publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Interaction of fuel spray and air swirl on the combustion of residue oils. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2023
- Sawdust drying process in a large-scale pellets facility: An energy and exergy analysis. Cleaner Environmental Systems. 2021
- Influence of Plate Orifice in the Pre-Mixing of Gas-Powered Water Heaters. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Thermal Conversion of Pine Wood and Kinetic Analysis under Oxidative and Non-Oxidative Environments at Low Heating Rate. Applied Sciences. 2020
- Influence of Operating Conditions on the Thermal Behavior and Kinetics of Pine Wood Particles Using Thermogravimetric Analysis. Energies. 2020
- A New Active Contours Approach for Finger Extensor Tendon Segmentation in Ultrasound Images Using Prior Knowledge and Phase Symmetry. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics. 2018
- Combustion Modelling of a 20 kW Pellet Boiler. Volume 6B: Energy. 2018
- Study of Devolatilization Rates of Pine Wood and Mass Loss of Wood Pellets. Volume 6: Energy. 2018
- Automatic microaneurysm detection using laws texture masks and support vector machines. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering-Imaging and Visualization. 2017
- Exudate segmentation in fundus images using an ant colony optimization approach. Information Sciences. 2015
- Quality evaluation of digital fundus images through combined measures. Journal of Medical Imaging. 2014
- Analysis of Industrial Waste in Wood Pellets and Co-combustion Products. Production Planning and Control. 2014
- DEVELOPMENT AND OPTIMIZATION OF A SMALL SCALE PELLET BURNER. ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE). 2013
- Production of formic acid from biomass-based compounds using a filter press type electrolyzer. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2013
- SIMULATION OF A SMALL SCALE PELLET BOILER. Imece2009: Proceedings of the Asme International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vol 8. 2010
artigo de conferência
- Combustion of Biomass Based Pellets With Pyrolysis Bio-Oils 2020
- Energy Analysis and Waste Valorization in a Kraft Paper Plant 2020
- Energy and Exergy Analysis of a Biomass Based Ceramic Plant 2019
- Joint Capsule Segmentation in Ultrasound Images of the Metacarpophalangeal Joint using Convolutional Neural Networks* 2019
- Mitral Valve Leaflets Segmentation in Echocardiography using Convolutional Neural Networks* 2019
- Development of a Methodology for Paint Dust Waste Energetic Valorization Through RDF Production 2018
- Development of a Methodology for Paint Dust Waste Energetic Valorization Through RDF Production 2018
- Students' perceptions and effects towards new teaching approach in energy and environment 2018
- A reflection of a pedagogic approach in an engineering course 2018
- Fully Automatic Finger Extensor Tendon Segmentation in Ultrasound Images of the Metacarpophalangeal Joint 2018
- Joint capsule segmentation in ultrasound images of the metacarpophalangeal joint using a split and merge approach 2018
- Experimental analysis of a finless gas-liquid heat exchanger 2016
- Segmentation of the metacarpus and phalange in musculoskeletal ultrasound images using local active contours 2016
- Quality requirements for the biomass in the SUDOE region 2015
- Digital mammograms contrast enhancement using wavelets — A comparative study 2014
- Two stage atmospheric burners: Development and verification of a new mass-energy balance model 2014
- Ash Sintering in a Biomass Pellet Boiler 2013
- One-sided Radial-Fundamental Matrix Estimation 2012
- Registration of retinal images by a MAS-ICP approach — A preliminary study 2012
- The application of furniture manufacturing residues in wood pellets: Assessment of the combustion efficiency 2012
- Drying Kinetics of Solid Biomass 2011
- Multi-objective parameter CPG optimization for gait generation of a biped robot. IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. 2011
- Quadruped Robot Locomotion using a Global Optimization Stochastic Algorithm. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2011
- Simulation of a Small Scale Pellet Boiler 2010
- Inspection of bottles crates in the beer industry through computer vision. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2010
- Simulated visually-guided paw placement during quadruped locomotion. IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocIETy. 2009
- A computer vision system for color grading wood boards using Fuzzy Logic 2008
- Detection of defects in automotive metal components through computer vision 2008
- Two Vision-guided vehicles: Temporal coordination using nonlinear dynamical systems. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 2007
- Ball Catching by a Puma Arm: a Nonlinear Dynamical Systems Approach 2006
- Optimization of an Effervescent Atomizer to the Combustion of Residue Oils 2005
artigo de revista
- Influence of Temperature in the Thermo-Chemical Decomposition of Below-Stoichiometric RDF Char - A Macro TGA Study. Energies. 2023
- Study of Mass Loss and Elemental Analysis of Pine Wood Pellets in a Small-Scale Reactor. Energies. 2022
- Experimental Studies on Wood Pellets Combustion in a Fixed Bed Combustor Using Taguchi Method. Fuels. 2021
- Electrochemical oxidation of amoxicillin on carbon nanotubes and carbon nanotube supported metal modified electrodes. Catalysis Today. 2020
- The Potential of Renewable Energy in Timor-Leste: An Assessment for Biomass. Energies. 2019
- Using a multi-agent system approach for microaneurysm detection in fundus images. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine. 2014
- Optic disc detection in color fundus images using ant colony optimization. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing. 2012
- Electrocatalytic oxidation of oxalic and oxamic acids in aqueous media at carbon nanotube modified electrodes. Electrochimica Acta. 2012
- A texture segmentation prototype for industrial inspection applications based on fuzzy grammar. Sensor Review. 2009
- Timed trajectory generation using dynamical systems: Application to a Puma arm. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 2009
capítulo de livro
- The Influence of Fuel Mix on the Devolatilization of RDF Based Coal 2023
- Small Red Lesions Detection Using a MAS Approach. Computational Methods in Applied Sciences. 2013
- Using MAS to Detect Retinal Blood Vessels 2012
- Design and Development of a Fly-by-Wireless UAV Platform 2009
- Segmentation and Classification of Leukocytes Using Neural Networks: A Generalization Direction 2008
- Strategies for the Design of Domestic Pellet Boilers 2019
- Head Motion Stabilization During Quadruped Robot Locomotion 2014
- Application of variance analysis to the combustion of residual oils 2012
- Applying an Elitist Electromagnetism-Like Algorithm to Head Robot Stabilization 2011
- Multiobjective Optimization of a Quadruped Robot Locomotion Using a Genetic Algorithm 2011