publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Interactions of cytosolic tails in the Jen1 carboxylate transporter are critical for trafficking and transport activity. Journal of Cell Science. 2022
- Adapting to survive: how Candida overcomes host-imposed constraints during human colonization.. PLoS Pathogens. 2020
- Carboxylate transportes in Candida pathogenesis. Mbio. 2020
- SATP (YaaH), a succinate-acetate transporter protein in Escherichia coli. Biochemical Journal. 2013
- The transport of carboxylic acids and important role of the Jen1p transporter during the development of yeast colonies. Biochemical Journal. 2013
- Immunohystochemical analysis of CFTR in normal and disrupted spermatogenesis. Systems Biology in Reproductive Medicine. 2012
- Lactic acid production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is modulated by expression of the monocarboxylate transporters Jen1 and Ady2. FEMS Yeast Research. 2012
- Functional specialization and differential regulation of short-chain carboxylic acid transporters in the pathogen Candida albicans. Molecular Microbiology. 2010
- Glucose-induced Ubiquitylation and Endocytosis of the Yeast Jen1 Transporter ROLE OF LYSINE 63-LINKED UBIQUITIN CHAINS. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 2009
- Transport of carboxylic acids in yeasts. FEMS Microbiology Reviews. 2008
- Functional analysis of Kluyveromyces lactis carboxylic acids permeases: Heterologous expression of KlJEN1 and KlJEN2 genes. Current Genetics. 2007
- The conserved sequence NXX[S/T]HX[S/T]QDXXXT of the lactate/pyruvate:H+ symporter subfamily defines the function of the substrate translocation pathway. Molecular Membrane Biology. 2007
- Molecular and physiological characterization of monocarboxylic acids permeases in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis.. Yeast. 2003
- The disruption of JEN1 from Candida albicans impairs the transport of lactate.. Yeast. 2003
- Remoção zimológica da acidez volátil e fixa de mostos e vinhos: da fisiologia à manipulação genética de leveduras 2000
artigo de conferência
- Book of abstracts of the III Symposium in Applied Biochemistry 2022
- An assessment classification of formative evaluation tools and digital tools 2020
- Acetate assimilation is an integral part of Candida glabrata survival in the human host 2019
- Engineering of AceTr membrane transporters to improve organic acid production in yeast 2019
- Exploring plasma membrane transporters to improve organic acid production in yeast – Characterization and engineering 2019
- Functional characterization of putative acetate transporters and channels in the human fungal pathogen Candida glabrata 2019
- Role of carboxylate transporters during carbon adaptation in Candida glabrata 2019
- Adapting to survive: how Candida glabrata responds to environmental physiological constraints 2018
- Adapting to survive: how Candida spp. respond to environmental physiological constraints 2018
- Insights on signal-elicited endocytosis of yeast lactate transporters 2018
- The role of Candida albicans transcription factor RLM1 in response to carbon adaptation 2018
- A novel pathway for the endocytic regulation of Jen1 lactate transporter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2017
- Candida glabrata biofilm development on medical devices is modulated by the presence of alternative carbon sources. 2017
- Metabolic plasticity as a strategy for virulence: participation of Candida albicans transcription factor RLM1 in host-pathogen interaction 2017
- Analysis of the intracellular traffic and turnover of yeast membrane transporters using a novel domain swap strategy 2016
- Carboxylic acid transportes Jen1 and Jen2 affect Candida albicans biofilms' formation and susceptibility to fluconazole 2016
- Impact of alternative carbon sources and antifungal treatment on Candida glabrata biofilms transcription profile 2016
- Impact of alternative carbon sources and antifungal treatment on Candida glabrata biofilms' transcription profile 2016
- Lactic acid increases the susceptibility of Candida albicans to fluconazole 2016
- Study of intracellular trafficking of yeast monocarboxylate transporter Jen1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2015
- The study of the endocytic trafficking of the yeast monocarboxylate transporter Jen1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2015
- Subcellular localization of the monocarboxylate transporter Mct1 tagged with the green fluorescence protein in different cancer cell lines 2012
- Connecting glucose signalling to ubiquitin-dependent transporter endocytosis: Arrestin the culprit! 2011
- A metabolic switch on a yeast arrestin connects glucose signaling to transporter endocytosis 2011
- Discovery and initial characterization of members of the new YaaH family of microbial acetate transporters 2011
- Functional characterization of a yarrowia lipolytica gene family coding for carboxylic acids permeases homologues 2011
- Pinpointing intracellular trafficking determinants in the Jen1 yeast lactate transporter by domain swap 2011
- Screening for interactions with predicted soluble domains of the yeast lactate transporter JEN1 2011
- The azoreductase of yeast cells: a new feature of an old enzyme 2004
- Molecular and physiological characterization of monocarboxylic acids permeases in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. 2003
- The disruption of JEN1 from Candida albicans impairs the transport of lactate. 2003
- The disruption of JEN1 from Candida albicans impairs the transport of lactate 2003
- Catabolite inactivation of the lactate transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: ubiquitination, endocytosis and degradation in the vacuole. 2001
- The putative monocarboxylate permeases of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae do not transport monocarboxylic acids across the plasma membrane 2001
- Genetic and functional analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene JEN1 encoding the lactate permease. 1999
- Genetic characterization of monocarboxylic acids transporters of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 1998
artigo de revista
- Yeast Plasma Membrane Fungal Oligopeptide Transporters Display Distinct Substrate Preferences despite Their High Sequence Identity. Journal of Fungi. 2021
- Endocytosis of nutrient transporters in fungi: The ART of connecting signaling and trafficking. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. 2021
- Transcriptional responses of Candida glabrata biofilm cells to fluconazole are modulated by the carbon source. Npj Biofilms and Microbiomes. 2020
- Adapting to survive: How Candida overcomes host-imposed constraints during human colonization. PLoS Pathogens. 2020
- Carboxylic Acid Transporters in Candida Pathogenesis. Mbio. 2020
- Simultaneous co-localized super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and atomic force microscopy: combined SIM and AFM platform for the life sciences. Acta Cytologica. 2020
- The acetate uptake transporter family motif "NPAPLGL(M/S)" is essential for substrate uptake. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 2019
- The Role of Candida albicans Transcription Factor RLM1 in Response to Carbon Adaptation. Antibiotics. 2018
- The carboxylic acid transporters Jen1 and Jen2 affect the architecture and fluconazole susceptibility of Candida albicans biofilm in the presence of lactate. Antibiotics. 2017
- The a-Arrestin Bul1p Mediates Lactate Transporter Endocytosis in Response to Alkalinization and Distinct Physiological Signals. Journal of Molecular Biology. 2017
- Yeast as a tool to express sugar acid transporters with biotechnological interest. FEMS Yeast Research. 2017
- The Debaryomyces hansenii carboxylate transporters Jen1 homologues are functional in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEMS Yeast Research. 2015
- Candida glabrata susceptibility to antifungals and phagocytosis is modulated by acetate. Antibiotics. 2015
- Role of the DHH1 Gene in the Regulation of Monocarboxylic Acids Transporters Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Antibiotics. 2014
- Protective Ag:TiO2 thin films for pressure sensors in orthopedic prosthesis: The importance of composition, structural and morphological features on the biological response of the coatings. Journal of Materials Science. 2014
- A molecular switch on an arrestin-like protein relays glucose signaling to transporter endocytosis. Journal of Cell Biology. 2012
- Plasmids for in vivo construction of integrative Candida albicans vectors in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast. 2011
- Azo reductase activity of intact Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells is dependent on the Fre1p component of plasma membrane ferric reductase. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2005
- The disruption of JEN1 from Candida albicans impairs the transport of lactate. Molecular Membrane Biology. 2004
- Ady2p is essential for the acetate permease activity in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast. 2004
- Utilization of green fluorescent protein as a marker for studying the expression and turnover of the monocarboxylate permease Jen1p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biochemical Journal. 2002
- The putative monocarboxylate permeases of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae do not transport monocarboxylic acids across the plasma membrane. Yeast. 2001
- Remoção zimológica da acidez volátil e fixa de mostos e vinhos: da fisiologia à manipulação genética de leveduras 2000
- The lactate-proton symport of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is encoded by JEN1. Journal of Bacteriology. 1999
- The lactate-proton symport of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is encoded by JEN1. Journal of Bacteriology. 1999
- Transport of acetate in mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae defective in monocarboxylate permeases. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 1999
capítulo de livro
- O valor (in)estimável da Ciência Básica em tempo de pandemia 2020
- Metabolismo do intestino e sua regulação 2019
- Carboxylic Acids Plasma Membrane Transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2016
- Exploring Connexin-43 Dynamics: Yeast as a Model System 2024
- Using yeast to model phosphatidic acid-related pathways in lipid-mediated stress in Alzheimer's Disease pathogenesis 2024
- ATO transporters as essential elements of cellular function and homeostasis in Candida albicans pathogenesis. 2023
- Metabolic Induced Pathogenesis in Candida albicans: the role of ATO transporters and carboxylic acids 2023
- Book of abstracts of the III Symposium in Applied Biochemistry 2022
- III Symposium in Applied Biochemistry 2022
- Interactions of cytosolic termini of the Jen1 monocarboxylate transporter are critical for trafficking, transport activity and endocytosis 2021
- Development of molecular tools for expression and trafficking studies of the human monocarboxylate transporters 2021
- Presence of alternative carbon sources modulates Candida glabrata biofilm development on medical devices 2019
- Acetate assimilation is an integral part of Candida glabrata survival in the human host 2019
- Functional characterization of putative acetate transporters and channels in the human fungal pathogen Candida glabrata 2019
- Enabling simultaneous imaging of super-resolution fluorescence microscopy and scanning probe microscopy for the life sciences 2019
- Yeast as a biotechnological factory 2019
- Role of carboxylate transporters during carbon adaptation 2019
- Role of carboxylate transporters during carbon adaptation in Candida glabrata 2019
- Engineering of AceTr membrane transporters to improve organic acid production in yeast 2019
- Exploring plasma membrane transporters to improve organic acid production in yeast – Characterization and engineering 2019
- Adapting to survive: how Candida spp. respond to environmental physiological constraints 2018
- Investigation of human copper transporter proteins pore formation through number and brightness analysis 2018
- Unraveling the intracellular trafficking mechanism of monocarboxylate transporter 1 in mammalian cells 2018
- Functional characterization of the Human Copper Transporters hCTR1 and hCTR2 in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2018
- The Ady2 “NPAPLGL(M/S)” motif is critical for acetate uptake and binding 2018
- The role of Candida albicans transcription factor RLM1 in response to carbon adaptation 2018
- Adapting to survive: how Candida glabrata responds to environmental physiological constrains 2018
- Adapting to survive: how Candida glabrata responds to environmental physiological constraints 2018
- Functional analysis of the Human Copper Transporters using yeast as a host 2018
- Insights on signal-elicited endocytosis of yeast lactate transporters 2018
- Candida glabrata biofilm development on medical devices is modulated by the presence of alternative carbon sources 2017
- Metabolic plasticity as a strategy for virulence: participation of Candida albicans transcription factor RLM1 in host-pathogen interaction 2017
- Metabolic plasticity as a strategy for virulence: participation of Candida albicans transcription factor RLM1 in host-pathogen interaction. 2017
- Characterization of intracellular trafficking of nutrient transporters using combined fluorescence optical sectioning and nanomechanical mapping atomic force microscopy in mammalian cells. 2017
- A novel pathway for the endocytic regulation of Jen1 lactate transporter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2017
- Analysis of the intracellular traffic and turnover of yeast membrane transporters using a novel domain swap strategy 2017
- Candida glabrata biofilm development on medical devices is modulated by the presence of alternative carbon sources. 2017
- Global transcriptome characterization of Candida glabrata biofilms in response to acetate and fluconazole 2017
- Signals and mechanisms of endocytosis of eukaryotic lactate transporters 2017
- Impact of alternative carbon sources and antifungal treatment on Candida glabrata biofilms transcription profile 2016
- Heterologous expression of the Human Copper Transporters hCTR1 and hCTR2 in yeast for endocytic trafficking analysis 2016
- Impact of alternative carbon sources and antifungal treatment on Candida glabrata biofilms’ transcription profile 2016
- Yeast as a tool to express carboxylic acid transporters with biotechnological interest 2016
- Analysis of the intracellular traffic and turnover of yeast membrane transporters using a novel domain swap strategy. 2016
- Yeast as a tool to express carboxylic acid transporters with biotechnological interest. 2016
- Carboxylic acid transportes Jen1 and Jen2 affect Candida albicans biofilms’ formation and susceptibility to fluconazole 2016
- AMEC nas empresas: Experimentar ciência em contexto empresarial 2016
- Analysis of the intracellular traffic and turnover of yeast membrane transporters using a novel domain swap strategy 2016
- Carboxylic acid transportes Jen1 and Jen2 affect Candida albicans biofilms' formation and susceptibility to fluconazole 2016
- Lactic acid increases the susceptibility of Candida albicans to fluconazole 2016
- Study of intracellular trafficking of yeast monocarboxylate transporter Jen1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2015
- The study of the endocytic trafficking of the yeast monocarboxylate transporter Jen1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2015
- Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of yeast lactate and acetate transporters by a RNA helicase 2013
- BioCientistas de Palmo e Meio – Hands-on Science for Pre-schoolers at the Department of Biology of University of Minho. 2013
- "Science Festival" 2013
- "Science communication in a local journal: ECUM and Correio do Minho" 2013
- "Tertúlias FNACiência: the socialization of knowledge" 2013
- Biocientistas de palmo e meio at the Biology Department of the University of Minho 2013
- Tertúlias FNACiência: a socialização do conhecimento 2013
- BioCientistas de Palmo e Meio – Hands-on Science for Pre-schoolers at the Department of Biology of University of Minho 2013
- Intracellular Trafficking of MCT1-Tagged GFP. 2013
- Science from 3 to 11 - Experimental activities in Biology and Environment 2013
- The RNA helicase Dhh1 as a regulator of monocarboxylic acids transporters expression in yeast 2012
- A molecular switch on a yeast arrestin-like protein connects glucose signalling to ubiquitin-dependent transporter endocytosis 2012
- Subcellular Localizations of the Monocarboxylate Transporters MCT1 Tagged with Green Fluorescence Protein in Different Cancer Cell Lines 2012
- conversas com Ciência - Tertúlias FNACiência 2012
- Farmacologia: exercícios teórico práticos 2011
- A metabolic switch on a yeast arrestin connects glucose signaling to transporter endocytosis. 2011
- Screening for interactions with predicted soluble domains of the yeast lactate transporter JEN1 2011
- A metabolic switch on a yeast arrestin connects glucose signaling to transporter endocytosis 2011
- Connecting glucose signalling to ubiquitin-dependent transporter endocytosis: arrestin the culprit! 2011
- Discovery and initial characterization of members of the new YaaH family of microbial acetate transporters 2011
- Functional characterization of a Yarrowia lipolytica gene family coding for carboxylic acids permeases homologues 2011
- Pharmacology - Theoretical-practical exercises 2011
- Physiological systems: from theory to practice 2011
- Pinpointing intracelllar trafficking determinants in the Jen1 yeast lactate transporter by domain swap. 2011
- Pinpointing intracellular trafficking determinants in the Jen1 yeast lactate transporter by domain swap 2011
- Functional specialization and differential regulation of short chain carboxylic acid transporters in the pathogen Candida albicans 2009
- Jen1p mediated lactate transport in yeast colony development 2008
- Assessing the role of CaJEN2 dicarboxylate permease in fungal virulence. 2008
- Biologia Molecular, bloco 1: expressão genética: guião das aulas práticas 2007
- Glucose-regulated ubiquitylation of the Jen1 permease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2006
- Kljen1 and Kljen2 are essencial for the transport of monocarboxylic and dicarboxylic acids in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis 2006
- Glucose-regulated ubiquitylation of the Jen1 permease of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2005
- KLJEN1 and KLJEN2 are essencial for the transport of monocarboxylic and dicarboxylic acids in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. 2005
- Role of DHH1 gene in the regulation of monocarboxylic acid transporters expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2005
- A contribution for the identification of the azo reductase activity in intact yeast cells 2005
- Role of the component Fre1p of the plasma membrane ferric reductase on the azo reductase activity of intact Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells 2005
- Reductive biological treatment of textile effluents 2004
- A contribution for the identification of azo reductase activity in the intact yeast cells. 2004
- Ady2p is essential for the acetate permease activity in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2004
- The transcription of the monocarboxylic acid transporters JEN1 and ADY2 is downregulated by the gene DHH1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2004
- Is Saccharomyces cerevisiae azoreductase the plasma membrane ferric reductase? 2004
- A contribution for the identification of the azo reductase activity in intact yeast cells 2004
- Ady2p is essential for the acetate pemease activity in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae 2004
- The azoreductase of yeast cells: a new feature of an old enzyme 2004
- The disruption of JEN1 from Candida albicans impairs the transport of lactate 2004
- Molecular and physiological characterization of monocarboxylic acids permeases in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. 2003
- The disruption of JEN1 from Candida albicans impairs the transport of lactate. 2003
- Molecular and physiological characterization of mono- and dicarboxylic acids permeases in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis 2003
- Molecular and physiological characterization of mono- and dicarboxylic acids permeases in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. 2002
- The disruption of JEN1 from Candida albicans impairs the transport of lactate. 2002
- Catabolite inactivation of the lactate transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: ubiquitination, endocytosis and degradation in the vacuole. 2001
- Remoção Zimológica da acidez volátil e fixa de mostos e vinhos: da fisiologia à manipulação genética de leveduras. 2000
- Functional expression, quantitation and cellular localization of the Jen1 lactate transporter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae tagged with the green fluorescent protein. 2000
- Remoção zimológica da acidez volátil e fixa de mostos e vinhos: da fisiologia à manipulação genética de leveduras 2000
- Cloning of the genes involved on the lactate, acetate and malate transport in the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces. sp. 1999
- Genetic and functional analysis of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene JEN1 encoding the lactate permease. 1999
- JEN1, a gene coding for a monocarboxylate transporter in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 1998
- Transport of acetate in mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae defective in monocarboxylate permeases. 1998
- Role of the component Fre1p of the plasma membrane ferric reductase on the azo reductase activity of intact Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells
poster de conferência
- Insights on signal-elicited endocytosis of yeast lactate transporters 2018
- Candida glabrata biofilm development on medical devices is modulated by the presence of alternative carbon sources. 2017
- Signals and mechanisms of endocytosis of eukaryotic lactate transporters 2017
- Global transcriptome characterization of Candida glabrata biofilms in response to acetate and fluconazole 2017
- A novel pathway for the endocytic regulation of Jen1 lactate transporter of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2017
- Metabolic plasticity as a strategy for virulence: participation of Candida albicans transcription factor RLM1 in host-pathogen interaction 2017
- Characterization of intracellular trafficking of nutrient transporters using combined fluorescence optical sectioning and nanomechanical mapping atomic force microscopy in mammalian cells 2017
- Study of the human copper transporters hCtr1 and hCtr2 using a yeast host 2017
- Heterologous expression of the human Copper Transporters hCTR1 and hCTR2 in yeast for endocytic trafficking analysis 2016
- Analysis of the intracellular traffic and turnover of yeast membrane transporters using a novel domain swap strategy 2016
- Carboxylic acid transportes Jen1 and Jen2 affect Candida albicans biofilms' formation and susceptibility to fluconazole 2016
- The study of the endocytic trafficking of the yeast monocarboxylate transporter Jen1 from Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2015
- Reductive biological treatment of textile effluents 2004
- A contribution for the identification of the azo reductase activity in intact yeast cells 2004
- Ady2p is essential for the acetate pemease activity in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisae 2004
- The disruption of JEN1 from Candida albicans impairs the transport of lactate 2004
- Is Saccharomyces cerevisiae azoreductase the plasma membrane ferric reductase? 2004
- Molecular and physiological characterization of mono- and dicarboxylic acids permeases in the yeast Kluyveromyces lactis 2003
- Impact of alternative carbon sources on Candida pathogenesis 2018
- Identification and characterization of plasma membrane monocarboxylate transporters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albicans 2002
- Caracterização molecular de transportadores de ácidos monocarboxílicos em Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1998
- Mutagenesis on the araE gene encoding for Arabinose-H+ Symport Protein of Escherichia coli 1995