publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Effect of the Seasonality of Atlantic Bonito (sarda Sarda) on Chemical, Nutritional and Sensory Characteristics. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2023
- The Effect of Different Drying Processes on Physicochemical Characteristics and Antioxidant Activity of Brassica Spp. Cultivars from Northern Atlantic Portugal. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2019
- Hydrocolloids effect on coating batter and on organoleptic properties of rissol regenerated in oven and comparison with deep-frying process 2019
- Effect of addition of a starter cultures on physicochemical and sensory properties of “alheira”, a smoked sausage-like product 2018
- Effects of lactobacillus plantarum bacteriocinogenic culture on physicochemical, microbiological, and sensorial characteristics of “chouriço vinha d´alhos”, a traditional portuguese sausage 2018
- Guia de Boas Práticas: Gestão de Riscos e Perigos para a Saúde, Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho 2018
- Safety and Health at Work: Assessment tool- Bakery/Pastry Products 2018
- Shelf-life Evaluation of Condensed Milk-based Ready-to-Eat Desserts: Physicochemical, Texture and Sensory Characteristics. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2017
- The Atlantic diet – Origin and features. International Journal of Food Studies. 2016
- Enriquecimento do pão sem glúten com farinha de leguminosas: Propriedades nutricionais, de textura e sensoriais. TECNOALIMENTAR . 2016
- Food innovation and entrepreneurship in higher education: a case study. International Journal of Food Studies. 2015
- Training requirements for agro-food industry in Portugal. International Journal of Food Studies. 2015
- Estudos de desenvolvimento de novos produtos do mar para fins alimentares (parte I|II) Macroalgas e Microalga. TECNOALIMENTAR . 2015
- Effect of different types of coatings on texture and nutritional properties of canned Portuguese sardines (Sardina pilchardus). Frontiers in Marine Science. 2014
- Effect of lactic acid bacteria on quality and safety of ready-to-eat sliced cured/smoked meat product 2014
- Comparison of Antilisterial Effects of Two Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria during Processing and Storage of a Portuguese Salami-like Product "Alheira". Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2013
- Formação aplicada ao sector agroindustrial 2013
- Response of the thermophile Thermus sp RQ-1 to hyperbaric air in batch and fed-batch cultivation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2000
artigo de conferência
- Caracterização das propriedades físico-químicas, de textura, cor, sensoriais e microbiológicas do sarrajão (Sarda sarda) fresco 2023
- Micro4Food: Production of edible microbial protein by Yarrowia lipolytica from fruit peels 2023
- Comparison of different preservation methods on the microbiological, texture and color properties of industrial bread during storage time 2021
- Brassica flour enrichment of a soup based on Atlantic Diet ingredients and Portuguese and Galician elderly consumer perception 2021
- Enriquecimento de filetes de Sarrajão (Sarda sarda) através da aplicação de revestimentos à base de proteína vegetal e animal 2021
- Pulse crops flours and banana peel flour effects on the microstructure and physicochemical characteristics of gluten-free muffins 2021
- Evaluation of different drying methods of vegetables from the Northern Portugal: comparative analyses of physicochemical and sensory parameters, and consumer acceptance 2021
- Internova e-learning platform in an entrepreneurial context 2020
- Seasonality effect on antioxidant activity of “Penca da Póvoa” (Brassica oleracea L. var. costata) cabbage flours from the Northern Portugal 2019
- Development of gluten-free muffins using pulse and banana peel flours 2019
- The effect of drying on physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of different Brassica spp. Cultivars from Northern Atlantic Portugal 2019
- Evaluation of mature banana peel flour on physical, chemical and texture properties of vegetable gluten-free rissol 2019
- Convective air-drying and freeze-drying effect on physicochemical properties of dehydration vegetables: cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and zucchini (Cucurbita pepo L.) 2018
- Development of a Southern European Atlantic Diet (SEAD) adherence index for elderly people in both northern Portugal and Galicia 2018
- Effect of carboxylmethycellulose coating solution on nutritional characteristics and consumer acceptability of oven regenerated Portuguese croquete without pre-frying 2018
- Effect of hydrocolloids and temperature on texture and nutritional properties of no sugar, gluten- and lactose-free cereal bars 2018
- Physicochemical analysis of ham from entire male pigs raised with different feeding and housing conditions. 2018
- Physicochemical characteristics of a southern European cabbage "Penca da Póvoa" (Brassica oleracea L. var. Costata) dietary powder obtained by different drying processes 2018
- Physicochemical characteristics of a southern European cabbage ¿Penca da Póvoa¿ (Brassica Oleraceo L. var. Costata) dietary powder obtained by different drying processes 2018
- Sensory analysis of ham from entire male pigs raised with different feeding and housing conditions 2018
- The effect of the addition of fresh and dried starter cultures on microbiological and chemical parameters of “chouriço”, a traditional Portuguese smoked sausage. 2018
- Efeito da temperatura de secagem nas propriedades de textura, físico-químicas e sensoriais de uma barra de cereais sem açúcar, sem glúten e sem lactose 2016
- Effect of different modified starches on the properties of a gluten-free bread mix 2016
- Effect of hydrocolloids on the properties of a vegetable meat-free ham 2016
- Monitoring the quality of sliced pork ham packed in different modified Atmospheres 2016
- Monitoring the qualiy of sliced pork ham packed in diferente modified atmospheres 2016
- Production and consumer acceptability of a kiwi jam 2016
- Study of the effect of pH on color of flavored solutions of Spirulina spp. 2016
- Avaliação do efeito dos hidrocolóides no melhoramento das propriedades organoléticas e nutricionais do Rissol 2014
- Efeito do processo de conservação de duas espécies de macroalgas, Bifurcaria bifurcata e Chondrus crispus, nas propriedades físico-químicas e sensoriais de refeições prontas a consumir 2014
- Monitorização das propriedades de textura, organoléticas e microbiológicas de fiambre de perna de porco fatiado e embalado em atmosfera modificada ao longo do seu tempo de vida 2014
- Rheological, texture and nutritional properties of gluten-free puff pastry enriched with bean, chickpea or buckwheat flours with different hydrocoloids 2014
- Can anti-listerial L AB strains, used as starter cultures, affect the sensory properties of a sausage-like smoked product? 2013
- Estudos preliminares para o desenvolvimento de um novo produto tipo “caviar” 2011
- Air pressure: an important parameter to fed-batch operation with high-density cultures of Candida utilis 2004
- Yeast response to hyperbaric stress 2004
- Comparison of yeast response to increased pressure at aerobic and anaerobic conditions 2003
- Efeito da pressão de ar, oxigénio e CO2 na capacidade fermentativa da levedura de panificação 2003
- Growth and beta-galactosidase activity in cultures of Kluyveromyces marxianus under increased air pressure 2003
- Effects of hyperbaric air on the Saccharomyces cerevisae morphology and viability 2001
- Resposta da Kluyveromyces marxianus ao stress oxidativocausado pela pressão, paraquato e peróxido de hidrogénio 2001
- Fed-batch cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a hyperbaric bioreactor 2000
- Improvement of cell mass productivity of Kluyveromyces marxianus by the use of a pressurized bioreactor 2000
- Comportamento fisiológico da S. cerevisiae em cultura semi-contínua e em condições hiperbáricas 1999
- Air pressure effect on growth behaviour of two different Kluyveromyces strains 1998
- Automatic determination of yeast cells viability by image analysis 1998
- Effects of air pressure on batch cultures of Kluyveromyces marxianus with different lactose concentrations 1998
- Response of the thermophile Thermus sp. RQ-1 to increased air pressure 1998
- Study of oxygen effects on Thermus sp. RQ-1 1998
- Pressurized bioreactors: fundamentals and applications 1996
- Pressurized bioreactors : fundamentals and applications 1996
artigo de revista
- Evaluation of mature banana peel flour on physical, chemical, and texture properties of a gluten-free Rissol. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2022
- Analysis of microstructure and texture of gluten- and lactose-free cereal bars, produced with different hydrocolloids and drying temperatures and no-added sugar. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2021
- Valorisation of vegetables from the Northern Portugal through drying: study of the effect of different drying methods on texture, colour and physicochemical properties. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2021
- Physicochemical analysis of ham from entire male pigs raised with different feeding and housing conditions. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 2019
- The effect of different drying processes on physicochemical characteristics and antioxidant activity of Brassica spp. Cultivars from northern Atlantic Portugal. Chemical Engineering Transactions. 2019
- Comparing the effects of glazing and chitosan-based coating applied on frozen salmon on its organoleptic and physicochemical characteristics over six-months storage. Journal of Food Engineering. 2017
- Candida utilis metabolism and morphology under increased air pressure up to 12 bar. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2014
- Morphological and physiological changes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by oxidative stress from hyperbaric air. Antibiotics. 2005
- Effect of hyperbaric stress on yeast morphology: Study by automated image analysis. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2004
- Fed-batch cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a hyperbaric bioreactor. Biotechnology Progress. 2003
- Growth and beta-galactosidase activity in cultures of Kluyveromyces marxianus under increased air pressure. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2003
- Oxidative stress response of Kluyveromyces marxianus to hydrogen peroxide, paraquat and pressure. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2002
- Air pressure effects on biomass yield of two different Kluyveromyces strains. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2000
- Response of the thermophile Thermus sp. RQ-1 to hyperbaric air in batch and fed-batch cultivation. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2000
- Physiological behaviour of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under increased air and oxygen pressures. Biotechnology Letters. 1997
capítulo de livro
- Application of nisin and chitosan as antimicrobial agents in traditional cured and smoked alheira 2013
- Bioconservação de alimentos tradicionais por adição de bactérias ácido-lácticas e das suas bacteriocinas 2013
- Substituição/redução de aditivos sintéticos em produtos cárneos curados e/ou fumados - Bioconservação de alimentos tradicionais por adição de Bactérias Acido-Lácticas e das suas Bacteriocinas 2013
- Fruit peels as solid state fermentation substrates for the sustainable production of microbial protein 2023
- Combining chitosan-fish oil with green tea extract as a potential active coating for fresh Atlantic bonito fillet preservation 2023
- Chitosan/Fish oil-based coating with green tea extract for underexploited Sarda sarda fillets from Atlantic coast 2023
- Evaluation of physicochemical, texture, sensory and microbiological properties of fresh Sarrajão (Sarda sarda) fillets during storage time 2023
- Meat sausages production with maritime pine bark extracts: effects on lipid oxidation and antioxidant capacity 2023
- Micro4Food: Production of edible microbial protein by Yarrowia lipolytica from fruit peels 2023
- Effect of protein fortification and hydrocolloids coatings and on shelf life Sarrajão fillets (Sarda sarda) 2022
- Evaluation of hydrocolloids coatings with plant and animal proteins on Atlantic bonito fillets (Sarda sarda) 2022
- Comparison of different preservation methods on the microbiological, texture and color properties of industrial bread during storage time 2021
- Efeito do tempo de secagem nas propriedades físico-químicas de pepino (Cucumis sativus) e curgete (Cucurbita pepo L.) 2019
- Effect of ingredients on the physicochemical characteristics of gluten-free bread. 2019
- Gluten-free bread enrichment with pulse crops: effect of physicochemical and organoleptic properties 2019
- Internovamarket-Food: Follow-up of the process of innovation and development in food industry with consumers¿ acceptance assessment 2019
- Effect of hydrocolloids and temperature on texture and nutritional properties of no sugar, gluten- and lactose-free cereal bars 2018
- Effect of Carboxylmethylcellulose coating solution on nutritional characteristics and consumer acceptability of oven regenerated Portuguese Croquete without pre-frying. 2018
- Physicochemical characteristics of oven regenerated rissol without pre-frying, consumer acceptability and comparison with the traditional deep-fried. 2018
- Application of chitosan-based coatings on frozen salmon - Sensory assessment and retail simulation approach 2017
- Analysis of sensory effects of chitosan-based coatings applied on frozen salmon over six-months storage 2017
- Estudo de desenvolvimento de novos produtos do mar para fins alimentares. Parte I - Macroalgas e MicroalgasTrabalho 3: Estudo do efeito do pH e da pasteurização na cor de soluções tamponadas de Chlorella vulgaris, de soluções aromatizadas com Spirulina spp. e de soluções aromatizadas com uma mistura de Chlorella vulgaris e Spirulina spp. 2016
- Estratégias inovadoras para desenvolver alimentos mais saudáveis 2013
- La innovación en el sector agroalimentario eurorregional Galicia-Norte de Portugal, Cátedra da Eurorrexión Galicia-Norte de Portugal 2011
- Yeast response to hyperbaric stress 2004
- Air pressure: an important parameter to fed-batch operation with high-density cultures of Candida utilis 2004
- Efeito da pressão de ar, oxigénio e CO2 na capacidade fermentativa da levedura de panificação 2003
- Growth and beta-galactosidase activity in cultures of Kluyveromyces marxianus under increased air pressure 2003
- Comparison of yeast response to increased pressure at aerobic and anaerobic conditions 2003
- Resposta da Kluyveromyces marxianus ao stress oxidativocausado pela pressão, paraquato e peróxido de hidrogénio 2001
- Effects of hyperbaric air on the Saccharomyces cerevisae morphology and viability 2001
- Improvement of cell mass productivity of Kluyveromyces marxianus by the use of a pressurized bioreactor 2000
- Fed-batch cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in a hyperbaric bioreactor 2000
- Comportamento fisiológico da S. cerevisiae em cultura semi-contínua e em condições hiperbáricas 1999
- Response of the thermophile Thermus sp. RQ-1 to increased air pressure 1998
- Automatic determination of yeast cells viability by image analysis 1998
- Effects of air pressure on batch cultures of Kluyveromyces marxianus with different lactose concentrations 1998
- Study of oxygen effects on Thermus sp. RQ-1 1998
- Air pressure effect on growth behaviour of two different Kluyveromyces strains 1998