publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Morphology Control of Thin P3HT-Si-NCs Composite Films for Hybrid Photovoltaic Cells. Key Engineering Materials. 2013
- High barrier plastics using nanoscale inorganic films. Multifunctional and Nanoreinforced Polymers for Food Packaging. 2011
artigo de conferência
- In-process rheological measurements during the manufacture of multiphase polymer systems. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2019
- Biopolymers and creation of structure 2014
- EURHEO: the Erasmus Mundus Master in Engineering Rheology 2011
- Effect of thermomechanical history on final properties of carbon nanotube-polymer composites 2011
- In-line rheo-optical characterization of extruded complex fluids 2011
- Rheological analysis of bitumen aging 2010
- Influence of the concentration of locust bean gum on the gelling ability of whey peptic hydrolysates 2008
artigo de revista
- Experimental Validation of a Micro-Extrusion Set-Up with In-Line Rheometry for the Production and Monitoring of Filaments for 3D-Printing. Micromachines. 2023
- Unveiling the Role of Capping Groups in Naphthalene N-Capped Dehydrodipeptide Hydrogels. Gels. 2023
- Can Biomass Mastication Assist the Downstreaming of Polyhydroxyalkanoates Produced from Mixed Microbial Cultures?. Biomolecules. 2023
- A novel sustainable PHA downstream method. Green Chemistry. 2023
- Feasibility of using bio-oil from biodiesel production for bio-bitumen creation. Road Materials and Pavement Design. 2023
- The application of 3D-digital image correlation and analytical approaches on the bulge test for biaxial characterization of biocomposite films. Journal of the Brazilian SocIETy of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering. 2023
- Sustainable Lithium-Ion Battery Separator Membranes Based on Carrageenan Biopolymer. Advanced Sustainable Systems. 2022
- Aryl-Capped Lysine-Dehydroamino Acid Dipeptide Supergelators as Potential Drug Release Systems. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022
- Plasmonic lipogels: driving co-assembly of composites with peptide-based gels for controlled drug release. Soft Matter. 2022
- Tuning the drug multimodal release through a co-assembly strategy based on magnetic gels. Nanoscale. 2022
- An injectable, naproxen-conjugated, supramolecular hydrogel with ultra-low critical gelation concentration - prepared from a known folate receptor ligand. Soft Matter. 2022
- Comparison of shear viscosity and normal stress measurements by rotational and on-line slit rheometers with tube model predictions. Rheologica Acta. 2022
- Exploring relationships between seaweeds carrageenan contents and extracted hybrid carrageenan properties in wild and cultivated Mastocarpus stellatus, Chondrus crispus and Ahnfeltiopsis devoniensis. Algal Research. 2022
- Polyhydroxyalkanoates from industrial cheese whey: production and characterization of polymers with differing hydroxyvalerate content. Current Research in Biotechnology. 2022
- Poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene-chlorofluoroethylene): A New Binder for Conventional and Printable Lithium-Ion Batteries. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2021
- Rheologically Assisted Design of Conductive Adhesives for Stencil Printing on PCB. Materials. 2021
- Structure–Elastic Properties Relationships in Gelling Carrageenans. E-Polymers. 2021
- Environmentally Friendly Conductive Screen-Printable Inks Based on N-Doped Graphene and Polyvinylpyrrolidone. Advanced Engineering Materials. 2021
- In-Line Rheo-Optical Investigation of the Dispersion of Organoclay in a Polymer Matrix during Twin-Screw Compounding. E-Polymers. 2021
- High-Oxygen-Barrier Multilayer Films Based on Polyhydroxyalkanoates and Cellulose Nanocrystals. Nanomaterials. 2021
- Bolaamphiphilic Bis-Dehydropeptide Hydrogels as Potential Drug Release Systems. Gels. 2021
- Evaluation of a Model Photo-Caged Dehydropeptide as a Stimuli-Responsive Supramolecular Hydrogel. Nanomaterials. 2021
- Supramolecular ultra-short carboxybenzyl-protected dehydropeptide-based hydrogels for drug delivery. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2021
- Optimized Printed Cathode Electrodes for High Performance Batteries. Energy Technology. 2021
- In-process rheological monitoring of extrusion-based polymer processes. Polymer International. 2021
- Impact of Citrate and Lipid-Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles in Dehydropeptide Supramolecular Magnetogels: Properties, Design and Drug Release. Nanomaterials. 2020
- Film Blowing of PHB-Based Systems for Home Compostable Food Packaging. International Polymer Processing. 2020
- Minimally processed date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) leaves as natural fillers and processing aids in poly(lactic acid) composites designed for the extrusion film blowing of thin packages. Dyes and Pigments. 2020
- Mixed Carbon Nanomaterial/Epoxy Resin for Electrically Conductive Adhesives. Journal of Composites Science. 2020
- In-process assessment of clay dispersion in PLA during melt compounding: Effects of screw speed and filler content. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2020
- Structure-rheological properties relationships in model drilling fluids formulated in aqueous solutions of carrageenan with varying chemical structures. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. 2020
- Taking advantage of the functional synergism between carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoplatelets to obtain polypropylene-based nanocomposites with enhanced oxidative resistance. European Polymer Journal. 2020
- Dehydropeptide-based plasmonic magnetogels: a supramolecular composite nanosystem for multimodal cancer therapy. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2020
- Fabrication of pristine-multiwalled carbon nanotubes/cellulose acetate composites for removal of methylene blue. Polymer Bulletin. 2020
- Testing carrageenans with different chemical structures for water-based drilling fluid application. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2020
- Environmentally Friendly Printable Piezoelectric Inks and Their Application in the Development of All-Printed Touch Screens. ACS Applied Electronic Materials. 2019
- Evolution of dispersion in the melt compounding of a model polymer nanocomposite system: A multi-scale study. Materials Letters. 2019
- Assessment of Piezoelectric Sensors for the Acquisition of Steady Melt Pressures in Polymer Extrusion. Fluids. 2019
- Magnetic Dehydrodipeptide-Based Self-Assembled Hydrogels for Theragnostic Applications. Nanomaterials. 2019
- Multi-parameter in-process monitoring of clay dispersion during melt compounding with PLA. eXPRESS Polymer Letters. 2019
- The Effect of the Process on Mechanical Properties of Polylactic Acid-Date Palm Leaf Fibers Composite Films Produced by Extrusion Blowing. Dyes and Pigments. 2019
- Melt processability, characterization, and antibacterial activity of compression-molded green composite sheets made of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) reinforced with coconut fibers impregnated with oregano essential oil. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 2018
- Water based scintillator ink for printed X-ray radiation detectors. Materials Letters. 2018
- Poly(styrene-butene/ethylene-styrene): A New Polymer Binder for High-Performance Printable Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2018
- A new double-slit rheometrical die for in-process characterization and extrusion of thermo-mechanically sensitive polymer systems. Materials Letters. 2018
- A Journey along the Extruder with Polystyrene:C60 Nanocomposites: Convergence of Feeding Formulations into a Similar Nanomorphology. Biomacromolecules. 2017
- Development and characterisation of a biosourced feedstock of superalloy in metal injection moulding process. Powder Metallurgy. 2017
- Self-assembled RGD dehydropeptide hydrogels for drug delivery applications. Journal of Materials Chemistry B. 2017
- Tracking the progression of dispersion of graphite nanoplates in a polypropylene matrix by melt mixing. E-Polymers. 2017
- High performance screen-printed electrodes prepared by a green solvent approach for lithium-ion batteries. Energy Storage Materials. 2016
- Effects of fermentation residues on the melt processability and thermomechanical degradation of PHBV produced from cheese whey using mixed microbial cultures. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2016
- Rheological characterization of EVA and HDPE polymer modified bitumens under large deformation at 20 °C. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2016
- High performance screen printable lithium-ion battery cathode ink based on C-LiFePO 4. Electrochimica Acta. 2016
- Characterization of polyhydroxyalkanoate blends incorporating unpurified biosustainably produced poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate). Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2016
- Effect of binder on performance of intumescent coatings. Journal of Coatings Technology and Research. 2016
- Film blowing of PHBV blends and PHBV-based multilayers for the production of biodegradable packages. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2016
- Hybrid carrageenan-based formulations for edible film preparation: Benchmarking with kappa carrageenan. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2016
- Impact of fermentation residues on the thermal, structural, and rheological properties of polyhydroxy(butyrate-co-valerate) produced from cheese whey and olive oil mill wastewater. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2016
- Nonlinear Behavior of Gelatin Networks Reveals a Hierarchical Structure. Biomacromolecules. 2016
- Phase diagrams of hybrid carrageenans extracted from Ahnfeltiopsis devoniensis and Chondrus crispus. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2016
- Thermo-compression molding of chitosan with a deep eutectic mixture for biofilms development. Green Chemistry. 2016
- Viscosity and hydrodynamic radius relationship of high-power ultrasound depolymerised starch pastes with different amylose content. Food Hydrocolloids. 2016
- Dehydrodipeptide Hydrogelators Containing Naproxen N-Capped Tryptophan: Self-Assembly, Hydrogel Characterization, and Evaluation as Potential Drug Nanocarriers. Biomacromolecules. 2015
- Dispersion of graphite nanoplates during melt mixing. SPE Plastics Research Online. 2015
- A Small-Scale Experimental Extrusion Set-Up for Exploring Relationships Between Process-Induced Structures and Characteristics of Multiphase Polymer Systems. Macromolecular Materials and Engineering. 2015
- Effect of pre-extraction alkali treatment on the chemical structure and gelling properties of extracted hybrid carrageenan from Chondrus crispus and Ahnfeltiopsis devoniensis. Food Hydrocolloids. 2015
- Rheo-optical characterization of liquid crystalline acetoxypropylcellulose melt undergoing large shear flow and relaxation after flow cessation. E-Polymers. 2015
- Rheology of organoclay assisted extrusion of HDPE using Particle Image Velocimetry. Chemical Engineering Research & Design. 2015
- Antimicrobial lubricant formulations containing poly(hydroxybenzene)-trimethoprim conjugates synthesized by tyrosinase. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2015
- Development of polyhydroxyalkanoate/beer spent grain fibers composites for film blowing applications. E-Polymers. 2015
- Exploring the potentialities of using lignocellulosic fibres derived from three food by-products as constituents of biocomposites for food packaging. Dyes and Pigments. 2015
- Impact of cultivation of Mastocarpus stellatus in IMTA on the seaweeds chemistry and hybrid carrageenan properties. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2015
- Nanocomposite-forming solutions based on cassava starch and laponite: Viscoelastic and rheological characterization. Journal of Food Engineering. 2015
- Predicting extrusion instabilities of commercial polyethylene from non-linear rheology measurements. Rheologica Acta. 2014
- In-line particle size assessment of polymer suspensions during processing. Materials Letters. 2014
- Experimental optimization of a passive planar rhombic micromixer with obstacles for effective mixing in a short channel length. Nanoscale. 2014
- Gel setting of hybrid carrageenan solutions under steady shear. Food Hydrocolloids. 2014
- NaCl and KCl phase diagrams of kappa/iota-hybrid carrageenans extracted from Mastocarpus stellatus. Food Hydrocolloids. 2014
- Natural Giesekus Fluids: Shear and Extensional Behavior of Food Gum Solutions in the Semidilute Regime. AIChE Journal. 2014
- New biodegradable composites for food packaging 2014
- Rheological changes in the bitumen caused by heating and interaction with rubber during asphalt-rubber production. Rheologica Acta. 2014
- Rheological characterization of commercial highly viscous alginate solutions in shear and extensional flows. Rheologica Acta. 2014
- Assessing the practical utility of the hole-pressure method for the in-line rheological characterization of polymer melts. Rheologica Acta. 2013
- Impact of composition and morphology on the optical properties of Si-NC/P3HT thin films processed from solution. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing. 2013
- Low temperature solid state processing of pure P3HT fibers. AIP Advances. 2013
- Rheological characteristics of EVA modified bitumen and their correlations with bitumen concrete properties. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2013
- Tailoring kappa/iota-hybrid carrageenan from Mastocarpus stellatus with desired gel quality through pre-extraction alkali treatment. Food Hydrocolloids. 2013
- Thermal stability of P3HT and P3HT:PCBM blends in the molten state. Materials Letters. 2013
- Mutual changes in bitumen and rubber related to the production of asphalt rubber binders. Cement & Concrete Composites. 2012
- Surface tension and refractive index of guar and tragacanth gums aqueous dispersions at different polymer concentrations, polymer ratios and temperatures. Food Hydrocolloids. 2012
- The impact of seaweed life phase and postharvest storage duration on the chemical and rheological properties of hybrid carrageenans isolated from Portuguese Mastocarpus stellatus. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2012
- Drying kinetics of biofilms obtained from chestnut starch and carrageenan with and without Glycerol. Drying Technology. 2011
- Effect of molecular weight and chemical structure on thermal and rheological properties of gelling ¿/¿-hybrid carrageenan solutions. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2011
- Morphology and water barrier properties of nanobiocomposites of ¿/l-hybrid carrageenan and cellulose nanowhiskers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2010
- Nanobiocomposites of Carrageenan, Zein, and Mica of interest in food packaging and coating applications. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2010
- Production and properties of agar from the invasive marine alga, Gracilaria vermiculophylla (Gracilariales, Rhodophyta). Journal of Applied Phycology. 2010
- Rheological quantification of bitumen aging : definition of a new sensitive parameter. Applied Rheology. 2010
- Postharvest culture in the dark: An eco-friendly alternative to alkali treatment for enhancing the gel quality of ¿/¿-hybrid carrageenan from Chondrus crispus (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). Bioresource Technology. 2009
- Rheological and structural characterization of gels from whey protein hydrolysates/locust bean gum mixed systems. Food Hydrocolloids. 2009
- Solution properties of an exopolysaccharide from a Pseudomonas strain obtained using glycerol as sole carbon source. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2009
- Structural and mechanical characterization of ¿/¿-hybrid carrageenan gels in potassium salt using Fourier Transform rheology. Food Hydrocolloids. 2009
- A rheo-optical study of stress-fluctuations coupling in a disordered and entangled diblock copolymer solution 2008
capítulo de livro
- Functionalization of agro-food waste fillers to develop antimicrobial green composites of interest in active food packaging 2018
- Dual-slit rheo-optical die for the characterization of process sensitive melts 2017
- Effects of residues on the degradation of PHA produced from mixed microbial cultures and processed in extrusion 2015
- In-line rheo-optical characterization during small-scale polymer processing and compounding 2015
- Impact of fermentation residues on the rheological and structural properties of PHBV produced from cheese whey and olive mills wastewaters 2014
- PHA obtained from mixed microbial cultures fed with food industry by-products : thermorheological characteristics and benchmarking with commercial PHA 2014
- Development of polyhydroxyalkanoate/ beer spent grain fibers composites for film blowing applications 2013
- Gelling mechanism in kappa/iota-hybrid carrageenans : chemical structure and salt effects 2013
- Extrusion-instabilities from non-linear rheology for industrial polyethylene 2013
- In-line optical characterization during extrusion of polymer blends 2013
- When liquid crystalline cellulose flows and relaxes 2013
- Development of polyhydroxyalkanoate composites based on food industry by-products for compostable packaging 2013
- Does aquaculture of Mastocarpus stellatus in an IMTA impact on the chemical and rheological properties of extracted carrageenans 2013
- PHBV/Beer spent grain fibres composites for food packaging : processability and film properties 2013
- Phase diagrams of kappa/iota-hybrid carrageenans : the role of chemical structure and type of salt 2013
- Alkali-extracted hybrid carrageenans from Mastocarpus stellatus seaweeds grown in an IMTA: a palette of gelling properties 2012
- Development of microfluidic devices for biosensors 2012
- Effect of alkali treatment of gigartinaceae on the chemical structure and thermorheological gel properties of kappa/iota-hybrid carrageenans 2012
- Identifying relationships between the chemical structure and the rheological properties of Kappa/Iota-Hybrid Carrageenans 2012
- In-line birefringence and dichroism methods for the monitoring of polymer film extrusion 2012
- In-line rheo-optical characterisation of polymeric systems 2012
- Pressure induced mixing and crystallization effects in materials for polymer photovoltaic cells 2012
- Screening of commercial starches for textile coating application 2012
- The contribution of the EURHEO Erasmus Mundus Master Course to R&TD in Engineering Rheology 2012
- Nanomorphology control of thin P3HT/Si-NCs composite films for hybrid photovoltaic cells 2011
- Hybridsolar project: hybrid Si-Nanoparticle/polymer layers for solar cell applications 2011
- Microplat project : development status 2011
- In-line rheo-optical characterization in gram scale extrusion of materials 2011
- Microfluidic behavior of model and complex fluids 2011
- Rheological quantification of aging, rejuvenation and modification in bitumen 2011