publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Infant head and brain segmentation from magnetic resonance images using fusion-based deep learning strategies. Multimedia Systems. 2024
- Design optimization of medical robotic systems based on task performance metrics: A feasibility study for robotic guided vascular laser treatments. Journal of Field Robotics. 2024
- A Wearable Monitoring Device for COVID-19 Biometric Symptoms Detection. Irbm. 2023
- Remote Monitoring System of Dynamic Compression Bracing to Correct Pectus Carinatum. Bioengineering. 2023
- A multi-task convolutional neural network for classification and segmentation of chronic venous disorders. Acta Cytologica. 2023
- Realistic 3D infant head surfaces augmentation to improve AI-based diagnosis of cranial deformities. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2022
- Study of the compression behavior of functionally graded lattice for customized cranial remodeling orthosis 2022
- A review of image processing methods for fetal head and brain analysis in ultrasound images. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2022
- Uma Laranja Mecânica: Brevíssimo apontamento jurídico-penal / A Clockwork Orange: A brief legal-criminal note . VOX IURIS. 2021
- Anthropometric Landmark Detection in 3D Head Surfaces using a Deep Learning Approach. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2020
- Assessment of electromagnetic tracking systems in a surgical environment using ultrasonography and ureteroscopy instruments for percutaneous renal access 2019
- O Internamento Compulsivo de Portadores de Doença Infecto-Contagiosa: Notas de andar e ver / The Compulsory Hospitalization of People with Infectious Diseases. Lex Medicinæ. 2013
artigo de conferência
- Exploring optical flow inclusion into nnU-Net framework for surgical instrument segmentation 2024
- Evaluating unsupervised optical flow for keypoint tracking in laparoscopic videos 2024
- Insertion of RFID tags into plastic parts using ultrasonic welding 2022
- Augmented Synthetic Dataset with Structured Light to Develop Ai-Based Methods for Breast Depth Estimation 2022
- Biosignal Databases for Training of Artificial Intelligent Systems 2022
- A Robotic and Game-Based Framework for Assisted Upper Limb Rehabilitation 2022
- 3D Facial Landmark Localization for cephalometric analysis 2022
- A deep learning method for kidney segmentation in 2D ultrasound images 2022
- A sensorized needle guide for ultrasound assisted breast biopsy 2022
- Analysis of Current Deep Learning Networks for Semantic Segmentation of Anatomical Structures in Laparoscopic Surgery 2022
- Classification of Chronic Venous Disorders using an Ensemble Optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks 2022
- Comparative Analysis of Current Deep Learning Networks for Breast Lesion Segmentation in Ultrasound Images. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2022
- Deep learning methods for lesion detection on mammography images: a comparative analysis 2022
- Ultrasound training simulator using augmented reality glasses: an accuracy and precision assessment study 2022
- Developing a medical training game for visual assessment of head deformities in infants 2021
- Exploring current communication frameworks for medical teleoperation 2021
- Violência, poder e decisão judicativa 2021
- Automatic left ventricular segmentation in 4D interventional ultrasound data using a patient-specific temporal synchronized shape prior 2019
- Semi-automatic aortic valve tract segmentation in 3D cardiac magnetic resonance images using shape-based B-spline Explicit Active Surfaces. Proceedings of SPIE. 2019
- A novel interventional guidance framework for transseptal puncture in left atrial interventions. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- Personalized dynamic phantom of the right and left ventricles based on patient-specific anatomy for echocardiography studies - Preliminary results. IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health. 2018
- Segmentation of kidney and renal collecting system on 3D computed tomography images. IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health. 2018
- Kidney segmentation in 3D CT images using B-Spline Explicit Active Surfaces. IEEE International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health. 2016
- A proof of concept of an augmented reality system for nuss surgery 2015
- Computer-aided recognition of dental implants in X-ray images 2015
- Fast left ventricle tracking in CMR images using localized anatomical affine optical flow. Proceedings of SPIE. 2015
- Improving the robustness of interventional 4D ultrasound segmentation through the use of personalized prior shape models 2015
- Robust temporal alignment of multimodal cardiac sequences 2015
- Cardiac motion and deformation estimation from tagged MRI sequences using a temporal coherent image registration framework 2013
- Fast fully automatic segmentation of the myocardium in 2D cine MR images 2013
artigo de revista
- Augmented Reality-Assisted Ultrasound Breast Biopsy. Bioengineering. 2023
- Characterization of the Workspace and Limits of Operation of Laser Treatments for Vascular Lesions of the Lower Limbs. Bioengineering. 2022
- Kidney Segmentation in 3-D Ultrasound Images Using a Fast Phase-Based Approach. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. 2021
- Semiautomatic Estimation of Device Size for Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion in 3-D TEE Images. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. 2019
- Assessment of aortic valve tract dynamics using automatic tracking of 3D transesophageal echocardiographic images. International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging. 2019
- Surface-based registration between CT and US for image-guided percutaneous renal access - A feasibility study. Medical Physics. 2019
- Fast Segmentation of the Left Atrial Appendage in 3-D Transesophageal Echocardiographic Images. IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control. 2018
- MITT: Medical Image Tracking Toolbox. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018
- Automated segmentation of the atrial region and fossa ovalis towards computer-aided planning of inter-atrial wall interventions. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2018
- A novel multi-atlas strategy with dense deformation field reconstruction for abdominal and thoracic multi-organ segmentation from computed tomography. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018
- Kidney segmentation in ultrasound, magnetic resonance and computed tomography images: A systematic review. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2018
- Validation of a Novel Software Tool for Automatic Aortic Annular Sizing in Three-Dimensional Transesophageal Echocardiographic Images. Journal of the American SocIETy of Echocardiography. 2018
- Development of a patient-specific atrial phantom model for planning and training of inter-atrial interventions. Medical Physics. 2017
- Fully automatic left ventricular myocardial strain estimation in 2D short-axis tagged magnetic resonance imaging. Physics in Medicine and Biology. 2017
- Fully automatic 3-D-TEE segmentation for the planning of transcatheter aortic valve implantation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2017
- A competitive strategy for atrial and aortic tract segmentation based on deformable models. European Journal of Operational Research. 2017
- Fast left ventricle tracking using localized anatomical affine optical flow. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 2017
- Automatic 3D aortic annulus sizing by computed tomography in the planning of transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Journal of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography. 2017
- Dense motion field estimation from myocardial boundary displacements. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering. 2016
- Fast automatic myocardial segmentation in 4D cine CMR datasets. European Journal of Operational Research. 2014
capítulo de livro
- Algumas considerações político-criminais a propósito da cibersegurança / Some political-criminal observations on cybersecurity 2023
- Ladrões de Conflitos. Sobre os Fundamentos da Justiça Restaurativa / Conflict Thieves. On the Foundations of Restorative Justice 2023
- Breve Apontamento Sobre a Violência e o Poder: Do Estado-corpo ao Estado-máquina / A Brief Note on Violence and Power: From the Body-State to the Machine-State 2022
- O Crime e a Cidade: A(s) arquitectura(s) da prevenção / Crime and the City: The architecture(s) of prevention 2022
- Estratégia de Combate à Corrupção: Breves notas sobre o Regime Geral e o Mecanismo de Combate à corrupção / Anti-Corruption Strategy: Brief Notes on the General Regime and the Anti-Corruption Mechanism 2021
- Violência, Poder e Decisão Judicativa / Violence, Power and Judicial Decision Making 2021
- Estado, não-Estado e contra-Estado: A(s) arquitectura(s) da exclusão / State, non-state and counter-state: The architecture(s) of exclusion 2020
- Identidade e Alteridade / Identity and Alterity 2019
- Deep Learning Networks for Breast Lesion Classification in Ultrasound Images: A Comparative Study 2023
- Prevenção, Policiamento e Segurança: Implicações no Direitos Humanos. I Congresso JusCrim / Prevention, Policing and Security: Implications on Human Rights. I JusCrim Congress 2022
- Um minuto de silêncio / One minute of silence 2019
- Automatic segmentation of the atrial region using a competitive deformable model approach 2018
- Semi-automatic segmentation of the left ventricular wall in computed tomographic images 2018
- Semi-automatic segmentation of both lumens in aortic dissection in CT images 2018
- Development of an atrial phantom model for planning and training of inter-atrial interventions 2018
- MITT - Medical Image Tracking Toolbox 2018
- Automatic identification of fossa ovalis in computed tomography imaging 2017
- Generation of Anatomical Models for Biomechanical Simulation of Transseptal Puncture 2016