publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Creativity as a topic in project management - A scoping review and directions for research. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 2024
- Implementing success management on government-to-government projects: an integrated perspective with the PMBOK guide. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 2024
- Linking information systems team resilience to project management success. Project Leadership and Society. 2023
- Digital transformation success in the public sector: A systematic literature review of cases, processes, and success factors. Information Polity. 2023
- Low-code Development Productivity. Queue. 2023
- DevOps adoption: Insights from a large European Telco. Cogent Engineering. 2022
- Ethical Standards for Information Systems Professionals - 30 Years After "A Case for a Unified Code". AIS Transactions on Replication Research. 2022
- Low-Code Versus Code-Based Software Development: Which Wins the Productivity Game?. It Professional. 2022
- Nimble.IT: an agile method for IT implantation 2021
- Software Development Models: Strengths & Limitations 2021
- Environmental management systems certification: Insights from Portuguese construction companies. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2016
- O impacto da exclusão digital na utilização potencial de um mercado eletrónico de serviços de cuidados de saúde e serviços sociais. RISTI: Revista Ibérica de Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. 2015
- An exploratory study on the influence of socio-demographic characteristics on water end uses inside buildings. Heredity. 2014
- Critical success aspects in project management: Similarities and differences between the construction and the software industry. Tehnicki Vjesnik. 2014
- Failures in software project management, are we alone? A comparison with the construction industry. Journal of Modern Project Management. 2014
- I-Competere: Using applied intelligence in search of competency gaps in software project managers. Information Systems Frontiers. 2014
- The Impact of the Digital Divide on the Perceived Interest of an e-Marketplace to Support Healthcare and Social Care Services. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Implementation of CRM systems in Portuguese Municipalities. Local Government Studies. 2013
- Motivations and results for CRM adoption in large companies in Portugal. Information Resources Management Journal. 2013
- An e-Marketplace of Healthcare and Social Care Services: The Perceived Interest. Information Processing Letters. 2012
- Contact center: Information systems design. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 2012
- Information systems outsourcing in major portuguese companies - Contracting services. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology. 2012
- Modelo para a avaliação do desempenho potencial de gestores de sistemas de informação. Interciencia. 2012
- Offshore outsourcing in large companies: Motivations and risks perceived. Afr. J. Bus. Manage.. 2012
- PLAYER-a European project and a game to foster entrepreneurship education for young people. Journal of Universal Computer Science. 2012
- Potential of virtual worlds for marketing tests of product prototypes. Journal of the Textile Institute. 2012
- Potential use of the theory of vulnerability in information systems. Information Resources Management Journal. 2012
- TV WPN: Programa de cálculo automático para análise da vulnerabilidade de redes de abastecimento de água. Águas & Resíduos. 2012
- The perceived potential of business social networking sites. International Journal of Web Portals. 2012
- Using simulation for enhanced accounting learning: A case study. International Journal of Distance Education Technologies. 2012
- Information Systems Outsourcing in Large Companies: Evidences from 20 Ireland Companies. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management (IJITPM). 2011
- Principais aspectos na avaliação do sucesso de projectos de desenvolvimento de software. Há alguma relação com o que é considerado noutras indústrias?. Interciencia. 2011
- Selecção de Sistemas CRM Utilizando AHP. TPA-Teoria e Prática em Administração. 2011
- A framework for the analysis of the potential performance of chief information officers. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2010
- Concept maps for the modelling of controlled flexibility in software processes. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems. 2010
- Contribution for the vulnerability assessment of water pipe network systems. WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics. 2010
- Goals and requirements for supporting controlled flexibility in software processes. Information Resources Management Journal. 2010
- ICT effect on supply chain performance: An empirical approach on spanish and portuguese large companies,El papel de las tic en el rendimiento de las cadenas de suministro: El caso de las grandes empresas de españa y portugal. Universia Business Review. 2010
- IT professionals: An iberian snapshot. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals. 2010
- Investigação em sistemas de informação organizacionais em Portugal: caracterização do período de 2004 a 2007. Encontros Bibli: Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação. 2010
- Methodology to evaluate the risk of vulnerable failure scenarios in a water pipe network. WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies. 2010
- Realidade aumentada e ubiquidade na educação. IEEE Revista Iberoamericana de Tecnologias del Aprendizaje. 2010
- The attributes and advantages of virtual worlds for real world training. The Journal of Virtual Worlds and Education. 2010
- Ubiquitous System for Events Promotion. Communications of the IBIMA. 2010
- Using the semantic web to define a language for modelling controlled flexibility in software processes. IET Software. 2010
- A practitioners roadmap to learning the available tools for Information System Function management. International Journal of Teaching and Case Studies. 2009
- Chief Information Officer’s activities and skills in Portuguese large companies. Communications of the IBIMA. 2009
- Implementação de um sistema de informação para a gestão da qualidade: caso de estudo de uma IPSS portuguesa. Revista ADMpg - gestão estratégica. 2009
- Information systems services outsourcing reality in large Portuguese organisations. International Journal of Business Information Systems. 2009
- Modelling and learning controlled flexibility in software processes. International Journal of Knowledge and Learning. 2009
- Instrumentos para a sistematização da identificação de requisitos em projectos de implementação de ERP em pequenas empresas. Revista ADMpg - gestão estratégica. 2008
- Modelo das iniciativas de comércio electrónico em organizações portuguesas. Interciencia. 2008
- v-Inform–Sistema automático de informação dirigida para o Second Life®. Tékhne-Revista de Estudos Politécnicos. 2008
- Gestão de Sistemas de Informação: Uma Abordagem Arquitectural. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 1999
artigo de conferência
- Ethics and Deontology in Information Systems–Evolution of Professional Codes 2023
- Towards an Agile Information Systems Development Process Model 2023
- Vantagens e Desvantagens do Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação com Tecnologias Low-Code–Uma Revisão de Literatura 2023
- Digital Transformation: Concepts and Perspectives 2022
- Influencers of ethical decision making in technologies and information systems - A literature review 2021
- Adoption and impact of management standards - Position paper 2021
- Fatores de Sucesso dos Projetos de Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação em Instituições Públicas em Portugal 2021
- Impacto do Trabalho Remoto nos Projetos de Implantação de TI: Uma Reflexão Sobre o Estado da Arte e Oportunidades de Investigação 2021
- Implementing Success Management and PRINCE2 in a BPM Public Project 2021
- Process Mining for IS Project Success Factors Management: A proposal 2021
- The adoption of big data technologies - A challenge for national statistics offices 2021
- IS Project Management Success in Developing Countries. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 2020
- Gestão do Sucesso em Projetos de Sistemas de Informação - trabalho em progresso 2020
- IT Project Management Critical Success Factors. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Success Management in Information Systems Projects 2020
- Alterações em projetos de tecnologias e sistemas de informação - Conceitos fundamentais 2019
- Blockchain based E-voting system: A proposal 2019
- CIOCB: A framework of competences for the Chief Information Officer - Preliminary study. Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- Contributos para a otimização da gestão do sucesso em projetos através de práticas de gestão do conhecimento - Research-in-progress 2019
- DevOps - Fundamentos e perspetivas 2019
- Integration of success management into project management guides and methodologies - Position paper. Procedia Computer Science. 2019
- Integração da gestão do sucesso na EU PM2 2019
- Mapeamento multimodal de conteúdos programáticos com recurso a ferramentas digitais: experiências de uma comunidade de prática 2019
- Performance Evaluation in IST Projects: A Case Study. Lecture Notes in Information Systems and Organisation. 2019
- Sucesso dos projetos de desenvolvimento de software em Portugal - Resultados preliminares 2019
- Success factors of information technology and information systems projects - A literature review. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2018
- Avaliação do desempenho em projetos de TSI: Estudo de caso em contexto académico 2018
- Do CRM ao CzRM - conceitos fundamentais. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2018
- Fatores influenciadores do sucesso da implementação de sistemas CRM - uma revisão de literatura. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2018
- Implementing Success Management in an IT project. Procedia Computer Science. 2018
- Leading information systems academic teams to high performance 2018
- Wagnild and Youngs's resilience scale validation for IS students. Procedia Computer Science. 2018
- Motivations for high performance teams of information systems projects. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2017
- Avaliação Holística do Desempenho Potencial do Gestor de Sistemas de Informação. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2017
- Avaliação do desempenho Potencial do Gestor de Sistemas de Informação com base na experiência, formação e características pessoais. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2017
- Data exchange format requirements and analysis collaboration in PCB design. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2017
- FTSI - A Web platform for the characterization of the higher education in information systems in Portugal,FTSI - uma plataforma Web para a caraterização da oferta de ensino superior em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação em Portugal. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2017
- IT/IS Outsourcing in Large Companies - Motivations and Risks. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Impactos da IoT na gestão de projetos de tecnologias e sistemas de informação. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2017
- Rule ontology for automatic design verification application to PCB manufacturing and assembly. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2017
- The Temporal Dimension of Business Processes - Dealing with Time Constraints. Procedia Computer Science. 2017
- Who can assess HR performance in IT/IS projects: A review. AI Communications. 2017
- Information Systems students' perceptions on leading teams to high performance: A pilot study 2016
- Evaluation of is project success in infsysmakers: An exploratory case study 2016
- Fatores de sucesso da gestão de projetos de CRM - Uma revisão de literatura. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2016
- Main Motivations for CRM Adoption by Large Portuguese companies - A Principal Component Analysis. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Project Management Office Models - A Review. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Success Management as a PM Knowledge Area - Work-in-Progress. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Aggregating community resources ofcare and assistance servicesfor the elderly population 2015
- Cooperation Networks in the Tourism Sector: Multiplication of Business Opportunities. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Identifying Useful Actions to Improve Team Resilience in Information Systems Projects. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- Outsourcing de serviços de sistemas de informação na banca em Portugal 2015
- PMO as a Key Ingredient of Public Sector Projects' Success - Position Paper. Procedia Computer Science. 2015
- What team members perceive as important to achieve high performance : an exploratory case study. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Project management success in health: the need of additional research in public health projects. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Diffusion of innovation simulation using an evolutionary Algorithm 2013
- Motivations for the adption of ERP and CRM systems: a comparative analysis 2013
- Project management success I-C-E model: a work in progress 2013
- Collaborative risk management in software projects 2012
- Diffusion of innovation in organizations: Simulation using evolutionary computation 2012
- Proposal of an Information System to Support Risk Management – The Case of the Portuguese Hospital Center CHTMAD 2012
- Technology Enhanced Learning in Accounting: Simulator of Personal Income Tax Retained by Companies 2012
- Enterprise simulation: A case study 2011
- Simulation technology for enhanced learning: VAT simulator for portuguese accounting Students 2011
- Simulation, games and challenges: From schools to enterprises 2011
- "Digital Projects": A reflection and bridges to the future: Digital local agenda 2010
- A model for cooperation networks: Promoting information share 2010
- A survey of adult education campi in second life 2010
- Agenda Digital Local: um caso português 2010
- CSCW and information systems planning 2010
- Customer Relationship Management Systems - Why Many Large Companies Do Not Have Them? 2010
- Customer relationship management systems - Reasons why many municipalities do not have them 2010
- Increasing the quality of water pipe network systems by tracing the vulnerability 2010
- Insights on critical management aspects in construction projects - Evidences from large Portuguese companies 2010
- Potentiate business opportunities into network: Conceptual model for networks of inter-organizational cooperation 2010
- Proposal of a web information system to support cooperation networks: A functional architecture to share business opportunities 2010
- Quality management: Concepts and approaches for software projects 2010
- SME managers' most important entrepreneurship and business competences 2010
- Simulation - Concepts and applications 2010
- Simulation in information systems: Potential of the vulnerability theory 2010
- Sistema de gestão de parques de rua baseado em GPS 2010
- Caracterização de soluções de comércio electrónico B2B 2009
- Contact center's information systems project management framework: a focus group study 2009
- Deriving goals for a Software Process Modelling Language to support controlled flexibility 2009
- Events promotion: An e-business solution 2009
- FlexSPMF: A framework for modelling and learning flexibility in software processes 2009
- Gestão de Projectos de Sistemas de Informação para Contact Centers 2009
- Gestão de projectos de desenvolvimento de software - actividades determinantes no âmbito da gestão da qualidade 2009
- Gestão do risco no âmbito da gestão de projectos 2009
- Information Systems Architecture Frameworks: A review 2009
- LBES: Location Based E-commerce System 2009
- LBES:Location-Based E-Commerce System 2009
- Potential of CRM adoption on Municipalities 2009
- Principais causas de atrasos do plano de trabalho de uma obra de construção civil 2009
- Referenciais de Arquitecturas de Sistemas de Informação 2009
- Software projects' most important activities of quality management: A delphi study 2009
- TISM: A Tool for Information Systems Management 2009
- Virtual Learning for the management of successful SMEs in Europe 2009
- eMarketplace social - proposta de um modelo funcional 2009
- A Two-Step Approach for Modelling Flexibility in Software Processes 2008
- A pervasive nutritional monitoring and advise system - NutriMe 2008
- An e-vortal for the portuguese baking industry - Requirements model 2008
- Avaliação de Soluções de Comércio Electrónico no sector do Turismo em Portugal 2008
- Avaliações de soluções de comércio electrónico no âmbito das livrarias online 2008
- Biggest barriers to effectiveness in CIO role in large portuguese companies 2008
- Caracterização de soluções de comércio electrónico B2C 2008
- Characterization of B2C e-commerce solutions 2008
- Despensa inteligente: arquitectura e protótipo para a integração com sistemas de comércio electrónico 2008
- E-vortal development framework for the Portuguese baking industry 2008
- Especificação UML de plataforma de comércio electrónico B2C–modelo de classes 2008
- Information Systems Function: activities, resources and influencing factors 2008
- Modelo de funcionalidades para portais web de observatórios - o caso do observatório de tecnologias e sistemas de informação 2008
- Particularidades dos diferentes tipos de projectos de desenvolvimento de software 2008
- PortalTSI - Portal de Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação - especificação do front-end recorrendo a use cases 2008
- PortalTSI - Information Systems and Technologies Portal: Specification of the back-end using use-cases,PortalTSI - Portal de Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação: Especificação do back-end recorrendo a use-cases 2008
- Smart pantry: Specification of a management system using UML 2008
- Software tools used by the CIO in large Portuguese companies 2008
- Tools for the information system function management: A roadmap 2008
- UML specification of B2C electronic-commerce platform - Class models,Especificação UML de plataforma de comércio electrónico B2C - Modelo de classes 2008
- A Flexible perspective for sofware processes : Supporting flexibility in the software process engineering metamodel 2007
- Caracterização dos Elementos Fundamentais de uma Solução E-Vortal para o Sector da Panificação em Portugal 2007
- Departamento de tecnologias e sistemas de informação: A realidade nas grandes empresas portuguesas 2007
- Especificação de uma Aplicação para a Criação e Manutenção de Currículos Vitae usando técnicas UML 2007
- Estudo de Soluções Internet para o sector da Panificação: a situação em Portugal 2007
- Factores chave dos projectos de sistemas de informação de contact centers: research design 2007
- Factores de entrada para o Comércio Electrónico em Organizações Portuguesas 2007
- FlexUML: A UML profile for flexible process modeling 2007
- Information systems and technology adoption by the Portuguese large companies 2007
- Motivation inherent in the adoption of technologies and information systems in major Portuguese companies 2007
- Novos desafios e oportunidades de investigação na área da Gestão de Projectos de Desenvolvimento de Sistemas de Informação 2007
- Os papéis do gestor de Sistemas de Informação 2007
- Portais Web: enquadramento conceptual 2007
- PortalTSI - Portal de tecnologias e sistemas de informação 2007
- Potenciar a Cooperação Interorganizacional: uma perspectiva baseada nas Tecnologias de Informação 2007
- Problemas e desafios nos Contact Centers 2007
- Smart pantry: architectures for integration with e-commerce systems 2007
- Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação para a Indústria da Panificação e Pastelaria 2007
- Modelo explicativo das iniciativas de comércio electrónico em organizações portuguesas 2006
artigo de revista
- ISO 21500 and success management: an integrated model for project management. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 2022
- Reach for the sky: analysis of behavioral competencies linked to project success. International Journal of Managing Projects in Business. 2022
- A Framework of Information Systems Development Concepts. Business Systems Research. 2022
- Lack of Awareness of IT Adoption and Use Theories by IT/IS Project Managers: Poor Relevance, Unfocused Research or Deficient Education?. Information (Switzerland). 2022
- Models and methods for information systems project success evaluation – A review and directions for research. Heliyon. 2022
- Multi-criteria model for selecting project managers in the public sector. International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences. 2022
- Project Management Processes - Impact on the Success of Information Systems Projects. Informatica. 2022
- Success Management - From theory to practice. International Journal of Project Management. 2022
- Evaluation of Information Systems Project Success - Insights from Practitioners. Information Systems Management. 2021
- Information systems project team members: factors for high performance. TMQ: Techniques, Methodologies and Quality. 2021
- ISRI - Information Systems Research Constructs and Indicators: A Web Tool for Information Systems Researchers. Journal of Information Science Theory and Practice. 2021
- Information systems project management success. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management. 2021
- Software Development in Disruptive Times. Communications of the ACM. 2021
- Team Resilience Model: An Empirical Examination of Information Systems Projects. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2021
- A new approach for improving work distribution in business processes supported by BPMS. Business Process Management Journal. 2020
- Most used project management tools and techniques in information systems projects. Journal of Systems and Information Technology. 2020
- Project Management in Public Health: A Systematic Literature Review on Success Criteria and Factors. Portuguese Journal of Public Health. 2020
- The factors influencing the success of on-going agile software development projects. International Journal of Project Management. 2020
- Evaluation of Business Intelligence Projects Success - a Case Study. Business Systems Research. 2019
- Information systems project teams: factors for high performance. Team Performance Management. 2019
- Key competences of information systems project managers. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management. 2019
- The temporal dimension of business processes: Requirements and challenges. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology. 2019
- A new process for success management bringing order to a typically ad-hoc area. Journal of Modern Project Management. 2018
- Main CIO's activities - Evidences from a Delphi survey using Q-sort. International Journal of Business Innovation and Research. 2018
- The many facets of information systems (+projects) success. International Journal of Information Systems and Project Management. 2018
- ISO 21500:2012 and PMBoK 5 processes in information systems project management. Computer Standards & Interfaces. 2017
- ISOPM: Framework for IT/IS outsourcing project management. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems. 2017
- Performance appraisal approaches and methods for IT/IS projects: A review. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals. 2017
- An exploratory study on the influencers of the perceived relevance of CIO's activities. International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems. 2016
- High Performance Teams: Do Perceptions and Reality Match?. International Journal of Information Technology Project Management. 2016
- Influence of firm size on the adoption of enterprise information systems: Insights from Iberian firms. International Journal of Information Technology and Management. 2015
- Using integrated information systems in supply chain management. Enterprise Information Systems. 2015
- Academics perception towards various water reuse options: University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto-Douro - UTAD Campus (Portugal) as a case study. Urban Water Journal. 2014
- Balancing european SME managers - training contents : perceived importance & training needs. Business Systems Research. 2014
- Information architecture for is function: A case study. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology Professionals. 2014
- Information technology supporting healthcare and social care services: An e-marketplace case study. Journal of Information Technology Research. 2014
- CF4BPMN: A BPMN Extension for Controlled Flexibility in Business Processes. International Journal of Healthcare Information Systems and Informatics. 2013
- Success evaluation factors in construction project management - some evidence from medium and large Portuguese companies. Ksce Journal of Civil Engineering. 2013
- Using AHP and the IPMA Competence Baseline in the project managers selection process. International Journal of Production Research. 2013
- A new tool to assess water pipe networks vulnerability and robustness. Engineering Failure Analysis. 2011
capítulo de livro
- ISOPM: Framework for IT/IS outsourcing project management 2020
- CMMI implementation and results: The case of a software company 2015
- Tecnologias e sistemas de informação em entidades hospitalares: dois casos de hospitais portugueses 2014
- E-government simulation tool for accounting education: Personal income tax simulator 2013
- Engenharia Social (ou o carneiro que afinal era um lobo) 2013
- Enterprise information systems adoption in Iberian large companies: Motivations and trends 2013
- Função Sistemas de Informação nas organizações: realidade, desafios e oportunidades do uso de arquiteturas empresariais 2013
- Information systems outsourcing in large companies: Evidences from 20 Ireland companies 2013
- Results of CRM adoption in large companies in Portugal 2013
- PLAYER: A european challenge game to discover young entrepreneurs 2012
- The use of customer relationship management software in meta-enterprises for virtual enterprise integration 2012
- Contact Centers: Tool for Effective E-Business 2011
- Enterprise Information Systems Adoption in Iberian Large Companies: Motivations and Trends 2011
- Location based e-commerce system: An architecture 2011
- Model of funcionalities for the development of B2B e-commerce solutions 2011
- Motivations and trends for IT/IS adoption: Insights from Portuguese companies 2009
- Gestão de Projetos de Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação: Investigação realizada em Portugal no Período 1998-2022 (dataset dos artigos selecionados). 2023
- Digital Transformation Canvas ® 2021
- Success Canvas / Project Management Success Map 2021
- Book of industry papers, poster papers and abstracts of the CENTERIS 2015 - Conference on Enterprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2015 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2015 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2015
- CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist 2015 - Procedia Computer Science 2015
- Improving organizational effectiveness with enterprise information systems 2015
- Póster: Ensino das tecnologias e sistemas de informação e comunicação em Portugal - breve contributo para reflexão 2015
- Book of industry papers, poster papers and abstracts of the CENTERIS 2014 - Conference on Enterprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2014 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2014 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2014
- CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist 2014 2014
- Handbook of Research on Enterprise 2.0: Technological, Social, and Organizational Dimensions 2014
- Book of industry papers, poster papers and abstracts of the CENTERIS 2013 - Conference on Enterprise Information Systems / ProjMAN 2013 - International Conference on Project MANagement / HCist 2013 - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2013
- CENTERIS/ProjMAN/HCist 2013 2013
- Sociotechnical enterprise information systems design and integration 2013
- healthRisk IS: risk management information system for healthcare institutions (poster) 2013
- Book of Abstracts of CENTERIS/CIST 2012 – Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems 2012
- CENTERIS/HCist 2012 2012
- Adopção de sistemas CRM nas grandes empresas portuguesas 2011
- Book of Abstracts of CENTERIS 2011 – Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems 2011
- Communications in Computer and Information Science - Part I 2011
- Communications in Computer and Information Science - Part II 2011
- Communications in Computer and Information Science - Part III 2011
- Implementação de sistemas CRM em municípios Portugueses 2011
- Management of a Software Development Project - A case study (extended absctract) 2011
- O gestor de sistemas de informação nas grandes empresas portuguesas 2011
- Outsourcing de serviços de sistemas de informação na banca em Portugal 2011
- Proposta de análise das dinâmicas de transferência de conhecimento entre especialistas tecnológicos e formadores (poster) 2011
- Risco de cenários de dano vulneráveis de redes de abastecimento de água 2011
- Risk management in Software Project Development: Potential of simulation (extended abstract) 2011
- Virtual Learning for the management of successful SMEs (poster) 2011
- Adopção de tecnologias e sistemas de informação em entidades hospitalares-estudo do caso de um hospital português 2010
- Aspectos que mais influenciam o sucesso de projectos de saneamento básico (poster) 2010
- Book of Abstracts of CENTERIS 2010 – Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems 2010
- Certification of construction firms in Portugal - Motivations versus results and implementation difficulties of the Quality Management System ISO 9001 2010
- E-business issues, challenges and opportunities for SMEs: Driving competitiveness 2010
- ENTERprise Information Systems, Part II 2010
- FISAC - Framework for IS Adoption Chracterization (extended abstract) 2010
- ICT effect on supply chain performance: an investigation in Iberian large firms (extended abstract) 2010
- Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2010 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems 2010
- Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2010 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems - Part I 2010
- Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2010 - Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems - Part II 2010
- Sistemas de abastecimento de água: avaliação da vulnerabilidade 2010
- The Enterprise 2.0 concept: Challenges on data and information security 2010
- 96% das empresas portuguesas recorre ao outsourcing 2009
- A certificação das empresas de construção civil no distrito de Braga - Principais motivações e dificuldades de implementação do SGQ ISO 9001 2009
- Actividades do Gestor de Sistemas de Informação 2009
- Business simulator in the Second Life virtual world (extended abstract) 2009
- Eficácia do gestor é crucial na gestão de projectos 2009
- Encerramento do projecto na gestão de projectos 2009
- Gestão de aquisições na gestão de projectos 2009
- Gestão do risco na gestão de projectos 2009
- Gestão dos recursos humanos na gestão de projectos 2009
- Introdução à Teoria da Vulnerabilidade das Redes Hidráulicas de Abastecimento de Água (TVRHAA) 2009
- NutriMe - Nutritional monitoring and advising system for health care support (poster) 2009
- PAIS - Prosthesis Auto-Identification System (poster) 2009
- Proceedings of the CENTERIS 2009 – Conference on ENTERprise Information Systems 2009
- Profile of the SME manager-Competences defining the profile of the European entrepreneur (extended abstract) 2009
- Ranking de actividades na gestão de projectos 2009
- Sucesso de um projecto na gestão de projectos 2009
- Análise à gestão de projectos de desenvolvimento de software em grandes empresas portuguesas 2008
- Avaliação de Soluções de Comércio Electrónico no Sector das Livrarias Digitais em Portugal (poster) 2008
- Caracterização de Soluções de Comércio Electrónico B2B (poster) 2008
- Gestão do custo na gestão de projectos 2008
- Gestão do tempo na gestão de projectos 2008
- Gestão do âmbito na gestão de projectos 2008
- O papel do CIO nas grandes empresas portuguesas 2008
- Outsourcing de sistemas de informação nas empresas nacionais 2008
- Processos gerais usados na gestão de projectos 2008
- Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação nas grandes empresas portuguesas (opinião de...) 2008
- PortalTSI - Portal de Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação (poster) 2007
- TI nas empresas nacionais 2007
- TI nas empresas nacionais: Competências das equipas de TI 2007
- TI nas empresas nacionais: Importância das TI na produtividade das empresas 2007
- TI nas empresas nacionais: Papel das TI e Outsourcing 2007
- TI nas empresas nacionais: Papel e perfil dos CIOs 2007
- Call Center e Contact Center: Perspectivação histórica e enquadramento conceptual 2006
- Gestão da função de sistemas de informação 2006
- Outsourcing de Serviços de Sistemas de Informação: motivações e riscos 2006
- Modelo Explicativo das Iniciativas de Comércio Electrónico 2005
- Processos de obtenção de serviços de sistemas de informação 2005
- Breve apresentação da abordagem Grounded Theory no contexto da investigação em Sistemas de Informação 2004
- O comércio electrónico 2003
- Caracterização conceptual do outsourcing de serviços de sistemas de informação 2002
- O Domínio da Gestão de Sistemas de Informação 2000
- Enquadramento da Arquitectura da Gestão de Sistemas de Informação no processo de obtenção de serviços de Sistemas de Informação (poster) 1999
- Automatic verification of design rules in PCB manufacturing 2018
- Improving work allocation practices in business processes supported by BPMS 2018
- Foundations for a mobile context-aware advertising system 2011
- Framework for collaborative 3D urban environments 2011
- A review of chief information officer' main skills 2010
- Planeamento de Sistemas de Informação, 4th ed. 2007
- A Arquitectura da Gestão de Serviços de Sistemas de Informação, 3rd ed. 2005
- Planeamento de Sistemas de Informação, 3rd ed. 2002
- A Arquitectura da Gestão de Serviços de Sistemas de Informação, 2nd ed. 2001
- Outsourcing de Serviços de Sistemas de Informação 2001
- Planeamento de Sistemas de Informação, 1st ed. 2000
- Planeamento de Sistemas de Informação, 2nd ed. 2000
- A Arquitectura da Gestão de Serviços de Sistemas de Informação, 1st ed. 1998