publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Optimization of photoluminescence of Eu3+ doped YVO4 nanoparticles by green microwave synthesis. Materials Chemistry and Physics. 2024
- Urban objects classification using Mueller matrix polarimetry and machine learning. Optics Express. 2022
- Amorphous silicon thin-film solar cells deposited on flexible substrates using different zinc oxide layers. Physica Status Solidi C - Current Topics in Solid State Physics, Vol 7 No 3-4. 2010
- N-Doped Photocatalytic Titania Thin Films on Active Polymer Substrates. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology. 2010
- Biological microdevice with fluidic acoustic streaming for measuring uric acid in human saliva. 2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. 2009
- Hydrogenated amorphous and nanocrystalline silicon solar cells deposited by HWCVD and RF-PECVD on plastic substrates at 150 degrees C. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 2008
- Modulated IR radiometry of (TiSi)N thin films. Vacuum. 2008
- PVD-Grown photocatalytic TiO2 thin films on PVDF substrates for sensors and actuators applications. Thin Solid Films. 2008
- Transmission electron microscopy analysis of the interfaces of TiAlN/Mo multilayers. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 2008
- Reactive sputtering deposition of photocatalytic TiO2 thin films on glass substrates. Journal of Materials Science and Engineering A. 2007
- Reactive sputtering of TiOxNy coatings by the reactive gas pulsing process Part II: The role of the duty cycle. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2007
- Reactive sputtering of TiOxNy coatings by the reactive gas pulsing process. Part I: Pattern and period of pulses. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2007
- Reactive sputtering of TiOxNy coatings by the reactive gas pulsing process: Part III: The particular case of exponential pulses. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2007
- Thermal Characterization of Hard Decorative Thin Films. Plasma Processes and Polymers. 2007
- Compositional and structural changes in ZrOxNy films depending on growth condition. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2006
Structural evolution in ZrN
x Oy thin films as a function of temperature. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2006 - Structural stability of decorative ZrNxOy thin films. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2005
Structural, electrical, optical, and mechanical characterizations of decorative ZrO
x Ny thin films. Journal of Applied Physics. 2005 - Characterization of hard DC-sputtered Si-based TiN coatings: The effect of composition and ion bombardment. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2004
- Ion beam studies of TiNxOy thin films deposited by reactive magnetron sputtering. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2004
- Microstructure of (Ti,Si,Al)N nanocomposite coatings. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2004
- Microstructure, mechanical properties and cutting performance of superhard (Ti,Si,Al)N nanocomposite films grown by d.c. reactive magnetron sputtering. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2004
Property change in ZrN
x Oy thin films: Effect of the oxygen fraction and bias voltage. Thin Solid Films. 2004 -
Structural, optical and mechanical properties of coloured TiN
x Oy thin films. Thin Solid Films. 2004 - Effects of the morphology and structure on the elastic behavior of (Ti,Si,Al)N nanocomposites. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2003
- Mechanical characterization of reactively magnetron-sputtered TiN films. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2003
- PVD grown (Ti,Si,Al)N nanocomposite coatings and (Ti,Al)N/(Ti,Si)N multilayers: Structural and mechanical properties. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2003
- Preparation of magnetron sputtered TiNxOy thin films. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2003
- HRTEM interfacial analysis on superhard TiAlN/Mo multilayers. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2002
- Residual stress states in sputtered Ti1-xSixNy films. Thin Solid Films. 2002
- Study of roughness in Ti0.4Al0.6N/Mo multilayer structures. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2002
- Mechanical and surface analysis of Ti0.4Al0.6N/Mo multilayers. Vacuum. 2001
- Microstructure of superhard (Ti,Al)N/Mo multilayers. Thin Solid Films. 2001
- Structural transitions in hard Si-based TiN coatings: The effect of bias voltage and temperature. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2001
- A structural and mechanical analysis on PVD-grown (Ti,Al)N/Mo multilayers. Thin Solid Films. 2000
- Characterisation of Ti1-xSixNy nanocomposite films. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2000
- Hard nanocomposite Ti-Si-N coatings prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2000
Mechanical and surface analysis of Ti
0.4 Al0.6 N/Mo multilayers. Vacuum. 2000 - Structure determination of (Ti,Al)N/Mo multilayers. Thin Solid Films. 2000
Surface studies of SiC/SiC
f composites exposed to relevant fusion reactor conditions. Surface and Interface Analysis. 2000 - Characterization of titanium silicon nitride films deposited by PVD. Vacuum. 1999
- Corrosion of CrN and TiAlN coatings in chloride-containing atmospheres. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1999
- Determination of Impurity Lattice Sites in Single Crystals Using PIXE Channeling. X-Ray Spectrometry. 1999
- Effect of the addition of Al and Si on the physical and mechanical properties of titanium nitride. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1999
- Mechanical characterisation of TiN/ZrN multi-layered coatings. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1999
- The effect of the addition of Al and Si on the physical and mechanical properties of titanium nitride. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 1999
- Deposition and characterization of multilayered TiN/ZrN coatings. Thin Solid Films. 1998
- Interfacial roughness of multilayered TiN/ZrN coatings. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 1998
Lattice site location of Hf in LiNbO
3 : Influence of dopant concentration and crystal stoichiometry. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 1998 - Oxidation resistance of (Ti, Al, Si)N coatings in air. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1998
- Oxidation resistance of (Ti,Al,Si)N coatings in air. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1998
- Physical and mechanical properties of Ti1-xSixN films. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1998
- Physical, structural and mechanical characterization of Ti1-xSixNy films. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1998
- Structural characterization of multilayered sputtered TiN/ZrN coatings. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1998
Nonaxial sites for Er in LiNbO
3 . Applied Physics Letters. 1997 - Thermal oxidation of Ti1-xAlxN coatings in air. Journal of the European Ceramic SocIETy. 1997
Ion beam channeling and hyperfine interaction analysis for the characterization of stoichiometry and anti-site population in LiNbO
3 . Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 1996 - Adherence of combined physically vapour-deposited and plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1995
Ion-Beam/Channeling characterization of LiNb0
3 : Interaction between impurity sites. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. 1995 -
Ion-beam/channeling characterization of LiNbO
3 : interaction between impurity sites. Optical Materials. 1995 - MICROCRYSTALLINE SILICON THIN-FILMS PREPARED BY RF REACTIVE MAGNETRON SPUTTER-DEPOSITION. Vacuum. 1995
- Oxidation resistance of (Ti,Al,Zr,Si)N coatings in air. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1995
- Structural characterization of linb03 proton-exchanged waveguides by ion-beam methods. European Physical Journal E. 1995
- THE LATTICE SITE OF TI IN LINBO3. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 1994
The lattice site of Ti in LiNbO
3 . Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 1994 - Ion-beam channeling yields of host and impurity atoms in LiNbO3: Computer simulations. Physical Review B. 1993
On the lattice site of trivalent dopants and the structure of Mg 2+-OH--M3+ defects in LiNbO
3 :Mg crystals. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. 1993 -
7Li(p, a) 4He, PIXE and RBS/channeling studies of the lattice site location of impurities in LiNbO
3 and LiNbO3 co-doped with magnesium. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B. 1992 - AMORPHIZATION AND RECRYSTALLIZATION OF HF-IMPLANTED LINBO3. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 1992
Amorphization and recrystallization of Hf-implanted LiNbO
3 . Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B. 1992 - LATTICE SITE FOR TRANSITION AND RARE-EARTH IMPURITIES IN LINBO3 BY ION-BEAM METHODS. Journal of Materials Research. 1992
- LI-7(P, ALPHA)HE-4, PIXE AND RBS CHANNELING STUDIES OF THE LATTICE SITE LOCATION OF IMPURITIES IN LINBO3 AND LINBO3 CO-DOPED WITH MAGNESIUM. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 1992
Lattice site for transition and rare-earth impurities in LiNbO
3 by ion-beam methods. Journal of Materials Research. 1992 - LATTICE SITE OF ER IN LINBO3MG,ER CRYSTALS. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. 1991
- Lattice Site of Er In LiNbo3: Mg, Er Crystals. Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids. 1991
Lattice site of iron in linb0
3 (Fe3+) by the pixe/channelling technique.. Epl. 1991 - COMBINED RBS CHANNELING AND PAC STUDIES OF HAFNIUM-DOPED LINBO3. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 1990
Combined RBS/channeling and PAC studies of hafnium-doped LiNbO
3 . Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B. 1990 - DETERMINATION OF LATTICE SITES FOR EU, HF AND ND IN LINBO3 BY RBS/CHANNELING EXPERIMENTS. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 1990
Determination of lattice sites for Eu, Hf and Nd IN LiNbO
3 by RBS/channeling experiments. Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B. 1990 - LATTICE SITE LOCATION OF EUROPIUM IN LINBO3 BY RUTHERFORD BACKSCATTERING CHANNELING EXPERIMENTS. Applied Physics Letters. 1989
Lattice site location of europium in LiNbO
3 by Rutherford backscattering channeling experiments. Applied Physics Letters. 1989
artigo de conferência
- Phase composition and crystallite size study of multilayered transition metal films based on molybdenum and chromium nitrides. Proceedings of the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties. 2017
- Transparent P(VDF-TrFE) transducer-based acoustic streaming for microfluidic applications 2013
- ZnO:Cu thin films and p-n homojunctions grown by electrochemical deposition. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2011
- A lab-on-a-chip for clinical analysis with acoustic microagitation based on piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride) 2009
- Acoustic thermoagitation based on piezoelectric ß-PVDF polymer films potential evaluation in lab-on-a-chip applications 2009
- Ultrasonic transducer based on ß-PVDF for fluidic microagitation in a lab-on-a-chip device. Advances in Science and Technology. 2008
Reactive sputtering deposition of photocatalytic TiO
2 thin films on glass substrates 2005 -
Structural and optical characterization of decorative ZrO
x Ny thin films 2005 -
Corrosion behaviour of single layered ZrN
x Oy thin films in artificial sweat solutions 2004 - Sessões de complemento curricular: Uma experiência junto de alunos de Matemática e Ciências da Computação e de Engenharia de Materiais da Universidade do Minho 2001
artigo de revista
- Zn and Zn-Fe Nanostructures with Multifunctional Properties as Components for Food Packaging Materials. Nanomaterials. 2022
- W/AlSiTiNx/SiAlTiOyNx/SiAlOx multilayered solar thermal selective absorber coating. Solar Energy. 2020
- Compositional analysis by RBS, XPS and EDX of ZnO:Al,Bi and ZnO:Ga,Bi thin films deposited by d.c. magnetron sputtering. Vacuum. 2020
- Multilayer passive radiative selective cooling coating based on Al/SiO2/SiNx/SiO2/TiO2/SiO2 prepared by dc magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films. 2020
- Compositional, Optical and Electrical Characteristics of SiOx Thin Films Deposited by Reactive Pulsed DC Magnetron Sputtering. Coatings. 2019
- The effect of increasing Si content in the absorber layers (CrAlSiNx/CrAlSiOyNx) of solar selective absorbers upon their selectivity and thermal stability. Applied Surface Science. 2019
- Surface wettability modification of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and copolymer films and membranes by plasma treatment. E-Polymers. 2019
CrAlSiN barrier layer to improve the thermal stability of W/CrAlSiN
x /CrAlSiOy Nx /SiAlOx solar thermal absorber. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2019 - Influence of Al/Si atomic ratio on optical and electrical properties of magnetron sputtered Al1-xSixOy coatings. Thin Solid Films. 2019
Nb-doped Ti
2 O3 films deposited through grid-assisted magnetron sputtering on glass substrate: Electrical and optical analysis. Materials Research. 2019 - Layer-by-layer fabrication of highly transparent polymer based piezoelectric transducers. Materials Research Express. 2018
- Development of a statistical method to help evaluating the transparency/opacity of decorative thin films. Applied Surface Science. 2018
- A design of selective solar absorber for high temperature applications. Solar Energy. 2018
A study of solar thermal absorber stack based on CrAlSiN
x /CrAlSiNx Oy structure by ion beams. Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section B-Beam Interactions With Materials and Atoms. 2018 -
Multi-layer solar selective absorber coatings based on W/WSiAlN
x /WSiAlOy Nx /SiAlOx for high temperature applications. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2018 - Superhard CrN/MoN coatings with multilayer architecture. Materials & Design. 2018
- XPS analysis of ZnO:Ga films deposited by magnetron sputtering: Substrate bias effect. Applied Surface Science. 2018
- Characterization of magnetron sputtered sub-stoichiometric CrAlSiN x and CrAlSiO y N x coatings. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2017
- Multilayer design of CrN/MoN protective coatings for enhanced hardness and toughness. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 2017
- Optical and structural analysis of solar selective absorbing coatings based on AlSiOx:W cermets. Solar Energy. 2017
- Solar selective absorbing coatings based on AlSiN/AlSiON/AlSiO y layers. Applied Surface Science. 2015
- Solar selective absorbers based on Al2O3:W cermets and AlSiN/AlSiON layers. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2015
- Influence of hydrogen plasma thermal treatment on the properties of ZnO:Al thin films prepared by dc magnetron sputtering. Vacuum. 2014
- Optimisation of surface treatments of TiO2:Nb transparent conductive coatings by a post-hot-wire annealing in a reducing H-2 atmosphere. Thin Solid Films. 2014
- Polymer-based acoustic streaming for improving mixing and reaction times in microfluidic applications. Nanoscale. 2014
- Characterization of TiAlSiN/TiAlSiON/SiO 2 optical stack designed by modelling calculations for solar selective applications. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 2012
- Optical characterization of TiAlN/TiAlON/SiO 2 absorber for solar selective applications. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2012
Effect of hot-filament annealing in a hydrogen atmosphere on the electrical and structural properties of Nb-doped TiO
2 sputtered thin films. Thin Solid Films. 2012 -
In-service behaviour of (Ti,Si,Al)N
x nanocomposite films. Wear. 2012 - Room temperature magnetic response of sputter deposited TbDyFe films as a function of the deposition parameters. Journal of Nano Research. 2012
- Cohesive strength of nanocrystalline ZnO:Ga thin films deposited at room temperature. Nanoscale Research Letters. 2011
- Degradation studies of transparent conductive electrodes on electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) for uric acid measurements. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. 2010
- Lab-on-a-Chip With beta-Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Based Acoustic Microagitation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering. 2010
- Strain dependence electrical resistance and cohesive strength of ITO thin films deposited on electroactive polymer. Thin Solid Films. 2010
- Structural and electrical properties of Al doped ZnO thin films deposited at room temperature on poly(vinilidene fluoride) substrates. Thin Solid Films. 2009
- Structural evolution of Ti-Al-Si-N nanocomposite coatings. Vacuum. 2009
- ab-initio Study of the properties of Ti1-x-ySixAlyN solid solution. Vacuum. 2009
- Effect of the microstructure on the cutting performance of superhard (Ti,Si,Al)N nanocomposite films. Vacuum. 2008
Effect of thermal treatments on the structure of MoN
x Oy thin films. Vacuum. 2008 - Influence of the O/C ratio in the behaviour of TiCxOy thin films. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2007
Properties of MoN
x Oy thin films as a function of the N/O ratio. Thin Solid Films. 2006 - Tribocorrosion behaviour of ZrOxNy thin films for decorative applications. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2006
- Influence of nitrogen content on the structural, mechanical and electrical properties of TiN thin films. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2005
- Optimization and thermal stability of TiAlN/Mo multilayers. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2005
- Atomic environment and interfacial structural order of TiAlN/Mo multilayers. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2004
Corrosion resistance of ZrN
x Oy thin films obtained by rf reactive magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films. 2004 - Structural and corrosion behaviour of stoichiometric and substoichiometric TiN thin films. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2004
- Plasma- and chemical-induced graft polymerization on the surface of starch-based biomaterials aimed at improving cell adhesion and proliferation. Journal of Materials Science. 2003
- Effects of ion bombardment on properties of d.c. sputtered superhard (Ti, Si, Al)N nanocomposite coatings. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2002
- Physical and morphological characterization of reactively magnetron sputtered TiN films. Thin Solid Films. 2002
- Young's modulus of (Ti,Si)N films by surface acoustic waves and indentation techniques. Thin Solid Films. 2002
- Elastic properties of (Ti,Al,Si) N nanocomposite films. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 2001
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of nanocomposite (Ti, Si, Al)N coatings. Thin Solid Films. 2001
Structural analysis of Ti
1-x Six Ny nanocomposite films prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering. Revista Portuguesa de Estudos Regionais. 1999 - Corrosion of TiN, (TiAl)N and CrN hard coatings produced by magnetron sputtering. Thin Solid Films. 1998
- Macrocrystalline silicon thin films prepared by RF reactive magnetron sputter deposition. Vacuum. 1995
capítulo de livro
- Multilayer design of crN/MoN superhard protective coatings and their characterisation. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. 2019
- Phase Composition and Crystallite Size Study of Multilayered Transition Metal Films Based on Molybdenum and Chromium Nitrides 2017
- Ultrasonic Transducer based on beta-PVDF for Fluidic Microagitation in a Lab-on-a-Chip Device 2009
- Structural and Mechanical Properties of AZOY Thin Films Deposited on Flexible Substrates 2008
- Mechanical and adhesion behaviours of superhard (Ti,Si,Al)N nanocomposite films grown by reactive magnetron sputtering 2002
- Nanometer-scale multilayered Mo/Ti0.4Al0.6N hard coatings 2002
- Superhard nanocomposite Ti-Si-N coatings 2002
- Combined ion bean and hyperfine interaction studies of LiNbO3 single crystals 1999
- Photothermal characterization of sputtered thin films and substrate treatment 1999
- Iron effect on the oxidation, colour and antibacterial activity of zinc nanostructures for active food packaging produced by magnetron sputtering 2020
- Sessões de complemento curricular: uma experiência junto de alunos de Matemática e Ciências da Computação e de Engenharia de Materiais da Universidade do Minho 2001
- ACOUSTIC THERMOAGITATION BASED ON PIEZOELECTRIC beta-PVDF POLYMER FILMS Potential Evaluation in Lab-on-a-Chip Applications 2009
- Biological Microdevice with Fluidic Acoustic Streaming for Measuring Uric Acid in Human Saliva 2009
- Structural and mechanical properties of AZOY thin films deposited on flexible substrates 2008
Nanometer-scale multilayered Mo/Ti
0.4 Al0.6 N hard coatings 2002 - Structural development in hard Si-based TiN coatings as a function of temperature: A comprehensive study in vacuum and in air 2002
Lattice location of Hf in near-stoichiometric LiNbO
3 : RBS/channeling and PAC studies 1997