publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Organizational maturity models: the leading research fields and opportunities for further studies. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2024
- Applying SWARA approach and refined Kano model to classify and rank customer requirements, case study: automotive industry in Portugal. International Journal of Management and Decision Making. 2024
- Service-oriented manufacturing supply chain: risks and their resonant effect. Journal of Enterprise Information Management. 2024
- Construction of taxonomy of conceptualization of sustainability in improving the industrial production process. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2023
- Performance measurement model for technical universities – case study. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2023
- Quality 4.0 in higher education: reinventing academic-industry-government collaboration during disruptive times. TMQ: Techniques, Methodologies and Quality. 2023
- Optical bonding process of flat panel displays and their critical-to-quality factors. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 2023
- Lean and Industry 4.0: A Review of the Relationship, Its Limitations, and the Path Ahead with Industry 5.0. Machines. 2023
- Operational excellence, organizational culture, and agility: bridging the gap between quality and adaptability. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2023
- The impact of global risks on supply chain performance. An empirical study on construction sector in the COVID-19 pandemic. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2023
- Integration of multi-criteria decision-making approaches adapted for quality function deployment: an analytical literature review and future research agenda. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2023
- SMART-QUAL: a dashboard for quality measurement in higher education institutions. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2022
- Risks and supply chain performance: globalization and COVID-19 perspectives. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. 2022
- Supply chain quality management impact on organization performance: results from an international survey. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2022
- Guest editorial: Quality in the digital transformation era. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2022
- Quality 4.0: literature review analysis, definition and impacts of the digital transformation process on quality. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2021
- ISO 9001:2015 and risk-based thinking: scientific research insights. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2021
- Process mining and lean six sigma: a novel approach to analyze the supply chain quality of a hospital. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. 2021
- A feather in your cap. Quality Progress. 2020
- Diving deep on the needs of SMEs pursuing Organizational Excellence strategies. Quality Progress- American Society for Quality. 2020
- Scanning for a superior skill set. Quality Progress. 2020
- Uma Nova Abordagem à Excelência Organizacional: O Modelo QOE-SME. Qualidade- Associação Portuguesa da Qualidade. 2020
- From another quality dimension. Quality Progress. 2018
- Selected papers of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2018
- Analysis of certified occupational health and safety management systems in Portugal. International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Safety. 2017
- Guest editorial. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2017
- Operational excellence as a means to achieve an enduring capacity to change – revision and evolution of a conceptual model. Procedia Manufacturing. 2017
- Supply chain quality management in education. Int J Qual & Reliability Mgmt. 2016
- Total Quality Management and Corporate Social Responsibility. Literature review. The case of Nabeiro Delta Cafés Group. Proceedings Book of the 2nd International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management 2016. 2016
- Mitigating the Impact of Occupational Noise Exposure for Elderly Workers: Setting the Functional Requirements for an ANC System. Procedia Manufacturing. 2015
- Use of sectorial essential models in organizational interventions aiming at the implementation of quality assurance processes 2014
- Integrated Management Systems: A statistical analysis. Occupational Safety and Hygiene. 2013
- Discovering Patterns in a Certification System of Companies. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2012
- Integrated Management Systems: On the path to maturity and efficiency assessment. SHO 2012: INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HYGIENE. 2012
- New organisational issues and macroergonomics: integrating management systems. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics. 2012
artigo de conferência
- An Integration of QFD and Fuzzy-AHP approach in Hospital Services, case study: a Hospital in Iran 2022
- Integrated Management Systems in Industry 4.0: Literature Review 2022
- Risk management prioritization in medical device SMEs based on AHP analysis 2022
- The Mediating Role of Organizational Culture in Managing the Relationship Between Quality and Innovation: A Conceptual Model Proposal 2022
- World State of Quality: a frontier approach to benchmark the performance of countries worldwide 2022
- A Model to Assess the Impacts of ISO Management Systems Standards 2021
- Contributions to the development of suppliers in competitive environments: A case study in Brazilian companies 2021
- Multiscale Quality: Micro, Meso and Macro Concepts 2021
- Quality and Organizational Excellence in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: Current State and Comparative Analysis 2020
- A dynamic approach to teaching LSS at Universities 2020
- Analyzing the implications of COVID-19 on supply chain quality management 2020
- Bibliometric analysis of quality function deployment with fuzzy systems 2020
- DMAIC for process digitalization: A hospital case study 2020
- Foreword 2020
- ISO 9001 and organizational excellence models in small and medium sized enterprises: Current state and comparative analysis 2020
- Innovation, technology and quality 2020
- Small and medium enterprises pursuing organizational excellence: A toolkit for improvement 2020
- Technology and quality management: A review of concepts and opportunities in the digital transformation 2020
- A Composite Indicator for Supply Chain Performance Measurement: A Case Study in a Manufacturing Company. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2019
- Bibliometric analysis on the topic of "integrated management systems": a first glance 2019
- On Agile Metrics for Operations Management: Measuring and Aligning Agility with Operational Excellence. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2019
- The Profile of Forthcoming Quality Leaders: An Exploratory Factor Analysis. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2019
- Business excellence models: Supporting the cultural perspective to operationalize excellence sustainability in manufacturing organizations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management. 2018
- Findings from the First Global Assessment on the current state of organizational excellence 2018
- Latest efforts aimed at upgrading the ims-mm 2018
- Quality, excellence and culture in the pursuit of organizational agility. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2018
- Towards an approach to assess Supply Chain Quality Management maturity. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2018
- Building an agile culture of excellence to address the unstable business environments of the XXI century 2017
- Management system maturity assessment based on the IMS-MM: Case study in two companies 2017
- Proactive approaches to quality management 2017
- Diffusion of integrated Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems 2016
- Improving organizations performance through supply chain quality management practices 2016
- Integrated Versus Non-Integrated Perspectives of Auditors Concerning the New ISO 9001 Revision 2016
- Simulation and economic analysis of an AGV system as a mean of transport of warehouse waste in an automotive OEM 2016
- Supply chain quality management: A theoretical framework for integration measurement 2016
- The reasonant influence of supply chain management practices on organizational performance 2015
- Integrated management systems as complex adaptive systems 2015
- A model for assessing maturity of integrated management systems 2014
- A model proposal for integrated management systems maturity assessment 2014
- A standard proposal for biological resources centres 2014
- An extensive structural model for supply chain quality management and firm performance 2014
- Conceptual Model for Supply Chain and Quality Management integration 2014
- Developing a standard for biological resources centres 2014
- Lean and quality management integration: improvement program implementation in a service company 2014
- Literature review of QM and SCM: a perspective of integration 2014
- Maturity models: a useful solution to assess current OHS management system 2014
- Quality management and supply chain management integration: a conceptual model 2014
- Quality management principles and practices impact on the companies' quality performance 2014
- Quality management principles and practices impact on the companies’ quality performance 2014
- Reasons, benefits and difficulties associated with ISO 9001 certification for sugar and ethanol companies 2014
- Supply chain practices and firms’ operational performance: an empirical study of Vietnam garment industry 2014
- The relationship between quality approaches and their impact on portuguese companies´ quality performance 2014
- The role of quality management practices in operational performance: an empirical study in a transitional economy 2014
- A certificação ISO 9001 no continente americano: análise estatística 2013
- A new ISO 9001 diffusion index 2013
- Analysis and improvement of the inbound logistic process in an electronics company of the automotive business 2013
- European Quality Scoreboard: preliminary results 2013
- Ferramentas da qualidade: fatores críticos para a sua utilização nas organizações portuguesas 2013
- Integrated management systems: A statistical analysis 2013
- Quality approaches and practices and their impact on companies’ organizational performance 2013
- Descoberta de Padrões num Sistema de Certificação de Empresas 2012
- Articulation between information systems and quality management systems: literature review 2012
- Discovering patterns in a certification system of companies. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2012
- Discovery of patterns in a system certification of companies 2012
- Integrated OHS management systems: is it the final frontier regarding OHS? 2012
- Integrated management systems – quality, environment and health and safety: motivations, benefits, difficulties and critical success factors 2012
- Integrated management systems: on the path to maturity and efficiency assessment 2012
- Integrated management systems: survey results from Portuguese companies and experts 2012
- Integrating simulation and business intelligence analyses for tactical and strategic decisions in transportation systems 2012
- Latest developments aiming an integrated management systems tool focusing maturity assessment. IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management. 2012
- Quality in Higher Education: internal quality assurance systems and the quality management models 2012
- The management systems and the performance indicators: the integration way 2012
- Management systems integration: a 3-dimensional organisational perspective 2011
- A ISO 9001 e a ISO 17025 num laboratório de metrologia 2011
- A business intelligence solution for public transportation sector 2011
- A certificação segundo a norma ISO 9001 na perspectiva do cliente 2011
- A worldwide analysis of management systems certification 2011
- Benchmarking on behalf of management systems integration 2011
- Beyond "Audit" definition: A framework proposal for integrated management systems 2011
- Ferramentas da qualidade : estudo da sua aplicação e uso nas organizações portuguesas 2011
- Food safety management systems implementation and certification: Survey results 2011
- ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 standards in a metrology laboratory 2011
- ISO 9001 certification: customer’s perspective 2011
- ISO 9001 or ISO 17025 : what is more important for the metrology laboratory 2011
- Integrated management systems : the vision from the perspective of the Occupational Health & Safety System 2011
- Integração de sistemas de gestão : dados preliminares no desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para avaliação do nível de maturidade 2011
- Integração de sistemas de gestão. Dados preliminares do projecto para desenvolvimento de uma metodologia para avaliação do nível de maturidade e eficiência 2011
- Management systems integration : a 3-dimensional organisational perspective 2011
- Management systems integration : a Renaissance organizational era 2011
- Management systems integration : should quality be redefined? 2011
- Management systems integration: a Renaissance organizational era 2011
- Management systems integration: should quality be redefined? 2011
- Management systems: a global perspective 2011
- Management systems: a path to organizational sustainability 2011
- Metodologias e boas práticas de integração e avaliação de sistemas de gestão 2011
- O impacto da implementação da norma ISO 9001 no processo de gestão de reclamações : caso de estudo na indústria de mobiliário 2011
- QWEB specification : new perspectives from different stakeholders 2011
- Stakeholder satisfaction and sustainable success 2011
artigo de revista
- An innovative maturity model to assess supply chain quality management. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2021
- ISO 22000 Certification: Diffusion in Europe. Resources. 2021
- The influence of operational excellence on the culture and agility of organizations: evidence from industry. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2020
- Scanning for a superior skill set. Quality Progress. 2020
- A new approach to organisational excellence for small and medium enterprises: the QOE-SME model. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2020
- A feather in your cap. Quality Progress. 2020
- 35 years of excellence, and perspectives ahead for excellence 4.0. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2019
- Exploring the Role of Service Delivery in Remarkable Tourism Experiences. Sustainability (MDPI). 2019
- Communication of commitment towards sustainable development of certified Portuguese organisations. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2019
- 2017 world state of quality: first worldwide results. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2019
- Do multiple certifications leverage firm performance? A dynamic approach. International Journal of Production Economics. 2019
- Performance measurement for supply chain management and quality management integration: A systematic literature review. Benchmarking. 2019
- Supply chain management and organizational performance: the resonant influence. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2019
- From another quality dimension. Quality Progress. 2018
- Integrated management systems diffusion models in South European countries. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2018
- Macroquality measurement: world state of quality and European quality scoreboard approaches and results. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2018
- Towards a new model for SME self-assessment: a Brazilian empirical study. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2018
- A standard proposal for biological resources centres. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2017
- Análise dos requisitos do cliente: estudo de caso a indústria automóvel 2017
- Barómetro da certificação 2016 2017
- ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 17025: Which is the best option for a laboratory of metrology? The Portuguese experience. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2017
- Management systems integration: survey results. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2017
- Operational excellence, organisational culture and agility: the missing link?. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2017
- Resultados do European Quality Scoreboard e do Perfil Nacional da Qualidade 2017
- Supply chain management and quality management integration: A conceptual model proposal. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2017
- Supply chain management practices and firms’ operational performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2017
- An extensive structural model of supply chain quality management and firm performance. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2016
- Barómetro da certificação 2015 2016
- ISO 9001 certification in the American Continent: a statistical analysis and modelling. International Journal of Production Research. 2016
- Integrated management systems assessment: A maturity model proposal. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2016
- Stakeholders satisfaction and sustainable success. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering. 2016
- A comunicação do compromisso para com o desenvolvimento sustentável das organizações portuguesas certificadas 2015
- Analysis of integrated management systems from various perspectives. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2015
- Barómetro da Certificação 2014 2015
- Reasons and benefits associated with ISO 9001 - Certification for sugar and ethanol companies. Independent Journal of Management & Production. 2015
- Um processo de injeção de plásticos: melhoria do programa de controlo estatístico. Revista Qualidade. 2015
- Barómetro da Certificação 2013 2014
- Different perspectives on management systems integration. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2014
- ISO 9001 European Scoreboard: An instrument to measure macroquality. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2014
- Processos de extrusão na indústria de cabos elétricos: contributos para a melhoria da qualidade 2014
- Quality scoreboard: a proposal 2014
- The path to excellence of the Portuguese organisations recognised by the EFQM model. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 2014
- Use of sectorial essential models in organizational interventions aiming at the implementation of quality assurance processes 2014
- Barómetro da Certificação 2012 2013
- Certificação e acreditação: duas perspectivas num laboratório de metrologia. TMQ: Techniques, Methodologies and Quality. 2013
- Food safety management system implementation and certification: survey results. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. 2013
- ISO 9001 economic impact in the companies' performance. International Journal of Advanced Quality. 2013
- O percurso na excelência das organizações portuguesas reconhecidas no âmbito do Modelo da EFQM. Revista Qualidade. 2013
- A comparison and usage overview of business excellence models. TMQ: Techniques, Methodologies and Quality. 2012
- Barómetro da Certificação 2011 2012
- Certificação segundo a norma ISO 9001: perspetiva do cliente. Revista Qualidade. 2012
- Especificação QWEB: novas perspetivas dos diferentes stakeholders 2012
- ISO 9001 Scoreboard: uma primeira abordagem para medir a “”macroqualidade”. Revista Qualidade. 2012
- ISO 9001 certification pay-off: Myth versus reality. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2012
- Impact of social responsibility programms in stakeholder satisfaction: an empirical study of portuguese managers' perceptions. Journal of Us-China Public Administration. 2012
- Management systems: Integration or addition?. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2012
- New organisational issues and macroergonomics: integrating management systems. International Journal of Human Factors and Ergonomics. 2012
- Sistemas de gestão integrados qualidade, ambiente e segurança – implementação e a avaliação de eficiência. TMQ: Techniques, Methodologies and Quality. 2012
- Sistemas de gestão integrados: motivações, obstáculos, benefícios e factores críticos de sucesso. Tecnometal. 2012
- Sistemas integrados de gestão: factores críticos de sucesso 2012
- Barómetro da Certificação 2010 2011
- An analysis of food safety management systems certification : the Portuguese case 2011
- Barómetro da certificação : retrato da certificação de sistemas de gestão em Portugal 2011
- Certificação de sistemas em Portugal: percepção das entidades certificadas. Ingenium. 2011
- ISO 9001 certification forecasting models. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2011
- The economic impact of quality management systems in Portuguese certified companies: Empirical evidence. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2011
- A classification model for prediction of certification motivations from the contents of ISO 9001 audit reports. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. 2010
- Sistemas de gestão : uma análise global 2010
- An analysis of ISO 9000 data in the world and the European Union. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. 2009
- ISO 9001 certification research: Questions, answers and approaches. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2009
- Performance measures and quality tools in Portuguese SMEs: survey results. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence. 2005
capítulo de livro
- Development of Guidelines for an Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Towards Industry 4.0 2023
- External Supply Chain Risk Assessment in the Covid 19 Pandemic 2023
- Defining the Supply Chain Quality Management concept 2022
- Quality and competence management in microbial biobanks 2022
- The Role of the Quality Principles on the Integration of Multiple Management Systems 2022
- Organizational Maturity Models: Trends for the Future 2020
- Revisiting Diffusion Models: Portuguese Integrated Management Systems Evolution. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 2019
- Diffusion of integrated occupational health and safety management systems 2016
- Introdução [a "Qualidade em ação"] 2014
- Utilização das ferramentas da qualidade nas organizações portuguesas 2014
- Foreword [to Proceedings book of the 4th International Conference on Quality Engineering and Management] 2020
- Quality Assessment and Improvement Framework for Organizations in the Context of Digital Transformation: First Insights 2019
- Proactive approaches to quality management 2017
- Developing a standard for biological resources centres 2014
- Maturity models: a useful solution to assess current OHS management system 2014
- Discovery of patterns in a system certification of companies 2012
- New organisational issues and macroergonomics : integrating management systems 2012
- Cost-Sensitive Learning and Threshold-Moving Approach to Improve Industrial Lots Release Process on Imbalanced Datasets 2023
- Benefits of multivariate statistical process control based on principal component analysis in solder paste printing process where 100% automatic inspection is already installed 2018
- Multivariate statistical process control based on principal component analysis: Implementation of framework in R 2018
- Final thoughts 2016
- Introduction 2016
- Quality in the 21st century: Perspectives from ASQ feigenbaum medal winners 2016
- Quality: From past perfect to future conditional 2016
- Integrated management systems: A model for maturity assessment 2015
- Utilização das ferramentas da qualidade nas organizações portuguesas 2014
- An integrated simulation and business intelligence framework for designing and planning demand responsive transport systems 2013
- Discovery of Patterns in a System Certification of Companies 2012
- Livro de Actas do Encontro Nacional de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial 2011 (ENEGI 2011) 2011
- Qualidade e as normas ISO 9000: mitos, verdades e consequências 2011