publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- How to help students in their transition to middle school? Effectiveness of a school-based group mentoring program promoting students’ engagement, self-regulation, and goal setting. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 2024
- Be SMART: Promoting goal setting with students at-risk of early school leaving through a mentoring program. Children and Youth Services Review. 2024
- The Relationship Between Self-Determination and Community Integration in Developmental Disabilities: The Roles of Educational Attainment and Supported Decision-Making. Disability & SocIETy. 2024
- Critical thinking predictors: the role of family-related and motivational variables. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 2023
- 'It is the Journey not the Finish Line': Predictors of Grit in the Way of St. James Pilgrimage. Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage. 2023
- Critical thinking predictors: the role of family-related and motivational variables Journal: Thinking Skills and Creativity. Thinking Skills and Creativity. 2023
- ‘It is the Journey not the Finish Line’: Predictors of Grit in the Way of St. James Pilgrimage. Technological University Dublin. 2023
- Acculturation and school engagement: The case of Portuguese students with Roma background. Revista Psicodidática. 2022
- Short and Long-Term Effects on Academic Performance of a School-Based Training in Self-Regulation Learning: A Three-Level Experimental Study. Frontiers in Physiology. 2022
- Acculturation and School Engagement: The case of Portuguese students with a Roma background. Revista Psicodidática. 2022
- Children with Cerebral Palsy Rehabilitation In-session Engagement: Lessons learned from a Story-tool Training Program. International Journal of Disability Development and Education. 2022
- Elementary School Students’ Attitudes Towards Cerebral Palsy: A Raising Awareness Brief Intervention. International Journal of Inclusive Education. 2021
- A brief school-based intervention on Gypsy culture: A longitudinal cluster randomized trial. Journal of Educational Research. 2020
- As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined: Lack of prior knowledge as a driver of academic procrastination. International Journal of School & Educational Psychology. 2020
- The Role of Anxiety in the Relationship between Self-efficacy and Math Achievement. Psicologia Educativa. 2020
- The Mediator and/or Moderator Role of Complexity of Knowledge about Healthy Eating and Self-Regulated Behavior on the Relation between Family's Income and Children's Obesity. International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health. 2019
- Mediating Role of Self-efficacy and Usefulness Between Self-regulated Learning Strategy Knowledge and its Use. Revista Psicodidática. 2019
- A latent profile analysis of first-year university students’ academic expectations. Anales de Psicología. 2018
- Inventario de procesos de estudio (IPE-ES) para estudiantes universitarios: estudio de su fiabilidad y validez. Publicaciones. 2018
- Abandono no Ensino Superior: Impacto da autoeficácia na intenção de abandono [Dropout in Higher Education: Impact of self-efficacy on dropout intention]. Revista Brasileira de Orientação Profissional. 2018
- Abandono no Ensino Superior: Modelos teóricos, evidências empíricas e medidas de intervenção [Dropout in Higher Education: Theorical models, empirical evidences and intervention measures]. Educação: Teoria e Prática. 2018
- Metas Académicas y Estrategias Motivacionales de Autoprotección. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology. 2017
- Metas Académicas: Perspectiva Histórica y Conceptual e Implicaciones Educativas. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology. 2017
- Erratum to: Writing week-journals to improve the writing quality of fourth-graders' compositions (Reading and Writing, (2017), 30, 5, (1009-1032), 10.1007/s11145-016-9710-4). Reading and Writing. 2017
- TAREAS PARA CASA, RENDIMIENTO ACADÉMICO E IMPLICACIÓN DE PADRES Y PROFESORES. International Journal of Developmental and Educational Psychology. 2017
- Are teachers’ approaches to teaching responsive to individual student variation? A two-level structural equation modeling. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 2014
- Assessment of a Self-regulated Learning Intervention. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 2014
- Student, Teacher, and School Context Variables Predicting Academic Achievement in Biology: Analysis from a Multilevel Perspective // Variables del estudiante, del profesor y del contexto en la predicción del rendimiento académico en Biología: Análisis .... Revista de Psicodidactica. 2013
- Grade level, study time, and grade retention and their effects on motivation, self-regulated learning strategies, and mathematics achievement: A structural equation model. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 2013
- The relationship between approaches to teaching and approaches to studying: A two-level structural equation model for biology achievement in high school. Metacognition and Learning. 2013
- Self-efficacy and perceived utility as necessary conditions for self-regulated academic learning. Anales de Psicología. 2012
- Implementation of training programs in self-regulated learning strategies in Moodle format: Results of a experience in higher education. Psicothema. 2011
- New media for the promotion of self-regulated learning in higher education. Psicothema. 2010
- Trabalho de casa, auto-eficácia e rendimento em matemática. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional. 2008
- Discursos de pais e alunos sobre o aprender: um estudo no 5º ano de escolaridade<A NAME="n1"></A>. Análise Psicológica. 2006
- Olhares de género face à matemática: uma investigação no ensino obrigatório espanhol. Estudos de Psicologia. 2006
- Trabalho de casa, tarefas escolares, auto-regulação e envolvimento parental. Análise Psicológica. 2005
- Abordagem dos alunos à aprendizagem: análise do construto. Psico-USF. 2004
artigo de conferência
artigo de revista
- Self-Efficacy to Regulate Eating Behaviors Scale for Children: A Validation Study. Healthcare. 2023
- Self-Efficacy to Regulate Eating Behaviors Scale for Children: A Validation Study. Healthcare. 2023
- Reading in COVID-19 Pandemic Times: A Snapshot of Reading Fluency of Portuguese Elementary School Students. Children. 2023
- COVID-19 in Trials and Tribulations Project: A Self-Regulation based Support Response for Confined Families through Social Networks. Healthcare. 2022
- A path model of university dropout predictors: the role of satisfaction, the use of self-regulation learning strategies and students' engagement 2022
- Food Availability, Motivational-Related Factors, and Food Consumption: A Path Model Study with Children. Healthcare. 2021
- Writing intervention with elementary students struggling with writing: examining approach profiles to the teacher feedback on writing quality and motivational variables. Reading and Writing. 2021
- The Mediator Role of Routines on the Relationship between General Procrastination, Academic Procrastination and Perceived Importance of Sleep and Bedtime Procrastination. Healthcare. 2021
- “More Than Buying Extra Fruits and Veggies, Please Hide the Fats and Sugars”: Children’s Diet Latent Profiles and Family-Related Factors. Nutrients. 2021
- Dimensionality and reliability of a screening instrument for students at-risk of dropping out from Higher Education. Studies in Educational Evaluation. 2021
- Engagement SPIRALS in Elementary Students: A School-Based Self-Regulated Learning Approach. Sustainability (MDPI). 2020
- Online homework distraction scale: A validation study. Psicothema. 2020
- From the Hospital Bed to the Laptop at Home: Effects of a Blended Self-Regulated Learning Intervention. Healthcare. 2019
- The Mediator and/or Moderator Role of Complexity of Knowledge about Healthy Eating and Self-Regulated Behavior on the Relation between Family’s Income and Children’s Obesity. Healthcare. 2019
- Promoting School Engagement in Children with Cerebral Palsy: A Narrative Based Program. Healthcare. 2019
- Does teacher homework feedback matter to 6th graders' school engagement?: a mixed methods study. Metacognition and Learning. 2019
- "Homework Should Be...but We Do Not Live in an Ideal World": Mathematics Teachers' Perspectives on Quality Homework and on Homework Assigned in Elementary and Middle Schools. Frontiers in Physiology. 2019
- "Did you do your homework?" Mathematics teachers' homework follow-up practices at middle school level. Psychology in the Schools. 2019
- The impact of three types of writing intervention on students' writing quality. Antibiotics. 2019
- Mozambican adolescents' perspectives on the academic procrastination process. School Psychology International. 2018
- "Homework Feedback Is...": Elementary and Middle School Teachers' Conceptions of Homework Feedback. Frontiers in Physiology. 2018
- Factors that determine the persistence and dropout of university students. Psicothema. 2018
- Homework purposes, homework behaviors, and academic achievement. Examining the mediating role of students' perceived homework quality. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 2018
- Validity and reliability of the Parental Homework Management Scale. Psicothema. 2018
- Writing week-journals to improve the writing quality of fourth-graders' compositions. Reading and Writing. 2017
- Changes in involvement in homework throughout compulsory secondary education,Cambios en la implicación en los deberes escolares a lo largo de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. Cultura y Educacion. 2017
- How Do Student Prior Achievement and Homework Behaviors Relate to Perceived Parental Involvement in Homework?. Frontiers in Physiology. 2017
- Motivational profiles in university students. Its relationship with self-handicapping and defensive pessimism strategies. Learning and Individual Differences. 2017
- Motivational profiles in university students. Its relationship with self-handicapping and defensive pessimism strategies. Learning and Individual Differences. 2017
- Promoting Gypsy children's behavioural engagement and school success: Evidence from a four-wave longitudinal study. British Educational Research Journal. 2017
- Rationale and applicability of exploratory structural equation modeling (ESEM) in psychoeducational contexts. Psicothema. 2017
- "My Child has Cerebral Palsy": Parental Involvement and Children's School Engagement. Frontiers in Physiology. 2016
- Academic Goals, Student Homework Engagement, and Academic Achievement in Elementary School. Frontiers in Physiology. 2016
- Promoting Gypsy children school engagement: A story-tool project to enhance self-regulated learning. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 2016
- Studying while doing time: Understanding inmates' conceptions of learning. British Educational Research Journal. 2016
- Deberes escolares y rendimiento académico en Educación Primaria. Anales de Psicología. 2015
- Does homework design matter? The role of homework's purpose in student mathematics achievement. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 2015
- Homework Motivation and Engagement throughout Compulsory Education // La motivación e implicación en los deberes escolares a lo largo de la escolaridad obligatoria. Revista de Psicodidactica. 2015
- Homework and academic achievement across Spanish Compulsory Education. Educational Psychology. 2015
- Motivational profiles as a combination of academic goals in higher education. Educational Psychology. 2015
- Multiple Goals and Homework Involvement in Elementary School Students. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 2015
- Teachers' feedback on homework, homework-related behaviors, and academic achievement. Journal of Educational Research. 2015
- The effects of teachers' homework follow-up practices on students' EFL performance: A randomized-group design. Frontiers in Physiology. 2015
- Transcultural analysis of the effectiveness of a program to promote self-regulated learning in Mozambique, Chile, Portugal, and Spain. Higher Education Research & Development. 2015
- An explanatory model of the intention to continue studying among non-traditional university students. Psicothema. 2014
- Performance evaluation of recent information criteria for selecting multilevel models in Behavioral and Social Sciences. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. 2014
- A longitudinal assessment of the effectiveness of a school-based mentoring program in middle school. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 2013
- A longitudinal assessment of the effectiveness of a school-based mentoring program in middle school. Contemporary Educational Psychology. 2013
- Approaches to Teaching in High School when Considering Contextual Variables and Teacher Variables // Enfoques de enseñanza en Bachillerato en función de variables contextuales y del docente. Revista de Psicodidactica. 2013
- Autoeficacia y utilidad percibida como condiciones necesarias para un aprendizaje académico autorregulado. Anales de Psicología. 2012
- Enhancing self-regulation and approaches to learning in first-year college students: A narrative-based programme assessed in the Iberian Peninsula. European Journal of Psychology of Education. 2010
- Academic Procrastination: Associations with Personal, School, and Family Variables. The Spanish Journal of Psychology. 2009
- Metas académicas y estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios. Psicologia Escolar e Educacional. 2007
capítulo de livro
- The role of the perceived usefulness of teacher feedback on elementary students’ homework engagement 2021
- Educational Challenges in Mozambique: The Plague of Academic Procrastination. 2020
- Analysis of Instructional Programs in Different Academic Levels for Improving Self-Regulated Learning SRL through Written Text 2017