publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Diversity of endophytic fungi from guarana seeds (Paullinia cupana) cultivated in Amazonia, Brazil 2018
- Mycobiota in Chilean traditional chilli used for Merkén production 2018
- Potential mycotoxingenic fungi in Chilean buttery cheese 2018
- Aged freeze-dried ampoules of preserved biotechnological important fungi 2017
- Impact of MALDI-TOF MS in Clinical Mycology: Progress and Barriers in Diagnostics 2017
- Preserved freeze-dried and aged filamentous fungi of biotechnological importance 2017
- Will fungal strains preserved in culture collections maintain the same biotechnological performance after years of preservation? 2017
- Identificação polifásica de Gongronella sp. e de Rhizopus sp. degradadores do fungicida sistémico metalaxil 2016
- Limitations of MALDI-TOF MS in the fungal identification: could LC-MS/MS be a solution? 2016
- Filamentous fungi occurrence in free water and biofilms from drinking water storage tanks 2015
- Polyphasic identification of a Rhizopus species and a putative novel Gongronella which both degrade the fungicide metalaxyl 2015
- Coleção de culturas de microbiologia agrícola da UFLA (CCMA-UFLA): da requalificação à certificação baseada na ISO 9001:2008 2014
- Identificação de microrganimos isolados de processos fermentativos : uma abordagem polifásica que inclui a técnica de MALDI-TOF MS 2014
- Isolation, identification and characterisation of endophytic and pathogenic Colletotrichum guaranicola isolated from guarana leaves (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis (Mart.) Ducke) in Brazilian Amazon 2014
- MALDI applications in mycology 2014
- MALDI-TOF MS : uma década de experiência na aplicação em microbiologia, sempre olhando o futuro 2014
- Tools and strategies to mitigate the effect of mycotoxins 2014
- Antifungal activity against Trichophyton rubrum of inorganic vs. biogenic silver nanoparticles produced by filamentous fungi 2013
- Capacity building initiatives, training and education: the EMbaRC experience and beyond 2013
- Challenges, approaches and future work in the deep-sea anoxic Brine Lakes of the Red Sea 2013
- Desafios locais para a gestão global dos Centros de Recursos Microbiológicos 2013
- Evaluation of inhibitory effects of Trichoderma asperellum metabolites on mycelial growth of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 2013
- Identification and phylogeny of Trichoderma species by MALDI-TOF analysis and characterization of antagonistic activities against Sclerotinia scleroti 2013
- Implementation of a Quality Management System based on ISO9001:2008 and its importance on culture collections 2013
- Microbial resources and applications: preliminary trends and insights for future economic impact estimates 2013
- Proteomic analysis of Aspergillus niger type strain (MUM 03.01) after accelerated freeze-drying preservation 2013
- Uso e potencial do MALDI-TOF na detecção de fitopatógenos 2013
- Assessment of fungi stability by MALDI-TOF ICMS following preservation on alginate encapsulated samples 2012
- Identification of Brazilian wild-type isolates of Aspergillus fumigatus based on polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF MS technique 2012
- MALDI-TOF MS: improved methods for the identification/characterisation and authentication of fungal strains 2012
- New insights for identification of clinical isolates of Trichophyton rubrum using MALDI-TOF MS 2012
- Polyphasic identification of Aspergillus isolates belonging to section Nigri with clinical relevance 2012
- Taxonomy of Aspergillus: integration of methods for new and revisited species in section Flavi 2012
- Avaliação da produção de lacase pela indução de íons cobre e detecção do gene em duas linhagens de ascomicetos isolados de esponjas marinhas 2011
- Caracterização de estirpes de Trichoderma por análise morfologica, filogenética e por espectros de massa obtidos por MALDI-TOF 2011
- Characterisation of filamentous fungal diversity of Trichoderma genus isolated from marine sponge by sequencing ITS-rDNA and MALDI-TOF ICMS 2011
- Establishment of a bacterial strain reference culture collection: university hospital Cassiano Antônio de Moraes (CCBR-HUCAM), Vitória (ES), Brazil 2011
- Filamentous fungi in drinking water in relation to biofilm formation 2011
- Fungos nas águas de consumo: qual a sua relevância? 2011
- Is MALDI-TOF ICMS able to discriminate dermatophyte clones? 2011
- Ligninolytic enzymes activities and SEM analysis of fungal inoculum of Anthracophyllum discolour 2011
- MALDI-TOF ICMS vs molecular typing in the identification of dermatophyte strains 2011
- MALDI-TOF ICMS: avanços na identificação de fungos 2011
- Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM): 15 anos de funcionamento e sua recente certificação baseada na ISO 9001:2008 2011
- Calmodulin gene as good voucher as MALDI-TOF ICMS to identify Portuguese isolates of Aspergillus section Flavi 2010
- Characterization and identification of aspergillus section flavi isolates from portuguese almonds using a polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF ICMS 2010
- Fungos e biorremediação 2010
- Integrated morphologic, metabolic, molecular and spectral methods for the identification of Aspergillus Section Flavi isolated from Portuguese almonds 2010
- MALDI-TOF ICMS as a modern approach to identify potential aflatoxigenic fungi 2010
- MALDI-TOF ICMS na microbiologia clínica : porquê começar a usar? 2010
- Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM): a culture collection preparing the future 2010
- Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM): implementation of a Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2008 2010
- Micoteca da Universidade do Minho: Implementação de um sistema de gestão da qualidade com base na ISO 9001:2008 2010
- Portuguese isolates of Aspergillus section Flavi unraveled by the calmodulin gene 2010
- Use of MALDI-TOF ICMS on yeast identification : application on Candida species with clinical relevance 2010
- Utilization of white rot fungi for textile dye decolourisation under alkaline condition and high salt concentration in solid medium 2010
artigo de revista
- Preservation Methods in Isolates of Sporothrix Characterized by Polyphasic Approach. Journal of Fungi. 2022
- Antifungal Potential of Capsaicinoids and Capsinoids from the Capsicum Genus for the Safeguarding of Agrifood Production: Advantages and Limitations for Environmental Health. Antibiotics. 2022
- Occurrence of Aflatoxins and Ochratoxin A during Merkén Pepper Powder Production in Chile. Antibiotics. 2022
- An overview on possible links between aflatoxin B1 exposure and gallbladder cancer. Mycotoxin Research. 2021
- COVID-19, Chikungunya, Dengue and Zika Diseases: An Analytical Platform Based on MALDI-TOF MS, IR Spectroscopy and RT-qPCR for Accurate Diagnosis and Accelerate Epidemics Control. Antibiotics. 2021
- Influence of S. cerevisiae and P. kluyveri as starters on chocolate flavour. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2021
- MALDI-TOF MS: Foundations and a Practical Approach to the Clinically Relevant Filamentous Fungi Identification. Current Fungal Infection Reports. 2021
- Mycobiota in Chilean chilli Capsicum annuum L. used for production of Merkén. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2020
- Fungal Endophytic Community Associated with Guarana (Paullinia cupana Var. Sorbilis): Diversity Driver by Genotypes in the Centre of Origin. Journal of Fungi. 2020
- Identification by MALDI-TOF MS of Sporothrix brasiliensis Isolated from a Subconjunctival Infiltrative Lesion in an Immunocompetent Patient. Antibiotics. 2019
- Polyphasic, Including MALDI-TOF MS, Evaluation of Freeze-Drying Long-Term Preservation on Aspergillus (Section Nigri) Strains. Antibiotics. 2019
- Overview of fungi and mycotoxin contamination in capsicum pepper and in its derivatives. Toxins. 2019
- Volatile compounds and protein profiles analyses of fermented cocoa beans and chocolates from different hybrids cultivated in Brazil. Food Research International. 2018
- Cocoa fermentation: Microbial identification by MALDI-TOF MS, and sensory evaluation of produced chocolate. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2017
- Impact of a microbial cocktail used as starter culture on cocoa fermentation and chocolate flavor. Biomolecules. 2017
- Metalaxyl Degradation by Mucorales Strains Gongronella sp. and Rhizopus oryzae. Biomolecules. 2017
- Requalification of a Brazilian Trichoderma collection and screening of its capability to decolourise real textile effluent. Healthcare. 2017
- Atrazine dissipation in a biobed system inoculated with immobilized white-rot fungi. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science. 2016
- Deciphering the contribution of biofilm to the pathogenesis of peritoneal dialysis infections: Characterization and microbial behaviour on dialysis fluids. Antibiotics. 2016
- Establishment of a quality management system based on ISO 9001 standard in a public service fungal culture collection. Antibiotics. 2016
- Fungi from a groundwater-fed drinking water supply system in Brazil. Healthcare. 2016
- High laccase expression by Trametes versicolor in a simulated textile effluent with different carbon sources and pHs. Healthcare. 2016
- Immobilization of the white-rot fungus Anthracophyllum discolor to degrade the herbicide atrazine. Amb Express. 2016
- New insights for diagnosis of Pineapple Fusariosis by MALDI-TOF MS technique. Current Microbiology. 2016
- Polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF MS/MS analysis for identification and characterisation of Fusarium verticillioides in Brazilian corn kernels. Toxins. 2016
- Development and optimization of a new MALDI-TOF protocol for identification of the Sporothrix species complex. Research in Microbiology. 2015
- Induction, expression and characterisation of laccase genes from the marine-derived fungal strains Nigrospora sp. CBMAI 1328 and Arthopyrenia sp. CBMAI 1330. Amb Express. 2015
- MALDI-TOF MS to identify the pineapple pathogen Fusarium guttiforme and its antagonist Trichoderma asperellum on decayed pineapple. Tropical Plant Pathology. 2015
- Taxonomia polifásica para a identificação de Aspergillus seção Flavi: uma revisão. Revista Ifes Ciência. 2015
- Application of MALDI-TOF MS for requalification of a Candida clinical isolates culture collection. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. 2014
- Effect of different carbon sources on decolourisation of an industrial textile dye under alkaline-saline conditions. Current Microbiology. 2014
- Peritoneal dialysis infections: An opportunity for improvement. American Journal of Infection Control. 2014
- Purification of polygalacturonases produced by Aspergillus niger using an aqueous two-phase system. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2014
- Synthesis, characterisation and antifungal activity of chemically and fungal-produced silver nanoparticles against Trichophyton rubrum. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2014
- The use of MALDI-TOF ICMS as an alternative tool for Trichophyton rubrum identification and typing. Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiologia Clinica. 2014
- Diversity of Penicillium in soil of Caatinga and Atlantic Forest areas of Pernambuco, Brazil: an ecological approach. Nova Hedwigia. 2013
- Structural diversity of aspergillus (section nigri) spores. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2013
capítulo de livro
- Mycotoxin contamination in Capsicum pepper and Merkén: Implications for Human Health 2021
- Ochratoxigenic mycobiota in chilli Capsicum annuum L. and Chilean Merkén 2019
- Hongos filamentosos y micotoxinas en ají merkén 2019
- Mycobiota in Chilean Chili Capsicum annuum L. used for production of Merkén 2019
- Mycobiota in chilli Capsicum annuum and Chilean merkén 2019
- Overview of potential mycotoxigenic fungi in Chilean buttery cheese 2019
- Fungi and mycotoxin contamination in Capsicum pepper and in its derivatives 2019
- Spoilage fungi and mycotoxins contamination risk in Capsicum products 2019
- Fungal community ecology using MALDI-TOF MS demands curated mass spectral databases. Antibiotics. 2019
- Diversity of endophytic fungi from guarana seeds (Paullinia cupana) cultivated in Amazonia, Brazil 2018
- Penicillia diversity from food identified polyphasically, including mycotoxin production 2018
- Polyphasic evaluation of long term preservation on Aspergillus (section Nigri) strains 2018
- Mycobiota in Chilean traditional chilli used for Merkén production 2018
- Penicillium species identification and new insights on mycotoxins in food commodities (apples, chilli and cheese) 2018
- Potential mycotoxingenic fungi in Chilean buttery cheese 2018
- Polyphasic identification and typing Trichophytum rubrum strains of clinical origin 2017
- Aged freeze-dried ampoules of preserved biotechnological important fungi 2017
- Preserved freeze-dried and aged filamentous fungi of biotechnological importance 2017
- Impact of MALDI‐TOF MS in Clinical Mycology: Progress and Barriers in Diagnostics 2017
- Mucorales strains with biotechnological use: A polyphasic approach identification 2017
- Will fungal strains preserved in culture collections maintain the same biotechnological performance after years of preservation? 2017
- Identificação polifásica de Gongronella sp. e de Rhizopus sp. degradadores do fungicida sistémico metalaxil 2016
- Limitations of MALDI-TOF MS in the fungal identification: could LC-MS/MS be a solution? 2016
- Filamentous fungi occurrence in free water and biofilms from drinking water storage tanks 2015
- Advances in microbial diagnosis: using mass spectrometry for proteomics and genomics applications 2015
- Mechanism of extracellular silver nanoparticles synthesis by Stereum hirsutum and Fusarium oxysporum 2015
- Proteins on microbial identification: past achievements, present state-of-the-art, and future challenges 2015
- Combining analytical methodologies for the identification of Aspergillus section Flavi strains isolated from Brazilian agricultural commodities 2015
- Degradation of the fungicide metalaxyl by Mucorales strains 2015
- Filamentous fungi in free water and biofilms from Brazilian drinking water systems 2015
- MALDI-TOF MS and LC MS/MS: New insights for clinical fungal ID 2015
- Polyphasic Approach For The Identification Of Zygomycota Strains With Biotechnology Use. 2015
- Polyphasic identification of a Rhizopus species and a putative novel Gongronella which both degrade the fungicide metalaxyl 2015
- Polyphasic identification of clinical multidrug-resistant bacteria isolated from blood cultures 2015
- Public service culture collections of microorganisms: are they important for biotechnology? 2015
- Isolation, identification and characterisation of endophytic and pathogenic Colletotrichum guaranicola isolated from guarana leaves (Paullinia cupana var. sorbilis (Mart.) Ducke) in Brazilian Amazon 2014
- Application of MALDI-TOF MS for requalification of a Candida clinical isolates culture collection 2014
- Coleção de culturas de microbiologia agrícola da UFLA (CCMA-UFLA): da requalificação à certificação baseada na ISO 9001:2008 2014
- Culture Collection of Agricultural Microbiology - UFLA, Brazil, is implementing a QMS based on ISO 9001:2008 2014
- Identificação de microrganimos isolados de processos fermentativos: uma abordagem polifásica que inclui a técnica de MALDI-TOF MS 2014
- MALDI applications in mycology 2014
- MALDI-TOF MS: uma década de experiência na aplicação em microbiologia, sempre olhando o futuro 2014
- Study of the viability of Aspergillus strains freeze-dried in 1955. 2014
- Tools and strategies to mitigate the effect of mycotoxins 2014
- Antifungal activity against Trichophyton rubrum of inorganic vs. biogenic silver nanoparticles produced by filamentous fungi 2013
- Capacity building initiatives, training and education: the EMbaRC experience and beyond 2013
- Challenges, approaches and future work in the deep-sea anoxic Brine Lakes of the Red Sea 2013
- Implementation of a Quality Management System based on ISO9001:2008 and its importance on culture collections 2013
- Microbial resources and applications: preliminary trends and insights for future economic impact estimates 2013
- Proteomic analysis of Aspergillus niger type strain (MUM 03.01) after accelerated freeze-drying preservation 2013
- Evaluation of inhibitory effects of Trichoderma asperellum metabolites on mycelial growth of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum 2013
- Identification and phylogeny of Trichoderma species by MALDI-TOF analysis and characterization of antagonistic activities against Sclerotinia scleroti 2013
- Desafios locais para a gestão global dos Centros de Recursos Microbiológicos 2013
- Uso e potencial do MALDI-TOF na detecção de fitopatógenos 2013
- Deteção da produção de ocratoxina A (OTA) por espécies de Penicillium isoladas de solos estocadas na Micoteca URM, Pernambuco, Brasil, através de HPLC 2012
- Rapid and reliable identification of intact Candida clinical isolates using MALDI-TOF ICMS 2012
- The filamentous fungi culture collection of the Department of Food Science (CCDCA), Federal University of Lavras, Brazil 2012
- Assessment of fungi stability by MALDI-TOF ICMS following preservation on alginate encapsulated samples 2012
- Identification of Brazilian wild-type isolates of Aspergillus fumigatus based on polyphasic approach including MALDI-TOF MS technique 2012
- Implementating a methodology for identification of Sporothrix complex isolates by MALDI-TOF ICMS 2012
- New insights for identification of clinical isolates of Trichophyton rubrum using MALDI-TOF MS 2012
- Polyphasic identification of Aspergillus isolates belonging to section Nigri with clinical relevance 2012
- Application of MALDI-TOF MS to the identification of dialysis catheters associated microorganisms 2012
- Taxonomy of Aspergillus: integration of methods for new and revisited species in section Flavi 2012
- The importance of a quick identification of Aspergillus niger for a proper mycotoxin related diagnosis 2012
- Avaliação da produção de lacase pela indução de íons cobre e detecção do gene em duas linhagens de ascomicetos isolados de esponjas marinhas 2011
- Caracterização de estirpes de Trichoderma por análise morfologica, filogenética e por espectros de massa obtidos por MALDI-TOF 2011
- Fungos nas águas de consumo: qual a sua relevância? 2011
- MALDI-TOF ICMS: avanços na identificação de fungos 2011
- Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM): 15 anos de funcionamento e sua recente certificação baseada na ISO 9001:2008 2011
- Establishment of a bacterial strain reference culture collection: university hospital Cassiano Antônio de Moraes (CCBR-HUCAM), Vitória (ES), Brazil 2011
- Filamentous fungi in drinking water in relation to biofilm formation 2011
- Is MALDI-TOF ICMS able to discriminate dermatophyte clones? 2011
- MALDI-TOF ICMS vs molecular typing in the identification of dermatophyte strains 2011
- Characterisation of filamentous fungal diversity of Trichoderma genus isolated from marine sponge by sequencing ITS-rDNA and MALDI-TOF ICMS 2011
- Ligninolytic enzymes activities and SEM analysis of fungal inoculum of Anthracophyllum discolour 2011
- Utilization of white rot fungi for textile dye decolourisation under alkaline condition and high salt concentration in solid medium 2010
- Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM): a culture collection preparing the future 2010
- Fungos em água de abastecimento 2010
- MALDI-TOF ICMS as a modern approach to identify potential aflatoxigenic fungi 2010
- MALDI-TOF ICMS as a powerful technique for strain authentications in Culture Collections 2010
- MALDI-TOF ICMS na microbiologia clínica : porquê começar a usar? 2010
- Micoteca da Universidade do Minho (MUM): implementation of a Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2008 2010
- Micoteca da Universidade do Minho: Implementação de um sistema de gestão da qualidade com base na ISO 9001:2008 2010
- Portuguese isolates of Aspergillus section Flavi unraveled by the calmodulin gene 2010
- Use of MALDI-TOF ICMS on yeast identification : application on Candida species with clinical relevance 2010
- Aplicação do MALDI-TOF ICMS na abordagem polifásicada da identificação de isolados clínicos de Trichophyton rubrum 2009
- Contaminantes e biofilmes fúngicos presentes nos sistemas de distribuição das águas de abastecimento público 2009
- The microbial culture collections of the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and the new consortium towards the establishment of BRC-UFPE 2008
- Integration of MALDI-TOF MS data in the quality control of microbial culture collections 2008
- Environmental and industrial application criteria to establish the microbial culture collection of the Catholic University of Pernambuco (UCP) 2008
- MALDI-TOF MS potentialities and limits to characterise aflatoxigenic species of Aspergillus Section Flavi 2008