publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Encouraging Eco-Innovative Urban Development. Algorithms. 2024
- GAN-based generation of realistic 3D volumetric data: A systematic review and taxonomy. European Journal of Operational Research. 2024
- Multimodal Image and Radar Object Detection. Logic Journal of the IGPL. 2024
- Algorithm Recommendation and Performance Prediction Using Meta-Learning. International Journal of Neural Systems. 2023
- Open-source skull reconstruction with MONAI. European Journal of Operational Research. 2023
- Towards clinical applicability and computational efficiency in automatic cranial implant design: An overview of the AutoImplant 2021 cranial implant design challenge. European Journal of Operational Research. 2023
- Employees balance and stability as key points in organizational performance. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2022
- Some considerations on quantum computing at sub-atomic scales and its impact in the future of moore’s law. Quantum Information & Computation. 2020
- Assessing Individuals Learning's Impairments from a Social Entropic Perspective. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- Predicative Vagueness in Lung Metastases in Soft Tissue Sarcoma Screening. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2018
- Analysis of Dyscalculia Evidences through Artificial Intelligence Systems. AI Communications. 2017
- Analysis of Dyscalculia Evidences through Artificial Intelligence Systems. AI Communications. 2017
- Erratum to: Processing Time Reduction: an Application in Living Human High-Resolution Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data (Journal of Medical Systems, (2016), 40, 11, (243), 10.1007/s10916-016-0594-2). Journal of Medical Systems. 2017
- An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Individuals' Age Assessment. WSEAS Transactions on Systems. 2016
- A Logic Programming Approach to the Conservation of Buildings Based on an Extension of the Eindhoven Classification Model. Polibits. 2013
- Adverse events and near misses in medical imaging,Eventos adversos e não conformidades em imagiologia. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2011
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging data manipulation 2009
- Ambient intelligence via multiagent systems in the medical arena. Engineering Intelligent Systems. 2007
- Medical imaging environment - A multi-agent system for a computer clustering based multi-display. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- A computational environment for building intelligent medical diagnosis based systems. Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems X. 2003
- The inventive power of Learning Classifier Systems: A contribution to Data Mining. Management Information Systems. 2002
- A unified framework for data modeling on Medical Information Systems. Medical Informatics Europe '99. 1999
artigo de conferência
- Transforming Ideas and Developing Entrepreneurship Skills in Computing Sciences and Informatics Engineering Courses 2022
- An entropic approach to technology enable learning and social computing 2022
- Ultrasound training simulator using augmented reality glasses: an accuracy and precision assessment study 2022
- A Thermodynamic Assessment of the Cyber Security Risk in Healthcare Facilities 2020
- Some considerations on the estimation of the value associated to a clinical act. Procedia Computer Science. 2020
- An Evolutionary Computing approach to Diabetic Foot Analysis 2018
- Deep learning based pipeline for fingerprinting using brain functional MRI connectivity data. Procedia Computer Science. 2018
- Planning, Managing and Monitoring Technological Security Infrastructures 2018
- A Case Base Approach to Cardiovascular Diseases using Chest X-ray Image Analysis 2017
- Age prediction through pelvis X-Ray images: A case based approach to problem solving 2017
- On hierarchical brain tumor segmentation in MRI using fully convolutional neural networks: A preliminary study 2017
- Chest breadths to predict individuals' age - A case based view. Conference on Business Informatics. 2016
- A computed tomography based orthopedic surgery planning solution 2014
- Endoscopic procedures control using speech recognition. Recent Advances in Computer Engineering. 2014
- The role of crowdsourcing in the resilience of communities,O papel do crowdsourcing na resiliência das comunidades. Atas da Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação. 2014
- Multi-format video frame grabber imageJ plugin : MVFG 2012
- Information technology governance - A case study of the applicability of ITIL and COBIT in a Portuguese Private School 2012
- Use of phase change materials microcapsules in aerial lime and gypsum mortars 2011
- A logic programming based adverse event reporting and learning system 2010
- Brain magnetic resonance spectroscopy classifiers 2010
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging data manipulation - A new approach. IFMBE Proceedings. 2009
- Knowledge discovery methodology for medical reports 2009
- Uma abordagem multi-agente ao ensino médico utilizando a Web 2008
- Medical imaging environment : a multi-agent system for a computer clustering based multi-display. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2007
- A web-based collaboration approach for teaching in medicine 2006
- Agent based decision support systems in medicine 2005
- Agent driven diagnosis in medicine 2005
- Web-based simulation in medicine 2005
- Data warehousing through multi-agent systems in the medical arena 2004
- Health data management in the medical arena 2004
- A Computational Environment For Building Intelligent Medical Diagnosis Based Systems 2003
- Case based reasoning versus artificial neural networks in medical diagnosis 2003
- Medical image processing using extended logic programming and artificial neural networks 2002
- Adaptive Strategies and the Design of Evolutionary Applications 1999
- Distributed Problem Solving: A Universal Computer Architecture 1993
artigo de revista
- Predicting Model Training Time to Optimize Distributed Machine Learning Applications. Electronics. 2023
- Augmented Reality-Assisted Ultrasound Breast Biopsy. Bioengineering. 2023
- Generation of Synthetic Rat Brain MRI Scans with a 3D Enhanced Alpha Generative Adversarial Network. Applied Sciences. 2022
- Radiomics in Head and Neck Cancer Outcome Predictions. Diagnostics. 2022
- Synthetic skull bone defects for automatic patient-specific craniofacial implant design. Scientific Data. 2021
- Automatic Segmentation of the Olfactory Bulb. Brain Sciences. 2021
- Combining unsupervised and supervised learning for predicting the final stroke lesion. European Journal of Operational Research. 2021
- AutoImplant 2020-First MICCAI Challenge on Automatic Cranial Implant Design. European Journal of Operational Research. 2021
- Prediction of Stroke Lesion at 90-Day Follow-Up by Fusing Raw DSC-MRI with Parametric Maps Using Deep Learning. IEEE Access. 2021
- Prediction of Stroke Lesion at 90-Day Follow-Up by Fusing Raw DSC-MRI with Parametric Maps Using Deep Learning. IEEE Access. 2021
- Some considerations on quantum computing at sub-atomic scales and its impact in the future of moore’s law. Quantum Information & Computation. 2020
- Adaptive Feature Recombination and Recalibration for Semantic Segmentation With Fully Convolutional Networks. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2019
- Enhancing interpretability of automatically extracted machine learning features: application to a RBM-Random Forest system on brain lesion segmentation. European Journal of Operational Research. 2018
- ISLES 2016 and 2017-benchmarking ischemic stroke lesion outcome prediction based on multispectral MRI. Frontiers in Neurology. 2018
- Stroke lesion outcome prediction based on MRI imaging combined with clinical information. Frontiers in Neurology. 2018
- A knowledge representation and reasoning system for multimodal neuroimaging studies. Inteligencia Artificial. 2017
- Promoting entrepreneurship among informatics engineering students: insights from a case study. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2017
- Promoting entrepreneurship among informatics engineering students: insights from a case study. European Journal of Engineering Education. 2017
- A Hitchhiker's Guide to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2016
- A Hitchhiker's Guide to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2016
- Brain Tumor Segmentation Using Convolutional Neural Networks in MRI Images. European Journal of Operational Research. 2016
- Processing Time Reduction: an Application in Living Human High-Resolution Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data. Journal of Medical Systems. 2016
- The impact of normalization and segmentation on resting-state brain networks. Brain Connectivity. 2015
- An adverse event reporting and learning system for water sector based on an extension of the Eindhoven classification model. Water Resources Management. 2015
- Endoscopic Imaging Results: Web based Solution with Video Diffusion. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- Endoscopic Imaging Results: Web based Solution with Video Diffusion. Information Processing Letters. 2014
- A hitchhiker's guide to diffusion tensor imaging. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience. 2013
- A logic programming approach for the conservation of buildings based on an extension of the Eindhoven Classification Model. Polibits. 2013
- BrainCAT - a tool for automated and combined functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging brain connectivity analysis. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2013
- Evolutionary intelligence in asphalt pavement modeling and quality-of-information. Progress in AI. 2012
- A logic programming approach to medical errors in imaging. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2011
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging data manipulation 2009
- Ambient intelligence via multiagent systems in the medical arena. International Journal of Engineering Intelligent Systems for Electrical Engineering and Communications. 2007
- A multi-agent based medical image multi-display visualization system 2006
- Agent based decision support systems in medicine 2005
- Health data management in the medical arena. WSEAS Transactions on Computers. 2004
capítulo de livro
- Automatic Hemorrhage Detection in Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy 2024
- Multi-agent System for Multimodal Machine Learning Object Detection 2023
- Observability: Towards Ethical Artificial Intelligence 2023
- An Entropic Approach to Technology Enable Learning and Social Computing 2022
- Generation of Synthetic Data 2022
- Trends in the Use of 3D Printing with Medical Imaging. AI Communications. 2021
- A Multi-valued Logic Assessment of Organizational Performance via Workforce Social Networking 2021
- Contactless Human-Computer Interaction Using a Deep Neural Network Pipeline for Real-Time Video Interpretation and Classification. Communications in Computer and Information Science. 2021
- Radiomics in head and neck cancer 2021
- Spatial Normalization of MRI Brain Studies Using a U-Net Based Neural Network. AI Communications. 2020
- A Study on CNN Architectures for Chest X-Rays Multiclass Computer-Aided Diagnosis. AI Communications. 2020
- Predicting Recurring Telecommunications Customer Support Problems Using Deep Learning. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2020
- A MRI View of Brain Tumor Outcome Prediction. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation (ASTI). 2019
- Augmented Reality in Surgery 2017
- An Extension of the Eindhoven Classification Model to the Educational Sector. Advances in Intelligent Systems Research. 2013
- Web-based Medical Teaching using a Multi-Agent System 2006
- MedShapeNet - A Large-Scale Dataset of 3D Medical Shapes for Computer Vision 2023
- Multilingual Natural Language Processing Model for Radiology Reports The Summary is all you need! 2023
- AutoPET Challenge: Combining nn-Unet with Swin UNETR Augmented by Maximum Intensity Projection Classifier 2022
- GAN-based generation of realistic 3D data A systematic review and taxonomy 2022
- Open-Source Skull Reconstruction with MONAI 2022
- Generation of Synthetic Rat Brain MRI scans with a 3D Enhanced Alpha-GAN 2021
- Evolutionary intelligence in asphalt pavement modeling and quality-of-information 2012
- Eventos adversos e não conformidades em imagiologia. Acta Médica Portuguesa. 2011
- Knowledge discovery methodology for medical reports 2009
- Uma abordagem multi-agente ao ensino médico utilizando a Web 2008
- Ambient intelligence via multiagent systems in the medical arena 2007
- A web-based collaboration approach for teaching in medicine 2006
- Agent driven diagnosis in medicine 2005
- Agent based decision support systems in medicine 2005
- Health data management in the medical arena 2004
- Data warehousing through multi-agent systems in the medical arena 2004
- E-learning in medical environments using intelligent tutoring systems 2004
- Case based reasoning versus artificial neural networks in medical diagnosis 2003
- Treatment And Follow-Up Guidelines For Multiple Brain Metastases: A Systematic Review
- Preface 2023
- Real-Time Algorithm Recommendation Using Meta-Learning 2023
- Study of MRI-Based Biomarkers on Patients with Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy Using Artificial Intelligence 2021
- Bridging the Gap of Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Evolutionary Biology to Propose an Approach to Machine Learning of Human-Like Ethics 2020
- A Deep Learning Line to Assess Patient’s Lung Cancer Stages 2019
- Automated computer-aided design of cranial implants using a deep volumetric convolutional denoising autoencoder 2019
- Combining image and non-image clinical data: An infrastructure that allows machine learning studies in a hospital environment 2019
- Convolutional neural network-based regression for quantification of brain characteristics using MRI 2019
- Dyscalculia: A Behavioural Vision 2019
- Interpretability of a Deep Learning Model for Rodents Brain Semantic Segmentation 2019
- Predicting Diabetic Foot Maturing Through Evolutionary Computation 2019
- Prediction of Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Outcome in Breast Cancer Patients 2019
- A Case-Based Reasoning Approach to GBM Evolution 2018
- Automatic Brain Tumor Grading from MRI Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Quality Assessment 2018
- Chest X-Ray Image Analysis - A Vision of Logic Programming 2018
- Enhancing Clinical MRI Perfusion Maps with Data-Driven Maps of Complementary Nature for Lesion Outcome Prediction 2018
- Forecast in the pharmaceutical area – Statistic models vs deep learning 2018
- A case based methodology for problem solving aiming at knee osteoarthritis detection 2017
- A hospital service kiosk in the patient’s pocket 2017
- Gaming in Dyscalculia: a review on disMAT 2017
- Wormhole approach to control in distributed computing has direct relation to physics 2017
- A Framework for the Automation of Multimodalbrain Connectivity Analyses 2016
- Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for the Segmentation of Gliomas in Multi-sequence MRI 2016
- Enabling data storage and availability of multimodal neuroimaging studies – a NoSQL based solution 2016
- Reducing computation time by Monte Carlo method: An application in determining axonal orientation distribution function 2016
- 3D reconstruction of bone structures based on planar radiography 2015
- A 3D computed tomography based tool for orthopedic surgery planning 2015
- Construction of Functional Brain Connectivity Networks 2015
- Multilingual voice control for endoscopic procedures 2015
- A novel approach to endoscopic exams archiving 2014
- Video processing architecture: A solution for endoscopic procedures results 2014
- Web-based solution for acquisition, processing, archiving and diffusion of endoscopy studies 2013
- Brain Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Classifiers 2010
- Computer-aided diagnosis in brain computed tomography screening 2009
- A computational environment for medical diagnosis support systems 2001
- LPE - Distributed Problem Solving: A Universal Computer Architecture. 1993