publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Nanoscale Zn/Fe multilayer systems used in the production of active and intelligent packaging materials . Applied Surface Science. 2024
- Zn-coated poly (lactic acid) films for multifunctional food packaging applications. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 2024
artigo de conferência
- Extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds by autohydrolysis of spent coffee grounds. 2014
- Extraction and characterization of fibers and fibrous residues from coffee industry wastes 2013
- Analyzing the viability of bioactive compounds recovery by solid-state fermentation using Trametes versicolor and Phanerochaete chrysosporium 2011
- Bioactive compounds extraction from spent coffee grounds 2011
- Optimization of the extraction conditions for antioxidant phenolic compounds recovery from coffee silverskin 2011
- Process conditions that maximize the fructoologosaccharides and ß-Fructofuranosidase production by Aspergillus japonicus under solid-state fermentation 2011
- Production of antioxidant extracts from coffee silverskin 2011
- Use of coffee industry residue for fructooligosaccharides production by solid-state fermentation: influence of operational conditions 2011
- Agroindustralización de frutas del Magdalena Caldense 2006
- Aplicaciones de la Ingeniería de procesos en el diseño de los procesos agroindustriales 2006
artigo de revista
- Laccase-mediator system for the ionic liquid-assisted treatment of a technical lignin with partial dissolution. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2023
- Structural and Physicochemical Properties of Starch from Rejected Chestnut: Hydrothermal and High-Pressure Processing Dependence. Biomolecules. 2023
- Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) and mammee apple (Mammea americana L.) seeds: Properties and potential of application in industry. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2022
- Active Carboxymethyl Cellulose-Based Edible Coatings for the Extension of Fresh Goldenberries Shelf-Life. Horticulturae. 2022
- Hydrolysates containing xylooligosaccharides produced by different strategies: Structural characterization, antioxidant and prebiotic activities. Food Chemistry. 2022
- Zn and Zn-Fe Nanostructures with Multifunctional Properties as Components for Food Packaging Materials. Nanomaterials. 2022
- Unveiling the Antioxidant Therapeutic Functionality of Sustainable Olive Pomace Active Ingredients. Antioxidants. 2022
- Penicillium brevicompactum as a novel source of natural pigments with potential for food applications. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2022
- Zn-Fe Flower-like nanoparticles growth by gas condensation. Materials Letters. 2021
- Effects of Moderate Electric Fields on the Post-harvest Preservation of Chestnuts. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2021
- Active natural-based films for food packaging applications: The combined effect of chitosan and nanocellulose. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021
- Ohmic heating polyphenolic extracts from vine pruning residue with enhanced biological activity. Food Chemistry. 2020
- The integral use of aromatic plants: prefeasibility comparison of stand-alone and biorefinery processes using thyme (Thymus vulgaris) as base case. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. 2020
- Production of a Distilled Spirit Using Cassava Flour as Raw Material: Chemical Characterization and Sensory Profile. Biomolecules. 2020
- Application of edible nanolaminate coatings with antimicrobial extract of Flourensia cernua to extend the shelf-life of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2019
- Carbon-based sputtered coatings for enhanced chitosan-based films properties. Applied Surface Science. 2018
- Production and physicochemical properties of carboxymethyl cellulose films enriched with spent coffee grounds polysaccharides. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018
- Encapsulation of antioxidant phenolic compounds extracted from spent coffee grounds by freeze-drying and spray-drying using different coating materials. Food Chemistry. 2017
- Optimization of autohydrolysis conditions to extract antioxidant phenolic compounds from spent coffee grounds. Journal of Food Engineering. 2017
- Extraction of polysaccharides by autohydrolysis of spent coffee grounds and evaluation of their antioxidant activity. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017
- Characterization of polysaccharides extracted from spent coffee grounds by alkali pretreatment. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2015
- Chemical, Functional, and Structural Properties of Spent Coffee Grounds and Coffee Silverskin. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2014
- Selection of the Solvent and Extraction Conditions for Maximum Recovery of Antioxidant Phenolic Compounds from Coffee Silverskin. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2014
- Maximization of Fructooligosaccharides and ß-Fructofuranosidase Production by Aspergillus japonicus under Solid-State Fermentation Conditions. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2013
- Extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds from spent coffee grounds. Separation and Purification Technology. 2011
capítulo de livro
- More than coloring agents: natural pigments with antimicrobial activity (Oral Communication) 2023
- Laccase-mediator system for the ionic liquid-assisted treatment of a technical lignin with partial dissolution 2022
- Novel active biopolymer materials for the food packaging 2022
- Use of metallic and bimetallic nanoparticles as constituents of active bio-based films 2022
- Iron effect on the oxidation, colour and antibacterial activity of zinc nanostructures for active food packaging produced by magnetron sputtering 2020
- Extraction of bioactive compounds from vine pruning residues by using ohmic heating and conventional heating techniques 2019
- Effects of hydrothermal and high-pressure processing on structural and physicochemical properties of starches from chestnuts 2019
- Production, extraction and characterization of natural fungal pigments from Penicillium sp 2018
- Alternative strategies for the extraction of compounds from natural resources 2017
- Extraction and characterization of polysaccharides from non-traditional Brazilian Amazon sources 2015
- Extraction of Polysaccharides by autohydrolysis of spent coffee grounds and characterization of their antioxidant properties 2014
- Application of statistical experimental methods to maximize the extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds from coffee silverskin 2012
- Extraction and characterization of polysaccharides from spent coffee grounds 2012
- Extraction of bioactive compounds from spent coffee grounds 2011
- Physicochemical characterization of coffee industry wastes and their fibrous residues 2011