publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Comprehensive Experimental Study of Biomass Conversion Behavior: From Particle Phenomena to Reactor Scale. Energies. 2024
- Enhancing Social Health through Community Integration: Implementing Social Prescribing in Guimarães, Portugal. Journal of Family Medicine and Community Health. 2024
- Energy Poverty and Its Indicators: A Multidimensional Framework from Literature. Energies. 2024
- Measurement of real-time pressures during semisolid materials extrusion-based 3D printing. Additive Manufacturing. 2024
- Advances in Microfluidic Systems and Numerical Modeling in Biomedical Applications: A Review. Micromachines. 2024
- Heat transfer and fluid dynamics of a single jet impingement – An experimental and numerical approach. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2024
- Improving the Hydrodynamic Performance of Underwater Tags for Blue Shark Monitoring. Inventions. 2024
- Green Hydrogen Value Chain: Modelling of a PV Power Plant Integrated with H2 Production for Industry Application. Energies. 2024
- Intelligent In situ Printing of Multimaterial Bioinks for First-Aid Wound Care Guided by Eye-In-Hand Robot Technology. Advanced Materials Technologies. 2024
- A novel and sustainable PDMS transparent face mask combined with textile fabrics to protect against viruses and particles. Materials Science and Engineering: A. 2024
- A study of ICT access and use by elders from a gender perspective - a case study in Portugal. Procedia Computer Science. 2024
- Advancing Blood-Brain Barrier-on-a-chip models through numerical simulations: A review. BioChip. 2024
- Challenges in the digital transaction of an order picking system of an after-sale auto repair shop. Procedia Computer Science. 2024
- Development of a CFD Model to Study the Fundamental Phenomena Associated with Biomass Combustion in a Grate-fired Boiler. Computers & Fluids. 2024
- Numerical evaluation and experimental validation of fluid flow behavior within an organ-on-a-chip model. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2024
- Synergistic effect of hypoxic conditioning and cell-tethering colloidal gels enhanced productivity of MSC paracrine factors and accelerated vessel regeneration. Advanced Materials. 2024
- Thermogravimetric Analysis and Kinetic Evaluation of the Combustion of Forestry Residues. Powder Technology. 2024
- A Review of Biomass Thermal Analysis, Kinetics and Product Distribution for Combustion Modeling: From the Micro to Macro Perspective. Energies. 2023
- Flow dynamics and heat transfer characterization of confined multiple jets impinging on a complex surface. Experiments in Fluids. 2023
- Characterization of the physicochemical and thermal properties of different forest residues. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2023
- Convection from multiple air jet impingement - A review. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2023
- Development of tools to support the production planning in a textile company. Procedia Computer Science. 2023
- Editorial for the Special Issue on Micro/Nanofluidic and Lab-on-a-Chip Devices for Biomedical Applications. Micromachines. 2022
- Dashboard for the Management and Acceptance of Customer Orders. Business Systems Research. 2022
- PIV analysis of confined multiple jets impinging on a step surface. Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics. 2022
- Project-Based Learning in a Mechanical Engineering Course: A new proposal based on student's views. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering Education. 2022
- 2D PIV analysis of the flow dynamics of multiple jets impinging on a complex moving plate. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2022
- A Study of Version Control System in Software Development Management concerning PLC Environments 2022
- Numerical Modeling of the Wave Soldering Process and Experimental Validation. Journal of Electronic Packaging. 2022
- Occupational Safety & Ergonomics training of Future Industrial Engineers: a Project-Based Learning Approach. Procedia Computer Science. 2022
- Prediction of Solder Joint Reliability with Applied Acrylic Conformal Coating. Journal of Electronic Materials. 2022
- The Effect of Acrylic Conformal Coating in the Reliability of Solder Joints. IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. 2022
- Polydimethylsiloxane mechanical properties: A systematic review. AIMS Materials Science. 2021
- Analysis and monitoring of the combustion performance in a biomass power plant. Cleaner Engineering and Technology. 2021
- Experimental measurements of the shear force on surface mount components simulating the wave soldering process. Soldering & Surface Mount Technology. 2021
- Application of a cost-benefit model to evaluate the investment viability of the small-scale cogeneration systems in the portuguese context. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management. 2021
- Experimental procedure to validate the numerical simulation of the wave soldering process. Journal of Electronic Packaging. 2021
- Sawdust drying process in a large-scale pellets facility: An energy and exergy analysis. Cleaner Environmental Systems. 2021
- In vitro Biomodels in Stenotic Arteries to Perform Blood Analogues Flow Visualizations and Measurements: A Review. Open Biomedical Engineering Journal. 2020
- Multi-Objective Optimization of Solar Thermal Systems Applied to Portuguese Dwellings. Energies. 2020
- Measurement Errors and Uncertainty Quantification of a 2D-PIV Experimental Setup for Jet Flow Characterization. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems. Part B: Mechanical Engineering. 2020
- Hemodynamic study in 3D printed stenotic coronary artery models: experimental validation and transient simulation. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2020
- Modeling Blood Pulsatile Turbulent Flow in Stenotic Coronary Arteries. International Journal of Biology and Biomedical Engineering. 2020
- Influence of Plate Orifice in the Pre-Mixing of Gas-Powered Water Heaters. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Thermal Conversion of Pine Wood and Kinetic Analysis under Oxidative and Non-Oxidative Environments at Low Heating Rate. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Fluid–Structure Interaction study of carotid blood flow: Comparison between viscosity models. European Journal of Mechanics B-Fluids. 2020
- Assessment of the Stirling engine performance comparing two renewable energy sources: Solar energy and biomass. Renewable Energy. 2020
- Influence of Operating Conditions on the Thermal Behavior and Kinetics of Pine Wood Particles Using Thermogravimetric Analysis. Energies. 2020
- Experimental and numerical analysis of the influence of the nozzle-to-plate distance in a jet impingement process. International Journal of Applied Thermodynamics. 2020
- CFD Prediction of Multiple Jet Impingement in a Reflow Soldering Process. Transactions on Engineering Technologies. 2019
- Combustion Modelling of a 20 kW Pellet Boiler. Volume 6B: Energy. 2018
- Study of Devolatilization Rates of Pine Wood and Mass Loss of Wood Pellets. Volume 6: Energy. 2018
- Thermal-economic optimisation of a CHP gas turbine system by applying a fit-problem genetic algorithm. International Journal of Sustainable Energy. 2018
- CFD Modeling of Combustion in Biomass Furnace. Energy Procedia. 2017
- SPACE CHAMBER DEVICES IN VITRO PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AT CONSTANT FLOW. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery. 2016
- Abstracts: Drug Delivery to the Lungs 25 Abstracts. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery. 2015
- Thermal comfort assessment of a surgical room through computational fluid dynamics using local PMV index. WORK. 2015
- VHC PERFORMANCE EVALUATION AT CONSTANT FLOW. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery. 2015
- Technical-economic evaluation of a cogeneration technology considering carbon emission savings. International Journal of Sustainable Energy Planning and Management. 2014
- Thermal Analysis and Cost Estimation of Stirling Cycle Engine. WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems. 2014
- DEVELOPMENT AND OPTIMIZATION OF A SMALL SCALE PELLET BURNER. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 2013
- Avaliação do desempenho de três câmaras de expansão 2012
- Evaluation of the performance of three spacers | Avaliação do Desempenho de Três Câmaras de Expansão. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2012
- Produtos e destinos: A recuperação do artesanato do IMA (Minho). Revista Turismo & Desenvolvimento. 2012
- Thermo-economic optimization of CHP systems : from large to small scale applications. International Journal of Engineering and Industrial Management. 2011
- The effect of oscillations on the flow patterns near a simulated bed. Coastal Engineering. 2010
- Design and development of a new valve geometry for spacer devices. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 2010
- Physical Characterization of Estuarine Sediments in the Northern Coast of Portugal. Journal of Coastal Research. 2010
- Study and development of spacers for pressurized inhaler devices: A project review. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings. 2010
- Study of a Pressurized Metered-dose Inhaler Spray Parameters in Fluent (TM). INTERNATIONAL MULTICONFERENCE OF ENGINEERS AND COMPUTER SCIENTISTS (IMECS), VOLS I-III. 2010
- Teaching differential equations in different environments: A first approach. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 2010
- Estudo do conforto térmico: caso de estudo aplicado ao produto. Revista Ceset: Conforto, Eficiência e Segurança no Trabalho. 2009
- Experiments in a large-scale venturi scrubber Part I: Pressure drop. Chemical Engineering and Processing. 2009
- Experiments in large scale venturi scrubber. Part II. Droplet size. Chemical Engineering and Processing. 2009
- Application of laser anemometry for measuring critical bed shear stress of sediment core samples. Continental Shelf Research. 2008
- Axial variation of droplet distribution in a venturi scrubber. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 2008
- Numerical study of blood fluid rheology in the abdominal aorta. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment. 2008
- Desempenho térmico de moldes de injecção. O Molde. 2002
- Roughness effects upon the near sediment turbulence patterns. Coastal Engineering Vi. 2002
- A quasi-one-dimensional model for gas/solids flow in venturis. Powder Technology. 1999
- Improved model for pressure drop in venturi scrubbers. Process Safety and Environmental Protection: Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, Part B. 1991
artigo de conferência
- Computational Simulations of the Hemodynamics in an Anatomic Carotid Artery Model 2024
- Empowering Future Engineers: Integrating Scientific Literacy and Critical Analysis in the Study of Waste Treatment and Gaseous Effluents 2024
- Spatial Variation of Heat Transfer of a Fluidic Oscillator Jet Impinging on a Flat Surface 2024
- Intralogistics Automation in Textile & Clothing Companies 2024
- Preservando a Tradição: Revitalização de uma Oficina de Tecelagem Artesanal no Conceito de Património Industrial 2024
- Application of Design Thinking in the Product Ideation Phase: use of agile methodologies 2024
- CFD Modeling of Collection Efficiency in Venturi Scrubber 2024
- Geoturismo: um estudo da motivação para uma nova forma de turismo sustentável 2024
- Modelação do efeito de radiação no comportamento e conforto térmico em edifícios utilizando EnergyPlusTM 2024
- Parameter Sensitivity of the SEIZ Model to Study the Propagation of Misinformation 2024
- The Role of Employees in Implementing an SAP System: A Practical Case in the Luxury Leather Goods Industry 2024
- Thermal and Fluid Flow Behavior Within an Organ-on-a-Chip Model: A Molecular Dynamics Study 2024
- The Infodemic Issue: numerical modelling 2024
- Transferable skills development through Project Based Learning in Industrial Engineering and Management Graduation 2024
- Assessment of the thermal comfort of a masonry building 2024
- Energy simulations of an existing villa converted into a nZEB Building: a case study 2024
- Numerical study of fake news propagation 2024
- Use of different thermal insulation materials in a masonry building: trade-off between energy and economic performance 2024
- Performance Investigation of a Water-Based Photovoltaic Collector System: Velocity and PV Temperature Impact 2024
- CFD simulation of the smoke control process in an underground parking lot – the impact of fire location 2024
- Modelling the envelope change effects in a small building using Energy Plus® 2024
- Numerical Modeling of a Serpentine Tube Photovoltaic/Thermal Collector 2024
- Modelação numérica do comportamento sísmico e energético de um edifício de alvenaria 2024
- Experimental Flow Studies in PDMS Intracranial Aneurysms Manufactured by Two Different Techniques 2024
- Assessment of the Thermal Comfort and CO2 Distribution Within a Movie Theatre 2023
- Satisfaction and Intercultural Competence During an Erasmus Program: a Case With Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Students at the University of Minho, Portugal 2023
- Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Fluidic Oscillator Geometry on Heat Transfer Performance 2023
- Optimization of the Flow Parameters for a Liver Organ-on-a-Chip Computational Model 2023
- Simulation and Experimental Validation of a Microfluidic Device 2023
- What should I expect from studying abroad? Perceptions of Portuguese students before and during an Erasmus experience 2023
- Development of a Numerical Optimization Model for Sizing Hydrogen Refuelling Stations: Application to a Case Study 2023
- Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Biodiesel Plant 2023
- Implementation of a digital transition process for the documentation of an alumni association 2023
- Simulação CFD da desenfumagem de um parque de estacionamento em caso de incêndio 2023
- A PBL experience with second-year students of Industrial Engineering 2023
- Assessment of PMV accuracy for different geographic locations using the ASHRAE Thermal Comfort Database II 2022
- Influence of temperature on air runoff in the propagation of a forest fire 2022
- Study of the Influence of Different Geometries of an Organ-on-a-Chip 2022
- An Experimental Setup to Study the Fundamental Phenomena Associated With Biomass Combustion 2022
- Development of CFD Model to Study the Spread of Wildfires 2022
- Development of a Continuous Improvement Tool for Outgoing Erasmus: First Results 2022
- Influence of the Inlet Velocity on Oxygen Gradients in a Liver-on-a-Chip Model 2022
- Development of a Tool for Automatic Coverage Assessment and Simulation of Production Plans 2022
- Application of CFD-DEM-Coupling to a Large Scale Biomass Furnace 2022
- A brief review on decarbonization and energy transition of Portuguese industry: renewable energies incorporation and efficiency measures 2022
- Heat transfer augmentation in solar systems using multiple air jet impingement and porous surfaces 2022
- Learning through planning experiments : A case study in thermal comfort in hospitals 2022
- Influence of boundary conditions on oxygen distribution in an organ-on-a-chip platform 2022
- Numerical Study of Biomass Combustion in an Industrial Grate-Fired Boiler 2022
- Preface 2022
- Numerical Simulation of Solder Paste Printing on Through-Hole Components 2021
- Steady Flow Studies of the Geometry Effects on the Recirculation Properties at the Iliac Bifurcation 2021
- i9Masks: From a Multidisciplinary Summer Project to a Non-Accredited Short Course 2021
- Decentralized Forest Biomass Residues Thermal Power Plant Potential: An Economic and Environmental Perspective 2021
- Experimental analysis of the flow dynamics of multiple jets impinging a non-flat plate 2021
- The structure of information in the internationalization processes of universities. International Conference of the Portuguese SocIETy for Engineering Education. 2021
- Hemodynamic studies in coronary artery models manufactured by 3D printing 2021
- Numerical Simulation: Study on the path of expelled and exhaled water vapor particles 2021
- Numerical study on the path of expelled and exhaled water vapor particles 2021
- Blood Flow in Macro and Microfluidic Systems: From Fabrication to Applications 2021
- Learning science during summer vacations and its effects on attitude and anxiety towards research 2021
- Numerical Tools Developed to Predict the Combustion Behavior inside a 20 kW Pellet Boiler 2021
- Urgent orders impact on materials management in portuguese construction sector: case study 2021
- Students participation in the internal quality assurance system and their role in enhancing learning 2020
- Students' participation in the internal quality assurance system and their role in enhancing learning 2020
- Analysis of the Cost and Energy Value of Forest Biomass Production: from harvest to end-use 2020
- Numerical simulation of blood pulsatile flow in stenotic coronary arteries: The effect of turbulence modeling and non-Newtonian assumptions 2020
- Experimental Study of Multiple Air Jets Impinging a Moving Flat Plate 2020
- Numerical Study of the Flow Inside a Modular Bag Filter From a Biomass Power Plant 2020
- Work-in-progress: Tailoring broad-spectrum, technology-centred IEM studies 2020
- Analysis of the different renewable energy sources in the performance of a Stirling engine 2019
- Influence of the nozzle-to-plate distance in a jet impinging a cold plate – a numerical approach 2019
- Thermal energy storage for concentrated solar systems: A technical review and economic considerations 2019
- Corporate memory in the lean context. Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). 2019
- CFD simulation of an Alfa-Stirling engine to study the geometrical parameters on the engine performance 2019
- Influence of the applied load on the creep behaviour of tin-silver-copper solder 2019
- Measurement errors and uncertainty estimation of an experimental set up using a 2D PIV technique 2019
- Numerical analysis of the influence of the jet-to-jet spacing between two adjacent air jets impinging a flat plate 2019
- Reusing equipment in cells reconfiguration for a lean and sustainable production. Procedia Manufacturing. 2019
- A numerical study of solder paste rolling process for PCB printing 2018
- An experimental setup for multiple air Jet impingement over a surface 2018
- Application of Cost-Benefit analysis to identify the potential of small-scale cogeneration systems in portuguese building sector 2018
- Application of a biomass combustion model to an industrial boiler 2018
- Creep behavior of a solder paste with BI addition 2018
- Influence of the Microstructure on the Creep Behaviour of Tin-Silver-Copper Solder 2018
- Multiple jet impingement in reflow soldering - A numerical approach 2018
- Rheology characterization of a solder paste 2018
- The effect of the heating and air flow rate on the mass loss of pine wood particles 2018
- Thermal comfort assessment of orthopaedic health professionals in an operating room 2018
- Tutoring Experiences in PBL of Industrial Engineering and Management Program: Teachers vs Students 2018
- Escoamento de Partículas no interior de uma Caldeira a Biomassa 2017
- Estudo numérico do fluxo sanguíneo como um fluido não-newtoniano nas artérias renais 2017
- Impacto de uma ferramenta de avaliação do ambiente térmico na tomada de decisão de mudança de layout 2017
- Development of a Methodology to Estimate the Capital Costs of Thermal Energy Storage Systems 2017
- Metabolic rate evaluation of an orthopaedic surgeon through oximetry 2017
- Numerical study of the blood flow in the renal arteries 2017
- Development of a new VHC Device Design to Improve the Efficiency in the Drug Delivery 2017
- Análise do conforto térmico de uma sala de cinema 2017
- Modelling stirling engines for CHP applications: Analysis of the mechanical and thermal losses 2017
- Parametric analysis of the thermal components of an alpha-stirling engine for cogeneration applications 2017
- Analysis and Modeling of Combustion in Biomass Furnace 2016
- Ventilation of a Bus Central Station 2016
- Numerical simulation of an industrial worker route using thermal human body software 2016
- A protocol proposal on calculation of the metabolic rate for surgeons in an operating room 2016
- A correlative CFD study between recirculation area and FPM in VHC design 2016
- A protocol example on calculation of the metabolism for surgeons in an operating room 2016
- CFD Modeling the Cooling Stage of Reflow Soldering Process 2016
- Combined Tools for Surgical Case Packages Contents and Cost Optimization: A Preliminary Study. Procedia Computer Science. 2016
- Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Biomass Power Plant 2016
- Experimental analysis of a finless gas-liquid heat exchanger 2016
- Numerical modeling of the physical parameters of the thermal environment in industrial contexts 2016
- Thermal-economic design of a solar dish stirling cogeneration system using a multi-objective approach 2016
- Overview on Energy Trends and Cogeneration Potential in Europe 2015
- Modelling the air-fuel mixture in an atmospheric burner 2015
- Application of genetic algorithms in the optimization of a thermal system based on micro-chp gas turbines 2015
- Design optimization of a solar dish collector for its application with stirling engines 2015
- Evaluation of thermal comfort levels concerning the spatial arrangement in an operating room 2015
- Modeling the reflow soldering process in PCB'S 2015
- Thermal-economic design of a micro-gas turbine CHP system using a multi-objective optimization approach 2015
- Modeling the Thermal Environment in an Operating Room 2014
- Flow Recirculation in VHC Designs 2014
- Cost-Benefit Model Applied to the Optimization of Thermal Systems Based on a Stirling Engine 2014
- Efficiency Evaluation of VHC: a CFD Comparison Study at Constant Flow 2014
- Modelling and Cost Estimation of Stirling Engine for CHP Applications 2014
- Analysis of the geometrical parameters of thermal components in a stirling engine 2014
- Experimental assessment of Emitted Dose from Valved Holding Chamber devices 2014
- Indoor ventilation in Hospital operating rooms 2014
- Jet interaction in cross flow: Experimental and numerical model 2014
- Maximum profit of a cogeneration system based on stirling thermodynamic cycle 2014
- Numerical study of regenerator configuration in the design of a stirling engine 2014
- Sensibility studies on a transient thermal model of the human body 2014
- Thermal hydraulic modeling of shell and tube heat exchangers 2014
- Two stage atmospheric burners: Development and verification of a new mass-energy balance model 2014
- Tecno-Economic and Exergy Analysis of a Small-Scale CHP Unit Based on a Micro-gas Turbine 2013
- An Experimental Setup for API Assessment of a Valved Holding Chamber Device 2013
- CFD Simulation of Two-Phase Flow in a Large Scale Venturi Scrubber 2013
- Exergy Efficiency Optimization for Gas Turbine Based Cogeneration Systems 2013
- Experimental analysis of particles flow inside the volumatic® spacer 2013
- Flow Structure Over a Simulated Bed for Coastal Coehsive Sediment Erosion Studies 2013
- Stirling micro-CHP based systems: a sustainable innovation? 2013
- Teaching Heat Exchanger Design in Mechanical Engineering with CFD 2013
- Thermal- economic modeling of a micro-CHP unit based on a stirling engine 2013
- Artesanato e Design: O Projeto IMA 2012
- Optimization of Small Scale Cogeneration Systems: Comparison of Nonlinear Optimization Algorithms 2012
- A review of stirling engine technologies applied to micro-cogeneration systems 2012
- Development and evaluation of a micro-cogeneration prototype for residential applications 2012
- Innovation on decentralised power production : the sustainability of micro-cogeneration for the portuguese market 2012
- Modeling a Stirling Engine for Cogeneration Applications 2012
- Modeling flow recirculation inside a holding chamber 2012
- Techno-economic assessment of micro-CHP systems 2012
- Estudo e análise experimental do escoamento de fármacos no interior da câmara de expansão Volumatic® com sistema mecânico de simulação do ciclo respiratório 2011
- Experimental validation of a CFD Model in a thermal Environment Characterization 2011
- Spacer Design Optimization using CFD Software 2011
- Numerical Study of Local Stenosis Development at Abdominal Aorta Bifurcations 2011
- An economic perspective on small-scale cogeneration systems optimisation 2011
- Development of a cost-benefit model for micro CHP systems 2011
- Optimization of a small-scale cogeneration system asa function of the thermal demand 2011
- Optimização numérica no projeto de um sistema de cogeração de pequena escala 2011
- Os consumidores e o artesanato têxtil: estudo exploratório das atitudes e percepções 2011
- Testes de conforto térmico aplicados a uma malha multifuncional desenvolvida com novos materiais 2011
- Validação experimental dum modelo CFD na caracterização de um ambiente térmico ocupacional 2011
- Evolução da Moda no Design de Interiores: O estudo de caso do Instituto Monsenhor Airosa 2010
- Conforto Térmico: Aplicação ao Produto 2010
- Modeling toward numerical solution of an applied engineering problem 2010
- Utilização das TIC pelos professores de três níveis de ensino: um estudo de caso 2010
- CFD study of the Volumatic® spacer: A realist approach 2010
- Thermal Comfort Evaluation using a CFD Study and a Transient Thermal Model of the Human Body 2010
- Computational fluid dynamics applicable to cloth design 2010
- Contributions to the study of blood flow in the abdominal aorta and its branches 2010
- Nonlinear optimization in a thermo-economic analysis of a small cogeneration system 2010
- O artesanato têxtil e o design de interiores: percepções de valor dos consumidores portugueses 2010
- Use of fluent for the development of a di-si engine 2010
- Design of an inlet track of a small I.C. engine for swirl enhancement 2009
- Further Developments on the CFD Flow Analysis Inside the Volumatic Spacer 2009
- Numerical Study of Blood Flow in a Vessel with Increasing Degree of Stenosis Using Dynamic Meshes 2009
- Ensino de métodos numéricos na resolução de equações diferenciais recorrendo a um software de conforto térmico, num curso de engenharia 2009
- In-cylinder swirl analysis of different strategies on over-expanded cyclies 2009
- Jovens e artesanato têxtil : que futuro em comum? 2009
- Revitalization of a small textile factory from the XIX century: patterns database 2008
- 3D Simulation of Multiphase Flow in Large-scale Venturi Scrubbers 2008
- CFD analysis of blood rheology 2008
- Multiphase Flow Inside the Volumatic Spacer: A CFD Approach 2008
- Optimization tools and economical issues in the design of a residential cogeneration system 2008
- Aplicação informática de apoio ao dimensionamento de venturis na indústria têxtil 2008
- Certificação da qualidade em instituições particulares de solidariedade social 2008
- Equações diferenciais desde o conceito à aplicação: ferramentas informáticas 2008
- Instalação experimental para simulação do fluxo sanguíneo na vizinhança da bifurcação ilíaca 2008
- Modelo computacional do Fluxo Sanguíneo na Aorta abdominal e Artérias Renais: importância da geometria e da malha 2008
- Necessidade do Estudo de Câmaras de Expansão para Utilização em Crianças Asmáticas 2008
- Projecto de Vestuário Termicamente Confortável 2008
- Differential Equations: concepts and applications 2008
- Thermal comfort of trekking boots: objective versus subjective evaluation 2008
- Teaching thermal comfort in the professional courses 2008
- Development of a lining for the thermal comfort of trekking boots 2008
- The Spacer Shape Effect on the Flow Field Within the Volumatic and Nebuchamber 2008
- The effect of outflow distribution on the recirculation properties during the cardiac cycle in the iliac bifurcation 2008
- The influence of different grid approaches on a cardiovascular computational model 2008
- Experimental Study and CFD Analysis of the Volumatic® Spacer 2008
- The influence of renal branches on the iliac arteries blood flow 2008
- Desenvolvimento de Calçado Termicamente Confortável 2008
- Development of an experimental facility to collect dust particle in venturi scrubbers 2007
- Equações diferenciais desde o conceito à aplicação : processos de aprendizagem 2007
- Estudo de Câmaras de Expansão para Inaladores Pressurizados 2007
- Numerical Study of the Velocity Profile Effect in the Atherosclerosis Development 2007
- Percepção do conforto térmico – simulação numérica e experimental versus testes subjectivos 2007
- Conftermal - An easy way to simulate the human thermal comfort 2007
- Performance of a large scale venturi scrubber with a 2D boundary layer model 2007
- Modelling of large scale venturi scrubbers 2007
- Kinematic synthesis of a mechanism able to reproduce the blood flow in arteries 2007
- Revitalization of a small textile factory from the XIX century 2007
- Revitalização de uma tecelagem do século XIX: desenhos e padrões 2007
- A Numerical Study of the Thermal Behaviour of Calibrators for Polymer Extrusion 2006
- IN2TEC: A Multidisciplinary Research Project Involving Researchers, Students and Industry 2006
- Teaching Human Termal Comfort Through a Software Graphic Interface 2006
- Conforto térmico humano: uma interface gráfica 2006
- Usability test of an interface for human comfort learning tool 2006
- Development of Thermal Comfortable Shoes 2006
- CFD graphical interface in MATLAB 2006
- Development of an experimental facility to test polymer extrusion 2006
- Numerical and experimental studies in the development of new clothing materials 2006
- Teaching partial differential equations with computer-based problem solving 2006
- A Computer Interface for Human Comfort Calculations 2005
- Optimização de um sistema de cogeração de turbina a gás: influência da variação no preço do gás 2005
- Simplified model for the thermal boundary condition in polymer injection 2005
- Study of the TCR during the Injection Moulding 2004
- Development of a simulated bed for coastal sediment erosion studies 2003
- A numerical thermoeconomic study of a co-generation plant 2003
- Modelling the behaviour of viscous fluids 2003
- Numerical method validation of the thermal behaviour of injection moulds 2003
- Numerical optimization of a gas turbine cogeneration plant 2003
- Thermal performance of injection moulds 2002
- An investigation on the ventilation in operating theatres 2002
- Flow measurements over a moving sandy bed 2002
- Efeitos da dissipação viscosa no escoamento de um fluido polimérico não-isotérmico 2002
- Modelo de conforto térmico baseado na distribuição da temperatura do corpo humano 2002
- Modelo de contracção para computação do tempo de contacto na moldação por injecção 2002
- Modelo numérico para a optimização da ventilação de blocos operatórios 2002
- Identification of Requirements for a University Course on Industrial Engineering 2001
- The application of unstructured grids for modelling thermal cooling in polymer extrusion 2001
- Droplet coalescence in annular two phase flow 2000
- Design parameters of effervescent atomizers 2000
- Spray simulation using Fluent 2000
- Flow measurements in a simulated estuary bed 2000
- Modelação da Resistência Térmica de Contacto entre Molde e Polímero na Moldação por Injecção 2000
- Influência das mudanças climáticas na erosão de sedimentos costeiros 2000
- Modeling Heat Exchangers for Domestic Boilers 1999
- The Thermal Efficiency of Fin-Tube Heat Exchangers 1997
- Utilização de Malhas Variáveis na Modelação do Comportamento Térmico de Moldes de Injecção de Termoplásticos 1997
- Modelling Heat Losses in Domestic Boilers 1997
- The role of droplets in scrubbing combustion flue gases 1997
- Modelação do comportamento térmico de moldes de injecção 1997
- Design and Optimsation of Calibrators for Thermoplastics Profile Extrusion 1997
- Evaluation and comparison of BEM, FEM and FDM for the solution of some engineering problems 1996
- Modelling the thermal behaviour of injection moulds during the injection moulding cycle 1996
- Transient thermal behaviour of molds for polymer processing 1995
- Modeling of humidification chambers by water evaporation 1995
- Modelling venturi scrubbers for combustion emissions clean-up 1994
- A quasi one dimensional model for gas solid flows in venturis 1994
artigo de revista
- Development of pH-Sensitive Magnetoliposomes Containing Shape Anisotropic Nanoparticles for Potential Application in Combined Cancer Therapy. Nanomaterials. 2023
- A Systematic Review and Bibliometric Analysis of Wildland Fire Behavior Modeling. Fluids. 2022
- Evaluation of the Gas Emissions during the Thermochemical Conversion of Eucalyptus Woodchips. Processes. 2022
- Innovative Solar Concentration Systems and Its Potential Application in Angola. Energies. 2022
- Diagnosis Methods for COVID-19: A Systematic Review. Micromachines. 2022
- The integration of spheroids and organoids into organ-on-a-chip platforms for tumour research: A review. Bioprinting. 2022
- Study of Mass Loss and Elemental Analysis of Pine Wood Pellets in a Small-Scale Reactor. Energies. 2022
- Fluid Flow and Structural Numerical Analysis of a Cerebral Aneurysm Model. Fluids. 2022
- Organ-on-a-Chip Platforms for Drug Screening and Delivery in Tumor Cells: A Systematic Review. Cancers. 2022
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Multiple Jets Impinging a Step Surface. Energies. 2021
- Computational Simulations in Advanced Microfluidic Devices: A Review. Micromachines. 2021
- Application of Taguchi Method for the Analysis of a Multiple Air Jet Impingement System with and without Target Plate Motion. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2021
- Numerical Study of the Unsteady Flow in Simplified and Realistic Iliac Bifurcation Models. Fluids. 2021
- 3D Printing Techniques and Their Applications to Organ-on-a-Chip Platforms: A Systematic Review. Bioengineering. 2021
- Blood Flow Modeling in Coronary Arteries: A Review. Fluids. 2021
- Visualization and Measurements of Blood Cells Flowing in Microfluidic Systems and Blood Rheology: A Personalized Medicine Perspective. Journal of Personalized Medicine. 2020
- 3D Printed Biomodels for Flow Visualization in Stenotic Vessels: An Experimental and Numerical Study. Micromachines. 2020
- Numerical Modeling and Optimization of an Air Handling Unit. Energies. 2020
- Influence of arterial mechanical properties on carotid blood flow: Comparison of CFD and FSI studies. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 2019
- The Potential of Renewable Energy in Timor-Leste: An Assessment for Biomass. Energies. 2019
- Integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics contents through PBL in an Industrial Engineering and Management first year program. Produção. 2019
- Rheology of F620 solder paste and flux. Soldering & Surface Mount Technology. 2019
- Effect of the Soldering Atmosphere on the Wettability Between Sn4.0Ag0.5Cu (in wt.%) Lead-Free Solder Paste and Various Substrates. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. 2018
- Design of a solar dish Stirling cogeneration system: Application of a multi-objective optimization approach. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017
- Thermodynamic and economic optimization of a solar-powered Stirling engine for micro-cogeneration purposes. Energy. 2016
- Influence of Copper Layer Content in the Elastic and Damping Behavior of Glass-Fiber/Epoxy-Resin Composites. Applied Composite Materials. 2016
- A poly-e-caprolactone based biofilm carrier for nitrate removal from water. Amino Acids. 2016
- Contact angle measurement of SAC 305 solder: numerical and experimental approach. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2016
- Wetting behaviour of SAC305 solder on different substrates in high vacuum and inert atmosphere. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2015
- Testing thermal comfort of trekking boots: An objective and subjective evaluation. Applied Ergonomics. 2013
- An economic perspective on the optimisation of a small-scale cogeneration system for the Portuguese scenario. Energy. 2012
- Development of new spacer device geometry: A CFD study (Part I). Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 2012
- A lining for the Thermal Comfort of Trekking Boots – Experimental and Numerical Studies. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel. 2011
- Evaluation of the Thermal Behaviour of Injection Moulds. International Polymer Processing. 2000
capítulo de livro
- A Case Study of Standardization of a Project Management Tool in an Automotive Company 2024
- Application of SMED to reduce parameterization times in the production of corrugated carton packaging 2024
- Hydrostatic Stability of Marine Tagging Devices 2024
- Analysis and Validation of a CFD Simulation of the Wind Through a Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine as an Actuator Disc with a Porous Jump Condition 2023
- CFD and Wake Analysis of the Wind Flow Through Two Wind Turbines 2023
- Dense-Discrete Phase Simulations of Blood Flow in a Stenotic Coronary 2023
- Design Concept of a Non-invasive Tagging Device for Blue Sharks 2023
- Different Teaching Methods 2023
- Getting Contact to Elderly Associates Through the ICT: An Exploratory Study 2023
- Influence of Typical Meteorological Years on the Optimization of Incident Solar Radiation for PV Applications in Portugal 2023
- Simulation Numerical of a Bi-fluid Photovoltaic/Thermal Solar Panel 2023
- Skin Follicles Dispersion Within a Hospital Operating Room—How to Predict and Reduce the Contamination 2023
- Thermal Comfort Assessment of a Small House in Portugal Using EnergyPlus and Ansys Fluent 2023
- Comparison of CFD and FSI Simulations of Blood Flow in Stenotic Coronary Arteries 2022
- Hemodynamic Studies in Coronary Artery Models Manufactured by 3D Printing 2022
- i9MASKS Project 2022
- Building Energy Performance: Comparison Between EnergyPlus and Other Certified Tools 2021
- Comparison of CFD and FSI simulations of blood flow in stenotic coronary arteries 2021
- Energy Performance of a Service Building: Comparison Between EnergyPlus and TRACE700 2021
- Energy, Thermal Comfort and Pathologies—A Current Concern 2021
- Energy Performance of a Service Building: Comparison Between EnergyPlus and Revit. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Thermal Simulation of a Supermarket Cold Zone with Integrated Assessment of Human Thermal Comfort. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Multi-objective Optimization of Solar Thermal Systems Applied to Residential Building in Portugal 2019
- Sinopse das Comemorações dos 60 anos de Edifício Carlos Amarante 2019
- Project-Based Learning and its Effects on Freshmen Social Skills in an Engineering Program 2018
- A scheduling application to a molding injection machine: a challenge addressed on the 109th European Study Group with Industry 2016
- A Form-Closed Cam-Follower Mechanism for a Breath Simulator Machine. Mechanisms and Machine Science. 2015
- One-way coupling between a CFD model and a transient thermal model of the human body 2014
- A CFD Study of a pMDI Plume Spray 2013
- Thermal comfort evaluation of an operating room through CFD methodology 2013
- On Solving the Profit Maximization of Small Cogeneration Systems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2012
- As publicações do IMA Convívio e Areia Nova 2011
- Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations: an Approach to Evaluate Cardiovascular Dysfunction 2010
- Further developments on the cfd flow analysis inside the volumatic® spacer 2010
- Experimental and Numerical Study of Biomass Thermal Conversion in a Small-scale Reactor 2024
- Fluid flow dynamics within an organ-on-a-chip model: numerical assessment and experimental validation 2024
- Cancer-on-a-chip platform for nanomedicine studies - A combination of numerical and experimental approaches 2024
- Analysing misinformation dynamics: a case study of fake news propagation 2024
- An active learning approach in the Numerical Methods course with students of Chemical and Biological Engineering 2024
- Reviver 11 2024
- AAAEICB: os primeiros 10 anos 2023
- Reviver 10 2023
- Normalização de processos de gestão de projetos no departamento de logística de uma empresa do setor automóvel 2022
- O contributo da Escolas Industriais no desenvolvimento regional: Um estudo de caso 2022
- Simulação CFD do processo de desenfumagem de um parque de estacionamento 2022
- Study of the accuracy of thermal comfort index using the ASHRAE database II 2022
- Um estudo colaborativo das Escolas Industriais e do seu impacto na região de Braga 2022
- Innovative solar concentration systems and its potential application in Angola 2022
- Nanotherapeutic effect of graphene-based magnetic nanoparticles as a drug deliver nanocarrier in an advanced microfluidic biochip 2022
- PIV Analysis Of Velocity Field And Turbulence Intensity Of Confined Multiple Jets Impinging On A Step Surface 2022
- Visualization of a blood analogue flowing in an organ-on-a-chip platform 2022
- Simulation study of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) by breathing, coughing and sneezing 2022
- Integração dos modelos de Rothermel e do tempo mínimo de transmissão para modelação da propagação do fogo 2021
- Modelo de propagação do fogo do tempo mínimo de transmissão em gestão florestal 2021
- Simulação de incêndios florestais com base no modelo de Rothermel 2021
- Blood Flow in Macro and Microfluidic Systems: From Fabrication to Applications 2021
- Numerical flow simulations in a liver-on-a-chip 2021
- Dense-discrete phase simulations of blood flow in a stenotic coronary 2021
- Characterization of the Forest Residues Combustion by Thermogravimetric Analysis 2021
- Energy and Comfort in Buildings 2021
- Implementation of a Forest Fire Propagation Model 2021
- Kinetics Study of the Main Forest Residues Used in a Portuguese Power Plant 2021
- Numerical simulation – A study of porosity and space 2021
- PDMS: An analysis on its mechanical properties and transparency 2021
- Numerical simulation: A study of porosity and space 2021
- Numerical simulation: Study on the path of expelled and expired water vapor particles 2021
- Occupational safety & ergonomics training based on project-based learning in the industry context 2019
- The Influence of the Primary Air on the Combustion Performance in an Industrial Boiler 2019
- Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems, June 17th to 21st 2018 - Guimarães, Portugal 2018
- Efficiency of valved holding chambers: experimental full dose assessment 2015
- Application of GA in the Design of a Stirling Engine-Based Micro-CHP System 2015
- VHC Performance Evaluation at Constant Flow 2015
- Assessment of the thermal environment in a textile plant for automotive components 2014
- Optimization of cogeneration systems applying direct search methods 2014
- Evaluation of VHC's Emitted Dose 2014
- Thermal comfort in operating rooms 2012
- Thermal environment characterisation using a CFD model 2011
- Development of a Numerical Optimization Model for Micro-CHP Applications 2011
- Residential Cogeneration System: A Multiobjective Optimization Design 2010
- Small-scale Cogeneration Systems: a Thermo-Economic Analysis 2009
- Computational Model of the Fluid Dynamics in Abdominal Aorta and Renal Branches 2008
- Gas solid flow simulation in a venturi scrubber 2008
- The grid scheme effect on hemodynamics numerical analysis in the iliac arteries 2008
- Study, Design and Development of Spacer Devices for Pressurized Metered-dose Inhalers 2008
- The cardiac cycle effect on blood flow in the vicinity of the iliac arteries 2008
- Desenvolvimento de Sapato Termicamente Confortável. IN2TEC - Projectos Internos de Inovação e Tecnologia 2007
- Estudo numérico do escoamento de ar na câmara Volumatic® 2007
- Estudo numérico do fluxo sanguíneo nas artérias ilíacas 2007
- Simulação computacional do escoamento arterial na região da bifurcação das artérias renais 2007
- Design of a test facility to replicate the transient flow in arterial systems 2006
- Numerical study of a pulsatile flow in the abdominal aorta bifurcation 2006
- Thermal Contact Resistance in Injection Molds 2004
- Study of the thermal cooling during the injection moulding cycle on amorphous polymers 2003
- An Experimental Study of the Thermal Cooling during the Injection Moulding Cycle 2002
- Effects of viscous dissipation in non isothermal polymer flow 2002
- Exploração de serviços web no ensino de optimização numérica 2002
- Models for the optimization of the polymer injection process 2002
- Thermoeconomic numerical optimization of a cogeneration system 2002
- Utilização de serviços Web no ensino da engenharia 2002
- Thermal Contact Resistance in Injection Moulding 2000
- Evaluation of Thermal Behaviour of Injection Moulds 1997
- Factors affecting the performance of calibrators for the extrusion of plastics profiles 1997
- Finite difference methods applicable to the description of injection moulds 1996
- Modelling the thermal behaviour of moulds during the injection moulding cycle 1996
- Numerical Assessment of the Hydrogel Physical Properties' Effect on Oxygen Gradients in an Organ-on-A-Chip Biosystem
- Micro/Nanofluidic and Lab-on-a-Chip Devices for Biomedical Applications 2022
- I9Masks: A micro step towards the development of PDMS masks for the protection of COVID-19 2021
- Numerical Analysis of Single Jet Impinging a Flat and Non-flat Plate 2020
- Application of DOE for the Study of a Multiple Jet Impingement System 2019
- Assessment of Indoor Thermal Conditions in a Cinema Room Using CFD Simulation: A Case Study 2019
- Simulation of PMV and PPD Thermal Comfort Using EnergyPlus 2019
- A systematic approach for externalities in occupational safety through the use of the delphi methodology 2015
- Application of CFD tools to optimize natural building ventilation design 2012
- pMDI Sprays: Theory, Experiment and Numerical Simulation 2012