publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Effect of ohmic heating on the extraction of biocompounds from aqueous and ethanolic suspensions of Pavlova gyrans. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2024
- Improving the accessibility of phytonutrients in Chlorella vulgaris through ohmic heating. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2024
- Accessing the thermal and electric effects in ß-lactoglobulin denaturation and interaction with phenolic compounds. Food Hydrocolloids. 2024
- Protein Quality of Cereals: Technological and functional Perspectives. Journal of Cereal Science. 2024
- Comparison of Different Pretreatment Processes Envisaging the Potential Use of Food Waste as Microalgae Substrate. Antibiotics. 2024
- Electrical Fields in the Processing of Protein-Based Foods. Antibiotics. 2024
- Combining high pressure and electric fields towards Nannochloropsis oculata eicosapentaenoic acid-rich extracts. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2023
- Solubilization and Hydrolysis of Porcine Coagulated Blood Protein Using Sub-Critical Solvent Extraction. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2023
- Análise sobre empregabilidade e associativismo nas áreas das Geociências em Portugal. Geonovas. 2023
- Influence of ohmic heating on lentil protein structure and protein-pectin interactions. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2023
- Effects of processing methods on microalgae cell wall - prospects toward innovative processing and biomass digestibility. Biomass. 2022
- Extraction of biomolecules from Coelastrella sp. biomass using high-temperature short time pre-treatment through Ohmic Heating technology. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2022
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum extracts as structuring agents for food applications: Physicochemical and functional properties. Food Hydrocolloids. 2022
- Effects of Moderate Electric Fields on the Post-Harvest Preservation of Chestnuts (Pino-Hernández, Enrique; Pereira, Ricardo N.; Ballesteros, Lina F.; Vicente, Antonio A.; Abrunhosa, Luís; Teixeira, José). Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2021
- Engineering protein scaffolds by thermo-electric processing and Ca2+ induced gelation . Biomacromolecules. 2020
- Food Structure Development/Production Through Flexible Processes: The Use of Electric Fields to Enable Food Manufacturing. Food Biosensors. 2020
- Influence of moderate electric fields in beta-lactoglobulin thermal unfolding and interactions. Food Chemistry. 2020
- Multi-step thermally induced transitions of beta-lactoglobulin - An in situ spectroscopy approach. International Dairy Journal. 2020
- 3 - Nanostructures of whey proteins for encapsulation of food ingredients. Biopolymer Nanostructures for Food Encapsulation Purposes. 2019
- Ohmic heating for preservation, transformation and extraction. Green Food Processing Techniques: Preservation, Transformation and Extraction. 2019
- In vitro digestion and stability assessment of beta-lactoglobulin/riboflavin nanostructures. Food Hydrocolloids. 2016
- Aquecimento óhmico: uma ferramenta ao serviço da biotecnologia 2015
artigo de conferência
- Production of lipid rich-extracts from Chlorella vulgaris using ohmic heating 2022
- Extraction of bioactive compounds from vine pruning residues by using ohmic heating and conventional heating techniques 2019
- Caseinato de sódio como chaperona das proteínas do soro do leite sob aquecimento ôhmico 2018
- Valorization of tomato wastes: influence of ohmic heating process on polyphenols extraction time 2017
- Hand-held robotic device for laparoscopic surgery and training 2014
- Influence of moderate electric fields on the formation and properties of whey protein network structures 2012
- Monitoring goat milk quality during pasteurisation and ohmic treatment using UV-VIS-SWNIR spectroscopy 2007
- Death kinetics of Escherichia coli in goat milk and Bacillus licheniformis in cloudberry jam treated by ohmic heating 2006
- Effects of ohmic heating technology in chemical properties of foods 2006
artigo de revista
- Microalgae biomass as an alternative source of biocompounds: New insights and future perspectives of extraction methodologies. Food Research International. 2023
- Influence of ohmic heating on lentil protein structure and protein-pectin interactions. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2023
- Electric fields as a promising technology for the recovery of valuable bio compounds from algae: Novel and sustainable approaches. Bioresource Technology Reports. 2023
- Electric fields as a promising technology for the recovery of valuable bio compounds from algae: Novel and sustainable approaches. Bioresource Technology Reports. 2023
- Enzymatic approach for the extraction of bioactive fractions from red, green and brown seaweeds. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2023
- Innovative processing technology in agar recovery: Combination of subcritical water extraction and moderate electric fields. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2023
- Innovative processing technology in agar recovery: Combination of subcritical water extraction and moderate electric fields. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2023
- Tunning pectinase activity under the effects of electric fields in the enhanced clarification of wine must. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2023
- Tomato Processing By-Products Valorisation through Ohmic Heating Approach. Antibiotics. 2023
- Innovation and Winemaking By-Product Valorization: An Ohmic Heating Approach. Processes. 2023
- The Role of Emergent Processing Technologies in Beer Production. Beverages. 2023
- Extraction of biomolecules from Coelastrella sp. LRF1 biomass using Ohmic Heating technology. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2022
- Unveiling the Antioxidant Therapeutic Functionality of Sustainable Olive Pomace Active Ingredients. Antioxidants. 2022
- Effects of Innovative Processing Methods on Microalgae Cell Wall: Prospects towards Digestibility of Protein-Rich Biomass. Biomass. 2022
- Bioactivity and Bioaccessibility of Bioactive Compounds in Gastrointestinal Digestion of Tomato Bagasse Extracts. Antibiotics. 2022
- Exploring the bioactive potential of brewers spent grain ohmic extracts. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2022
- Phaeodactylum tricornutum extracts as structuring agents for food applications: Physicochemical and functional properties. Food Hydrocolloids. 2022
- Unraveling the nature of ohmic heating effects in structural aspects of whey proteins - The impact of electrical and electrochemical effects. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2021
- Emergent Proteins-Based Structures - Prospects towards Sustainable Nutrition and Functionality. Gels. 2021
- Influence of ohmic heating in the composition of extracts from Gracilaria vermiculophylla. Algal Research. 2021
- Influence of ohmic heating on the structural and immunoreactive properties of soybean proteins. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2021
- Anthocyanin Recovery from Grape by-Products by Combining Ohmic Heating with Food-Grade Solvents: Phenolic Composition, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Properties. Biomolecules. 2021
- Extraction of Pigments from Microalgae and Cyanobacteria—A Review on Current Methodologies. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Continuous pressurized extraction versus electric fields-assisted extraction of cyanobacterial pigments. Antibiotics. 2021
- Effects of Moderate Electric Fields on the Post-harvest Preservation of Chestnuts. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2021
- Algal proteins: Production strategies and nutritional and functional properties. Bioresource Technology. 2021
- Ohmic heating as a new tool for protein scaffold engineering. Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 2021
- The use of emergent technologies to extract added value compounds from grape by-products. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2020
- Electric field effects on proteins - Novel perspectives on food and potential health implications. Food Research International. 2020
- Using Ohmic Heating effect on grape skins as a pretreatment for anthocyanins extraction. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2020
- Electrosprayed whey protein-based nanocapsules for ß-carotene encapsulation. Food Chemistry. 2020
- Ohmic heating polyphenolic extracts from vine pruning residue with enhanced biological activity. Food Chemistry. 2020
- Ohmic heating as an innovative approach for the production of keratin films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020
- Effects of Ohmic Heating on the immunoreactivity of ß-lactoglobulin – a relationship towards structural aspects. Food Bioscience. 2020
- Effects of moderate electric fields on cold-set gelation of whey proteins - From molecular interactions to functional properties. Food Hydrocolloids. 2020
- Influence of moderate electric fields in ß-lactoglobulin thermal unfolding and interactions. Food Chemistry. 2020
- Multi-step thermally induced transitions of ß-lactoglobulin - an in situ spectroscopy approach. International Dairy Journal. 2020
- Emergent food proteins – Towards sustainability, health and innovation. Food Research International. 2019
- Extraction of tomato by-products’ bioactive compounds using ohmic technology. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2019
- Bioactive compounds recovery optimization from vine pruning residues using conventional heating and microwave-assisted extraction methods. Dyes and Pigments. 2019
- Moderate Electric Fields as a Potential Tool for Sustainable Recovery of Phenolic Compounds from Pinus pinaster Bark. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 2019
- Electric field effects on ß-lactoglobulin thermal unfolding as a function of pH – Impact on protein functionality. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2019
- Protein-Based Nanostructures for Food Applications. Gels. 2019
- Effect of Ohmic heating on functionality of sodium caseinate – A relationship with protein gelation. Food Research International. 2019
- Electric Field Processing: Novel Perspectives on Allergenicity of Milk Proteins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018
- Electrotechnologies applied to microalgal biotechnology - Applications, techniques and future trends. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 2018
- Metals(loids) targeting fish eyes and brain in a contaminated estuary - Uncovering neurosensory (un)susceptibility through bioaccumulation, antioxidant and morphometric profiles. Marine Environmental Research. 2018
- Ohmic heating for the dairy industry: a potential technology to develop probiotic dairy foods in association with modifications of whey protein structure. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2018
- Electric field-based technologies for valorization of bioresources. Bioresource Technology. 2018
- Antioxidant Compounds Recovery from Juçara Residue by Thermal Assisted Extraction. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 2018
- Cold gel-like emulsions of lactoferrin subjected to ohmic heating. Food Research International. 2018
- Assessment of synergistic interactions between environmental factors on Microcystis aeruginosa growth and microcystin production. Algal Research. 2017
- Effect of moderate electric fields in the properties of starch and chitosan films reinforced with microcrystalline cellulose. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017
- Development of iron-rich whey protein hydrogels following application of ohmic heating – Effects of moderate electric fields. Food Research International. 2017
- Design of whey protein nanostructures for incorporation and release of nutraceutical compounds in food. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2017
- Effects of ohmic heating on extraction of food-grade phytochemicals from colored potato. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2016
- Design of bio-based supramolecular structures through self-assembly of a-lactalbumin and lysozyme. Food Hydrocolloids. 2016
- In vitro digestion and stability assessment of ß-lactoglobulin/riboflavin nanostructures. Food Hydrocolloids. 2016
- Production of Whey Protein-Based Aggregates Under Ohmic Heating. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2016
- Development and characterization of lactoferrin-GMP nanohydrogels: Evaluation of pH, ionic strength and temperature effect. Food Hydrocolloids. 2015
- Development and characterization of lactoferrin-GMP nanohydrogels: Evaluation of pH, ionic strength and temperature effect. Food Hydrocolloids. 2015
- Development of polyhydroxyalkanoate/beer spent grain fibers composites for film blowing applications. E-Polymers. 2015
- Do hypoxia/normoxia culturing conditions change the neuroregulatory profile of Wharton Jelly mesenchymal stem cell secretome?. Stem Cell Research and Therapy. 2015
- Influence of moderate electric fields on gelation of whey protein isolate. Food Hydrocolloids. 2015
- New biodegradable composites for food packaging 2014
- Physical effects upon whey protein aggregation for nano-coating production. Food Research International. 2014
- Quantification of metal release from stainless steel electrodes during conventional and pulsed ohmic heating. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2014
- Quantification of metal release from stainless steel electrodes during conventional and pulsed ohmic heating. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2014
- Effect of whey protein purity and glycerol content upon physical properties of edible films manufactured therefrom. Food Hydrocolloids. 2013
- Effect of whey protein purity and glycerol content upon physical properties of edible films manufactured therefrom. Food Hydrocolloids. 2013
- Removal of Ni(II) from aqueous solutions by an Arthrobacter viscosus biofilm supported on zeolite: From laboratory to pilot scale. Bioresource Technology. 2013
- Exploring the denaturation of whey proteins upon application of moderate electric fields: A kinetic and thermodynamic study. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2011
- Moderate electric fields can inactivate Escherichia coli at room temperature. Journal of Food Engineering. 2010
- Effects of electric fields on protein unfolding and aggregation: Influence on edible films formation. Biomacromolecules. 2010
- Effects of electric fields on protein unfolding and aggregation: Influence on edible films formation. Biomacromolecules. 2010
- Environmental impact of novel thermal and non-thermal technologies in food processing. Food Research International. 2010
- Thermal modification of activated carbon surface chemistry improves its capacity as redox mediator for azo dye reduction. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2010
- Effects of pulsed electric field on the viscoelastic properties of potato tissue. Food Biophysics. 2009
- Enhanced gas-liquid mass transfer of an oscillatory constricted-tubular reactor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2008
- Goat milk free fatty acid characterization during conventional and ohmic heating pasteurization. Journal of Dairy Science. 2008
- Caracterização do perfil de ácidos gordos livres durante a pasteurização convencional e óhmica 2007
- Monitorização da qualidade do leite de cabra durante a pasteurização e processamento óhmico usando sensores de fibra óptica 2007
- Comparison of chemical properties of food products processed by conventional and ohmic heating. Chemical Papers. 2007
- Comparison of chemical properties of food products processed by conventional and ohmic heating. Chemical Papers. 2007
capítulo de livro
- Algal Proteins 2023
- Tackling food allergens¿The role of food processing on proteins¿ allergenicity 2023
- Electro based technologies for the extraction of phenolic compounds 2022
- Electrotechnologies for the development of food-based structured systems 2022
- Effects of electric fields and electromagnetic wave on food structure and functionality 2021
- Future food proteins - Trends and perspectives 2021
- Ohmic Heating - An Emergent Technology in Innovative Food Processing 2021
- Chapter 17. Food Structure Development/Production Through Flexible Processes: The Use of Electric Fields to Enable Food Manufacturing 2020
- Nanohydrogels production 2019
- New Insights on Bio-Based Micro- and Nanosystems in Food 2019
- Bio-Based Nanocomposites for Food Packaging and Their Effect in Food Quality and Safety 2018
- New insights on bio-based micro- and nanosystems in food 2018
- Edible packaging for dairy products 2016
- Whey and Whey Powders: Production and Uses 2016
- Electricity effects on microorganisms and enzymes 2014
- Ohmic Heating for Food Processing 2012
- Novel Technologies for Milk Processing 2009
- Impact of different cultivation condition on the protein fraction of Chlorella vulgaris 2024
- Are retail by-products suitable for microalgae growth? 2023
- Environmental impact and techno-economic analysis of agar recovery from agarophytes using novel processing techniques 2023
- Electric fields to support microalgae growth with a differentiated biochemical composition 2023
- Brewer's yeast as a clean label ingredient for replacement of phosphates in hams 2023
- Functional and physicochemical characterization of emerging plant-based proteins 2023
- Improvement of the functional properties of pea and faba proteins for pastry applications 2023
- PROVEGG4PASTRY Development of innovative bakery preparations using vegetable protein sources to replace animal proteins in industrial bakery applications 2023
- Novel technology in biocompounds extraction from the green seaweed Ulva rigida using ohmic heating 2022
- Extraction bioactive molecules from Coelastrella sp. LFR1 biomass using ohmic heating 2022
- Effects of ohmic heating on cellular morphology of Chlorella vulgaris - effects on protein extraction 2022
- Production of fibrillar protein aggregates under the effects of electrical fields 2022
- Influence of different cultivation conditions on the biomass growth and protein content of Chlorella vulgaris 2022
- Enzyme-assisted extraction of biocompounds from macroalgae Gracilaria vermiculophylla, Porphyra dioica, Fucus vesiculosus and Ulva rigida 2022
- Assessment of vegetable-based alternatives for pastry application: commercial formulations vs pea protein isolate 2022
- Protein aggregation under electric fields ¿ from fibril formation to immunoreactivity 2022
- Protein aggregation under electric fields: from fibril formation to immunoreactivity 2022
- Development of ß-lactoglobulin fibrillar-structures under ohmic heating technology 2022
- Conformational dynamics of soy protein isolate under Ohmic Heating 2022
- Improving extraction of biomolecules from Coelastrella sp biomass using ohmic heating 2022
- Pigments extraction from Cyanobium sp. a comparison between pressure-based and electric fields-based technologies 2022
- Sustainable extraction of biocompounds from the green seaweed ulvarigida using ohmic heating 2022
- Tunning pectinase activity under electric field effects towards enhanced clarification of vinho verde wine 2022
- Tunning pectinase activity under electric field effects towards enhanced clarification of "Vinho Verde" wine 2022
- Improving the extraction of biomolecules from Coelastrella sp biomass using Ohmic Heating 2022
- Production of Lipid Rich-extracts from Chorella vulgaris using ohmic heating 2022
- Tunning pectinase activity under electric field effects towards enhanced clarification of “Vinho Verde” wine 2022
- Production of lipid rich-extracts from Chlorella vulgaris using ohmic heating 2022
- La tecnología de campos eléctricos en el procesamiento de alimentos 2021
- Combination of electric fields and subcritical water conditions for sustainable hydrocolloid recovery from red seaweeds 2021
- Aquecimento óhmico e a bioeconomia 2021
- Different extraction methodologies reveal anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory properties of microalgae species 2021
- Hydrocolloid extraction from red seaweeds using autohydrolysis 2021
- International Conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Health (BSAEH-2021) 2021
- Sub-critical water hydrolysis of porcine coagulated blood: Effect of temperature, solvent and time of reaction on protein extraction 2021
- Use of moderate electric fields for the extraction of bioactive and texturizing food ingredients from macroalgae: a biorefinery approach to clean-label foods 2021
- Ohmic Heating - An emerging technology in food processing 2020
- Electric fields processing 2020
- Os desafios emergentes da ciência e tecnologia alimentar 2020
- Effects of moderate electric fields on fungal load and shelf-life of chestnuts 2019
- Active microfluidic substrates based on electroactive electrospun PLLA membranes 2019
- "Electric heating- assisted extraction of biocompounds from seaweeds" - oral presentation 2019
- Extraction of bioactive compounds from vine pruning residues by using ohmic heating and conventional heating techniques 2019
- Electric heating- assisted extraction of biocompounds from seaweeds (short oral presentation) 2019
- Assessment of electrical effects of ohmic heating on structural and immunoreactivity properties of bovine betalactoglobulin 2019
- Effects of hydrothermal and high-pressure processing on structural and physicochemical properties of starches from chestnuts 2019
- Effects of moderate electric fields in beta-lactoglobulinthermal denaturation: structural changes and binding properties 2019
- Modelling whey protein gelation under ohmic heating - effects of electric field strength, frequency and heating kinetics. 2019
- Ohmic heating-assisted extraction of Pinus pinaster bark compounds: a qualitative and quantitative assessment (e-poster with 15 min oral presentation) 2019
- Lungcheck: A new generation of active substrates for advanced point-of-care devices 2019
- Electric fields processing: novel perspectives on food allergenicity 2019
- Extraction of carotenoids supported by ohmic heating and characterization of biological properties and stability throughout gastrointestinal tract 2019
- Modelling whey protein gelation under ohmic heating - effects of electric field strength, frequency and heating kinetics 2019
- Optimization of water and ethanol relation in conventional and ohmic heating extraction of phenolic compounds from Pinus pinaster bark 2019
- Alimentação do futuro: o papel da inovação e tecnologia 2018
- Electrosprayed whey protein Isolate-based nanocapsules for bioactive compounds encapsulation 2018
- Influence of moderate electric fields on the performance of agars extraction from Gracilaria sp. 2018
- Designing whey protein-based architectures under application of moderate electric fields 2018
- Hydroalcoholic extraction of polyphenol compounds assisted by a microwave digester from residues of vine pruning 2018
- Influence of moderate electric fields on the performance of agars extraction from Gracilaria sp. (oral presentation) 2018
- Electric fields effects on carotenoids from tomato by-products 2017
- Antioxidant activity of Pinus pinaster bark: comparison between conventional and ohmic heating extraction 2017
- Moderate electric fields effects on whey protein´s structure, interactions and gelation 2017
- Ohmic heating affecting lactoferrin properties and influencing on production of cold, gel-like emulsions 2017
- Alternative strategies for the extraction of compounds from natural resources 2017
- Design of β-lactoglobulin nanostructures for encapsulation and controlled release of riboflavin in the gastrointestinal tract 2017
- Greener technologies in by-products and wastes processing - the case of electric fields in extraction and proteins functional modification 2017
- Structural characterization of heat-induced β-lactoglobulin nanohydrogels under the effects of selected physical conditions 2017
- Structural characterization of heat-induced -lactoglobulin nanohydrogels under the effects of selected physical conditions. 2017
- Unravelling the effects of electric fields on thermal aggregation and gelation of whey proteins 2017
- Unravelling the effects of electric fields on thermal aggregation and gelation of whey proteins. 2017
- Determination of thermally-induced conformational slides in ß-lactoglobulin prior to irreversible thermal denaturation 2017
- Valorization of tomato by-products: influence of ohmic heating process on polyphenols extraction 2017
- Valorization of tomato by-products: influence of ohmic heating process on polyphenols extraction. 2017
- Moderate Electric Fields application as a biotechnological tool in food processing 2017
- Ohmic heating as innovative technology for a more efficient wastes recovery 2017
- Combined effect of environmental factors on Microcystis aeruginosa growth and toxin productivity 2016
- Moderate Electric Fields – a processing biotechnological tool 2016
- Characterization of micro and nanostructures from β‐lactoglobulin formed upon heat treatment and under selected environmental conditions 2016
- Characterization of micro and nanostructures from lactoglobulin formed upon heat treatment and under selected environmental conditions. 2016
- Enhancing extraction of food-grade pigments from the microalgae Chlorella vulgaris through application of Ohmic Heating. 2016
- Processos Emergentes e Inovadores na Indústria Alimentar e os seus Impactos Ambientais 2016
- Influence of ohmic heating on production of whey protein aggregates 2016
- Enhancing extraction of food-grade pigments from the microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris through application of ohmic heating 2016
- Identification of osteoarthritic cell receptors by phage display for cartilage targeted therapy 2015
- Development of β-lactoglobulin nanostructures for encapsulation and controlled release of nutraceuticals 2015
- Development of beta-lactoglobulin nanostructures for encapsulation and controlled release of nutraceuticals 2015
- Moderate Electric Fields – a processing biotechnological tool 2015
- Influence of low and moderate electric fields on the extraction of anthocyanins from winemaking residues 2015
- Ionic liquids as solvents for ohmic heating 2015
- Moderate Electric Fields a processing biotechnological tool. 2015
- Aquecimento Óhmico: uma ferramenta ao serviço da biotecnologia 2015
- Influence of Moderate Electric Fields (MEF) on blanching and extraction of bioactive compounds of pigmented potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) 2015
- Influence of electro-heating on the production of whey protein cold-set hydrogels 2014
- Association of riboflavin in whey protein hydrogels produced through application of moderate electric field and cold induced gelation 2014
- Design of nanostructures, obtained from assembling of a-lactalbumin and lysozyme upon heat treatment and selective environmental conditions 2014
- Design of nanostructures, obtained from assembling of α-lactalbumin and lysozyme upon heat treatment and selective environmental conditions 2014
- Nanoencapsulation of quercetin into bio-based nanostructures obtained from assembling of a-lactalbumin and lysozyme 2014
- Nanoencapsulation of quercetin into bio-based nanostructures obtained from assembling of α-lactalbumin and lysozyme 2014
- Production of whey protein cold-set hydrogels through application of moderate electric fields 2014
- Development and characterization of β-lactoglobulin nanohydrogels for bioactive compound delivery 2014
- Production of whey proteins nanosystems by electro-heating for nutraceuticals encapsulation 2014
- Production of whey protein hydrogels through application of electric fields 2013
- Improving the properties of heat-induced whey protein hydrogels produced under the effects of moderate electric fields 2013
- Structural characterization pf heat-induced whey protein hydrogels produced under the effects of moderate electric fields 2013
- Development of polyhydroxyalkanoate/ beer spent grain fibers composites for film blowing applications 2013
- Characterization of beta-lactoglobulin nano-hydrogels formed by heat treatment under selective ph range conditions. 2013
- Characterization of β-lactoglobulin nano-hydrogels formed by heat treatment under selective ph range conditions 2013
- Structural characterization of heat-induced whey protein hydrogels produced under the effects of moderate electric fields 2013
- Peptide ligands identified by phage display technology to develop a targeted nanodelivery system for cartilage therapies 2013
- Development and characterization of bioactive β-lactoglobulin nano-hydrogels for food applications 2013
- Effects of moderate electric fields on aggregation of whey protein solutions and properties of edible films made thereof 2013
- Effects of moderate electric fields (MEF) on denaturation of whey proteins solutions 2012
- Effects of moderate electric fields on aggregation of whey protein solutions and properties of edible films made thereof 2010
- Denaturation of whey proteins of milk during ohmic heating 2010
- Denaturation of whey proteins of milk during ohmic heating 2009
- The effects of electrical currents on foods and other biological systems 2009
- Effects of pulsed electrical fields on the texture of potato tissue 2008
- Goat milk free fatty acids characterization during pasteurization and ohmic heating by solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography 2007
- Refrigerated-moderate electric fields promotes E. coli death at ambient temperatures 2007
- Caracterização do perfil de ácidos gordos livres durante a pasteurização convencional e óhmica. 2007
- Monitorização da qualidade do leite de cabra durante a pasteurização e processamento óhmico usando sensores de fibra óptica. 2007
- Effects of moderate electric fields on the chemical composition and microbial death kinetics of Escherichia coli and Bacillus licheniformis during pasteurization of some foodstuffs 2006
- Ohmic heating in a food application: quality evaluation of cloudberry jam 2006
poster de conferência