publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Performance of bacterial nanocellulose packaging film functionalised in situ with zinc oxide: Migration onto chicken skin and antimicrobial activity 2023
- Regenerated bacterial cellulose fibres 2023
- Correction to: bacterial cellulose as a support for the growth of retinal pigment epithelium. Biomacromolecules. 2015
- Anatomy and Cell Wall Polysaccharides of Almond (Prunus dulcis D. A. Webb) Seeds. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2004
- Effect of enzymatic treatment on the cell wall microstructure of G. avellana seeds : optical microscopy and granulometric studies 1998
artigo de conferência
- Bacterial cellulose production: valorization of wastewater and life cycle assessment 2022
- Bacterial nanocellulose films loaded with nisin Z -antibacterial efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus strains 2022
- Development of layered BNC composites for Food Packaging 2022
- Overcoming the regulatory hurdles on nanocelluloses is bacterial cellulose absorbed at the intestine? 2022
- Antimicrobial performance of lignin embedded in bacterial nanocellulose membranes 2021
- Bacterial cellulose: from biotechnology to bio-economy 2021
- Economic & environmental assessment of bacterial cellulose production 2021
- Bio-synthesised fibrous-based meshes for abdominal hernia with enhanced mechanical and antimicrobial properties 2020
- A dry bacterial cellulose-carboxymethyl cellulose formulation as stabilizer for pickering oil-in-water emulsions 2019
- Bacterial Nanocellulose composites for the textile and leather industries 2019
- Cradle-to-gate assessment of bacterial cellulose production 2019
- Life cycle assessment (cradle-to-gate) of bacterial cellulose production 2019
- On to the impact of low cost substrates for BNC production 2019
- Optimization of bacterial nanocellulose fermentation using lignocellulosic residues and development of novel BNC-starch composites 2019
- Study and valorisation of wastewaters generated in the production of bacterial nanocellulose 2019
- Bacterial cellulose as a stabilizer for oil-in-water emulsions 2018
- Bacterial cellulose production through hydrolysates produced with cellulosic residues 2018
- Antimicrobial enzyme immobilization in bacterial cellulose 2017
- Bacterial cellulose as a novel stabilizer and texturizer for cosmetic and food applications 2017
- Bacterial cellulose from lab to market 2017
- Bacterial nanocellulose: a sophisticated biomaterial 2016
- A spin-offs journey into achieving marketable products from bacterial cellulose 2015
- Antibacterial performance of bovine lactoferrin-fish gelatine electrospun nanocomposites 2014
- Edible lactoferrin bacterial cellulose films as an effective and low-cost antimicrobial active packaging 2014
- Bacterial cellulose as a feasible cell carrier for Retinal Pigment Epithelium cell transplantation 2013
- Nata organisms: an overview on the fermentative microbial ecosystem 2013
- Bacterial nano cellulose - innovative biopolymer in research and application 2012
- Tribological evaluation of hydrogels for artificial articular cartilage 2012
- Prospective on the use of bacterial cellulose as an antimicrobial edible film 2011
- Bacterial cellulose : production and applications 2010
- Characterization of the structural, thermal, mechanical and electrical properties of bacterial cellulose 2010
- Improvement of Poly(dimethyl siloxane) towards biomedical applications by surface initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization 2010
- Surface-ATRP of PEGMA onto polydimethyl siloxane for biomedical applications 2010
- Tribological properties of bacterial cellulose in reciprocating sliding against bovine articular cartilage 2010
- Biomaterials for biomedical applications : bacterial cellulose, dextrin hydrogels and dextrin/mannan nanoparticles 2009
- Virtual laboratories in (bio)chemical engineering education 2008
- Ganoderma : a portuguese fungal biofactory 2007
- Characterisation of the ultrastructure and cell wall polysaccharides of portuguese almond seeds 2001
- Properties and recycling of covalently immobilized glycanases used for aqueous enzyme assisted Rosa mosqueta oil extraction 2000
- Characterisation of Capsicum annuum seeds: cell wall polysaccharides composition and light microscopy studies 1999
- Calorimetric characterization of the surface properties of cellulose 1998
- Antimicrobial Activity of a Bacterial Nanocellulose Film Functionalized with Nisin Z for Prospective Burn Wounds Treatment
artigo de revista
- Development of a layered bacterial nanocellulose-PHBV composite for food packaging. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2023
- Effect of ionic strength, pH and temperature on the behaviour of re-dispersed BC:CMC - A comparative study with xanthan gum. Food Hydrocolloids. 2023
- Impact of bacterial cellulose on the physical properties and printing quality of fine papers. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2023
- Tracking Bacterial Nanocellulose in Animal Tissues by Fluorescence Microscopy. Nanomaterials. 2022
- Optimization and characterization of bacterial nanocellulose produced by Komagataeibacter rhaeticus K3. Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications. 2021
- Application of bacterial cellulose in the textile and shoe industry: Development of biocomposites. Polysaccharides. 2021
- Life cycle assessment of bacterial cellulose production. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 2021
- Trends on the Cellulose-Based Textiles: Raw Materials and Technologies. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. 2021
- Hemostatic Dressings Made of Oxidized Bacterial Nanocellulose Membranes. Polysaccharides. 2021
- Bacterial Cellulose-Carboxymethyl Cellulose (BC:CMC) dry formulation as stabilizer and texturizing agent for surfactant-free cosmetic formulations. Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects. 2021
- Nanocellulose Bio-Based Composites for Food Packaging. Nanomaterials. 2020
- Study and valorisation of wastewaters generated in the production of bacterial nanocellulose. Biodegradation. 2020
- A dry and fully dispersible bacterial cellulose formulation as a stabilizer for oil-in-water emulsions. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2020
- Dry Bacterial Cellulose and Carboxymethyl Cellulose formulations with interfacial-active performance: processing conditions and redispersion. Cellulose. 2020
- Effect of bacterial nanocellulose binding on the bactericidal activity of bovine lactoferrin. Heliyon. 2020
- Bacterial Cellulose and Emulsified AESO Biocomposites as an Ecological Alternative to Leather. Nanomaterials. 2019
- Optimization of bacterial nanocellulose fermentation using recycled paper sludge and development of novel composites. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019
- Development of novel bacterial cellulose composites for the textile and shoe industry. Microbial Biotechnology. 2019
- Molecular aspects of bacterial nanocellulose biosynthesis. Microbial Biotechnology. 2019
- Response surface statistical optimization of bacterial nanocellulose fermentation in static culture using a low-cost medium. New Biotechnology. 2019
- A Review on the toxicology and dietetic role of bacterial cellulose. Toxicology Reports. 2017
- Bacterial cellulose-lactoferrin as an antimicrobial edible packaging. Food Hydrocolloids. 2016
- Acetylated bacterial cellulose coated with urinary bladder matrix as a substrate for retinal pigment epithelium. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2016
- Effect of hot calendering on physical properties and water vapor transfer resistance of bacterial cellulose films. Journal of Materials Science. 2016
- Laccase immobilization on bacterial nanocellulose membranes: Antimicrobial, kinetic and stability properties. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2016
- Antibacterial performance of bovine lactoferrin-fish gelatine electrospun membranes. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2015
- Bacterial Cellulose As a Support for the Growth of Retinal Pigment Epithelium. Biomacromolecules. 2015
- Modifying fish gelatin electrospun membranes for biomedical applications: Cross-linking and swelling behavior. Soft Materials. 2014
- PHB-PEO electrospun fiber membranes containing chlorhexidine for drug delivery applications. Materials Letters. 2014
- Processing and characterization of a-elastin electrospun membranes. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2014
- Neuronal cells behavior on polypyrrole coated bacterial nanocellulose three-dimensional (3D) scaffolds. Journal of Biomaterials Science. Polymer Edition. 2013
- Physicochemical and biological evaluation of poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate grafted onto poly(dimethyl siloxane) surfaces for prosthetic devices. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2013
- Production and characterization of a new bacterial cellulose/poly(Vinyl Alcohol) nanocomposite. Materials. 2013
- Thermal and hydrolytic degradation of electrospun fish gelatin membranes. Materials Letters. 2013
- Effect of Guar Gum on the Physicochemical, Thermal, Rheological and Textural Properties of Green Edam Cheese. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2011
- Friction and wear behaviour of bacterial cellulose against articular cartilage. Wear. 2011
- Immobilized ß-galactosidase onto magnetic particles coated with polyaniline: Support characterization and galactooligosaccharides production. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2011
- Virtual laboratories in (bio)chemical engineering education. Education for Chemical Engineers. 2010
- Galactooligosaccharides production by ß-galactosidase immobilized onto magnetic polysiloxane-polyaniline particles. Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2009
- NMR structural elucidation of the arabinan from Prunus dulcis immunobiological active pectic polysaccharides. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2006
- Anatomy and cell wall polysaccharides of almond (Prunus dulcis D. A. Webb) seeds.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2004
- Physicochemical, functional and structural characterization of fibre from defatted Rosa rubiginosa and Gevuina avellana seeds. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2004
- Purification, structure and immunobiological activity of an arabinan-rich pectic polysaccharide from the cell walls of Prunus dulcis seeds. Carbohydrate Research. 2004
- Characterisation of Chilean hazelnut (Gevuina avellana) tissues: Light microscopy and cell wall polysaccharides. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2003
- Studies on the properties of Celluclast/Eudragit L-100 conjugate. Antibiotics. 2002
- Characterisation of Rosa Mosqueta seeds: Cell wall polysaccharide composition and light microscopy observations. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2000
- Selective enzyme-mediated extraction of capsaicinoids and carotenoids from chili guajillo puya (Capsicum annuum L.) using ethanol as solvent. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2000
- Effect of cellulase adsorption on the surface and interfacial properties of cellulose. Cellulose. 1999
- Characterization of cellulose surface free energy. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology. 1998
capítulo de livro
- Antibacterial properties of bacterial nanocellulose functionalized with metal nanoparticles via in situ synthesis 2023
- The assessment of bacterial nanocellulose functionalized with metal nanoparticles 2023
- Antimicrobial activity of bacterial nanocellulose modified with chestnut extract 2022
- Produção de nanocelulose bacteriana 2022
- Antimicrobial activity of a bacterial nanocellulose film functionalized with Nisin Z for prospective burn wounds treatment. Medical Sciences Forum. 2022
- Antiviral Properties of Flame Retardant Bacterial Nanocellulose Modified with Mordenite 2022
- Antimicrobial Performance of Lignin Embedded in Bacterial Nanocellulose Membranes 2021
- Bio-Synthesised Fibrous-Based Meshes for Abdominal Hernia with Enhanced Mechanical and Antimicrobial Properties 2020
- Bacterial nanocellulose composites for the textile and leather industries 2019
- Bacterial NanoCellulose: what future?. Bioimpacts. 2018
- Assessment of the Gastrointestinal Fate of Bacterial Cellulose and Its Toxicological Effects After Repeated-dose Oral Administration
- 4th International Symposium on Bacterial Nanocellulose (ISBNC 2019) - Book of Abstracts 2019
- Bacterial Nanocellulose: From Biotechnology to Bio-Economy 2016
- Bacterial nanocellulose as a structured platform for conductive biopolymers 2016
- Celluloses as Food Ingredients/Additives: Is There a Room for BNC? 2016
- Chapter 11 - Optoelectronic Devices from Bacterial NanoCellulose 2016
- Chapter 12 - Process Modeling and Techno-Economic Evaluation of an Industrial Bacterial NanoCellulose Fermentation Process 2016
- Chapter 14 - Nata de coco Industry in Vietnam, Thailand, and Indonesia 2016
- Chapter 8 - European regulatory framework on novel foods and novel food additives 2016
- Taxonomic Review and Microbial Ecology in Bacterial NanoCellulose Fermentation 2016
- Overview on cell-biomaterial interactions 2015
- Functionalization of Silicone Rubber Surfaces towards Biomedical Applications 2014
- Bacterial cellulose: properties, production and applications 2010
- Modificação das propriedades texturais do queijo por adição de celulose bacteriana 2013
- Modificação in situ e ex situ da celulose bacteriana: efeito da composição do meio de cultura no seu rendimento e propriedades 2013
- Synthesis and characterization of electrically conductive bacterial cellulose-polypyrrole composites using alternative synthesis methods 2013
- Bacterial cellulose as a nanostructured functional material for biomedical applications 2012
- Synthesis and characterization of electrical conductive bacterial cellulose-graft-polyaniline 2011