publicações selecionadas
artigo académico
- Revealing the Beauty Potential of Grape Stems: Harnessing Phenolic Compounds for Cosmetics. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023
- Screening and Characterization of the Diversity of Food Microorganisms and Their Metabolites. Antibiotics. 2023
- Correction: Silva et al. Chemical Profile and Bioactivities of Extracts from Edible Plants Readily Available in Portugal. Foods 2021, 10, 673. Antibiotics. 2022
- Correction: Bioactive extracts from brewer's spent grain. Food Bioscience. 2021
- 3 - Nanostructures of whey proteins for encapsulation of food ingredients. Biopolymer Nanostructures for Food Encapsulation Purposes. 2019
- Ohmic heating for preservation, transformation and extraction. Green Food Processing Techniques: Preservation, Transformation and Extraction. 2019
- Grand Challenges in Sustainable Food Processing. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2018
- Food Applications of Lignocellulosic-Based Packaging Materials. Lime Hemp and Rice Husk-based Concretes for Building Envelopes. 2018
- Functional Properties of Lignocellulosic Materials. Lime Hemp and Rice Husk-based Concretes for Building Envelopes. 2018
- Lignocellulosic Materials and Their Use in Bio-based Packaging Preface. Lime Hemp and Rice Husk-based Concretes for Building Envelopes. 2018
- Lignocellulosic Materials: Sources and Processing Technologies. Lime Hemp and Rice Husk-based Concretes for Building Envelopes. 2018
- Processing, Production Methods and Characterization of Bio-Based Packaging Materials. Lime Hemp and Rice Husk-based Concretes for Building Envelopes. 2018
- Use of Lignocellulosic Materials in Bio-based Packaging. Lime Hemp and Rice Husk-based Concretes for Building Envelopes. 2018
- 1st International Conference on Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts & Environmental Sustainability (BIORESTEC). Bioresource Technology. 2017
- Cyanobacterial toxins as a high value-added product. ADVANCES IN HYDROGEN PRODUCTION, STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION. 2017
- Erratum to: Impact of Lipase-Mediated Hydrolysis of Castor Oil on ¿-Decalactone Production by Yarrowia lipolytica. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' SocIETy. 2013
- Erratum to " Effects of glucose and inoculum concentrations on production of bioactive molecules by Paenibacillus polymyxa RNC-D: A statistical experimental design" [J. Biotechnol. 150S (2010) S524]. Antibiotics. 2012
- 10th International Conference on Gas-Liquid and Gas-Liquid-Solid Reactor Engineering. Chemical Engineering Science. 2011
- A Dynamical Model for the Fermentative Production of Fructooligosaccharides. Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 2009
- Improving Alternate Flow mixing by Obstacles Located along a Micro-Channel. Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology SocIETy, EMBS. 2009
- Corrigendum to "Utilisation of controlled pore topology for the separation of bioparticles in a mixed-glass beads column" [J. Chromatogr. B 843 (2006) 63-72] (DOI:10.1016/j.jchromb.2006.05.041). Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. 2008
artigo de conferência
- Silage production from the residues of plantain (Musa AAB Simmonds): a nutritional analysis through process simulation 2020
- Potential of Eucalyptus bark for biofuels production 2018
- Effect of xanthan gum on physicochemical and textural properties of gluten-free batter and bread 2018
- Characterization of a Biopolymer Produced by Arthrobacter viscosus CECT 908 for Application in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery 2018
- Valorization of tomato wastes: influence of ohmic heating process on polyphenols extraction time 2017
- Biorefinery approach for the valorization of vine pruning residue 2016
- Síntese de frutooligossacarídeos a partir da β-frutofuranosidase obtida de Penicillium citreonigrum URM 4459 2016
- Produção simultânea de -fructofuranosidase e fructo-oligossacarídeos por Penicillium citreonigrum URM 4459 2016
- Development of low-cost culture media for effective biosurfactant production 2015
- Estudo da partição de fitase produzida por Aspergillus niger var. phoenicis utilizando bioconversão extrativa em sistemas de duas fases aquosas PEG/citrato 2015
- Factorial design for collagenase production by Penicillium sp. selected from the Caatinga soil 2015
- New microbial surface-active compounds: the ultimate alternative to chemical surfactants? 2015
- O pré-tratamento hidrotérmico no conceito das biorrefinarias 2015
- Production of mexican brown macroalgae fucoidan and fucosidases under an integral green technology bioproceses by the biorefinery concept 2015
- Seleção de fungos produtores de β-D-frutosiltransferase por fermentação em estado sólido 2015
- Sistemas aquosos bifásicos uma ferramenta sustentável para a extração de ácido clavulânico a partir de diferentes fontes 2015
- Production of high-content fructo-oligosaccharides 2015
- Reliability-based evaluation of vertical bearing capacity of piles using FORM and MCS 2014
- The deflocculation of kaolin suspensions : the effect of various electrolytes 2013
- Development of alginate beads for probiotic encapsulation: influence of different parameters in the beads size 2013
- Autohydrolysis Pretreatment of Corncob for Cellulase Production by Trichoderma reesei MUM 97.53 2013
- Avaliação fermentativa da levedura floculante e termotolerante Saccharomyces cerevisiae CA11 utilizando materiais lignocelulósicos pré-tratados 2013
- Effect of pH and temperature on phytase and biomass production by submerged fermentation with Aspergillus niger var. phoenicis URM 4924 2013
- Hidrólise enzimática, sacarificação e fermentação simultânea de materiais lignocelulósicos usando Saccharomyces cerevisiae CA11 2013
- Pré-Tratamento de Resíduos Agro-industriais e Novas Perspectivas na Produção de Bioprodutos 2013
- Recovery and partitioning of fibrinolytic protease from Bacillus sp. UFPEDA 485 by aqueous two-phase systems 2013
- Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery by Bacillus Subtilis Strains under Simulated Reservoir Conditions 2012
- Effect of hemicellulose liquid phase on the enzymatic hydrolysis of autohydrolyzed eucalyptus globulus wood 2012
- Influence of moderate electric fields on the formation and properties of whey protein network structures 2012
- Uso de microsistemas na precipitação em contínuo de hidroxiapatite 2012
- Biosurfactant producing microorganisms and its application to enhanced oil recovery at lab scale 2012
- Elaboration of distilled beverage from spent coffee ground 2011
- Characterization of Brazilian table wines from american varieties 2011
- Strategies for evaluation of edible coating formulations - Applications on food quality and safety 2011
- Séparation des sucres d’un milieu de fermentation par chromatographie à lit mobile simulé (Simulated Moving Bed : SMB) 2011
- Wine production with immobilized yeasts on grape pomace 2011
- Design of a lipid nanovesicle system encapsulating bacteriophages integrated in a multiple emulsion formulation: A proof-of-concept 2010
- Light regime characterization in a photobioreactor for cultivation of microalgae with high starch content for bioethanol production 2010
- Operating conditions of a simulated moving bed chromatography unit for the purification of fructooligosaccharides 2010
- Effect of moderate electric field in the physical and transport properties of chitosan coatings 2009
- Effect of solids on gas-liquid mass transfer 2009
- Gas-liquid interfacial area in oxygen absorption into oil-in-water emulsions 2009
- Oxygen effect in γ-decalactone production through biotransformation of ricinoleic acid 2009
- Análise da fermentação em bioreatores cilindrocônicos de bancada na elaboração de cerveja com adjunto de banana 2009
- Application of wheat straw autohydrolysis liquor to xylanase and β-xylosidase large-scale production in a stirred tank bioreactor 2009
- Avaliação do processo de bioprodução de etanol a partir de xilose pela levedura Pichia Stipitis NRRL Y-7124 em reator de bancada 2009
- Nanoencapsulation of bovine lactoferrin for oral hygiene applications 2009
- Yeast nutrition and practical aspects during brewing fermentations 2009
- A new strategy for using banana as an ingredient in the brewing process 2008
- Development of bioprocesses based in biphasic media involving the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica 2008
- Fructooligosaccharides production using immobilized cells of Aspergillus japonicus 2008
- Hydrothermal treatments of corn cob and hemicelluloses extraction 2008
- Identification and evaluation of fungal strains with fucoidan degradation potential 2008
- Influence of the concentration of locust bean gum on the gelling ability of whey peptic hydrolysates 2008
- Lactose fermentation by recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains 2008
- Optimization of ethanol production from cheese whey powder by Kluyveromyces fragilis using factorial design and response surface methodology 2008
- Relative hydrophobicity of (PEG or Ucon)-salt ATPSs 2008
- β-Galactosidase from Aspergillus oryzae immobilized onto different magnetic supports: A comparative experimental and modelling study of the galactooligosaccharides production 2008
- Physicochemical and biochemical interactions in yeast immobilization by adhesion to a cellulose based support 2008
- Application of binary packing for starch separation by hydrodynamic chromatography 2008
- Alcoholic beverage from cheese whey: identification of volatile compounds 2008
- Ethanol production from high-glucose industrial substrates using ethanol-tolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains 2008
- A new strategy for xylanase production using wheat straw autohydrolysis liquor as substrate 2008
- Alcoholic fermentation of lactose by engineered flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2008
- Feasability of yeast and bacteria identification using UV-VIS-SWNIR difusive reflectance spectroscopy 2008
- Total reuse of brewer’s spent grain in chemical and biotechnological processes for the production of added-value compounds 2008
- Chitosan coating surface and permeation properties as affected by plasticizer, surfactant and polymer concentration-application to vegetables 2007
- Novel functional polysaccharides as edible coatings for cheese 2007
- The bubble size distribution and O2 mass transfer in an oscillating, meso-scale tube 2007
- Assessment of brewing yeast age based on selective bud scar staining and subsequent fluorescence measurement by flow cytometry 2007
- The impact of process parameters on flavour profile of alcohol-free beer from a single-stage continuous gas-lift reactor with immobilized yeast 2007
- Alternative flows in a microfluidic device 2007
- Spent grain as a new carrier for trypsin immobilisation 2007
- Flavour formation in continuous fermentations 2006
- Preliminary optimization study of alcohol-free beer production in a continuous immobilized cell reactor system 2006
- Death kinetics of Escherichia coli in goat milk and Bacillus licheniformis in cloudberry jam treated by ohmic heating 2006
- Design of a lab-on-a-chip for clinical tests of human physiological fluids 2006
- Effects of ohmic heating technology in chemical properties of foods 2006
- Oscillatory and alternate flows in a microfluidic device 2006
- Simulation of liquid phase accumulation at centrifugal dewatering of activated sludge 2005
- Effect of solids on gas-liquid mass transfer and bubble characteristics in three-phase systems 2005
- Yeast activity monitoring by fluorescent methods 2005
- Hidrólise de concentrado proteico de soro de queijo com tripsina imobilizada em resíduos da indústria cervejeira 2005
- Retarding strawberry fruit senesce with edible coatings : case study 2005
- Aging of immobilized brewing yeast in a continuous bubble-column reactor 2005
- Application of binary packing for chromatographic separation 2005
- Baker’s yeast filtration through mixed beds of filtration aids and large glass beads 2005
- Continuous beer fermentation with yeast immobilized on alternative cheap carriers and sensorial evaluation of the final product 2005
- Effect of the particle shape on flow through porous media 2005
- Impact of the surface properties of lactic bacteria on the stability of emulsions 2005
- Modeling of biosurfactant production by Lactobacillus Strains 2005
- On-line monitoring of multi-phase flow in a novel oscillatory screening reactor using fibre optical probes 2005
- Oxygen influence on the ß-oxidative metabolism of methyl ricinoleate for lactones production by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica 2005
- Sensorial evaluation of continuously fermented beer and the role of process parameters in adjusting its flavour profile 2005
- Sorption of Cr(III) from aqueous solutions by spent brewery grain 2005
- Spent-grains and zeolites as potential carriers for trypsin immobilisation 2005
- The effect of the electric field on lag-phase, ethanol and β-galactosidase production of a recombinant S. cerevisiae growing on lactose 2005
- Trypsin immobilisation on zeolites 2005
- Valorization of olive mill wastewater by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica 2005
- Study of hydrodynamics and mixing in an airlift reactor with an enlarged separator using magnetic tracer method 2004
- The use of fibre optic probes for flow monitoring within a small-scale tube 2004
- Continuous flocculation airlift bioreactor with high cell loading : hydrodynamic and rheological aspects 2004
- Application of high cell density airlift bioreactors to bio-ethanol production – study on optimal bioreactor operation 2004
- Dependence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae filtration through membrance on yeast concentration 2004
- Effect of real particles packing with large size ratio on porosity and tortuosity of filter bed 2004
- Simulações numéricas do processamento asséptico de polpas de morango num aquecedor óhmico contínuo 2004
- Processos para a valorização do soro de queijo 2003
- Novas metodologias para a produção de β-galactosidase de Aspergillus niger 2003
- Comparative analysis of immobilization carriers for a endopolygalacturonase producing yeast strain 2003
- Fluid mixing and particle suspension in a novel microreactor 2003
- Continuous primary beer fermentation with brewing yeast immobilized on spent grains 2002
- Hydrodynamic considerations in three-phase internal-loop airlift bioreactors: effect of dual separator and draught tube design 2002
- The influence of non-Newtonian fluids in the hydrodynamic behaviour of an airlift reactor with an enlarged degassing zone 2002
- Interference of coarse particles with fines of different shapes in cake model 2002
- Behaviour of dual gas-liquid separator in an internal-loop airlift reactor : effect of top clearance 2001
- Flocculation bioreactors : engineering based problems 2001
- Characterisation of new aqueous two-phase systems using thermoseparating polymers 2001
- Hydrodynamic characterisation of an airlift reactor with an enlarged degassing zone, in the presence of non-Newtonian fluids 2001
- Immobilised particles in gels : homogeneous porous media model 2001
- Modelling design of multiphase bubble-bed reactors for advanced food-industry applications 2001
- Cr (III) recovery from Saccharomyces cerevisiae by elution : a preliminary study 2000
- Effect of tortuosity on transport properties of mixed granular beds 2000
- Hydrodynamics of a three-phase external-loop airlift bioreactor 1999
- Novas metodologias para a fermentação alcoólica do soro de queijo 1999
- Tortuosity in bioseparations and its application to food processes 1998
- Porous media behaviours modelling and analysis in separation processes 1997
- Determinação das condições de arejamento necessárias à produção de nemátodos em biorreactor 1996
- Remoção de crómio de efluentes industriais utilizando geis de alginato 1996
- Electrophoretic aqueous two-phase partition of proteins 1996
- Sizing and counting of two saccharomyces cerevisiae floc populations in an airlift bioreactor by image analysis, using an automatically chosen threshold 1996
- Utilization of additives to increase flocculation bioreactor performance 1990
artigo de revista
- Evolving biofilm inhibition and eradication in clinical settings through plant-based antibiofilm agents. Phytomedicine. 2023
- Laccase-mediator system for the ionic liquid-assisted treatment of a technical lignin with partial dissolution. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2023
- Lactoferrin as a carrier of iron: Development and physicochemical characterization. Food Hydrocolloids. 2023
- Mild Heat Treatment and Biopreservatives for Artisanal Raw Milk Cheeses: Reducing Microbial Spoilage and Extending Shelf-Life through Thermisation, Plant Extracts and Lactic Acid Bacteria. Antibiotics. 2023
- Dynamic Modelling to Describe the Effect of Plant Extracts and Customised Starter Culture on Staphylococcus aureus Survival in Goat’s Raw Milk Soft Cheese. Antibiotics. 2023
- In vitro models as a tool to study the role of gut microbiota in obesity. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2023
- Electric fields as a promising technology for the recovery of valuable bio compounds from algae: Novel and sustainable approaches. Bioresource Technology Reports. 2023
- Production and Properties of Quercetin-Loaded Liposomes and Their Influence on the Properties of Galactomannan-Based Films. Applied Nano. 2023
- Tracing the Volatilomic Fingerprint of the Most Popular Italian Fortified Wines. Antibiotics. 2023
- Modulation of the Gut Microbiota by Tomato Flours Obtained after Conventional and Ohmic Heating Extraction and Its Prebiotic Properties. Antibiotics. 2023
- How prebiotics have been produced from agro-industrial waste: An overview of the enzymatic technologies applied and the models used to validate their health claims. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2023
- Hydrodynamics and gas-liquid mass transfer in an oscillatory flow reactor: influence of liquid properties. Chemical Engineering Research & Design. 2023
- Prevention of Fungal Contamination in Semi-Hard Cheeses by Whey–Gelatin Film Incorporated with Levilactobacillus brevis SJC120. Antibiotics. 2023
- Meta-Analysis of In Vitro Antimicrobial Capacity of Extracts and Essential Oils of Syzygium aromaticum, Citrus L. and Origanum L.: Contrasting the Results of Different Antimicrobial Susceptibility Methods. Antibiotics. 2023
- Optimization of Xanthan Gum Production by Demerara Sugar Using Response Surface Methodology. Sustainability (MDPI). 2023
- Influence of Cold Pre-Fermentation Maceration on the Volatilomic Pattern and Aroma of White Wines. Antibiotics. 2023
- Enzymatic approach for the extraction of bioactive fractions from red, green and brown seaweeds. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2023
- Innovative processing technology in agar recovery: Combination of subcritical water extraction and moderate electric fields. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2023
- Multivariable optimization process of heterotrophic growth of Chlorella vulgaris. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2023
- Microbial Hyaluronic Acid Production: A Review. Biomolecules. 2023
- Phytochemical Composition and Bioactive Potential of Melissa officinalis L., Salvia officinalis L. and Mentha spicata L. Extracts. Antibiotics. 2023
- Tunning pectinase activity under the effects of electric fields in the enhanced clarification of wine must. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2023
- Tomato Processing By-Products Valorisation through Ohmic Heating Approach. Antibiotics. 2023
- Challenges in Using Ionic Liquids for Cellulosic Ethanol Production. Biomolecules. 2023
- Innovation and Winemaking By-Product Valorization: An Ohmic Heating Approach. Processes. 2023
- Exploiting Non-Conventional Yeasts for Low-Alcohol Beer Production. Antibiotics. 2023
- Development of Meat Substitutes from Filamentous Fungi Cultivated on Residual Water of Tempeh Factories. Biomolecules. 2023
- Brazilian Table Olives: A Source of Lactic Acid Bacteria with Antimycotoxigenic and Antifungal Activity. Toxins. 2023
- Structural and Physicochemical Properties of Starch from Rejected Chestnut: Hydrothermal and High-Pressure Processing Dependence. Biomolecules. 2023
- Application of enterocin-whey films to reduce Listeria monocytogenes contamination on ripened cheese. Antibiotics. 2023
- Evaluation of grape stems and grape stem extracts for sulfur dioxide replacement during grape wine production. Current Research in Food Science. 2023
- Impact of gastrointestinal digestion simulation on brewer's spent grain green extracts and their prebiotic activity. Food Research International. 2023
- Integral valorisation of tomato by-products towards bioactive compounds recovery: Human health benefits. Food Chemistry. 2023
- Systems biology's role in leveraging microalgal biomass potential: Current status and future perspectives. Algae Research. 2023
- Unveiling the techno-functional and bioactive properties of bee pollen as an added-value food ingredient. Food Chemistry. 2023
- Sustainable Exopolysaccharide Production by Rhizobium viscosum CECT908 Using Corn Steep Liquor and Sugarcane Molasses as Sole Substrates. E-Polymers. 2022
- Effect of Gastrointestinal Digestion on the Bioaccessibility of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Fermented Aloe vera Juices. Antioxidants. 2022
- Peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) and mammee apple (Mammea americana L.) seeds: Properties and potential of application in industry. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2022
- Bacillus licheniformis: The unexplored alternative for the anaerobic production of lipopeptide biosurfactants?. Biotechnology Advances. 2022
- Cost-effective rhamnolipid production by Burkholderia thailandensis E264 using agro-industrial residues. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2022
- Hydrothermal treatments – A quick and efficient alternative for agar extraction from Gelidium sesquipedale. Food Hydrocolloids. 2022
- Immobilization and Application of the Recombinant Xylanase GH10 of Malbranchea pulchella in the Production of Xylooligosaccharides from Hydrothermal Liquor of the Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus grandis) Wood Chips. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022
- Oscillatory flow bioreactor operating at high solids loading for enzymatic hydrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass. Antibiotics. 2022
- Active aroma compounds assessment of processed and non-processed micro- and macroalgae by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry targeting seafood analogs. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2022
- Production of Natural Pigments by Penicillium brevicompactum Using Agro-Industrial Byproducts. Fermentation. 2022
- Active Carboxymethyl Cellulose-Based Edible Coatings for the Extension of Fresh Goldenberries Shelf-Life. Horticulturae. 2022
- Effect of lemon balm and spearmint extracts on the survival of s. aureus in goat's raw milk cheese 2022
- Exploring the Palynological, Chemical, and Bioactive Properties of Non-Studied Bee Pollen and Honey from Morocco. Biomolecules. 2022
- Effect of prebiotic fermentation products from primary human gut microbiota on an in vitro intestinal model. Journal of Functional Foods. 2022
- Recent Advances in the Valorization of Algae Polysaccharides for Food and Nutraceutical Applications: a Review on the Role of Green Processing Technologies. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2022
- Resveratrol production for the valorisation of lactose-rich wastes by engineered industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioresource Technology. 2022
- Detoxification of ochratoxin A and zearalenone by Pleurotus ostreatus during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion. Food Chemistry. 2022
- Impact of Circular Brewer’s Spent Grain Flour after In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion on Human Gut Microbiota. Antibiotics. 2022
- Genome-wide effect of non-optimal temperatures under anaerobic conditions on gene expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Genomics. 2022
- A Versatile Nanocarrier—Cubosomes, Characterization, and Applications. Nanomaterials. 2022
- Zn and Zn-Fe Nanostructures with Multifunctional Properties as Components for Food Packaging Materials. Nanomaterials. 2022
- Successive Fermentation of Aguamiel and Molasses by Aspergillus oryzae and Saccharomyces cerevisiae to Obtain High Purity Fructooligosaccharides. Antibiotics. 2022
- Probiotic and Antifungal Attributes of Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolates from Naturally Fermented Brazilian Table Olives. Fermentation. 2022
- Effect of Ohmic Heating on the Extraction Yield, Polyphenol Content and Antioxidant Activity of Olive Mill Leaves. Clean Technologies. 2022
- Green Extraction Techniques as Advanced Sample Preparation Approaches in Biological, Food, and Environmental Matrices: A Review. Biomolecules. 2022
- A comparison between microalgal autotrophic growth and metabolite accumulation with heterotrophic, mixotrophic and photoheterotrophic cultivation modes. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 2022
- Towards a biorefinery processing waste from plantain agro-industry: Assessment of the production of dairy cattle feed through process simulation. Biosystems Engineering. 2022
- Unveiling the Antioxidant Therapeutic Functionality of Sustainable Olive Pomace Active Ingredients. Antioxidants. 2022
- Novel Bio-Functional Aloe vera Beverages Fermented by Probiotic Enterococcus faecium and Lactobacillus lactis. Biomolecules. 2022
- Bioactivity and Bioaccessibility of Bioactive Compounds in Gastrointestinal Digestion of Tomato Bagasse Extracts. Antibiotics. 2022
- Evaluation of Microbial-Fructo-Oligosaccharides Metabolism by Human Gut Microbiota Fermentation as Compared to Commercial Inulin-Derived Oligosaccharides. Antibiotics. 2022
- Metabolic profile of Candida albicans and Candida parapsilosis interactions within dual-species biofilms. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 2022
- Impact of Deficit Irrigation on Grapevine cv. ‘Touriga Nacional’ during Three Seasons in Douro Region: An Agronomical and Metabolomics Approach. Plants. 2022
- Nanocarriers as Active Ingredients Enhancers in the Cosmetic Industry—The European and North America Regulation Challenges. Biomolecules. 2022
- Exploring the bioactive potential of brewers spent grain ohmic extracts. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2022
- Hydrothermal and high-pressure processing of chestnuts - Dependence on the storage conditions. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2022
- Penicillium brevicompactum as a novel source of natural pigments with potential for food applications. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2022
- Towards a Biorefinery Processing Waste From Plantain Agro–Industry: Process Development for the Production of an Isomalto–Oligosaccharide Syrup From Rejected Unripe Plantain Fruits. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2022
- Towards an enhanced control of protein crystallization: Seeded batch lysozyme crystallization in a meso oscillatory flow reactor. Chemical Engineering Research & Design. 2022
- Magnetic Nanoparticles as Support for Cellulase Immobilization Strategy for Enzymatic Hydrolysis Using Hydrothermally Pretreated Corn Cob Biomass. BioEnergy Research. 2022
- Development and Characterization of Pleurotus ostreatus Mushroom Wheat Bread. Starch-Starke. 2022
- Impact of Simulated Human Gastrointestinal Digestion on the Bioactive Fraction of Upcycled Pineapple By-Products. Antibiotics. 2022
- Sambucus nigra flower and berry extracts for food and therapeutic applications: effect of gastrointestinal digestion on in vitro and in vivo bioactivity and toxicity. Food Bioscience. 2022
- Application of an alginate-based edible coating with bacteriocin-producing Lactococcus strains in fresh cheese preservation. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2022
- Purification of chitosanases produced by Bacillus toyonensis CCT 7899 and functional oligosaccharides production. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology. 2022
- The influence of electrolytes in aqueous solutions on gas-liquid mass transfer in an oscillatory flow reactor. Chemical Engineering Science. 2022
- Valorisation of wine wastes by de novo biosynthesis of resveratrol using a recombinant xylose-consuming industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Green Chemistry. 2022
- Extracts From Red Eggplant: Impact of Ohmic Heating and Different Extraction Solvents on the Chemical Profile and Bioactivity. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2021
- Economic determinants on the implementation of a Eucalyptus wood biorefinery producing biofuels, energy and high added-value compounds. Applied Energy. 2021
- Influence of ohmic heating in the composition of extracts from Gracilaria vermiculophylla. Algal Research. 2021
- L-lactic acid production from multi-supply autohydrolyzed economically unexploited lignocellulosic biomass. Dyes and Pigments. 2021
- Exploiting the Potential of Bioactive Molecules Extracted by Ultrasounds from Avocado Peels—Food and Nutraceutical Applications. Antioxidants. 2021
- Resveratrol Production from Hydrothermally Pretreated Eucalyptus Wood Using Recombinant Industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains. ACS Synthetic Biology. 2021
- Chemical Characterization of Sambucus nigra L. Flowers Aqueous Extract and Its Biological Implications. Biomolecules. 2021
- Hot Compressed Water Pretreatment and Surfactant Effect on Enzymatic Hydrolysis Using Agave Bagasse. Energies. 2021
- Influence of ohmic heating on the structural and immunoreactive properties of soybean proteins. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2021
- Novel concept of exosome-like liposomes for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Controlled Release. 2021
- Zn-Fe Flower-like nanoparticles growth by gas condensation. Materials Letters. 2021
- Chicken Feather Keratin Peptides for the Control of Keratinocyte Migration. Applied Sciences. 2021
- Sequential multi-stage extraction of biocompounds from Spirulina platensis: Combined effect of ohmic heating and enzymatic treatment. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2021
- Valorization of agro-food by-products and their potential therapeutic applications. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2021
- Anthocyanin Recovery from Grape by-Products by Combining Ohmic Heating with Food-Grade Solvents: Phenolic Composition, Antioxidant, and Antimicrobial Properties. Biomolecules. 2021
- Bioengineering approaches to simulate human colon microbiome ecosystem. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2021
- Enzyme immobilization as a strategy towards efficient and sustainable lignocellulosic biomass conversion into chemicals and biofuels: current status and perspectives. Sustainable Energy and Fuels. 2021
- Evaluation of functional and nutritional potential of a protein concentrate from Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom. Food Chemistry. 2021
- Rhamnolipids inhibit aflatoxins production in Aspergillus flavus by causing structural damages in the fungal hyphae and down-regulating the expression of their biosynthetic genes. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2021
- Effects of Moderate Electric Fields on the Post-harvest Preservation of Chestnuts. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2021
- Strategies towards Reduction of Cellulases Consumption: Debottlenecking the Economics of Lignocellulosics Valorization Processes. Polysaccharides. 2021
- Rhamnolipids-based nanostructured lipid carriers: Effect of lipid phase on physicochemical properties and stability. Food Chemistry. 2021
- Active natural-based films for food packaging applications: The combined effect of chitosan and nanocellulose. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2021
- Algal proteins: Production strategies and nutritional and functional properties. Bioresource Technology. 2021
- Chemical Profile and Bioactivities of Extracts from Edible Plants Readily Available in Portugal. Antibiotics. 2021
- Very High Gravity Bioethanol Revisited: Main Challenges and Advances. Fermentation. 2021
- Emergent Technologies for the Extraction of Antioxidants from Prickly Pear Peel and Their Antimicrobial Activity. Antibiotics. 2021
- In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion Impact on the Bioaccessibility and Antioxidant Capacity of Bioactive Compounds from Tomato Flours Obtained after Conventional and Ohmic Heating Extraction. Antibiotics. 2021
- Advances in Extraction Methods to Recover Added-Value Compounds from Seaweeds: Sustainability and Functionality. Antibiotics. 2021
- Purification and Characterization of a Thrombolytic Enzyme Produced by a New Strain of Bacillus subtil. Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2021
- Encapsulated Pine Bark Polyphenolic Extract during Gastrointestinal Digestion: Bioaccessibility, Bioactivity and Oxidative Stress Prevention. Antibiotics. 2021
- Co-production of biofuels and value-added compounds from industrial Eucalyptus globulus bark residues using hydrothermal treatment. Fuel. 2021
- Bio-based rhamnolipids production and recovery from waste streams: Status and perspectives. Bioresource Technology. 2021
- Carbohydrates as targeting compounds to produce infusions resembling espresso coffee brews using quality by design approach. Food Chemistry. 2021
- Characterization of PHBV films loaded with FO1 bacteriophage using polyvinyl alcohol-based nanofibers and coatings: A comparative study. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2021
- Effects of different solutes on the physical chemical properties of aqueous solutions via rearrangement of hydrogen bonds in water. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 2021
- How additive manufacturing can boost the bioactivity of baked functional foods. Journal of Food Engineering. 2021
- Initial Screening of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Amino Ligands for Affinity Purification of Plasmid DNA in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems. Life. 2021
- Meta-Regression models describing the effects of essential oils and added lactic acid bacteria on pathogen inactivation in cheese. Microbial Risk Analysis. 2021
- Protective Effect of Honey and Propolis against Gentamicin-Induced Oxidative Stress and Hepatorenal Damages. Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity. 2021
- Reuse of oak chips for modification of the volatile fraction of alcoholic beverages. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2021
- Unraveling the chemical composition, antioxidant, a-amylase and a-glucosidase inhibition of Moroccan propolis. Food Bioscience. 2021
- Valorisation of rejected unripe plantain fruits of Musa AAB Simmonds: from nutritional characterisation to the conceptual process design for prebiotic production. Food Bioscience. 2021
- Differential proteomic analysis by SWATH-MS unravels the most dominant mechanisms underlying yeast adaptation to non-optimal temperatures under anaerobic conditions. Acta Cytologica. 2020
- The use of emergent technologies to extract added value compounds from grape by-products. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2020
- Valorization of Seaweed Carbohydrates: Autohydrolysis as a Selective and Sustainable Pretreatment. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 2020
- Using Ohmic Heating effect on grape skins as a pretreatment for anthocyanins extraction. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2020
- Development and Evaluation of Superabsorbent Hydrogels Based on Natural Polymers. E-Polymers. 2020
- Olive Tree Leaves—A Source of Valuable Active Compounds. Processes. 2020
- Evaluation of multi-starter S. cerevisiae/ D. bruxellensis cultures for mimicking and accelerating transformations occurring during barrel ageing of beer. Food Chemistry. 2020
- Valorization of rice by-products: Protein-phenolic based fractions with bioactive potential. Journal of Cereal Science. 2020
- Ohmic Heating Extract of Vine Pruning Residue Has Anti-Colorectal Cancer Activity and Increases Sensitivity to the Chemotherapeutic Drug 5-FU. Antibiotics. 2020
- Nanocellulose Production: Exploring the Enzymatic Route and Residues of Pulp and Paper Industry. Biomolecules. 2020
- Spontaneously fermented traditional beverages as a source of bioactive compounds: an overview. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2020
- Exosome-Like Nanoparticles: A New Type Of Nanocarrier. Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2020
- Linear Relationships between Partition Coefficients of Different Organic Compounds and Proteins in Aqueous Two-Phase Systems of Various Polymer and Ionic Compositions. E-Polymers. 2020
- Green and Sustainable Valorization of Bioactive Phenolic Compounds from Pinus By-Products. Biomolecules. 2020
- Effects of essential oils on Escherichia coli inactivation in cheese as described by meta-regression modelling 2020
- Electrosprayed whey protein-based nanocapsules for ß-carotene encapsulation. Food Chemistry. 2020
- Influence of thermal and electrical effects of ohmic heating on C-phycocyanin properties and biocompounds recovery from Spirulina Platensis. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2020
- Ohmic heating polyphenolic extracts from vine pruning residue with enhanced biological activity. Food Chemistry. 2020
- Unravelling the Biological Potential of Pinus pinaster Bark Extracts. Antioxidants. 2020
- From the lab to the river: Determination of ecological hosts of Anodonta anatina. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2020
- Carboxymethyl cellulose-based films: Effect of organosolv lignin incorporation on physicochemical and antioxidant properties. Journal of Food Engineering. 2020
- Mycoremediation of vinasse by surface response methodology and preliminary studies in air-lift bioreactors. Chemosphere. 2020
- Impact of microwave-assisted extraction on roasted coffee carbohydrates, caffeine, chlorogenic acids and coloured compounds. Food Research International. 2020
- Purification of a lectin from Cratylia mollis crude extract seed by a single step PEG/phosphate aqueous two-phase system. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology. 2020
- Integral Valorization of Pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) By-Products through a Green Chemistry Approach towards Added Value Ingredients. Antibiotics. 2020
- A Bibliometric Description of Lignin Applicability for the Removal of Chemical Pollutants in Effluents. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 2020
- Bioactive extracts from brewer's spent grain. Food Bioscience. 2020
- Cardinal parameter meta-regression models describing Listeria monocytogenes growth in broth. Food Research International. 2020
- Cellulose nanocrystals from grape pomace and their use for the development of starch-based nanocomposite films. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020
- Effect of antioxidant-rich propolis and bee pollen extracts against D-glucose induced type 2 diabetes in rats. Food Research International. 2020
- Effect of dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment on the physicochemical properties and enzymatic hydrolysis of coffee cut-stems. Energy. 2020
- Ellagic acid production using polyphenols from orange peel waste by submerged fermentation. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. 2020
- Green synthesis of lignin nano- and micro-particles: Physicochemical characterization, bioactive properties and cytotoxicity assessment. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2020
- Impact of functional flours from pineapple by-products on human intestinal microbiota. Journal of Functional Foods. 2020
- In vitro gastrointestinal evaluation of a juçara-based smoothie: effect of processing on phenolic compounds bioaccessibility. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2020
- Insights into Interdisciplinary Approaches for Bioremediation of Organic Pollutants: Innovations, Challenges and Perspectives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences India Section B - Biological Sciences. 2020
- Microbial degradation of dyes: An overview. Bioresource Technology. 2020
- Production of a Distilled Spirit Using Cassava Flour as Raw Material: Chemical Characterization and Sensory Profile. Biomolecules. 2020
- Selection and subsequent physiological characterization of industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains during continuous growth at sub- and- supra optimal temperatures. Biotechnology Reports. 2020
- Valorization of Passion Fruit Stalk by the Preparation of Cellulose Nanofibers and Immobilization of Trypsin. Fibers and Polymers. 2020
- Storage Stability of Spray Dried Nigella Sativa (Ranunculaceae Family) Instant Beverage Powder: Effect of Carrier Agents on the Physicochemical, Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Properties. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science. 2019
- Factors affecting extraction of adsorbed wine volatile compounds and wood extractives from used oak wood. Food Chemistry. 2019
- Extraction of tomato by-products’ bioactive compounds using ohmic technology. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2019
- Current extraction techniques towards bioactive compounds from brewer’s spent grain – A review. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2019
- Daily intake of wheat germ-enriched bread may promote a healthy gut bacterial microbiota: a randomised controlled trial. European Journal of Nutrition. 2019
- Modulation of infusion processes to obtain coffee-derived food ingredients with distinct composition. European Food Research and Technology. 2019
- Bioactive compounds recovery optimization from vine pruning residues using conventional heating and microwave-assisted extraction methods. Dyes and Pigments. 2019
- Process development for the production of prebiotic fructo-oligosaccharides by Penicillium citreonigrum. Bioresource Technology. 2019
- Valorization of Eucalyptus nitens bark by organosolv pretreatment for the production of advanced biofuels. Dyes and Pigments. 2019
- Optimization of Quality Properties of Gluten-Free Bread by a Mixture Design of Xanthan, Guar, and Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose Gums. Antibiotics. 2019
- Moderate Electric Fields as a Potential Tool for Sustainable Recovery of Phenolic Compounds from Pinus pinaster Bark. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering. 2019
- Comparison and optimization of different methods for Microcystis aeruginosas harvesting and the role of zeta potential on its efficiency. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2019
- Oleaginous yeasts for sustainable lipid production—from biodiesel to surf boards, a wide range of “green” applications. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2019
- The biopolymer produced by Rhizobium viscosum CECT 908 is a promising agent for application in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery. New Biotechnology. 2019
- Hydrogel as an alternative structure for food packaging systems. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2019
- Optimization of bromelain isolation from pineapple byproducts by polysaccharide complex formation. Food Hydrocolloids. 2019
- Understanding wine sorption by oak wood: Modeling of wine uptake and characterization of volatile compounds retention. Food Research International. 2019
- Alcohol and Health: Standards of Consumption, Benefits and Harm – a Review. Czech Journal of Food Sciences. 2019
- Does intake of bread supplemented with wheat germ have a preventive role on cardiovascular disease risk markers in healthy volunteers? A randomised, controlled, crossover trial.. BMJ Open. 2019
- Effects of sodium chloride and sodium perchlorate on properties and partition behavior of solutes in aqueous dextran-polyethylene glycol and polyethylene glycol-sodium sulfate two-phase systems. Journal of Chromatography A. 2019
- Evaluation of disruption/permeabilization methodologies for Microcystis aeruginosa as alternatives to obtain high yields of microcystin release. Algal Research. 2019
- Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) production by fungal submerged culture using aguamiel as a low-cost by-product. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2019
- Production of Biomass-Degrading Enzymes by Trichoderma reesei Using Liquid Hot Water-Pretreated Corncob in Different Conditions of Oxygen Transfer. BioEnergy Research. 2019
- Increasing the Sustainability of the Coffee Agro-Industry: Spent Coffee Grounds as a Source of New Beverages. Beverages. 2018
- Comparative autohydrolysis study of two mixtures of forest and marginal land resources for co-production of biofuels and value-added compounds. Renewable Energy. 2018
- Lignin from an integrated process consisting of liquid hot water and ethanol organosolv: Physicochemical and antioxidant properties. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018
- One-step co-culture fermentation strategy to produce high-content fructo-oligosaccharides. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018
- Electric Field Processing: Novel Perspectives on Allergenicity of Milk Proteins. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2018
- Electrotechnologies applied to microalgal biotechnology - Applications, techniques and future trends. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 2018
- Influence of Mixing Intensity on Lysozyme Crystallization in a Meso Oscillatory Flow Reactor. Crystal Growth & Design. 2018
- Bioreactor design for enzymatic hydrolysis of biomass under the biorefinery concept. Antibiotics. 2018
- Combined effect of xanthan gum and water content on physicochemical and textural properties of gluten-free batter and bread. Food Research International. 2018
- Ohmic heating for the dairy industry: a potential technology to develop probiotic dairy foods in association with modifications of whey protein structure. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2018
- Physicochemical properties of alginate-based films: Effect of ionic crosslinking and mannuronic and guluronic acid ratio. Food Hydrocolloids. 2018
- Cellulose nanocrystals from grape pomace: Production, properties and cytotoxicity assessment. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2018
- In vitro digestibility and fermentability of fructo-oligosaccharides produced by Aspergillus ibericus. Journal of Functional Foods. 2018
- Valorization of pineapple waste for the extraction of bioactive compounds and glycosides using autohydrolysis. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2018
- Use of edible films and coatings in cheese preservation: Opportunities and challenges. Food Research International. 2018
- Effect of alginate molecular weight and M/G ratio in beads properties foreseeing the protection of probiotics. Food Hydrocolloids. 2018
- Electric field-based technologies for valorization of bioresources. Bioresource Technology. 2018
- Carbon-based sputtered coatings for enhanced chitosan-based films properties. Applied Surface Science. 2018
- Improvement of biosurfactant production by Wickerhamomyces anomalus CCMA 0358 and its potential application in bioremediation. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2018
- Production of fructo-oligosaccharides by Aspergillus ibericus and their chemical characterization. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2018
- Valorization, Comparison and Characterization of Coconuts Waste and Cactus in a Biorefinery Context Using NaClO2–C2H4O2 and Sequential NaClO2–C2H4O2/Autohydrolysis Pretreatment. Production Planning and Control. 2018
- New ß-galactosidase producers with potential for prebiotic synthesis. Bioresource Technology. 2018
- Antioxidant Compounds Recovery from Juçara Residue by Thermal Assisted Extraction. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition. 2018
- Anti-aflatoxigenic effect of organic acids produced by Lactobacillus plantarum. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2018
- Insights into protein-ionic liquid interactions aiming at macromolecule delivery systems. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical SocIETy. 2018
- Multi-step approach to add value to corncob: Production of biomass-degrading enzymes, lignin and fermentable sugars. Bioresource Technology. 2018
- Optimization of lipid extraction from the oleaginous yeasts Rhodotorula glutinis and Lipomyces kononenkoae. Amb Express. 2018
- Physicochemical and textural quality attributes of gluten-free bread formulated with guar gum. European Food Research and Technology. 2018
- Physiological protection of probiotic microcapsules by coatings. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2018
- Production and physicochemical properties of carboxymethyl cellulose films enriched with spent coffee grounds polysaccharides. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2018
- Structural and functional stabilization of bacteriophage particles within the aqueous core of a W/O/W multiple emulsion: A potential biotherapeutic system for the inhalational treatment of bacterial pneumonia. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2018
- Brazilian Kefir-Fermented Sheep’s Milk, a Source of Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Peptides. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins. 2017
- Encapsulation of antioxidant phenolic compounds extracted from spent coffee grounds by freeze-drying and spray-drying using different coating materials. Food Chemistry. 2017
- Integral valorization of vine pruning residue by sequential autohydrolysis stages. Journal of Cleaner Production. 2017
- Meta-analysis of the incidence of foodborne pathogens in vegetables and fruits from retail establishments in Europe. Current Opinion in Food Science. 2017
- Sodium chloride effect on the aggregation behaviour of rhamnolipids and their antifungal activity. Acta Cytologica. 2017
- Effect of moderate electric fields in the properties of starch and chitosan films reinforced with microcrystalline cellulose. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017
- Effect of solids on O 2 mass transfer in an oscillatory flow reactor provided with smooth periodic constrictions. Chemical Engineering Science. 2017
- Vinegar production from fruit concentrates: effect on volatile composition and antioxidant activity. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2017
- Development of iron-rich whey protein hydrogels following application of ohmic heating – Effects of moderate electric fields. Food Research International. 2017
- Healing activity evaluation of the galactomannan film obtained from Cassia grandis seeds with immobilized Cratylia mollis seed lectin. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2017
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae from Brazilian kefir-fermented milk: An in vitro evaluation of probiotic properties. Microbial Pathogenesis. 2017
- ß-galactosidase from Aspergillus lacticoffeatus : A promising biocatalyst for the synthesis of novel prebiotics. International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2017
- Trypsin purification using magnetic particles of azocasein-iron composite. Food Chemistry. 2017
- Development of a novel user-friendly platform to couple light regime characterization with particle tracking - cells' light history determination during phototrophic cultivations. Algal Research. 2017
- Estimation of composition of quinoa ( Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) grains by Near-Infrared Transmission spectroscopy. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2017
- New glycolipid biosurfactants produced by the yeast strain Wickerhamomyces anomalus CCMA 0358. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2017
- Micro- and nano bio-based delivery systems for food applications: In vitro behavior. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science. 2017
- Purification and characterization of a collagenase from Penicillium sp. UCP 1286 by polyethylene glycol-phosphate aqueous two-phase system. Protein Expression and Purification. 2017
- Optimization of autohydrolysis conditions to extract antioxidant phenolic compounds from spent coffee grounds. Journal of Food Engineering. 2017
- Immobilization of bioactive compounds in Cassia grandis galactomannan-based films: Influence on physicochemical properties. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2017
- Platform design for extraction and isolation of Bromelain: Complex formation and precipitation with carrageenan. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2017
- Extraction of polysaccharides by autohydrolysis of spent coffee grounds and evaluation of their antioxidant activity. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2017
- Collagenolytic enzymes produced by fungi: a systematic review. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology. 2017
- Design of whey protein nanostructures for incorporation and release of nutraceutical compounds in food. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2017
- Microbial production of hyaluronic acid from agro-industrial by-products: Molasses and corn steep liquor. Antibiotics. 2017
- Putative biomarkers for cervical cancer: SNVs, methylation and expression profiles. Mutation Research-Reviews in Mutation Research. 2017
- Development of an immobilization system for in situ micronutrients release. Food Research International. 2016
- Effects of ohmic heating on extraction of food-grade phytochemicals from colored potato. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2016
- Probiotic-loaded microcapsule system for human in situ folate production: Encapsulation and system validation. Food Research International. 2016
- Screening of fungi from the genus Penicillium for production of ß- fructofuranosidase and enzymatic synthesis of fructooligosaccharides. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2016
- Combined alkali and hydrothermal pretreatments for oat straw valorization within a biorefinery concept. Bioresource Technology. 2016
- RAPD and SCAR markers as potential tools for detection of milk origin in dairy products: Adulterant sheep breeds in Serra da Estrela cheese production. Food Chemistry. 2016
- Alternatives to overcoming bacterial resistances: State-of-the-art. Microbiological Research. 2016
- Liquid hot water pretreatment of multi feedstocks and enzymatic hydrolysis of solids obtained thereof. Bioresource Technology. 2016
- Screening, production and biochemical characterization of a new fibrinolytic enzyme produced by Streptomyces sp. (Streptomycetaceae) isolated from Amazonian lichens. Acta Amazonica. 2016
- Valorization of Eucalyptus wood by glycerol-organosolv pretreatment within the biorefinery concept: An integrated and intensified approach. Renewable Energy. 2016
- Bioethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Pichia stipitis and Zymomonas mobilis from delignified coconut fibre mature and lignin extraction according to biorefinery concept. Renewable Energy. 2016
- Enhancement of fructosyltransferase and fructooligosaccharides production by A. oryzae DIA-MF in Solid-State Fermentation using aguamiel as culture medium. Bioresource Technology. 2016
- Continuous-flow precipitation as a route to prepare highly controlled nanohydroxyapatite: In vitro mineralization and biological evaluation. Materials Research Express. 2016
- Adsorption of peroxidase from Raphanus sativus L onto alginate–guar gum matrix: Kinetic, equilibrium and thermodynamic analysis. Adsorption Science and Technology. 2016
- Design of bio-based supramolecular structures through self-assembly of a-lactalbumin and lysozyme. Food Hydrocolloids. 2016
- In vitro digestion and stability assessment of ß-lactoglobulin/riboflavin nanostructures. Food Hydrocolloids. 2016
- Optimization of production, biochemical characterization and in vitro evaluation of the therapeutic potential of fibrinolytic enzymes from a new Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. Macromolecular Research. 2016
- Production and characterization of collagenase by Penicillium sp. UCP 1286 isolated from Caatinga soil. Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology. 2016
- Purification of a fibrinolytic protease from Mucor subtilissimus UCP 1262 by aqueous two-phase systems (PEG/sulfate). Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. 2016
- Valorization of agro-industrial wastes towards the production of rhamnolipids. Bioresource Technology. 2016
- Biocatalytic Approaches Using Lactulose: End Product Compared with Substrate. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 2016
- Anti-inflammatory and antinociceptive activities of Bauhinia monandra leaf lectin. Biochimie. 2016
- Hydrogen sulfide removal from biogas using a salak fruit seeds packed bed reactor with sulfur oxidizing bacteria as biofilm. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering. 2016
- Production of orotic acid by a Klura3 ¿ mutant of Kluyveromyces lactis. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2016
- Protein Crystallization As a Process Step in a Novel Meso Oscillatory Flow Reactor: Study of Lysozyme Phase Behavior. Crystal Growth & Design. 2016
- Cheese whey: A cost-effective alternative for hyaluronic acid production by Streptococcus zooepidemicus. Food Chemistry. 2016
- Investigating a galactomannan gel obtained from Cassia grandis seeds as immobilizing matrix for Cramoll lectin. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2016
- Interrelationship between partition behavior of organic compounds and proteins in aqueous dextran-polyethylene glycol and polyethylene glycol-sodium sulfate two-phase systems. Journal of Chromatography A. 2016
- Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation of Hydrothermal Pretreated Lignocellulosic Biomass: Evaluation of Process Performance Under Multiple Stress Conditions. BioEnergy Research. 2016
- Biosurfactants Produced by Marine Microorganisms with Therapeutic Applications. Marine Drugs. 2016
- Approaches in biotechnological applications of natural polymers. AIMS Molecular Science. 2016
- Polyethylene glycol 8000+ citrate salts aqueous two-phase systems: Relative hydrophobicity of the equilibrium phases. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2016
- Production of Whey Protein-Based Aggregates Under Ohmic Heating. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2016
- Removal of tetracycline from contaminated water by Moringa oleifera seed preparations. Environmental Technology. 2016
- Strategies for the production of high-content fructo-oligosaccharides through the removal of small saccharides by co-culture or successive fermentation with yeast. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2016
- Customization of an optical probe device and validation of a signal processing procedure to study gas-liquid-solid flows. Application to a three-phase internal-loop gas-lift Bioreactor. Chemical Engineering Science. 2015
- Production and characterization of new fibrinolytic protease from Mucor subtillissimus UCP 1262 in solid-state fermentation. Advances in Enzyme Research. 2015
- Characterization of polysaccharides extracted from spent coffee grounds by alkali pretreatment. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2015
- Relationship between galactomannan structure and physicochemical properties of films produced thereof. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2015
- Aquecimento óhmico: uma ferramenta ao serviço da biotecnologia 2015
- Valorização de subprodutos da indústria alimentar: obtenção de ingredientes de valor acrescentado 2015
- Biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis using corn steep liquor as culture medium. Antibiotics. 2015
- Bioconversion of agro-industrial by-products in rhamnolipids toward applications in enhanced oil recovery and bioremediation. Bioresource Technology. 2015
- Analysis of partitioning of organic compounds and proteins in aqueous polyethylene glycol-sodium sulfate aqueous two-phase systems in terms of solute-solvent interactions. Journal of Chromatography A. 2015
- Antimicrobial and anti-adhesive activities of cell-bound biosurfactant from Lactobacillus agilis CCUG31450. Nanoscale. 2015
- Bioethanol production from coconuts and cactus pretreated by autohydrolysis. Dyes and Pigments. 2015
- Cation effect on the (PEG 8000 + sodium sulfate) and (PEG 8000 + magnesium sulfate) aqueous two-phase system: Relative hydrophobicity of the equilibrium phases. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. 2015
- Chromium(III) biosorption onto spent grains residual from brewing industry: equilibrium, kinetics and column studies 2015
- Continuous beer fermentation - diacetyl as a villain. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2015
- Continuous cultivation of photosynthetic microorganisms: Approaches, applications and future trends. Biotechnology Advances. 2015
- Deflocculation of kaolin suspensions - The effect of various electrolytes. Applied Rheology. 2015
- Effect of sodium chloride on solute-solvent interactions in aqueouspolyethylene glycol-sodium sulfate two-phase systems. Journal of Chromatography A. 2015
- Fibrinolytic protease production by new Streptomyces sp. DPUA 1576 from Amazon lichens. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology. 2015
- Fixed-Bed Column Process as a Strategy for Separation and Purification of Cephamycin C from Fermented Broth. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2015
- Gallic Acid Production with Mouldy Polyurethane Particles Obtained from Solid State Culture of Aspergillus niger GH1. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2015
- Influence of moderate electric fields on gelation of whey protein isolate. Food Hydrocolloids. 2015
- Influence of thermal effect on sugars composition of Mexican Agave syrup. Cyta - Journal of Food. 2015
- Lignocellulosic bioethanol production with revalorization of low-cost agroindustrial by-products as nutritional supplements. Dyes and Pigments. 2015
- Low-cost purification of nisin from milk whey to a highly active product. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2015
- New trends and technological challenges in the industrial production and purification of fructo-oligosaccharides. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2015
- Novel bioemulsifier produced by a Paenibacillus strain isolated from crude oil. Microbial Cell Factories. 2015
2 mass transfer in an oscillatory flow reactor provided with smooth periodic constrictions. Individual characterization of kL and a. Antibiotics. 2015 - Partitioning of bovine lactoferrin in aqueous two-phase system containing poly(ethylene glycol) and sodium citrate. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2015
- Perspectives on the biotechnological production and potential applications of lactosucrose: A review. Journal of Functional Foods. 2015
- Production of hyaluronic acid by Streptococcus zooepidemicus on protein substrates obtained from Scyliorhinus canicula discards. Marine Drugs. 2015
- Rice bran protein-based films enriched by phenolic extract of fermented rice bran and montmorillonite clay. Cyta - Journal of Food. 2015
- Sugar Ester Surfactants: Enzymatic Synthesis and Applications in Food Industry. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2015
- Systematic approach for the development of fruit wines from industrially processed fruit concentrates, including optimization of fermentation parameters, chemical characterization and sensory evaluation. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2015
- Use of wheat bran arabinoxylans in chitosan-based films: Effect on physicochemical properties. Dyes and Pigments. 2015
- Vinhos de mesa varietais de uvas americanas: análises químicas e energética. Energia na Agricultura. 2015
- Biotechnological production and application of fructooligosaccharides. Antibiotics. 2014
- Consecutive alcoholic fermentations of white grape musts with yeasts immobilized on grape skins - Effect of biocatalyst storage and SO2 concentration on wine characteristics. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2014
- High gravity primary continuous beer fermentation using flocculent yeast biomass. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2014
- Chemical, Functional, and Structural Properties of Spent Coffee Grounds and Coffee Silverskin. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2014
- Yeast: The soul of beer's aroma - A review of flavour-active esters and higher alcohols produced by the brewing yeast. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2014
- An Overview of the Recent Developments on Fructooligosaccharide Production and Applications. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2014
- An air-lift biofilm reactor for the production of gamma-decalactones by Yarrowia lipolytica. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2014
- Antifungal activity of silver colloidal nanoparticles against phytopathogenic fungus (Phomopsis sp.) in soybean seeds. International Journal of Biological, Veterinary, Agricultural and Food Engineering. 2014
- Application of a high-throughput process analytical technology metabolomics pipeline to Port wine forced ageing process. Food Chemistry. 2014
- Bioremediation of distillery effluent by Pleurotus sajor-caju : evaluation of the influence of pH in vinasse derived from molasses 2014
- Carrier-free, continuous primary beer fermentation. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2014
- Characterization and rheological study of the galactomannan extracted from seeds of Cassia grandis. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2014
- Characterization of split cylinder airlift photobioreactors for efficient microalgae cultivation. Chemical Engineering Science. 2014
- Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of sulphated polysaccharides extracted from Fucus vesiculosus using different hydrothermal processes. Chemical Papers. 2014
- Comparison of delignified coconuts waste and cactus for fuel-ethanol production by the simultaneous and semi-simultaneous saccharification and fermentation strategies. Fuel. 2014
- Density, refractive index, apparent specific volume, and electrical conductivity of aqueous solutions of poly(ethylene glycol) 1500 at different temperatures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 2014
- Effect of an Edible Nanomultilayer Coating by Electrostatic Self-Assembly on the Shelf Life of Fresh-Cut Mangoes. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2014
- Effect of hemicellulose liquid phase on the enzymatic hydrolysis of autohydrolyzed Eucalyptus globulus wood. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery. 2014
- Fermentation pH in stirred tank and air-lift bioreactors affects phytase secretion by Aspergillus japonicus differently but not the particle size. Biocatalysis. 2014
- Immobilized cell systems for batch and continuous winemaking. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2014
- Industrial robust yeast isolates with great potential for fermentation of lignocellulosic biomass. Bioresource Technology. 2014
- Integrated approach for effective bioethanol production using whole slurry from autohydrolyzed Eucalyptus globulus wood at high-solid loadings. Fuel. 2014
- Integrated continuous winemaking process involving sequential alcoholic and malolactic fermentations with immobilized cells. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2014
- Maintaining yeast viability in continuous primary beer fermentation. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2014
- Origin of salt additive effect on solute partitioning in aqueous polyethylene glycol-8000-sodium sulfate two-phase system. Journal of Chromatography A. 2014
- Physical effects upon whey protein aggregation for nano-coating production. Food Research International. 2014
- Quantification of metal release from stainless steel electrodes during conventional and pulsed ohmic heating. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2014
- Recombinant production of plant lectins in microbial systems for biomedical application - The frutalin case study. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2014
- Selection of the Solvent and Extraction Conditions for Maximum Recovery of Antioxidant Phenolic Compounds from Coffee Silverskin. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2014
- Stability of clavulanic acid in PEG/citrate and liquid-liquid extraction in aqueous two-phase system. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2014
- Typical mexican agroindustrial residues as supports for solid-state fermentation. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Science. 2014
- Biosurfactant-producing and oil-degrading Bacillus subtilis strains enhance oil recovery in laboratory sand-pack columns. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2013
- Optimization and characterization of biosurfactant production by Bacillus subtilis isolates towards microbial enhanced oil recovery applications. Fuel. 2013
- Process intensification and optimization for hydroxyapatite nanoparticles production. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013
- Precipitation of hydroxyapatite at 37 °C in a meso oscillatory flow reactor operated in batch at constant power density. AIChE Journal. 2013
- Continuous-Flow Precipitation of Hydroxyapatite at 37 °C in a Meso Oscillatory Flow Reactor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2013
- Produção de etanol a partir de subproduto cervejeiro 2013
- Adaptation of a flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain to lignocellulosic inhibitors by cell recycle batch fermentation. Applied Energy. 2013
- Antibacterial activity of crude methanolic extract and fractions obtained from Larrea tridentata leaves. Dyes and Pigments. 2013
- Biorefinery valorization of autohydrolysis wheat straw hemicellulose to be applied in a polymer-blend film. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2013
- Continuous-flow precipitation of hydroxyapatite in ultrasonic microsystems. Antibiotics. 2013
- Effect of viscosity of a liquid membrane containing oleyl alcohol on the pertraction of butyric acid. Chemical Papers. 2013
- Extraction of fibrinolytic proteases from Streptomyces sp. DPUA1576 using PEG-phosphate aqueous two-phase systems. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2013
- Extraction of sulfated polysaccharides by autohydrolysis of brown seaweed Fucus vesiculosus. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2013
- Fractionation of eucalyptus globulus wood by glycerol-water pretreatment: Optimization and modeling. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2013
- Fungal fucoidanase production by solid-state fermentation in a rotating drum bioreactor using algal biomass as substrate. Food and Bioproducts Processing. 2013
- Hydrothermal processing, as an alternative for upgrading agriculture residues and marine biomass according to the biorefinery concept: A review. Food Packaging and Shelf Life. 2013
- Impact of lipase-mediated hydrolysis of castor oil on gamma-decalactone production by Yarrowia lipolytica. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' SocIETy. 2013
- Influence of extraction solvents on the recovery of antioxidant phenolic compounds from brewer's spent grains. Separation and Purification Technology. 2013
- Influence of trace elements supplementation on the production of recombinant frutalin by Pichia pastoris KM71H in fed-batch process. Chemical Papers. 2013
- Influence of volumetric oxygen transfer coefficient (k(L)a) on xylanases batch production by Aspergillus niger van Tieghem in stirred tank and internal-loop airlift bioreactors. Antibiotics. 2013
- Integrated process production and extraction of the fibrinolytic protease from Bacillus sp. UFPEDA 485. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2013
- Laccase production by free and immobilized mycelia of Peniophora cinerea and Trametes versicolor: A comparative study. Bioprocess Engineering. 2013
- Laccase recovery with aqueous two-phase systems: Enzyme partitioning and stability. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2013
- Malolactic fermentation of wines with immobilised lactic acid bacteria - Influence of concentration, type of support material and storage conditions. Food Chemistry. 2013
- Maximization of Fructooligosaccharides and ß-Fructofuranosidase Production by Aspergillus japonicus under Solid-State Fermentation Conditions. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2013
- Nanoencapsulation of bovine lactoferrin for food and biopharmaceutical applications. Food Hydrocolloids. 2013
- Ohmic heating as a new efficient process for organic synthesis in water. Green Chemistry. 2013
- Optimization of CO2 bio-mitigation by Chlorella vulgaris. Bioresource Technology. 2013
- PH influence on oxygen mass transfer coefficient in a bubble column. Individual characterization of kL and a. Chemical Engineering Science. 2013
- Partial Characterization of Biosurfactant from Lactobacillus pentosus and Comparison with Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate for the Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Soil. Biomed Research International. 2013
- Production, chemical characterization, and sensory profile of a novel spirit elaborated from spent coffee ground. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2013
- Recombinant lectins: An array of tailor-made glycan-interaction biosynthetic tools. Antibiotics. 2013
- Recovery of Peniophora cinerea laccase using aqueous two-phase systems composed by ethylene oxide/propylene oxide copolymer and potassium phosphate salts. Journal of Chromatography A. 2013
- Relationship between starch and lipid accumulation induced by nutrient depletion and replenishment in the microalga Parachlorella kessleri. Bioresource Technology. 2013
- Semi-solid-state fermentation: A promising alternative for neomycin production by the actinomycete Streptomyces fradiae. Antibiotics. 2013
- Solid-state fermentation as a strategy to improve the bioactive compounds recovery from larrea tridentata leaves. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2013
- The effect of salts on the liquid-liquid phase equilibria of PEG600 + salt aqueous two-phase systems. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 2013
- Utilization of Galactomannan from Gleditsia triacanthos in Polysaccharide-Based Films: Effects of Interactions Between Film Constituents on Film Properties. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2013
- Characterization by Electrospray Ionization and Tandem Mass Spectrometry of Rhamnolipids Produced by Two Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Strains Isolated from Brazilian Crude Oil. European Journal of Mass Spectrometry. 2012
- Mixotrophic cultivation of Chlorella vulgaris using industrial dairy waste as organic carbon source. Bioresource Technology. 2012
- Isolation and study of microorganisms from oil samples for application in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2012
- (Liquid + liquid) equilibria of polymer-salt aqueous two-phase systems for laccase partitioning: UCON 50-HB-5100 with potassium citrate and (sodium or potassium) formate at 23 °c. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. 2012
- A new approach on brewer's spent grains treatment and potential use as lignocellulosic yeast cells carriers. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012
- A novel antimicrobial lectin from Eugenia malaccensis that stimulates cutaneous healing in mice model. Inflammopharmacology. 2012
- A novel xylan degrading beta-D-xylosidase: purification and biochemical characterization. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2012
- A stable liquid-liquid extraction system for clavulanic acid using polymer-based aqueous two-phase systems. Separation and Purification Technology. 2012
- Bioactive compounds (phytoestrogens) recovery from Larrea tridentata leaves by solvents extraction. Separation and Purification Technology. 2012
- Bioethanol production from hydrothermal pretreated wheat straw by a flocculating Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain - Effect of process conditions. Fuel. 2012
- Cell recycling during repeated very high gravity bio-ethanol fermentations using the industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain PE-2. Biotechnology Letters. 2012
- Characterization of intermediate stages in the precipitation of hydroxyapatite at 37°C. Chemical Engineering Science. 2012
- Chemical characterization and antioxidant activity of sulfated polysaccharide from the red seaweed Gracilaria birdiae. Food Hydrocolloids. 2012
- Coagulant properties of Moringa oleifera protein preparations: Application to humic acid removal. Environmental Technology. 2012
- Development of shelf-life kinetic model for modified atmosphere packaging of fresh sliced mushrooms. Journal of Food Engineering. 2012
- Effect of NaCl additive on properties of aqueous PEG-sodium sulfate two-phase system. Journal of Chromatography A. 2012
- Effect of glycerol and corn oil on physicochemical properties of polysaccharide films - A comparative study. Food Hydrocolloids. 2012
- Effects of Interactions between the Constituents of Chitosan-Edible Films on Their Physical Properties. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2012
- Enhancement of oxygen mass transfer in pneumatical bioreactors using n-dodecane as oxygen-vector. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal. 2012
- Enzymatic synthesis of sugar esters and their potential as surface-active stabilizers of coconut milk emulsions. Food Hydrocolloids. 2012
- Evaluation of MAP engineering design parameters on quality of fresh-sliced mushrooms. Journal of Food Engineering. 2012
- Fed-batch versus batch cultures of Yarrowia lipolytica for gamma-decalactone production from methyl ricinoleate. Biotechnology Letters. 2012
- Fermentation medium and oxygen transfer conditions that maximize the xylose conversion to ethanol by Pichia stipitis. Renewable Energy. 2012
- Fractionation of the major whey proteins and isolation of ß-Lactoglobulin variants by anion exchange chromatography. Separation and Purification Technology. 2012
- Fructo-oligosaccharides purification from a fermentative broth using an activated charcoal column. New Biotechnology. 2012
- Growth of fungal strains on coffee industry residues with removal of polyphenolic compounds. Antibiotics. 2012
- Immobilization of commercial laccase on spent grain. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2012
- Interference of some aqueous two-phase system phase-forming components in protein determination by the Bradford method. Analytical Biochemistry. 2012
- Kinetic modeling of enzymatic saccharification using wheat straw pretreated under autohydrolysis and organosolv process. Dyes and Pigments. 2012
- Lysozyme and bovine serum albumin partitioning in polyethylene glycol-phenylalanine conjugate polymer/salt aqueous two-phase systems. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2012
- Nanocarrier possibilities for functional targeting of bioactive peptides and proteins: State-of-the-art. Journal of Drug Targeting. 2012
- New improved method for fructooligosaccharides production by Aureobasidium pullulans. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2012
- Obtenção e caracterização de bebida destilada a partir da fermentação do soro de queijo. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology. 2012
- Optimal glucose and inoculum concentrations for production of bioactive molecules by Paenibacillus polymyxa RNC-D. Chemical Papers. 2012
- Optimization of pretreatment of Jatropha oil with high free fatty acids for biodiesel production. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering. 2012
- Performance of a biosurfactant produced by a Bacillus subtilis strain isolated from crude oil samples as compared to commercial chemical surfactants. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2012
- Plasmid-mediate transfer of FLO1 into industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae PE-2 strain creates a strain useful for repeat-batch fermentations involving flocculation-sedimentation. Bioresource Technology. 2012
- Polysaccharide/Protein Nanomultilayer Coatings: Construction, Characterization and Evaluation of Their Effect on 'Rocha' Pear (Pyrus communis L.) Shelf-Life. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2012
- Production of fructooligosaccharides and ß-fructofuranosidase by batch and repeated batch fermentation with immobilized cells of Penicillium expansum. European Food Research and Technology. 2012
- Production of white wine by Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilized on grape pomace. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2012
- Production of xylanase and beta-xylosidase from autohydrolysis liquor of corncob using two fungal strains. Bioprocess Engineering. 2012
- Produção enzimática do ester oleato de etila utilizando lipase a partir de Candida antarctica B. Holos. 2012
- Recuperação adicional de petróleo com recurso a microrganismos 2012
- Saccharomyces cerevisiae oxidative response evaluation by cyclic voltammetry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012
- Smart RTD for multiphase flow systems. Chemical Engineering Research & Design. 2012
- Starch determination in Chlorella vulgaris-a comparison between acid and enzymatic methods. Journal of Applied Phycology. 2012
- Statistical tool combined with image analysis to characterize hydrodynamics and mass transfer in a bubble column. Antibiotics. 2012
- Sugars metabolism and ethanol production by different yeast strains from coffee industry wastes hydrolysates. Applied Energy. 2012
- The Effect of the Electric Field on Lag Phase, ß-Galactosidase Production and Plasmid Stability of a Recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strain Growing on Lactose. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2012
- Xylanase and beta-Xylosidase Production by Aspergillus ochraceus: New Perspectives for the Application of Wheat Straw Autohydrolysis Liquor. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2012
- Extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds from spent coffee grounds. Separation and Purification Technology. 2011
- Nutrient limitation as a strategy for increasing starch accumulation in microalgae. Applied Energy. 2011
- Biosurfactant-producing lactobacilli : screening, production profiles and effect of medium composition 2011
- Effect of spent grains on flow regime transition in bubble column. Chemical Engineering Science. 2011
- Poly(dimethyl siloxane) surface modification with biosurfactants isolated from probiotic strains. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. 2011
- Aplicação de um pré-tratamento hidrotérmico para a produção de etanol de segunda geração a partir da palha de trigo. Valorização de Resíduos. 2011
- A study on chemical constituents and sugars extraction from spent coffee grounds. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2011
- Antimicrobial and anti-adhesive potential of a biosurfactant Rufisan produced by Candida lipolytica UCP 0988. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2011
- Antioxidant Potential of Two Red Seaweeds from the Brazilian Coasts. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2011
- Aqueous two-phase micellar systems in an oscillatory flow micro-reactor: Study of perspectives and experimental performance. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2011
- Bioactive phenolic compounds: Production and extraction by solid-state fermentation. A review. Biotechnology Advances. 2011
- Biochemistry of lactone formation in yeast and fungi and its utilisation for the production of flavour and fragrance compounds. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2011
- CFD simulation and experimental measurement of gas holdup and liquid interstitial velocity in internal loop airlift reactor. Chemical Engineering Science. 2011
- Characterization of galactooligosaccharides produced by ß-galactosidase immobilized onto magnetized Dacron. International Dairy Journal. 2011
- Chemical composition and sensory analysis of cheese whey-based beverages using kefir grains as starter culture. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 2011
- Comparative study of the biochemical changes and volatile compound formations during the production of novel whey-based kefir beverages and traditional milk kefir. Food Chemistry. 2011
- Comparing the impact of environmental factors during very high gravity brewing fermentations. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2011
- Cytotoxic effects of native and recombinant frutalin, a plant galactose-binding lectin, on HeLa cervical cancer cells. Biomed Research International. 2011
- Development and characterization of an environmentally friendly process sequence (autohydrolysis and organosolv) for wheat straw delignification. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2011
- Effect of Guar Gum on the Physicochemical, Thermal, Rheological and Textural Properties of Green Edam Cheese. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2011
- Effect of salt additives on partition of nonionic solutes in aqueous PEG-sodium sulfate two-phase system. Journal of Chromatography A. 2011
- Effect of some solid properties on gas-liquid mass transfer in a bubble column. Chemical Engineering and Processing. 2011
- Empirical modelling as an experimental approach to optimize lactone production. Catalysis Science & Technology. 2011
- Ethanol production from xylose by Pichia stipitis NRRL Y-7124 in a stirred tank bioreactor. Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2011
- Evaluating the potential of wine-making residues and corn cobs as support materials for cell immobilization for ethanol production. Dyes and Pigments. 2011
- Evaluation antimicrobial and antiadhesive properties of the biosurfactant Lunasan produced by Candida sphaerica UCP 0995. Current Microbiology. 2011
- Exploring the denaturation of whey proteins upon application of moderate electric fields: A kinetic and thermodynamic study. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2011
- Formation of Flavor-Active Compounds during Continuous Alcohol-Free Beer Production: The Influence of Yeast Strain, Reactor Configuration, and Carrier Type. Journal of the American SocIETy of Brewing Chemists. 2011
- Fractionation and recovery of whey proteins by hydrophobic interaction chromatography. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. 2011
- Galactomannans use in the development of edible films/coatings for food applications. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 2011
- Immobilization of trypsin on spent grains for whey protein hydrolysis. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2011
- Immobilized ß-galactosidase onto magnetic particles coated with polyaniline: Support characterization and galactooligosaccharides production. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2011
- Influence of concentration, ionic strength and pH on zeta potential and mean hydrodynamic diameter of edible polysaccharide solutions envisaged for multinanolayered films production. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2011
- Interaction of Moringa oleifera seed lectin with humic acid. Chemical Papers. 2011
- Maximization of fructose esters synthesis by response surface methodology. New Biotechnology. 2011
- Meniscus dynamics in bubble formation: A parametric study. Chemical Engineering Science. 2011
- Microwave-assisted extraction of sulfated polysaccharides (fucoidan) from brown seaweed. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2011
- Oil-in-water emulsions characterization by laser granulometry and impact on gamma-decalactone production in Yarrowia lipolytica. Biotechnology Letters. 2011
- Optimal fermentation conditions for maximizing the ethanol production by Kluyveromyces fragilis from cheese whey powder. Biomass and Bioenergy. 2011
- Optimization of a colorimetric assay for yeast lipase activity in complex systems. Analytical Methods. 2011
- Optimization of process parameters for the production of an OTA-hydrolyzing enzyme from Aspergillus niger under solid-state fermentation. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2011
- Processing of byproducts to improve nisin production by Lactococcus lactis. African Journal of Biotechnology. 2011
- Production of xylanolytic enzymes by Aspergillus terricola in stirred tank and airlift tower loop bioreactors. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2011
- Production, Composition, and Application of Coffee and Its Industrial Residues. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2011
- Rheological characterization of k-carrageenan/galactomannan and xanthan/galactomannan gels: Comparison of galactomannans from non-traditional sources with conventional galactomannans. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2011
- Robust industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for very high gravity bio-ethanol fermentations. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2011
- Salt effect on the (polyethylene glycol 8000 + sodium sulfate) aqueous two-phase system: Relative hydrophobicity of the equilibrium phases. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. 2011
- Salt effect on the aqueous two-phase system PEG 8000-sodium sulfate. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 2011
- Structural and thermal characterization of galactomannans from non-conventional sources. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2011
- The effect of bovine milk lactoferrin on human breast cancer cell lines. Journal of Dairy Science. 2011
- Using an online image analysis technique to characterize sucrose crystal morphology during a crystallization run. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2011
- Water sorption and plasticization of an amorphous galacto-oligosaccharide mixture. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2011
- Evaluation of a chitosan-based edible film as carrier of natamycin to improve the storability of Saloio cheese. Journal of Food Engineering. 2010
- Effect of Chitosan-Based Coatings on the Shelf Life of Salmon (Salmo salar). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2010
- Influence of electric fields on the structure of chitosan edible coatings. Food Hydrocolloids. 2010
- Characterization of galactomannans extracted from seeds of Gleditsia triacanthos and Sophora japonica through shear and extensional rheology: Comparison with guar gum and locust bean gum. Food Hydrocolloids. 2010
- Isolation and functional characterization of a biosurfactant produced by Lactobacillus paracasei. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2010
- Use of galactomannan edible coating application and storage temperature for prolonging shelf-life of "Regional" cheese. Journal of Food Engineering. 2010
- Moderate electric fields can inactivate Escherichia coli at room temperature. Journal of Food Engineering. 2010
- Adaptation of dinitrosalicylic acid method to microtiter plates. Analytical Methods. 2010
- Antimicrobial and antiadhesive properties of a biosurfactant isolated from Lactobacillus paracasei ssp. paracasei A20. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2010
- Characterization of different fruit wines made from cacao, cupuassu, gabiroba, jaboticaba and umbu. ACS Food Science & Technology. 2010
- Comparison of adsorption equilibrium of fructose, glucose and sucrose on potassium gel-type and macroporous sodium ion-exchange resins. Analytica Chimica Acta. 2010
- Effects of electric fields on protein unfolding and aggregation: Influence on edible films formation. Biomacromolecules. 2010
- Fermentation of deproteinized cheese whey powder solutions to ethanol by engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Effect of supplementation with corn steep liquor and repeated-batch operation with biomass recycling by flocculation. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2010
- Fermentation of lactose to bio-ethanol by yeasts as part of integrated solutions for the valorisation of cheese whey. Biotechnology Advances. 2010
- Fermentative behavior of Saccharomyces strains during microvinification of raspberry juice (Rubus idaeus L.). International Journal of Food Microbiology. 2010
- Fructooligosaccharide production by Penicillium expansum. Biotechnology Letters. 2010
- Fucoidan-degrading fungal strains: Screening, morphometric evaluation, and influence of medium composition. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2010
- Galacto-Oligosaccharides: Production, properties, applications, and significance as prebiotics. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. 2010
- Gas-liquid interfacial area in the oxygen absorption to oil-in-water emulsions in an airlift reactor. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2010
- Gibbs free energy of transfer of a methylene group on {UCON + (sodium or potassium) phosphate salts} aqueous two-phase systems: Hydrophobicity effects. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics. 2010
- Increase in the fructooligosaccharides yield and productivity by solid-state fermentation with Aspergillus japonicus using agro-industrial residues as support and nutrient source. Antibiotics. 2010
- Kinetic study of nordihydroguaiaretic acid recovery from Larrea tridentata by microwave-assisted extraction. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2010
- Light regime characterization in an airlift photobioreactor for production of microalgae with high starch content. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2010
- Liquid backmixing in oscillatory flow through a periodically constricted meso-tube. Chemical Engineering and Processing. 2010
- Liquid-liquid equilibria of UCON + (Sodium or Potassium) phosphate salt aqueous two-phase systems at 23 °C. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 2010
- New edible coatings composed of galactomannans and collagen blends to improve the postharvest quality of fruits - Influence on fruits gas transfer rate. Journal of Food Engineering. 2010
- Numerical study of micromixing combining alternate flow and obstacles. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2010
- Optimization of low-cost medium for very high gravity ethanol fermentations by Saccharomyces cerevisiae using statistical experimental designs. Bioresource Technology. 2010
- Physical and thermal properties of a chitosan/alginate nanolayered PET film. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2010
- Physical and thermal properties of a chitosan/algine nanolayered PET film. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2010
- Poly(dimethyl siloxane) surface modification by low pressure plasma to improve its characteristics towards biomedical applications. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2010
- Polysaccharide from Anacardium occidentale L. tree gum (Policaju) as a coating for Tommy Atkins mangoes. Chemical Papers. 2010
- Production of fermented cheese whey-based beverage using kefir grains as starter culture : evaluation of morphological and microbial variations. Bioresource Technology. 2010
- Production, characterization and application of activated carbon from Brewer's spent grain lignin. Bioresource Technology. 2010
- Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) wine: Yeast selection, sensory evaluation and instrumental analysis of volatile and other compounds. Food Research International. 2010
- Seed extracts of Gleditsia triacanthos: Functional properties evaluation and incorporation into galactomannan films. Food Research International. 2010
- Selection of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for efficient very high gravity bio-ethanol fermentation processes. Biotechnology Letters. 2010
- Solute partitioning in polymer-salt ATPS: The Collander equation. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2010
- Technological trends, global market, and challenges of bio-ethanol production. Biotechnology Advances. 2010
- Temperature and solid properties effects on gas-liquid mass transfer. Antibiotics. 2010
- The Use of Electric Fields for Edible Coatings and Films Development and Production: A Review. Food Engineering Reviews. 2010
- The use of methyl ricinoleate in lactone production by Yarrowia lipolytica : Aspects of bioprocess operation that influence the overall performance. Biocatalysis. 2010
- Utilização de revestimentos/filmes edíveis para aplicações alimentares. Boletim de Biotecnologia. 2010
- A Rede de Competência CEBio. Valorização de Resíduos. 2009
- Desenvolvimento de processos fermentativos para a produção de bioetanol. Valorização de Resíduos. 2009
- Significance of osteopontin expression in human invasive breast tumour stroma. Open Breast Cancer Journal. 2009
- The use of olive mill wastewater by wild type Yarrowia lipolytica strains: Medium supplementation and surfactant presence effect. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2009
- A comparative study of recombinant and native frutalin binding to human prostate tissues. BMC Biotechnology. 2009
- Application of response surface methodological approach to optimise Reactive Black 5 decolouration by crude laccase from Trametes pubescens. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2009
- Banana as Adjunct in Beer Production: Applicability and Performance of Fermentative Parameters. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2009
- CDNA Cloning and Functional Expression of the a-d-Galactose-Binding Lectin Frutalin in Escherichia coli. Molecular Biotechnology. 2009
- Cellulosic films obtained from the treatment of sugarcane bagasse fibers with N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO).. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2009
- Characterisation of volatile compounds in an alcoholic beverage produced by whey fermentation. Food Chemistry. 2009
- Chitosan/clay films' properties as affected by biopolymer and clay micro/nanoparticles' concentrations. Food Hydrocolloids. 2009
- Colonization of Aspergillus japonicus on synthetic materials and application to the production of fructooligosaccharides. Carbohydrate Research. 2009
- Effect of moderate electric fields in the permeation properties of chitosan coatings. Food Hydrocolloids. 2009
- Exploitation of agro industrial wastes as immobilization carrier for solid-state fermentation. Dyes and Pigments. 2009
- Exploiting the sequence of naturally occurring elastin : construction, production and characterization of a recombinant thermoplastic protein-based polymer. Journal of Nano Research. 2009
- Extraction, purification and characterization of galactomannans from non-traditional sources. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2009
- Flow cytometry for age assessment of a yeast population and its application in beer fermentations. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2009
- Fructooligosaccharides and ß-fructofuranosidase production by Aspergillus japonicus immobilized on lignocellulosic materials. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2009
- Functional polysaccharides as edible coatings for cheese. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2009
- Galacto-oligosaccharides production during lactose hydrolysis by free Aspergillus oryzae ß-galactosidase and immobilized on magnetic polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol. Food Chemistry. 2009
- Galactooligosaccharides production by ß-galactosidase immobilized onto magnetic polysiloxane-polyaniline particles. Reactive and Functional Polymers. 2009
- Isolation of a seed coagulant Moringa oleifera lectin. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2009
- Lactoferrin and cancer disease prevention. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition. 2009
- Liquid-liquid equilibrium of the Ucon 50-HB5100/sodium citrate aqueous two-phase systems. Separation and Purification Technology. 2009
- Optimisation of lab-scale continuous alcohol-free beer production. Czech Journal of Food Sciences. 2009
- Oxygen mass transfer to emulsions in a bubble column contactor. Antibiotics. 2009
- Partitioning of glycomacropeptide in aqueous two-phase systems. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2009
- Physical properties of edible coatings and films made with a polysaccharide from Anacardium occidentale L.. Journal of Food Engineering. 2009
- Production of 3-hydroxy-gamma-decalactone, the precursor of two decenolides with flavouring properties, by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2009
- Production of Aspergillus niger GH1 tannase using solid-state fermentation. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology. 2009
- Retention of Cr(VI) and Pb(II) on a loamy sand soil. Kinetics, equilibria and breakthrough. Antibiotics. 2009
- Rheological and structural characterization of gels from whey protein hydrolysates/locust bean gum mixed systems. Food Hydrocolloids. 2009
- Stability of clavulanic acid under variable pH, ionic strength and temperature conditions. A new kinetic approach. Antibiotics. 2009
- Suitability of novel galactomannans as edible coatings for tropical fruits. Journal of Food Engineering. 2009
- Total soluble solids from banana: Evaluation and optimization of extraction parameters. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2009
- ß-Fructofuranosidase production by repeated batch fermentation with immobilized Aspergillus japonicus. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2009
- Computational Shelf-Life Dating: Complex Systems Approaches to Food Quality and Safety. Food and Bioprocess Technology. 2008
- "On the Collander equation": Protein partitioning in polymer/polymer aqueous two-phase systems. Journal of Chromatography A. 2008
- A review of flavour formation in continuous beer fermentations. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2008
- AG(CH2) in PEG - salt and ucon - Salt aqueous two-phase systems. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 2008
- Adaptive evolution of a lactose-consuming Saccharomyces cerevisiae recombinant. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2008
- An alternative application to the Portuguese agro-industrial residue: Wheat straw. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2008
- Chitosan coating surface properties as affected by plasticizer, surfactant and polymer concentrations in relation to the surface properties of tomato and carrot. Food Hydrocolloids. 2008
- Comparative transcriptome analysis between original and evolved recombinant lactose-consuming Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. Antibiotics. 2008
- Correlations between distribution coefficients of various biomolecules in different polymer/polymer aqueous two-phase systems. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2008
- Differentiation of human pre-adipocytes by recombinant adiponectin. Protein Expression and Purification. 2008
- Effect of oxygen supply on flavor formation during continuous alcohol-free beer production: A model study. Journal of the American SocIETy of Brewing Chemists. 2008
- Enhanced gas-liquid mass transfer of an oscillatory constricted-tubular reactor. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2008
- Expression of frutalin, an a-d-galactose-binding jacalin-related lectin, in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Protein Expression and Purification. 2008
- Fermentation of high concentrations of lactose to ethanol by engineered flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnology Letters. 2008
- High gravity batch and continuous processes for beer production: Evaluation of fermentation performance and beer quality. Chemical Papers. 2008
- Immobilization of ß-galactosidase from Kluyveromyces lactis onto a polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol magnetic (mPOS-PVA) composite for lactose hydrolysis. Catalysis Communications. 2008
- Interactions between bacterial surfaces and milk proteins, impact on food emulsions stability. Food Hydrocolloids. 2008
- Measurement of gas phase characteristics using a monofibre optical probe in a three-phase flow. Chemical Engineering Science. 2008
- Optimized extraction of a lectin from Crataeva tapia bark using AOT in isooctane reversed micelles. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2008
- Permeability analysis in bisized porous media: Wall effect between particles of different size. Journal of Hydrology. 2008
- Purification of a lectin from Eugenia uniflora L. seeds and its potential antibacterial activity. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2008
- Separation of different forms of proteose peptone 3 by hydrophobic interaction chromatography with a dual salt system. Biomedical Chromatography. 2008
- Simulation of liquid phase accumulation for the centrifugal dewatering of activated sludge. Filtration. 2008
- Sistemas computacionais para a previsão da qualidade e segurança alimentar : uma perspectiva de sistemas complexos. Engium. 2008
- Starch analysis using hydrodynamic chromatography with a mixed-bed particle column. Carbohydrate Polymers. 2008
- Stimulation of zero-trans rates of lactose and maltose uptake into yeasts by preincubation with hexose to increase the adenylate energy charge. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2008
- ¿G(CH2) as solvent descriptor in polymer/polymer aqueous two-phase systems. Journal of Chromatography A. 2008
- Caracterização do perfil de ácidos gordos livres durante a pasteurização convencional e óhmica 2007
- Monitorização da qualidade do leite de cabra durante a pasteurização e processamento óhmico usando sensores de fibra óptica 2007
- O potencial da lactoferrina na prevenção do cancro da mama 2007
- Application of the Cre-loxP system for multiple gene disruption in the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus. Antibiotics. 2007
- Carboxymethylcellulose obtained by ethanol/water organosolv process under acid conditions. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology. 2007
- Comparison of chemical properties of food products processed by conventional and ohmic heating. Chemical Papers. 2007
- Comparison of chemical properties of food products processed by conventional and ohmic heating. Chemical Papers. 2007
- Development of stable flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain for continuous Aspergillus niger ß-galactosidase production. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2007
- Ohmic heating treatment of fruit puree. Engenharia Química: Indústria, Ciência e Tecnologia. 2007
- Monitoring of brewing yeast propagation under aerobic and anaerobic conditions employing flow cytometry. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2007
- Optimization of edible coating composition to retard strawberry fruit senescence. Postharvest Biology and Technology. 2007
- Oxygen mass transfer in a biphasic medium: Influence on the biotransformation of methyl ricinoleate into gamma-decalactone by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Antibiotics. 2007
- Permeability and effective thermal conductivity of bisized porous media. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2007
- Physicochemical characterization of the PEG8000-Na2so 4 aqueous two-phase system. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2007
- Preparation of ingredients containing an ACE-inhibitory peptide by tryptic hydrolysis of whey protein concentrates. International Dairy Journal. 2007
- Strategies for the prevention of microbial biofilm formation on silicone rubber voice prostheses. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B. 2007
- The intensification of gas-liquid flows with a periodic, constricted oscillatory-meso tube. Chemical Engineering Science. 2007
- The role of osteopontin in tumor progression and metastasis in breast cancer. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention. 2007
- Novas técnicas cromatográficas. Engenharia Química: Indústria, Ciência e Tecnologia. 2006
- Application of a novel oscillatory flow micro-bioreactor to the production of ¿-decalactone in a two immiscible liquid phase medium. Biotechnology Letters. 2006
- Biosurfactants: Potential applications in medicine. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. 2006
- Continuous immobilized yeast reactor system for complete beer fermentation using spent grains and corncobs as carrier materials. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology. 2006
- Inhibition of microbial adhesion to silicone rubber treated with biosurfactant from Streptococcus thermophilus A. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology. 2006
- Interference in adhesion of bacteria and yeasts isolated from explanted voice prostheses to silicone rubber by rhamnolipid biosurfactants. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2006
- Isolation and partial characterization of a biosurfactant produced by Streptococcus thermophilus A. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2006
- Kinetic study of fermentative biosurfactant production by Lactobacillus strains. Antibiotics. 2006
- Kinetics of lactose fermentation using a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2006
- Laccase activity from the fungus Trametes hirsuta using an air-lift bioreactor. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 2006
- Low-cost fermentative medium for biosurfactant production by probiotic bacteria. Antibiotics. 2006
- Motion of a magnetic flow follower in two-phase flow - Application to the study of airlift reactor hydrodynamics. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2006
- New and simple plate test for screening relative transfructosylation activity of fungi. Revista Iberoamericana de Micologia. 2006
- Physicochemical and functional characterization of a biosurfactant produced by Lactococcus lactis 53. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 2006
- Proof-of-concept of a novel micro-bioreactor for fast development of industrial bioprocesses. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2006
- Response surface optimization of the medium components for the production of biosurfactants by probiotic bacteria. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2006
- Tortuosity variation in a low density binary particulate bed. Separation and Purification Technology. 2006
- Trypsin hydrolysis of whey protein concentrates: Characterization using multivariate data analysis. Food Chemistry. 2006
- Utilisation of controlled pore topology for the separation of bioparticles in a mixed-glass beads column. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. 2006
- Continuous primary fermentation of beer : yeast immobilization kinetics and product quality. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology. 2005
- Fermentation performance of a recombinant lactose-consuming flocculating Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Brazilian Journal of Food Technology. 2005
- Aspergillus niger ß-galactosidase production by yeast in a continuous high cell density reactor. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2005
- Continuous beer fermentation using immobilized yeast cell bioreactor systems. Biotechnology Progress. 2005
- Decalactone production by Yarrowia lipolytica under increased O2 transfer rates. Biotechnology Letters. 2005
- Fluid mechanics and design aspects of a novel oscillatory flow screening mesoreactor. Chemical Engineering Research & Design. 2005
- Liquid-liquid equilibrium of aqueous polymer two-phase systems using the modified wilson equation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2005
- Prediction of protein partition in polymer/salt aqueous two-phase systems using the modified Wilson model. Antibiotics. 2005
- Production of dextran and fructose from carob pod extract and cheese whey by Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B512(f). Antibiotics. 2005
- Relationships between hydrodynamics and rheology of flocculating yeast suspensions in a high-cell-density airlift bioreactor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2005
- Study of ternary glass spherical particle beds: porosity, tortuosity, and permeability. Filtration. 2005
- Surface properties of Yarrowia lipolytica and their relevance to ¿-decalactone formation from methyl ricinoleate. Biotechnology Letters. 2005
- Use of two different carriers in a packed bed reactor for endopolygalacturonase production by a yeast strain. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2005
- Using image analysis in the study of multiphase gas absorption. Chemical Engineering Science. 2005
- Physicochemical surface properties of brewing yeast influencing their immobilization onto spent grains in a continuous reactor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2004
- Biosurfactant from Lactococcus lactis 53 inhibits microbial adhesion on silicone rubber. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2004
- Changes in diffusion through the brain extracellular space. Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry. 2004
- Continuous primary fermentation of beer with yeast immobilized on spent grains : the effect of operational conditions. Journal of the American SocIETy of Brewing Chemists. 2004
- Cr(III) removal and recovery from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Antibiotics. 2004
- Enzymatic hydrolysis of whey protein concentrates: Peptide HPLC profiles. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies. 2004
- Growth model and metabolic activity of brewing yeast biofilm on the surface of spent grains: A biocatalyst for continuous beer fermentation. Biotechnology Progress. 2004
- Influence of biosurfactants from probiotic bacteria on formation of biofilms on voice prostheses. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2004
- Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium Phase Diagrams of New Aqueous Two-Phase Systems:¿ Ucon 50-HB5100 + Ammonium Sulfate + Water, Ucon 50-HB5100 + Poly(vinyl alcohol) + Water, Ucon 50-HB5100 + Hydroxypropyl Starch + Water, and Poly(ethylene glycol) 8000 + Poly(vinyl alcohol) + Water. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. 2004
- Ohmic heating of strawberry products: Electrical conductivity measurements and ascorbic acid degradation kinetics. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies. 2004
- Particulate binary mixtures : dependence of packing porosity on particle size ratio. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research. 2004
- Preparation of controlled particulate mixtures with glass beads of different sizes. Separation and Purification Technology. 2004
- Production of ß-galactosidase from recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae grown on lactose. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2004
- Residence times and mixing of a novel continuous oscillatory flow screening reactor. Chemical Engineering Science. 2004
- The effect of electric field on important food-processing enzymes : comparison of inactivation kinetics under conventional and ohmic heating. Journal of Food Science. 2004
- The use of enzymes and microorganisms for the production of aroma compounds from lipids. Food Technology and Biotechnology. 2004
- Hydrodynamics of a three-phase airlift reactor with an enlarged separator : application to high cell density systems. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2003
- A new modified Wilson equation for the calculation of vapor-liquid equilibrium of aqueous polymer solutions. Fluid Phase Equilibria. 2003
- Acquisition of flocculation phenotype by Kluyveromyces marxianus when overexpressing GAP1 gene encoding an isoform of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 2003
- Aqueous two-phase extraction using thermoseparating polymer: A new system for the separation of endo-polygalacturonase. Antibiotics. 2003
- Continuous Production of Pectinase by Immobilized Yeast Cells on Spent Grains. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2003
- Effect of viscosity on homogeneous-heterogeneous flow regime transition in bubble columns. Antibiotics. 2003
- Hydrodynamic considerations on optimal design of a three-phase airlift bioreactor with high solids loading. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology. 2003
- Interference of coarse and fine particles of different shape in mixed porous beds and filter cakes. Minerals Engineering. 2003
- Recovery of the Proteose Peptone Component 3 from Cheese Whey in Reppal PES 100 / Polyethylene Glycol Aqueous Two-Phase Systems. Biotechnology Letters. 2003
- The enhancement of the cellulolytic activity of cellobiohydrolase I and endoglucanase by the addition of cellulose binding domains derived from Trichoderma reesei. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 2003
- The influence of field strength, sugar and solid content on electrical conductivity of strawberry products. Journal of Food Process Engineering. 2003
- Comparative Study of Selva and Camarosa Strawberries for the Commercial Market. Journal of Food Science. 2002
- Construction of a flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain secreting high levels of Aspergillus niger ß-galactosidase. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2002
- Continuous primary beer fermentation with brewing yeast immobilized on spent grains. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 2002
- Dextran and fructose separation on an SMB continuous chromatographic unit. Antibiotics. 2002
- Expression of a fungal hydrophobin in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae cell wall: Effect on cell surface properties and immobilization. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 2002
- Immobilized particles in gel matrix-type porous media. Homogeneous porous media model. Biotechnology Progress. 2002
- Influence of cell-shape on the cake resistance in dead-end and cross-flow filtrations. Separation and Purification Technology. 2002
- Role of fractional cake composition in cake resistance 2002
- Alcohol production from cheese whey permeate using genetically modified flocculent yeast cells. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2001
- Binary spherical particle mixed beds: porosity and permeability relationship measurement 2001
- Biotechnology Letters. Biotechnology Letters. 2001
- Effect of airflow rate on yields of Steinernema carpocapse Az 20 in liquid culture in an external-loop airlift bioreactor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2001
- Oxygen mass transfer in a high solids loading three-phase internal-loop airlift reactor. Antibiotics. 2001
- Partitioning and separation of a-lactalbumin and ß-lactoglobulin in polyethylene glycol/ammonium sulphate aqueous two-phase systems. Biotechnology Letters. 2001
- Separation of endo-polygalacturonase using aqueous two-phase partitioning. Journal of Chromatography A. 2001
- A simple method to separate cellulose-binding domains of fungal cellulases after digestion by a protease. Biotechnology Letters. 2000
- Applications of Yeast Flocculation in Biotechnological Processes. Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering. 2000
- Construction of a flocculent brewer's yeast strain secreting Aspergillus niger ß-galactosidase. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2000
- Contamination of a high-cell-density continuous bioreactor. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 2000
- Hydrodynamics of a three-phase external-loop airlift bioreactor. Chemical Engineering Science. 2000
- Incorporação de proteínas lácteas no queijo de vaca 2000
- Production of dextransucrase, dextran and fructose from sucrose using Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B512(f). Antibiotics. 2000
- Recovery of endo-polygalacturonase using polyethylene glycol-salt aqueous two-phase extraction with polymer recycling. Bioseparation. 2000
- Image modeling of mixed granular porous media 1999
- Increase of ethanol productivity in an airlift reactor with a modified draught tube. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 1999
- Construction of a flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermenting lactose. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 1999
- Continuous ethanol fermentation of lactose by a recombinant flocculating Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 1999
- Hydrodynamic model for three-phase internal- and external-loop airlift reactors. Chemical Engineering Science. 1999
- Image analysis of packed beds of spherical particles of different sizes. Separation and Purification Technology. 1999
- Isolation, screening, and characterisation of flocculating and pectinase producing Kluyveromyces strains. Food Technology and Biotechnology. 1999
- Removal efficiency of Cu2+, Cd2+ and Pb2+ by waste brewery biomass: pH and cation association effects. Desalination. 1999
- The use of flocculating brewer's yeast for Cr(III) and Pb(II) removal from residual wastewaters. Bioprocess Engineering. 1999
- Cutinase purification on poly(ethylene glycol)-hydroxypropyl starch aqueous two-phase systems. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. 1998
- Effect of liquid-phase surface tension on hydrodynamics of a three- phase airlift reactor with an enlarged degassing zone. Bioprocess Engineering. 1998
- Hydrodynamic studies in an airlift reactor with an enlarged degassing zone. Bioprocess Engineering. 1998
- Mass transfer properties of glucose and O-2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae flocs. Antibiotics. 1998
- Modelling Diffusion-Reaction Phenomena in Yeast Flocs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Bioprocess Engineering. 1998
- On-line estimation of biomass through pH control analysis in aerobic yeast fermentation systems. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 1998
- Solid-phase distribution in an airlift reactor with an enlarged degassing zone. Biotechnology Techniques. 1998
- Characterization of sugar diffusion coefficients in alginate membranes. Biotechnology Techniques. 1997
- A new sampling device for measuring solids hold-up in a three-phase system. Biotechnology Techniques. 1997
- A new technique for measuring kinetic and mass transfer parameters in flocs of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biotechnology Techniques. 1997
- Rapid and sensitive detection of ß-galactosidase-producing yeasts by using microtiter plate assay. Biotechnology Techniques. 1997
- Trivalent chromium sorption on alginate beads. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 1997
- Yeast flocculation: A new method for characterising cell surface interactions. Journal of the Institute of Brewing. 1997
- A rapid method for separation of adults in a mixed population of Steinernema carpocapsae (Nematoda : Steinernematidae). Fundamental and Applied Nematology. 1996
- Characterization of oxygen uptake and mass transfer in flocculent yeast cell cultures with or without a flocculent additive. Biotechnology Letters. 1996
- Enzyme Purification with Aqueous Two-Phase Systems: Comparison Between Systems Composed by Pure Polymers and Systems Composed by Crude Polymers. Journal of Chromatography B-Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences. 1996
- Sizing and counting of Saccharomyces cerevisiae floc populations by image analysis, using an automatically calculated threshold. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 1996
- Protein partition on a derivative guar gum based aqueous two-phase system. Bioseparation. 1995
- Cell wall surface properties and flocculence of a Kluyveromyces marxianus strain. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 1995
- Introduction of flocculation into industrial yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae saké, by protoplast fusion. Microbios. 1995
- Protein Mass Transfer Studies on a Spray Column using the PEG-Reppal PES 100 Aqueous Two-Phase Systems. Bioprocess Engineering. 1995
- An explanation for the interaction mechanism of an anionic polymeric additive on yeast flocculent cells. Biotechnology Letters. 1994
- Cellulose morphology and enzymatic reactivity: a modified solute exclusion technique. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 1994
- Effect of cultural and nutritional conditions on the control of flocculation expression of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 1994
- Influence of operational parameters on the start-up of a flocculation airlift bioreactor. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 1994
- Model identification and diffusion coefficients determination of glucose and malic acid in calcium alginate membranes. Antibiotics. 1994
- Evaluation of crude hydroxypropyl starch as a bioseparation aqueous-phase-forming polymer. Biotechnology Progress. 1993
- Must deacidification with an induced flocculant yeast strain of Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 1993
- New methodology for the characterization of endoglucanase activity and its application on the Trichoderma longibrachiatum cellulolytic complex. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 1993
- Determination of catalase activity and its inhibition by a simple manometric method. Biochemical Education. 1992
- Differences in the flocculation mechanism of Kluyveromyces marxianus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1992
- Enhancement of metabolic rates of yeast flocculent cells through the use of polymeric additives. Bioprocess Engineering. 1992
- Interaction effects between flocculent and non-flocculent cells of S. cerevisiae. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 1992
capítulo de livro
- Application of Biosurfactant in Petroleum 2023
- Bioreactors and engineering of filamentous fungi cultivation 2023
- Unit operations for extraction and purification of biological products 2022
- Active packaging systems based on metal and metal oxide nanoparticles 2021
- Application of Biosurfactants for Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery (MEOR) 2021
- Biosurfactants as Biocontrol Agents Against Mycotoxigenic Fungi 2021
- Valorization of Natural Antioxidants for Nutritional and Health Applications 2021
- Nanotechnology in food: Introduction, context, and concepts 2019
- Development of bio-based nanostructured systems by electrohydrodynamic processes 2018
- Bio-Based Nanocomposites for Food Packaging and Their Effect in Food Quality and Safety 2018
- Estimation of Proximate Composition of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa, Willd.) Flour by Near-Infrared Transmission Spectroscopy 2018
- Production of a Transfructosylating Enzymatic Activity Associated to Fructooligosaccharides. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability. 2018
- Valorization of Wastes From Agrofood and Pulp and Paper Industries Within the Biorefinery Concept: Southwestern Europe Scenario 2018
- Antimicrobial peptides from agro-industrial waste a key to new antibiotics 2017
- Biological treatments to improve the quality of heavy crude oils. Environmental Footprints and Eco-design of Products and Processes. 2017
- Edible Film and Packaging Using Gum Polysaccharides 2017
- Physicochemical Characterization of the Yeast Cells and Lignocellulosic Waste Used in Cell Immobilization for Ethanol Production 2017
- Preface 2017
- Production of Hemicellulases, Xylitol, and Furan from Hemicellulosic Hydrolysates Using Hydrothermal Pretreatment 2017
- Active and intelligent packaging for milk and milk products 2016
- Aqueous two-phase systems applied to whey protein separation 2016
- Bioseparation processes 2016
- Biotechnological production of oligosaccharides: advances and challenges 2016
- Characterization of Industrial Bioreactors (Mixing, Heat, and Mass Transfer) 2016
- Microbiology of Petroleum Reservoirs 2016
- Nonmechanically Agitated Bioreactors 2016
- Potential applications of whey proteins in the medical field 2016
- Simulated moving bed operating conditions for fructo-oligosaccharides separation 2016
- Whey and Whey Powders: Production and Uses 2016
- Cellulose from lignocellulosic Waste 2015
- Cheese whey fermentation 2015
- Microbial enhanced oil recovery 2015
- Production and Extraction of Polysaccharides and Oligosaccharides and Their Use as New Food Additives 2015
- Antimicrobial and anti-adhesive potential of biosurfactants produced by Candida species 2013
- Beer 2013
- Biotechnology-derived enzymes for food applications 2013
- Coffee 2013
- Dairy 2013
- Process Analytical Technology 2013
- Ohmic Heating for Food Processing 2012
- Equilibrium studies for the adsorption of fructo-oligosaccharides on a Dowex Monosphere calcium resin 2012
- Use of agro-industrial wastes in solid-state fermentation processes 2012
- Sustentabilidade na indústria alimentar 2011
- Antioxidant properties of Gracilaria birdiae and Gracilaria cornea, two red seaweeds from the brazilian coasts 2010
- Biomedical and therapeutic applications of biosurfactants. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 2010
- Functional properties of Gleditsia triacanthos seeds extracts and their incorporation into galactomannan films for food applications 2010
- Lignocellulose as raw material in fermentation processes 2010
- Third generation biofuels from microalgae 2010
- Numerical solutions: finite element and finite volume methods. Contemporary Food Engineering. 2009
- Liquid-liquid equilibrium and partitioning features of bovine trypsin in Ucon 50 HB5100 /sodium citrate aqueous two phase systems 2008
- Chitosan coating and films: evaluation of surface, permeation, mechanical and thermal propertiess 2008
- Biological treatment of solid wastes from the tobacco industry for enzyme production 2008
- Biosurfactants production from cheese whey 2008
- Immobilization of lectin preparations from Moringa oleifera seeds in inert supports for water purification 2008
- Influence of galactomannans/collagen edible coatings in gas transfer rates in fruits 2008
- Preliminary culture conditions for Aspergillus niger GH1 tannase production in submerged culture 2008
- Production and characterization of protease from Penicillium aurantiogriseum URM 4622 2008
- Research and characterization of new materials for the production of edible coatings 2008
- Geometrias e modos de operação 2007
- Mistura 2007
- Transferência de massa 2007
- Ohmic heating for food processing 2006
- An integrated approach for cheese whey lactose valorisation 2003
- Biorreactores 2003
- Flocculation bioreactors 2001
- Protective effect of honey and propolis against gentamicin- induced oxidative stress and hepatorenal damages 2023
- Editorial: Sustainable food systems in Ibero-America. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 2023
- In-situ enzymatic conversion of sucrose into prebiotic fructooligosaccharides for the development of a functional strawberry preparation 2023
- Production of bioactive protein-enriched hydrolysates from fish by-products using autohydrolysis 2023
- The use of subcritical water extraction for the recovery of protein from sardine residues 2023
- Development of a prebiotic strawberry preparation for the dairy industry 2022
- Multivariable approach on growth of microalgae 2022
- Bioaccessibility and bioactivity of Aloe vera juice fermented with probiotics: effect of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion 2022
- In-situ development of a functional prebiotic strawberry preparation 2022
- Alternative strategy for pigments production using solid-state fermentation and cheese whey 2022
- Alternative strategy for pigments production using solid-statefermentation and cheese whey 2022
- Analysis of the profile of volatile organic compounds in Chlorella vulgaris 2022
- Assessing potential effects of a laccase extract over the enzymatichydrolysis of Eucalyptus bark residues 2022
- Engineered industrial yeast for resveratrol de novo production from wine waste 2022
- Enzymatic synthesis of SFAEs using the commercial ionic liquid CYPHOS 104 2022
- Gastrointestinal digestion of Sambucus nigra L. flower and berry bioactive molecules: in vitro and in vivo evaluation 2022
- Improved rhamnolipid biosurfactant production by Burkholderia thailandensis E264 using agro-industrial waste 2022
- Optimization of ultrasound-assisted extraction of phenolic compoundsfrom avocado peels 2022
- Osborne fractionation: an approach for red macroalgae proteinassessment 2022
- Prebiotic potential of fructo-oligosaccharides produced by Aspergillus ibericus in a bacterial community representative of the gut microbiota 2022
- Rotondas red eggplant: nutritional characterization and extractionof high added value biocompounds using emerging electrotechnologies 2022
- Sustainable extraction of biocompounds from the green seaweed ulvarigida using ohmic heating 2022
- Comparison in the Trichoderma longibrachiatum xyloglucanase production using tamarind (Tamarindus indica) and jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril) seeds: factorial design and immobilization on ionic supports 2022
- Novel active biopolymer materials for the food packaging 2022
- Screening of key abiotic factors for biomass production of Pavlova gyrans 2022
- Use of metallic and bimetallic nanoparticles as constituents of active bio-based films 2022
- Lipossomas miméticos de exossomas: composição e uso 2022
- Production of lipid rich-extracts from Chlorella vulgaris using ohmic heating 2022
- Exploring the potential of primary sludges from paper mills for the production of value-added compounds 2021
- Developing DNA-based methods to detect the presence of adulterant milk in Serra da Estrela Cheese 2021
- Application of a fungal extract with laccase activity to improve the enzymatic hydrolysis of eucalyptus bark residues 2021
- Resveratrol production by recombinant robust yeast strains for valorisation of wine waste 2021
- Erratum: Bioactive extracts from brewer's spent grain (Food and Function (2020) 11 (89638977) DOI: 10.1039/D0FO01426E). Food Bioscience. 2021
- Use of moderate electric fields for the extraction of bioactive and texturizing food ingredients from macroalgae: a biorefinery approach to clean-label foods 2021
- Aloe vera as a source of antioxidant phenolic compounds 2020
- Valorization of rejected plantain fruit as an isomaltooligosaccharides syrup 2020
- DODAB:MO versus novel liposomes for protein delivery: comparing toxicity and encapsulation efficiency 2019
- Effects of moderate electric fields on fungal load and shelf-life of chestnuts 2019
- Biogas production through co-digestion of enzymatically pretreated corn bran and cow manure 2019
- Brewers' spent grain as substrates for production of cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic enzymes by different Aspergillus species 2019
- Low-cost alternative culture media for fungal pigments production 2019
- Production of an enzymatic cocktail by Aspergillus awamori grown on corn straw with stirred tank bioreactor 2019
- The use of the Collander equation as solute partition-predictive model 2019
- Valorisation of marine peptones as alternative growth substrates for lactic acid bacteria 2019
- Valorization of aqueous and ethanolic extracts from Pinus pinaster bark: chemical and biological properties 2019
- Biocompounds recovery from Spirulina by conventional and ohmic heating methodologies: chemical and biological properties 2019
- Development of a low-cost culture medium for biopolymer production by Rhizobium viscosum CECT 908 and its potential application in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery 2019
- Meta-regression models describing the effects of essential oils and added lactic acid bacteria on L. monocytogenes inactivation in cheese 2019
- Assessment of electrical effects of ohmic heating on structural and immunoreactivity properties of bovine betalactoglobulin 2019
- Effects of hydrothermal and high-pressure processing on structural and physicochemical properties of starches from chestnuts 2019
- Carboxymethyl cellulose/lignin blended films: physicochemical and antioxidant properties 2019
- Autohydrolysis followed by ionic liquid treatment for Eucalyptus globulus wood fractionation 2019
- Effect of liquid properties on O2 mass transfer in an oscillatory flow reactor provided with smooth periodic constrictions 2019
- O2 mass transfer in a planar oscillatory flow reactor-continuous mode 2019
- The added value of used cooperage wood 2019
- Electric fields processing: novel perspectives on food allergenicity 2019
- Textural quality attributes of gluten-free batter and bread as affected by hydrocolloids 2019
- Evaluation of Aloe vera juice as a substrate for Enterococcus faecium 2019
- Extraction of carotenoids supported by ohmic heating and characterization of biological properties and stability throughout gastrointestinal tract 2019
- Fermentability of fructo-oligosaccharides produced by Aspergillus ibericus by human gut microflora 2019
- Nanospraydryer for the production of sub-micro particles based on bovine lactoferrin 2019
- Novel liposomes for Alzheimers disease treatment 2019
- Pineapple by-products integrated valorisation towards functional foods 2019
- Production of a new functional Aloe vera juice with Enterococcus faecium 2019
- Cladosporium tenuissimum URM 7803: a promising new β-galactosidase producer 2018
- Electrosprayed whey protein Isolate-based nanocapsules for bioactive compounds encapsulation 2018
- Electric field-based technologies for valorization of bioresources 2018
- Multi-feedstock biorefinery for valorization of forest and marginal land resources: comparative autohydrolysis 2018
- Development of nanostructured lipid carriers based on oleogel using rhamnolipids as surfactant 2018
- Formation and stabilization of nanostructured-lipid carriers using biosurfactants for encapsulation of liposoluble vitamins 2018
- Influence of moderate electric fields on the performance of agars extraction from Gracilaria sp. 2018
- Optimization of Bromelain extraction from pineapple by-products through natural polymer complex formation 2018
- Oscillatory flow reactors: a platform for process intensification 2018
- Biosurfactant production by Wickerhamomyces anomalus CCMA 0358 2018
- Designing whey protein-based architectures under application of moderate electric fields 2018
- Hydroalcoholic extraction of polyphenol compounds assisted by a microwave digester from residues of vine pruning 2018
- Keratin bioactive peptides for the treatment of skin disorders 2018
- Manipulation of partition coefficients in ATPSs: understanding the addition of osmolytes and salts 2018
- Production, extraction and characterization of natural fungal pigments from Penicillium sp. 2018
- Rhamnolipids effect on mycotoxins production 2018
- Extraction of polyphenols from vine pruning residues optimization 2017
- Brewers spent grain as a potential source of antioxidants: characterization of extracts 2017
- Electric fields effects on carotenoids from tomato by-products 2017
- Screening of thermotolerant yeast strains for more sustainable, eco-efficient and competitive industrial fermentations 2017
- Simultaneous synthesis of prebiotic mixtures containing GOS and FOS 2017
- Efeito da goma guar nos parâmetros de qualidade da massa e do pão sem glúten 2017
- Efeito da goma xantana nos parâmetros de qualidade da massa e do pão sem glúten 2017
- Modular oscillatory flow plate reactor 2017
- Development of lipid-based nanosystems using biosurfactants for encapsulation of vitamin 2017
- Physico-chemical properties of alginate-based films: crosslinking and mannuronic/ guluronic ratio effect 2017
- Production of natural nano-gel from pineapple polysaccharides complexes for controlled release of bioactive compounds 2017
- Development and characterization of edible films from polysaccharides of different sources 2017
- The role of gallic and caffeic acids in white wine preservation 2017
- Anti-aflatoxigenic effect of organic acids produced by Lactobacillus plantarum 2017
- Alternative strategies for the extraction of compounds from natural resources 2017
- Biosurfactants: production, applications and future potential 2017
- Colour preservation of white wines using polyphenol compounds 2017
- Design of β-lactoglobulin nanostructures for encapsulation and controlled release of riboflavin in the gastrointestinal tract 2017
- Environmentally sustainable processes for biomass conversion into biofuels and value-added compounds: integrated and intensified approach within a biorefinery concept 2017
- Greener technologies in by-products and wastes processing - the case of electric fields in extraction and proteins functional modification 2017
- Integration of autohydrolysis and organosolv process for recovery of lignin from corncob 2017
- Pathway for cyanotoxin valorization: microscystin as case study 2017
- Screening of fungal sources of -galactosidase with potential for the synthesis of prebiotics 2017
- Unravelling the effects of electric fields on thermal aggregation and gelation of whey proteins 2017
- Valorization of tomato by-products: influence of ohmic heating process on polyphenols extraction 2017
- Comparison of harvesting methods for the cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa 2017
- Moderate Electric Fields application as a biotechnological tool in food processing 2017
- The effect of alginate in the protection of probiotics from the harsh conditions of digestion 2017
- Microbial treatment approaches for high-purity fructo-oligosaccharides production 2017
- Cápsula imobilizadora de probióticos para a produção de micronutrientes no intestino 2017
- Estimation of proximate composition of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) flour by near-infrared transmission spectroscopy models 2017
- Fructo-oligosaccharides: production, characterization and purification 2017
- Keratin peptides from chicken feathers for biomedical applications 2017
- One-step fructo-oligosaccharides production and purification 2017
- Prebiotics production by Aspergillus ibericus 2017
- Strategies for Fructo-oligosaccharides production with high-content and purity 2017
- Use of alginate-based films as a carrier of bacteriophages: antimicrobial assessment against Pseudomonas fluorescens 2016
- Characterization of micro and nanostructures from β‐lactoglobulin formed upon heat treatment and under selected environmental conditions 2016
- Metabolic engineering industrial yeast strains for efficient hemicellulosic bioethanol production 2016
- An integrated and intensified approach for enhanced bioethanol production and validation with different lignocellulosic materials 2016
- Application of a constricted mesotube reactor with oscillatory flow to acetic fermentation 2016
- Autohydrolysis extraction of bioactive compounds from pineapple waste 2016
- Autohydrolysis of multi-feedstocks by liquid hot water pretreatment and enzymatic hydrolysis of the pretreated solids 2016
- Bioethanol production from vine pruning residue by sequential steps of autohydrolysis 2016
- Development of galactomannan-based films from Cassia grandis for the immobilization of biomolecules: physicochemical characterization 2016
- Effect of cellulose microcrystals in starch and chitosan-based films properties 2016
- Influence of ohmic heating on production of whey protein aggregates 2016
- Serra da Estrela PDO cheese authentication: RAPD and SCAR approaches for identification of adulterant breed’s milk 2016
- Simultaneous production and recovery in situ of fibrinolytic protease from Mucor subtilissimus UCP 1262 2016
- Valorization of toxic cyanobacteria biomass - disruption efficiency assessment and consequent bioproduct availability using different disruption techniques 2016
- b-galactosidase from Aspergillus lacticoffeatus: production, characterization and potential application in prebiotic synthesis 2016
- Evaluation of alternative alkali pretreatment for oat straw saccharification and fermentation 2016
- Trypsin purification using magnetic azocasein composite 2016
- Polyphenols and sugars recovery from autohydrolysis of pineapple waste 2015
- An efficient Azorean thermophilic consortium for lignocellulosic biomass degradation 2015
- Biological extraction of bromelain from pineapple byproducts 2015
- Continuous-flow precipitation as a route to prepare highly controlled nanohydroxyapatite 2015
- Optimization of low-cost nutritional supplementation for lignocellulosic ethanol fermentation 2015
- Development of β-lactoglobulin nanostructures for encapsulation and controlled release of nutraceuticals 2015
- Moderate Electric Fields – a processing biotechnological tool 2015
- Influence of low and moderate electric fields on the extraction of anthocyanins from winemaking residues 2015
- Ionic liquids as solvents for ohmic heating 2015
- Antifungal and antiaflatoxigenic properties of Lactobacillus species 2015
- Probiotic microcarrier: a continuous folate producer 2015
- Energy efficient technologies for lignocellulosic ethanol production 2015
- Novel bioemulsifier produced by a Paenibacilus sp. strain and its applicability in microbial enhanced oil recovery 2015
- Apparatus for mixing based on oscillatory flow reactors provided with smooth periodic constrictions 2015
- Control of Aflatoxigenic fungi and mycotoxins production by lactobacillus species 2015
- Extraction and characterization of polysaccharides from non-traditional Brazilian Amazon sources 2015
- Adsorption and ion exchange processes for Cephamycin C purification 2014
- Influence of electro-heating on the production of whey protein cold-set hydrogels 2014
- Association of riboflavin in whey protein hydrogels produced through application of moderate electric field and cold induced gelation 2014
- Design of nanostructures, obtained from assembling of α-lactalbumin and lysozyme upon heat treatment and selective environmental conditions 2014
- Development of an edible coating for preservation of Serra da Estrela cheese : surface characterization and coating formulation 2014
- Layer-by-layer microcarrier production and characterization as a model to probiotics microencapsulation 2014
- Nanoencapsulation of quercetin into bio-based nanostructures obtained from assembling of α-lactalbumin and lysozyme 2014
- Production of whey protein cold-set hydrogels through application of moderate electric fields 2014
- Evaluation of Moringa oleifera seed flour and clays as clarifying agents of eutrophic lake water 2014
- Obtenção de exopolissacarídeos tipo goma xantana por uso de licor obtido do pré-tratamento alcalino de sabugo de milho 2014
- Production of whey proteins nanosystems by electro-heating for nutraceuticals encapsulation 2014
- Effect of hydrothermal pretreatment for fermentable sugars production using brown macroalgae as raw material 2014
- Microencapsulation of probiotics envisaged for folate production in human intestine environment 2014
- Bioethanol production from hydrothermally pretreated coconut fibre mature catalyzed with sodium hydroxide 2014
- Determination of light distribution profile and microalgae cells flow pattern in column photobioreactors 2014
- Extraction of Polysaccharides by autohydrolysis of spent coffee grounds and characterization of their antioxidant properties 2014
- Extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds by autohydrolysis of spent coffee grounds 2014
- Extraction of value-added compounds from spent coffee grounds using supercritical fluid 2014
- Feasibility of bioethanol production from microalgal biomass 2014
- Healing activity induced by glucose/mannose lectins in mice 2014
- In silico study for cervical cancer diagnosis: a novel gene panel 2014
- Mechanisms of Cr(III) biosorption onto residual brewer's yeast 2014
- Novel fermented fruit products with functional value 2014
- Optimization of glycerol-organosolv pretreatment for improving enzymatic saccharification of Eucalyptus wood 2014
- Use of whole-slurry from autohydrolyzed Eucalyptus wood for bioethanol production 2014
- Production of whey protein hydrogels through application of electric fields 2013
- Production and characterization of biosurfactants produced by microorganisms isolated from brazilian oils 2013
- Improving the properties of heat-induced whey protein hydrogels produced under the effects of moderate electric fields 2013
- Reactor para síntese química com aquecimento óhmico, método e suas aplicações 2013
- A biosurfactant-producing and oil-degrading Bacillus subtilis strain enhances oil recovery under simulated reservoir conditions 2013
- Evaluation and characterization of biosurfactants produced by microorganisms isolated from Brazilian oils 2013
- Structural characterization of heat-induced whey protein hydrogels produced under the effects of moderate electric fields 2013
- Antimicrobial activity of propolis nanoparticles against some common meat contamination bacteria 2013
- Process intensification for the sustainable implementation of industrial botechnology 2013
- Effect of high-solids loading on enzymatic hydrolysisusing pretreated autohydrolysis coconut shell 2013
- Efficacy of different solvents for extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds from brewer’s spent grains 2013
- Elaboration of distilled beverage from brewer’s spent grains 2013
- Evaluation of autohydrolysis extraction processes on the antioxidant capacity of brown seaweed sulfated polysaccharides 2013
- Optimization of microalgal biomass harvesting using ferric chloride as flocculant 2013
- Ehanced oil recovery under simulated reservoir conditions using an indigenous Bacillus subtilis strain 2013
- Pilot VHG brewing : pure oxygen, yeast preconditions or higher temperatures? 2013
- System and method for on-line monitoring of beer primary fermentation based on UV-VIS-SWNIR spectroscopy 2013
- Delignified Eucalyptus wood by glycerol-organosolv for second generation bioethanol production 2013
- Effect of bacteria on pre-formed and nascent biofilms of Irpex lacteus 2013
- Effect of oxygen transfer rate on cellulases production in stirred tank and internal-loop airlift bioreactors 2013
- Effects of moderate electric fields on aggregation of whey protein solutions and properties of edible films made thereof 2013
- Evaluation of autohydrolysis process for cellulases production by Aspergillus niger van Tieghem using corncob biomass 2013
- Fructooligosaccharides production by solid-state fermentation with Aspergillus niger PSH 2013
- Improved biosurfactant production by a Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain using agro-industrial wastes 2013
- Robust yeast isolates with great potential for industrial fermentation of lignocellulose 2013
- Evaluation the best condition of Fibrinolytic protease production using factorial design by Streptomyces sp DPUA 1573 2012
- Partitioning of fibrinolytic protease from Bacillus sp. UFPEDA 485 by aqueous two-phase systems using PEG/sodium sulfate 2012
- Phytase production by Aspergillus niger var. phoenicis URM 4924 using cane molasses and rice brain 2012
- Production and application of biomolecules - from polysaccharides to lectins 2012
- Structural and functional stabilization of protein entities 2012
- Strategies for increased productivity in fermentation processes 2012
- Propriedades molhantes de revestimentos comestíveis obtidos a partir de misturas de proteínas de farelo e arroz e galactomananas de Caesalpinia pulcherrima em batatas minimamente processadas 2012
- Solubilidade e permeabilidade ao vapor de água de filmes proteicos de farelo de arroz adicionados de glicerol, argila, montmorilonita e extracto fenólico 2012
- Fermentation systems for the production of mycophenolic acid by Penicillium pinophilum EH3 2012
- Ethanol production from brewers spent grains 2012
- Evaluating the potential of four different agro-industrial residues as nutrient source for fungal growth 2012
- Extraction and characterization of polysaccharides from spent cofee grounds 2012
- Development of galactomannan membranes from seeds of Cassia grandis for immobilization of Caesalpinia ferrea pod lectin (Cfepl) 2012
- Biosurfactant-producing Bacillus subtilis strains isolated from crude oil samples enhance oil recovery at lab scale 2012
- Effects of moderate electric fields (MEF) on denaturation of whey proteins solutions 2012
- Antioxidant phenolic compounds in four edible seaweeds 2012
- Bio-based nanofilms/coatings for food applications 2012
- Purification of plasmids using aqueous two-phase systems with amino affinity ligands 2012
- Solid-state cultivation of fungal strains P79 on spent coffee grounds for the extraction of antioxidant phenolic compounds and proteins 2012
- An improved microbiological water quality monitoring enzymatic kit for commercial use 2011
- Antibacterial activity of crude methanolic extract and fractions obtained from Larrea tridentata leaves 2011
- Enhanced oil recovery under laboratory conditions using biosurfactant-producing microorganisms 2011
- Microbial degradation of hydrocarbons and its applications to enhanced oil recovery at lab scale 2011
- Fermentative metabolism of yeast strains under induced stress conditions 2011
- Simulation of enzymatic hydrolysis of wheat straw using autohydrolysis and organosolv processes 2011
- Utilization of dairy industry by-products as substrates to enhance the productivity of microalgae production systems 2011
- Extraction of aroma compounds by autohydrolysis of brewers’ spent grains 2011
- Distilled beverage from spent coffee ground: production and sensory analysis 2011
- Fast chemical treatments for ligno-cellulosic yeast carriers’ production from brewers´ spent grains 2011
- Interference of some ATPS phase-forming components in protein quantification by the Bradford method 2011
- Optimization of the extraction conditions for antioxidant phenolic compounds recovery from coffee silverskin 2011
- Laccase partition in ATPS: finding some molecular descriptors 2011
- Analyzing the viability of bioactive compounds recovery by solid-state fermentation using Trametes versicolor and Phanerochaete chrysosporium 2011
- Esterificación del aceite de jatropha para posterior producción de biodiesel 2011
- Ethanol production from spent coffee ground hydrolysate 2011
- Laccase production by Peniophora cinerea immobilized on synthetic fiber 2011
- Process conditions that maximize the fructooligosaccharides and β-fructofuranosidase production by Aspergillus japonicus under solid-state fermentation conditions 2011
- Production of antioxidant extracts from coffee silverskin 2011
- Desafios para a produção de bioetanol 2011
- Isolation of biosurfactant-producing microorganisms from oil samples for use in Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery 2011
- Development of molecular and enzymatic methods for the detection of total coliforms and Escherichia coli in water samples 2011
- Extraction and characterization of sulfated fucans from brown seaweed fucus vesiculosus 2011
- Solid-state fermentation: a strategy for biological detoxification of coffee industry residues 2011
- Síntese da agenda estratégica de investigação para o sector agro-alimentar: Euroregião Galiza-Norte de Portugal 2011
- Biopolymeric matrices for structural and functional stabilization of bacteriophages 2011
- Desafios para uma formação moderna em Engenharia Química 2011
- Effect of extraction solvents on the content of bioactivecompounds from Larrea tridentata leaves 2011
- Effect of the support material and storage conditions of immobilized lactic acid bacteria on malolactic fermentation of white wine 2011
- Empirical modeling as an experimental approach to evaluate simultaneous saccharification and wheat straw fermentation for bioethanol production 2011
- Evaluation of the effect of mixotrophic growth on Chlorella vulgaris composition 2011
- Evaluation of the potential of microorganisms isolated from Brazilian oils for microbial degradation of heavy oil 2011
- Influence of concentration and type of support material on the immobilization of Oenococcus oeni 2011
- Laccase production by free and immobilized fungal mycelium of Trametes versicolor 2011
- Malolactic fermentation with Oenococcus oeni immobilized on natural materials 2011
- Measurement of local gas-phase properties using an optical probe in a three-phase systems : preliminary results 2011
- Nanotecnologia na indústria alimentar. Ingenium. 2011
- Oxygen mass transfer into a biphasisc medium used for aroma production in an airlift bioreactor 2011
- Pretreatment of brewers' spent grains for cellulases production by Aspergillus niger van Tieghem 2011
- Protein crystallization in a new meso oscillatory flow reactor 2011
- Structural and functional stabilization of glycomacropeptide via encapsulation within multiple emulsions 2011
- Brewing fermentations more profitable 2010
- Characterization of brazilian table wines from american varieties 2010
- Continuous fermentation of alcohol-free beer : bioreactor hydrodynamics and yeast physiology 2010
- Microwave-assisted extraction of sulfated fucans from brown seaweed and evaluation of fungal strains for enzymesactive production toward this class of polysaccharide 2010
- Nordihydroguaiaretic acid recovery from Larrea tridentata by microwave-assisted extraction 2010
- Operating conditions of a simulated moving bed chromatography unit for the purification of fructo-oligosaccharides 2010
- X-metabolomics : a software tool for dynamic mass spectroscopy automated signal processing 2010
- A lipid nanovesicle system encasing bacteriophages for inhalational therapy 2010
- Application of a statistic tool for on-line characterization of bubble population complexity in a multiphase reactor 2010
- Expression and production of recombinant frutalin in different expression systems and evaluation of its biomedical applications 2010
- Identification of genes and process conditions required to improve alcoholic fermentation yield under industrially relevant fermentation media 2010
- Isolation of microorganisms from oil samples for application in microbial enhanced oil recovery 2010
- Nanoencapsulation of bovine glycomacropeptide for food and biopharmaceutical applications 2010
- NovaFlow : novel applications of a state-of-the-art oscillatory flow platform : hydroxyapatite production and its use in bone extracellular matrix growth 2010
- Optimization of bioethanol production by a flocculating saccharomyces cerevisiae using simultaneous saccharification and fermentation technology 2010
- Physicochemical characterization and extraction of bioactive compound from Larrea tridentata leaves 2010
- Purification of fructo-oligosaccharides 2010
- Salt effect on the aqueous two-phase system PEG 8000 - sodium sulfate : physico-chemical characterization of the systems 2010
- NovaFlow – Novel applications of a state-of-the-art oscillatory flow platform: hydroxyapatite production and its use in bone extracellular matrix growth 2010
- Equilibrium studies of the adsorption of fructo-oligosaccharides from a pure mixture and a fermentative broth on a Dowex Monosphere calcium resin 2010
- On-line characterization of single bubbles in multiphase reactors 2010
- Changes on microbiological, physicochemical and diffusion properties of the cheese upon the application of chitosan-based edible coating incorporating natamycin 2010
- Effect of physicochemical characteristics of galactomannans on edible films properties 2010
- Effects of moderate electric fields on aggregation of whey protein solutions and properties of edible films made thereof 2010
- Effect of plasticizer and oil concentration on water content and mechanical, transport and solubility properties of polysaccharide-based films 2010
- Surface-ATRP of PEGMA onto polydimethyl siloxane for biomedical applications 2010
- Construction and application of a flocculent (FL01)industrial yeast strain in a repeated-batch system for bio-ethanol production 2010
- Improving a brewer’s yeast strain for higher productivity of brewing fermentations 2010
- Optimization of a multiple water-in-oil-in-water nanoemulsion encasing bacteriophages for inhalational antibiotherapy 2010
- Physical properties of Policaju based films 2010
- Delignification of wheat straw by combined autohydrolysis and organosolv process 2010
- Whey proteins potential applications in the medical field - a strategic field of research 2010
- Improvement of Poly(dimethyl siloxane) towards biomedical applications by surface initiated Atom Transfer Radical Polymerization 2010
- Design of a lipid nanovesicle system encasing bacteriophages for inhalational therapy : a proof-of-concept 2010
- Denaturation of whey proteins of milk during ohmic heating 2010
- Effects of glucose and inoculum concentrations on production of bioactive molecules by Paenibacillus polymyxa RNC-D: a statistical experimental design. Antibiotics. 2010
- Efficiency of sugar-to-ethanol conversion by different Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains during raspberry must fermentation 2010
- Fermentative behavior of Saccharomyces strains during microvinification of raspberry (Rubus idaeus) 2010
- Influence of electric field in the physical and transport properties of chitosan coatings 2010
- Intensification of fermentation processes: medium optimization, selection and characterization of robust yeast strains for very high gravity bio-ethanol fermentations 2010
- Light regime characterization in a photobioreactor for microalgae production using optical fibre technology 2010
- Nano structures for food applications 2010
- Overview of strategies for edible coating formulations : applications on food quality and safety 2010
- Potential antioxidant and chemical characterization of sulfated polysaccharide from the red seaweed (Gracilaria birdiae) 2010
- Process development for bio-ethanol production using wheat straw biomass 2010
- Selection of natural materials for Saccharomyces cerevisiae immobilization. Antibiotics. 2010
- Yarrowia lipolytica: an industrial workhorse 2010
- A multiple emulsion formulation of bacteriophage encapsulated in lipid nanovesicles 2009
- An industrial brewer’s yeast strain in very high gravity wort fermentations 2009
- Effect of castor oil hydrolysis in the production of gamma-decalactone by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica 2009
- Effect of nitrogen limitation on starch accumulation in Chlorella vulgaris 2009
- Evaluation of the potential application of recombinant frutalin in cancer therapeutics 2009
- Fungal growth on coffee husks and spent ground under solidstatecultivation conditions 2009
- Kinetic study of nordihydroguaiaretic acid recovery from Larrea tridentata by microwave-assisted extraction 2009
- Production of bioethanol from concentrated cheese whey lactose using flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2009
- Recombinant elastin‐like polymers: from the design towards application 2009
- Screening of yeasts and industrial medium optimization for bioethanol production 2009
- Selection of natural materials for use on yeast immobilization 2009
- Temperature and solids effect on gas‐liquid mass transfer 2009
- Xylanase and β‐xylosidase production: alternatives for the autohydrolysis liquor application 2009
- Development of an inhalational therapeutical system based on bacteriophages to treat pharyngo-tonsillitis : a nanoencapsulation approach 2009
- Engineering yeasts and fermentation processes for bioethanol production 2009
- Engineering flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains for efficient lactose to ethanol fermentation 2009
- Desarrollo de la cerveza con banana en mini-bioreactor cilindroconico: caracterización de los principales volátiles obtenidos en la fermentación primaria 2009
- Kinetic behavior of ethanol production by Pichia stipitis under high xylose concentration and different KLa values 2009
- Denaturation of whey proteins of milk during ohmic heating 2009
- Effect of the use of Gleditisia triacanthos galactomannan edible coating and storage temperature on the shelf life of goat and cow regional cheese 2009
- Exploitation of Mexican agro industrial wastes as raw material for solid-state fermentation processes 2009
- Influence of electric fields on the internal structure and transport properties of chitosan coatings 2009
- Polysaccharide from Anacardium occidentale L. tree gum (policaju) as a coating for Tommy Atkins mangoes 2009
- Reuse of lignocellulosic materials as cells immobilization carrier during the fructooligosaccharides and beta-fructofuranosidase production 2009
- Rheological characterization of xanthan/galactomannans and kappa-carrageenan/galactomannans interactions: Comparison of galactomannans from nontraditional sources with conventional galactomannans 2009
- Shear and extensional rheology of galactomannans extracted from seeds of Gleditsia triacanthos and Sophora japonica: comparison with guar gum and locust bean gum 2009
- Submerged fermentation of combined induced media for the production of fungal enzymes with fucoidan degradation potential 2009
- Production of xylanases by Aspergillus terricola using wheat bran as carbon source : comparative studies between different bioreactors and influence of aeration and inoculum conditions 2009
- Immobilization of coagulant Moringa oleifera lectin to remove humic acid from water 2009
- Suitability of novel galactomannans as edible coatings for tropical fruits 2009
- Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Research Group (CBE) 2009
- Development of bioprocesses involving non-conventional yeasts 2009
- Enzyme production by solid-state fermentation 2009
- Lactoferrin : possible use as a therapeutic agent in breast cancer? 2009
- Mixing and mass transfer in gas-liquid-solid systems 2009
- Recombinant frutalin production and its potential application in cancer diagnosis and therapeutics 2009
- Integration of particles of different sizes in a hydrothermal process for the pre-treatment of agro-industrial residues such as wheat straw 2009
- Light regime characterization in an airlift photobioreactor for production of microalgae with high starch content 2009
- Non conventional processing technologies for food applications 2009
- Adsorption equilibrium of fructose, glucose and sucrose for cationic resins in the sodium and potassium form 2009
- Activated carbon production from brewer’s spent grain lignin 2009
- Avaliação do perfil de metabolitos produzidos por diferentes leveduras utilizadas na produção de vinho de frutas 2009
- Biosurfactants – potential and applications 2009
- Biotechnological applications of Yarrowia lipolytica : optimization of aroma and lipase production 2009
- Chromobacterium violaceum as a potential biosurfactant‐producing microorganism 2009
- Comparative analyze of the kefir fermentation process and microbiota, using milk and cheese whey as substrates 2009
- Comparative study of nordihydroguaiaretic acid extraction methods from creosote bush (Larrea tridentata) 2009
- Determination of frutooligosaccharides adsorption parameters using ion-exchange resins 2009
- Determination of sulfur compounds in fermented raspberry beverages by GC-PFPD 2009
- Efeito da concentração do mosto e temperatura na fermentação para produção de vinho de frutas 2009
- Enzymatic production of fructose fatty acid ester using lipases from C. antarctica and porcine pancreatic 2009
- Enzymes which detoxify ochratoxin A 2009
- Fed-batch fermentation for heterologous protein production by recombinant Pichia pastoris 2009
- Fermentation process development for the production of bio-ethanol : the particular case of cheese whey 2009
- Improvement of fructooligosaccharides yield and productivity by solid‐state cultivation of Aspergillus japonicus on corn cobs 2009
- Influence of culture medium and temperature in the growth and sporulation of Penicillium expansum 2009
- Influence of different pre-treatment methods on the immobilization of brewer’s yeast on corn cob particles 2009
- Influence of pH on cellular growth of Pichia pastoris KM71H by fed-batch process 2009
- Kinetic and morphometric evaluation of fucoidan‐degrading fungal strains 2009
- Kinetics of fermentation of different Saccharomyces cerevisiae in raspberry must 2009
- Microalgae as a source of starch 2009
- Optimization of a fructooligosaccharides purification method using activated charcoal 2009
- Process development for bio-ethanol production using wheat straw biomass 2009
- Process intensification using a meso-scale oscillatory flow reactor 2009
- Profile of higher alcohols in fruit wines produced by different Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2009
- Profile of sugars comsumption in fruit wines produced by different Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2009
- Selection of materials with potential for immobilization of the fungus Penicillium expansum during the sucrose fermentation 2009
- Studies of lignin and polysaccharides recovery from kraft liquor for biotechnological applications 2009
- The KLa influence on ethanol production by Pichia stipitis 2009
- The potential use of biosurfactants as contact lenses coating agents 2009
- Obtenção e caracterização de bebida destilada a partir da fermentação do soro de queijo 2008
- Biosurfactants : microbiology and biotechnology 2008
- Euler-euler simulation of gas-liquid and gas-liquid-solid airlift reactors : case study 2008
- Fatty acid esters enzymatic production for food applications 2008
- Fractionation of fructo-oligosaccharides by gel filtration 2008
- Gas holdup in laboratory scale bubble column : CFD simulations vs. measurements 2008
- High ethanol productivity by fermentation of concentrated industrial substrates using ethanol-tolerant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains 2008
- Identification of coalho cheese microbiot of districts of Pernambuco, Brazil 2008
- Numerical investigation of unsteady flow and heat transfer from a porous square cylinder 2008
- Production and purification of frutalin, a potential cancer marker, in Escherichia coli 2008
- Cloning and expression of frutalin, an alpha-D-galactose binding lectin, in Pichia pastoris, Escherichia coli and baculovirus/insect cells system 2008
- A comparative analysis on the efficiency of different carriers for trypsin immobilization 2008
- Banana peel and grape stalk: potential of valorization through the evaluation of chemical composition and physical-chemical properties 2008
- CFD simulation of hydrodynamics of rectangular external loop airlift reactor 2008
- Powering process intensification in an oscillatory flow meso-reactor 2008
- Production of Galacto-oligosaccharides during lactose hydrolysis by Aspergillus oryzae β-galactosidase immobilized on polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol magnetic support 2008
- Edible coatings of galactomannan/collagen in fruit shelf life extension 2008
- Inhibition of Botrytis cinerea and Penicillium roqueforti growth by novel galactomannan edible coatings incorporating natamycin 2008
- Submerged fermentation of combined induced media for the production of fungal enzymes with fucoidan degradation potential 2008
- Sucrose shows a protective effect over Byssochlamys fulva ascospores during ohmic heating inactivation 2008
- Banana: an alternative as adjunct and natural aromatic compound for beers 2008
- Hemicelluloses fractions extraction of corn residue 2008
- Galactomannans/collagen edible coatings in gas transfer rates in fruits 2008
- Lectina de Caesalpinia ferrea com poder coagulante: aplicação no tratamento da água 2008
- The use of ferromagnetic matrices for enzyme immobilization 2008
- Production of tannase by Aspergillus niger GH1 using residues of polyurethane foam as substrate of solid state fermentation 2008
- Nisin biotechnological production : evaluation and perspectives in the development of new applications 2008
- Chrysene adsorption on a portuguese loamy sand soil 2008
- Construction and bioproduction of a "green" synthetic protein-based polymer exhibiting a smart behaviour 2008
- Construction and bioproduction of a “green” synthetic protein-based polymer exhibiting a smart behaviour 2008
- Cr(VI) transport in typical soils of the North of Portugal 2008
- Feasibility of UV-VIS-SWNIR spectroscopy for monitoring chitosan edible coatings 2008
- Rheological characterization of gels from whey protein hydrolysates 2008
- Use of castor oil and its derivatives to produce gamma-decalactone by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica : optimization of operating conditions 2008
- Process intensification of gas-liquid flows with a novel constricted oscillatory-meso tube 2007
- Complex systems in bioengineering : integrative approaches for biotechnology 2007
- Multi-point covalent immobilization of β-galactosidase onto a polysiloxane-polyvinyl alcohol magnetic composite : an innovative biocatalyst for the production of prebiotic galacto-oligossacharides 2007
- Zero-trans uptake rates determined with starved yeast suspensions underestimate the activity of sugar-proton symporters 2007
- Expression of frutalin in Pichia pastoris and evaluation of its potential as a cancer marker 2007
- Feasibility of yeasts and fungi monitoring during cheese maturation using fibre optic sensors 2007
- Production of γ-decalactoned by the yeast Yarrowia lipolytica using different ricinoleic acid sources : comparison of different start-up strategies 2007
- Oxygen mass transfer to emulsions in bubble column contactor 2007
- Galactomannans from novel sources blended with collagen as edible coatings for fruits 2007
- Goat milk free fatty acids characterization during pasteurization and ohmic heating by solid-phase microextraction-gas chromatography 2007
- Refrigerated-moderate electric fields promotes E. coli death at ambient temperatures 2007
- The use of moderate electric fields (MEF) to increase the biomass production and reduce the lag phase of a fermentative process 2007
- Production of fructooligosaccharides by aureobasidium sp. and aspergillus sp. 2007
- Adaptive evolution of a lactose-consuming saccharomyces cerevisiae recombinant 2007
- Biomolecules partition in aqueous (PEG + Na2SO4) two-phase system 2007
- Characterization of liquid-liquid equilibria of aqueous two-phase systems containing a termosensible polymer (UCON) and sodium citrate 2007
- Cloning and expression of frutalin, an alpha-dgalactose-binding plant lectin, in Pichia pastoris 2007
- Comparative adsorption studies of proteose peptone component 3 on some hydrophobic interaction supports 2007
- Influence of the chemical structure of the polymer in the partition of proteins in aqueous two-phase systems 2007
- Multiple gene disruption and marker rescue in the yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus 2007
- Relationships between partition coefficients of biomolecules in several aqueous popymer/polymer two-phase systems 2007
- Potential application of polysaccharide from Anacardium occidentale L. in the pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries 2007
- Experimental approach for prebiotic oligosaccharides fractionation and chemical characterization 2007
- Galactomannans blended with collagen as novel edible coatings for fruits 2007
- Kinetics of b-galactosidase immobilized on polysiloxanepolyvinyl alcohol magnetic composite – POS-PVAM 2007
- Novel edible films made of polysaccharide from Anarcadium occidentale L. 2007
- Production and characterization of recombinant frutalin expressed in the yeast Pichia Pastoris 2007
- Ganoderma : a portuguese fungal biofactory 2007
- Modeling and simulation of fructo-oligosaccharides production 2007
- Edible coatings from galactomannans and their application to tropical fruits 2007
- Purification of fructo-oligosaccharides by adsorption onto charcoal filters 2007
- Use of castor oil for aroma production by the yeast yarrowia lipolytica : optimization of operating conditions. Antibiotics. 2007
- Moringa oleifera lectin and binding affinity to humic acids : application to water treatment 2007
- Preparação de lectinas de Moringa oleifera com atividade coagulante 2007
- Response surface optimization of the culture medium for production of elastin-like polymers by Escherichia coli 2007
- Whey protein hydrolysis with trypsin immobilized on spent grains 2007
- Complex systems challenges in bioengineering modelling and simulation 2006
- Plant seed galactomannans as edible coatings 2006
- Purification of fructo-oligosaccharides by nanofiltration 2006
- Retarding strawberry fruit senesce with edible coatings : industrial application 2006
- Optimization of fermentation conditions for fructooligosaccharides productivity by aureobasidium 2006
- Effects of moderate electric fields on the chemical composition and microbial death kinetics of Escherichia coli and Bacillus licheniformis during pasteurization of some foodstuffs 2006
- Ohmic heating in a food application: quality evaluation of cloudberry jam 2006
- Nanotecnologias: que implicações para a segurança e saúde? 2006
- Adaptive evolution of a recombinant lactose-consuming Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 2006
- Kinetic model evaluation of ethanol fermentation from lactose 2006
- The influence of temperature and dissolved oxygen concentration on the microbiological and sensorial quality of strawberry puree pasteurized in a pilot-scale continuous ohmic heater 2006
- An evolved recombinant plasmid-carrying Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain presenting an improved lactose consumption phenotype. Yeast. 2005
- Generation of gene disruption cassettes with long flanking regions via fusion PCR 2005
- Stable production of aspergillus niger β-galactosidase by delta-mediated chromosomal integration in flocculent saccharomyces cerevisiae. Yeast. 2005
- Development of a new rapid method for monitoring frying fats quality 2005
- Molecular yeast solutions for whey bioremediation 2005
- Kinetics of lactose fermentation using recombinant saccharomyces cerevisiae 2005
- The challenging modelling of kLa in a periodic constricted small-scale tube 2005
- Whey protein gelation: the effect of tryptic hydrolysis 2005
- Application of a novel oscillatory flow screening micro-reactor to a biotransformation in a two-phase medium 2005
- Aseptic processing of a strawberry pulp in a continuous ohmic heater: numerical simulations and model validation 2005
- Biotechnological application of Yarrowia lipolytica for biotransformation in biphasic media 2005
- Low-cost fermentative medium for biosurfactant production by Streptococcus thermophilus A 2005
- Novel and simple test plating for screening relative transfructosylation activity of fungi 2005
- Peptide profile of whey protein hydrolysates from free and immobilised trypsin 2005
- Prebiotics : from concept to product: the BIOLIFE project 2005
- Beta-galactosidase production using recombinant yeasts 2004
- Comparison of the Thermal Inactivation Kinetics of Byssochlamys fulva and Three Enzymes used as TTIs for Various Food Processes under Conventional and Ohmic Heating 2004
- Biosurfactant from Lactococcus lactis 53 inhibits microbial adhesion on silicone rubber 2004
- High cell density reactors for ethanol fermentation 2004
- Unexpected effect of small viscosity on flow regimes in bubble columns 2004
- Biosurfactant from Streptococcus thermophilus A inhibit microbial adhesion on silicone rubber 2004
- Effect of solid particles on flow regimes in bubble columns 2004
- Effect of solids on flow regime transition in three-phase bubble columns 2004
- Enhanced mass transfer rates of a novel oscillatory flow screening reactor 2004
- Hydrodynamic analysis of a continuous airlift bioreactor with flocculating high cell density system 2004
- Kinetics of brewing yeast accumulation on the surface of spent grains : a biocatalyst for brewing application 2004
- Numerical simulations of the hydrodynamic behaviour of a continuous ohmic heater operating with Newtonian and Non-Newtonian fluids 2004
- Residence times and mixing of a novel continuous oscillatory flow meso reactor 2004
- The influence of biosurfactants from probiotic bacteria on the formation of voice prosthetic biofilms 2004
- Delta multicopy integration for improved β-galactosidase production in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae 2004
- Effect of oxygen transfer rate within a biphasic medium : application to methyl ricinoleate biotransformation into aroma compounds by the yeast yarrowia lipopolytica 2004
- Cheese whey treatment and valorisation process with continuous ethanolic fermentation 2003
- Continuous production of pectinase by immobilized yeast cells on spent grains 2003
- Effect of solids on gas-liquid mass transfer in three phase systems 2003
- Influência de açúcares complementares no peso molecular do dextrano produzido por fermentação com Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B512(f). Case study: Produção de dextrano usando extracto de vagem de alfarroba e soro de queijo 2003
- Continuous alcoholic fermentation in high cell density airlift bioreactor using flocculating yeast 2003
- Continuous beer fermentation with yeast immobilized on spent grains : the effect of operational conditions 2003
- Residence time of tagged magnetic particle in an internal-loop airlift reactor with an enlarged dual separator 2003
- Response surface optimization of the medium components for the production of biosurfactant by lactic acid bacteria 2003
- The fluid mechanics relating to a novel oscillatory flow micro reactor 2003
- Ethanol production from lactose raw materials with recombinant flocculent yeast strains 2003
- Efeito da adição de compostos iónicos e hidrocolóides na condutividade eléctrica de uma polpa de morango industrial 2002
- O ensino de engenharia biológica na Universidade do Minho 2002
- Effect of viscosity on homogeneous regime stability in bubble columns 2002
- Continuous beer fermentation with brewing yeast immobilized on carrier made of spent grains 2002
- Effect of surfactants on homogeneous regime stability in bubble columns 2002
- Modelling changes in diffusion through the brain extracellular space 2002
- Modelling design of multiphase bubble-bed reactors for advanced food-industry technologies 2001
- Oxygen mass transfer in a high solids loading three-phase internal-loop airlift reactor. Chemie-Ingenieur-Technik. 2001
- As "dreches" como suporte para imobilização de levedura de cerveja em processos contínuos ("Spent grains" - a new support for brewing yeast immobilization in continuous processes) 2001
- Continuous beta-galactosidase production by transformed flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells growing on lactose. Yeast. 2001
- Estirpes floculantes de Saccharomyces cerevisiae geneticamente modificadas para a utilização da lactose : aplicação ao soro de queijo 2001
- Genetically-modified flocculent yeast strains for lactose consumption : biotechnological applications 2001
- Cheese whey treatment and valorization process with continuous ethanolic fermentation 2000
- On-line estimation of growth linked extracellular protein synthesis by pH control analysis 2000
- Production and separation of an endo-polygalacturonase from Kluyveromyces marxianus fermentation 2000
- Characterization of bubbles in a bubble column by image analysis 2000
- Aplicação de um sistema de análise de imagem à monitorização da fermentação 2000
- Secretion of Aspergillus niger β-galactosidase by flocculent yeast cells 2000
- Continuous ethanol production from cheese whey permeate 1999
- Continuous cheese whey permeate alcoholic fermentation with a flocculent recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1999
- Fermentação alcoólica do soro de queijo com uma estirpe de Saccharomyces cerevisiae geneticamente modificada 1999
- Continuous ethanol fermentation of lactose by a recombinant flocculating saccharomyces cerevisiae strain 1998
- Determination of the diffusion coefficients of glucose and oxygen in flocs of saccharomyces cerevisiae 1998
- SMB separation of dextran-fructose mixtures produced by Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL B512(f) 1998
- Comparative studies of alcoholic fermentations using flocculent and non-flocculent strains of saccharomyces cerevisiae 1998
- Construction of a flocculent brewer’s yeast strain producing an Aspergillus niger β-galactosidase 1998
- Dextran and fructose production using leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL.B512(F) with sucrose as substrate 1998
- Effect of liquid-phase surface tension on hydrodynamics of a three-phase airlift reactor with an enlarged degassing zone 1998
- Immobilised particles in gel matrix-type porous media : homogeneous porous media model 1998
- On-line estimation of biomass through pH control analysis in aerobic yeast fermentation systems 1998
- Phase contrast microscopy coupled to image analysis as a rapid method to monitor wine flora 1998
- Produção de Nemátodos Entomopatogénicos Steinernema spp. em fermentador airlift não convencional : avaliação da eficácia 1998
- Selection and definition of the operational conditions for the removal of lactose from whey by ion exchange 1998
- Trivalent chromium removal using flocculating yeasts : effect of pre-treatments on removal efficiency 1998
- Transformation of flocculent Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells for production of an extracellular Aspergillus niger betagalactosidase 1997
- Dextran and fructose production using Leuconostoc mesenteroides NRRL.B512(F) with sucrose as substrate 1996
- Heavy metal removal by yeast strains 1996
- Kinetics and stoichiometric of a batch fermentation using a highly flocculent strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for different aeration rates and initial sugar concentrations 1996
- The state of using renewables in water related area in some N.I.S. countries and cooperation in biofouling investigation 1996
- Desempenho na utilização da lactose de transformantes de Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1996
- Expressão de β-galactosidase em transformantes de Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1996
- Hydrodynamics characterization of an airlift with an enlarged degassing zone 1996
- Characterization of oxygen consumption in a flocculating yeast strain 1994
- Transport phenomena and protein partitioning in aqueous two phase systems 1994
- Distribution analysis of the solid phase (Steinernema carpocapsae AZ 20 strain) in an air-lift bioreactor 1994
- Extraction of macromolecules in aqueous two-phase systems based on crude galactomannans and its derivatives 1994
- Fusão de protoplastos para a introdução da floculência em Saccharomyces cerevisiae sake 1994
- Influence of fermentation parameters on floc size during start-up of an air-lift bioreactor 1994
- Processos de separação utilizando sistemas de duas fases aquosas 1994
- Propriedades superficiais e floculação de Kluyveromyces marxianus 1994
- Evaluation of crude galactomannans as aqueous-forming polymers 1993
- Start-up analysis of flocculation bioreactor in the presence of a polymeric additive 1993
- Effect of the temperature on the flocculation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 1992
- Flocculation bioreactors 1992
- Modification of flocculation bioreactor performance using an anionic polymeric additive 1992
- Use of protoplast fusion for the introduction of flocculence into Saccharomyces cerevisiae sake 1992
- Degradação enzimática de vários compostos fenólicos por diferentes fungos 1990
- Método para a determinação da actividade lipolítica relativa de fungos 1990
- Método experimental para avaliação comparativa de aditivos de floculação 1988
- Strategies for the reduction of sugar in food products 2023
- In situ enzymatic synthesis of prebiotics to improve food functionality 2022
- 5 - Fructooligosaccharides production and the health benefits of prebiotics 2021
- Pulsed electric fields for the extraction of proteins and carbohydrates from marine resources 2021
- Biocatalyst systems for xylooligosaccharides production from lignocellulosic biomass and their uses 2020
- Valorization of lignocellulosic-based wastes 2020
- Lignocellulosic Materials and Their Use in Bio-based Packaging 2018
- Ohmic Heating Treatment 2012
- CFD simulations of RTD of a strawberry pulp in a continuous ohmic heater 2004
- A biotecnologia na indústria agro-alimentar 1999
poster de conferência
- Effect of lemon balm and spearmint extracts on the survival of S. aureus in goats raw milk cheese 2022
- Ionic liquids as promising solvents for biocatalysis 2021
- Human gut microbiota fermentation of microbial-fructooligosaccharides 2021
- Improved rhamnolipid biosurfactant production by Burkholderia thailandensis E264 using agro-industrial wastes 2020
- Extraction of bioactive compounds from vine pruning residues by using ohmic heating and conventional heating techniques 2019
- Electrospun nanofibres as a novel encapsulation vehicle for Felix O1 bacteriophage for new food packaging applications 2018
- Strategy development to optimize the production of a high added-value cyanotoxin 2017
- Development of molecular markers for authentication of Serra da Estrela cheese 2009
- Galactomannan/collagen edible coatings in gas transfer rates in fruits 2008
- Interactions between chitosan edible coating constituents: performance indicators 2008
- Response surface optimization of the culture medium for production of elastin-like polymers by E. coli 2007
- Use of plant seed galactomannans as edible coatings 2006