publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Growth of Al:ZnO nano-flowers by pulsed laser ablation deposition. Optics and Laser Technology. 2024
- Ferroelectric behavior arising from polar topologies in epitaxially strained SrTiO3-d ultrathin films. Materials Today Nano. 2024
- Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric Properties of Organic MDABCO-NH4Cl3 Perovskite for Flexible Energy Harvesting. Micro. 2024
- Phase transitions in ferroelectric ZrO2 thin films. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. 2024
- Flexible Magnetocaloric Fiber Mats for Room-Temperature Energy Applications. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2024
- Electrospun Microstructured Biopolymer Fibers Containing the Self-Assembled Boc-Phe-Ile Dipeptide: Dielectric and Energy Harvesting Properties. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Influence of LiNbO3 layer thickness on structural and dielectric properties of CoFe2O4\LiNbO3 multiferroic bilayers prepared by laser ablation. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2023
- Dielectric and energy harvesting properties of functionalized composite nanofibers consisting of Boc-Phe-Leu self-assembled dipeptide inclusions in biocompatible polymeric matrices. Discover Materials. 2023
- Magnetoliposomes Containing Multicore Nanoparticles and a New Thienopyridine Antitumor Compound for Chemo/Thermotherapy. MDPI Biomedicines. 2022
- Pyroelectric and Piezoelectric Voltage Coefficients of Blue Luminescent Organic Lead-Free Perovskite MDABCO-NH4I3 Electrospun Nanofibers. 2022
- Simulation of the temperature profile of BaCaZrTiO3 thin films during laser annealing. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2020
Structural and Raman characterization of nanogranular BaTiO
3 -NiFe2 O4 thin films deposited by laser ablation on Si/Pt substrates. physica status solidi (RRL) - Rapid Research Letters. 2010 - Structural and Magnetic Properties of Nanogranular BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 Thin Films Deposited by Laser Ablation on Si/Pt Substrates. Key Engineering Materials. 2008
- Structural and optical characterization of WO3 deposited on glass and ITO. Vacuum. 2002
Magnetoresistance enhancement in specular, bottom-pinned, Mn
83 Ir17 spin valves with nano-oxide layers. Applied Physics Letters. 2000 - Ion beam deposition of Mn-Ir spin valves. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 1999
- Deposition and characterization of multilayered TiN/ZrN coatings. Thin Solid Films. 1998
- Effect of substrate bias on the properties of NiO/NiFe and NiO/CoFe exchange biased spin-valve sensors. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 1998
- Interfacial roughness of multilayered TiN/ZrN coatings. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 1998
- Structural characterization of multilayered sputtered TiN/ZrN coatings. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1998
- Temperature dependence of the magnetic interlayer coupling in Fe/Cr multilayers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1998
- The effect of substrate bias on the properties of NiO/NiFe and NiO/CoFe exchange biased spinvalve sensors. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 1998
Design, fabrication, and wafer level testing of (NiFe/Cu)
xn dual stripe GMR sensors. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 1997 - Electrical resistivity behavior of Fe/Cr multilayers deposited by different techniques (molecular-beam epitaxy, sputtering), on different substrates (MgO,Si). Journal of Applied Physics. 1997
Interlayer coupling across an alloy spacer: Co/Cu
75 Au25 multilayers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1997 - Magnetization and magnetoresistance in Fe-ion-implanted Cu and Ag thin films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1997
n soft multilayers for write head pole pieces. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1997 - Anomalous electrical resistivity in metallic multilayer systems and interfacial structural changes. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1996
- Giant thermopower in 3D-magnetic multilayers. Structural and electron band effects (abstract). Journal of Applied Physics. 1996
- Phonon-assisted sd electron scattering in Fe/Cr multilayers. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1996
- s-d electron scattering as a sensitive probe to study Fe/Cr multilayer structural differences (MBE/sputtered samples). Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1996
- Magnetoresistance in NiPt multilayers with perpendicular and in-plane magnetization. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1995
- Magnetothermopower in antiferromagnetically coupled Co-Re superlattices. Journal of Applied Physics. 1994
- Temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity, thermopower and magnetoresistance of Co-Re superlattices. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1994
- A new anomaly in thin Ni-Cu multilayered films. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1993
Critical behaviour of the magnetoresistance of NdRu
2 Si2 near the Néel point. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 1993
artigo de conferência
- Magnetoliposomes based on manganese ferrite/gold nanoparticles for applications in cancer therapy 2018
0.5 Ca0.5 MnO3 thin films deposited on LiNbO3 substrates. EPJ Web of Conferences. 2013 -
2/3 Sr1/3 MnO3 thin films deposited by laser ablation on lithium niobate substrates. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 2010 - Structural and magnetic properties of nanogranular BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 thin films deposited by laser ablation on Si/Pt substrates 2006
- Modeling of polar clusters in disordered perovskites: the S-K model with tunneling 2000
artigo de revista
- Nanostructured Electrospun Fibers with Self-Assembled Cyclo-L-Tryptophan-L-Tyrosine Dipeptide as Piezoelectric Materials and Optical Second Harmonic Generators. Materials. 2023
- A Polymorph of Dipeptide Halide Glycyl-L-Alanine Hydroiodide Monohydrate: Crystal Structure, Optical Second Harmonic Generation, Piezoelectricity and Pyroelectricity. Materials. 2023
- Bioinspired Cyclic Dipeptide Functionalized Nanofibers for Thermal Sensing and Energy Harvesting. Materials. 2023
- Synthesis, structural and dielectric properties of Ca3Mn2O7 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition. Materials Research Bulletin. 2023
- Comparison of Physical/Chemical Properties of Prussian Blue Thin Films Prepared by Different Pulse and DC Electrodeposition Methods. Materials. 2022
- Lead-Free MDABCO-NH4I3 Perovskite Crystals Embedded in Electrospun Nanofibers. Materials. 2022
- High Piezoelectric Output Voltage from Blue Fluorescent N,N-Dimethyl-4-Nitroaniline Nano Crystals into Poly-L-Lactic Acid Electrospun Fibers. Materials. 2022
- Magnetoliposomes Containing Multicore Nanoparticles and a New Antitumor Thienopyridine Compound with Potential Application in Chemo/Thermotherapy. Biomedicines. 2022
- Development of Thermo- and pH-Sensitive Liposomal Magnetic Carriers for New Potential Antitumor Thienopyridine Derivatives. Materials. 2022
- Magnetoliposomes Based on Magnetic/Plasmonic Nanoparticles Loaded with Tricyclic Lactones for Combined Cancer Therapy. Pharmaceutics. 2021
- Thermal stability and decomposition kinetics of NdNiO3-d at 1 bar of O2. Amino Acids. 2021
- Magnetoliposomes Based on Shape Anisotropic Calcium/Magnesium Ferrite Nanoparticles as Nanocarriers for Doxorubicin. Pharmaceutics. 2021
- Functionalized magnetic composite nano/microfibres with highly oriented van der Waals CrI3 inclusions by electrospinning. Nanotechnology. 2021
- Photodeposition of Silver on Zinc/Calcium Ferrite Nanoparticles: A Contribution to Efficient Effluent Remediation and Catalyst Reutilization. Nanomaterials. 2021
- Interplay of Magnetic Properties and Doping in Epitaxial Films of h-REFeO 3 Multiferroic Oxides. Small. 2021
- Unit cell volume reduction of Gd5(Si,Ge)4 nanoparticles controlled by bulk compressibility. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2020
- Stealth Magnetoliposomes Based on Calcium-Substituted Magnesium Ferrite Nanoparticles for Curcumin Transport and Release. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2020
- Development of Novel Magnetoliposomes Containing Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles Covered with Gold for Applications in Thermotherapy. Materials. 2020
- Dehydropeptide-based plasmonic magnetogels: a supramolecular composite nanosystem for multimodal cancer therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2020
- Magnetic Nanoparticles of Zinc/Calcium Ferrite Decorated with Silver for Photodegradation of Dyes. Materials. 2019
- Magnetoliposomes Containing Calcium Ferrite Nanoparticles for Applications in Breast Cancer Therapy. Pharmaceutics. 2019
- Development of Multifunctional Liposomes Containing Magnetic/Plasmonic MnFe2O4/Au Core/Shell Nanoparticles. Pharmaceutics. 2019
- Influence of Al/Si atomic ratio on optical and electrical properties of magnetron sputtered Al1-xSixOy coatings. Thin Solid Films. 2019
- Narrow optical gap ferroelectric Bi2ZnTiO6 thin films deposited by RF sputtering. Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 2019
- Self-assembly of dipeptide Boc-diphenylalanine nanotubes inside electrospun polymeric fibers with strong piezoelectric response. Nanoscale Advances. 2019
- Magnetoliposomes containing magnesium ferrite nanoparticles as nanocarriers for the model drug curcumin. Royal SocIETy Open Science. 2018
- Development of Inhalable Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs) in Microparticulate System for Antituberculosis Drug Delivery. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 2018
- Piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties of DL-alanine and L-lysine amino-acid polymer nanofibres. Materials Research Express. 2018
- Thickness dependence of microstructure in thin La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films grown on (1 0 0) SrTiO3 substrate. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2017
- Magnetoliposomes as carriers for promising antitumor thieno[3,2-b]pyridin-7-arylamines: photophysical and biological studies. Nanoscale. 2017
- Probing ferroelectric behaviour in charge-transfer organic meta-nitroaniline. Applied Physics Letters. 2016
- Infrared reflectivity investigation of the phase transition sequence in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2016
- Ordered La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 nanohole arrays fabricated on a nanoporous alumina template by pulsed laser ablation. Nanotechnology. 2016
- A poly-e-caprolactone based biofilm carrier for nitrate removal from water. Amino Acids. 2016
- Magnetoliposomes based on manganese ferrite nanoparticles as nanocarriers for antitumor drugs. Nanoscale. 2016
- Cobalt ferrite thin films deposited by electrophoresis on p-doped Si substrates. Applied Surface Science. 2015
- Effect of electrospun alumina nanofibers incorporation in ceramic glaze. Journal of Ceramic Science and Technology. 2015
- Magnetic Liposomes based on Nickel Ferrite Nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 2015
- Synthesis, structural and magnetic characterization of lead-metaniobate/cobalt-ferrite nanocomposite films deposited by pulsed laser ablation. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2015
- Magnetoliposomes based on nickel/silica core/shell nanoparticles : synthesis and characterization. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2014
- Barium titanate thin films deposited by electrophoresis on p-Doped Si(001) substrates. Applied Surface Science. 2014
- Electrophoretic deposition of CoFe 2O 4 nanograins dispersed in a laser ablated BaTiO 3 matrix. European Physical Journal E. 2014
Energy harvesting from nanofibers of hybrid organic ferroelectric dabcoHReO
4 . Applied Physics Letters. 2014 - Intense optical second harmonic generation from centrosymmetric nanocrystalline para-nitroaniline. Applied Physics Letters. 2014
- Properties of Electrospun TiO2Nanofibers. Journal of Nanotechnology. 2014
Unravelling the effect of SrTiO
3 antiferrodistortive phase transition on the magnetic properties of La0.7 Sr0.3 MnO3 thin films. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2014 - Ferroelectric characterization of aligned barium titanate nanofibres. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2013
- Production and PFM Characterization of Barium Titanate Nanofibers. European Physical Journal E. 2012
- Simple way to make Anatase TiO 2 films on FTO glass for promising solar cells. Materials Letters. 2012
- Strong enhancement of second harmonic generation in 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline nanofibers. Nanoscale. 2012
- Oriented single-crystal-like molecular arrangement of optically nonlinear 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline in electrospun nanofibers. ACS Nano. 2011
- Production of polar ß-glycine nanofibers with enhanced nonlinear optical and piezoelectric properties. Crystal Growth & Design. 2011
- Surface characterization of Ti-Si-C-ON coatings for orthopedic devices: XPS and Raman spectroscopy. Solid State Sciences. 2011
- High nonlinear optical anisotropy of urea nanofibers. Epl. 2010
High-field magnetoresistance of La
0.67 Sr0.33 MnO3 thin films deposited on LiNbO3 substrates. Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 2010 - Influence of the surface morphology and microstructure on the biological properties of Ti-Si-C-N-O coatings. Thin Solid Films. 2010
- Piezoresponse force microscopy studies of the triglycine sulfate-based nanofibers. Journal of Applied Physics. 2010
Structural and magnetic characterization of LaSrMnO
3 thin films deposited by laser ablation on MgO substrates. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials. 2010 - Synthesis of polymer-based triglycine sulfate nanofibres by electrospinning. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics. 2009
Influence of grain size dispersion on the magnetic properties of nanogranular BaTiO
3 -CoFe2 O4 thin films. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 2009 -
Stress induced magnetic anisotropy on BaTiO
3 -CoFe2 O4 nanogranular composite thin films. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008 -
Structural and magnetic properties of CoFe
2 O4 thin films deposited by laser ablation on Si (001) substrates. Vacuum. 2008 -
Temperature dependence of the dielectric permittivity of BaTiO
3 -CoFe2 O4 ceramic composites. European Physical Journal E. 2008 - XRD and FTIR analysis of Ti-Si-C-ON coatings for biomedical applications. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2008
Nanogranular BaTi O
3 -Co Fe2 O4 thin films deposited by pulsed laser ablation. Journal of Applied Physics. 2007 -
X-ray diffraction and Raman study of nanogranular BaTiO
3 - CoFe2 O4 thin films deposited by laser ablation on Si/Pt substrates. physica status solidi (a). 2007 - Structural and Electrical Characterization of Lead Metaniobate Thin Films Deposited by Pulsed Laser Ablation. European Physical Journal E. 2006
Determination of infrared optical parameters of SrTiO
3 thin films from the reflectivity spectrum. Thin Solid Films. 2006 -
Annealing induced ordering of SrTiO
3 thin films deposited by laser ablation over Si substrates. Integrated Ferroelectrics. 2004 - Infrared characterization of strontium titanate thin films. Applied Surface Science. 2004
- Ergodicity breaking in stronium calcium titanate. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 2001
- Optical characterisation of anatase: A comparative study of the bulk crystal and the polycrystalline thin film. Thin Solid Films. 2001
- Modeling of polar clusters in disordered perovskites: The S-K model with tunneling. European Physical Journal E. 2000
- Simulation of the interband [formula omitted] and intraband [formula omitted] electron–phonon contributions to the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity in Fe/Cr multilayers. Journal of Applied Physics. 1999
Structural analysis of Ti
1-x Six Ny nanocomposite films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1999
capítulo de livro
- Eletrospun nanofiber dopped with TiO2 and carbon quantum dots for the photodegradation of amoxicillin 2024
- Dielectric properties of multiferroic CoFe2O4\BaTiO3 Bilayers 2023
- A comparative study of structural and electrical properties of PVDF-based co- and ter-polymer nanocomposite films 2023
- Structural and Dielectric Properties of CoFe2O4\BaTiO3 Bilayer Thin Films Deposited by Laser Ablation over SrTiO3 2023
- CoFe2O4\BaTiO3 Bilayers deposited by laser ablation over SrTiO3 substrates 2023
- Functionalized nanofibers with linear dipeptides for biosensor applications 2023
- Structural and Dielectric Properties of Electrospun LiNbO3-CoFe2O4 Composite Nanofibers with Different Co-Ferrite Concentrations 2023
- Dielectric properties of CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 Bilayers 2022
- Structural and Dielectric Properties of CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 Bilayers 2022
- Structural and Dielectric Properties of CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 Bilayers Deposited Over Highly Doped Si (001) Substrates 2022
- Novel magnetoliposomes based on shape-anisotropic nanoparticles for combined chemotherapy and magnetic hyperthermia 2021
- Multifunctional Fe-Au Nanostructures for Biomedical Applications 2021
- Dielectric properties of CoFe2O4\LiNbO3 Bilayers 2020
- Proceedings of the Portuguese Condensed Matter Physics National Conference (CMPNC 2019) 2020
- Multiferroic CoFe2O4\LiNbO3 Bilayers 2019
- Dieletric properties of phenantrene nanofibers by electrospinning 2018
- Magnetoliposomes containing magnesium ferrite nanoparticles for enhanced therapeutic potential of curcumin 2017
- Magnetic liposomes containing calcium ferrite nanoparticles for breast cancer therapy 2017
- Magnetic/plasmonic MnFe2O4/Au nanoparticles covered with lipid bilayers for applications in thermotherapy 2017
- Magnetogels based on iron oxide nanoparticles and peptide hydrogels containing Naproxen and/or RGD 2017
- Multiferroic Nanofibers 2017
- Dielectric and non-linear optical properties of KDP nanofibers 2016
- Energy Harvesting With Amino Acids Polymer Nanofibers 2016
- X-Ray diffraction modelling of trilayer nanostructured thin films 2016
- Pr1-xCaxMnO3 thin films deposited on lithium niobate 2016
- 20th National Physics Conference and 26th Iberian Meeting for Physics Teaching - Abstract book 2016
- 20th National Physics Conference and 26th Iberian Meeting for Physics Teaching - Proceedings 2016
- Ferroelectric properties of Barium Titanate nanofibers 2014
- Influence of strontium titanate antiferrodistortive phase transition on the magnetic properties of La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 thin films 2014
- Development of nickel-based magnetoliposomes 2014
- Effect of substrate piezoelectric strain on the resistance of PCMO manganite thin films 2013
- Electrophoretic deposition of CoFe2O4 nanograins dispersed in a BaTiO3 matrix 2013
- Study of dielectric, pyroelectic, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties in polymer nanofibers composed of potassium sodium tartrate 2013
- Core-shell multiferroic nanofibers produced by the electrospinning technique 2013
- Production and characterization of organic polar nanofibers produced by electrospinning 2013
- Interface-mediated order-parameter coupling in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films on SrTiO3 2013
- Magnetoliposomes based on magnetite nanoparticles 2013
- Influence of thickness on the charge-ordering temperature of Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 manganite thin films deposited on LiNbO3 substrates 2013
- Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films on LinNbO3 substrates 2013
- Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 thin films deposited on LiNbO3 substrates 2012
- Structural, electrical and optical characterization of NiO films produced by laser ablation for organic photovoltaic solar cell applications 2012
- Synthesis, structural characterization and ferroelectric properties of the barium titanate nanofibers 2012
- Nanofibers of dabco:pra and barium titanate produced by electrospinning 2011
- Lanthnum manganite films on z-cut LiNbO3 substrates 2011
- Structural and Dielectric Properties of Electrophoretic Deposited CoFe2O4 Nanograins Dispersed in a BaTiO3 Matrix 2011
- Deposition of CoFe2O4 nanograins dispersed in BaTiO3 2010
- Electrophoretic deposition of barium titanate thin films 2010
- Electrospinning as a tool for producing single crystal-like oriented organic nanofibers 2010
- Effect of annealing temperature in cobalt ferrite films deposited by water based electrophoresis on Pt covered Si substrates 2010
- Electrophoretic deposition of CoFe2O4 nanograins dispersed in a BaTiO3 matrix 2010
- Lanthanum manganite films on z-cut LiNbO3 substrates 2010
- Synthesis and PFM characterization of electrospun TGS nanofibers 2010
- Barium titanate thin films deposited by electrophoresis on p-doped Si(001) substrates 2010
- BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 nanocomposites 2010
- Structural and Raman characterization of nanogranular BaTiO3-NiFe2O4 thin films deposited by laser ablation on Si/Pt substrates 2009
- Cobalt ferrite thin films deposited by electrophoresis on p-doped Si substrates 2009
- High field magnetoresistance of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 thin films deposited on LiNbO3 substrates 2009
- La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 thin films deposited by laser ablation 2009
- Lanthanum manganate thin films deposited on MgO and SrTiO3 substrates 2008
- Structural and magnetic characterization of LaSrMnO3 thin films deposited by laser ablation on MgO substrates 2008
- Structural and magnetic properties of manganite thin films produced by pulsed laser deposition 2008
- Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy on BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 nanogranular composite thin films 2008
- Structural characterization of lead niobate-cobalt ferrite nanogranular composites deposited by pulsed laser ablation 2008
- Dielectric Properties of CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 Ceramic Composites 2007
- Influence of composition in the dielectric properties of CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 ceramic composites 2007
- Laser ablation deposition of nanostructured cobalt ferrite thin films on silicon substrates 2007
- From Basic to Higher Education in the 21st Century 2007
- Livro de actas do Encontro de Educação em Física - do ensino básico ao superior no século XXI (1ª Ed). 2007
- Magnetic characterization of nanogranular BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 thin films 2007
- Magnetic characterization of nanogranular BatiO3-Cofe2O4 thin films deposited by laser ablation on Si/Pt substrates 2006
- Nanocompósitos Multiferroicos Magnetoeléctricos 2006
- Structural characterization of nanogranular BatiO3-Cofe2O4 thin films deposited by laser ablation on Si/Pt substrates 2006
- Cobalt ferrite films for application in magnetoelectric composites 2005
- Influência da microestructura na resposta piezoelectrica de Poli(Fluoreto De Vinilideno) (PVDF) 2005
- Structural and electrical characterization of lead metaniobate thin films deposited by pulsed laser ablation 2005
- Structural and magnetic properties of CoFe2O4 thin films deposited by laser ablation on Si substrates 2005
- Structure of lead metaniobate thin films deposited by pulsed laser ablation 2005
- Infrared reflectivity modeling of strontium titanate thin films 2003
- Annealing Induced Ordering of SrTiO3 Thin Films Deposited by Laser Ablation Over Si Substrates 2003
- Annealing of strontium titanate thin films, deposited by pulsed laser ablation on Si(100) substrates 2002
- Pulsed Laser Ablation Deposition of Strontium Titanate Thin Films over Si substrates 2002
- Optical, structural and mechanical properties of tungsten oxide thin films 2001
- Characterization of sputtered WO3 thin films for electrochromic devices 2000
- Deposition of Mo-Al2O3 cermet spectrally selective films by magnetron sputtering 2000
- Modeling thelow angles X-ray spectra of silica films with Ge grains 2000
- Optical characterization of sputtered WO3 thin films for electrochromic thin coatings 2000
- Structural and optical characterization WO3 deposited on glass and ITO 2000
- Numerical modeling of polar cluster interactions in Sr1-xCaxTiO3 1999
- Temperature dependence of the magnetic interlayer coupling in Fe/Cr multilayers 1997
- Electrical resistivity behavior of Fe/Cr multilayers deposited by different techniques (MBE, Sputtering), on different substrates (MgO, Si) 1996
- Structural characterization of magnetic metallic multilayer films, with low angle X-ray diffraction 1995
- A comparative study of MBE and sputtered Fe/Cr multilayers, using highly sensitive resistivity measurements 1995
- Simulação de espectros de raios-x em multicamadas de Co-Cu 1994
- Magnetoresistance in Ni-Pt Multilayers with Perpendicular and in-plane Magnetization 1994
- Electrospun Microstructured Biopolymer Fibers Containing Self-Assembled Boc-Phe-Ile Dipeptide: Dielectric and Energy Harvesting Properties
- Nanostructured Electrospun Fibers with Self-assembled Cyclo-L-Tryptophan-L-Tyrosine Dipeptide as Piezoelectric Materials and Optical Second Harmonic Generators
- Piezoelectric and Pyroelectric Properties of Organic MDABCO-NH4Cl3 Perovskite for Flexible Energy Harvesting