publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Step-by-step optimization of a heterologous pathway for de novo naringenin production in Escherichia coli. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2024
- Improving Fructooligosaccharide Production via sacC Gene Deletion in Zymomonas mobilis: A Novel Approach for Enhanced Prebiotic Production. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2024
- De Novo Biosynthesis of Curcumin in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. ACS Synthetic Biology. 2024
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a Host for Chondroitin Production. SynBio. 2024
- Optimization of chondroitin production in E. coli using genome scale models. Molecular Systems Design & Engineering. 2024
- Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the one-step production of a functional sweetening mixture towards food applications. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2022
- Heterologous production of curcuminoids. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. 2015
- A combined remediation technology for the reduction and bioleaching of hexavalent chromium from soils using Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists Series on Chemistry Sciences. 2014
- Combined remediation technology for the reduction and bioleaching of hexavalent chromium from soils using acidithiobacillus thiooxidans 2014
- Bioleaching of hexavalent chromium from soils using Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. Antibiotics. 2010
artigo de conferência
- Bioinformatics approaches for engineering L-Tyrosine production in Escherichia coli 2022
- Image processing tool for the detection and quantification of xylanase activity in a metagenomic study 2022
- Synthetic biology strategies for the production of furanocoumarins 2021
- Engineering Escherichia coli towards the production of prenylflavonoids 2021
- Engineering Zymomonas mobilis to produce tailor-made fructooligosaccharides 2021
- Metabolic engineering of Escherichia coli for biotechnological chondroitin production 2021
- Metabolic engineering of curcumin production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2021
- Production of a lactulose-based prebiotic mixture by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2021
- Stoichiometric genome-scale models for the chondroitin production in Escherichia coli 2021
- In silico prediction and design of CRISPR sgRNAs targeting miR-155 for TNBC treatment 2020
- Synthetic biology strategies for the production of plant polyphenolic compounds 2020
- Bioleaching of hexavalent chromium from soils using Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans 2010
artigo de revista
- Atmospheric Plasma and UV Polymerisation for Developing Sustainable Anti-Adhesive Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Surfaces. Coatings. 2023
- Atmospheric Plasma and UV Polymerisation for Developing Sustainable Anti-Adhesive Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Surfaces. Coatings. 2023
- Can Superhydrophobic PET Surfaces Prevent Bacterial Adhesion?. Nanomaterials. 2023
- Can Superhydrophobic PET Surfaces Prevent Bacterial Adhesion?. Nanomaterials. 2023
- Aptasensor for the Detection of Moraxella catarrhalis Adhesin UspA2 2023
- Aptasensor for the Detection of Moraxella catarrhalis Adhesin UspA2 2023
- Design of new hydrolyzed collagen-modified magnetic nanoparticles to capture pathogens. J Biomed Mater Res. 2023
- Design of new hydrolyzed collagen-modified magnetic nanoparticles to capture pathogens. J Biomed Mater Res. 2023
- Heterologous Production of Acrylic Acid: Current Challenges and Perspectives. SynBio. 2023
- Challenges in the Heterologous Production of Furanocoumarins in Escherichia coli. Biomolecules. 2022
- Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the one-step production of a functional sweetening mixture towards food applications. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2022
- Electrochemical Aptasensor for the Detection of the Key Virulence Factor YadA of Yersinia enterocolitica. Biosensors. 2022
- Electrochemical Aptasensor for the Detection of the Key Virulence Factor YadA of Yersinia enterocolitica. Biosensors. 2022
- Tailoring fructooligosaccharides composition with engineered Zymomonas mobilis ZM4. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2022
- Tailoring fructooligosaccharides composition with engineered Zymomonas mobilis ZM4. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2022
- One-step production of a novel prebiotic mixture using Zymomonas mobilis ZM4. Antibiotics. 2022
- Heterologous production of chondroitin. Biotechnology Reports. 2022
- Perspectives on the design of microbial cell factories to produce prenylflavonoids. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2022
- Curcumin biosynthesis from ferulic acid by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Antibiotics. 2022
- Identification of novel aptamers targeting Cathepsin B-overexpressing prostate cancer cells. Molecular Systems Design & Engineering. 2022
- Identification of novel aptamers targeting Cathepsin B-overexpressing prostate cancer cells. Molecular Systems Design & Engineering. 2022
- Zymomonas mobilis as an emerging biotechnological chassis for the production of industrially relevant compounds. Bioresources and Bioprocessing. 2021
- Improved method for the extraction of high-quality DNA from lignocellulosic compost samples for metagenomic studies. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2021
- Improved method for the extraction of high-quality DNA from lignocellulosic compost samples for metagenomic studies. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2021
- Cloning, Expression and Characterization of UDP-Glucose Dehydrogenases. Life. 2021
- Novel Biorecognition Elements against Pathogens in the Design of State-of-the-Art Diagnostics. Biosensors. 2021
- Novel Biorecognition Elements against Pathogens in the Design of State-of-the-Art Diagnostics. Biosensors. 2021
- Epilactose Biosynthesis Using Recombinant Cellobiose 2-Epimerase Produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2021
- Modification of PET surfaces with Gum Arabic towards its bacterial anti-adhesiveness using an experimental factorial design approach. Amino Acids. 2021
- A kinetic model of the central carbon metabolism for acrylic acid production in Escherichia coli. PLoS Computational Biology. 2021
- A kinetic model of the central carbon metabolism for acrylic acid production in Escherichia coli. PLoS Computational Biology. 2021
- Biosynthesis and heterologous production of furanocoumarins: Perspectives and current challenges. Natural Product Reports. 2021
- CRISPR-Cas9: A Powerful Tool to Efficiently Engineer Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Life. 2020
- Synthetic Biology Approaches to Engineer Saccharomyces cerevisiae towards the Industrial Production of Valuable Polyphenolic Compounds. Life. 2020
- A Combinatorial Approach to Optimize the Production of Curcuminoids From Tyrosine in Escherichia coli. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2020
- Potential Applications of the Escherichia coli Heat Shock Response in Synthetic Biology. Trends in Biotechnology. 2018
- Optimization of fermentation conditions for the production of curcumin by engineered Escherichia coli. Journal of the Royal SocIETy Interface. 2017
- Hydroxycinnamic acids and curcumin production in engineered Escherichia coli using heat shock promoters. Antibiotics. 2017
- Hydroxycinnamic acids and curcumin production in engineered Escherichia coli using heat shock promoters. Antibiotics. 2017
- Heterologous production of caffeic acid from tyrosine in Escherichia coli. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2015
- Heterologous production of caffeic acid from tyrosine in Escherichia coli. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2015
- Heterologous production of curcuminoids. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews. 2015
- Production of curcuminoids from tyrosine by a metabolically engineered Escherichia coli using caffeic acid as an intermediate. Antibiotics. 2015
- Production of curcuminoids from tyrosine by a metabolically engineered Escherichia coli using caffeic acid as an intermediate. Antibiotics. 2015
- Combined remediation technology for the reduction and bioleaching of hexavalent chromium from soils using Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans. Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Series on Chemistry Sciences. 2014
- Selection of Escherichia coli heat shock promoters toward their application as stress probes. Antibiotics. 2014
- Selection of Escherichia coli heat shock promoters toward their application as stress probes. Antibiotics. 2014
- Mobility of Cr, Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in a loamy sand soil: A comparative study. Geoderma. 2011
- Mobility of Cr, Pb, Cd, Cu and Zn in a loamy sand soil: A comparative study. Geoderma. 2011
capítulo de livro
- Application of metagenomics in the field of biotechnological conversion of lignocellulosic residues 2024
- Synthetic biology approaches towards biosurfactants production by LAB 2023
- Application of metagenomics in the field of biotechnological conversion of lignocellulosic residues 2022
- Microbial production of caffeic acid 2022
- Microbial production of curcumin 2022
- Microbial production of curcumin 2022
- Recent developments in the microbial production of curcumin 2022
- Yeast synthetic biology approaches for the production of valuable polyphenolic compounds 2022
- Biotech Green Approaches to Unravel the Potential of Residues into Valuable Products. Nanotechnology in the Life Sciences. 2020
- Biotech Green Approaches to Unravel the Potential of Residues into Valuable Products. Nanotechnology in the Life Sciences. 2020
- Yeast synthetic biology approaches for the production of valuable polyphenolic compounds 2020
- Chapter 14 - Nanotechnology in targeted drug delivery and therapeutics 2019
- Nanotechnology in Targeted Drug Delivery and Therapeutics 2019
- Synthetic Biology: Perspectives in Industrial Biotechnology 2017
- Synthetic biology strategies towards the development of new bioinspired technologies for medical applications. Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials. 2017
- Engineering Escherichia coli for de novo production of prenylflavonoids. 2024
- Construction of an optimized Escherichia coli strain able to produce prenylflavonoids. 2024
- Innovative approaches to polyphenol synthesis: combinatorial biosynthesis unveiled. 2024
- Heterologous production of plant polyphenols with high therapeutic potential using combinatorial biosynthesis 2024
- Heterologous production of plant polyphenols with high therapeutic potential using combinatorial biosynthesis. 2024
- Uncovering novel carbohydrate-degrading enzymes from composting units through metagenomic strategies 2024
- Blog Post - ATG SYNBIO SPAIN 2023 CONGRESS - A parade of amazing stakeholders in the SynBio field 2023
- Combinatorial approaches to achieve de novo production of prenylated flavonoids in Escherichia coli 2023
- Combinatorial approaches to achieve de novo production of prenylated flavonoids in Escherichia coli 2023
- Engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae for de novo biosynthesis of curcumin 2023
- Identification of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes using metagenomic approaches 2023
- Phenylpropanoids derivatives by engineered microorganisms 2023
- De novo curcuminoids production in engineered Escherichia coli 2023
- The European Synthetic Biology Society: connecting and empowering the european synthetic biology community 2023
- The European Synthetic Biology Society: Connecting and Empowering the European Synthetic Biology Community 2023
- Combinatorial approach for prenylflavonoids de novo production in Escherichia coli 2023
- A biologia sintética e as suas aplicações no meio ambiente e saúde 2023
- Synthetic biology approaches for biotechnology applications (Abordagens de Biologia Sintética para Aplicações na Biotecnologia) 2023
- Agro-industrial wastes as alternative substrates for the production of prebiotic with Zymomonas mobilis 2023
- Rice industry residues potential for curcumin production by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2023
- Rice industry wastes as substrate for curcumin production in engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2023
- Synthetic biology for a promising future (Invited Lecture) 2023
- Application of synthetic biology in health, environment and industry for a better future (Invited Lecture) 2022
- Combinatorial approaches for de novo production of flavonoids in Escherichia coli 2022
- De novo curcumin biosynthesis by an engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2022
- De novocurcumin biosynthesis by an engineeredSaccharomyces cerevisiae 2022
- Design of an Escherichia coli strain to be used as platform for de novo production of flavonoid-derived compounds 2022
- Zymomonas mobilis an emerging microbial cell factory to produce prebiotics 2022
- Design of an Escherichia coli strain to be used as platform for de novo production of flavonoid-derived compounds 2022
- Zymomonas mobilis an emerging microbial cell factory to produce prebiotics. 2022
- The synthetic biology potential: some applications at Centre of Biological Engineering University of Minho 2022
- Curcuminoids biosynthesis using synthetic biology approaches combined with a co-culture strategy 2022
- Curcuminoids biosynthesis using synthetic biology approaches combined with a co-culture strategy 2022
- Image processing tool for the detection and quantification of xylanase activity in a metagenomic study 2022
- Bioinformatics approaches for engineering L-Tyrosine production in Escherichia coli 2022
- Método e kit de extração de ADN de elevada qualidade, adequado para estudos metagenómicos, a partir de amostras que contenham elevados níveis de ácidos húmicos 2022
- How synthetic biology can change the world [Invited Lecture] 2022
- Engineering Escherichia coli towards the production of prenylflavonoids 2021
- Engineering Zymomonas mobilis to produce tailor-made fructooligosaccharides 2021
- Metabolic engineering of curcumin production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2021
- Metabolic engineering of curcumin production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2021
- Production of a lactulose-based prebiotic mixture by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2021
- Synthetic biology strategies for the production of furanocoumarins 2021
- Targeting oncogenic microRNAs in triple negative breast cancer using a CRISPR/Cas9-based approach 2021
- Functional screening for the detection of ß-glucosidase activity in a metagenomic library obtained from a compost sample 2021
- Functional screening for the detection of ß-glucosidase activity in a metagenomic library obtained from a compost sample 2021
- Functional screening for the detection of β-glucosidase activity in a metagenomic library obtained from a compost sample 2021
- Engineering Escherichia coli towards the production of prenylflavonoids 2021
- Engineering Escherichia coli towards the production of prenylflavonoids (Flash presentation) 2021
- DNA aptamers towards Yersinia enterocolitica and Moraxella catarrhalis adhesins in novel POC diagnostics 2021
- Towards the development of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell factory to produce the polyphenol curcumin 2021
- Towards the development of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell factory to produce the polyphenol curcumin 2021
- Selection and validation of DNA aptamers against Yersinia Enterocolitica and Moraxella Catarrhalis adhesins 2021
- Selection of aptamers towards adhesins of Yersinia Enterocolitica and Moxarella Catarrhalis 2021
- Collagen-coated Magnetic Nanoparticles to Capture Pathogens 2021
- Alternative enzymes for glycosaminoglycans biosynthetic pathway design 2021
- Exploring Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a curcumin producer 2021
- FoSynBio: Synthetic biology approaches to design and construct microbial cell factories for the production of fructooligosaccharides 2021
- Metagenomics approach to unravel the potential of lignocellulosicresidues towards the discovery of novel enzymes 2021
- Stoichiometric genome-scale models for the chondroitin production in Escherichia coli 2021
- Stoichiometric genome-scale models for the chondroitin production in Escherichia coli. 2021
- How synthetic biology can make the world a better place 2021
- Prebiotic biosynthesis using cellobiose 2-epimerase produced by Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2021
- Synthetic biology approaches to engineer polyphenols microbial cell factories 2021
- Zymomonas mobilis: a promising microorganism for prebiotic production 2021
- Targeting oncogenic microRNAs in Triple Negative Breast Cancer using a CRISPR/Cas9-based approach 2020
- Collagen-coated magnetic nanoparticles to capture pathogens from biological samples 2020
- Collagen-coated magnetic nanoparticles to capture pathogens from biological samples 2020
- In silico prediction and design of CRISPR sgRNAs targeting miR-155 for TNBC treatment 2020
- Targeting oncogenic microRNAs in triple negative breast cancer using a CRISPR/Cas9-based approach 2020
- Biosynthesis of plant polyphenol compounds with therapeutic and industrial relevance 2020
- Biosynthesis of plant polyphenolic compounds with therapeutic and industrial relevance 2020
- Functional screening of metagenomics libraries to find cellulolytic enzymes 2020
- Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a microbial biocatalyst for the one-step production of prebiotic fructooligosaccharides 2020
- CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Knockdown of miR-155 for Triple Negative Breast Cancer Treatment 2020
- Construction of a novel and safe S. cerevisiae biocatalyst for lactulose production 2020
- Engineering Saccharomyces cerevisiae towards the production of curcumin 2020
- Synthetic Biology Approaches to improve the production of Fructooligossacharides using Zymomonas mobilis as chassis 2020
- Synthetic biology approaches to improve the production of fructooligosaccharides using Zymomonas mobilis as a chassis 2020
- UDP-glucuronic acid heterologous production in Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae chassis 2020
- CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Knockout of miR-155 for Triple Negative Breast Cancer Treatment 2020
- Construction of a novel and safe S. cerevisiae biocatalyst for lactulose production 2020
- Synthetic Biology approaches to improve the production of Fructooligosaccharides using Zymomonas mobilis as chassis 2020
- Metabolic engineering of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for productionof curcumin 2020
- Synthetic biology applications in health, environment and industry 2020
- CRISPR-Cas9 based strategy to engineer Saccharomyces cerevisiae towards the production of curcumin from ferulic acid 2019
- CRISPR-Cas9 based strategy to engineer Saccharomyces cerevisiae towards the production of curcumin from ferulic acid 2019
- Combinatorial biosynthesis of plant natural products in microorganisms 2019
- Combinatorial biosynthesis of plant natural products in microorganisms 2019
- Combinatorial biosynthesis of plant natural products in microorganisms. 2019
- Improved method for the extraction of humic acid-free DNA from lignocellulosic residues for metagenomic studies 2019
- Improved method for the extraction of humic acid-free DNA from lignocellulosic residues for metagenomic studies 2019
- Improved method for the extraction of humic acid-free DNA from lignocellulosic residues for metagenomic studies 2019
- CRISPR-Cas9 based strategy to engineer Saccharomyces cerevisiae towards the production of curcumin from ferulic acid. 2019
- Zymomonas mobilis as a whole-cell biocatalyst for the production of prebiotics 2019
- Zymomonas mobilis as a whole-cell biocatalyst for the production of prebiotics 2019
- Enzymatic synthesis of lactulose using a novel biocatalyst 2019
- A kinetic model of the central carbon metabolism for acrylic acid production in Escherichia coli 2019
- A kinetic model of the central carbon metabolism for acrylic acid production in Escherichia coli 2019
- Engineering a biosynthetic pathway for high-value glycosaminoglycans production 2018
- Engineering a biosynthetic pathway for high-value glycosaminoglycans production 2018
- Pathway expression optimization using the Ribosome Binding Site (RBS) Calculator tool 2018
- Pathway expression optimization using the Ribosome Binding Site (RBS) Calculator tool 2018
- Pathway expression optimization using the Ribosome Binding Site (RBS) Calculator tool. 2018
- Synthetic biology: heterologous production of bioactive agents 2017
- Heterologous production of plant natural polyphenolic compounds in Escherichia coli 2017
- Production of curcumin from ferulic acid by an engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2017
- Production of curcumin from ferulic acid by an engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2017
- Production of curcumin from ferulic acid by an engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 2017
- Heterologous production of bioactive agents 2017
- Enhancing curcuminoid production using E. coli engineered strains 2016
- Introduction to synthetic biology: tools, methods, applications and containment systems 2016
- Synthetic biology approaches to engineer new pathways for the production of plant secondary metabolites 2016
- Synthetic biology approaches to engineer new pathways for the production of plant secondary metabolites 2016
- Biosynthetic production of curcuminoids 2015
- Biologia Sintética: Aplicações e Regulamentação 2015
- Biosynthetic production of curcuminoids 2015
- Heterologous production of curcuminoids in E. coli through an artificial biosynthetic pathway 2014
- Heterologous production of curcuminoids in E. coli through an artificial biosynthetic pathway 2014
- Design and construction of a new biosynthetic pathway for the production of curcuminoids in Escherichia coli 2013
- Design and construction of a new biosynthetic pathway for the production of curcuminoids in Escherichia coli 2013
- Design and construction of a new biosynthetic pathway for the production of curcuminoids in Escherichia coli 2012
- Design and construction of a new biosynthetic pathway for the production of curcuminoids in Escherichia coli 2012
- Synbiobacther - Engineering "therapeutic" bacteria 2012
- Synbiobacther: engineering “therapeutic” bacteria 2012
- Synbiobacther - Engineering "therapeutic" bacteria 2011
- Bioleaching of hexavalent chromium from soils using Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans 2010
- Bioremediation of soils 2009
- Conference Website: Biotechnology to build a brighter future: Food, Health and Environmental Applications (B+FHE)
- In Silico Design of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains for Improved Production of Chondroitin
poster de conferência
- Identification of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes using metagenomic approaches 2023
- Phenylpropanoids derivatives by engineered microorganisms 2023
- Combinatorial approaches for de novo production of flavonoids inEscherichia coli 2022
- Towards the development of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell factory to produce the polyphenol curcumin 2021
- In silico prediction and design of CRISPR sgRNAs targeting miR-155 for TNBC treatment 2020
- Biosynthesis of plant polyphenol compounds with therapeutic and industrial relevance 2020
- Functional screening of metagenomics libraries to find cellulolytic enzymes 2020
- Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a microbial biocatalyst for the one-step production of prebiotic fructooligosaccharides 2020
- CRISPR/Cas9-mediated knockout of miR-155 for Triple Negative Breast Cancer treatment 2020
- Synthetic biology approaches to improve the production of fructooligossacharides using Zymomonas mobilis as chassis 2020
- A kinetic model of the central carbon metabolism for acrylic acid production in Escherichia coli 2019
- Enzymatic synthesis of lactulose using a novel biocatalyst 2019
- Engineering a biosynthetic pathway for high-value glycosaminoglycans production 2018
- Synbiobacther: engineering "therapeutic" bacteria 2011
- Design and construction of a new biosynthetic pathway for the production of curcuminoids in Escherichia coli 2014
- Design and construction of a new biosynthetic pathway for the production of curcuminoids in Escherichia coli 2014
- Estudo do mecanismo de resposta da Escherichia coli ao choque térmico (Study of the Response Mechanism of Escherichia coli to Heat Shock) 2010