publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
artigo de conferência
- Impact of Variable Transformations on Multiple Regression Models for Enhancing Gait Normalization 2023
- Navigation and docking maneuvers control of an autonomous omnidirectional platform in a dynamic internal logistics environment 2023
- A Data Recording Mobile Application to Create Datasets of Vehicle Users’ Routines 2022
- Prediction of attitudes towards human-centred cognitive vehicles aware of their users' routines and preferences 2021
- Statistical analysis on the human-likeness of 3D reaching movements in humanoid robots 2021
- A safe autonomous stacker in human shared workspaces * 2020
- A safe autonomous stacker in human shared workspaces * 2020
- Towards Collaborative Robots as Intelligent Co-workers in Human-Robot Joint Tasks: what to do and who does it? 2020
- A dynamic neural model for endowing intelligent cars with the ability to learn driver routines: where to go, when to arrive and how long to stay there? 2019
- Motion Control for Autonomous Tugger Vehicles in Dynamic Factory Floors Shared with Human Operators. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2019
- Artificial Neural Networks Classification of Patients with Parkinsonism based on Gait. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine - BIBM. 2019
- Automatic Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter Identification for Serial Manipulators. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2019
- Automatic Denavit-Hartenberg Parameter Identification for Serial Manipulators. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2019
- Gait classification of patients with Fabry's disease based on normalized gait features obtained using multiple regression models. IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine - BIBM. 2019
- Numerical Analysis of the Shape of Bump Solutions in a Neuronal Model of Working Memory. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019
- Numerical simulations of two-dimensional neural fields with applications to working memory 2018
- Towards temporal cognition for robots: A neurodynamics approach. Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics ICDL-EpiRob. 2018
- Towards temporal cognition for robots: A neurodynamics approach. Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics ICDL-EpiRob. 2018
- A software framework for the implementation of Dynamic Neural Field control architectures for human-robot interaction. IEEE International Conference on Autonomous Robot Systems and Competitions. 2017
- MUVTIME: a Multivariate time series visualizer for behavioral science 2016
- Multi-constrained joint transportation tasks by teams of autonomous mobile robots using a dynamical systems approach. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 2016
- Superquadrics objects representation for robot manipulation. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016
- Global vs. local nonlinear optimization techniques for human-like movement of an anthropomorphic robot. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015
- Learning joint representations for order and timing of perceptual-motor sequences: A dynamic neural field approach. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). 2015
- Learning joint representations for order and timing of perceptual-motor sequences: A dynamic neural field approach. IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). 2015
- Nonlinear optimization for human-like synchronous movements of a dual arm-hand robotic system. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2015
- Learning a musical sequence by observation: A robotics implementation of a dynamic neural field model 2014
- Generating human-like movements on an anthropomorphic robot using an interior point method. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2013
- Robotic Assisted Deep Brain Stimulation Neurosurgery: First Steps on System Development 2013
- Robotic implantation of intracerebral electrodes for Deep Brain Stimulation 2013
- Transportation of long objects in unknown cluttered environments by a team of robots: A dynamical systems approach. Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. 2013
- Object transportation by a human and a mobile manipulator : a dynamical systems approach 2012
- Multi-robot cognitive formations. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2012
- Object Transportation by a Human and a Mobile Manipulator: a dynamical systems approach 2012
- The Power of Prediction: Robots that Read Intentions. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2012
- Human-Like Movement of an Anthropomorphic Robot: Problem Revisited. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2011
- A dynamic neural field architecture for a pro-active assistant robot. Proceedings of the IEEE Ras-Embs International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics. 2010
- A dynamic field approach to goal inference and error monitoring for human-robot interaction 2009
- Combining goal inference and natural-language dialogue for human-robot joint action. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2008
- A dynamic neural field architecture for flexible and fluent human-robot interaction 2008
- ARoS: an anthropomorphic robot for human-robot interaction and coordination studies 2008
- Competitive Dynamics for behavior coordination in a joint transportation task 2008
- Implementing Bayes’ rule with neural fields. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2008
- A neuro-inspired architecture for goal inference and decision making in joint action tasks 2007
- Object transportation by multiple mobile robots controlled by attractor dynamics: theory and implementation 2007
- On the development of intention understanding for joint action tasks 2007
- The Potential Field Method and the Nonlinear Attractor Dynamics Approach: What are the differences? 2006
- Development of action understanding in imitation tasks 2005
- Coordinated transportation with minimal explicit communication between robots 2004
- Motion Control of a mobile robot transporting a large size object in cooperation with a human: a nonlinear dynamical systems approach 2003
artigo de revista
- Adaptive timing in a dynamic field architecture for natural human-robot interactions. Cognitive Systems Research. 2023
- Robust working memory in a two-dimensional continuous attractor network. Cognitive Neurodynamics. 2023
- Numerical solution of the stochastic neural field equation with applications to working memory. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2022
- Brain-inspired multiple-target tracking using dynamic neural fields. Neural Networks. 2022
- Rapid Learning of Complex Sequences With Time Constraints: A Dynamic Neural Field Model. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. 2021
- Discrimination of idiopathic Parkinson's disease and vascular parkinsonism based on gait time series and the levodopa effect. Journal of Biomechanics. 2021
- A Human-like Upper-limb Motion Planner: Generating naturalistic movements for humanoid robots. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 2021
- Human-Like Arm Motion Generation: A Review. Robotics. 2020
- A neural integrator model for planning and value-based decision making of a robotics assistant. Expert Systems with Applications. 2020
- Attractor dynamics approach to joint transportation by autonomous robots: theory, implementation and validation on the factory floor. Autonomous Robots. 2019
- Position-based kinematics for 7-DoF serial manipulators with global configuration control, joint limit and singularity avoidance. Mechanism and Machine Theory. 2018
- Multi-bump solutions in a neural field model with external inputs. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2016
- Multi-bump solutions in a neural field model with external inputs. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena. 2016
- Combining intention and emotional state inference in a dynamic neural field architecture for human-robot joint action. Adaptive Behavior. 2016
- Experiential Learning of Robotics Fundamentals Based on a Case Study of Robot-Assisted Stereotactic Neurosurgery. IEEE Transactions on Education. 2016
- Action Potential Monitoring Using Neuronanorobots: Neuroelectric Nanosensors. International Journal of Nanomaterials and Nanostructures. 2015
- Off-line simulation inspires insight: A neurodynamics approach to efficient robot task learning. Neural Networks. 2015
- Review of robotic technology for stereotactic neurosurgery. IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. 2015
- Towards Human-like Bimanual Movements in Anthropomorphic Robots: A Nonlinear Optimization Approach. Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences. 2015
- Non-destructive whole-brain monitoring using nanorobots : neural electrical data rate requirements. International Journal of Machine Consciousness. 2012
- Neuro-cognitive mechanisms of decision making in joint action: A human-robot interaction study. Human Movement Science. 2011
- Effects of attention on a relative mislocalization with successively presented stimuli. Vision Research. 2010
- Integrating verbal and nonverbal communication in a dynamic neural field architecture for human-robot interaction. Frontiers in Neurorobotics. 2010
- Learning to time: A perspective. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior. 2009
- Relative mislocalization of successively presented stimuli. Vision Research. 2008
- Robust persistent activity in neural fields with asymmetric connectivity. Neurocomputing. 2006
- A dynamic model for action understanding and goal-directed imitation. Brain Research. 2006
- Goal-directed imitation for robots: A bio-inspired approach to action understanding and skill learning. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 2006
- Goals and means in action observation : a computational approach. Neural Networks. 2006
- The dynamic neural field approach to cognitive robotics. Journal of Neural Engineering. 2006
- The role of action plans and other cognitive factors in motion extrapolation : a modelling study. Visual Cognition. 2004
capítulo de livro
- Endowing Intelligent Vehicles with the Ability to Learn User's Habits and Preferences with Machine Learning Methods 2022
- Dynamic Identification of Stop Locations from GPS Trajectories Based on Their Temporal and Spatial Characteristics 2021
- Gait Characteristics and Their Discriminative Ability in Patients with Fabry Disease with and Without White-Matter Lesions. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- Neural Field Model for Measuring and Reproducing Time Intervals. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- A Simple Control Approach for Stereotactic Neurosurgery Using a Robotic Manipulator 2017
- Combining Spatial and Parametric Working Memory in a Dynamic Neural Field Model. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2016
- A Dynamic Neural Field Approach to Natural and Efficient Human-Robot Collaboration 2014
- A Dynamic Field Model of Ordinal and Timing Properties of Sequential Events. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2011
- A dynamic field approach to goal inference, error detection and anticipatory action selection in human-robot collaboration. Advances in Interaction Studies. 2011
- Bridging the gap: a model of common neural mechanisms underlying the Fröhlich effect, the flash-lag effect, and the representational momentum effect 2010
- Action-understanding and imitation learning in a robot-human task 2007
- Action Understanding and Imitation Learning in a Robot-Human Task. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2005
- Modelo matemático que dota os robôs com a capacidade de aprender sequências temporais 2022
- Normalization of gait features using Multiple Regression approach to classify Fabry's Disease 2020
- Preliminary Screening of Probabilistic Models for Water Flow Measurement 2020
- Feature Extraction using Poincaré Plots for Gait Classification 2019
- Identification of gait patterns among patients with parkinsonism based on normalized gait obtained using multiple regression models 2019
- Normalization of foot clearance and spatiotemporal gait data using multiple linear regression models 2019
- Performance analysis of different kernels on SVM classification using different feature selection methods on Parkinsonian gait 2019
- A competitive dynamic model for decision making in autonomous robots performing cooperative tasks 2009
- Neural circuits underlying action understanding 2005
- Towards Endowing Intelligent Cars with the Ability to Learn the Routines of Multiple Drivers: A Dynamic Neural Field Model 2021
- A Deep Learning Approach for Intelligent Cockpits: Learning Drivers Routines 2020
- Towards Endowing Collaborative Robots with Fast Learning for Minimizing Tutors' Demonstrations: What and When to Do? 2020
- A dynamic field approach to goal inference, error detection and anticipatory action selection in human-robot collaboration 2011
- Nonlinear Optimization for Human-Like Movements of a High Degree of Freedom Robotics Arm-Hand System 2011