publicações selecionadas
artigo de conferência
- Cultural and enological performance of minority varieties (Vitis vinifera L.) of the Vinhos Verdes DOC region 2013
- Volatile composition of Red Mencia and Souson cultivars from Rias Baixas and Valdeorras AOC (NW Spain) 2012
- Elaboration of distilled beverage from spent coffee ground 2011
- Characterization of Brazilian table wines from american varieties 2011
- Estudo estatístico de variáveis de uma vinha num solo granítico 2011
- Genotypic and pheno-metabolomic characterization of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain collection 2011
- Wine production with immobilized yeasts on grape pomace 2011
- Determinación de metabolitos secundarios libres y glicosilados de variedades cultivadas en la D.O. Valdeorras (Galicia) 2010
- Efectos del deshojado precoz sobre la composición aromática del vino Albariño en el valle del Salnés (D.O. Rías Baixas) 2010
- Composition of wines from international cultivars grown in Atlantic climate (Galicia, NW Spain) 2009
- Evolución de la composición terpénica durante la maduración de variedades de vid cultivadas en Betanzos (Galicia) 2009
- Characterization and differentiation of seven vinhos verdes grape varieties on the basis of monoterpenic and C13-norisoprenoid compounds 2008
- First study on volatile composition of three Vitis vinifera cultivars from Betanzos (NW Spain) : blanco lexítimo, agudelo and serradelo 2008
- Alcoholic beverage from cheese whey: identification of volatile compounds 2008
- Kinetics of fluorene biodegradation by a mixed culture 2006
- Características cromáticas de vinhos verdes tintos 2005
- Tratamento de efluentes líquidos na indústria alimentar: o caso dos sectores vinícola e cervejeiro 2004
- Soil and climatic influence on the free and glycosidically bound volatiles of grapes from two white varieties from vinhos verdes region. Acta Horticulturae. 2004
- Venenos e panaceias do vinho tinto 2004
- Caracterização aromática de vinhos das castas Loureiro e Alvarinho: evolução durante a conservação 2003
- Teneur en norisoprénoïdes en c13 des cépages Portugais loureiro et alvarinho 1999
- Différentiation des cépages portugais Loureiro et Alvarinho basée sur la composition monoterpénique libre 1999
- Production de vins mousseux a partir de "Vinhos Verdes" blancs monovarietaux 1998
- Application de bentonite aux moûts en fermentation: effet sur la formation et évolution du méthanol et des alcools supérieurs en deux cépages de la région des “Vinhos Verdes”, Loureiro et Trajadura 1997
artigo de revista
- Repairing Annulus Fibrosus Fissures Using Methacrylated Gellan Gum Combined with Novel Silk. Materials. 2023
- Rootstock Effect on Volatile Composition of Albariño Wines. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Reuse of oak chips for modification of the volatile fraction of alcoholic beverages. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2021
- Evaluation of multi-starter S. cerevisiae/ D. bruxellensis cultures for mimicking and accelerating transformations occurring during barrel ageing of beer. Food Chemistry. 2020
- Validation of a LLME/GC-MS Methodology for Quantification of Volatile Compounds in Fermented Beverages. Biomolecules. 2020
- Factors affecting extraction of adsorbed wine volatile compounds and wood extractives from used oak wood. Food Chemistry. 2019
- Volatile Composition and Sensory Properties of Mead. Antibiotics. 2019
- Volatile fingerprinting differentiates diverse-aged craft beers. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2019
- Impact of fining agents on the volatile composition of sparkling mead. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2019
- Understanding wine sorption by oak wood: Modeling of wine uptake and characterization of volatile compounds retention. Food Research International. 2019
- Production of blueberry wine and volatile characterization of young and bottle-aging beverages. Food Science and Nutrition. 2019
- Antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity of cinnamon essential oil and eugenol. Ciencia Rural. 2019
- Increasing the Sustainability of the Coffee Agro-Industry: Spent Coffee Grounds as a Source of New Beverages. Beverages. 2018
- New PLS analysis approach to wine volatile compounds characterization by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR). Food Chemistry. 2018
- Microencapsulation of citronella oil with carboxymethylated tamarind gum. Walailak Journal of Science and Technology. 2018
- Vinegar production from fruit concentrates: effect on volatile composition and antioxidant activity. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2017
- Effect of Vertical Shoot-Positioned, Scott-Henry, Geneva Double-Curtain, Arch-Cane, and Parral Training Systems on the Volatile Composition of Albariño Wines. Biomolecules. 2017
- Influence of fining agents on the sensorial characteristics and volatile composition of mead. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2017
- Scaffolds and tissue regeneration: An overview of the functional properties of selected organic tissues. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B. 2016
- Anti-biofim and Antibacterial Effect of Essential Oils and Their Major Compounds. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants. 2016
- Mead production: effect of nitrogen supplementation on growth, fermentation profile and aroma formation by yeasts in mead fermentation. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2015
- Systematic approach for the development of fruit wines from industrially processed fruit concentrates, including optimization of fermentation parameters, chemical characterization and sensory evaluation. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2015
- Vinhos de mesa varietais de uvas americanas: análises químicas e energética. Energia na Agricultura. 2015
- Consecutive alcoholic fermentations of white grape musts with yeasts immobilized on grape skins - Effect of biocatalyst storage and SO2 concentration on wine characteristics. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2014
- Effect of Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells immobilisation on mead production. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2014
- Immobilized cell systems for batch and continuous winemaking. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2014
- Integrated continuous winemaking process involving sequential alcoholic and malolactic fermentations with immobilized cells. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2014
- Looking through glass walls: Women engineers in Portugal. Women's Studies International Forum. 2014
- Determination of odorants in varietal wines from international grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera) grown in NW Spain. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 2013
- High-cell-density fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the optimisation of mead production. Antibiotics. 2013
- Malolactic fermentation of wines with immobilised lactic acid bacteria - Influence of concentration, type of support material and storage conditions. Food Chemistry. 2013
- Production, chemical characterization, and sensory profile of a novel spirit elaborated from spent coffee ground. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2013
- Changes in free and bound fractions of aroma compounds of four Vitis vinifera cultivars at the last ripening stages. Phytochemistry. 2012
- Early leaf removal impact on volatile composition of Tempranillo wines. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2012
- Obtenção e caracterização de bebida destilada a partir da fermentação do soro de queijo. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology. 2012
- Production of white wine by Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilized on grape pomace. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2012
- Chemical composition and sensory analysis of cheese whey-based beverages using kefir grains as starter culture. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2011
- Comparative study of the biochemical changes and volatile compound formations during the production of novel whey-based kefir beverages and traditional milk kefir. Food Chemistry. 2011
- Evaluating the potential of wine-making residues and corn cobs as support materials for cell immobilization for ethanol production. Dyes and Pigments. 2011
- Study of the Volatile and Glycosidically Bound Compounds of Minority Vitis vinifera Red Cultivars from NW Spain. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2011
- Characterization of different fruit wines made from cacao, cupuassu, gabiroba, jaboticaba and umbu. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2010
- Correlation between volatile composition and sensory properties in Spanish Albarino wines. Microchemical Journal. 2010
- Fermentative behavior of Saccharomyces strains during microvinification of raspberry juice (Rubus idaeus L.). International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2010
- Microextraction and Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry for improved analysis of geosmin and other fungal "off" volatiles in grape juice. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 2010
- Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) wine: Yeast selection, sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis of volatile and other compounds. Food Research International. 2010
- Characterisation of volatile compounds in an alcoholic beverage produced by whey fermentation. Food Chemistry. 2009
- Determination of total and available fractions of PAHs by SPME in oily wastewaters: Overcoming interference from NAPL and NOM. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2009
- Galactooligosaccharides production by ß-galactosidase immobilized onto magnetic polysiloxane-polyaniline particles. Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2009
- Monoterpenic Characterization of White Cultivars from Vinhos Verdes Appellation of Origin (North Portugal). Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2009
- Volatile composition of wines from cvs. Blanco lexítimo, Agudelo and Serradelo (Vitis vinifera) grown in Betanzos (NW Spain). Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2009
- Changes in aromatic characteristics of Loureiro and Alvarinho wines during maturation. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 2008
- Volatile and Glycosidically Bound Composition of Loureiro and Alvarinho Wines. Food Science and Technology International. 2008
- C-6-alcohols as varietal markers for assessment of wine origin. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2006
- Tratamento de efluentes vitivinícolas : uma caso de estudo na região dos vinhos verdes. Indústria e Ambiente. 2006
- Characterization and differentiation of five "vinhos Verdes" grape varieties on the basis of monoterpenic compounds. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2004
- O vinho : panaceia ou utopia? 2004
- Free and bound aromatic components of Loureiro and Alvarinho grape varieties from the vinhos verdes region. Vitic. Enol. Sci.. 2000
capítulo de livro
- El potencial aromático de las variedades de vid cultivadas en Galicia 2017
- Mead and Other Fermented Beverages 2017
- Application of Gas Chromatography on the Evaluation of Grape and Wine Aroma in Atlantic Viticulture (NW Iberian Peninsula) 2012
- Brewery and Winery Wastewater Treatment: Some Focal Points of Design and Operation 2007
- Terpenols flavours in the vinification of vinhos verdes 1992
- Caracterização do espumante de mel com diferentes agentes de colagem 2019
- The added value of used cooperage wood 2019
- Study of the effect of forced ageing in the evolution of off-flavours in beer 2018
- The role of gallic and caffeic acids in white wine preservation 2017
- Colour preservation of white wines using polyphenol compounds 2017
- Impact of inoculum size on mead aroma compounds formation by wine strains of S. cerevisiae 2012
- Utilização da extração em fase sólida seguida de análise por GC-MS na caracterização aromática de uvas da casta Alvarinho 2012
- Antibacterial efficacy of essential oils and its major components against planktonic and biofilm cultures of E. coli and S. aureus 2012
- Fermented beverages : technological and analytical approaches 2012
- Quality improvement of a white and a red wine with less sulphur dioxide by the addition of a mixture of glutathione, caffeic acid and gallic acid 2012
- Antibiofilm effect of some main components of essentials oils on E. coli biofilm 2011
- The genotypic and pheno-metabolomic landscape of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain collection 2011
- Fermentative metabolism of yeast strains under induced stress conditions 2011
- Abordagem multivariada à trilogia solo-vinha-vinho: caso da casta vinhão 2011
- Effect of nitrogen supplementation on yeast fermentation performance and mead quality 2011
- Effect of the support material and storage conditions of immobilized lactic acid bacteria on malolactic fermentation of white wine 2011
- Influence of concentration and type of support material on the immobilization of Oenococcus oeni 2011
- Malolactic fermentation with Oenococcus oeni immobilized on natural materials 2011
- Characterization of brazilian table wines from american varieties 2010
- Influence of elevation and slope exposure on must volatiles of mencía cultivar from Ribeira Sacra (NW Spain) 2010
- Efficiency of sugar-to-ethanol conversion by different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains during raspberry must fermentation 2010
- Fermentative behavior of Saccharomyces strains during microvinification of raspberry (Rubus idaeus) 2010
- La composición terpénica de la variedad Godello en la D.O. Valdeorras 2010
- La variedad Albariño en el Valle del Salnés (D.O. Rias Baixas) 2010
- Selection of natural materials for Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilization. Antibiotics. 2010
- Analysis of volatile fungal metabolites in grape juice naturally contaminated with Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium expansum 2009
- Selection of natural materials for use on yeast immobilization 2009
- Incidence of Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium spp. and other fungi in the regions of “Vinho Verde” (Portugal) and “Alvariño” (Spain) 2009
- Detection and quantification of geosmin and other fungal metabolites in grape juice by HS-SPME coupled with GC/MS 2009
- Avaliação do perfil de metabolitos produzidos por diferentes leveduras utilizadas na produção de vinho de frutas 2009
- Correlation between instrumental and sensory analysis for the characterization of Vitis vinifera wines 2009
- Determination of sulfur compounds in fermented raspberry beverages by GC-PFPD 2009
- Easy and accurate methodology to quantify volatile compounds in fermented beverages 2009
- Efeito da concentração do mosto e temperatura na fermentação para produção de vinho de frutas 2009
- Fermented beverages : process technology and management, volatile compounds, instrumental methods of analysis 2009
- Kinetics of fermentation of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae in raspberry must 2009
- Profile of higher alcohols in fruit wines produced by different Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2009
- Profile of sugars comsumption in fruit wines produced by different Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2009
- Obtenção e caracterização de bebida destilada a partir da fermentação do soro de queijo 2008
- Caracterização aromática varietal das 7 castas brancas recomendadas para a produção de vinho verde 2008
- Compostos voláteis do aroma das castas Amaral e Vinhão 2008
- The contribution of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains to the aromatic profile of wines from the vinhos verdes region 2007
- Biodegradation kinetics of acenphtylene, flourene and phenantrene : a comparative study 2005
- Isomers of 3-hexenol as varietal markers for assessment of wine origin 2005
- Characterization and differentiation of "vinhos verdes" grape varieties by terpenic compounds 2004
- Aplicação de bentonite no tratamento de vinhos da região dos vinhos verdes: análise sensorial 1996
- Efeito da aplicação de bentonite sobre a componente aromática de vinhos verdes brancos 1996
- Sensory evaluation of wines with controlled appelation of origin "Vinho Verde" treated with enzymes. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture. 1996
- A investigação científica em consórcio com uma entidade de tutela regional: uma experiência no domínio da enologia 1995
- Influência do processo de clarificação do mosto sobre o desenvolvimento do aroma fermentário do grupo dos ésteres em vinhos verdes brancos 1995
- Tanques de Percolação 1994
- Influência da estirpe de levedura sobre o aroma na vinificação da casta Loureiro : uma experiência à escala industrial 1992
- Terpenols flavour in the vinification of "Vinhos Verdes" 1992
poster de conferência