected to in-plane combined loading. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2005
- Testing, analysis and building technology for industrialized reinforced masonry shells. Revista Construire in Laterizio. 2005
- Three-dimensional limit analysis of rigid blocks assemblages. Part I: Torsion failure on frictional interfaces and limit analysis formulation. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2005
- Three-dimensional limit analysis of rigid blocks assemblages. Part II: Load-path following solution procedure and validation. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2005
- Breve história da teoria da conservação e do restauro. Engenharia Civil. 2004
- A coupled homogenisation-damage model for masonry cracking. Computers & Structures. 2004
- Centro histórico de Bragança : caracterização do edificado, aspectos arquitectónicos e anomalias 2004
- Analytical solutions for rigid block structures under small displacements regime. Applied Computing Engineering Journal. 2004
- Characterization of cyclic behavior of dry masonry joints. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2004
- Ensaios de compressão em prismas de blocos de concreto à compressão : deformabilidade e modo de rotura. Engenharia : Estudo e Pesquisa. 2004
- Implementation and validation of a constitutive model for the cyclic behaviour of interface elements. Computers & Structures. 2004
- Impulsive Dirac-delta forces in the rocking motion. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics. 2004
- Modeling and vulnerability of historical city centers in seismic areas: A case study in Lisbon. Engineering Structures. 2004
- Shear testing of stack bonded masonry. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2004
- Caracterização mecânica de paredes antigas de alvenaria : um caso de estudo no centro histórico de Bragança. Engenharia Civil. 2003
- Cap model for limit analysis and strengthening of masonry structures. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2003
- Aspectos sobre o dimensionamento em betão estrutural considerando-se a não-linearidade física. Engenharia Civil. 2002
- Estudo de pórticos metálicos enrijecidos com alvenaria. Engenharia Civil. 2002
- A micro-mechanical model for the homogenisation of masonry. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2002
- Aplicação de laminados de fibras de carbono no reforço de pilares de betão armado. Engenharia Civil. 2001
- Comparação de programas comerciais de cálculo automático para estruturas porticadas. Engenharia Civil. 2001
- A review on flat-jack testing. Engenharia Civil. 2000
- Investigação sobre a estrutura das ruínas da igreja visigótica da Plaza del Rey em Barcelona. Engenharia Civil. 2000
- Anisotropic softening model for masonry plates and shells. Journal of Structural Engineering. 2000
- Análise das técnicas de construção pombalina e apreciação do estado de conservação estrutural do quarteirão do Martinho da Arcada. Engenharia Civil. 2000
- Continuum model for masonry: Parameter estimation and validation. Journal of Structural Engineering. 1998
- Aspectos relativos à contribuição dos painéis de alvenaria em edifícios altos. Engenharia Civil. 1997
- A plane stress softening plasticity model for orthotropic materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 1997
- Multisurface interface model for analysis of masonry structures. Journal of Composites for Construction. 1997
- Um micro-modelo para a análise de estruturas de alvenaria. Engenharia Civil. 1996
- Automatic design of reinforcement in concrete plates and shells. Engineering Computations. 1993
capítulo de livro
- Deep Learning-Based YOLO Network Model for Detecting Surface Cracks During Structural Health Monitoring 2024
- Effectiveness of Synthetic Ground-Motions for Seismic Assessment of Unreinforced Masonry Structures: Application to a Case Study 2024
- Rethinking preventive conservation: recent examples 2022
- Nondestructive testing, assessment, and strengthening for reducing the seismic vulnerability of masonry structures 2021
- Numerical Modelling of Adobe Structures 2021
- Design of masonry structures (General rules): Highlights of the new European masonry code 2020
- Experimental and Numerical Investigations of a Segmental Masonry Arch Subjected to Horizontal Settlements. Structural Integrity. 2020
- A Double Dome Through the Ages: Building Technology and Performance of Esfahan Shah Mosque’s Dome. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Assessment of the Seismic Vulnerability of an Unreinforced Masonry Structure Based on Discrete-Macro Dynamic Analyses. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Dynamic Behaviour Analysis of an English-Bond Masonry Prototype Using a Homogenized-Based Discrete FE Model. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Environmental and Dynamic Remote Monitoring of Historical Adobe Buildings: The Case Study of the Andahuaylillas Church in Cusco, Peru. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Estimation of Churches Frequencies Based on Simplified Geometry Parameters. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Experimental Investigation of the Structural Response of Adobe Buildings to Lateral Loading Before and After the Implementation of Compatible Grout Repairs. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Masonry compressive strength prediction using artificial neural networks. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2019
- Masonry mechanical properties 2019
- Mechanical Behaviour of Metal Anchors in Historic Brick Masonry: An Experimental Approach. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Parameterization of Structural Faults in Large Historical Constructions for Further Structural Modelling Thanks to Laser Scanning Technology and Computer Vision Algorithms. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- S 2 HM in some European countries. Springer Tracts in Civil Engineering. 2019
- Seismic Assessment of the Matera Cathedral. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Seismic assessment of historic masonry structures: Out-of-plane effects 2019
- Simulation of Masonry Arch Bridges Using 3D Discrete Element Modeling. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- Study of Early Age Stiffness Development in Lime–Cement Blended Mortars. RILEM Bookseries. 2019
- A Bio-inspired Framework for Highly Efficient Structural Health Monitoring and Vibration Analysis. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2018
- Study of the environmental influence on the dynamic behavior of adobe walls: Preliminary test in laboratory specimens. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2018
- Technologies for seismic retrofitting and strengthening of earthen and masonry structures: Assessment and application. Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering. 2018
- From LiDAR data towards HBIM for energy analysis 2017
- Assessment and diagnosis of two collar timber trusses by means of visual grading and non-destructive tests. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2016
- Diagnosis and Seismic Analysis of the Our Lady of Conception Church, Portugal. Building Pathology and Rehabilitation. 2016
- Numerical Approaches for the Analysis of Timber Frame Walls. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2016
- On the mechanical behavior of masonry 2016
- Paredes de alvenaria de fachada: Soluções e sugestões de melhoria de desempenho 2016
- Hierarchical modelling of timber reference properties using probabilistic methods: Maximum Likelihood Method, Bayesian Methods and Probability Networks 2015
- Paredes de alvenaria de enchimento e a ação sísmica: reabilitação e inovação 2015
- Sustainability and Cultural Heritage Buildings 2015
- Reparação e reforço da estrutura do coro 2014
- Da inspeção à avaliação de segurança na reabilitação de estruturas de madeira 2014
- Desempenho sísmico do templo romano de Évora. Anuário do Património. 2014
- Homogenization and Seismic Assessment: Review and Recent Trends. Courses and Lectures. 2014
- Masonry behaviour and modelling. Courses and Lectures. 2014
- Streamlining field inspections for life-cycle management of infrastructures 2014
- The ICOMOS methodology for conservation of cultural heritage buildings: concepts, research and application to case studies 2014
- The design and performance of high-performance perforated fired masonry bricks 2014
- Avaliação experimental do comportamento sísmico de casas de madeira 2013
- Avaliação experimental do comportamento sísmico de casas de madeira 2013
- An inspection of three of Famagusta’s churches 2012
- Dos abrigos da pré-história aos edifícios de madeira do século XXI 2012
- Engenharia da conservação : investigação, prática e reflexões 2012
- LifeCycle Analysis of Infrastructures: application to TUA rail track 2012
- Metodologia para conservação de estruturas de madeira: teoria e prática 2012
- Dynamic identification and monitoring of cultural heritage buildings 2011
- Proposta de uma solução inovadora e eco-eficiente para paredes divisórias 2011
- Ancient clay bricks: manufacture and properties 2010
- Análise de estruturas antigas e novas em alvenaria: possibilidades e aplicações 2010
- Computational advances in masonry structures : from mesoscale modeling to engineering application 2010
- Recent advances in masonry modelling : micromodelling and homogenisation 2010
- Reinforcement design using linear analysis 2010
- Cathedral of Porto, Portugal : conservation works 2003-2008 2009
- Earthquake design and assessment of masonry structures : review and applications 2009
- Earthquake design and assessment of masonry structures: review and applications 2009
- Collapse prediction and creep effects 2008
- Applications des recommandations icomos sur la conservation de structures anciennes: de l'element constructif a la structure globale 2008
- La resistencia sísmica de estructuras de mampostería : comportamiento experimental, posibilidades de análisis y casos de estudio 2008
- Monastery of Salzedas (Portugal) : intervention in the cloister 2008
- Structural masonry analysis : recent developments and prospects 2008
- As estruturas de terra e os sismos 2005
- Deterioration Detection in tiles focusing on Historical Buildings in Portugal Based on Novel Deep Learning Methods 2023
- Initial Developments towards a Unified Protocol of Mortar Preparation for Testing within The SUBLime MSCA Doctoral Network 2022
- A cal nas argamassas para alvenaria: colaborações com a EuLA 2022
- Preface [18th International Probabilistic Workshop - IPW 2020]. Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering. 2021
- Applicability of FEM for nonlinear seismic analysis of URM structures with timber diaphragms accounting for wall-to-floor/roof connections 2019
- Creep modelling for refractory materials used in furnace linings 2019
- Finite element based micro modelling of masonry structures subjected to fire 2019
- Nonlinear Static Analysis of an Asymmetric Unreinforced Masonry Building Using Macro-Element Modelling Approach 2019
- Numerical simulation of refractory masonry subjected to cyclic temperature loading 2019
- Physical and chemical characterization of historical masonry materials from Yucatan churches, Mexico 2019
- Seismic Assessment of Historical Kütahya Kursunlu Mosque 2019
- Seismic analysis of masonry structures applying and comparing different numerical approaches: finite element and macro-element methods 2019
- Effect of creep on refractory masonry wall subjected to high temperature 2019
- Diagnóstico e intervenção de requalificação da Igreja do Mosteiro de São Miguel de Refojos 2019
- Reforço de marquises de concreto armado 2016
- Seminário Reabilitação de Fachadas 2016
- SustIMS – Sustainable Infrastructure Management System, Relatório Técnico-Científico Final 2015
- Intervir em Construções Existentes de Madeira 2014
- A project contribution to the development of sustainable multi-storey timber buildings 2013
- Desempenho sísmico de edifícios antigos de alvenaria: Ensaios em plataforma sísmica 2013
- Sustainable design of prefabricated solutions for the rehabilitation of ancient buildings 2013
- Construir com alvenaria estrutural : vencer a crise com construção mais eficiente 2012
- Integração da metodologia BIM na engenharia de estruturas 2012
- Validação experimental de uma solução eco-eficiente de paredes divisórias 2012
- Verificação da segurança sísmica de edifícios em alvenaria através de metodologias simplificadas 2012
- Paredes divisórias, passado, presente e futuro 2011
- Mechanical characterization of old chestnut beams 2011
- Reliability based robustness of timber structures through NDT data updating 2011
- 8º Congresso Nacional de Mecânica Experimental 2010 2010
- Possibilidades do radar de prospecção geotécnica em estruturas e aplicações em Portugal, 2010
- Avaliação do desempenho sísmico de um minarete de alvenaria 2009
- Comparação de programas comerciais para dimensionamento de lajes em betão armado 2008
- Encontro Nacional Betão Estrutural 2008
- Influence of the spacing between NSM-CFRP laminates on the flexural strengthening efficacy of RC slabs 2007
- Efficient strengthening technique for reinforced concrete slabs 2006
- Sistema híbrido em materiais compósitos para reforço de lajes de betão armado 2006
- Concrete slabs strips reinforced with epoxy-bonded carbon laminates into slits 2005
- On bonding repairing steel fibre reinforced concrete to hardened concrete 2005
- SEM analysis of bond epoxy based layer between hardened concrete and SFRC repairing 2005
- Caracterização do comportamento da ligação entre betões de distinta classe de resistência 2004
- Comportamento à flexão de painéis representativos de um novo sistema construtivo em alvenaria armada 2004
- Design recommendations for reinforced masonry arches 2004
- Flexural behavior of representative panels of prefabricated reinforced masonry shells 2004
- Nova formulação para o dimensionamento de estruturas laminares de betão armado 2004
- Sísmica 2004, 6º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica 2004
- Characterization of brick and brick–mortar interface under uniaxial tension 2002
- Painéis de alvenaria cerâmica com juntas de concreto submetidos a ensaio de cisalhamento 2002
- Soluções industrializadas para cascas de betão com elementos cerâmicos incorporados 2002
- Análise experimental de pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de carbono sob acções cíclicas 2001
- Pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de fibras de carbono 2001
- Comportamento de pilares de betão armado reforçados com laminados de fibras de carbono 2000
- Size effect on masonry subjected to out-of-plane loading 2000
- Database_Historic_Masonry_Towers_Experimental_Frequency
- Quasi-static out-of-plane one-way test of a U-shaped unreinforced brick masonry wall
- 18th International Probabilistic Workshop 2021
- Seismic Retrofitting Project: Simplified calculations for the structural analysis of earthen historic sites 2021
- Seismic Retrofitting Project Modeling of Prototype Buildings 2019
- Seismic Retrofitting Project: Recommendations for Advanced Modeling of Historic Earthen Sites 2018
- FP1101 and RILEM TC 245 RTE Training School on assessment and reinforcement of timber elements and structures: The role of the academic community in disseminating knowledge 2016
- Tensile and bond characterization of natural fibers embeeded in inorganic matrices 2016
- Application of acoustic emission technique for bond characterization in FRP-masonry systems 2015
- Assessment of innovative solutions for non-load bearing masonry enclosures 2015
- Hierarchical modelling of timber reference properties using probabilistic methods: Maximum Likelihood Method, Bayesian Methods and Probability Networks 2015
- Numerical and experimental analysis of full scale arches reinforced with GFRP materials 2015
- Preface 2015
- Seismic vulnerability of existing masonry buildings: Nonlinear parametric analysis 2015
- Sustainability and cultural heritage buildings 2015
- Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal: History, construction and valorisation 2014
- Architectural heritage of the north eastern Portugal: History, construction and valorisation 2014
- Da inspeção à avaliação de segurança na reabilitação de estruturas de madeira 2014
- Desempenho sísmico do templo romano de Évora 2014
- Eco-efficient Masonry Bricks and Blocks: Design, Properties and Durability 2014
- HLT Hilotec: self-building manual for sustainable housing 2014
- In-Plane Stiffness of Traditional Timber Floors Strengthened with CLT 2014
- The design and mechanical performance of high-performance perforated fired masonry bricks 2014
- Avaliação experimental do comportamento sísmico de casas de madeira 2013
- Effectiveness and subjectivity of visual inspection as a method to assess bending stiffness and strength of chestnut elements 2013
- Glulam mechanical characterization 2013
- Non-destructive tests for the structural assessment of a historical bridge over the Tua River 2013
- Seismic analysis of a 2-storey log house 2013
- Dos abrigos da pré-história aos edifícios de madeira do século XXI 2012
- Computational advances in masonry structures : from mesoscale modeling to engineering application 2010
- Seismic vulnerability assessment of ancient masonry building: An experimental method 2010
- Monastery of Salzedas (Portugal) : intervention in the cloister 2008
- cBloco : manual de dimensionamento estrutural : elementos de apoio ao projecto e execução de elementos de alvernaria estrutural e não estrutural com unidades cBloco 2008
- Recomendações para a análise, conservação e restauro estrutural do património arquitectónico 2004
- Ensaios de impacto-eco para a determinação da profundidade de maciços de fundação em antenas da rede de telemóveis TMN 2012
- Relatório da inspeção estrutural da capela Nossa Senhora dos Matos, em Mouriscas – Abrantes 2012
- Efficient strengthening technique to increase the flexural resistance of existing RC slabs: NSM CFRP laminates and compressive thin bonded SFRC overlay 2006
- Steel fibre reinforced concrete and CFRP laminate strips for high effective flexural strengthening of RC slabs 2005
- Bond characterization between concrete base and repairing SFRC by pull-off tests 2004
- Design of RC thin surface structures 2004
- Design of RC elements subjected to in-plane loading 2003
- Numerical modeling of single shell roofs 2003
- Flexural behavior of reinforced masonry panels 2003
- Contribution to design criteria for industrialized masonry vaults 2003
- Contribution for a full prefabrication approach of masonry reinforced shells 2003
- Shear testing of stacked bonded masonry 2002
- Uniaxial testing of expanded metal sheet 2002
- Characterization of masonry under uniaxial tension 2002