publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Quantitative image analysis for assessing extracellular polymeric substances in activated sludge under atrazine exposure. Separation and Purification Technology. 2024
- Cookie composition analysis by Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy coupled to chemometric analysis. Food Chemistry. 2024
- BioISO: an objective-oriented application for assisting the curation of genome-scale metabolic models. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2024
- A Review of Computational Modeling in Wastewater Treatment Processes. ACS ES and T Water. 2023
- Fate and occurrence of microplastics in wastewater treatment plants. Environmental Science: Advances. 2023
- Erratum to: Quantitative physiology and elemental composition of Kluyveromyces lactis CBS 2359 during growth on glucose at different specific growth rates. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2017
- Comparison of aroma production from castor oil by Yarrowia lipolytica in airlift and STR bioreactors. Antibiotics. 2015
- Correction: Population dynamics of a salmonella lytic phage and its host: Implications of the host bacterial growth rate in modelling (PlosOne (2015) 10:8 (e0136007)). Antibiotics. 2015
- Stringent response of Escherichia coli: revisiting the bibliome using literature mining. Microbial Informatics and Experimentation. 2011
- 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference - CHEMPOR 2008 - Integrating Life Sciences & Engineering Special Section. Antibiotics. 2010
- Applying a Metabolic Footprinting Approach to Characterize the Impact of the Recombinant Protein Production in Escherichia coli. Advances in Bioinformatics. 2010
- Life cycle assessment of soybean biodiesel and LPG as automotive fuels in Portugal. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2010
- A Dynamical Model for the Fermentative Production of Fructooligosaccharides. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2009
- Determination of kinetic and stoichiometric parameters of pseudomonas putida F1 by chemostat and pulse respirometry. Chemical Product and Process Modeling. 2009
- Editorial: Special issue contributed by the 10th international chemical and biological engineering conference - CHEMPOR 2008. Chemical Product and Process Modeling. 2009
- Metabolic footprinting of Escherichia coli grown in fed-batch fermentation during recombinant protein production. New Biotechnology. 2009
- Selected papers from 10th international chemical and biological engineering conference (chempor 2008): Editorial. International Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2009
- Wasted Sludge Treatment Contributions in the WWTP Total Cost. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2007
- Fed-batch trajectory optimal control problems with cubic splines. WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control. 2006
- On the secondary settler models robustness by simulation. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2006
- Identification of Yield Coefficients in an E.coli Model – An Optimal Experimental Design Using Genetic Algorithms. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2004
- Spreadsheets in Chemical Engineering Education - A Tool in Process Design and Integration. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2004
- Spreadsheets in chemical engineering education - A tool in process design and process integration. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2004
- Estudo do Funcionamento de Estações de Tratamento de Esgotos por Análise de Imagem: Validações e Estudo de Caso. Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental. 2003
- Image analysis, methanogenic activity measurements, and molecular biological techniques to monitor granular sludge from an EGSB reactor fed with oleic acid. Water Science and Technology. 2003
- A Tool to Optimize VOC Removal During Absorption and Stripping. Chemical Engineering. 2001
- Estudo por análise de imagem do comportamento de uma estação de tratamento de efluentes sob condições transientes. Energias Renovables y Medio Ambiente. 2001
- Reconnaissance Semi-Automatique de la Microfaune des Boues Activés des Stations de Traitment d´Eaux Usées: Protorec V2.0. Récents Progrés en Génie des Procédés. 2001
- The study of protozoa population in wastewater treatment plants by image analysis. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2001
- Characterisation by image analysis of anaerobic sludge under shock conditions. Water Science and Technology. 2000
- Characterization by Image Analysis of Anaerobic Microbial Aggregates under Shock Conditions. Water Science and Technology. 2000
- Knowledge-based supervision and control of wastewater treatment plant: A real-time implementation. Water Science and Technology. 2000
artigo de conferência
- Bacterial cellulose production: valorization of wastewater and life cycle assessment 2022
- Economic & environmental assessment of bacterial cellulose production 2021
- merlin v4: an updated platform for reconstructing genome-scale metabolic models 2020
- Biotecnologia para o desenvolvimento sustentado da bioeconomia do Norte de Portugal 2019
- Cradle-to-gate assessment of bacterial cellulose production 2019
- Impact of industrial wastewater on aerobic granules morphology and nitrification process in bioreactors 2019
- Life cycle assessment (cradle-to-gate) of bacterial cellulose production 2019
- Optimization of bacterial nanocellulose fermentation using lignocellulosic residues and development of novel BNC-starch composites 2019
- Rapid method for the quantification and identification of emerging compounds in wastewater based in nir spectroscopy and chemometrics 2019
- Toxicity assessment of ibuprofen on activated sludge by respirometric technique 2019
- CEB: Centro de Engenharia Biológica [da] Universidade do Minho 2018
- Density and sludge volume index estimation in mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometrics tools 2018
- Impact of professional cleaning agent used in fish-canning industry in wastewater treatment 2018
- Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy 2018
- Towards a genome-wide transport systems encoding genes tracker 2018
- Application of near infrared spectroscopy as a process analytical technology 2017
- Characterization of the effects of pharmaceuticals in activated sludge using quantitative image analysis 2017
- Extraction and characterization of extracellular polymeric substances from aerobic granular sludge from a full-scale sequencing batch reactor in Portugal 2017
- Modelling interspecies interactions of syntrophic communities 2017
- New bacterial biorecognition elements from phage origin 2017
- Quantitative Image Analysis: a monitoring tool in wastewater treatment 2017
- Removal of paracetamol by an activated sludge bioreactor 2017
- Wine chemical characterization by near infrared spectroscopy and chemometric analysis 2017
- Remoção de ibuprofeno por um sistema aeróbio de lamas ativadas 2016
- Towards an improved version of Kluyveromyces lactis genome-scale metabolic model 2016
- Evaluation of dimorphic Yarrowia lipolytica strains growth in different culture media by quantitative image analysis 2015
- Exploiting the proteins encoded in the genome of the broad host range Salmonella phage PVP-SE1 2015
- Near-infrared spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of bacterial contaminations in pharmaceutical products 2015
- Produção e consumo de acetato em cultivos de Salmonella typhimurium em condições aeróbias 2015
- Towards a genome-scale metabolic model of the Streptococcus pneumoniae R6 avirulent strain 2015
- Metabolic profiling of secreted fermentative byproducts by Salmonella typhimurium 2014
- Prediction of protein subunits using KEGG BRITE 2014
- Análise dos fluxos metabólicos em Saccharomyces cerevisiae a partir de D-xilulose como fonte de carbono utilizando Optflux 2013
- Avaliação in silico e em cultivos contínuos do metabolismo de S. typhimurium 2013
- Bio-engineering Systems at MIT Portugal Program 2013
- Cultivo de Saccharomyces cerevisiae adaptada em D-xilulose sob condições aeróbias e anaeróbias 2013
- Environmental consequences of Maltese MSW incineration 2013
- Genome scale metabolic network reconstruction of the pathogen Enterococcus faecalis. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2013
- Novel method to quantify intracellular accumulation of polyphosphate in EBPR systems 2013
- Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model for the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii 2013
- Towards a genome-scale metabolic model for the Kluyveromyces lactis yeast 2013
- iOD962 - the first genome-scale metabolic model of Kluyveromyces lactis 2013
- Desenvolvimento de metodologias de análise de imagem para quantificar PHA, polifosfatos e glicogénio intracelular em estações de tratamento de águas residuais 2012
- Assembling genome-wide transporter system annotations 2012
- Reconstructing genome-scale metabolic models with merlin : the Ashbya gossypii case study 2012
- Reconstructing genome-scale metabolic models with merlin: the Ashbya gossypii case study 2012
- Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model for the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii 2012
- Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model for the riboflavin producer fungus Ashbya gossypii 2012
- Potential for energy recovery from maltese MSW: a thermodynamic analysis 2011
- Revealing new biotechnological potentialities of the riboflavin producer fungus Ashbya gossypii by means of the construction and analysis of its metabolic network 2011
- Towards genome-wide semi-automated transporter system annotations 2011
- Modelagem e controle avançado não-linear multivariável por lógica nebulosa: aplicação para um processo de copolimerização 2010
- Distinção de fenómenos de bulking em lamas activadas por técnicas de análise de imagem 2010
- Evaluating the integration of proteomic data for the prediction of intracellular fluxes after knockout experiments. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2010
- Genome-scale metabolic models reconstruction of less characterized organisms with Merlin 2010
- Merlin: Metabolic models reconstruction using genome-scale information. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2010
- Model transformation of metabolic networks using a Petri net based framework. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2010
- Multivariable nonlinear advanced control of copolymerization processes 2010
- OptFlux: an open-source software platform for in silico metabolic engineering 2010
- Reconstructing genome-scale metabolic models with Merlin 2010
- Selection of elementary modes for bioprocess control. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2010
- Reconstruction of dynamic metabolic networks: challenges, limitations and alternative solutions 2009
- Combining syntactic and ontological knowledge to extract biologically relevant relations from scientific papers 2009
- Adsorption equilibrium of fructose, glucose and sucrose for cationic resins in the sodium and potassium form 2009
- Systems Biology for the development of microbial cell factories 2009
- Relationship between sludge volume index and biomass structure within activated sludge systems (oral communication) 2008
- Bright Field versus Phase Contrast microscopy in activated sludge image acquisition methodologies (poster communication) 2008
- A chemometric tool to monitor high-rate anaerobic granular sludge reactors during load and toxic disturbances 2008
- Mathematical modeling of recombinant Escherichia coli aerobic batch fermentations 2008
- β-Galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae immobilized onto different magnetic supports: A comparative experimental and modelling study of the galactooligosaccharides production 2008
- Correlation between sludge settleability and image analysis information using Partial Least Squares 2008
- Predicting effects of toxic events to anaerobic granular sludge with quantitative image analysis and principal component analysis 2008
- Surveying an activated sludge reactor using online UV-visible and NIR spectroscopy and chemometrics 2008
- SBR performance for synthetic and fishery wastewater treatment 2008
- A framework for the development of biomedical text mining software tools. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering. 2008
- A framework for the integrated analysis of metabolic and regulatory networks. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering. 2008
- A tool for the automatic and manual annotation of biomedical documents 2008
- Bright field versus phase contrast microscopy in activated sludge image acquisition methodologies 2008
- Dilution effects on aggregates and filaments contents in automated image analysis methodologies 2008
- Evaluating evolutionary multiobjective algorithms for the in silico optimization of mutant strains. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering. 2008
- Evaluation of activated sludge systems by image analysis procedures 2008
- Evaluation of activated sludge systems by image analysis procedures (oral presentation) 2008
- Implementation of a specific rate controller in a fed-batch E. coli fermentation 2008
- Network analysis of an integrated metabolic/regulatory model of Escherichia coli 2008
- Relationship between sludge volume index and biomass structure within activated sludge systems 2008
- The @Note biomedical text mining workbench 2008
- Exact fuzzy observer for a baker’s yeast fermentation process. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2007
- Activated sludge process monitoring through in-situ NIR spectral analysis 2007
- An Ontology-Based Approach To Systems Biology Literature Retrieval and Processing 2007
- An augmented lagrangian pattern search method for optimal WWTP designs 2007
- Aplicação de técnicas de análise de imagem e de estatística multivariável no reconhecimento de protozoários e metazoários típicos de sistemas por lodos ativados 2007
- Application of computational intelligence techniques for monitoring and prediction of biological wastewater treatment systems 2007
- Cost Minimization of a WWTP Using an Augmented Lagrangian Pattern Search Based Solver 2007
- Estimation of biomass concentration using interval observers in an E. coli fed-batch fermentation. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2007
- Exact Fuzzy Observer for a Baker’s Yeast Fed-Batch Fermentation Process. IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems. 2007
- Image analysis methodology to study the evolution of chromium penetration in chromium tannage 2007
- Integration of morphological and physiological data through Principal Component Analysis to identify the effect of organic overloads on anaerobic granular sludge 2007
- Modelo Exacto Difuso de un Proceso Fermentativo Conmutado 2007
- Morphology and physiology of anaerobic granular sludge exposed to organic solvents 2007
- Optimization of Bacterial Strains with Variable-Sized Evolutionary Algorithms 2007
- Takagi-Sugeno Multiple-Model controller for a continuous baking yeast fermentation process 2007
- A comparison of algorithms for the optimization of fermentation processes 2006
- Comparison of algorithms for the optimization of fermentation processes 2006
- Contribution of a Simple Sludge Treatment in a WWTP Optimization Procedure 2006
- Design of estimators for specific growth rate control in a fed-batch E. coli fermentation 2006
- Efeito do sal no desempenho de um reator batelada sequencial 2006
- Optimal control of fed-batch processes with particle swarm optimization 2006
- Optimal trajectory approximation by cubic splines on fed-batch control problems 2006
- Optimization and simulation of secondary settler models 2006
- Specific growth rate regulation in a simulated fed-batch E. coli fermentation 2006
- A Fuzzy-Logic Based Expert System for Diagnosis and Control of an Integrated Wastewater Treatment 2005
- A New Representation in Evolutionary Algorithms for the Optimization of Bioprocesses 2005
- A systems biology approach for the characterization of metabolic bottlenecks in recombinant protein production processes 2005
- Análisis de imagen para la cuantificación de cambios morfológicos en biomasa granular, inducidos por la presencia de nitrato en reactores EGSB 2005
- Aplicações de Técnicas de Processamento e Análise de Imagem em Processos Biotecnológicos 2005
- Biological process optimal design in a wastewater treatment plant 2005
- Design of Interval Observers for an E. coli Fed-Batch Fermentation with Uncertain Inputs 2005
- Design of on-line state estimators for a recombinant E. coli FED-batch fermentation. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2005
- Determinação da Concentração de CBD-FITC Adsorvidos em Fibras por Análise de Imagem 2005
- Development of Image Analysis Methods to Evaluate Barley / Malt Grain Size 2005
- Effect of addition of an ammonium source in UASB and EGSB reactors when treating low concentrated wastewater: granules morphology 2005
- Estratégias de Minimização de Efluentes na Síntese e Integração de Processos 2005
- Identification of yield coefficients in an E. coli model : an optimal experimental design using genetic algorithms 2005
- Image analysis as a tool for viability and recombinant protein production assessment during E. coli fermentations 2005
- Influência da velocidade específica de crescimento de Monascus purpureus ATCC36928 na produção de pigmentos vermelhos 2005
- Knowledge-based fuzzy system for diagnosis and control of an integrated biological wastewater treatment process 2005
- NEOS server usage in wastewater treatment cost minimization. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2005
- On-Line Estimation of Biomass in an E. coli Fed-Batch Fermentation 2005
- Utilização do Processamento Digital de Imagens no Monitoramento de Estações de Tratamento de Efluentes 2005
- Air Pollution Control with Semi-Infinite Programming 2004
- Blended Learning in Bioprocess Systems Engineering Education: Issues, Methods, and Applications 2004
- Desenvolvimento de métodos de análise de imagem para avaliação do calibre de grãos da cevada/malte 2004
- Determination and modeling of yeast viability under stress conditions. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2004
- Image Analysis as a Tool to Predict Washout in Sludge Bed Reactors Through the Quantification of Microbial Filamentous Structures 2004
- Image analysis to quantify morphological changes in granular sludge induced by nitrate in EGSB reactors 2004
- Monitoring granular stability in an industrial UASB reactor treating brewery wastewater 2004
- Optimization of wastewater treatment processes 2004
- Optimização de um processo biológico de tratamento de águas residuais 2004
- Optimização e Controlo da Poluição Atmosférica 2004
- Use of image analysis technique for the identification and pursuit of ethanol processes 2004
- Yield and kinetic parameters estimation and model reduction in a recombinant E. coli fermentation. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2004
- Estimation of Biomass Concentration and Multiple Specific Growth Rates of Fed-Batch Fermentation of Recombinant E. coli 2003
- Image analysis, methanogenic activity and molecular biological techniques to monitor granular sludge from an egsb reactor fed with oleic acid 2003
- Image analysis, methanogenic activity measurements, and molecular biological techniques to monitor granular sludge from an EGSB reactor fed with oleic acid. Water Science and Technology. 2003
- An integrated system for advanced monitoring and control of fed-batch fermentations of recombinant E. coli. 2002
- Characterisation by image analysis of anaerobic sludge from two EGSB reactors treating oleic acid: automatic detection of granules disintegration 2002
- Efeito da Diluição na Caracterização da Biomassa de Sistemas de Tratamentos de Efluentes por Análise de Imagem 2002
- Image Analysis, Methanogenic Activity Measurements and Molecular Biological Techniques to Monitor Granular Sludge from an EGSB Reactor Fed With Oleic Acid 2002
- Image analysis as a tool to recognize anaerobic granulation time 2002
- Levantamento da situação de descarga de águas residuais industriais das empresas sediadas nos Parques Industriais de Adaúfe e Celeirós 2002
- Model-Based Adaptive Control of Acetate Concentration During the Production of Recombinant Proteins with E. coli. IFAC proceedings volumes. 2002
- Morphological Characterisation of Biomass in Wastewater Treatment using Partial Least Squares 2002
- Optimisation Methods for Improving Fed-Batch Cultivation of E. coli Producing Recombinant Proteins 2002
- Characterisation by image analysis of anaerobic sludge from two EGSB reactors treating oleic acid: automatic detection of granules disintegration 2001
- Survey of a Wastewater Treatment Plant Microfauna by Image Analysis 2001
- Adaptive Algorithms for Estimation of Multiple Biomass Growth Rates and Biomass Concentration in a Class of Bioprocesses 2000
- Automated Monitoring of Activated Sludge Using Image Analysis 2000
- Characterisation by image analysis of anaerobic microbial aggregates under shock conditions 2000
- Knowledge-based supervision and control of WWTP: A real-time implementation 2000
- Study of Protozoa Population in Wastewater Treatment Plants by Image Analysis 2000
- Analyse des Flocs Bactériens et de la Microfaune des Boues Activées para Analyse d'Image 1999
- Aplicações de Técnicas de Análise de Imagem em Microbiologia Ambiental 1999
- A knowledge-based distributed system for supervision and control of wastewater treatment processes 1998
- Knowledge-Based Distributed System for Supervision and Control of Wastewater Treatment Processes 1998
- Morphological Characterisation of Microbial Aggregates by Image Analysis 1997
- A New Adaptive Scheme for the Adaptive Linearizing Control of Bioprocesses 1996
- Adaptive linearizing control of bioreactors. IEE Conference Publication. 1996
- Identification of yield coefficients in a baker’s yeast model - An optimal design experimental approach 1996
- Identification of yield coefficients in a baker’s yeast model: an optimal experimental design approach 1996
- Sistema de tratamento por biodiscos 1994
- A Study on the Convergence of Observer-Based Kinetics Estimators in Stirred Tank Bioreactors 1994
- A disciplina de Instrumentação e Controlo na licenciatura em Engenharia Biológica 1994
- Lamas activadas - sistema de mistura completa 1994
- Requisitos e realização de uma instalação experimental para estudos de modelação e controlo em processos de fermentação 1994
- Requisitos e realização de uma instalação experimental para estudos de modelização e controlo em processos de fermentação 1994
- Studies on on-line state and parameter estimation through a real-time process simulator 1992
- Aplicação de Técnicas de Estimativa em Linha em Engenharia de Bioprocessos 1989
artigo de revista
- Monitoring biotechnological processes through quantitative image analysis: Application to 2-phenylethanol production by Yarrowia lipolytica. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2023
- Effects of desloratadine on activated sludge: Behaviour of EPS and sludge properties. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022
- merlin, an improved framework for the reconstruction of high-quality genome-scale metabolic models. Nucleic Acids Research. 2022
- The Role of Extracellular Polymeric Substances in Micropollutant Removal. Frontiers in Chemical Engineering. 2022
- Prediction of sludge settleability, density and suspended solids of aerobic granular sludge in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022
- Treatment of saline wastewater amended with endocrine disruptors by aerobic granular sludge: Assessing performance and microbial community dynamics. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2022
- Quantitative image analysis as a robust tool to assess effluent quality from an aerobic granular sludge system treating industrial wastewater. Chemosphere. 2022
- FT-NIR spectroscopy analysis for monitoring the microbial production of 2-phenylethanol using crude glycerol as carbon source. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2022
- Monitoring morphological changes from activated sludge to aerobic granular sludge under distinct organic loading rates and increasing minimal imposed sludge settling velocities through quantitative image analysis. Chemosphere. 2022
- High Carbon Load in Food Processing Industrial Wastewater is a Driver for Metabolic Competition in Aerobic Granular Sludge. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2021
- Effect of ibuprofen on extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production and composition, and assessment of microbial structure by quantitative image analysis. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021
- Validation of a quantitative image analysis methodology for the assessment of the morphology and structure of aerobic granular sludge in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds. Environmental Technology and Innovation. 2021
- Life cycle assessment of bacterial cellulose production. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 2021
- Assessment of an aerobic granular sludge system in the presence of pharmaceutically active compounds by quantitative image analysis and chemometric techniques. Journal of Environmental Management. 2021
- Increased extracellular polymeric substances production contributes for the robustness of aerobic granular sludge during long-term intermittent exposure to 2-fluorophenol in saline wastewater. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2021
- COVID-19, Chikungunya, Dengue and Zika Diseases: An Analytical Platform Based on MALDI-TOF MS, IR Spectroscopy and RT-qPCR for Accurate Diagnosis and Accelerate Epidemics Control. Antibiotics. 2021
- A kinetic model of the central carbon metabolism for acrylic acid production in Escherichia coli. PLoS Computational Biology. 2021
- A pipeline for the reconstruction and evaluation of context-specific human metabolic models at a large-scale. BMC Bioinformatics. 2021
- Long-term stability of a non-adapted aerobic granular sludge process treating fish canning wastewater associated to EPS producers in the core microbiome. Heredity. 2021
- Environmentally-friendly technology for rapid identification and quantification of emerging pollutants from wastewater using infrared spectroscopy. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2020
- Variability in the composition of extracellular polymeric substances from a full-scale aerobic granular sludge reactor treating urban wastewater. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2020
- Bio-Based Nanoparticles as a Carrier of ß-Carotene: Production, Characterisation and In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion. Biomolecules. 2020
- Environmental impact and biological removal processes of pharmaceutically active compounds: The particular case of sulfonamides, anticonvulsants and steroid estrogens. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology. 2020
- Sludge volume index and suspended solids estimation of mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometric tools. Separation and Purification Technology. 2020
- Degradation of widespread pharmaceuticals by activated sludge: Kinetic study, toxicity assessment, and comparison with adsorption processes. Journal of Water Process Engineering. 2020
- Optimization of bacterial nanocellulose fermentation using recycled paper sludge and development of novel composites. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019
- SamPler - a novel method for selecting parameters for gene functional annotation routines. BMC Bioinformatics. 2019
- Discrimination of Camellia japonica cultivars and chemometric models: An interlaboratory study. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 2019
- NIR spectroscopy applied to the determination of 2-phenylethanol and L-phenylalanine concentrations in culture medium of Yarrowia lipolytica (1st author). Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. 2019
- Quantification of pharmaceutical compounds in wastewater samples by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR). Talanta. 2019
- Mapping Salmonella typhimurium pathways using 13C metabolic flux analysis. Metabolic Engineering. 2019
- New PLS analysis approach to wine volatile compounds characterization by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR). Food Chemistry. 2018
- An Overview of the Evolution of Infrared Spectroscopy Applied to Bacterial Typing. Antibiotics. 2018
- Monitoring biological wastewater treatment processes: recent advances in spectroscopy applications. Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio-Technology. 2017
- Simultaneous partial nitrification and 2-fluorophenol biodegradation with aerobic granular biomass: Reactor performance and microbial communities. Bioresource Technology. 2017
- Quantitative image analysis of polyhydroxyalkanoates inclusions from microbial mixed cultures under different SBR operation strategies. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2017
- Exploiting intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy to discriminate between Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex species. Nanoscale. 2017
- Genome-Wide Semi-Automated Annotation of Transporter Systems. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. 2017
- Quantitative physiology and elemental composition of Kluyveromyces lactis CBS 2359 during growth on glucose at different specific growth rates. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2017
- A Comparative Proteome Analysis of Escherichia coli ¿relA Mutant Cells. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2016
- Estimation of effluent quality parameters from an activated sludge system using quantitative image analysis. Antibiotics. 2016
- Discrimination of clinically relevant: Candida species by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR). Nanoscale. 2016
- Quantitative image analysis as a tool for Yarrowia lipolytica dimorphic growth evaluation in different culture media. Antibiotics. 2016
- Near-infrared spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of bacterial contaminations in pharmaceutical products. International Journal of Applied Pharmaceutics. 2015
- Reconstructing genome-scale metabolic models with merlin. Nucleic Acids Research. 2015
- Polyhydroxyalkanoate granules quantification in mixed microbial cultures using image analysis: Sudan Black B versus Nile Blue A staining. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2015
- Aroma production by Yarrowia lipolytica in airlift and stirred tank bioreactors: Differences in yeast metabolism and morphology. Antibiotics. 2015
- Economic analysis and environmental impact assessment of three different fermentation processes for fructooligosaccharides production. Bioresource Technology. 2015
- Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli dissimilarity: Closely related bacteria with distinct metabolic profiles. Biotechnology Progress. 2015
- Genome-wide metabolic re-annotation of Ashbya gossypii: New insights into its metabolism through a comparative analysis with Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces lactis. BMC Genomics. 2014
- Population Dynamics of a Salmonella Lytic Phage and Its Host: Implications of the Host Bacterial Growth Rate in Modelling. Antibiotics. 2014
- Monitoring intracellular polyphosphate accumulation in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems by quantitative image analysis. Water Science and Technology. 2014
- iOD907, the first genome-scale metabolic model for the milk yeast Kluyveromyces lactis. Antibiotics. 2014
- Image analysis technique as a tool to identify morphological changes in Trametes versicolor pellets according to exopolysaccharide or laccase production. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2014
- Optimization of fed-batch fermentation processes with bio-inspired algorithms. Expert Systems with Applications. 2014
- Activated sludge characterization through microscopy: A review on quantitative image analysis and chemometric techniques. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2013
- Quantitative image analysis for the characterization of microbial aggregates in biological wastewater treatment: A review. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2013
- Automatic identification of activated sludge disturbances and assessment of operational parameters. Chemosphere. 2013
- Molecular Aspects and Comparative Genomics of Bacteriophage Endolysins. Journal of Virology. 2013
- Prediction of intracellular storage polymers using quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2013
- Energy recovery and impact on land use of Maltese municipal solid waste incineration. Energy. 2013
- Identification of Metabolic Engineering Targets through Analysis of Optimal and Sub-Optimal Routes. Antibiotics. 2013
- Metabolic responses to recombinant bioprocesses in Escherichia coli. Antibiotics. 2013
- Exploring the gap between dynamic and constraint-based models of metabolism. Metabolic Engineering. 2012
- Genome-wide metabolic (re-) annotation of Kluyveromyces lactis. BMC Genomics. 2012
- Influence of the RelA Activity on E. coli Metabolism by Metabolite Profiling of Glucose-Limited Chemostat Cultures. Metabolites. 2012
- Kinetic and stoichiometric characterization of a fixed biofilm reactor by pulse respirometry. Antibiotics. 2012
- Random sampling of elementary flux modes in large-scale metabolic networks. Bioinformatics. 2012
- State and specific growth estimation in heterologous protein production by Pichia pastoris. AIChE Journal. 2012
- Characterization of activated sludge abnormalities by image analysis and chemometric techniques. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2011
- Identifying different types of bulking in an activated sludge system through quantitative image analysis. Chemosphere. 2011
- Image analysis application for the study of activated sludge floc size during the treatment of synthetic and real fishery wastewaters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2011
- A study of the short and long-term regulation of E. coli metabolic pathways. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. 2011
- Challenges in integrating Escherichia coli molecular biology data. Briefings in Bioinformatics. 2011
- Critical perspective on the consequences of the limited availability of kinetic data in metabolic dynamic modelling. IET Systems Biology. 2011
- Genomic and Proteomic Characterization of the Broad-Host-Range Salmonella Phage PVP-SE1: Creation of a New Phage Genus. Journal of Virology. 2011
- Identification of minimal metabolic pathway models consistent with phenotypic data. Journal of Process Control. 2011
- In situ pulse respirometric methods for the estimation of kinetic and stoichiometric parameters in aerobic microbial communities. Antibiotics. 2011
- Metabolic footprint analysis of recombinant Escherichia coli strains during fed-batch fermentations. Molecular Biosystems. 2011
- Modeling formalisms in Systems Biology. Amb Express. 2011
- Semantic annotation of biological concepts interplaying microbial cellular responses. BMC Bioinformatics. 2011
- Stringent response of escherichia coli: revisiting the bibliome using literature mining. Microbial Informatics and Experimentation. 2011
- Selection and Characterization of a Multivalent Salmonella Phage and Its Production in a Nonpathogenic Escherichia coli Strain. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2010
- Dilution and Magnification Effects on Image Analysis Applications in Activated Sludge Characterization. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2010
- A Comparison between Bright Field and Phase-Contrast Image Analysis Techniques in Activated Sludge Morphological Characterization. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2010
- A chemometric tool to monitor high-rate anaerobic granular sludge reactors during load and toxic disturbances. Antibiotics. 2010
- BioDR: Semantic indexing networks for biomedical document retrieval. Expert Systems with Applications. 2010
- Comparison of adsorption equilibrium of fructose, glucose and sucrose on potassium gel-type and macroporous sodium ion-exchange resins. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2010
- Hybrid dynamic modeling of Escherichia coli central metabolic network combining Michaelis–Menten and approximate kinetic equations. Biosystems. 2010
- OptFlux: An open-source software platform for in silico metabolic engineering. BMC Systems Biology. 2010
- Virtual laboratories in (bio)chemical engineering education. Education for Chemical Engineers. 2010
- Correlation between sludge settling ability and image analysis information using partial least squares. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2009
- Study of saline wastewater influence on activated sludge flocs through automated image analysis. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2009
- Assessment of physiological conditions in E. coli fermentations by epifluorescent microscopy and image analysis . Biotechnology Progress. 2009
- @Note: A workbench for Biomedical Text Mining. Journal of Biomedical Informatics. 2009
- Advanced monitoring of high-rate anaerobic reactors through quantitative image analysis of granular sludge and multivariate statistical analysis. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2009
- Air pollution control with semi-infinite programming. Applied Mathematical Modelling. 2009
- Application of image analysis to the prediction of EBC barley kernel weight distribution. Dyes and Pigments. 2009
- Determination of Kinetic and Stoichiometric Parameters of Pseudomonas putida F1 by Chemostat and In Situ Pulse Respirometry. Chemical Product and Process Modeling. 2009
- Galacto-oligosaccharides production during lactose hydrolysis by free Aspergillus oryzae ß-galactosidase and immobilized on magnetic polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol. Food Chemistry. 2009
- Inoculum type response to different pHs on biohydrogen production from l-arabinose, a component of hemicellulosic biopolymers. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 2009
- Monitoring of activated sludge settling ability through image analysis: validation on full-scale wastewater treatment plants. Bioprocess Engineering. 2009
- Monitoring of fed-batch E. coli fermentations with software sensors. Bioprocess Engineering. 2009
- Morphology and physiology of anaerobic granular sludge exposed to an organic solvent. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009
- Principal component analysis and quantitative image analysis to predict effects of toxics in anaerobic granular sludge. Bioresource Technology. 2009
- Quantitative monitoring of an activated sludge reactor using on-line UV-visible and near-infrared spectroscopy. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2009
- The use of antibiotics to improve phage detection and enumeration by the double-layer agar technique. BMC Microbiology. 2009
- Activated sludge process monitoring through in-situ NIR spectral analysis. Water Science and Technology. 2008
- Kinetic and stoichiometric parameters estimation in a nitrifying bubble column through "in-situ" pulse respirometry. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2008
- Natural computation meta-heuristics for the in silico optimization of microbial strains. BMC Bioinformatics. 2008
- Quantification of the CBD-FITC conjugates surface coating on cellulose fibres. BMC Biotechnology. 2008
- Stalked protozoa identification by image analysis and multivariable statistical techniques. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2008
- Wasted sludge treatment contributions in the WWTP total cost. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2007
- Analysis of the effects of hyperbaric gases on S. cerevisiae cell cycle through a morphological approach. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2007
- Development of a method using image analysis and CBD-FITC conjugates for the measurement of CBDs adsorbed onto cellulose fibers. Biotechnology Progress. 2007
- Development of an image analysis procedure for identifying protozoa and metazoa typical of activated sludge system. Water Research. 2007
- Quantitative image analysis as a diagnostic tool for identifying structural changes during a revival process of anaerobic granular sludge. Water Research. 2007
- Quantitative image analysis as a diagnostic tool for monitoring structural changes of anaerobic granular sludge during detergent shock loads. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2007
- Raw Data Pre-Processing in the Protozoa and Metazoa Identification by Image Analysis and Multivariate Statistical Techniques. Journal of Chemometrics. 2007
- Recognition of protozoa and metazoa using image analysis tools, discriminant analysis, neural networks and decision trees. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2007
- On the secondary settler Models robustness by simulation. WSEAS Transactions on Circuits and Systems. 2006
- Knowledge-based fuzzy system for diagnosis and control of an integrated biological wastewater treatment process. Water Science and Technology. 2006
- Fed-batch trajectory optimal control problems with cubic splines. WSEAS Transactions on Systems and Control. 2006
- Determination of diffusion coefficients fo glycerol and glucose from starch based thermoplastic compounds on simulated physiological solution. Journal of Materials Science. 2005
- A pensar nos leitores. Engenharia Química: Indústria, Ciência e Tecnologia. 2005
- Activated Sludge Monitoring of a Wastewater Treatment Plant using Image Analysis and Partial Least Squares Regression. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2005
- Assessment of yeast viability under hyperbaric conditions through a modeling approach. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2005
- Gestão ambiental na Universidade do Minho 2004
- Nova formação em gestão ambiental na Universidade do Minho. Ambiente Magazine. 2004
- Development of Image Analysis Techniques as a Tool to Detect and Quantify Morphological Changes in Anaerobic Sludge: I. Application to a Granulation Process. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2004
- Development of Image Analysis Techniques as a Tool to Detect and Quantify Morphological Changes in Anaerobic Sludge: II. Application to a Granule Deterioration Process Triggered by Contact With Oleic Acid. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2004
- Effect of hyperbaric stress on yeast morphology: Study by automated image analysis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2004
- Spreadsheets in chemical engineering education: a tool in process design and process integration. International Journal of Engineering Education. 2004
- Survey of Protozoa and Metazoa populations in wastewater treatment plants by image analysis and discriminant analysis. Environmetrics. 2004
- Formação em ambiente em Portugal 2003
- Automated image analysis to improve bead ingestion toxicity test counts in the protozoan Tetrahymena pyriformis. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2003
- Estimation of multiple biomass growth rates and biomass concentration in a class of bioprocesses. Bioprocess Engineering. 2003
- Estudo do Funcionamento de Estações de Tratamento de Esgotos por Análise de Imagem: Validações e Estudo de Caso 2003
- Morphological Analysis of Yarrowia lipolytica under Stress Conditions through Image Processing. Bioprocess Engineering. 2003
- On-line simultaneous monitoring of glucose and acetate with FIA during high cell density fermentation of recombinant E. coli. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2002
- Stability, dynamics of convergence, and tuning of observer-based kinetics estimators. Journal of Process Control. 2002
- Study of Protozoa population in wastewater treatment plants by image analysis. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2001
- A tool to optimize VOC removal during absorption and stripping. Chemical Engineering. 2001
- Can Spreadsheet Solvers Solve Demanding Optimization Problems?. Computer Applications in Engineering Education. 2001
- Reconnaissance semi-automatique de la microfaune des boues activées des stations d’epuration des eaux usées: PROTOREC v 2.0 2001
- Estudo por Análise de Imagem do Comportamento de uma Estação de Tratamento de Efluentes sob Condições Transientes 2001
- Influence of up-flow velocity on the performance of an anaerobic filter under oleic acid overloads. Biotechnology Letters. 2001
- Characterisation by image analysis of anaerobic sludge under shock conditions. Water Science and Technology. 2000
- Knowledge-based supervision and control of wastewater treatment plant: a real-time implementation. Water Science and Technology. 2000
- Staged and Non-Staged Anaerobic Filters: Performance in Relation to Physical and Biological Characteristics of Microbial Aggregates. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2000
- Tuning of Observer-based Estimators: Theory and Application to the On-line Estimation of Kinetic Parameters. Control Engineering Practice. 2000
- Semi-Automated Recognition of Protozoa by Image Analysis. Biotechnology Techniques. 1999
- Fontes de Informação para Engenharia na Internet 1998
- Mass transfer properties of glucose and O-2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae flocs. Antibiotics. 1998
- Modelling Diffusion-Reaction Phenomena in Yeast Flocs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioprocess Engineering. 1998
- Fontes de informação na internet para controlo e automação. Revista 'robótica'. 1997
- A Internet como fonte de informação para engenharia. Ingenium. 1996
- A Study on the Convergence of Observer-Based Kinetic Estimators in Fed-Batch Fermentations. Journal of Process Control. 1996
capítulo de livro
- Challenges and future perspectives for tackling PPCPs 2024
- Innovative technologies for emerging issues in pharmaceuticals 2024
- Bio Strategies for the Removal of Contaminants of Emerging Concern from Wastewater 2023
- Publicação Científica, Ciência Aberta e Avaliação de Investigação — Breve Análise Crítica 2023
- Quantitative Image Analysis as a Valuable Tool to Assess Aerobic Wastewater Treatment Systems 2023
- CHAPTER 2. Impact of Industrial Wastewater Discharge on the Environment and Human Health 2022
- O papel da investigação e da inovação 2020
- Foreword 2020
- Reconstructing High-Quality Large-Scale Metabolic Models with merlin. Methods in Molecular Biology. 2018
- Online Analysis for Industrial Bioprocesses 2017
- Image Analysis for Automatic Characterization of Polyhydroxyalcanoates Granules 2013
- Phages as Therapeutic Tools to Control Major Foodborne Pathogens: Campylobacter and Salmonella 2012
- A Systematic Modeling Approach to Elucidate the Triggering of the Stringent Response in Recombinant E. coli Systems 2011
- Interpreting the Regulatory Interplay in E. coli Metabolic Pathways 2011
- A Critical Review on Modelling Formalisms and Simulation Tools in Computational Biosystems. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2009
- A Software Tool for the Simulation and Optimization of Dynamic Metabolic Models. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2009
- Biomedical Text Mining Applied to Document Retrieval and Semantic Indexing. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2009
- Computational Intelligence Techniques for Supervision and Diagnosis of Biological Wastewater Treatment Systems. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2009
- Data Integration Issues in the Reconstruction of the Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of Zymomonas Mobillis 2009
- Evolutionary Approaches for Strain Optimization Using Dynamic Models under a Metabolic Engineering Perspective. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2009
- Large Scale Dynamic Model Reconstruction for the Central Carbon Metabolism of Escherichia coli. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2009
- Modelling of Biotechnological Processes – An Approach Based on Artificial Neural Networks. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2009
- Differential evolution for the offline and online optimization of fed-batch fermentation processes. Studies in Computational Intelligence. 2008
- Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Controller for a Switching Bioprocess: Sector Nonlinearity Approach 2008
- Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy observer for a switching bioprocess : sector nonlinearity approach 2008
- Evaluating Evolutionary Algorithms and Differential Evolution for the Online Optimization of Fermentation Processes. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- Evaluating Simulated Annealing Algorithms in the Optimization of Bacterial Strains. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- Modelação, monitorização e controlo de reactores biológicos 2007
- Evolutionary Algorithms for Static and Dynamic Optimization of Fed-batch Fermentation Processes 2005
- Identification of yield coefficients in an E. coli model - An optimal experimental design using genetic algorithms 2005
- Evolutionary Algorithms for Optimal Control in Fed-Batch Fermentation Processes. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2004
- Biorreactores 2003
- An integrated system for advanced monitoring and control of fed-batch fermentations of recombinant E. coli 2002
- Characterisation of Activated Sludge By Automated Image Analysis: Validation on Full-Scale Plants 2002
- Image Analysis and Multiphase Bioreactors 2001
- Computer-Based Studies on Bioprocess Engineering, II - Tools for Process Operation 1996
- Computer-based studies on bioprocess engineering: II - Tools for process operation 1996
- Model-based estimation of reaction rates in stirred tank bioreactors 1996
- Studies on on-line state and parameter estimation through a real-time process simulator 1992
- Chapter 18 Dynamic Modelling of Complex Enzymatic Reactions 1990
- Dynamic modelling of complex enzymatic reactions 1990
- Parameter estimation of kinetics and modelling in methanogenic fermentation of Methanosarcina barkeri 1989
- Assessing the influence of long-chain fatty acids on aerobic granular sludge stability in a sequencing batch reactor 2023
- EPS and aggregates changes on activated sludge under atrazine exposure 2023
- The effect of oleate in the biological nitrogen removal 2023
- Bacterial cellulose production: valorization of wastewater and life cycle assessment 2022
- Internationalization, research, innovation and excellence in the new era post COVID 2022
- merlin v4. 0: an updated platform for the reconstruction of high-quality genome-scale metabolic models 2021
- Economic & environmental assessment of bacterial cellulose production 2021
- Foreword 2020
- merlin v4: an updated platform for reconstructing genome-scale metabolic models 2020
- Toxicity assessment of ibuprofen on activated sludge by respirometric technique 2019
- Cradle-to-gate assessment of bacterial cellulose production 2019
- Impact of industrial wastewater on aerobic granules morphology and nitrification process in bioreactors 2019
- Optimization of bacterial nanocellulose fermentation using lignocellulosic residues and development of novel BNC-starch composites 2019
- Biotecnologia para o desenvolvimento sustentado da bioeconomia do Norte de Portugal 2019
- A Universidade do Minho e os novos laboratórios colaborativos 2019
- Life cycle assessment (cradle-to-gate) of bacterial cellulose production 2019
- Rapid method for the quantification and identification of emerging compounds in wastewater based in nir spectroscopy and chemometrics 2019
- Impact of professional cleaning agent used in fish-canning industry in wastewater treatment 2018
- Density and sludge volume index estimation in mature aerobic granular sludge by quantitative image analysis and chemometrics tools 2018
- Quantification of pharmaceuticals contaminants in wastewaters by NIR spectroscopy 2018
- CEB: Centro de Engenharia Biológica [da] Universidade do Minho 2018
- Characterization of the effects of pharmaceuticals in activated sludge using quantitative image analysis 2017
- Extraction and characterization of extracellular polymeric substances from aerobic granular sludge from a full-scale sequencing batch reactor in Portugal 2017
- Wine chemical characterization by near infrared spectroscopy and chemometric analysis 2017
- Application of near infrared spectroscopy as a process analytical technology 2017
- Modelling interspecies interactions of syntrophic communities 2017
- New Bacterial Biorecognition Elements from Phage Origin 2017
- New Bacterial Biorecognition Elements from Phage Origin 2017
- Quantitative Image Analysis: a monitoring tool in wastewater treatment 2017
- A Comunidade do CEB no RepositóriUM 2016
- Towards an improved version of Kluyveromyces lactis genome-scale metabolic model 2016
- Exploiting the proteins encoded in the genome of the broad host range Salmonella phage PVP-SE1 2015
- Evaluation of dimorphic Yarrowia lipolytica strains growth in different culture media by quantitative image analysis. 2015
- Evaluation of dimorphic Yarrowia lipolytica strains growth in different culture media by quantitative image analysis 2015
- Analysis of Salmonella typhimurium pathways and metabolic model improvement 2015
- Metabolic models reconstruction using genome scale information (merlin): assessment and validation 2015
- Economic and environmental assessment of the fructooligosaccharides production by different fermentation processes: a comparative study 2015
- MEtabolic models Reconstruction using genome scaLe INformation (merlin) - assessment and validation 2015
- Merlin Latest Developments for Pathways Analysis 2015
- Metabolic Pathway Analysis 2015 - Programme and Abstracts 2015
- Near-infrared spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of bacterial contaminations in pharmaceutical products 2015
- Towards a Genome-Scale Metabolic Model of the Streptococcus Pneumoniae R6 Avirulent Strain 2015
- Metabolic profiling of secreted fermentative byproducts by Salmonella typhimurium 2014
- Polyhydroxyalkanoate granules quantification in mixed microbial cultures: Sudan Black B versus Nile Blue A staining 2014
- Investigating regulatory T cells by single cell RNA-sequencing 2014
- Image processing on animal cell cultures: a refined technique 2014
- Development of an image analysis methodology for animal cell cultures characterization 2014
- Prediction of protein subunits using KEGG BRITE 2014
- Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model for the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii 2014
- What is the relationship between intracellular and extracellular metabolites? The theory of "metabolic overflow" put into test. New Biotechnology. 2014
- Molecular and functional aspects of bacteriophage endolysins 2013
- Intracellular poly-P assessment by DAPI staining and image analysis 2013
- Study of chemical oxygen demand and ammonia removal efficiencies by image analysis and multivariate statistics tools 2013
- RecFinder – a new tool to find phage proteins responsible for host recognition 2013
- Bio-engineering Systems at MIT Portugal Program 2013
- A Comunidade do CEB no RepositóriUM 2013
- Biopolymer monitoring using quantitative image analysis techniques 2013
- Development of image analysis methodologies to quantify intracellular PHA, polyphosphate and glycogen within wastewater treatment plants 2013
- El título de ingeniero químico en el espacio europeo de educación superior 2013
- Host-Endolysins interactions 2013
- Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model for the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii 2013
- Sistemas de Bioengenharia 2013
- Towards a genome-scale metabolic model for the Kluyveromyces lactis yeast 2013
- Towards a genome-scale metabolic model for the Kluyveromyces lactis yeast. 2013
- iOD962 - the first genome-scale metabolic model of Kluyveromyces lactis 2013
- Unraveling the insights into phage endolysin association 2012
- Development of a predictive model for phage-bacteria interaction 2012
- Assembling genome-wide transporter system annotations 2012
- Insights into phage endolysins 2012
- A Indústria Química Portuguesa 2012
- Reconstructing genome-scale metabolic models with merlin : the Ashbya gossypii case study 2012
- Reconstructing genome-scale metabolic models with merlin: the Ashbya gossypii case study 2012
- Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model for the filamentous fungus Ashbya gossypii 2012
- Reconstruction of a genome-scale metabolic model for the riboflavin producer fungus Ashbya gossypii 2012
- Super model of the world: Enterococcus faecalis 2012
- Determination of stability in dressing salad lyophilized by digital image processing 2012
- Exploring current knowledge on Escherichia coli stringent response via text mining 2012
- Footprinting microbial metabolites in nature and medicine 2012
- Investigating metabolic responses in recombinant E. coli cultures using metabolomics and fluxomics data 2012
- Prediction of intracellular storage polymers using quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems 2012
- Synbiobacther: engineering “therapeutic” bacteria 2012
- Polyphosphates and poly-β-hydroxybutyrate granules identification through quantitative image analysis in enhanced biological phosphorus removal systems 2011
- Comparing results obtained from the Pathway Activity Profiling (PAPi) algorithm with 13C-based metabolic flux analysis 2011
- Exploring the gap between dynamic and constraint-based models of metabolism 2011
- Genome scale network reconstruction of the pathogen Enterococcus faecalis 2011
- Selection of thermodynamically feasible and active pathways 2011
- An approach towards genome-scale kinetic modelling: application to the Escherichia coli metabolism 2011
- Biologia de Sistemas para o desenvolvimento de fábricas celulares microbianas 2011
- Distinção de fenómenos de bulking em lamas activadas por técnicas de análise de imagem. Águas & Resíduos. 2011
- Genome scale metabolic network reconstruction of pathogen – Enterococcus faecalis 2011
- Metabolic network reconstruction of the central carbon metabolism of Enterococcus faecalis 2011
- Metabolomics as a tool to understand E. coli metabolic responses in recombinant processes 2011
- Modeling enzymatic regulation in metabolic networks 2011
- Quantitative image analysis for sludge volume index and total suspended solids prediction in activated sludge system disturbances 2011
- Towards a genome-scale kinetic modeling of Escherichia coli metabolism 2011
- Towards genome-wide semi-automated transporter system annotations 2011
- Metabolic network reconstruction of the pathogen Enterococcus faecalis 2010
- Disturbances detection in activated sludge systems 2010
- Novel modeling formalisms and simulation tools in computational biosystems 2010
- Production of the broad host range Salmonella phage PVP-SE1 with safety concerns 2010
- Cross-cutting computational strategies to genome-scale modelling 2010
- Genome characterization of two valuable therapeutic bacteriophages against Salmonella and Campylobacter 2010
- Metabolomic approaches for the characterization of metabolic bottlenecks in recombinant protein production processes 2010
- Predicting SVI from activated sludge systems in different operating conditions through quantitative image analysis 2010
- Genome-scale metabolic network of the central carbon metabolism of Enterococcus faecalis 2010
- Exploring the gap between dynamic and steady-state models of metabolism 2010
- Genome-scale metabolic models reconstruction of less characterized organisms with Merlin 2010
- Genome sequence of the broad host range Salmonella bacteriophage phi PVP-SE1 2010
- Monitoring filamentous bulking and pin-point flocs in a lab-scale activated sludge system using image analysis 2010
- Applications of quantitative image analysis in wastewater treatment 2010
- Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Meeting of the Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2010
- Characterisation of activated sludge abnormalities by image analysis and multivariate statistics 2010
- Observer based estimation in heterologous protein production by Pichia pastoris 2010
- Reconstructing genome-scale metabolic models with Merlin 2010
- Digging out evidences on escherichia coli stringent response from scientific literature 2009
- Towards bioprocess control based on a reduced metabolic model of Escherichia coli 2009
- A study on the effects of using gene-reaction rules on in silico strain optimization 2009
- Metabolic network reconstruction of the pathogen Enterococcus faecalis 2009
- Metabolic reconstruction of less characterized microorganisms : a new methodology for reaction identification from genome sequencing data 2009
- Surveying activated sludge changes during acclimation with artificial wastewater 2009
- Surveying a wastewater treatment process through image analysis and partial least squares 2009
- Bridging systems and synthetic biology for the development of improved microbial cell factories 2009
- Dynamic modeling of E. coli central carbon metabolism combining different kinetic rate laws 2009
- Multi-criterion approaches for the in silico optimization of mutant microorganisms 2009
- OptFlux: a software for metabolic engineering 2009
- Image analysis and chemometrics in wastewater treatment and biotechnology 2009
- Bacteriophages as biocontrol agents 2009
- Modeling, monitoring and control of bioprocesses 2009
- Systems biology, bioinformatics and metabolic engineering 2009
- The Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering (IBB) 2009
- Uncovering mechanisms underlying the Escherichia coli stringent response: application of text mining approaches to identify meaningful relations in text documents 2009
- Editorial: Special Issue contributed by the 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference - CHEMPOR 2008. Chemical Product and Process Modeling. 2009
- Metabolic reconstruction of less characterized microorganisms: a new methodology for reaction identification from genome sequencing data. 2009
- Adsorption equilibrium of fructose, glucose and sucrose for cationic resins in the sodium and potassium form 2009
- Book of Abstracts of MICROBIOTEC09 2009
- Bringing text miners and biologists closer together 2009
- Determination of frutooligosaccharides adsorption parameters using ion-exchange resins 2009
- Improved image analysis procedures for monitoring activated sludge systems with filamentous bulking 2009
- Inconvéniants de l’usage d’eau usée synthétique 2009
- Integration of proteomic data for predicting dynamic behaviour in an E. coli central carbon network after genetic perturbations 2009
- Modelling Salmonella phage production in a bioreactor 2009
- Modelling production of a Salmonella phage 2009
- Monoclonal antibodies production in wave and stirred tank bioreactors 2009
- Optimization of a fructooligosaccharides purification method using activated charcoal 2009
- Safety issues concerning phage therapy for veterinary applications 2009
- Systems Biology for the development of microbial cell factories 2009
- Effect of different cultivation conditions on Trametes versicolor : morphological image analysis and metabolic production 2008
- Model reduction based on dynamic sensitivity analysis: a systems biology case of study 2008
- Fractionation of fructo-oligosaccharides by gel filtration 2008
- Multivariate monitoring of an activated sludge process for biological treatment of a synthetic wastewater effluent 2008
- OptGene: a framework for in silico metabolic engineering 2008
- Virtual laboratories in (bio)chemical engineering education 2008
- Evolutionary multiobjective algorithms for in silico metabolic engineering 2008
- An integrated analysis of the metabolic and regulatory networks of escherichia coli K12 2008
- Production of a salmonella bacteriophage in a non-pathogenic E. coli strain 2008
- The use of antibiotics to improve phage detection and enumeration by the double-layer agar technique 2008
- Network analysis of an integrated metabolic/regulatory model of Escherichia coli 2008
- The @Note biomedical text mining workbench 2008
- Monitoring an activated sludge reactor using IR spectroscopy 2008
- Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference - CHEMPOR 2008 2008
- Correlation between sludge settleability and image analysis information using Partial Least Squares 2008
- Dilution effects on aggregates and filaments contents in automated image analysis methodologies 2008
- Evaluation of activated sludge systems by image analysis procedures 2008
- Proceedings of the 10th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference - CHEMPOR 2008 (CD-ROM) 2008
- Monitoring activated sludge systems from wastewater treatment plants : automated image analysis procedures and their relation with operating parameters 2007
- Pitfalls and successes in phage therapy : the involvement of the UMinho Team in the European Project Phagevet-P 2007
- Stalked protozoa identification by image analysis and multivariable statistical techniques 2007
- An application of semi-infinite programming to air pollution control 2007
- Production of fructooligosaccharides by aureobasidium sp. and aspergillus sp. 2007
- Modelo exacto difuso de un cultivo por lote alimentado 2007
- Experimental approach for prebiotic oligosaccharides fractionation and chemical characterization 2007
- Modeling and simulation of fructo-oligosaccharides production 2007
- A alternativa energética 2007
- A mathematical model for a Salmonella bacteriophage 2007
- Biotecnologia 2007
- Constraint-based approach for in silico Escherichia coli combined regulatory/metabolic modelling 2007
- Eco-Eficiência e Sustentabilidade Empresarial 2007
- Effect of pH variation on the acetate “switch” and biomass growth in an Escherichia coli aerobic fermentation: global gene expression profiles analysis 2007
- Literature mining applied to systems biology information retrieval 2007
- Metabolic modelling of stringent response in recombinant Escherichia coli 2007
- Monitoring activated sludge systems from wastewater treatment plants: automated image analysis procedures and their relation with operating parameters 2007
- Monitoring activated sludge systems from wastewater treatment plants: automated image analysis procedures and their relation with operating parameters (poster communication) 2007
- Pitfalls and successes in phage therapy: the involvement of the UMinho Team in the European Project Phagevet-P 2007
- Potencial da Biotecnologia na Região 2007
- Purification of fructo-oligosaccharides by adsorption onto charcoal filters 2007
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae morphology under hyperbaric gases 2007
- Specific growth rate regulation in a fed-batch E. coli fermentation 2007
- The BioProcess Systems Engineering group (BioPSEg) @ The Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering 2007
- Use of morphological and physiological information to identify changes in anaerobic granular sludge during organic overloads 2007
- Application of genome-scale models to the optimization of recombinant protein production in escherichia coli 2006
- Modelling bacteria and bacteriophage population dynamics 2006
- Monitorização de lamas activadas por análise de imagem 2006
- Determinação de trajectória óptima em processos de fermentação semi-contínua 2006
- An improved evolutionary algorithm-based framework for identifying in silico metabolic engineering targets 2006
- Purification of fructo-oligosaccharides by nanofiltration 2006
- Recognition of protozoa and metazoa using image analysis tools, discriminant analysis and neural network 2006
- Optimization of fermentation conditions for fructooligosaccharides productivity by aureobasidium 2006
- Effects of detergent shock loads on anaerobic granular sludge morphology and methanogenic activity 2006
- Application of a genome-scale metabolic model to the inference of nutritional requirements and metabolic bottlenecks during recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli.. Microbial Cell Factories. 2006
- Application of image analysis techniques in dispersed and aggregated bacteria determination in wastewater treatment processes 2006
- Engenharia Biológica – 20 Anos (1986-2006) 2006
- Optimização e controlo da poluição atmosférica com programação semi-infinita 2006
- Parabéns EQ! 2006
- Propostas de Leitura 2006
- A systems biology approach for the characterization of metabolic bottlenecks in recombinant protein production processes 2005
- A systems biology approach for the optimization of recombinant protein production in E. coli 2005
- A Pensar nos Leitores 2005
- Application of genome-scale metabolic models to the optimization of recombinant protein production in Escherichia coli 2005
- Engenharia Química sem fronteiras: novas tendências no ensino da Engenharia Química 2005
- Escherichia coli expressing a fluorescence protein as a model system for the optimization of environmental and processing conditions 2005
- Evolutionary algorithms for offline and online optimization of fed-batch fermentation processes 2005
- Image analysis applications in biological wastewater treatment processes 2005
- Prebiotics : from concept to product: the BIOLIFE project 2005
- Recovery of acetoclastic activity in anaerobic granular sludge, monitored by methanogenic activity measurements and image analysis 2005
- Semi-automatic recognition of protozoa and metazoa by image analysis, neural networks and decision trees 2005
- Tendências Recentes no Ensino da Engenharia Química 2005
- Use of image analysis technique for the identification and pursuit of ethanol processes 2004
- Activated sludge monitoring of a wastewater treatment plant using image analysis and partial least squares 2004
- On-line calculation of CTR and OTR during high-cell density recombinant E. coli fed-batch fermentation: MS calibration, on-line data acquisition, analysis and integration 2004
- Determination of diffusion coefficients of glycerol and glucose from starch based thermoplastic compounds on simulated physiological solution 2004
- Semi-infinite air pollution control problems 2004
- Gestão Ambiental na Universidade do Minho 2004
- Nova Formação em Gestão Ambiental na Universidade do Minho 2004
- Desenvolvimento de métodos de análise de imagem para avaliação do calibre de grãos da cevada/malte 2004
- A Engenharia de Sistemas Processuais em Biotecnologia, Química e Ambiente 2004
- Formação em Ambiente no Ensino Superior 2004
- How wastewater processes can be optimized using LOQO 2004
- A Formação de Ambiente em Portugal 2003
- Application of genetic algorithms to model parameter identification of a recombinant E. coli high-cell density fed-batch fermentation 2003
- Comparison of yeast response to increased pressure at aerobic and anaerobic conditions 2003
- Análise de Imagem e Biotecnologia 2003
- Application of image analysis techniques in environmental biotechnology 2003
- Proposta de reformulação do plano de estudos da Licenciatura em Engenharia Biológica da Universidade do Minho 2003
- Tratamento de efluentes por via anaeróbia 2003
- Classification of Saccharomyces cerevisiae morphology employing image analysis 2002
- Morphological analysis of Yarrowia lipolytica under stress conditions through image processing 2002
- O ensino de engenharia biológica na Universidade do Minho 2002
- O portal da rede portuguesa sobre educação em engenharia química 2002
- "Bulking" filamentoso na ETAR de Braga: Análise, diagnóstico e soluções 2002
- Controlo de bulking filamentoso: Acompanhamento de um processo de tratamento de efluentes do SIDVA 2002
- Tratamentos biológicos de efluentes e emissões gasosas 2002
- Fontes de informação para ambiente 2001
- Sludge characterization by image analysis 2001
- Measurement of acetate during the production of recombinant proteins with E. coli 2000
- On-line monitoring of glucose and acetate during high-cell density fermentations of Escherichia coli with a flow injection analysis system 2000
- Characterization of bubbles in a bubble column by image analysis 2000
- Aplicação de um sistema de análise de imagem à monitorização da fermentação 2000
- Biotecnologia aplicada à farmaceutica e à medicina 1999
- Application of image analysis techniques in biotechnology 1998
- Automated characterization of protozoa in activated sludge 1998
- Determination of the diffusion coefficients of glucose and oxygen in flocs of saccharomyces cerevisiae 1998
- A Internet como Fonte de Informação para Engenharia 1998
- Application of image analysis techniques in biotechnology, wastewater treatment and food technology 1998
- Automatic determination of yeast cells viability by image analysis 1998
- BIOTEC'98 - Book of Abstracts (IV Iberian Congress on Biotechnology, I Ibero-American Meeting on Biotechnology) 1998
- Calibration of a simplified model describing an urban waste water treatment pilot plant based on N/D and BEPR criteria 1998
- Monitoring methanogenic fluorescence by image analysis 1998
- Motility assessment of the ciliated tetrahymena pyriformis after exposition to toxic compounds using image analysis 1998
- Phase contrast microscopy coupled to image analysis as a rapid method to monitor wine flora 1998
- Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Biochemical Engineering Science 1998
- Real-time expert control of a pilot WWTP with nitrogen and phosphorus removal 1998
- Fontes de Informação na Internet para Controlo e Automação 1997
- A Internet como Fonte de Informação para Engenharia 1996
- Design of optimal experiments for identification of yield coefficients in a baker’s yeast model 1996
- Kinetics and stoichiometric of a batch fermentation using a highly flocculent strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for different aeration rates and initial sugar concentrations 1996
- Adaptive linearizing control of bioreactors 1995
- Tanques de Percolação 1994
- A disciplina de Instrumentação e Controlo na licenciatura em Engenharia Biológica 1994
- Computer-aided teaching of process engineering: VI - studies on bioprocess identification and control through a process simulator 1993
- Model-based identification and control on baker's yeast fed-batch fermentation 1993
poster de conferência
- A digital image based method to quantify intracellular polyphosphates in microbial aggregates 2018
- Immune tolerance dissected by single-cell transcriptomics 2017
- Plataforma online para caracterizar comunidades microbianas de estações de tratamento de água e efluentes 2017
- Segurança no trabalho: riscos ambientais 2017
- Implementação do referencial BRC Food Safety versão 7 numa empresa transformadora de carne 2016